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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited February 2013

    Bestock - Sending up prayers for you.

    PTL - My nephew got an appt for Monday. He's lost two more pounds this week, so sooner is definitely better. Pray that the Lord will be with the Doctor and they will have answers for him and he will have peace through this.

    Thank you everyone for a your prayers.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2013

    Dear Bestock , thank you for letting us know!! You are so positive and faithful!! Our Lord and your doctors will take good care of you!!! Please keep us posted. GOd Bless You!!!

  • ChristineO
    ChristineO Member Posts: 18
    edited February 2013

    Fondak-thanks so much for your response.  I talked to someone who gave me the name of a bra company in the city (that is for mastectomies).  I'm only have the left side taken so will be lopsided....for a time.  If only I could get the right kind of shoes I keep thinking, because I would actually like to walk but I have 80 year old feet the podiatrist told me...I have hallux rigidus in my big toes.  (arthritis).  Walking is more fun with a friend or a spouse or one of our kids so maybe try that:)

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2013

    Dear Mini1, prayers for healing and answers for your nephew on Monday. May everyone here have a very blessed weekend!!!!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2013

    bestock, keeping you in prayer.  We serve an awesome God and know that He is there each step of the way.

    ChristineO, not sure where you are but if you have a RoadRunner Sports store they will test your gait and fit you with the proper walking shoes.  Best thing is it is no more expensive than any other sporting goods store where you buy running/walking/cross training shoes.  Since you have a special need it will be worth getting properly fitted.  Eastern Mountain Sports may do the same thing, not sure but definitely go somewhere that they test you walking, etc. and not just check your size.

    Mini1, prayers also going up for your nephew.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited February 2013

    TY all for the prayers.

    Custom inserts made a world of difference for me after an ankle/knee injury. They weren't cheap, but they were worth it, and they'll last a long time.

  • ChristineO
    ChristineO Member Posts: 18
    edited February 2013

    Thanks, I have done those things actually...groan, they didnt work.  I've tried on and bought very pricey runners (and had them watch me walk), had the insoles (500$), and the best type though not wonderful are the rounded rocker bottom shoes.  I have a pair of Skechers but I am looking at some called Xelero (though I dont know if I can order online) and Allegria as well.  I have to have something that my big toes dont have to bend.  Crazy hey?

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2013

    Dearest Ladies!! Thank you for all your prayers for my DS and DIL, business is picking up and their relationship is so much better!! The power of prayer is simply amazing and God is so Good!!! What would I do without this wonderful thread and all you wonderful women!! I so appreciate each and everyone of you !!! God Bless You All !!!!

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited February 2013

    I am thankful for all your prayers, does any one of you have liver mets??

    What treatment are you receiving. . I have pain as I wait to get biopsy

    , which is over a week away. I think it is in my liver (comes and goes) Just let me know what to expect, I am getting anxious.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2013

    Dearest Bestock, I am praying that you do not have liver mets, but there are many, many treatments available and there are excellent threads on this board, that will give you all the information you need!! You are never alone here, and know that you are covered in prayer and we will support and encourage you!!! Please keep us posted!!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited February 2013

    Bestock, I am praying for healing and that the biopsy will be benign. I am also praying for peace as you wait for the biopsy. Fear and anxiety are no stranger to me and most of the ladies here, and yet you have such strong faith. God has brought you through so much already. Cling to Him and the cross. He will never leave or forsake you. I will keep you bathed in prayer.

    Mini, praying that the doctors will discover the cause of your nephew's weight loss and that they will have a simple treatment for it. I'm also praying that God will draw him close as he waits for a diagnosis.

    Kathy, indeed the power of prayer is awesome! I was so excited to hear of your DS and DIL's progress in their relationship and business. I will pray that it continues. You are a wonderful MIL as an example to them. They are so blessed to have you in their lives, (and so are we).

    Christine, I can commiserate with the foot problems. I have so much hardware in my feet now, that when they take an x-ray, I look like a tool box! I am still struggling quite a bit with pain, but I am so determined to walk that I will do anything. This Tuesday I will start pool therapy to try and reduce the swelling and pain.

    Thank you all for the prayers for my spinal x-ray. It turned out to be arthritis and a sixth lumbar vertebrae (most people have only five) along with scoliosis and not mets. They also noted two round objects in my lower left abdomen, "likely ingested material", code word for poop! LOL! I never thought I'd be relieved to hear that! LOL!

    Love all you ladies and will continue to pray for your various requests bringing them to the throne of grace and our Almighty God.

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited February 2013

    Thanks Rocket and Kindergarten for your encouragement,

    UndecidedI will remain hopeful and just Trust, as the lessons I will learn will be for MY Growth and God's Glory.

    I am going to update my info so it comes us, as I have been so healthy for years, and now have a new JOURNEY!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2013

    Dearest Rocket, thank you so much for your prayers and encouragement!!! You made me chuckle as you compared yourself to a tool box. You have a great sense of humor, no matter what your challenges are!! You are a blessing to all of us here!!!

    Bestock, I am so amazed and encouraged by your strong faith and positive attitude. You are such a Christian role model!!! You will be mentoring to others!!! Prayers are coming for peace as you await biopsy results. God Bless You!!!!)

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2013

    Also, Rocket, Praise The Lord, for a clean spinal x-ray!!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited February 2013

    I can't remember if I told you, but I am very sick. I have pneumonia. With my immune system still down, it's tough. Chemo ended Feb. 1. This isn't what I thought was next! I've avoided the hospital so far. Still trusting and resting in God.

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited February 2013

    Oh Jeannie, I'm so sorry you are sick. I am praying for you and asking God to heal you. I'm also praying that you will continue to avoid the hospital. Drink lots of fluid and see if you can tolerate some chicken soup. Your testimony is strong. You have been through so much! Big gentle ((((((HUGS)))))!

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited February 2013

    Praying for all of you. We go through so much sometimes, but God is there. This morning in kids church, pastor used the illustration of riding a bike and going along on a nice flat road that doesn't take much work. It's boring, but it's not too hard, so you keep plugging along.Then Jesus comes along and asks you to go for a ride on his two-seater with him steering in the front. He starts out going up a hill and you're working and pedaling and you're telling Jesus that you think you'd like to go back to your boring ride instead, but He keeps telling you to hang on and keep pedaling. And then, when you think you can't go any further, He tells you to hang on and you start going downhill and the wind is blowing and your practically flying and it's so exciting you can hardly stand it you're having so much fun. And that's how life is. Sometimes we go up hill and pedal like crazy, and it's hard and it hurts, and sometimes we get the ride of our lives, but ultimately, we will have the perfect day, every day. I thought it was a great illustration for my own life.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2013

    Dear Jeannie, I am lifting you up in prayer right now!!!  Blessings to you, May Our Lord give you rest, healing and peace.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2013

    I am so thrilled at how you all share with one another as each have one issue after another and still you come here and raise up prayers and encouragement.  You all really live the lives that our Lord wants us to follow, love for one another. 

    Lifting each of you up in prayer.  May the Lord continue to rain down His perfect blessings upon you all.

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited February 2013

    Dear all How do  you put your history at the bottom of posts,I searched but could not find it.Thanks for help in advance!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited February 2013

    Bestock, click on your blue highlighted name under your avatar to bring up your profile. Then click on the settings tab and scroll all the way to the bottom where you see "Signature". Click "Edit", and include whatever dx information you wish along with your signature. Some people put quotes or other things as well. Make sure you click the public button next to signature so everyone can see it.

  • honeybair
    honeybair Member Posts: 234
    edited February 2013

    It is good to read all the posts on here each day.  Much encouragement comes from all of you.

    Saw my primary care doc today to go over my lab reports of last week, and he revealed that I am anemic which is to say my body is short of one pint of blood.  That explains my extreme fatique today.  I have had chemo and Neulasta treatments just twice.  Was wondering if anything similar had happened to anyone else.  I have been super-vigilant about hand washing and when I go into public places always wear a facial mask.  I have 3 AC treatments more, every two weeks, then it is on to Taxol.

    It is so good to have this place to visit where we can help one another.

    May the Good Lord keep all of you in His loving and watchful care.

  • honeybair
    honeybair Member Posts: 234
    edited February 2013

    Jeannie, sorry to hear about the pneumonia. Hope you recover well with no complications.

    Bestock, hope you get a good report upcoming, but know you are feeling frightened and vulnerable.  We are here with you and pulling for you as we remember you in our prayers.  I pray that God will grant you peace.  The fears that we encounter while fighting this disease are many, yet we have all felt the peace that God grants us whenever we ask for it.

    Rocket, you are such a bright light filled with humor and compassion.  You are such an inspiration.  Are you sure you are old enough to be in this group.  I base this on your photo, of course.  It is good to have a place for us older ladies.

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited February 2013

    LOL, Honeybair! I am 52 years old. Thanks for the compliments! I needed that today. My big toe on my surgery foot is infected and I think I have a bladder infection. UGH! It's always something lately. If things aren't better by morning I will call my doctor.

    Honeybair, I'm sory your counts are low. I too had chemo and Neulasta. I too became anemic and exhausted, but my neutrophils remained stable due to the Neulasta injections. I think it's typical to experience anemia on chemo, but the neutrophils are what they look at to see if you are more prone to infection. I remained anemic for over a year after only three chemo treatments. My fatigue did improve over time however. I will pray that your fatigue will resolve. Be gentle with yourself while you are in treatment. Rest when you feel tired and eat protein to help you recover.

    Jeannie how are you doing today? Are you any better? praying for you too Hon.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2013

    Dear Honeybair, I am so sorry that you are feeling the fatigue from the Chemo. I also had 4 AC and then took taxotere. I am so glad that you are taking Neulasta to keep your while blood cell count up. I was never offered it, but I was fortunate to keep my white cells up. The fatigue is normal, I am sure, but just check with onc to make sure everything is OK. You did say you were anemic, and that would also contribute to the fatigue. God bless you and please come here often so that we can support you every step of the way. Like Jeannie, this journey will end and then you will be mentoring others. Hugs, Kathy

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited February 2013

    I was anemic, but not from chemo. From malnutrition. I have my gastro issues taken care of now and it's made a huge difference in how I feel. Now I eats me spinach (among other things) every day. :-) The low iron will definitely make you tired and nauseous. I hope you find some relief.

    You all are in my prayers.

  • ChristineO
    ChristineO Member Posts: 18
    edited February 2013

    I just wanted to say that as I scroll down the page to read I pray for you each.  I feel like you should all get an award or something for all you have been through.  With love, Christine

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2013

    Dear ChristineO, thank you for your prayers!! I am so glad that you have joined this wonderful thread!! You are a blessing!!! Kathy

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited February 2013

    Thanks Rocket, I  will edit the dx descriptions when i find out about biopsy. Has anyone had a liver Biopsy?, I am a bit fearful, it is a vascular organ, so will it bleed a lot?

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited February 2013

    Hi everyone,

    I'm didn't realize I haven't posted in so many days!  My son's friends' mom that I mentioned earlied passed away last week.  Her life and the way her family handled everything was such a testimony of God's love, greatness and glory!  Only with God can something so sad be so beautiful....of course nothing as sad and beautiful at once as His own Son's death!

    Kindergarten, I'm so thankful for the news about your son and daughter-in-law!  That is absolutely wonderful!

    Rocket,  Sorry to hear about your infection and possible bladder infection.  If I lived close to you I would bring you my blanket a friend gave me while I was going through chemo.  It was pink and had a big cookie on it that said "One tough cookie".  It is so comfy.  I was just are truely One tough cookie and it reminded me of the blanket.

    Jeannie,  I hope you are feeling better.  I know you must be pretty weak with just finishing up chemo and then having pneumonia.  I'm glad you were able to start getting it treated when you did.

    Honeybair, I was anemic during chemo too.  They would give me a print off of my labs each time before I started and I noticed my counts were really low and she told me it was common and pretty much expected but if it got too low they would do something and I may have to skip a treatment (not actually miss one but postpone it).  I never did.  I almost did once because of my liver enzymes but I convinced them I felt really well and able to do it and it was just below the mark.  I called my radiologist who was into natural treatments along with the conventional to see if I could take something to help my liver while getting chemo and he told me to take milk thistle. They couldn't believe the change in the counts from the prior treatment and I didn't have any other issues with my liver enzymes following that. 

    Bestock, I hope your tumors will be like mine in my remaining breast when I went back for my first 6 month check up with my surgeon.  They were not there before and the biopsies showed they were all benign.

    ChristineO, I'm so glad you are here too!  Prayers are such a comfort.

    Everyone a prayer request....I know I mentioned this before but please pray for my son's coworker.  50 yr old Scott who believes the gospel is true but doesn't know the Lord as Savior and he is really struggling with that and asking very good questions. I think I mentioned he just found out his heart is only working at 20%.  I have never met him but it's amazing to consider what God is doing.  My son was surprised to see how engaging he was and his humility while talking about these matters.  This is the same man who used to never even call my son by his name.  When I asked what he called him, he told me I didn't want to know.  Please pray that his heart won't be hardened to the things he is considering but that God will have mercy on him as He has each of us and he too will become one of His.

    Thank you ladies for all your encouragement. Patoo, Jo5 and Mini....each of you I am so thankful to be able to come here and share with you the things of my heart as I do!

    Love you all and hope you all rest well tonight.