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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2013

    Dear Mini1, I am lifting up your nephew right now. Prayers for recovery, healing and a diagnosis. Jeannie, it is always so good to see you here, but I am so sorry that you are feeling so weak. I am also lifting you up in prayer. May you feel stronger just knowing you are covered in prayer!!! Blessings,Kathy

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited February 2013

    Jeannie, I am praying that God heals you and lifts your spirits. It's so hard to keep your spirits up when your body is determined to keep you down. I pray God give you that peace that passes understanding until you are better.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2013

    AW, sorry about the Spirulina, Jo, but there are so many other supplements that you can try!!! You will find find the right combo, hang in there!! Blessings, Kathy

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2013

    Dear JO, thank you so much for the reminder about bestock!!! I am lifting her in

    prayer right now.

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited February 2013

    Hi Ladies,

    I'm just now catching up on posts. I have a little notebook where I record all of your prayer requests so that I don't forget to pray. I have been praying for Bestock and hope she is recovering and that she gets a good outcome from her biopsy.

    Mini, I continue to pray for your nephew and his doctor's. I'm sure that it is very distressing for your family as well. I pray they can figure out what is wrong and soon.

    Jeannie, how are you doing? Have you regained any of your strength? I pray that each day you will see improvement and feel better and better. I do understand discouragement. My foot is still swollen and it has been ten weeks since my surgery. I am weary from pain, but so determined to walk normally again.

    Jo, as you know I struggle with supplements. I have quit taking most as everything I try upsets my digestion. I am trying to get my nutrition from healthy food while also losing weight in the hope that it will lower my cholesterol. I do take calcium and vitamin D along with a multivitamin and extra vitamin C. I have a feeling my doctor is going to suggest a statin at my next visit in two weeks and I hate the idea of taking another pill. At least my HDL is really high.

    Hey Fondak, CC, Honeybair, Patoo, Kathy and Christine. Hope you all are doing well.

    Love you Ladies! Have a blessed day!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2013

    Good Morning, lovely ladies!!! Jo, you are not whining, you are just stating the facts and trying to find some solutions!!! You are always covered in prayer and solutions are coming!!!

    Rocket and Jeannie, hope you both are feeling better and better each day!!!

    Bestock , please check in and let us know how the biopsy went!!!!

    Fondak, how are you?

    Hi, Patoo, Mini1, CC! Honeybair and Christine!!! Hugs and Blessings!!!!

    My DS and DIL, are working hard on their relationship and financial issues!!! Thank you for all your prayers, but please keep praying for them!!!!

    I don' t know what I would do without your support and prayers!!!!

  • honeybair
    honeybair Member Posts: 234
    edited February 2013

    It has been a rough week since my last infusion last Wed: nausea, no hunger, no energy plus a big case of weepiness yesterday.  Before I went to sleep last night, my husband held me and prayed for me and I prayed for myself as well as for all of you.  Woke up today in much better spirits.  I am in every other week for my AC infusions and have two more to go.  Sometimes I question just giving up but know what will happen if I do.  Still, I wonder just how these treatments and the many to come will prolong my life.

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited February 2013

    Thanks for all the prayers

    Had liver Biopsy yesterday.

    It went okay, nerve-wracking tho, a large needle in the liver.... I had some dream state drug so I did not see it, and was in a CT scanner at the same time.

    I will be having consultation on Thursday. I just hope I can get into treatment and start killing off these mets.. Love you guys!!God Bless

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2013

    Dearest Honeybair, I know your feelings and they are so normal, but please keep fighting. Just come here and post when you are having an icky day. We are all here to pray and support you. Take this time to just take care of yourself.Remember you were a survivor on the day you were diagnosed. Our Lord is with you every step of the way, and by his stripes you will be healed and be renewed. I wish I knew about this board when I was going through treatment.I am now almost 8 years out. You can do it. God bless you!!!!!Smile

    Dear bestock, Thank you so much for letting us know how your biopsy went, and please let us know how your consultation goes. You are covered in prayer, and again by His Stripes you will be healed. God bless you!!!!Smile

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited February 2013

    Bestock, thanks for updating us.  We are praying for you and your consultation Thursday.  Your faith is strong and we are all here to pray you through treatments as needed.  As Kathy said, the Lord is with you every step of the way.

    Honeybair, the road feels longest when we are suffering through treatments, but you will come out on the other side and see the sunshine again.  Hang tough and get through it the best you can.  We are all here to pray for you and support you through this difficult time.  One day at a time and when that seems too long, one minute at a time.

    Jo, I truly do understand your frustration with supplements and medications.  I am eating my oatmeal every morning, drinking green tea, eating prunes for bone health, 5,000 IUs of vitamin D, going to try CoQ10 supplements, take fish oil caps, and eat mostly fruits and veggies.  I read online that a heart healthy diet should contain no more than 200 mg of cholesterol a day.  It's rare for me to eat 20 mg a day!  It makes me angry that my cholesterol is 283!  I don't want to take a statin drug as I have read they can cause joint pain.  I have so much of that already I just don't think I can handle any more.  I also have osteopenia from Arimidex and am concerned that they will be recommending a bisphosphonate.  I don't want any more drugs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yell  The side effects for me are always numerous.  My body is so sensitive to meds and I'm always the one who gets the side effect that only 1% of people get.  GRRR!  Sorry for my whine as well.

    I am praying for all you ladies each day.  I hope you know how much I care for every one of you.  You are my sisters.

    Have a blessed day!

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited February 2013

    Today I feel so weak spiritually, am afraid,about tomorrow...results

     but I think of a word from a song I heard the other day "Whose report will you believe,.I will believe in The report of the Lord" Please pray for me. I love you gals too.

    He is in control..

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2013

    Amen, bestock!! We are here for you.

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited February 2013

    We are indeed here Bestock, lifting you to the throne of grace. I struggle a lot with fear, but I also know that God will never leave you or forsake you. I heard a testimony by a lady in our church that has had four different kinds of cancer, she has been through many different treatments, and is still around, vibrant and fighting. You remind me of her in that you too are a fighter. I pray you feel the Lord's presence very near to you both now and at tomorrow's appointment. BIG ((((((((((HUGS))))))))))!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2013

    Even when we are not around (like me who seems to disappear regularly) we are still lifting eachother up in prayer.  bestock, God is in control, just take that thought with you tomorrow.

    I have caught up on all your posts and will voice praises and intercessory prayer for each of you as I go before the Lord tonight.  I can't say it enough and right now I have tears in my eyes because this thread is, as far as I'm concerned, the very best of all these boards and I feel so blessed to have each of you as my cyber-friends, fellow sisters-in-Christ.

    JO-5, you sent me a message that I still have not responded to.  Not because I forgot - just neglectful!  (and don't tell Ma!).  Yes, that is me being re-baptised in the Jordan.  A truly humbling experience.  I lost my pictures (corrupted memory card), was able to retrieve them but now having trouble getting them to upload.  Frustrating but I do have the memories of walking the very paths our Lord walked and that I will never lose.

    Be blessed friends.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2013

    Dear Patoo, such kind words from such a kind woman!!! God bless you!!!!

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited February 2013

    Bad news a delay....Undecidedthe results have not come back. hate to wait and am bummed, but I will not know anything until MONDAY. I am so tired I tried to work today for 3 hrs I was fine...but now I am so tired and feel bloated around the liver area

    You ladies are so great, I will be praying for you all to take my mind off of "self" the LORD is near,....I know and feel that.

    I have a wonderful hubby 26th anniv today, I know this is hard on him too.. Please pray for him too.


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2013

    Dear Bestock, I am so sorry for the delay!! Please know I will be praying hard and furious for you!!!! Our Lord has a plan for you!!! Maybe the first results were inconclusive, which can be a good sign. Lots of blessings!!!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited February 2013

    Bestock, lifting both you and your DH in prayer. I'm also hoping that the results were inconclusive and that things may turn out benign. Cling to the cross as you wait in faith that God is holding you in the palm of His hand. Try to have a wonderful anniversary living one day at a time.

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited February 2013

    Hi everyone,

    Finally got a new computer this weekend but Windows 8 is an adjustment for sure!  I've been trying to figure it out and somehow got to a place that you can use it like the regular desktop.

    Bestock,  Please know I have been praying for you and will continue to keep you in my prayers.  Congratulations on your anniversary.  I hope you two can do something special and enjoy it like you have many more years to come.  Nobody knows your future except Christ and He knew on your 6th, and 16th that you would have a 26th!  You didn't know on your 16th that you would have a 26th but you probably weren't thinking about it like you do now...I know!  So, I'm praying not only for your test results but that you have a wonderful anniversary as well.  There will only be one 26th and you got it!  I'm praying for your sweet husband too!

    I can say all this because I just came out of a conversation with my son about the subject of wondering how much more time we have here when our days are already numbered.  I don't think when I get in a car about car wrecks and those I know who have gone on before me that way but I tend to think of cancer and look at those who have gone on before me with cancer.  I hear of a lot more accidents than cancer and even been in a serious on myself but I still get in cars.  In our conversation the only way I reason my anxiety that may come is when I am focusing on cancer and not on that fact that God has me in His hands and His control for the number of days He has set for me here and forever more.  It's something I'm working on. 

    Love you precious sister!

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited February 2013

    Rocket and Jo5  Sorry to hear about your cholesterol problems.  I do believe fish oil and CoQ10 has kept mine at bay.  With all the weight I've gained and how I ate through chemo (sweet and starchy was all that like it should) I was certain mine was going to be high but both counts were well above and below what they should a good way.  I can't remember which is which with the hdl and ldl.

    I am making some major changes to my diet.  I need more energy which I know also comes with exercise but I have found myself to be good for nothing else when I exercise.  All the while the weight continues to go up.

    Rocket, I hope your pain is improving.

    Jeannine, I hope your strength is improving as well.  I know I was so disappointed when I finished my treatment.  I couldn't hardly get up the stairs without feeling like my legs were going to give out.  I did better with that all through treatment than I did the weeks following.  I learned it was the cummulative effect of the treatments that would take time to wear off and when it did I felt great again.  I can't imagine if I had the sickness you are having on top of that but I feel certain you will begin to get back to yourself sooner rather than later.  Now all I deal with are the side effects of aromasin and some lymphadema.  That I feel will improve over time as well.  Kindergarten has been a real encourager to me with that!

    Speaking of Kindergarten,  I continue to pray for your son and his family.  I know the stress finances can bring but praying that God will use this to help them work through things together and become stronger.  My husband is not taking the job I was so concerned over.  I'm so thankful.  There was no way we could survive on what would be nothing for a few months and no guarantee thereafter.  We are going to have 2 months with no pay but my prayer is the same as with your son.  In the end I pray we will look back and say this was really a good thing.....not what we wanted but look what we learned!

    Patoo, I love the photo.  Such a beautiful picture and I know a wonderful memory for you.  I hope we can see more.  This comes from someone who would not know where to begin with that even without a corrupt card.

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited February 2013

    Christine0, I was wanting to share something with you about my surgery.  I was taking fish oil, garlic, Coq10, and I can't remember what all but things like a multivitamin, curcumin (turmeric)  all this natural stuff.  Well, I didn't take it the day before and thought that was good enough.  Anyway, I hemmoraged to the point I had to stay longer in the hospital and the surgeon thought he was going to have to go back in and stop the bleeding but fortunately he didn't.  For weeks after the surgery I was black from the blood all the way down to my hip bone!

    It's nothing to be scared of but I mention it because it would have been totally preventable had I known to stop my supplements sooner.  I figured this out when I went to have my ovaries and such removed.  The nurse was like...garlic that's a no no before surgery, fish oil...can't have that, no CoQ10.  She said all these could cause bleeding.

    Hope that's helpful.  It's March 20 right?'s your nephew doing?

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited February 2013

    Hi, Fondak!!! So good to see you!! Prayers are coming your way as well, and glad that prayers were answered concerning the other job!!! I know that prayer is answered when we pray faithfully and often! Thank you always for your kind words,support and encouragement!!!

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited March 2013

    I've been gone for awhile visiting my nephew. We were able to bring his mom with us. It doesn't help him physically, but it sure seems to be helping with both their mental and emotional stress levels. He has more appts. next week. He was in the hospital for 3 days this past week. His heart rate is all over the place, almost at 100% max rate one hour (while resting), down to 38 the next.

    I take a turkey tail mushroom supplement. It has multiple types of mushrooms in it. I can't take fish oil-it hurts my stomach. CoQ10 is much easier. I use that when I don't get my oils from food. I cannot take any of the AI's. I had all but 3 of the myriad side effects. It was horrible. It was not a matter of tolerating a few uncomfortable SE's. It was no sleep for days at a time, extreme bone pain, confusion to the point I was afraid to drive, memory loss, nausea, loss of appetite, balance issues, vision problems (which did not clear 100% after stopping the AI's), and I could go on and on. I am definitely in the 1%. I need to talk to my boss (he is in the organic food industry) regarding a new pre-biotic that is supposed to be good. One of the upsides of my new job.

    I don't know what I've eaten, but my stomach is killing me. Maybe it's just gotten used to everything being organic and hormone free. I'm not taking anything but the DIM for now, and drinking my green drink for awhile.

    Oh and heads up, I just read this morning that the FDA is nearing allowing sugar substitutes to be used in dairy product including milk, cheese, yogurt, cheese sticks, etc., without have to put it on the label! Also, be careful using the butter substitutes. Several are 2 molecules away from being plastic. Your better off off using actual butter (just less of it) and olive oil.

    Hope all is well with everyone.


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2013

    Getting ready to turn in so will lift you all before the Lord in a few minutes.  So many needs but He is right there.  I love the feeling of Him kneeling there beside the bed with me. 

    Night friends.

    (yes, bestock, will definitely include your DH.  They suffer, many times silently, and are almost forgotten and need to also be encouraged)

  • ChristineO
    ChristineO Member Posts: 18
    edited March 2013

    Hi Fondak-wow that is awful!  I'm suprised they didnt tell you to quit taking supplements when they phoned to do the phone info. interview.  I got my call yesterday and she did tell me to stop taking vitamins and ibuprofen a week before.   I'm just hoping i wont get sick because I take vitamin D and "emergenC" to keep colds/sore throats/coughs at relatives have all been sick and we were around them.  My surgery is on the 20th.  I decided to do the bilateral (both) mastectomy.  I have to go in Monday to the city and sign the paperwork/see the surgeon etc.  I'm also going to go to a store where they sell camisoles for post surgery.  I hear they are 90$!  Wow!  The store is called "Compassionate Beauty" and my friend said to me (after i told her the price) that they have no compassion to charge that much for a camisole! ;)   I will still buy one as the nurse told me it will help to make me more comfortable.  I dont know if its because its taken soooo long, but I dont feel like I have cancer...but I'm trying to look at it like "even if I dont, and it was all taken out in the 3 wide excisions, it could come back...and some women do preventative mastectomies..."  to make myself mentally prepared.  I havent come on here for a week so will have to go a page back to see if there were other comments for me to answer...just a quick one for now as its bedtime.  

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited March 2013

    Dearest ChristineO, Please know that I will be praying daily for you!!!! May your healing and recovery be swift. You will have a very successful surgery, I just know it. God bless you, Kathy

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2013

    Yes ChristineO, we will be with you, in thought, as you go through and will send petitions for you to have peace.

    Blessings my friends.

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited March 2013

    Hi, all!

    I am happy to report that I feel more myself, emotionally and mentally. I am working on the physical. Yesterday I walked slowly around the block--almost a mile! Spiritually, I am holding steady. I am trusting but it's hard not to know what The Lord is doing. I know He is right beside me but is He healing me? Is He doing anything about my DH's joblessness? I know He is working in the world but we can't always see how. Sometimes we get discouraged. I am still trusting and depending on Him, which is what He wants. Praising Him, too, because as I've always said, If Jesus didn't do another thing for me, He's already done more than I could ever imagine by dying on the cross for my sins and redeeming me, rising from the dead to give me eternal life with Him.

    We serve a risen Savior!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited March 2013

    Oops, forgot to say that I read all about you and pray as I go.

    Honeybair, you can do this! We are stronger than we think we are, especially with The Lord by our side. I know how hard it is and you have my compassion.

    Bestock, I am praying for you and your appointment tomorrow. We are all here for you, praying for you and caring very much.

    Thank you for the prayers and thoughts for me. It really helps to have your loving support.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited March 2013

    Dearest Jeannie57!!! Thank you so much for your post today, I really needed it today!! I am struggling with a few things, and your post inspired and encouraged me!!! In spite of all that you have endured, you see the Light of Jesus in everything!!! Thank you, and I know that Our Lord is in control!!!! He does direct our path.

    Hugs to you all here!!