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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited March 2013

    jeannie57, Oh thanks I will be glad to know the results and game plan.... and start treatment,

    I love to know that so many people are praying. I went to church, and got tired (I help with the kids) I got bone-tired. I will resign the job, and just go  to church now. I loved praising Jesus and remember that I have Jesus with me and Holy Spirit in me. He will see me to the "end of my journey"

    I love you ladies and appreciate, I am praying for you all too.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2013

    Joshua 1:9 - "Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."

    My sisters, we continue to pray for each of you and our Lord is AWESOME in that He hovers over each and every one of us.  He who made every hair on our head, every cell in our body, will not leave us.  Yes, we may not get exactly what we ask for but we know that our best interests are at the top of His list.


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2013

    History channel Bible series starts tonight.  Looks to be an interesting 5 weeks.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited March 2013

    Thank you so much, Jo-5!!! I so appreciate your love, support and prayers!!!Smile

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited March 2013

    Dear Patoo, We watched the beginning of the Bible series last night on the History channel. Thank  you for the reminder. bestock, sure hope and pray that your appointment goes well. Hugs to everyone here!!! Kathy

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited March 2013

    Hi Ladies,

    Bestock - praying for you especially today. We all hope to hear soon how things went at your appointment when you are able.

    Jeannie - so happy that you are doing better. I am pouring on the prayers for your DH and employment for him.

    Fondak - always good to read your insightful posts. you always give me something to think about. How are things going with your DS and Scott his coworker?

    Christine - praying that your upcoming surgery will be successful and that you will recover very quickly.

    Mini - I'm praying that the doctors will know how to treat your nephew to bring about the restoration of his health. I'm so sorry your family is going through this. How is your friend doing that was recently dx'd with DCIS.

    Kathy - praying about your DS and DIL that God would continue to work in and through them to accomplish His purpose for their lives.

    Jo - said a prayer for Dan today too that he will continue to recover. Hope your LE is under control.

    Honeybair - asking God to strengthen and heal you as you go through treatments.

    Patoo - thank you for that beautiful Scripture. There is such encouragement and strength from the Word if we avail ourselves of it.

    As for me, I am doing better. I have been going to PT twice a week in the pool, and am finally getting some relief. The pain isn't gone from my foot, but it is tolerable now. I was able to walk a short distance in the park down by the lake with my DH on Saturday, and it gave my spirit such a lift. It was just what I needed. Thank you all for your prayers! You are such a blessing to me.

    Loving you....

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited March 2013

    Rocket, such good news that your foot is healing!!! I am so happy that you and your DH took a nice walk. Spring is on its way!!!! I hope you can get out more and more. Thank you for your well wishes and prayers. I am so comforted knowing that you are all praying for me and all the other wonderful ladies here!!!! This wonderful thread has been such a source of strength and comfort for me. Thank you all.

    bestock, Hope we hear from you soon. I hope you felt all our prayers. God bless you!!!

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited March 2013

    Thank you for the prayers for my nephew. He's doing a little better. He has appts. next week; hopefully they will find some issues for him. I think it has helped him to have his mom with him for awhile and to have a change of pace.

    My friend has her lumpectomy tomorrow, followed by radiation. Thank you for the prayers. I know she appreciates every one of them. She has a wonderful husband, great family and a good core group of friends to lift her up in prayer, but as we all know, it's still a tough journey. But God is good and will keep her in His hand.

    I am going to share you ladies with her when she's had a chance to wrap her head around what's going on. :-)


  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited March 2013

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Just prayed again for you all during my morning devotional. I also need prayer for my cholesterol number to come down and my bone density to increase. I am 52 years old and lost a sister this past August at age 62 from a massive heart attack. She died in her sleep as most of you already know. My Dad died of congestive heart failure, stroke and heart attack all at the same time at the age of 81. He had low cholesterol. Go figure! I am eating a very healthy, organic diet and tracking everything I put in my mouth. Now that I can begin to exercise again, hopefully the number will come down. I see my doctor next month and know he's going to suggest a statin drug. I really don't want to add any more medication to the plethora that I already take. Like Jo, I seem to get all the bad side effects. I'm praying that my doctor will let me try reducing the number without the medication. Please also pray that my foot pain won't keep me from getting the cardio workout that I need. I'm going to ride the bike at the gym to start as it's easier on my joints. Thank you all for your faithful prayers. You are such an encouragement!

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited March 2013

    I did a reply and  it disappeared.  IUndecided found out that I have Breast Cancer mets in my liver,  and will start Chemo this week. I was gld it was not a new primary cancer.

    I have to have a port(I had one for 5 yrs after ovca) I hope I get by without too many side effects this time. (I did well with ovca) except the white counts.

    Thanks for all the prayers, I am just relieved that I can treat this and hopefully have more years  for life here on earth.  I am praising the Lord with my whole heart. for being near and loving me.

    Love and appreciation to all of you----- I felt the prayers. pray today  for easy port install and peace.!!!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited March 2013

    Bestock, I am sorry you have to go through chemo all over again, but I know you will get through it with the Lord right by your side. You're a fighter and have such a beautiful testimony. Jo's analogy of the Weaver couldn't have come at a better time. We don't understand all the reasons why, but I am going to pray that God will give you many more years NED and that He will reward your faith and testimony of Him. I too wish there was more that I could do for you. I will be praying faithfully. Big ((((((((((HUGS))))))))))!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited March 2013

    Dearest bestock, thank you so much, with all that you have on your plate right now, for posting and letting us know what is happening!! You are such a wonderful role model for strength and courage!!! Your positive attitude lifts me up and truly exemplifies that without our strong faith, it is hard to go through trials and challenges!! Our Lord is using you to show this to everyone around you, and you will triumph!!!!! You are my hero, God Bless you!!! We will be here to listen, and to encourage you!!! Hugs to you!!! You are amazing!!! Blssings, Kathy

    Dear Rocket!! You are such a fighter and you will knock out the high cholesterol as well. Prayers are coming your way!!!!

    Dear Jo-5, your lovely poem could not have come at a better time!!! Thank you!!!!!

  • CCFW
    CCFW Member Posts: 570
    edited February 2014


  • CCFW
    CCFW Member Posts: 570
    edited February 2014


  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited March 2013

    So sorry to here of the problems you all are having. As the risk of sounding stupid, how is a mets better than a new cancer? I would have thought the opposite.

    CCFW - so sorry to here of all your stomach probems. I know it's not fun and can be challenging trying to find out what the causes are.

    Thank you for the great poem. Very insightful


  • Kz1234
    Kz1234 Member Posts: 4
    edited March 2013 on your name on any post youve done and it will show your profile, scroll down and there will be links to your last several posts...

    mets are considered better than new cancer because you then have one type to battle and not would determine your treatment.

  • CCFW
    CCFW Member Posts: 570
    edited February 2014


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited March 2013

    Dear CCFW!! Wow, dear, you have had so much on your plate, I am lifting you up in prayer for continued healing and resolution for your stomach issues! You as well, have such a positive attitude and strong faith!!! Please keep us posted!!! Wisconsin is such a beautiful state! Hubby and I got engaged in Madison!! May you feel better each day!!! Hugs, Kathy

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited March 2013

    CC, my daughter struggles with so many digestive issues as well. I know how much she suffers, so I really feel for you going through this. I pray that you start feeling better soon and are able to resume a normal diet.

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited March 2013

    I am on the verge of a melt down re money right now. I have to pay almost 800 per weekly chemo, even with our good insurace.....this is beyond our means(I know Jehovah Jirah--our provider) please pray that we can trust HIM totally.

    I just got a new port and it is red looking should I go see dr, before I start chemo, it  is just tender and I think chemo would be painful at this time. Any experience with abraxane, that is what I will get?? Any imput will help.

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited March 2013

    Oh Bestock! Have you talked with the financial people at the center where you will receive your treatments? Maybe they can work something out or refer you to an agency that can help. I'm sorry but I don't have any experience with a port or abraxane. I have heard however that they make a cream that you put on the port that helps to numb the site before you get your treatment. You have to put it on a while before you get the treatment, so call your doctor and ask about both the redness and the cream. I'm praying for God's provision and strength for you dear one. Stay strong and when in doubt, call your doctor. Loving you.....

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited March 2013

    Thanks Rocket, I  will just slow down my mind andLaughingtrust ,If I cannot get the first chemo in fresh port, I  will just have them use my arm vein!!!

    I had a port for 5 yrs with ovca, it was convenient!!

    The Money will come in I know it will!!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited March 2013

    It will Bestock. Keep trusting. The Lord will provide. I have seen Him do it countless times in my own life, both financially and otherwise. Keep clinging to the cross.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2013

    JO-5, thanks for that poem.  Beautiful.

    CCFW, Rocket, Kindegarten - praying for your continued strength.

    bestock, this is only the evil one trying to steal your faith but our God will not let one of His children go through alone.  He made it so it was not a new cancer and got you through the waiting for results which we know is almost the hardest part of this, waiting.  Now you have to start your treatments and a way will be made for the finances to follow.  I'm certain there is a thread somewhere on here with info on funding for treatments so look through the threads, something will come up here or at your treatment facility.  We serve an awesome God.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited March 2013

    I just found out that my friend that died died because they had no insurance so she didn't go to the doctor. By the time she connected with the parrish nurses and they got her hooked up for free medica services, it was too late; her cancer had spread pretty much everywhere. So sad that that can happen in this day and age.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2013

    Mini1, that is very sad.  There is help out there but many times you have to dig so deep and it can be very frustrating.  Many of us are also so used to doing it all, or not sharing our challenges, and 'fixing' everything ourselves that we don't even think to ask for help.  (I know I'm like that)  Sorry about your friend.

  • ChristineO
    ChristineO Member Posts: 18
    edited March 2013

    Hi ladies, I had a long rough day going in to sign paperwork at both surgeons, then somehow ended up signing for a sentinal node removal as well and I'm not sure if I really even need that done??  My surgeon does not have good bed side manner in that he doesnt explain things well so I just happened to ask if they would be doing that or if that was normal or whatever and he said they I"m not so sure I want that done.  I should pop over to the DCIS pages maybe.  It really shook me up to think of that and all that it involves (I didnt know they had to inject stuff for "mapping" it...I had no clue.  and then there can possibly be problems afterwards...?)  Do you have any advice?  I feel too tired and worn out to read your posts tonight and feel badly to ask for help when I am not giving any back.  I will pray for you all together not specifically tonight as I'm feeling low.  

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited March 2013

    Hi everyone,  I tried to post last night and I lost my post.  I am hitting either the backspace or enter key and it sometimes takes me to another page.  I have to figure it out.  But I want you all to know you have been in my prayers.  I'm probably going to send several short posts rather than an all in one post.  I just lost another long post tonight and this is with my new laptop!

    Love you all!

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited March 2013

    Bestock,   You have been in my prayers today.  I was so encouraged by your faithfulness and trust in our Lord when I read your post.  I'm sorry to hear about the financial stress you are under with the treatment.  I agree as it was mentioned that there are surely funds out there somewhere to help you.  You can even try your local health department and see if they can tell you of a plan.  I knew a lady who I was talking with when I would go for radiation.  She was so tired and working in a school lunchroom.  It was very difficult for her.  I told her about medicade for breast cancer and she went and the next time I saw her she was so happy.  She was able to retire.   She had paid so much that she wouldn't have had to and worked much longer than she felt like she could just to keep her treatments.  I am saying all that to encourage you to try several avenues because I found out a lot listening to others as I went along that even those on staff in the doctors office were not aware of.

    I'll be praying for that situation specifically.  Thanks for sharing and being such an encouragement!

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited March 2013


    Never be sorry for your questions.  If you didn't ask we would miss the blessing of walking through these things with you.

    I think sometimes the surgeons see so much of the same stuff everyday that they forget that it's all new too us and sometimes we don't even know what to ask.  My surgeon was sort of that way and they say he's the best in the area.  I hear people praising him all the time....which I hate to say as there's only One worthy of our praise but you know how it is.  I have been able over time to see he is really caring but somedays I am sure are he's dealing with more than others.

    Regardless, the sentinel node biopsy is a good thing.  You really want to have that done and I'm pretty sure it's standard procedure.  It's just an extra precaution to make sure they know exactly what they are dealing with to give you the best treatment possible.  I just recently got a Mayo Clinic Breast Cancer book and it has a definition in the back that goes like this:  A dye or radioactive solution that is injected into the primary tumor area to determine which lymph nodes are the first to receive drainage from the cancer area (sentinel nodes)  These lymph nodes are removed and examined for cancer cells.

    For most they find they are clear of cancer meaning it didn't go beyond the tumor into the lymph nodes but if it does like in my really want to know to get the best possible plan of action.  As for my mom, she was one of those like many which it was clear.

    It's really a good thing and a common thing they do.  My mom was stage 0 and they took her sentinel node.

    Hope this helps.  Thanks for asking.  By the way I didn't know about the dye until I got the book!  My surgery was in Aug of 2011!