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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited January 2013

    So good to hear from you Kathy. I thought it a little strange that you hadn't posted in a while. What a bummer about your computer! I will be in earnest prayer that you don't have anything serious going on. I'm so sorry you haven't been feeling well. Are you going to the doctor soon? Please keep us posted. You are always such a source of encouragement. I hope you get relief from the back pain and that you start feeling better very quickly.

    Loving all you beautiful Ladies.

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited January 2013

    Hi, Fondak,

    I have a Mac and it is so intuitive to use. I am not technologically savvy and the Mac has worked so much better for me. I hope you feel better! You have been through so much! I pray the doctor will figure it out soon.

    Rocket, I hope your foot is healing well and that you stay well at Erin's birthday celebration. One year old is such an adorable age! I remember my red-headed granddaughter at that age.

    Welcome to the new ones and hi to Kathy, too!

    I have a week and a half of chemotherapy to go! I feel lousy but I know I'll feel better soon. We've had wicked freezing fog that seems to be clearing out, so that helps my spirits, too.

    Good health to everyone.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited January 2013

    Hi, Jeannie!!! I will be praying for you as you finish this last round of Chemo!!! You will have better and better days ahead!!! Your strong faith and determination has seen you through these very difficult days. May each day be filled with many blessings, joy and laughter!!!

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited January 2013

    Home on the sofa with a killer stomach ache. Please pray that it is from the possible inadvertant ingestion of gluten or ingesting too much fat and not the flu. I had some chia seeds, some nuts and a scrumtous cowboy burger over the course of two days, which is more fat than I usually consume. I haven't thrown up in ten years and don't want to start now. I'm really hoping I'm not getting the flu. I have no reserves. If I get the istestinal part of it (I've had the head/chest part of it), I will end up in the hospital. Right now I am froze from my nose to my toes. I took my temp and it was 92.6*. I'm wrapped up on the sofa and lying with the heating pad. Frown

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited January 2013

    Mini - I'm praying it's not the stomach virus that I had a couple of weeks ago. I had a fever with it, so hopefully since your temp is low it's just from eating something.

    Fondak, how are you feeling? Is the back pain any better? I always get your comments confused with Kathy's. Sorry about that Hon! Hope you are feeling better and please know that I'm praying for you!

    Jeannie, I'm counting down the time with you Girl! Next week I'll be able to out some weight on my foot in my fracture boot, around the time you are finishing up your treatments. I'm so happy you are almost done. You will start getting stronger each day after the last treatment effects wear off. I will rejoice with you. You've been a real trooper!

    Jo, you were right, I did get a good report from my foot surgeon and I was so happy! To answer your question, yes I do still see my Gyn. My mother took a drug called DES (a hormone thought to prevent miscarriage) when she was pregnant with me and it can cause BC as well as vaginal cancer - go figure. So my Gyn does a pelvic exam every year just to be safe. Plus, I would feel really weird going to my GP for that.

    Thank you Ladies for the prayers for my doctor appointment today and for Erin's illness. She awoke this morning with NO fever! We will go over and visit her tonight. It's probably not a good thing that I live near outlet stores. I bought her a ton of cute clothes at the Carter's Outlet. I'm out of control as a Nana! :-) I love shopping for her and even more, playing with her.

    Hi Kathy, how's Lily doing? I hope you are well too!

    Love and hugs to all!

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited January 2013

    I had the stomach thing with chills and body aches....could not get warm, it is cold here NV this year 0-10 a lot of nites.

    I feel better today. Good I can do most of my work from home cause I have not been wanting to commute or work around others.

    I got more blood work today for ca 27-29 then if it is still high the onc will do some scans. I have had a bilateral masc. with reconstruction, but no chemo or radiation. I had 18 mos of chemo with my ovarian cancer, (03-05)

    I have been around this website since 06.

    Thanks for praying and being thereSmileKiss

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited January 2013

    Hi, Everyone!! Jo-5, I see my Primary Care Doc for Pap smears now!! I had a hysterectomy 8 years ago, and I was still having yearly exams! She feels that I can go every other year now, since I have had good test results the last 8 years!! My mom also took DES. I did have cervical dysphasia, hence the hysterectomy right after my mastectomies!!! Hope you and hubby are doing great!!!!!

    Mini1, prayers are coming your way, for healing and that you do not have the flu!!!Rest and take care of yourself!!!!

    Rocket, great news about your report from your foot surgeon!!! Baby clothes shopping is also great therapy, he,he,he!!! Our Lily is wonderful, thank you for asking!!! Keep on

    healing!!!! My mom also took DES!!!

    Bestock, so glad that you are feeling better!!! Please let us know how your bloodwork turns out!!

    Prayers are coming for each and everyone of you!!!!! God Is Good! Amen!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited January 2013

    Fondak, I meant to add, that I pray that your computer issues resolve soon!!! So love seeing you here!!!!!!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited January 2013

    So glad to hear happy answers to prayer requests! Mini1, I'm sorry you are so miserable. My daughter lives in Michigan and informed me that her snot froze to her nose and was now thawing! Eew! Hope you feel better soon.

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited January 2013

    Hi Everyone,


    I am so thankful for your report!  Also, so happy for you and the time you will have with Erin.  I know she is blessed with your presence!  I got to spend some time with a young couple's baby that is very special to our family Monday and I missed her so much yesterday.  I can't imagine what it would be like to be a grandmother!  How blessed you are!


    I'm sorry to hear you aren't feeling well.  This has been a terrible year for the flu and viruses.  I'm like you about throwing up.  I told the dr today I only did that once while pregnant and it caught me off guard or I probably would have done whatever I could to prevent it that time! 

    The dr told me today she thinks my issue is aramosin.  Her mom takes it and has lower back pain among other pains.  I guess the nausea is from all the stuff going around. 


      You're almost there!  I'm excited for you.  If you do like I did don't be surprised by mixed feelings when you leave after that last treatment.  I didn't expect at all that I would feel hesitate or a little anxious about no longer taking chemo but surprisingly to me I did.  Of course that doesn't mean you may just be plain happy!

    Thanks for the input regarding the mac.  It is very helpful. 


      Thanks for your kind words.  You always encourage me.  I am going to have to break down and get another computer soon.  I never know what to expect with this one and it's the only one going now.  Earlier today I tried to get on and it just kept reloading the page I was on over and over.  I don't know if you have ever played free cell where all the cards come bouncing down when you win but that was how the pages were doing and I couldn't get out of it.

      Thinking of Lily is she close to 1 now?  Do you get to see her often? 


    I will be seeing my gyn every 2 yrs now.  I was really surprised when he told me after my surgery.  When he told me I can't remember exactly what I said but I was very confused and what's so funny is I thought he was confused.  I not longer had a cervix, uterus or ovaries and 2 other drs keeping a check on the only breast I had left.  I was thinking I'm sure he misspoke but how do I bring it to his attention without embarrassing him....hahaha!  He explained to me that I can still get vaginal cancer which is not common but needs to be considered.  I really liked him and he's retiring. 


    I can't imagine what it would be like to be in such a cold temperature.  I use to always be the one who was freezing and could sit under a blanket trying to keep warm while watching TV with everyone else comfortable but now I like it cool in the house, even on cold days....which you would probably find our cold days humorous.  If sleet is in the forcast here, bread and milk fly out grocers doors leaving empty shelves behind and everyone tunes into the news checking for school closing.

    I'm glad you feel better today.  When do you expect to hear back from your bloodwork?

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited January 2013

    Dear Fondak, so glad to see your post tonight!! I always love to read your posts!!! Thank you for asking about Lily!!! We just saw her tonight and we are so fortunate that she lives close by!!! She is a joy, and she is 6 months old! Wishing everyone, a blessed evening and a great nights sleep!! Hugs!!!

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited January 2013

    Fondac, where do you live?
    I used to live in the SF bay area where it was relatively warm.Cool

    I had to get used to this cold(still I am not)

    I should get results from my new blood test I got on Wed 23, today and go from there.


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited January 2013

    Bestock, where do live in Nevada? We are 4 hours from Vegas!! We were just there!! We are not gamblers, but love the shows and hiking at Red Rock Canyon and Valley of Fire! Again, prayers are coming for great test results!! Blesssings to you and all the wonderful ladies here!!!! Kathy

  • honeybair
    honeybair Member Posts: 234
    edited January 2013

    Love reading all about all of you.  My difficult journey is just beginning.  I am 68 years old and have a recurrence cancer which is in my lymph nodes and the tumor mass is in my armpit.  Next Monday I will have a port installed because I will be receiving 4 different drugs.  Just reading about the side effects is enough to scare you to death.  I do have a very good team of doctors and all are women.

    Like all of you, how in the world could anyone face this serious illness without believing in the power and love of God?  it is good to know all of you are here.

    Blessings and hugs 

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2013

    Hi all,

    JO-5, we are a group of 10 headed by my Pastor who has been there 6 times already.  No ministry work this time except the ministry of our Lord, we will be crossing the Sea of Galilee to Capernaum, Mount of Beatitudes, Jordan River and then travelling to Nazareth, Megiddo, Caesarea, Jericho, Qumran, Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Masada and the Dead Sea.  A whirlwind tour over 8 days.  I will leave a group prayer for all of you and keep you all in my thoughts during my trip which will make it that much more special.  Truly a trip of a lifetime.

    Off to choir practice but will look about your faith2hope petition when I return.

    Blessings all.

  • CCFW
    CCFW Member Posts: 570
    edited February 2014


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited January 2013

    Dear Jo-5, I just read that dear woman's post! Her faith seems strong, but she is questioning, why does anyone have to endure such grief and pain! I am so glad you invited her here!!! I will be searching for words and scripture from the Bible to try and comfort and support. In the meantime, I will lift her up in prayer daily!!

    Honeybair, Welcome to this wonderful thread, you will find such support and encouragement here!!! Blessings to you, and please know I will lift you up in prayer daily!!! Kathy

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited January 2013

    JO5  Thanks for sharing the news about the young lady losing her son and now facing her diagnosis.  I am so glad to know to pray for her.  It is also encouraging to read or hear of something like that and also hear God is good at the same time. 

    It is such a beautiful thing to see the hope of those whom He has made Himself known too.  There are no words to describe it and yet you can see how it would appear as foolishness to those who don't know Him. 

    Bestock I live in GA and tonight there is there is the possiblity of freezing rain coming in at 8 in the morning and they are already listing school closings!  It's suppose to start climbing above freezing by noon so hopefully it won't be too bad for my sons.  They work about 1/2 an hour away and both have to go in early tomorrow and get off after lunch.  I have twins.  They're 19.

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited January 2013

    Well, over half of my post didn't show up.  You all know I can't be that short! 

    CCFW  I had told you that I would send you a private message so you can see if you can find it.  That's the only reason I came back tonight.  I was going to bed and thought...I didn't send her the private message....she'll think she can't find it!  Hahahahaha!  I was so glad I realized it and the came in here and saw what happened with the post.

    I have got to get a new computer!  Somehow my email address also sent most of my contacts some sort of spam.  I got an email from a sweet lady at church explaining that she didn't try things that hadn't been on the market that long and waited until they had been proven to work.  Can you imagine how confused I was?  I thought....that's really an odd thing to just email to someone about.  Then someone said thanks for telling me about it.  I'll give it a try.  Then I realized they thought I sent something I didn't and then I was wondering what did they think I told them to try but didn't want to ask.

    So I'm sending you a private message but if you can't find it let me know in case I forget!

    Kindergarten  So glad to hear you are blessed with living close to Lily.  Also, so thankful and encouraged by you willingness and desire to pray for others.  You, yourself, are a blessing!

    Rocket,  I hope you are improving daily and getting lots of loving from Erin.  I did go to the dr thinking I had a kidney infection.  She said the back pain is from aromasin.  Her mom has been on it 4 yrs and has alot of pain.  She told me she takes an anti-inflammatory and she would write me a prescription but I didn't want to do that.  As long as I can make it alright without one I really want to stay away from anything extra.  I make it pretty well.  As for the nausea, I guess it's from all the stuff going around.  I guess I will get use to what to report and what to ignore.  I also showed her a red spot on my remaining breast that's been there a couple of weeks and she told me to call my oncologist if it got any larger or if it had any pain or heat around it.  Otherwise, it can wait until I go back in March.  I really don't want to come across as a hypocondriac (?) but this still seems new to me at times.

    Hi honeybair,  So glad you posted so we can be praying for you and hopefully get to know you more.  I too wonder like you how people get by without God and also scripture.  I guess you really can't separate the two.  It's how we know Him and were we learn about our hope.  It is really difficult to try and encourage someone who doesn't believe.  All you can do is pray and testify to God's faithfulness hoping He will use you in their lives to be a witness of His love and grace.
    How long ago was your initial diagnosis?  Did you have chemo then or is this going to be new for you?  Jeannine who you see on here is just getting near the end with her chemo.

    Mini  Hope you are improving and it's not the flu!

    Jeannine  Thinking of you and praying for you.  Hope you are resting well.

    Love all you ladies!


  • honeybair
    honeybair Member Posts: 234
    edited January 2013

    Thanks for such a warm welcome.  I have undergone one chemo treatment and will be having a port placed Monday to receive the remainder of my treatments which will extend through the spring and then undergo a mastectomy of my right breat. I had DCIS stage 0, 11 years ago followed by lumpectomy and radiation.  I now have a recurrent, invasive tumor involving my lymph nodes with nothing seen in my breast.  I am also older than most of you, age 68.  I am blessed to have a wonderful husband, both of us retired, wonderful children and some fabulous friends as well as other family members whom I love.  My life has been filled with goodness and wonderful things for the most part.  All of us do experience some rain, but for me it has been mostly sunshine.  My first grandchild will arrive the first week in March, and she is named after her paternal grandmother and me, Mary Carol.  This is the first child for my 40 year old daughter whose entire life situation is an answer to much prayer.

    I send love and hugs to all of you and will pray for you each night before I go to sleep. 

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited January 2013

    to all, I have to see my onc on tues, my ca 27-29 went up again in one week from 67 to 70. I hope and pray it is not a recurrance, but will keep my eyes on Jesus whatever. I also see my gyn/onc for ovarian cancer which is still in remission after 9 yrs.

    thanks for praying.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited January 2013

    Fondak - I'm still down with the flu but not as bad as many have had it, and not, PTL, the noro-virus. My fever is gone at least and it's Friday so I can spend the weekend in bed if I need to.

    Thinking of all you lovely ladies. I hope that God gives you all the peace that passes understanding in all that lies ahead.

  • Greatgranny
    Greatgranny Member Posts: 1
    edited January 2013

    Hello there.

    My name is Sandra. I'm a newbie.  I just turned 68. My husband and I celebrated our 50th anniversary August, 2012. We have 3 daughters, 3 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild.

    I was diagnosed with Invasive ductal (tubular cancer) as well as Ductal caracinoma in situ (non-invasive cancer) March 2012. I chose a mastsectomy over lumpectomy and am very happy with this decision. My cancer is stage 1 and did not need chemo or radiation. My surgeon said the decision I made helped give me 90% or over 90% survival. Had a Dexa Scan and was diagnosed with osteopenia. I began my 1st of 4 infusions with Zometa (twice a year) which will be 6 months apart.  But reading my last blood work and looking into everything more carefully, I believe I have Stage 2 kidney damage. Recent bloodwork says GFR >60 ml/min/1.73m2. I guess I'm not understanding exactly what that is, just that nothing was ever mentioned to me except I will be having blood work again in 3 mos. which is in regard to my kidneys.  Can't believe that went over my head.  Oh, yes I can!!! just trying not to get too stressed out. Anyway, I am so pleased that I found this chat.  It helps to share.  

    But I do know this, God is good all the time.

  • sheila63
    sheila63 Member Posts: 1
    edited January 2013

    Hello Everyone,

    My name is Sheila, I am 50 years old, and I am proud to be a child of God.  Since my diagnosis I have tried to remain strong, and positive, and keep my focus on the Lord.  He has given me strength when I was weak, and courage when I was scared. He has been by my side when I have felt so alone.  I pray that he uses me as an example to other women that travels this journey.

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited January 2013

    Welcome new ladies! It's so nice to have you here. You will find some pretty terrific Christian sisters here.

    Jo, my heart was sick with grief for Faith2Hope and her loss along with her stage IV dx. There are no words that adequately express my feelings. I have been thinking of her and praying for her since you posted.

    Mini, I hope you are resting and feel better quickly. This flu bug is really tough this year! Praying you back to good health.

    Bestock, I am praying that all will be well with your tests and everything will come out fine.

    Honeybair, praying that your treatments will be very successful to irradicate any cancer cells. I am also praying for your upcoming surgery. You have a strong testimony and will be an encouragement to many. Focus on becoming a grandmother soon, and congratulations! There is nothing else like it. I know that when I hold my granddaughter, Erin, my problems all seem to magically melt away. I get so wrapped up in loving that baby. I'm excited for you to experience that.

    Fondak, I think every one of us feels that inkling of fear whenever we get a pain or when a pain lasts for a while. I always give it two weeks, and if it doesn't go away using Advil, I call my onc for a scan or bloodwork. I am praying that your pain eases and goes away on its own. Keep us posted.

    Jeannie, I hope you are resting. What day is your last treatment? You are almost done Sweetie! You are amazingly strong and have endured this treatment regimen with such grace! Praying that your spirit will be encouraged. I felt a strange, unexpected letdown when my chemo and radiation treatments ended. I'm hoping that you will just feel joy.

    Patoo, it sounds like you are embarking on the trip of a lifetime. Thanks for praying for all of us. I personally would appreciate prayers for healing and relief from pain. You are such a doll to think of us. I just know you will have a very spiritual experience walking where Jesus walked!

    Hey Kathy and CC. Thank you ladies for your always uplifting comments. You are such a blessing to us all!

    Sadly, Erin's first birthday party had to be cancelled due to my DIL becoming I'll with a fever and flu virus. We had to leave early and would have missed her party anyway because the weather turned bad and we knew we had to make it home before it hit our area. We live in the mountains of NC and there is no way we would have made it up our street or up the driveway otherwise. It's a good thing we did go home because the roads here became very icy. With me not walking yet, it could have been disastrous. I was so disappointed though having to cut our visit short. We will return to eastern NC in mid February.

    My foot is healing, but is still very painful (nerve pain). Last night I could barely sleep due to the pain. My toes still feel burned and my Frankenfoot is still quite swollen. I'm getting pretty frustrated with it. Maybe the PT next week will help.

    I pray for all of you that you find Jesus throughout your day. Loving you Ladies!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2013

    Thanks Rocket, you are right - trip of a lifetime  walking where our Lord walked and praying where he prayed.  I have added your request and also added the names of our newbies.  We serve an awesome God.  He is our strength in these times of trouble.  Sorry Erin's party was cancelled. 

  • CCFW
    CCFW Member Posts: 570
    edited February 2014


  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited January 2013

    CC I had the same problem and I was taking it before bed. Now I take it in the morning. I still need Lorazepam at night to sleep, but the Anastrazole was definitely giving me terrible insomnia. Try taking it first thing in the morning. There is an Arimidex thread that I frequent. I no longer post much there, but just read what others have written.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited January 2013

    The AI's gave me terrible insomnia. At one point I was up over 48 hours straight, and that was with 2 Xanax in me. I still have sleep issues. I just read that wearing orange (blue-blocking) glasses an hour before bedtime is supposed to help. A decent pair is less than $20. I'm going to give it shot. You never know what might do the trick. :-)

  • CCFW
    CCFW Member Posts: 570
    edited February 2014
