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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited January 2013

    Hmmm suppose we could patent a bubble wrap suit?  Laughing I'm all for that!  I will try to be more careful. Tongue Out

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited January 2013

    I just love this thread, we find humor in everything!!! Laughter is great medicine!!! Rocket, how is your foot today? Jo -5, have you had cellulitis recently?? Ever since, I quit massages and pedicures, I have been cellulitis free!!! Almost 2 years now!!! Hope you are doing well,too!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited January 2013

    Thanks for asking Kathy. Right now foot is pretty painful and swollen. I have had it down too long today. I was working on creating my files for 2013 and getting my Mom's accounting stuff straight. What a job! Now I have my foot propped up on pillows with the TENS/IFC unit on. DH is teaching tonight and should be home soon. It's a good thing cause Baxter needs to go out and I can't take him outside. He'll have to hold it, but he's very good about that sort of thing. If it were Murray, I'd be in trouble. Two and a half more weeks and HOPEFULLY I'll be able to bear some weight on my foot. My leg is really starting to atrophy from lack of use.

    Guess what my DH and I saw yesterday afternoon roaming through our backyard? It was a beautiful red fox, just outside my kitchen window. It behaved completely normal, not like it was rabid or anything. We watched it for some time until it wandered back into the woods. So cool!

    Hope you are all having a great night!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited January 2013

    I second Fondak's remarks!

    Jo-5, I hope things are more and more getting back to normal for you and your husband.

    Fondak, thanks for praying for me! You are so brave and express your faith well.

    Kathy, thanks for your sense of humor, too, and your inspirational encouragement along with the prayers.

    CCFW, how wonderful that you felt peace before your appt. and had good results.

    Rocket, Rocket, thanks for encouraging me in the midst of all you are going through! A wheelchair sounds like a safe idea. Bubble wrap doesn't sound very flattering, haha! Seriously, just baby yourself for awhile. You'll get your muscle tone back once your foot heals.

    I am feeling better about things since I am finally getting better sleep. It's amazing how I can slowly slip down a hole when I don't get good rest. I'm tired and bored with being cooped up but I am remaining healthy as a result. I'm excited about gardening and, yes, exercising when I feel better after chemo. It will be hard to work up to things, though. I used to garden all day. My lymphedema wouldn't be too pleased with that...or my feet or my back or...!

    God bless you, ladies.


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited January 2013

    Jeannie, always so good to read your posts!!! You are so right about getting enough sleep and rest! It certainly gauges my day, too little, and I don't function!! I am so glad you are taking good care of yourself!! I really miss gardening, now that we live in a high rise, but I would love hearing about your days in the garden, once the weather is better!! It has been so cold here in CA!!! I wore my winter gear to my women's circle meeting at church last night!!! Blessings to you!!! Kathy

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited January 2013

    I'm feeling very housebound and the thick, blanket-like fog isn't helping! I'm whining I know. Just needed to tell someone. I'm not good at taking things easy. I'm more of a go, go, go person. Two more weeks and hopefully I'll be weight-bearing again.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited January 2013

    I know for me, having to slow down was a real eye opener. I was always going. I even "worked" in my sleep some nights. It took God knocking me on my butt to get my attention. He really worked in me during this time. I have learned that while God will always speak to our hearts, it is usually in a soft voice. He won't fight with everything around us to make himself known. I really learned just how adept I had become at scheduling God into my life. When He took that option away from me, I began to slowly adjust and learn to wait upon Him. Now that I'm back up and working I find myself slipping back into old habits. I have to be really proactive about it.

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited January 2013

    Yes Mini, I have to slow down and listen to that still small voice.

    I have a confession to make. I struggle with blessing. I know it sounds crazy, but I don't feel comfortable when God is blessing me materially. I have been praying for a long time for an answer to my Mom's financial problems. She lives in an assisted living facility and her money will be gone in about six months or less. I have anguished over what to do about her living arrangements as in NC she will not qualify for Medicaid for an assisted living facility due to her social security allotment being too high (not high enough to afford the facility however). She also is not physically or mentally ready to be placed in a nursing home. Therefore, our family must either take her in to live with us or pay for the additional expense to keep her where she is currently. I have spoken with my brothers and sisters and two of the remaining five are willing to give $200 each per month to pay for Mom's care. We'd need between $300-$400 more to cover the remaining amount. That would have to come from my DH and me. Well, to make a long story short, my DH received a letter from a financial company that held his late brother's assets. My DH was named the sole beneficiary. It's not a lot of money, but certainly enough to keep Mom going for a while. Additionally, my DH just got a contract from a company that wants to hire him as a consultant for a significant amount of money each month for a couple of years. Additionally, a provate company that had denied my disability has agreed (after I appealed my case) to award it and backpay me for the past five months. All of this has taken place in the span of about ten days. It's as if God is answering abundantly more than we could have expected. So my sinful heart, instead of rejoicing, at first feels fear.

    When I was dx'd with BC back in 2010, my DH had extra funds coming in which made it possible to pay for all of my treatment costs after my insurance paid. We were very thankful that God would take care of us and we could afford the medical costs. Now I again see God's abundance in my life and my first reaction is fear? I fear getting BC again. Forgive me Sisters as I recognize my lack of faith and need for trust in the One who is trustworthy. Please pray that God would help me to accept His blessing and trust in His sovereignty.

    Loving you all.....

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited January 2013

    I think I may have mentioned that I read a book about picking one word and contemplating it for an entire year. I struggled to come up with a word and I finally settled on focus. But then I opened a Swindoll devotion and saw a word and knew what my word really was - TRUST. I try and I do give things to God, but I keep taking them back. I pray for healing and trust God for that healing, yet my first thought when they called to reschedule my MO appt. after I got my lab work done was there's something wrong. They need run my lab work again to make sure it's correct. Now my logical mind knows that the doc probably had the flu, but my mind went right to the negative. God has been so good to us through all of this and yet I still have a hard time accepting it. We're human. We try, we fail. Thank God for His infinite grace and patience.

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited January 2013

    Amen to that!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited January 2013

    Wow, Rocket and Mini1, such beautiful, heartfelt and inspirational posts!!! I learn so much from you wonderful, Christian women!!! Trust ,grace, sovereignty and patience are words to live by, so simple but yet sometimes out of my reach, not by His doing, but mine!!!! I remind myself, by actually getting on my knees, to surrender and let go!! Only then do I feel tremendous peace. Thank you and blessings!!!!! Kathy

  • CCFW
    CCFW Member Posts: 570
    edited February 2014


  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited January 2013

    Well my DH was so wonderful to me today. He knew how housebound I was feeling, so he took me for my hair appointment, then picked me up and took me to lunch AND shopping from there for a new set of cookware. I've had my old set since we got married almost 34 years ago. It felt so good to see other human beings outside of a doctor's office! We are expecting a significant snowstorm here tomorrow, so I'm very glad we got out today. It sure improved my mood too.

    Have a great day Ladies! I'm praying for you all.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited January 2013

    CCFW-great words to live by!!!! Sit, Stay and Pray! Jo-5, glad to hear that you are keeping the cellulitis away!!! I am so glad that your hubby is getting back to normal!!!! Rocket- there is no better medicine than going out with your hubby, shopping and just enjoying each other and the day!!! Good for you!!! Hubby and I went out for soup and salad today!!!! Great day!!!!!

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited January 2013

    Anne LaMott says there are 3 kinds of prayers-help, thanks and wow. I don't know about you ladies, but I have prayed all of those during this journey.

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited January 2013

    Me too Mini, most definitely!

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited January 2013

    I just got a ca 27-29 that rose from 20's to 67 I am worried, I had a bilateral June 08 and been cancer free. what else can cause the rise. I also am a nine yr ovca survivor, no recurrances..

     and also I have been a bit under stress this week. I am starting with you, cause I do not know what to do.. I will talk to dr tuesday.


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited January 2013

    Dear bestock! My tumor markers did the same thing, mine was 67. I had repeat bloodwork done in three months and a bone scan. Everything was fine!! Many things can cause a rise in tumor markers:infection, certain medications, caffeine, stress,etc. My oncologists never tested them when I lived in Pittsburgh and Chicago! They said they are very unreliable. Since moving to CA, my onc here wanted a base line. Please try not to worry, prayers are coming your way!!! Blessings, Kathy

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited January 2013

    Thanks, I have a lot of peace, God is in control, I love the Lord and know he directs my steps. I hope my dr will just call for a new blood test to see if it goes down.. I did have a lot of caffeine that day...??

    I thank you so much for replying, and keeping me before the Lord in prayer. How is your journey going???

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited January 2013

    Dear Bestock, I am doing great , thank you for asking ! God is Good!!! Jo -5, so good to see you! Hopefully, next week, all your friends will be smiling when they see you both at church!!! Blessings, Kathy

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited January 2013

    Dear Jo-5, too funny about your asst. pastor! Germs are everywhere!!! I am just like you, I carry hand sanitizer wherever I go!!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited January 2013

    I thought I was the only germ phobic. Glad to know there are others out there. I carry those sanitizing wipes in my purse and clean my hands, table and anything else I touch in a restaurant. I use at least two of those wipes every time I go out. They come in so handy!

    Bestock, my onc doesn't do tumor marker tests either. She believes they are too unreliable. Welcome to the thread!

    Have a great day everyone.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2013

    JO-5, my twin.  I've been away from the boards for so long and did not know about Dan having surgery.  Praying he is healing well.   Hi everyone.  Kinda nice to be back but don't want it to become a mainstay of my everyday so if I don't post too often it's not because I don't care.

    I'm not really germ phobic, well not usually anyway, but did have to think twice about shaking hands in church today and did wipe down the equipment at the gym before using any this afternoon.  I'm one of those who very rarely gets sick (HA, except for the big C') but I'm terrified these days that I may pick up something just to make me miserable before my trip to Israel coming up soon.  Please keep me in prayer.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited January 2013

    We're a congregation of huggers too. I hate it when I watch someone blow their nose or cover their mouth when they sneeze and then see them coming at me with arms outstretched.  I love you my brother/sister, but a smile and a nod will do until after flu season, tyvm! lol

    I'm right there with you about the wipes. Watch out with OD'ing on the hand sanitizer though. Lots of chemicals in them. I just read an article on possible negative SE's for people with heart issues. When I go to the store, all I can do is think about all the snot-nosed kids that have been riding in the cart and how many sick people have been handling everything on the shelves. I could become a germaphobe if I let myself. I know my mama said dirt don't hurt, but she didn't say anything about the rest of the cooties out there. I'm thinking of finding a bubble to live in. :-)

    Nice to meet you Patoo!


  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited January 2013

    Sorry Jo, I was being facetious about the germohobe comment. There is certainly nothing wrong with being careful during flu season. Shopping carts and restaurant tables are the two things that do gross me out and I wipe them every time. I've just had enough illness with the stomach virus while being laid up. It was entirely too difficult. I never want that again! I'm so glad that Dan has been able to avoid the flu and the stomach bug. Hope you can catch up on some much needed rest.

    Hi Patoo, nice to see you again. Your trip sounds fabulous and I too am jealous. I will pray as well. Have a safe and wonderful time.

    We are going back to my sister's house tomorrow to stay for five more days. I have a doctor appointment with the foot surgeon and I'm praying he will let me bear weight on my foot next week. We are also celebrating Erin's first birthday. I can hardly wait to see and hold her again, but I don't like leaving my home for another five days. Oh well, I can't have it both ways, so I will enjoy the time with family and look forward to getting back home again.

    Love all you ladies and hope you are doing well.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2013

    Back atcha Mini1.

    JO-5, I don't even quite recall how we got to be 'twins' but I bet you never told them about your run-in with the ironing board!   Tongue Out

    I will enjoy myself in Israel enough for all of us and will pray for each of you as I walk in the Garden of Gethsamene.  I'm so excited.  Will walk where Jesus walked and be re-baptised in the Jordan.  If any of you have a special prayer request that I can write down and leave at the wall just send me a PM.

    Love you all.

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited January 2013

    Hey Ladies,

    Jo, I too am sensitive to a lot of meds and have had the exact experience you describe. Weird huh? I have to be so careful, even with supplements.

    Please keep me in prayer for a good report from the foot surgeon. Also please pray for my one-year old granddaughter, Erin. She is sick again and tomorrow is her birthday. We are celebrating her first birthday on Saturday. She has a fever again and will be seeing the doctor today.

    I appreciate being able to come here and ask for prayer from my sisters in Christ.

    Love you Ladies!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited January 2013

    Thanks for the prayers Jo. I no longer get my eyes dilated because of that same experience. My husband gets a severe headache from it as well and he is allergic to the drops. Now instead we get the retinal photos. It costs more, but I never want the drops again.

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited January 2013

    Hi everyone,

    My computer crashed...totally crashed.  Something popped up saying tons of threats were blocked and I needed to buy something to protect the computer.  I thought it was a scam and ignored it and then the screen went black and I can't even get it to come on at all now.

    I'm using the old frustrating one in the kitchen/dining room now.

    I began my battle against germs when the boys were born prematurely and were constantly sick for the first few years.  The flu this year has been horrible so it's really wise for everyone to take precautions.

    Jo5  I can just imagine how it felt to get the email from your asst. pastor regarding his visit.  That was so funny.  You are so fortunate to have someone who cares enough to visit and then let you know he saw you so you would have the chance to tell him what was going on.

    Bestock...Hi, and welcome!  Please let us know how things are going.  I too have heard many things can affect those tests that have nothing to do with cancer.  It is encouraging to hear someone trusting God knowing He is in control.  I was so thankful you have that peace as I was reading you post.  I will be praying for you.

    Rocket, My prayers are with you today too as you return to your doctors appointment and to your sisters.  Erin is 1!  Wow.  I need to look and see how long I've been on here.  Time goes by fast.  Which reminds me of all that I need to do today!

    Patoo Hi and thank you for sharing about your trip and offering of prayers.  It would be just amazing to be in the places you will be.  I hope you will come back and give us all the details when you return.   

    As for me, I am hoping I have kidney infection.  I have had nausea for weeks now.  Maybe more than a month.  It is getting worse and I am having flare up of lower back pain.  It could also be just the effects of all that is going around. 

    I am also hoping to get a new computer soon.  Do any of you have a mac?  My sons like theirs and say it's simple to use but change is not as easy for me as them.

    Bestock and Rocket I've prayed for you two and will continue to pray for all of you ladies.

    Love you all!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited January 2013

    Hi, wonderful Ladies, Rocket, prayers are coming your way for great appt. with your foot surgeon! Prayers for sweet Erin as well!! Happy first birthday to her!!! I hope you are both feeling well at her birthday celebration!!! Fondak, prayers are coming for your healing and that you get a new computer!!! Jo-5, hope your eyes are back to normal soon!!! Blessings to you all!!!!', Kathy