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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited March 2013

    Dearest bestock, I love seeing your posts, you are and always will be covered in prayer!! Enjoy walking, it lifts your spirit and don't you worry about your hair, you are a beautiful woman and it might just be thinning!!!! You are a role model for us all!!! Hugs and Blessings, Kathy

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited March 2013

    I just finished getting the port out. Ouch! Doc said I would feel beat up tomorrow but I will be fine. I wouldn't recommend a foot IV but that's what I have to do now for blood draws and IVs. I feel thankful to be going to such a great cancer facility. One of my friends is here today getting her last infusion. Yay!

    Bestock, you are on my mind a lot and I am praying for God's peace, comfort and healing. And no brain mets!


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited March 2013

    Hi, Jeannie, so glad you got your port out, but I am sorry that it was painful!!! May each day find you feeling better and better!!!!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2013

    Jeannie, glad you got the port out.  One more mountain you got over!

    Bestock, keeping you in prayer.  Walking gets the endorphins up and that helps to lift the spirits.  Don't worry about the hair - it does not define you, your inner beauty is what counts. 

    Everyone, still praying for your peace as you traverse life here on earth.  Remember, the goal is not here but with our Lord.  This is but a passing time so don't take it too seriously. 


  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited March 2013

    Be stock, glad to see your post and I have been praying for you for no brain mets, for comfort, peace, and strength that only comes from our precious Savior. Draw strength from Him and the power of the cross. He will get you through tomorrow and many days ahead.

    Jeannie, I too am sorry you had a painful experience. I'm glad that it's over for you and I hope that you strengthen each day.

    Hey Kathy, Jo, CC, Mini, Patoo and Fondak. Thinking of you all too and hoping everyone's doing well.

    Things are coming together now for Mom. She is really excited to be moving. I'm still stressing out a bit as there are last-minute details to work out and I will be so glad when I can return home to my routine. I desperately need to get back into therapy for my foot. It's swelling a lot and is quite painful since I sprained it. It will be two more weeks before I get home. Please pray the swelling would go down and that I will find relief from pain. I'm still limping.

    Hopefully I'll get to see Erin this week before I leave for Maine.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited March 2013

    Patoo, so true!! I read Rick Warren's Book: Purpose Driven Life, and it put everything in perspective!!! Our Goal here on Earth is to attain Our goal in Heaven!!!! God Bless everyone here!!!

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited March 2013

    Patoo and Kindergarten.... I love, love, love what you both said about our time here!  Actually yesterday there was a pastor at our church from Jupiter, Florida.  He is an awesome teacher and taught at the conference I attended.  I had listened to him online before and was very excited about him teaching.  I got to speak with him and I was amazed at his compassion.  I told him I was both encouraged and convicted by his teaching and very thankful.   He is a very busy person but when you speak to him warmth and compassion just encompassed the atmosphere around him.  I have never felt and seen the Holy Spirit so alive in someone.  I don't mean to sound mystical or anything, it's just you could sense his loving care for everyone there.  I would love for people to see Christ alive in my life in such a way.

    When he left Sunday I felt like I did when I was growing up.   I would see a cousin that I loved dearly once a year and was always so sad for a few days after we went home or she went home.  I never had a grandfather and it felt like the most loving grandfather you could dream of was leaving  It just got me so excited about Heaven.  Times like this weekend will never end and even be more beautiful.  As much as I hope to see grandchildren one day I can't imagine how wonder it will be when we are there in the presence of Christ.

    Rocket....Im so grateful to hear that your mom is taking to the move so well.  I know that has to be a huge relief.  I will definitely be in prayer for your foot.  You've been through one thing after another this past year.  I'm so thankful for your relationship with Christ.  I know He gives you hope that you couldn't otherwise have and also enables you to minister to others as you do even as you have faced many difficulties.


    I am happy to hear your port was removed.  They won't remove mine until for at least 6 more months.  I guess it's my stage.  They told me Iwould have to wait at least 2 years and I'm counting that from my diagnosis date.  Mine is very visible even under a shirt.  I told these young ladies I meet with that I'm concerned that folks will see it and think...Oh my, Fonda has another tumor...surely she knows but she hasn't mentioned it...should I tell her...haha!  That would be terrible for someone to think that though and I don't want to wear a tshirt saying...It's Mediport, not a tumor! Right now I can wear a light jacket or sweater over my shirt but summer's coming.


    I am praying for you!  I am also remembering your sons family in my prayers.  I hope that you are able to rest well.  I will be praying for you tomorrow as you go for your MRI also.  I wish I had something I could say but you know more about this journey than I do as you've already been down this path.  I will be praying for your boredom as you don't have the energy to do those things you are use to.  Do you like to listen to pastors online?  I would love to share some sermons that have been very encouraging and even life changing for me. They are all very scripturally sound and not taken out of context or such.

    Ladies, I keep thinking I'm forgetting something.  Oh, I do have my 3 month appointment tomorrow if you all could keep me in your prayers.  I'm so thankful for the homework I've been getting with my counseling.  I don't worry anything like I did before.  I can see my faith is growing like I would have never believed possible.  If any of you would like a copy of my homework assignment I can now scan it and email it to you.  I had to get another printer too. 

    Love you all...Goodnight!

  • ChristineO
    ChristineO Member Posts: 18
    edited March 2013

    Hi ladies, prayed for you as I read and wanted to say hello before I am off tomorrow for a sentinal node mapping procedure which I am nervous about...I actually asked for Ativan which I've never taken before, just in case.  I dont know how it will make me feel but if I need it for stress/nerves I will:)  My husband and I are leaving our 3 children with my parents, and will stay overnight in the city in a hotel as I have to be there the next morning early for surgery.  Not sure what time yet, I have to call tomorrow to find out the time.  Anyways, I will let you know how it went when I'm feeling on the mend.  

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited March 2013

    Dearest Fondak, Good morning to you !! I would love a copy of your homework assignment!! You are in my prayers for your three month checkup. Please keep us posted.

    Dear Christine, I am also lifting you up in prayer right now! May you feel Peace knowing That Our Lord will be with you the whole time and that your children are safe and happy with your parents. Please keep us posted as well. Hugs and Blessings!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited March 2013

    Dearest Jo-5, it is always so good to see you, here! I know you are praying for all of us! I certainly can feel them and so appreciate your love for all of us here! I am lifting you up in prayer right now for an easy mammogram, and no apprehension afterwards!! You know that you are covered in prayer!!! God Bless You!!!!

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited March 2013

    Hi everyone,

    I can't believe I did what I did today.....well, I can.  On the way to my appointment I got stuck in traffic where a tornado came through yesterday and did some very heavy damage and then had to sit again where they were doing work on a bridge (not storm related).  I called to tell them I would be a few minutes late.  That was when I found out my appointment is tomorrow!

    I was looking forward to this appointment.  I found a lump in my remaining breast that is really obvious.  I am not too concerned though.  I've had 3 show up on the mammogram and mri since my surgery and all are benign.  I couldn't feel those but this one is pretty obvious.  Perhaps it is one of those and has grown.

    Bestock, I hope your appointment went well.  You've been in my thoughts and prayers.

    Jo5 so good to see you and I pray that your mammogram will go well and not be so uncomfortable tomorrow.  I agree, how would we make it without the Lord!  I would be a basket case for sure.  I have never actually thought of where in the world "basketcase" comes from and not sure if it's one word or two.

    Kindergarten,  I am so excited to send you a copy of my homework assignments!  I will try and get that to you tomorrow.  Everything technologically related takes me a few minutes these Thank you for asking!

    Christine, Your in my prayers also.  I hope all is going well.

    Rocket,  I hope your foot is improving or at least not getting worse.  I will be glad when you are home for awhile enjoying the spring in your new neighborhood!

    Love and prayers to you all.  


  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited March 2013

    Praying for you all, your appointments, tests, surgeries, pain, families!

    I read this in The Message version of The Bible and thought I'd share it with you: 1Peter1:3-5. "What a God we have! And how fortunate we are to have him, this Father of our Master Jesus! Because Jesus was raised from the dead, we've been given a brand-new life and have everything to live for, including a future in heaven ---and the future starts now! God is keeping careful watch over us and the future. The Day is coming when you'll have it all --- life healed and whole."


  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited March 2013

    Thanks Jeannie57,for the great reminder of our Hopeful Blessed Future, and Patoo, to help me accept baldness again (with my ovca I had approx 2 years with no hair)

    love all of you

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited March 2013

    Isaiah 46:

    "you whom I have upheld since your birth,

    and have carried since you were born.

    Even to your old age and gray hairs

    I am he, I am he who will sustain you.

    I have made you and I will carry you..."

    I needed this reminder today. There are a lot of needs represented on this thread, and I am lifting you all in prayer to the throne of grace.

    My foot needs prayer. It is very swollen and painful as I have been running myself ragged with tasks to complete before we put Mom on the plane on Monday. Tomorrow I have announced that I am going to br a slug! I am not cooking a meal, doing laundry, or anything else. I am going to try to have a quiet time and relax before the weekend gets here and things get really crazy. I am missing my DH and my pups so badly. I just want to go home, but I will see this through to the end.

    Bestock, you are beautiful with or without hair. I have to go without my breast forms quite frequently because I have nerve pain and the bra exacerbates it. I'm self conscious without them as I am totally flat. Then I realized that I didn't ask for this, and boobs or lack thereof don't define me. I am still the same person that God made me. I do understand how you feel however - vulnerable. I hated it when people would look on me with pity because I was so pale and thin going through chemo. I looked pathetic, but it would drive me crazy when people treated me like I would never recover. You are fighting a battle and are a warrior with God fighting with you. I pray that each day you feel that warrior spirit inside of you and the Lord's strength and power sustaining you.

    Christine, praying for successful surgery and healing.

    Fondak, I am asking God to give you good news from your doctor visit tomorrow.

    Jo, praying that you will have good results from your mammogram.

    Kathy, I pray that God's hope will flood your heart with joy.

    Jeannie, indeed, thank you for the reminder of the hope that we have in Him.

    Patoo, thank you for your encouragement of the Word.

    Mini, I pray for you and your family. How is your nephew doing?

    For all of you I pray for peace, comfort, blessing, healing and joy. Love to all you ladies.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2013

    As usual I come and read all your posts and am so encouraged and lifted up.  JO-5 is correct about how we are able to keep pushing on despite setbacks, waiting, "life", etc.

    Wanted to share this from the "Daily Bread" devotional entitled "Thoughts On Rain" today:

    "When torrential downpours beat on the heads of my newly planted petunias, I felt bad for them.  I wanted to bring them inside to shelter them from the storm.  By the time the rain stopped, their little faces were bowed to the ground from the weight of the water.  They looked sad and weak.  Within a few hours, however, they perked up and turned their heads skyward.  By the next day, they were standing straight and strong.  What a transformation!  After pounding them on the head, the rain dripped from their leaves, soaked into the soil, and came up through their stalks, giving them the strength to stand straight." 

    Isn't this just the way our Lord enables us to become stronger?  "He uses the water that batters us on the outside to build us up on the inside".  it helps us when we need His strength the most.

    I love walking in faith.

    Blessings my friends.

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited March 2013

    Rocket, Thanks so much....I love the scripture you shared and it is a wonderful reminder to me that it is God who sustains me by His means for His purpose which is for my good as Romans 8:28 also tells me.

    I know this is a difficult time for you but one day you will be able to look back without regrets for how you have cared for your mom.  She is blessed with having you for a daughter.  I am praying for endurance for you with thanksgiving for how God works through you to encourage others even in your most difficult times!

    Patoo, that's a beautiful picture of the petunias.  It's very encouraging and true.  So often I run into folks who seem to feel like storms are not what God wants for us or are from a lack of faith, punishment, etc. but I just say.....What would we be like without the storms? I look at Paul's life and his faith and love for Christ which I fall so short of and yet my trials are nothing compared what he went through.  

    Ladies,  I had my 3 month checkup today!  She ordered a bone scan for Monday and I see her again Tuesday.  She is concerned about my hip pain.  I really wasn't.  Some of you may remember it was really bad for a couple of weeks about 3 months ago which was my last visit. I do still have pain and can't sleep well on my side because of it.  I asked if she really thought it was necessary and she told me she knew I would feel much better.  I said I wasn't too concerned because it improved a lot since then and didn't hurt much during the day.  She asked if it felt like bone pain.  I told her the area feels tender at night and occasionally hurts in the day.  When I got home I googled it and read that bone mets pain can come and go and hurts mostly at night along with tenderness.  Now I see why she ordered it.  I'm 47 with a family history of arthritis so I am hoping it's just that along with the aromasin.

    I'm thankful for you ladies here.  I was talking with someone the other day about cancer and a cure would be great in one respect but it would be something else if it wasn't cancer.  God in His grace uses things and circumstances to draw us closer to Him. I wonder how many relationships with Christ are stronger than they would have been if cancer never existed. I am thankful for the opportunity to seek Him in a greater capacity than I would have otherwise.  I am amazed that the creator of the universe would love me, a sinner.  He didn't just save me but He keeps showing more of who He is and how great His love is. Just amazing.

    Hope you all rest well tonight. 

    Bestock,  praying for you as you wait for your mri results and praying for your son and his family as I am with yours Kindergarten.

    Love you all

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited March 2013

    Patoo, we have the same bday I am a yr youngerWink than you. I love the daily bread too. thanks Rocket, I hate looking sick too, because I have been so healthy the past 4 yrs, I use make up and did" Look Good Feel better" recently, the make up was too dark, but It helps me "look alive" More later ladies.

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited March 2013

    Well I just had a major meltdown. I am so exhausted and physically weak. I didn't crawl out of bed until 8:30 this morning which is very late for me. I have done nothing today and feel like a wet dish rag. Ever since I had chemo and rads, I experience these spells of complete, total exhaustion and my doctors can't explain it. My lab work is fine, but for some reason it's like my body gives me no choice except sleep. Do any of you feel this way or is it just me?

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited March 2013

    rocket, I am exhausted too, but have low counts, adjusting to abraxene..  I make myself get up, but drag and feel bad if I do not get a walk in but that is hard too.. I must pray for acceptance of this disease, and still pray for healing. Maybe you need some type of vitamin, I hear b-12  is helpful but do not know that much about it.

    there is a lady who is in our support group with mets too and she works 3 day 12 hr days in an emergency room she is over 60 too, unbelievable. has a 44 yr old autisic daughter too. WOW

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited March 2013

    I am always amazed at the strength of others. I do pretty well, but once in a while I just get these severe attacks of fatigue. I've been telling my doctor about them for over two years. I can't take b-12. I am very sensitive to medications. I eat well, nutritionally speaking. You also amaze me Bestock. You push ahead with a faith that glorifies our Father. I continue to pray for you.

    Well I'm off to bed. Sometimes a good night's sleep can do wonders. Sleep tight all.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited March 2013

    Dearest Fondak, Prayers are coming for your scheduled bone scan. Your doctor sounds wonderful and is just being cautious!! Please keep us posted and rest!!! Bestock, you are amazing as you are continuing with treatment and always holding us all up in prayer!!! May you continue to have strength and peace everyday. I hope family is doing OK as well. You have alot on your plate, but Our Lord is smiling down at you and saying Well done, my faithful servant. You are a hero in all of our eyes.

    Rocket!! You also amaze me with your strength and courage, with all that you have going on! Meltdowns are OK, you need them to regroup and reenergize again. Meltdowns let you get it all out  instead of keeping it in!!!! Cry, scream, whatever helps you!!! God is listening and Cares. Give in to your fatigue and rest!!! God bless you!!!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited March 2013

    Thanks for your encouraging words Kathy. It did feel really good to cry hard yesterday. I think part of what's wrong with me is the giving up of control of my mom's care. I have been managing her care, her finances and her well-being for five years now. I am very protective of her. I do feel like God has engineered this move for her however and that He is ultimately taking care of her. I do trust His sovereignty and at the same time, it is a strange feeling to think of her not being here in NC where she has called home for the last 34 years. I'll still be handling her finances, but she will be so far away and that is difficult for me. I must trust that God will use my brothers to care for her now.

    I slept pretty well last night and feel ready to tackle the day. I'm praying for all you dear sisters! Hope you have an amazing day!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited March 2013

    DearJo-5 , Praise The Lord for a good Mammogram!!! Please enjoy your dinner with family!!! Hugs and Blessings to you!!!! Kathy

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited March 2013

    It's my 1 year cancer-versary. Seems like yesterday and a million years ago at the same time. Thinking of you all as we traverse this awful disease together.

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited March 2013

    Praising The Lord Jo for your good news! Don't work too hard on your dinner. i'm sure it will be delicious!

    Congrats Mini on your 1 year anniversary. May you have many, many more.

    I am feeling better today, not so emotional. Thanks for your prayers!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited March 2013

    Mini1, Praise the Lord, for your one year anniversary. Do something fun today!!!!

    Rocket, so glad you are feeling better. Have a great weekendSmile

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited March 2013

    Mini1--it's a big deal to have your one-year cancerversary! It's good to see that time has passed since all that we went through in the beginning.

    Rocket, I am praying specifically for your foot, especially as you have to travel. Also, that your adjustment to your mom being away from you will not be too terrible. My elderly parents are two states away and are on their own for the most part, and my mom had to go to emergency this week. She's fine, but it was frustrating trying to get info. I'm glad your brothers will be near your mom.

    Fondak, I pray your scan is ok and your breast, too. What did the doc say about the lumps? Thank you for sharing your spiritual journey. Growing closer to God is a gift! I personally can't say cancer is a gift from God, but I do appreciate the spiritual struggles and lessons it has brought me in my relationship with Him and others.

    JO-5, yay for your mammogram results. I am relieved with you and thanking God.

    Bestock, I think of you every day. I am praying God gives you every kind of strength--physical, emotional, mental, spiritual---right when you need it and that you will see evidence of His care for you. Also, for hope.

    Christine, prayers for you and your surgery.

    Prayers for health and healing for us all as we trust and hope in Jesus.

    I have just returned from a wonderful retreat with my DH. We just left the burbs and stayed in Seattle. The motel hangs over the water so it felt like we were on a cruise, watching the ferries, tugboats and ships. We had a wild storm the first night, then sun, hail, clouds. We just hung around the motel and recharged after a long, long year of challenges. We came home to a rare snowfall on the ground. He starts work on Monday and I start Tamoxifen! We are ready.

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited March 2013

    Kindergarten, love and smiles to you!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2013

    Blessings friends.  Good to see you are all in positive moods despite aches, pains, stressors.  A good cry is really good for you.  I think it's like a good round of exercise as it must get the endorphins raised and thus the mood.  We will go through but thank our Lord He is right there beside us.  I just shake my head when I think of Him knowing every hair, every cell of my being.  So comforting.  Difficult to stay down when you are looking up. 

    Like JO-5, I caught up on the posts and prayers going up for all who have procedures coming up.  I go to MO in April and really need to also catch up with annual physical, orthopedic for hip pain, dermatologist for spots on the back (liver spots?), dentist for cleaning and peridontal work.   I'm a big procrastinator!

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited March 2013

    Thanks to all of you !!!for faithful prayers.

    just got back from oncologists and found out my MRI showed NO mets to the brain. I Praise the Lord. LaughingI believe he showed me this ---but I was so anxous and felt like I did not know HOW I could face that.

    I am glad He loves us even when we are "of Little Faith"Embarassed

     At this time I do not have to face it.

    Low counts so chemo has to wait til next week.

    shot of neupogen.