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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2013

    CCFW, AI - aromatase inhibitors.  Go here for a list of abbreviations:

    (full link for abbreviations may not be appearing, in that case go to 'all topics' and scroll down the moderators topic page for new members)

    I also take my A in the morning.  I still have trouble getting to sleep some nights and take a melatonin usually.  If my hip is bothering me I will instead take ibuprofen pm at night.  I'm just entering year 5 on arimidex and have just gotten used to forgetting things, having my mind wander, not being able to focus on reading or watching a movie.  Is it the arimidex or just getting older (just turned 64 this month), who knows. 

    As JO-5  said you can ask anything here and get an answer, an opinion, or a link.  It's one of the great things about these boards.

    Blessings everyone.

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited January 2013

    I posted but did not see the posts online. My counts went up again in a week to 70's?? I will see oncologist tuesday.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2013

    bestock, will keep you covered in prayer. 

    JO-5, thanks for the tip  about the memory - something to look forward to, being able to concentrate again. 

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited January 2013

    Bestock, praying that the counts are due to something non-threatening. My onc doesn't do tumor markers because they are quite unreliable. Please keep us posted and try not to worry. I will be bathing you in prayer.

    Jo, I have had considerable pain since being on Arimidex too. Now both of my knees are acting up and I'm only 52! I have been holding out hope that my pain will go away when I am done with AIs. I'm so sorry you are dealing with arthritis. My mom and sister struggle greatly with it and it has been very disabling for them. You handle it with such grace. I will pray that your pain will leave and that your sleep will be sweet.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited January 2013

    Dear Greatgranny and Sheila!! Welcome to this wonderful thread, and all these wonderful Christian Sisters!!!! Rocket, so,sorry to hear that Erin's birthday party had to be cancelled and hope your DIL feels better soon. Hoping also that your foot continues to heal!!!

    CCFW, I take Aromasin in the morning, and I sometimes take a benyadril to sleep!!! I sure hope your sleep issues resolve!!! Bestock, please don't worry too much, 3 points is not too bad, hang in there, hon and prayers are coming your way!! I remember my onc also saying that some onc's don't worry about tumor markers until they reach the 100's. please keep us posted,

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited January 2013

    Dear Greatgranny and Sheila!!! Welcome to this wonderful thread!!! Wonderful Christian Sisters here!!! Rocket, I was so sorry to hear that Erin's party had to be cancelled!! Praying that your DIL feels better soon!!! Bestock, please try not to worry; 3 points is minimal and Most oncs do find this test very unreliable!!! Please keep us posted!!!! Blessings to you all!!!! Kathy

  • CCFW
    CCFW Member Posts: 570
    edited February 2014


  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited January 2013

    Thanks for all the prayer. I will keep all of you posted.

    Arimidex is very okayEmbarassed to me, sorry a lot of you have trouble with it... I have been on it 4 yrs, no side effects except at first terrible bladder infections, and I look older than I should at 63. I can live with that..PTL(the Lord has been reminding me that self-focus on the outward appearances is VANITY anyway.)

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited January 2013

    Welcome new ones! You have come to the right place.

    My last chemotherapy is Friday! My first Cancerversary was January 27, so I have some things to celebrate. Rocket, I have been warned about the letdown after finishing active treatment. I've been taken care of by so many doctors and nurses for a year. So it will be different. But I am so excited to feel better, start gardening again at home, be involved in the Master Gardener program again, go to church (I've been avoiding germs), volunteer at the food bank, exercise regularly and hopefully lose some weight. Just live life again. The compression sleeves will bug me, but I won't let them stop me. I'm looking forward to looking back over this year and counting my blessings along the way. I'm also seriously looking forward to my husband getting a job! He has a lot of prospects right now so hopefully one of them will be a fit. I appreciate prayers for this.

    I pray for all your concerns! I'm just not good at listing them. Good health to all!

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited January 2013

    Hi everyone,

    Hope all is well.  Jeannine, I'm thinking you finish up with chemo this week.  Is that right?

    Patoo, When is your trip?  I'm trying to get all these dates squared away.

    CCfW  Like Kathy, benedryl has helped me in the past.  During chemo it worked better than the prescription the dr gave me and that was a horrible time of sleep depravation.  I would take the liquid and go ahead and have the next dose by my bed because I never slept through the night then. 

    My sleep has been off again lately but I think it is because I've backed my aromasin up to almost the time I go to bed.  I'm trying to gradually get back to around 5pm on that.  I also got a new pillow yesterday with a memory foam layer along with the regular stuffing and then a small memory foam for under my lower back.  This morning I was in much less pain with my arms and shoulders.  I sleep on my side which causes me to wake up in pain from my shoulder and back throughout the night.  This helped me to stay on my back and not toss and turn.

    Rocket  I'm glad you were able to make it home safely.  This weather is just the strangest isn't it?  I hope your recovery is going well.

    Kindergarten  Does aromasin make you tired during the day?  When I first started it I was very tired from taking it and yet I also couldn't sleep at night if I took it before bed so I started taking it around 5.  I would rather take it in the morning and then take my other supplements throughout the day.  A lot of the time I am not a home around 5.  So thankful I can say that!  If I forget to take it with me I may not remember until bedtime.

    Well Ya'll  I hope you have a good evening and rest well tonight. 

    I just got a phone call asking to speak to the person of the household who takes care of the vaccinations for the children.  I said, "That wouldn't be anyone here."  The young lady kindly and seriously asked..."Is there no children there or just no one to care for the children?"  I thought that was funny but I guess it's really sad.  I was thinking if there is someone to answer the phone there's someone to care for the children but that's not always the case.  So much we think is a given is not necessarily true these days.  So thankful for my Lord who is sovereign over all!

    Love and prayers!

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited January 2013

    Jeannine  You can see from my post how slow I am.  I have been thinking of you and it is wonderful to hear your plans.  I remember I finished radiation at the end of April and had an ooph (not sure what it's called - hysterectomy plus ovaries and cervix surgery) in May and I was digging well before I was suppose to.  That's probably not a good example but it just felt so wonderful to have all that energy!

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited January 2013

    Coveting prayers for my nephew. He is 35 and has lost over 60 pounds in 3-months (8 in the last 2 weeks) while eating a normal diet. He just got insured and is now waiting to see a specialist. Pray that he get in sooner than they are telling him he can and that they find out what is wrong with him. Also pray for his mom. She is 1200 miles away and unable to go take care of him. Thank you sisters.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited January 2013

    Dear Jeannie, I will be thinking of you on Friday and smiling !!! Get your to do list ready, you will have so much fun returning to your activities!!!! Prayers are coming for your husband as well for just the right job!!!! Blessings will flow for you both!!!

    Fondak,Yes, the aromasin, made me sleepy throughout the day when I first started taking it. After about 6 months, that side effect decreased!! I have been on it now for 7 years, and my side effects are minimal, Praise The Lord!!!!! I hope you get the rest and sleep you need!!!! I still take one Benadryl at bedtime!!!!

    Mini1, I am lifting up your nephew in prayer right now! Please Lord, give the doctors discernment as to how to diagnose and treat this young man!!! May many healing hands surround him! In your precious Name, Amen!!!!!

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited January 2013

    I just had a basic check up and will have a PET scan tuesday. I hope it is not bad news. My marker 27-29 went from 20's to 67 to 73 now.Cry

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited January 2013

    Dearest bestock, I am lifting you up in prayer! I know you are scared and worried, but please know that you are covered in prayer and that Our Lord will give you no more than you can handle!! I feel in my heart that you will be OK!! Because we have had cancer, we are watched very carefully!! I know what you are going through, and I feel the worry and stress that you are going through!! I wish I could hold your hand right now, but know I am praying for you right now!!! Blessings, Kathy

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited February 2013

    Jeannie, praying for you and hoping that tomorrow will go smoothly and that your heart will rejoice when it's over. You have handled it all with such grace and are a beautiful example of Jesus within you.

    Mini, I am praying for your nephew and his mom. I am sure she is very worried too. Praying that he can get to a doctor soon to figure this out, and hoping that it is something that can be treated easily.

    Bestock, take more deep breaths Hon. I know that anxiety well, and am praying for good results from your PET scan. When will you know something? The not-knowing is just horrible. I pray that God will grant you His peace as you trust in Him and wait for answers. I also pray that you will feel His presence in a very tangible way.

    I am going to PT tomorrow. I'm not looking forward to it as the PT said she was going to massage my foot. UGH, it sounds painful. It's still very swollen and I continue to experience the nerve pain. Maybe next week it will feel better.

    I hope all of you ladies are doing well. I have been reading the Jesus Calling devotional by Sarah Young, and I really enjoy it. It helps me focus on Him more each day. Have a lovely evening dear Sisters!

  • susan3
    susan3 Member Posts: 2,631
    edited February 2013

    I am reading the same devotional Rocket. I love it!!!!! helping me see past myself. I have been to self-indulgent lately. Didn't invite anyone to my pity  but I am over them now. Someone handed me that book and it snapped me out of it. How cool is that?????

    Hang in there everyone

    Prayers to you all :)

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited February 2013

    Jeannie,  It's almost here! 

    Bestock,  It is good that they are being proactive and making sure nothing is going on.  I went through a scare with my first mammogram after the masectomy on the other side and chemo.  It was abnormal and there wasn't one but 3 places that didn't show up before.  Went back through the biospy step and all were benign.  I think a lot of things show up that we would have never known about if not for cancer. I hope this will be one of those nothings that feel like everything at the moment.

    Kindergarten,  Did aromasin cause you pain in the beginning?  Did you take anything for it?  The nurse practioner at my family doctor was going to prescribe an anti inflammatory but I didn't want to take anything.  I'm wondering if I should take something as the pain is increasing.  I thought it was improving but it's flared up and sticking around in a flared up state.  I told my mom tonight, I think I just need to accept that this is how it is going to be because I keep saying to myself....when my energy picks up or when the pain goes back down and time is just passing.  That's not being a good steward of it I know.  I'm so glad you are doing well.

    Rocket, I hope it goes well tomorrow.  Even if it hurts at the timeFrown I hope you leave feeling betterSmile

    Well ladies, it is my prayer that each day we grow closer to and become more like Christ!  As we do that.....we will also become more like each other! Isn't it amazing that no matter what happens to our bodies we can become better than we were the day before with Christ and through His Word!  Thank you all for the encouragement and love you have shown me....I hope you all rest well tonight.

    Love and prayers to everyone here!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2013

    Dear Rocket!!! Hope your appointment goes well today, and you come away feeling very refreshed. Prayers are coming that your PT is gentle with your foot. i see a PT now tice a week for 6 weeks for LE. She is wonderful!!!Thank you for recommending the Jesus Calling Devotional, I would love to read it. I just finished a daily devotional for the year given to me by a friend!! I will head over to the Family Christian Book store sometime!!

    Fondak! Hi, Hon! So sorry that you are experiencing the pain!! Yes, I had some significant joint pain in the beginning!!! It does ease up after time!! Sure, take the inflammatory, if your onc said it is OK. I took Advil or Tylenol as needed. I found walking helped alot. Lots of water too, flushes out the toxins!!! Hugs to you!!!!

    Hey, Jo -5 hope you and hubby are doing well!!!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited February 2013

    Okay I need prayer. My big toe is causing me a lot of pain and is much worse than yesterday. I go to therapy at 1:30 EST today. I can barely move my big toe and I was moving it pretty well yesterday. I'm also having muscle spasms in my lower back, along with shoulder and knee pain. I finally broke down and made an appointment for next Tuesday with a PA at an orthopedic office. I have had a lot of pain from Arimidex, but this is worse than any that I had previously experienced. I feel like my joints are just falling apart, and it's really wearing me down emotionally. I took Advil last night and this morning. It helps some, but I was awake half the night because of pain. I can't wait to start exercising again in the hope that I'll find relief.

    Fondak I hope you find relief as well. I don't know if the side effects are different from Arimidex vs Aromasin. Arimidex has been very tough on my muscles and joints. I have been on it for almost three years now.

    Hey Jo, how is Dan doing? I prayed for you both as you came to mind several times yesterday. Hope you are well.

    Kathy, thank you for always being there to encourage and pray faithfully. Just seeing your posts always make me feel better.

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited February 2013

    Kindergarten,  Thanks for telling me walking helps.  I have started many times and wondered if I am making it worse.  I was walking regularly when my hip started and quit.  I do need to drink more as well.  I was doing that. It's not something I do naturally.  I would write down how many glasses/bottles I was drinking to make sure I would get enough and then went to a mental note as I was drinking more and with the mental note I just went downhill to where I haven't even thought about it until you mentioned it.   

    Jeannie,  You're in my prayers today.  I was thinking when I left from my last chemo treatment my last day of high school came to mind.  It was fearfully exciting to me if that makes sense.  Fear doesn't excite me....that may sound weird but I was joyously excited and sort of overwhelmed at the same time. was a good day!

    Rocket, my sweet sister, I am so sorry to hear of your pain.  I will be in prayer for you today.  I hope they can tell you something to help with the pain today and do something while you're there so that you will leave feeling some better.

    Love you all!

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited February 2013

    Rocket - although I ended up not being able to take AI's at all, I did find that some were worse than others, so you may want to try another one if you are having issues with your current one. Prayers are going up for all you lovely ladies.


  • CCFW
    CCFW Member Posts: 570
    edited February 2014


  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited February 2013

    Dear all sisters, I do appreciate all the prayer, I feel it and know The Lord Almighty is in control. I will get results on the 12th (my onc is gone next week) Thanks again

    Sisterly love to all of you


  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited February 2013

    My nephew is supposed to be having a CT scan today, but then he got onlline and read a lot about the massive exposure to radiation you get from them and is having 2nd thoughts. He was going to see if he can have an MRI and/or ultrasound. I spoke with him and told him I understand his concerns, I have my own CT scan scheduled in a month, but sometimes you have to choose between the lesser or two evils. My husband had at least 4 when he had cancer 30 years ago (with hard core chemo) and he is fine today. Not so much as a blip on the radar. I'm praying whatever decision he makes, God will have His way in it. My nephew is supposed to call me later to let me know what he decided. Keep those prayers coming. He's lost 2 more pounds in the last week. He's in the mid 160's and he's well over 6 foot tall. Last year at this time he was at 230. 200 is about normal for him if he isn't lifting.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2013

    Dearest Rocket, I am lifting you up in prayer right now!!! I am so sorry that you are going through this!!! I pray that you can have some rest this weekend!!!

    Fondak, prayers are coming for you as we'll, to ease any pain that you may be having!!!

    Mini1 I will pray continually for your dear nephew!!!

    Jeannie, how is your weekend going?. I hope you are celebrating!!!

    CCFW, thank you for the chuckle!!!

    Bestock, please keep us posted!!

    JO-5 glad to hear that Dan is doing so much better!!! You will be in my prayers for your March appts. I so understand those anxious times when we have our check- ups!!!!!

    God bless you all!!!!

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited February 2013

    Mini,  I thought about diabetes but I'm sure they ruled that out before doing scans.  I know it must be scary for you nephew.  Hopefully, he will get answers soon as to what is going on.  I didn't realize your husband had been through cancer as well.  What a blessing he is fine.

    Rocket, Hope you're pain is better today and you are able to rest with all you are facing.

    Kindergarten, Thanks for your prayers.  Your posts bring comfort to me.

    Jo5, Glad to hear the report about Dan.  I will sure be praying for peace for you regarding your appointment coming up.

    Bestock, I will continue to pray for you as well.  

    Jeannie, CCFW, Susan and all you ladies here.....You are in my prayers!  Goodnight!

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited February 2013

    They think it may be an adrenal issue. Possibly low cortisol. There is a history of it on my side of the family. That would actually be a good thing though, since it can be controlled with diet over time and would mean no cancer. They ruled out diabetes, gall stones, and few other things. No call lasat night, so I think he skipped the scan. Hopefully I will know tomorrow.

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited February 2013

    Mini  I'm very thankful to hear that about your nephew.  I know you all are relieved.  It doesn't sound like fun but much better than things it could be.

    Hope you all have had a good weekend!

    Love and Prayers 

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited February 2013

    He had his scan Sat., but won't have results until Weds. Dr. appt. today. So glad we are going to be able to visit him soon. We lost his brother 5 years ago. I don't think his poor mom could stand losing another child. He's finally getting past that and losing his dad (my bro) a few years before. I hope he able to get the help he needs to get well. He's had a rough life. He needs a lot of healing. He's on his way. I just pray that he can come out of this with the peace that passes understanding, a revelation of God's infinite grace and he can find peace at last.