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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited February 2013

    Hi Ladies,

    I have to share with you something wonderful that happened.  We have 2 young ladies that just came back from a 2 year mission trip.  They are sisters and were in separate countries and just before returning their mom passes away unexpectedly.  One is getting married and the other moved in with a lady who lives 30 min from us. The lady has also began coming to church and from what I understand hasn't had a easy life.  I was so excited and have been wanting to meet her.  You have to understand we are at least an hour from most people in our church.  She is also an hour away.  It's sort of like an odd triangle.

    Tonight I got to meet her and she actually lived in our town before and said she had a friend here.  It's the lady that I mentioned that is struggling with stage 4.  I was amazed and told her how I am planning to go she her.  She said she was wanting to see her as well but knew it would be hard for her.  So we are planning to visit with her together. It's going to sort of be a reunion and get to know each other all in one.  Only God could work that out as He did.  I had been thinking I need to meet this young lady when all the while God's plan was that He was sending her to me for that extra support I need.

    Thank you all for your prayers!

    Hope you all have a good night's rest.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2013

    Dear Fondak, what a wonderful story! Isn't is amazing how we see and feel God 's handiwork in everything?? And He always brings the right people into our lives!!! God bless you, Kathy

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited February 2013

    Fondak, that is so wonderful! God cares about all the details doesn't He?

    About your earlier post (sorry, I'm just catching up), I too sometimes feel anxiety creeping in regarding BC. I confess to looking at the stage IV threads once in a while, but not posting there, and then I get pretty freaked out, especially when I see someone who had a dx similar or better than mine around the same time I was dxd and now they have stage IV. In the past five months I have lost a sister at age 62 and a brother-in-law at age 56 both from unexpected heart attacks within four months of each other. One of my closest friends, the one I mentioned in a previous post, has her breast biopsy on 2/15 and will get the results on 2/19. Sometimes all of this threatens to overwhelm me emotionally and I get so focused on dying that I forget about living. I'm about a year ahead of you with dx. My granddaughter is the one person that really helps me out of the doldrums. Her smile has such an effect on me. I am reminded to keep my eyes fixed on Christ and not to look to the right or left. He will take us up the steep, craggy hills, but if we keep our eyes focused on Him, we will not fear and we will not stumble.

    I am praying about your husband's job decision. I pray that it would bless your marriage and you both as you would have time together to enjoy each other and worship together as a family.

    Jeannie, did you call your onc and report how terrible you feel? If not, maybe you should. Your body knows when something isn't right. I'm praying for strength for you. Please do keep us posted when you have the ability.

    Welcome Christine! I am praying for a successful surgery and peace as you wait. You will find a lot of loving and caring ladies here who will support you unwaveringly. Keep us posted on your progress.

    As for my foot, recovery is happening, but the progress is slow. It can take months for the nerve pain to diminish, but I was able to get a slip on walking shoe on today. I couldn't wear it long, but it felt so good to look normal for an hour or so. As soon as my foot swells, I have to get back into the fracture boot to do any serious walking. Around the house I have been wearing a soft sided slipper and walking on the heal of my foot.

    I will be seeing Erin, my 1 year old granddaughter for those of you who are new here, later this week. I can hardly wait. My bone scan has not been scheduled yet as I haven't heard back from my onc yet because she was out for several days. Personally I'm not in any rush!

    Patoo, the details of your trip are wonderful. Thanks for sharing them! I imagined you praying where Jesus prayed as I read your comments. Wow I got serious goosebumps!

    Kathy and Jo thanks for your encouragement to all of us. How is the LE flare doing for you both? Kathy I have been praying for your DS and DIL.

    CC hope you get to feeling better. Constipation is the pits. I eat lots of greens when I get constipated and drink lots of water and green tea. I also eat prunes (YUCK), but they do help.

    Honeybair and Bestock, still praying for you both as well.

    Mini how is your nephew doing?

    Love all you ladies and hope you have a blessed, Jesus-filled day!

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited February 2013

    Yes, prayers are going up for you.

    I have felt similar symtoms when my blood sugar and/or pressure is low and when I've become dehydrated. Your electrolytes may be out of balance. I hope your doctor has answers for you and you feel better soon.

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited February 2013

    Jeannie, are you able to drink some Gatorade or Pedialyte? It might help if you are dehydrated.

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited February 2013

    I went in for blood work but cancelled the port removal. I insisted on seeing a nurse or PA and was thoroughly examined by a nurse. No problem found on exam. Blood work showed electrolytes are fine. Salt a little low so had French fries on way home. Red blood cells are low but not enough for a transfusion. I really think the warm water from the shower is vaso-dilating me, adding to my problems. Guess I'll have to stop doing lymph massage in the shower. I see the Onc on Wednesday. Thank you so much for the prayers!

    Giant praise!!! my daughter and son-in-law watched the Christian movie, Courageous about men stepping up and being good husbands and dads. My SIL is a cop, like the men in the movie. Both my D and SIL saw themselves reflected in the movie and cried their hearts out. They are separating for six months while he gets counseling. He is totally contrite and wants to make it work. My D's trust and feelings have been so damaged over the years, but she wants him to get the help he needs. Best part!!! He wants to go to church and my daughter is going with him!!!

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited February 2013 sorry, I don't know how I missed your previous post.  I am glad you were able to get some blood work done.  I wonder if you picked up something viral between the last chemo treatments and then the last one on top of it made things worse.  I do remember a couple of weeks after my chemo going up and down the stairs were more difficult for me than during chemo.  I think it may have been all the build up from the treatments which made it more difficult at the end and took longer than I anticipated to gain strength.

    That is a Giant Praise for your family!  I am so thankful and it is always so encouraging to see God working in areas we feel are hopeless!

    Rocket..Thank you for your encouragement.  I actually saw a nouthetic counselor today and I can already tell it is going to be so helpful for me as a worrier.  Nouthetic counceling is totally looking to scripture for answers to our problems.  I had never heard of it before but I know they have a couple of them our the church which other churches all around send people to all the time.  It is so true what you said about our focus being on Christ.  When I look around me and not to Him that's exactly when I begin getting caught up in my circumstances and even predicting a future that may not be yet living as if it is a reality.

    Thank you also for your faithfulness to pray for my family.  So happy you will be seeing Erin!  Glad to hear about your progress though slow at least it's in the right direction.

    Kindergarten, It's so true.  He amazes me and does send just the right people into our lives!  For me and my life that includes you and the ladies here!  

    Does anyone have anything coming up?  I feel like I'm forgetting something.   I know Christine's surgery and Rocket's overly cautious scan the dr ordered (I'm thankful for overly cautious..didn't mean it in a negative way...that's just what I think it is but still stressful believe me I know!) Beestock...You're still waiting on results, right? CCFW are you feeling better?

    Jo5, Patoo, and all you ladies here..... Hope you rest well and continue to grow closer to Christ each day!

  • ChristineO
    ChristineO Member Posts: 18
    edited February 2013

    Thank you ladies for each of your replies to my post.  I feel blessed to have met you on here!  One thing I've wondered about is, should I take the counselling they offer (free) at the womens health place (where I went for my mammogram and biopsies)?   Back in the fall they called me (they phoned a few times not sure when all) and at that point I didnt feel I needed to, maybe because nothing was happening just then.  Do you ladies recommend that? or did you have counselling?  (re. the mastectomy)  Thank you!!:)  

    Have any of you ladies ever tried doing things that are outside of the regular medical field?  (like change of diet(from mild changes to things like Gerson therapy(juicing), naturopath, homeopathic etc?)  I've done small changes in these areas by eating mostly vegetarian (fish though), dropping milk for the most part (I use coconut or almond) and I've been seeing a homeopathic Dr. and taking some of the homeopathic remedies (drops).  I know a beautiful young mom who is early 30s going through BC (I believe stage 3) and has done only natural but I'm not sure it is working for her.  I know I need to excercise (walk) and I find that the hardest thing to do.

    When I was at the plastic surgeons, I asked him what I would do for a bra during the period of time where I have a mastectomy (on the left side) and before I have had expander in long enough and he said he wasnt the person to ask (but to ask the cancer clinic...and Im not sure who that is exactly) so if you have any ideas for where I should look or who I would call that would be great:)  Maybe this isnt the place to post this but I feel very new to this website so not sure where to ask.  Thank you so much and know that I am praying for the ladies on here.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2013

    Dear Rocket, thank you for your prayers for my Jeff and Liz, they are doing much better, your prayers mean so much to me. Thank you also for asking about my LE, getting better with each PT appt. Bless you!

    Dear Jeanne, yes a Great Praise, in regards to your daughter and son-in-law!!! Prayers are being answered!! I hope you feel better each day!!!

    Dear Fondak, please keep us posted on your counseling!! It sounds so wonderful!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited February 2013

    Hi Ladies,

    I'm only posting briefly today just to ask for prayer for my sister-in-law, Carolyn. She has battled lung cancer for the last 8 years, but my brother, Rodney, called last night to inform me that they truly believe this will be her last week on Earth. She weighs 75 lbs. Though no of us can truly know the heart of another, I do not have confidence that she is a believer. Carolyn is the wife of my eldest brother, Donald. He is not handling her imminent death well at all. Please pray for them and for my family as we lose yet another. My heart is so grieved by death right now. Pray that the Lord would send someone to them who could give them the Gospel. I had given it to both of them a couple of years ago along with a care package as she was going through another chemo. Thank you dear friends! I am praying for your requests as well.

    Loving you,

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited February 2013

    I forgot to tell you that my onc got back to me and since my predominant nagging pain is in my lumbar spine, she recommended an x-ray rather than a bone scan. She believes that the pain in my back is likely due to arthritis, scoliosis and walking In a fracture boot for so long as it throws your body out of alignment. I will have the x-ray on Friday. Please pray that I don't get overly anxious about it. Fear of recurrence or mets is just awful!

    Thanks again Ladies.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited February 2013

    Praying for you ladies. My friends funeral is Thursday. I don't know if I can do it. I know it's selfish but it's so hard to attend the funerals these days. My husband will go and I will see the family at visitation, but it still hits close to home. Pray for her husband. He will be lost without her.

    Christine - after having horrid SE's from the AI's. I am drug free. People say the drugs are better than the cancer, but for me I have to respectfully disagree. They have them down for me as allergies and the QOL I experienced while taking them was not worth the few perentage points they gave me. I do take suppplements, have changed my diet, etc. 89% percent of people with my cancer type survive without the drugs, why not me? I know it's an unpopular sentiment and I can only speak for myself, but it is a decision I made after much prayer and I truly believe that it is a Spirit lead conviction not to take them. I did surgery and rads and if I have a receurrence, I may have to do something else, but right now I am walking in faith. Again, I don't judge anyone that doesn't do it my way and I know many women swear by the meds. I just know in my heart that at this time it is the right decision for me.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2013

    Dear Rocket and Mini1, I just lifted you both up in prayer, knowing that your sadness right now must be overwhelming. Losing loved ones is so hard, but if you are not sure where they stand with the Lord, this can make the loss even harder. All we can do is pray that their hearts are softened and hopefully they accept His Word. They can be saved at any time. I wish you both comfort and peace at this difficult time.

    Rocket, please know that you will also be in my thoughts and prayers for your x-ray, please keep us posted. I know your anxiety, but I just know you will be fine. Blessings, Kathy

  • ChristineO
    ChristineO Member Posts: 18
    edited February 2013

    Mini-thanks for your reply:) First, I am so sorry for your loss.  I pray that you will know if you can go or not and if you do that you will feel peace.  

    I'm not exactly sure what the letters stand for but I'm guessing SE is side effects, not sure what AI means.  Did you have a wide excision/lumpectomy as well as radiation?  (not a mastectomy?)  I should figure out the lingo but not sure how:)  and not sure how to post my medical information like you ladies do at the bottom of your posts.  (what does Dx mean by the way? Is there a place I can look to find out what the shortened forms mean so I dont have to bother you?)  Thanks so much:)

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2013

    Hi, Christine, I know all the abbreviations can be confusing!! AI, means aromatose inhibitors: aromasin, arimidex, femara, etc. they are taken usually in pill form and they block the estrogen in your body, many breast cancers are estrogen positive! I take aromasin, my receptors were estrogen positive and I was post menopausal at the time of diagnosis(DX). These drugs hopefully keep the cancer away. If you are premenopausal, tamoxifen is usually given! Hope this helps. Come here anytime for explanations, help and support!!! These ladies are wonderful here!!!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited February 2013

    Hi Christine, here is the link where you will find the abbreviations.

    You may have to cooy and paste it into your browser. It's one of the topics under All Topics called Abbreviations for Newbies I believe. You can also type the word abbreviations into the search box and you will find the thread. Dx stands for diagnosis.

    As for putting our diagnosis information at the bottom, I clicked on my name and went to profile and then included my information along with my signature. It was a long time ago, so I think that's the way I did it. :-)

    Mini, I am so sorry for your loss. I totally understand how you feel about funerals. I also struggle to go. I do, but it's a big struggle. I am praying for you.

    I hope you all have a blessed day. My sister-in-law is still hanging in there, but it is only a matter of days they tell us. Thank you so much for your prayers.

  • CCFW
    CCFW Member Posts: 570
    edited February 2014


  • CCFW
    CCFW Member Posts: 570
    edited February 2014


  • honeybair
    honeybair Member Posts: 234
    edited February 2013

    I am so glad we hve this groups.  Your posts are touching and uplifting.

    For some reason today, I have been a weepy crybaby.  May be dues to the discomfort of my port placement surgery last Monday.  Since I don't like to take as much pain medication as I need, the nagging pain may be contributing to my mood today.

    Has anyone else had weepy days like me?  I try not to think about the remaining chemo I am facing, or the terrible possible SE down the road.  But if I hear one more"keep a positive attitude!!!" from someone who does not have BC, I may lost it.

    On thehappy, I am getting cards and little gifts on an almost daily basis, and there are many people praying for me.  How anyone could face this ordeal without the love and comfort of The Lord , I do not know.

    Hugs to all of you, and I will pray for all of you whenever I go to bed tonight.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2013

    Dear Honeybair!! Thank you for coming here to seek prayer, encouragement and support!!! You will get all three and more! All the feelings you have are so normal, please come here for relief and support!! We have all been there, and there is a huge light at the end of this cancer journey, and Jesus is with you every step of the way!!! It sounds like you have a great support system and you are loved very much!! Take this time to take care of yourself!! I read the Bible every day when I went through this journey. You are going to do great and by this time next year, you will be a mentor for others!!! Yes, what we do without our Faith, I am so glad we don't have to!!!! God Bless You!!!!

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited February 2013

    AI's prevent the body from producing estsrogen, that's why it is so hard on the bones and heart. Tamox keeps it from the original tumor site.

    I remember during radiation waiting around for a couple of hours for an appointment with the OT. I went to my appointment only to be told my appt. was not that day. I should mention that I was really nauseous and if not for that appt. I would have gone home and gone to bed. When she told me the appt was not that day, I busted out in tears. Totally not me. My husband used to tell me that it was a good thing it was summer and not Christmas, because I would have been in constant tears over the Hallmark commercials. After diagnosis and surgery, were hurting, scared, medicated, radiated and tired. The tears are normal, imho (in my humble opinion).

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited February 2013

    Sadly, my sister-in-law lost her battle with lung cancer. Prayers for my family would be appreciated, especially for my brother who is taking the loss of his wife very hard. My heart is deeply saddened, but God is still good and always in sovereign control. I honestly do not know how anyone could get through difficult days without the Lord. Thankfully we have Him to call upon.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2013

    Mini1 and Rocket, so sorry for your loss.  Prayers for you and your family are going up.

    Honeybair, you are still early to these threads/this journey so being weepy is not unusual.  It should get better over time as you learn this new way of life and get through your active treatments.

    Mini1, your treatment choices are yours alone and, on this thread at least, you have all our support without being judgmental.  Our prayers are always with you in any case.

    Jeannie57 - let us know how you made out today.

    Rocket, in Israel many of the sites that have been identified authentic have had churches built atop to preserve the area.  So sitting in one of the churches it, and I get chills even thinking about it, felt as though I was sitting over the exact spot where Jesus was.  Other sites you got the same feeling and our guide would explain that even if we were not touching the 'exact' spot we were definitely within a few yards of the spot.  Truly humbling.

    Kindergarten, CCFW, fondak, ChristineO, Twin (JO-5) - big hello to all.

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited February 2013

    Rocket, I am so sorry about your Sis-in-law. Prayers for all of you.

    Saw the Onc. today. At least I know why I've been feeling worse and worse lately since chemo ended on the first. I have atypical pneumonia and low salt. Hopefully I'll feel better and better with antibiotics.

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited February 2013

    Mini and Rocket I'm so sorry to hear about your losses.  I will be praying for those families.

    Mini, how is your nephew?

    Rocket, I'm praying that God is using this in your brother's life to draw him to Him.  I'm also thankful God's blessed him with a sister who he can reach out to if he has questions regarding the gospel.

    I know how scary it is to say we need to do more scans or biopsy's.  I'll be praying that God will give you peace through all that. 

    Jeannie....That would explain alot!  So sorry.  At least you can be recovering from this while you are recovering from your last chemo treatment I guess and not right after the weather is best to be in the garden.  I'm glad you're appoint was today too so you were able to get started on the antibiotics.  What do you do for low salt? 

    Wow it's amazing how God created us and we normally stay in balance with even things like salt.  There's so much going on we don't even realize all the ways He cares for us.

    Kindergarten,  I will absolutely share with you all how things are going with the counselor.  She gave me a link to listen to and l already love hearing the person.  Back in the day when Larry King was on TV, this pastor was a frequent guest and he was the one who always made more sense with his few words than those interrupting him with there ongoing sagas.

    I'm also memorizing scripture and had a pamplet to read on worrying that was really good.  I'm going to try and see if I can find it online. If I can't I'll try and get more if anyone wants one they can send me a private message with their address and I'll send it to them.

    I have had a much better refocused week already and this is my first week.

    Patoo  I can't imagine being there.  I think I wouldn't be good for anything if I went as I would never want to leave!  Wouldn't that be terrible?  I guess I would be worshipping the site more than the Savior at that point but I would be so tempted to want to set up camp near there.

    CCFW Glad to hear you are doing better.  Maybe now it will stay that way since you know to be aware of the potential of it returning and you can be drinking more, taking something when necessary, etc.

    Honeybair  I remember when I had my port put in.  My discomfort made it hard for me to sleep because I normally slept on my stomach.  When I started chemo, I just thought...oh well, this is not going to be fun but it's something I've got to do for (I forget how many weeks now) and I can't go around it, over it, under it but I've gotta go through it and by God's grace I have this opportunity to do just that and also because I'm His He will go with me. He was with me all the way, even on the weepy days.  I will be praying for you as you are going through it.

    ChristineO  I always thought I would go the natural route if possible but when I got the diagnosis I thought....alright, I'm going to fight this with everything I can and I don't know where the research is or how valid it would be for doing those things(natural) but I was given the stats for women who took the treatment plans I had versus the women who took none or just varying parts of the treatment plan I had and that's what I went with. 

    I do also take alot of natural supplements that are suppose to be good for cancer also and I'm trying to lose the weight I've gained since all this started which is important.  I'm like you I don't like to walk.  I just can't see that changing but who knows.

    About the bra,  I had a soft pillow like form and a camisole (not sure that's spelled right) with pockets for the drains from after the surgery and a breast pocket for the form to go in.  I went from that to a sports bra with the pillow like form. It's good to get a comfortable sports bra that fastens in the front (not an underwire).  Later, I got a prosthetic and a bra for that with pockets.  I never really liked those bras and now just use the bra I used before.  I hope that's helpful.  Just tell me if I was confusing or you have questions about what I meant.  I should be asleep now so it very likely you could. Haha.

    Jo5  Thanks for the reminders it takes awhile to get use to the meds.  That always encourages me from someone who's been there!

    Everyone, Hope you all have a good night!

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited February 2013

    I do have a prayer request I wanted to mention.  My son works with a man who is 50.  They had an in depth conversation a few months back about what all is happening in the world, how this man had once had an inheritance and could have what he wanted and squandered it all away and even with it he felt empty. 

    My son shared about Solomon's life and referenced Romans about how our hearts are apart from Christ.  The man (Scott)who is very negative and mean in his attitude suddenly became a nervous wreck and said he had to take a break and went out back to smoke.  For the next few days he wouldn't even look my son in the face while working. 

    Today Scott shared with him (my son) that he just found out his heart is only functioning at 20%.  He then asked Scott if he was concerned about that and if he has thought about what will happen if he dies soon.  Scott told him that he has been thinking about it since the last time they talked and he keeps thinking about it.  So, my son told him that from their last conversation he understood the gospel and agreed with it.  Scott said, 'Yes but  and it was one thing after another.  My son told him...I know what it is...You don't want to give up the things you love in this world.   He said that's it and he has a hard time with giving up women.  He was an alcoholic and quit.  He had anger issues and even stabbed people....he just don't know how bad I was and how much better I am.  But as we all know we were no better apart from Christ and that's what my son shared and that our righteous deeds were as filthy rags.

    My son asked him what is it if he has all the women he wants but loses his soul. 

    Please pray for this man.  He is sick, very pale, very tired and most of all very lost in need of a Savior.  Please pray that God would show him mercy and grace granting him salvation and we would give God all the praise and glory!

  • honeybair
    honeybair Member Posts: 234
    edited February 2013

    Rocket, I am so sorry for the loss of your sister-in-law.  My prayers go out for you, as well as for your brother.  Your posts bring such comfort to me as to others I am sure.

    Thank you to all of you who posted words of encouragement for me yesterday.  I will continue to seek your wisdom and your strength.

    Hugs to all of you. 

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited February 2013

    Rocket, I am so sorry for your loss.

    I'm saddened for my friends husband who spent V-day at his loves funeral. So much earthly sadness these days.

    My nephew is hanging in there. I haven't heard from him this week, but we'll be there to see him in 2 weeks. I can't wait. I'm taking him a care package and bringling lots of TLC.

    Praing for all of yo lovely ladies.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2013

    Dearest Rocket and Mini1 ,I am so sorry for your losses. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers!!!

    Hugs to all here, Jeannie, I Am so glad they found the problem!!! I hope you are feeling better soon!! God bless you all and Happy Valentines Day!!!!

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited February 2013

    I got my results, I have some tumors on my liver and one possible in lymph node under my arm. I will havea  needle biopsy of liver to see if it is BC if not , it would be worse. Tumors small and maybe hormonal treatment will work if BC. I will know more after the 25th..

    I am okay and at peace, the Lord has seen be through a lot of things including stage 4 ovarian cancer, so I think He arranged for me to find out EARLY so I can be treated and healed.

    Thanks for all the prayers.