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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited February 2013

    Oh Mini, I will be praying that God will use this so your nephew to come to know, trust and love Him in a way he never knew was possible.  Then he can even be thankful for all he is going through to bring him to that point!  Thank you for sharing that.....I will definitely be praying!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2013

    Hi,JO-5, hope your sinuses clear up!!!! My LE has been acting up as well, seeing a PT for 6 weeks to get it under control again!!! Prayers are coming yor way!!!!!

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited February 2013

    Well no tumors, gall stones, etc., in my nephews scan, PTL. There will be more testing when he goes to the endochrinologist (sp?), but at least there's no obvious cancers. He's very discouraged. Please pray that his spirits stay steady and he remains spiritually strong.

    Thank you everyone for your prayers. They mean a lot to us.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2013

    Dear Mini1, Yes, Praise The Lord, no cancer issues!! Your nephew will continue to be in my prayers. I also would like continued prayers for my son and Liz for their relationship issues and for his baseball business, the economy is affecting it again! Thank you all for your prayers!!!!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited February 2013

    Hi, everyone! Yes, I finished chemo on Friday and was very happy. But chemo said, "not so fast!" and gave me a horrific evening of chills and body aches. I'm so glad I don't have to do it again. Thanks for your good wishes. I still am pretty weak and get easily dehydrated.

    Fondak, I can relate to your difficulty in drinking lots of fluid. I'm sorry for the pain you are experiencing. Maybe an anti-inflammatory is a good idea. I know how you feel about adding new drugs to our body. I appreciate your reminders about the purpose of life with Christ.

    Rocket, I hope your pain is better today. You are such a trooper. I know you struggle but I appreciate your honesty. Believe me, I am not always strong and singing God's praises. But He helps me find perspective when I am low. I have been reading Jesus calling for quite awhile. It has helped me so much during this difficult year. Sarah Young is amazing with how she can portray God talking to us in such a meaningful, relevant way.

    Mini, it sounds like your nephew is on the right track for getting answers. I pray he finds the Answer though these hard times.

    Jo-5, you are so full of grace with all you have going on. I hope you feel better soon and your lymphedema gets under control. I'm in the beginning of this whole lymphedema thing, with mild LE in my left arm. My right arm is the ticking time bomb with 39 nodes removed, plus radiation. I've been seeing a great LE therapist so I'm in good hands. I'm so happy Dan is getting better and better!

    Kindergarten, you always lift my spirits, just reading your posts. God is really using you here to encourage us all. You are like a heavenly cheerleader! I hope your LE settles down soon.

    Bestock, I am sorry you have to wait so long for results! That is frustrating. I pray everything is fine. Are those tumor marker numbers you posted? I have heard they can be unreliable, if that gives you any comfort. Sometimes I just say Jesus' name out loud when I am really anxious or concerned. It helps get my focus back on what counts. Prayers are being said for you.

    My husband leaves for an impt. job interview in a few minutes. I would appreciate prayer for that. He is in the process of interviewing for several jobs, which is a blessing. Hopefully he will be a fit for at least one of them! We lose our insurance on the 20th and have to switch to Cobra which costs over $1100 a month. We don't know if I would be accepted on another insurance plan. 2014 brings an end to insurance companies rejecting you for pre-existing conditions. I don't know what's ahead, but God is walking ahead of me so I'll just keep trusting Him.

    Have a great day!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited February 2013

    Hi Lovely Ladies,

    I'm sorry I have been off the boards for a while. I have a dear Christian friend who is going through a lot and a possible BC dx to boot. She is a strong lady, but she is so weary from struggling. (I can relate).

    Mini, I rejoiced to read that no cancer was found in your nephew, and will continue to pray that he is diagnosed properly and that treatments will be effective. I will also pray that the Lord will use this to draw your nephew to Jesus and give him peace.

    Jo, when is your upcoming appointment? I have been praying that your anxiety will be relieved and that all will be well with the results. Sorry to hear of your LE flare. I will pray that it will get under control and you will feel relief.

    Kathy, your son and his wife are in my prayers for their relationship and business. I am also praying about your LE flare. Hopefully the PT will be effective and your pain and swelling relieved.

    Bestock, I am still praying about your PET scan results that they will show conclusively no recurrence or mets. I also pray the Lord will give you peace as you wait to hear. We are waiting with you.

    Honeybair, how are you doing? What treatments will your team be recommending? How can I pray for you specifically?

    Fondak, I'm praying that your pain will ease and that your upcoming onc appointment in March will be good. Your posts are very encouraging and Christ-centered. Thanks for keeping me focused on Him.

    Jeannie, are you recovering well from your final chemo treatment? Praying for a speedy recovery and the effectiveness of all the treatments you have been through.

    CCFW, are you sleeping any better? Praying that as your body adjusts to the Arimidex you will be able to sleep well again.

    Sandra, Sheila, and Susan, hope you are all okay. I'm praying for you as well. Please let me know how I can pray specifically if you would like for me to do that.

    I had my appointment with the orthopedic PA. He was excellent and very knowledgeable. He took x-rays of my knees and left shoulder (non-BC side). He said I had arthritis in both knees and my AC joint in my shoulder as well as chondramalacia in both knees. I keep telling myself it's only pain and at least it's not cancer. He did however recommend a whole body bone scan. That freaked me out as I, like most BC patients, have a lot of anxiety whenit comes to tests. I guess I'll have to notify my onc and schedule one. Additionally the nurse from my PCP's office called today to tell me my cholesterol was very high and my doctor will discuss it with me at my next exam. My BP was elevated too yesterday. I eat very little meat, dairy and eggs, so I blame it on Arimidex. I also had PT on my foot today and it was extremely painful. It has been eight weeks since my surgery and I should be walking in a regular walking shoe. It's way too painful still for me to do that. Please pray that the nerves in my foot will heal and that I can regain some sense of normalcy in my life. I am weary of dealing with daily pain.

    I love all you ladies dearly and will continue to pray for you. God is good - all the time!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2013

    Dear Jeannie!!! Praise The Lord, for your end of chemo, but so sorry you were not feeling well! Prayers are coming for better days ahead!!! I am lifting up your husband in prayer right now that his interview is successful and that he finds just the right job!!!! I am so amazed at how faithful you both are, even in the midst of so many trials and challenges!!!! May Our Lord bestow many blessings on you both!!!

    Rocket, you are so faithful as well, you see God's Goodness in everything!!! I am sorry to hear about your friend, she has the perfect friend in you to lean on!! There is nothing better than a Sister in Christ to lean on, in times of trouble!!! I will be praying for you always!!! Let us know when your bone scan is!

    To all our wonderful Sisters in Christ here, Bestock, Fondak, Honeybair,CCFW, Shiela, Susan, Sandra and Jo, may Blessings flow for all of you today!!!!! Kathy

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited February 2013

    You ladies are such a blessing. Jeannie I'm so glad your chemo is over.

    I am praying for a friend that is going home to be with theLord soon. Hospice has been called and it's just a matter of time. She is a dear soul who is very beloved by all the children in our kids ministry. Pray for peace for her.

    Chuck Swindoll has a new book out called Grace Awakening. It is talks about living graciously in all aspects of our lives. It is worth reading; if not the whole book, the devotionals from it are very inspiring.

    I get great inspiration from all of you ladies. God is so good bringing such wonderful women of God together to support each other. Thank you all for your support and prayers.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2013

    Dearest Mini1, you have so much on your plate right now!! I am lifting you up in prayer, as you are ministering to your nephew and your friend entering hospice. I am sure you are such a blessing to both right now. The Holy Spirit convicts us to mentor to others and be role models in Christ's name. You have been that role model!! God Bless You!!!!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited February 2013

    Mini, I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. It's a lot to handle and you are being a Christ-like example to all. My heart is burdened for you and I pray that God will shelter you under His wings.

  • CCFW
    CCFW Member Posts: 570
    edited February 2014


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2013

    Dear Jo-5, thank you as always for your wisdom, kindness and prayers for all of us. I need to read theBook of Revelations again, as I am seeing and feeling the same way as you are, the time is near!!!

    Dear CC!!! I am so sorry to hear about your digestive issues with arimidex . I take aromasin, and have not had that issue. However, during chemo I did. I drank prune juice and ate prunes!! Hope that helps!!!!

    Blessings to you all!!!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2013

    Thanks, Jo!! I will definitely look him up!!! Hugs to you all, have a great weekend!!!!

  • CCFW
    CCFW Member Posts: 570
    edited February 2014


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2013

    CCFW, many of us had uncomfortable SE's when we started arimides/anastrozole that subsided after a few weeks/months.  Just a way our bodies had to adjust to the med.  I'm just starting year 5 but seems to me I also had constipation at the beginning.  Hang in there.  SE's are easier to treat than recurrence (quoting JO-5).

    Hi everyone.  Haven't been here too often but each time I do come on as I read through your posts I send up prayers for each of you and your requests.  I'm also just back yesterday from a 10-day tour of the Holy Land, Israel.  One of the places we stopped was the Wailing Wall where I left a prayer list and had my BCo friends listed, some individually but all corporately.

    Israel is a beautiful country.  We had grueling whirlwind tours over 8 days.  I walked where Jesus walked.  Prayed where Jesus prayed.  Sat where Jesus taught.  Sailed on the Sea of Galilee where Jesus sailed.  Cried at Calvary where we crucified our Lord.  The best most humbling part was being re-baptised in the Jordan, near the spot where Jesus was baptised.  It was an amazing, life-changing trip of a lifetime.   I praise my Lord for all the blessings.

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited February 2013

    Hi Everyone,

    I don't know if you all have days like this but I am often going along fine and then have a day or two that gets hard emotionally and I'm in one of those spells.  I have been planning to take my friend to lunch and we had the same diagnosis exactly except my positive nodes were 9/9 and hers were 11/15  We graduated together and she's about 3 years ahead of me in this and the past year she has been struggling as it progressed.  Now my son's friend's mom just had hospice called in this week.  She had it, was cancer free and then wasn't.  I began a bible study this week and the first example used was cancer returning...I don't know what kind it was. 

    This is on top of my husband wanting to quit work to be at home...He's only been home about 4 months in the last 5 years.  I don't know what he is going to do but he assured me he won't be impulsive about it.  It's hard when you only have phone conversations and emails with an 8 hour time difference.  I thought for a few days this week his "idea"  was his plan and I was so stressed.  Another of many examples that should serve me to remember not to worry.

    I think the bible study is a timely one.  It's our small group and it's the first week of the book Trusting God by Jerry Bridges.  I know also I need to be actively being thankful.  Disobedience is so easily slipped into.  Not something that takes great effort and when we don't catch ourselves and turn back quick enough before we know it what began as a slip suddenly has us sliding.   

    Please pray that I won't miss all the things that there is to be joyful over and my heart would be one of gratitude as I try and minister to others.  I guess simply put please pray that my heart, desires and actions would be pleasing to God.  Also, please keep these families in your prayers.  My son's friend's mom has a daughter in her junior year of high school.  I can't imagine going to school under these circumstances. 

    Jeannie...So thankful your chemo is done!  Don't be too hard on yourself if you don't get your energy back right away like I was.  I remember thinking....alright I'm going to just get stronger and stronger every passing day and now that second day after chemo is history (that was the hardest day for me)!  It does come back but not like I was anticipating.  You may be more rational than I was about  It's not to disappoint, I just wished I hadn't set my expectations so high.

    Rocket,  Has your friend had any news on her possible diagnosis?  How is you pain doing? Do you take fish oil or anything like that?  I also heard something about dark chocolate lowering your blood pressure.  It's the higher % cocoa so it's not something I really enjoy but it has alot of benefits.  I guess memory is not one of themSmile  Have they scheduled your scan yet?  I am exactly the same about scans.  My thought is....they are doing this for a result and I completely forget to tell myself even if it shows something it can be a lot of things that are really nothing. 

    Kindergarten  I'm praying for your family.  It reminds me of what I was saying about a little slip and then you're sliding if you don't watch it.  I'm praying that they get traction and do the work or the climb to get closer to God and therefore closer to each other.  Also, praying for the financial situation to not be a stumbling block for them.  That can be a stressor for sure.

    Mini So sorry to hear about your friend on top of your nephew but thankful things are more positive for him than what it could have been.  Still, I know it's hard.

    Jo5  I'm with you on seeing the way being paved for Christ's return!  Such a sad state the world is at.  As for our own country, which I am very thankful but also very burdened.  We were once considered a Christian country and now I see we are heading to one that I would even call a moral country.  I am amazed at what all these young people are faced with and the future leaders for our country needs much prayer as well as the current ones.

    CCFW I hope you are feeling better.  When I was on chemo they told me to take mirilax or is it miralax.  I got better and so I stopped and it was horrible after that and took awhile after I started it back.  It was the only thing I had to call the office about and it was on a weekend holiday when I called!  I thought I was going to have to go to the hospital a couple of times. 

    Patoo  I loved hearing about your trip.  I can't imagine!  It must have been hard to leave.  Thanks for sharing that with us.  Anything else that comes to mind, I would love to hear about it.

    Well....all you ladies here, I know it's another short book from me.  Sorry I'm rather lengthy but know I love you all and you all are in my prayers and I'm thankful for the prayers of my sisters in Christ here!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2013

    Dear Fondak, I am so amazed by your strong faith, and so appreciative of how you always reach out to others even though you have so much on your plate right now! Thank you for continually praying for us and being such a wonderful Sister and friend in Christ!!

    You are still very early on this cancer journey, and your fears, worries and stresses are so normal!! I was so frightened and scared the first few years, so I know what you are feeling!! The fear of progression and mets weigh heavily on our minds!! It can be consuming!! But always remember that is normal, and Our Lord is also feeling your fear and He is beside you every step of the way. I am finally and happily realizing that our time here on earth is totally out of my control!! You are so right, make every moment we experience, be to honor and glorify Our Lord!! However, I know how much we cherish

    life being here with our families. On that note, because we never know when or if our cancer will spread, Our Lord has provided new and better treatment and on -going research .to fight this terrible beast. I view fighting this cancer as fighting Satan, and I know that Jesus is on our side. We as Christians have the advantage of knowing that no matter what happens here on earth, we are saved and we will experience the glory of Heaven.

    Dearest Fondak, as you get farther out from diagnosis and treatment, you will feel peace again, I promise!! God has many plans for you, dear friend!! You are such a faithful servant and so worthy of God's Grace and Blessings. Your Blessings will continue to Flow!!!!!

    You are also such a Prayer Warrior, keep praying and your prayers will be answered!!!!! On a lighter note, have the best weekend knowing you are covered in prayer by all these wonderful Sisters here!

    PATOO, what a wonderful trip and adventure you are having. Be safe and know that you are also covered in prayer! Lots of love and hugs for everyone here!! kathy

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited February 2013

    Fondak - I can't say I understand exactly how you feel, but I have an idea. I struggled for several years whether to quit my job. I didn't want to necessarily stay home, but I was tired of being a road warrior and the stress was becoming unbearable. But even though I kept saying the stress from my job was killing (literally, now I know), I would ask myself if I was crazy. I'm a middle-aged woman with no degree in the state with the highest unemployment rate. People are begging for jobs here, and here I was considering essentially cutting our income in half with no assurance of getting another job. So I stayed.

    One day I heard Joyce Meyer talking about peace in our decisions and that you will have peace, even if it doesn't seem logical, when you make decisions in line with God's will. Well, since I had been having a mental tug of war with the issue of my quitting my job, I thought it must not be God's will because I certainly didn't have peace! But then it came to me (ty Jesus) that I needed to parse that thought process a little further. When I began to think about it, I saw that I had peace when I said that's it, I'm quitting, I can't take another day of this. It was when I began to have the mental debate and "logically" made the decision not to quit that I lost my peace. So I quit. I can honestly say there has not been a moment that I have regretted it. Yes, we've had to cut back, but we're not starving or homeless. And God gave me a new job that I didn't even seek out that pays twice what I expected to earn. It's only part-time, and I'm not management - read, I don't work longer and harder than those I managed w/o benefit of OT and take more crap than everyone else - but it's low stress, 4 miles from my home, and for the first time in a long time I enjoy going to work. It has taken me 4 months to drive what I would have driven in about 1-2 weeks at my old job. 

    God is good and has given us blessings that I couldn't have even imagined. Sometimes I think God wants us to be willing get out of the boat, keep our eyes on Him and walk on the water w/o looking down. I know that is what this cancer and my quitting my job has forced me to do - what I should have been doing all along. Relying fully on God. It's hard sometimes. I'm struggling with haviing lost or being about to lose a friend to terrible disease. And I've also stuggled with the everyday of ife when there is nothing I can really put my finger on. I think satan wants us to stay discouraged. it's when he does some of his best work. I'm reading a Joyce Meyer book now called Living Beyond Your Feeings. I've also been clinging to these two verses like a tick on a coon dog:

    Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.
    Proverbs 3:5, 

    Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.
    Hebrews 10:23

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited February 2013

    Mini  Thank you for sharing that.  It is very encouraging.  It's so wonderful to see how God has worked in your life.  Also the verses were an encourgement.  I was reminding myself of Proverbs 3:5 last night and then to read it here was refreshing. 

    I am thinking we will be cutting our income in half very soon but I can be very frugal.  I just was scared of the job he was considering being possibly 1/3 of our income by the end of the year....a total commission type, no guarantee or draw kind of thing.  I knew we couldn't make it but thought he was overly optimistic which I think he thought it through more.  He is a go getter type but even so it would take a year before you would start seeing much of anything.

    I am sure when something does come up I will be reminding myself of your situation and again be encouraged.  God didn't design us to get married and live apart of course some situations require it but something suffers when it does.

    I just read your post again just as a reminder and noticed something I didn't even notice before but not only are you saving time but the gas you are saving alone is like money in the bank!

    Kindergarten,  Once again I am thankful for your encouragement as well.  I sat down when I got up this morning and read it and then thought I need to pull back the curtains.  I got up and before I realized it I was singing.....Bless the Lord O my Soul...(the 10,000 Reasons song) and then opened the curtains and the sun was shining so bright.  Yesterday it was dreary here.  I then realized Christ put that song in my heart and then seeing this unexpected sunshine and I just began to cry a happy cry.

    Then I was sidetracked and began my day.  Later I was in the kitchen listening to a series a pastor I like was preaching in Africa.  I don't know why I do weird things like this but I started listening to it out of order and today I thought I should listen to the first one. (I already listened to most of the others.) It was called Bad Grammar & Good Theology.  I would have never expected it to be on Phil 1:21 where Paul said....For me to live is Christ and to die is gain.  It was a wonderful sermon and God's timing was amazing! 

    I was able to share this with the family whose mom is in hospice.  My son's friend as well as my son's were able to meet this pastor in Jupiter, Fla this past summer at a conference and in this sermon he tells a beautiful story of his experience with his mom who passed away from cancer.  It totally helped get my focus straight and it was so much an answer to prayer.

    Kindergarten it is such a comfort to hear that you felt that way in the beginning.  This Valentines Day will be one year since I finished chemo.  That does make sense that I might be a little gun shy or whatever they call it.  Too, I think yesterday didn't help as I was going on only 3 hrs of sleep.  This served me well to see where I can be if I start to focus on all that's around me and not keeping focused on Christ while dealing with all that's going on around me.  Something else the pastor said in the sermon was put Christ above circumstances and things but he said instead put Christ "in" the circumstances.  I will have to see exactly how he said it.  I may be botching it. 

    You will never know how much you have ministered to me first with sharing the info about aromasin and now this and that's just the beginning.

    Thank you ladies so much!

    I love you all and hope everyone is able to rest well and have a wonderful time of worship this weekend!  My prayers are with each of you and your families.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited February 2013

    Fondak - I have found some of the things we cut back on were things we should have cut back on anyway, and some of the things we could afford again we have chosen not to. I used to joke that we had 500 channels with our cable and there was still nothing I wanted to watch. Now we have Neflicks, Hulu and an antennae that gives us 7-8 channels. We spend a hundred dollars less and I actually have more things I like to watch. I go to the library and exchange books via my Nook. I have a pay as you go phone plan that still gives me text and data but saves me another $100 a month. I have an average phone with and without some of the bells and whistles, but I have more than enough to accomodate me now that I don't travel like I did. Now we are able to afford organic, hormone-free foods and fresh food with those savings. There is really very little that I miss of all my "necessities." Although I do steer cear of any place selling really cute shoes. There is just so much self-control one can exert. :-) If nothing else, a serious crisis, especially a health related one, puts things in persective. While there may be things that would be nice to have, I don't covet them. I'm actually becoming quite a minimalist. And I'm finally beginning to see what is golden about silence. Quite a feat for someone like me that had a TV, radio, computer, and or phone going all my waking hours!

    Blessings to all.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2013

    Great tips and advice!! Thanks, Mini!!!!

  • ChristineO
    ChristineO Member Posts: 18
    edited February 2013

    Hi there, I'm not sure if I"m posting in the correct spot but will give this a try:)  I was diagnosed last April with DCIS at the age of 39 (I turned 40 a few months later in June) and I had three wide excisions in  April and June. I could have gone ahead with radiation but in discussing it with the radiologist oncologist for an hour and a half, he did say that even though he would go ahead with the radiation for me, he did say that the safer thing to do would be to have the mastectomy.  For some reason it has taken longer than I thought, but I am now booked to go in a month from now.  (with reconstruction).  I wondered if there was anyone with something similar to what I have in a similar age range.  I have looked on the internet a fair bit to see what others have gone through but I find a lot of emptiness in my readings unless its from a Christian so I was happy to find this wall:)

  • honeybair
    honeybair Member Posts: 234
    edited February 2013

    For those with constipation woes and that is certainly me, I will offer the advice of my nurse navigator.  Daily Miralax taken together with a capsule of Colace plus lots of water.  She also said to eat cooked prunes with a pat of butter added to them.  I am usually okay except for the day following chemo when the system seems to become paralyzed, though following the AC treatment was more constipated this time.  If you are in really dire straits as I always am following chemo, drink a product called magnesium ciitrate.  Half a bottle worked wonders for me.  It is a clear liquid found in pharmacy with laxative products.  only had to drink it once.  The miralax/colace worked for me.  And this is after nausea on Thurs, Friday and Saturday when I could eat little.

    Everything we are able to share helps us all.

    May God be in us and surround us all every moment with His light, love, and healing.

  • honeybair
    honeybair Member Posts: 234
    edited February 2013

    Hi Rocket, thanks for asking about me.  I will be receiving several more AC followed by Taxol, then mastectomy, then possible radiation, which will be my second round of radiation from my first journey with BC 11 years ago.  Tomorrow morning I will have a port placed so that I can save my veins from further assault.

    I had a wonderful, SE free day today and spent a delightful day with my beloved hubby.  I was able to enjoy eating after three days of queasiness, though I am able to eat very little.

    Hope you are faring well.

  • ChristineO
    ChristineO Member Posts: 18
    edited February 2013

    Thanks for responding:)  Yes, It has been a long time hasnt it?  I am hoping the DCIS (stage 0) has remained DCIS and not become invasive but I have felt peace about it yet now that you ask it makes me wonder why its been so long.  My husband says since we live in Canada (though I'm not sure if you are in the States or Canada) it takes longer....I think the referall to the plastic surgeon took the longest.  

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2013

    Welcome ChristinO.  As JO-5 said, you are very welcome to post here and ask quesitons.  You will find tips, answers and referrals to other threads where you can get other info.

    JO-5 is here in the states and since youa re in Canada your health system is different.  I think, from what I have read on other threads, that even in Canada it can depend on where you are in the country how your treatment will be handled.  Please be certain you stay abreast of your care as you are your own best advocate.

    Notice I don't have any answers but if you haven't yet, check out the DCIS thread and also there are 2 threads you might find helpful - one for those 40 and under and one for those 40ish or so.  You can find them under 'All Topics' if you scroll through.

    But, as said, don't hesitate to come here at any time.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2013

    Welcome, ChristineO, prayers are coming that your stage remains at DCIS and your surgery goes well. So glad that you are here. This board is wonderful, filled with many Christian Sisters and Prayer Warriors. Honeybair, so glad to see you here and may you have many more side effect free days. Blessings to you!!! JO-5, Listened to Hal Lindsey, endearing man and wonderful speaker. Now, did I get this right, he was a young man in 1954 with his first job on a tug boat. He really does not look that old. God bless him. Thanks again for telling me about him!!!!!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited February 2013

    Please ladies, I need prayer! I am so weak, I am unsteady, especially in the morning. Taking a shower, doing my lymph massage, lotioning up, putting my compression sleeves on,getting dressed and then drying my hair. It exhausts me. I drink a lot of water even before I get up because it sounds like dehydration to me, plus maybe low salts. Monday morning I am supposed to get my port out but I'm not even sure they'll do it in my weakened state. And I've had an annoying cough for two months which feels like I'm being strangled by voluminous amounts of post nasal drip, but I'm not sure. I'm also cold all the time.It's only been ten days since chemo but this doesn't feel right. I have managed to take some slow walks around the mall (bad weather outside) but not every day. I don't know what's going on. I see the onc. on Wed. Thanks for having a safe place for me to ask for prayer!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2013

    Dearest Jeannie, I am lifting you up in prayer right now!!! Please let us know how your onc appt. goes. It does sound like your electrolytes are low, caused ny dehydration. Hope you feel better soon!!!!

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited February 2013

    Hi Christine0 and welcome,

    I too will be praying that nothing has changed as far as it progressing.  Perhaps they are confident in that time period given what they discovered in your tests.  One thing I've learned is ask questions and tell them when you are concerned about something.  Right now I am suppose to see my surgeon again next month.  I got delayed when I learned I will have to be in traffic court the same day and hour.  They gave my son a speeding ticket in my name w/my license #, all my info.  ......Anyway, they haven't scheduled a mammogram or mri which I am suppose to have before each appointment.  They didn't do that one my 1st visit and I called and they said I was mistaken about needing one.  It wasn't until the next time (which made it 1 year rather than 6 months) when they found I had 3 new lumps that I learned I wasn't mistaken and I was suppose to have one before.  They were all benign by the way.

    So if you ever feel like they are overlooking something or you had been told something different before don't hesitate to ask those making appointments or nurses to verfiy things with the doctor.  Even ask the doctor to double check if you aren't comfortable and I have found myself do you feel we should take this route?  It sounds like you did that well with the radiologist.  I have just always been reluctant to be assertive but I'm learning the importance of it at the proper time.

    Hope that's understandable and encouraging.  I am so glad you came to this board.  There are some of the sweetest ladies here.  I totally understand what you are talking about when you mentioned the emptiness so often found elsewhere.

    Please keep us posted and let us know so we can be praying for you.