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Calling all TNs



  • breastcancerhusband
    breastcancerhusband Member Posts: 69
    edited November 2016

    Hi ladies

    Hoping this might make a few faces smile. Here is a picture of my little boy. With my wife being pregnant at the time of her chemo this little chap went through it all with her.

    He is doing well! 18 months old and a typical little boy, never sits still, is into everything and is a bit of a flirt with the ladies! So here's a big huge kiss from my son to all of you.



  • Cathytoo
    Cathytoo Member Posts: 394
    edited November 2016

    breastcancerhusband...such an adorable little boy...and what an incredible bond he shares with his mom. I'm sure he brings you joy every day. Here's a giant hug and kiss from me. XOXO ❤️ Please post more photos

  • nrsteph
    nrsteph Member Posts: 108
    edited November 2016


  • Luvmydobies
    Luvmydobies Member Posts: 476
    edited November 2016

    Shopgal, awesome pics! You look great!

    Breastcancerhusband, my heart just melted!! Thanks for sharing the pic of your sweet boy with us!

    Sweet Cocker, I love you so much my dear!! We all do and I will echo what gmmiph said! You're on my mind a lot every day and I'm saying so many prayers for you! Please keep checking in with us because we all care so much! We all think about it coming back sometimes, no doubt, but we all did that even before you shared the latest with us. Please come here whenever you need to share anything whether it's a good day or not. We are with you, smiling, crying, screaming, the whole nine! You're like the momma onhere and I know we all want to hug our momma! So.....(((((HUGS))))!!!

  • allydp
    allydp Member Posts: 361
    edited November 2016

    Shopgal, beautiful photos! What an experience of a lifetime that must have been. So glad you got to have it.

    Annie - sending all my love to you.

    Breastcancerhusband - adorable!

  • nrsteph
    nrsteph Member Posts: 108
    edited November 2016

    Researching alone is no fun, help I am desperate for more information or sites to keep and eye on. THOUGHTS??

  • LoveMyVizsla
    LoveMyVizsla Member Posts: 526
    edited November 2016

    Steph, did you have the genetic testing? Is p53 one of the genes they test for?

  • ALHusband
    ALHusband Member Posts: 342
    edited November 2016

    Cocker I just checked in after a while away and almost fell out of my chair. You, of all people! The lady of ladies who is a constant source of inspiration to us all! And now we're all praying for you? Well, let me tell you something lady. You're a friend and an example of strength to me and to dozens of women on this thread. So, here's the plan. You are going to march in that doctor's office and do what he tells you to find out what the heck is going on in there. Then you're going to wait for the results, which will be a big "nothing burger", and the day you get them you're going to sit down and tell us all about your BENIGN results! That's an order! I don't know if you get much coverage of the US elections, or if you follow it, but, recently the Republican Vice Presidential candidate here, Mike Pence, had his plane skid off the runway. The news reporters asked him if he was scared, and I want to share his answer with you. He said, "The safest place in the world is right in the center of God's will." Please remember that because it's true! You are in my prayers my friend!

  • gmmiph
    gmmiph Member Posts: 662
    edited November 2016

    Hi Miss Cocker,

    I've found you a new dancing partner...

    click here... Dancing Partner

  • gmmiph
    gmmiph Member Posts: 662
    edited November 2016

    Hi Miss Cocker,

    I've found you a new dancing partner!

    Click here... Dancing Partner

  • lookingforward66
    lookingforward66 Member Posts: 148
    edited November 2016


    Just saw this on Facebook. Hope the link works.

    Let's pray it continues to show good results


  • goldie1431
    goldie1431 Member Posts: 17
    edited November 2016

    Scotbird-I found out today my bone scan was free of any cancer. I am so hoping you get the same result!

    Breastcancerhusband you have the CUTEST baby ever! Just adorable.

    Hoping for as stress free of a dayfor everyone as possible.

  • nrsteph
    nrsteph Member Posts: 108
    edited November 2016

    Love - I did have genetic testing and I am going to call the gal back tomorrow to see if it was.  I am TN, PDL1-, Androgen receptor -, no genetic mutations noted in report.  All I am positive for is Cancer...go figure!

  • 6feetover
    6feetover Member Posts: 97
    edited November 2016


  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821
    edited November 2016

    I have fallen behind in responding, - but I want to welcome the newbies, and send hugs to all here.

    It is impossible for me to add to the eloquent messages to you, Annie, but add me to your list of supporters rooting for BENIGN results and in your pocket for all that you are dealing with!

    Shopgal, - your pics are amazing!! What a wonderful trip!

    BCHusband, - your little guy is adorable!! Enjoy every minute with him!! Time flies and we dont realize how fast they grow up!

    Wishing everyone GOOD HEALTH and easy days!

    ps I am still keeping an eye on the area of concern on my breast, spot seems to be fading so I will give it a few more days. My hip/back mri showed arthritis and bulging disc (?) which explains the discomfort. Hard to believe that I am thrilled with that report, but I am!

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592
    edited November 2016

    Goldie that's awesome news, what a relief.

    Whippetiggy hello and welcome. Sorry you have to join us here but it's a supportive and friendly place, where we can all cheer each other on.

    Annie I feel the sadness and worry in your recent posts and am so so sorry for what you are going through. The worst thing at the moment is not knowing either the diagnosis or the treatment plan. One day at a time. When you have the plan everything get's easier because you can follow the plan, however much you wish you didn't have to

    Meanwhile I'm sending cosmic hugs and loving kindness from Scotland to New Zealand. XX

  • Cocker_Spaniel
    Cocker_Spaniel Member Posts: 1,188
    edited November 2016

    How on earth can I smile when you all keep making me cry.

    gmmiph I will do what you say and fight, just got to find the fight at the moment but with all of you ladies and men behind me how can I fail. Thank you so much.

    Luvmydobies I love you too. Thank you for being in my pocket, as always. xx

    Beastcare husband your wee lad is beautiful. I can certainly see why he is a flirt with the ladies. Enjoy every single minute with him because time goes by in the blink of an eye. xxxxxx kisses back to him.

    Mike your post made me laugh out loud. I could just imagine me marching into the specialists office and saying Mike said I'm not to go home until it's benign. lol. I take your comments on board and as I do all the ladies and somewhere eventually I will dig up that fight, I hope. Now let me first say, congratulations, you are going to be a Granddad. Absolutely fantastic. There is going to be nothing but love, joy, sticky hands, wet kisses, and laughter in your Kathy's and your lives. It's a precious time for you both and a time you will learn all over again what it is like to be a child. On my recent birthday my grandson Ben wrote on my card "I love you Nana cause you always stick up for me" lol. That's cause I tell his older sister off for sometimes being mean to him.

    I must share a little Christmas story with you. One Christmas when Ben was three I brought three little snowmen to place on a cabinet. After the presents had been opened and the house was quieter I walked into the lounge and my little Ben was just standing there all alone looking at these three snowmen. I stood beside him and his sad little voice said "you haven't got one for me'. I said what do you mean Ben and he said " you have one for Jessica, one for Connor and one for Caitlin, but not one for me". With that he walked away and I nearly died. I had never purchased those darn snowmen with the three older kids in mind but I can assure you all three snowmen went immediately into the garbage bin and I've never brought three of something again, always four. So however many grandkids you get always make sure you buy the same amount of snowmen.

    Thank you for Mike Pence's words I will remember them always.

    Wishing all of you a happy, stress free day. xxooxx

  • georgie61
    georgie61 Member Posts: 48
    edited November 2016

    Awww Cocker...what a sweet story about your darling grandson. Our daughter when she was little ( she's 25 and our son is 27) used to say "Why does Cameron always get 2 grownups in his room?" - when we inadvertently went back and forth to their rooms to read and smooch them, and sometimes "landed" that way. We still tease her about that, and often call her on speaker to say " You have 2 grown ups on the phone with you! " Keep your head up, no matter what - you have time for a lot more fun and heartwarming stories like that! xoxo

  • jenjenl
    jenjenl Member Posts: 409
    edited November 2016

    cocker, when and what tests are they planning on doing to confirm?

  • Cocker_Spaniel
    Cocker_Spaniel Member Posts: 1,188
    edited November 2016

    jenjen I should have gone for tests this last Wednesday, it's Friday today, but I went to Auckland to see Andre Rieu the tickets of which my daughter bought me for my birthday and we stayed over night. We were prepared to put the trip off but never heard anything so went ahead. I checked my phone often while we were away and nothing and when we got back on Wednesday afternoon I got a call from my GP who was upset I hadn't gone for the appointment at 1pm on the Wednesday. Anyway to cut a long story short there was obviously some miscommunication and now my appointment is Thursday the 10th of November. On the Wednesday the 9th I have got my yearly mammogram booked and they said to keep that appointment. So on the Thursday my scans start, plus I see my Physician with the results of the scan and then she may also do a broncoscopy which I am not looking forward to. I should have the results of the scans that day but probably not the broncoscopy as they will biopsy and then send for confirmation on what it is. I almost don't have any voice at all, it's like I have laryngitis. My voice has been like this for a month or two now. I have lost weight down from 64kg to 58kg but I put this down to the fact that I have been walking a lot more and really cutting down on sugar. I don't eat a lot of cakes and biscuits but I can't drink tea and only like coffee with a lot of sugar but as I said I have been cutting that down and drinking a lot more water. Sometimes when I get home tired from work and my old feller is on late duty I can't be bothered to cook a dinner just for me so only have a snack and so put the weight loss down to all of that. It's not the lung nodule that is worrying me it's whatever is in the chest and somehow I have to dredge up some fight when all I want to do is shut my ears and eyes to it all.

    georgie isn't it funny how kids think. I would never ever have left my wee Ben out and just didn't think about only three snowmen. They always have to have the same amount of kisses and hugs, just part of their little minds I guess. I do hope you are right and I do have a lot more time but just right now I am not so sure.

    I am going up to Tauranga this afternoon, two hours away, with my youngest daughter to the cake conference held in the North Island this year. Even that I have to fish around for the strength and motivation to go but I won't let her down. So will be back on here on Snday.

    Keep well everyone, don't worry, don't stress and make sure you keep happy whatever happens. xxooxx

  • gmmiph
    gmmiph Member Posts: 662
    edited November 2016

    Hi Madam Cocker,

    I am glad you're up and about being your usual self again. So much different when youre down. Did you see the "Dancing Partner" i sent to you on this thread? Just to cheer you up a bit. It's a Youtube video. It is one of the earlier post yesterday.

    I just finished my first chemo session yesterday. I am still in the hospital, 6 am nov. 4. all went well, it took about 5 hours for the actual administration of 2 pre-chemo meds and the FEC. the onco nurse said she slowed down the flow of the FEC so that it wont be too hard on my vein. i will be out in about 2-3 hrs. No side effects so far except for the red pee.

    I will try to read all your post when I get home. i am in a rushto leave the hospital now.

    ok, this is all for now, i got to get ready for my discharge, bills and all,

    talk again soon,


  • Cocker_Spaniel
    Cocker_Spaniel Member Posts: 1,188
    edited November 2016

    gmmiph I certainly did see the Dancing Partner and thought, oh my I hope he's not going to need a hip replacement lol.. Never seen a dog dance like that before. My girl only does it when she is wanting food. lol. gmmiph why are you in the hospital if your chemo was yesterday? Ah yes, the red pee, remember it well. Reminds me of the time when I went to the loo during my session and thought it didn't look too clean. Because I was a bit iffy of germs going through treatment I used to sit on the edge of my knickers on the edge of the seat. Being without pubic hair (sorry to be so factual) there was nothing to keep the flow downwards so all the edge of my knickers got soaking wet and I had to gingerly walk back into the chemo room with legs that looked like John Waynes (you know wide apart like a cowboys) lol. Glad you are going home now and can forget chemo for a little while.

  • Sister-Sister
    Sister-Sister Member Posts: 22
    edited November 2016

    Hello everyone, I'm still seeing the same Doctor at Karmanos. I have support but it still very hard. I had an appointment on 10-27-2016 to visit my Oncologist since being released from the Hospital around 10-21-2016 and was told everything was Okay, however, it will take time for the Talc Procedure to work, so I'll be on Oxygen until. The Nurse accessed my Port for Blood work, however, after returning home I realized she left the Needle inside my Port. I was to exhausted to returned that day and scared my Oxygen would run out, so I returned back to the hospital on 10-29-2016 Saturday, to have the Needle removed and found out my Doctor was wrong, more Fluid had Buildup around both Lungs now and I was hospitalized again. Currently still in the Hospital, had to have Fluid Drained, my Heart has been very stressed and I'm now in the Cardiac Ward after getting out of ICU. The Doctors are going to insert a Chest Tube so I can Drain the Fluid myself when I go Home. I'm currently on 5 liters of Oxygen and Angry as Hell. My Sister just had Genetic Testing and I hope she will not carry the Gene. I'm taking my Xeloda and praying that it will work.

  • meadow
    meadow Member Posts: 998
    edited November 2016

    bchusband, thank you for sharing the picture of that sweet boy!

    Annie, love to you !

    Whippetiggy , Welcome !

  • kathseward
    kathseward Member Posts: 380
    edited November 2016

    hey Cathy too

    I'm terrified and I'm still on chemo so I hate to think what I'll be like when I'm off of it. Congratulations on ur first anniversar

  • Spica16
    Spica16 Member Posts: 71
    edited November 2016

    Annie, Dear Friend,

    I'm reaching back from the other side of the 5 year goal line, to help pull you over. I crossed that line in September, and am still moving forward...until I saw your post, and it stopped me in my tracks.

    Well, we BC Warriors stick together, cry together, laugh together, pray for each other, support each other. So Annie, reach out and hang on tight...your BC Warrior Sisters (and Misters) are all here for you!

    I remember when you first joined this group. You were so scared, so worried about chemo and radiation, so unsure of your future. You made it through your treatments, with tips and tricks and encouragement from the Wise Sages who had already traveled the rocky path that loomed ahead, in 2011. You got through it all, and then stayed here, giving support and encouragement to others, often by the telling of light-hearted, comical stories. You are one funny gal, Annie, and we love you for that!

    And then something happened...the became a Wise Sage, honored and cherished by newbies and oldies, alike.


    Take some time to listen to a beautiful music concert. Share the weekend with your daughters at the cake convention. Take some time to cry, to question, to mourn, and then get mad...get angry...and get your fighting spirit up and at it, because you are a BC Warrior, who will face another battle, if needed. We need you to fight...

    because you tell the best stories!!!

    Love 'Ya ~ Shar

  • gmmiph
    gmmiph Member Posts: 662
    edited November 2016

    Hi Madam Cocker,

    I hope that doggie dance perked you up a bit. If not, then it will be me next time doing a belly dance and most probably end up with a broken hip.

    As for your question why I am still at the hospital this morning,my MO gave an order for me to stay overnight for monitoring in case i develop any adverse reaction to the chemo drugs. I checked in at the hospital at 11am yesterday, started my chemo session at around 1pm and finished at around 6pm. I then have to stay overnight for hydration with NSS (normal saline solution) until 3am, then checked out at around 8 am today. I got home at 9:30 am.

    About the red pee, i started peeing red right after my epirubicin infusion and before the cyclophosphamide and my pee went back to its normal color this morning around 3 am. I wonder if that's good...

    You know what, as i am reading your John Wayne walk, i started to laugh, imagining how awkward you may have looked (you being without pubic hair made me laugh all the more) and then, I felt i have to pee again 4:30 pm and the color is pale red again. Is it really like that? I am trying to drink as much as I can to flush out the red devil but it goes on and off.

    Ok, try imagining the John Wayne walk again but this time with the dancing doggie underneath. Oohh I am sure it will be a real Youtube hit! You know, I am trying to read the other posts here and I can sense that you are a funny lady. I hope you continue doing that. Let's all do that.


    Happy thoughts for you,


  • meadow
    meadow Member Posts: 998
    edited November 2016

    gmmiph, yes, the red in your urine is totally normal.....let that chemo do it's stuff! Work away Red Devil. Hugs to you

  • amw5
    amw5 Member Posts: 74
    edited November 2016

    georgie61 (((hugs))) Thx so much dear.

    My first visit with my oncologist went well. We sat down and discussed everything, and I asked all of my questions. He is very thorough and compassionate (and that means so much to me). We spent 1.5 hours together going over everything. I will begin chemotherapy on November 15. I will need to update my signature area with the medications that will be used for chemotherapy. I'm so glad I have a plan in place. Oh, and my PET / CT scan shows cancer cells in my left breast and in some of my left axillary lymph nodes just as we had originally thought (knowing this gave me quite a bit of relief, as it was something that was heavy on my mind). The surgery for my port will be on November 9. Everything is rolling right along. Thank God!