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Calling all TNs



  • Cathytoo
    Cathytoo Member Posts: 394
    edited November 2016

    iz1999...I finished 6 chemo infusions on May 18th and 20 rad treatments on July 22. With the exception of regular mammograms, checkups with one of my doctors every three months (surgeon, medical oncologist and radiation oncologist)...that's it‼️ My MO only does scans if you are having a problem. It seems strange after months of doctor appointments and treatments, but that's pretty much the protocol, although I do know that some MO's like to do yearly CT or PET scans. Be happy you are done treatment and keep your eye on a healthy future. Good luck to you .❤️

  • iz1999
    iz1999 Member Posts: 21
    edited November 2016

    hi Cathytoo, I am just worried about the insurance, need to make sure I have good coverage for my future appointments, don't know how often I'll see the lymphedema therapist. Thanks for the info. 🐶

  • LoveMyVizsla
    LoveMyVizsla Member Posts: 526
    edited November 2016

    IZ, I don't have LE, but my plan is: see MO every three months for a check up for at least another year, mammo every six months. I will be getting a breast MRI once a year due to dense breast tissue.

  • Shopgal2
    Shopgal2 Member Posts: 594
    edited November 2016

    ally hoping and praying for you today. Hang in there.

    Cocker we still are in you pocket holding you tight. ❤️

    Hi iz I finished my chemo last dec and my rads the end of feb this year so I can't comment on the insurance since most of my doc appts were covered this year. As for next year we shall see.

    Congrats on being done treatment. As for follow up visits I am saw my mo at 3mo pfc in march, in July 4 mo later and will see him again in Jan, (so about every 3-4 months). My ro I saw at 6 mo post rads, and will see her again in Jan, (so every 6 mo). My surgeon I saw in may and will see him again tomorrow. (So every 6mo) and that's it as far as followup treatment. I lost a lot of weight (60lbs) exercise 2x a week at the gym, and eat a mostly plant based diet with some lean proteins. And I replaced sugar with stevia.

  • gmmiph
    gmmiph Member Posts: 662
    edited November 2016

    Madam Cocker,

    I think you should consider to always bring a Sewing Kit with you. With all of us inside your pocket, there is a big possibilty to have a hole on it.

    Don't fear the unknown yet! It would only add up to your misery. Even if your hunch is right, what the heck. There are still a whole lot of solutions to it. In life, there's always hope. Always focus on the positive side, enjoy with what you have, your family, friends, maybe a few million bucks left, kidding!

    Remember, Humor and Laughter are always Free! God knows this for sure, or else He might have gotten a heart attack a long time ago.

    With prayers and fond thoughts,

    John Wayne

  • Cathytoo
    Cathytoo Member Posts: 394
    edited November 2016

    gmmiph...I want to acknowledge you for taking such an active role in the group. Your posts are always reaching out offering hope, support and funny thoughts. You are a very special woman, and I'm happy I met you....just wish it was somewhere else besides a TN support group. But, here's where we are, and you are a very welcome and important addition. ❤️

  • gmmiph
    gmmiph Member Posts: 662
    edited November 2016


    Making someone happy brings happiness back to me. Thanks for the appreciation!image

  • Cathytoo
    Cathytoo Member Posts: 394
    edited November 2016

    Allydp...thinking about you. Results yet? ❤️

  • InspiredbyDolce
    InspiredbyDolce Member Posts: 987
    edited November 2016

    Cocker, sending prayers every day.


  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773
    edited November 2016

    How long after chemo do you retain your port? Since my surgery, I can frequently hear and feel my heartbeat in my left ear and hate to think of dealing with that annoying pounding indefinitely. I just completed AC #3 last week so still have one AC and 12 weekly Taxol treatments ahead as is. Thank you!


  • georgie61
    georgie61 Member Posts: 48
    edited November 2016

    Cocker, I've been thinking of you and worrying about you. This must feel like hell, not knowing and imagining the worst. Please take some time for some self care. Let us all do the worrying instead!

    I just got back from SLC where I met with a hand specialist . I have a torn UCL (ligament ) that he will repair November 30th . This is from my bike accident in July and it has been so painful just trying to do every day tasks . I am looking forward to getting it done , but I admit I'm growing weary of hospitals , procedures and healing.

    I also have a small area above my lip that is blue that has not gone away, I saw a facial doc over there as well, and she said it is an area where the blood got in there and basically tattooed the spot on my skin!? so weird. I'll probably just continue to cover it with make up, but if I want to at some point I can have a laser they use for tattoo removal. I understand it is quite painful , so I'm in no hurry to go there .

    While I was away I had a massage, facial, manicure and pedicure . That was just what I needed. I hadn't gotten a massage since before the mx last August , because I wouldnt have been able to lay face ( and foobs! ) down and hadn't had any of the other since before the accident . I went without DH which was nice as well. He's been wonderful , but sometimes it's nice just to be allowed to be "selfish".

  • LoveMyVizsla
    LoveMyVizsla Member Posts: 526
    edited November 2016

    VLH, my last chemo was 7/14, I had my re-excision on 8/10 and my surgeon removed my port then as well. I was glad to be rid of it. I've had to have a handful of blood draws since then, and I've used the topical lidocaine on my arm. Works great!

  • gmmiph
    gmmiph Member Posts: 662
    edited November 2016

    Madam Cocker,

    Any news


  • sylviaexmouthuk
    sylviaexmouthuk Member Posts: 7,940
    edited November 2016

    Hello Cocker (Annie),

    I just wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts and I am so sorry to hear all that you are going through. You have been a constant on the thread and a huge support to a lot of women.

    Take care and let us know how things go.

    Wishing you all the very best from the UK.

    Fondest thoughts.

    Sylvia xxxx

  • sylviaexmouthuk
    sylviaexmouthuk Member Posts: 7,940
    edited November 2016

    Hello Linda,

    I was glad to see you posting on the thread in response to Cocker. I do remember talking to you way back when in the early days of this thread. So many of the women posting then have now stopped and I do not know too many of the new names.

    I was glad to know all is well with you. I am now over 11 years since diagnosis but do not take anything for granted. Two women I know have had their cancer come back after 13 years but are doing well on treatment and still doing well two years on.

    Fondest thoughts.

    Sylvia xxxx

  • allydp
    allydp Member Posts: 361
    edited November 2016

    Annie!!! I just heard of the 7.8 earthquake in New Zealand...and I'm sick to my stomach wondering if you're okay. I messaged you elsewhere, but please give us a smoke signal that you and your family are okay! Sending you prayers all around. I sure hope and pray with everything I have that you're more than pleasantly surprised by your results. We are here for you no matter what...please remember that.

    gmm - what a beautiful prayer. Amen.

    Ladies - thank you so much for thinking of me the past few days. Results took much longer than I expected, but everything is clear. I thought the wait on the results meant my BS was getting her ducks in a row to deliver bad news, but she wanted to call me personally and it took her some extra time to do so. She'd like me to follow up with PCP on the weight loss to get to the root of it. If I have no luck with my PCP, she wants me to see a Rheumatologist. She thinks something immune related might be going on, as I also started having a random allergic reaction in the form of swelling under my eyes (like bags) when I wake up in the morning. This started around the same time as the weight loss. It happens about once or twice a month and takes a few days to go down. I can't for the life of me pin point the cause. Anyway, I'm very relieved. Thanks so much for all of your support! xoxo

    Annie - again - hope to hear from you soon that you and your family are okay! xoxo

  • gmmiph
    gmmiph Member Posts: 662
    edited November 2016

    Hi allydp,

    Thanks for appreciating the prayer for Annie. I hope all is well with you. I just learned now about the big quake in Christchurch, NZ. Was there a tsunami too? I'm gonna watch tv news now.

    I am worried about Annie too, and all the people of New Zealand. Let's pray for them.

    Take care and God bless,


  • Cathytoo
    Cathytoo Member Posts: 394
    edited November 2016

    Allydp...what great news for you‼️

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821
    edited November 2016

    Oh ALLY!! I am SOOO happy to read your update!! YAYYYYY!! Now, get to the root of this and feel better!!

    Hoping we hear good news from Annie, soon, too!!

    Hugs to all here from NYC!

  • Luvmydobies
    Luvmydobies Member Posts: 476
    edited November 2016

    Ally, I'm so happy to hear your good news!!! WooHoo!!

    Cocker, still holding you tight and praying. Prayers for all affected by the earthquake! May God protect and comfort them! (((HUGS)))

  • jenjenl
    jenjenl Member Posts: 409
    edited November 2016

    happy dance with Ally!!! Cocker you're next. xo

  • Seraphima
    Seraphima Member Posts: 52
    edited November 2016

    I'm not here much, but adding prayers for Cocker (Annie)!

    And very glad to hear your good news, Ally. :)

  • gmmiph
    gmmiph Member Posts: 662
    edited November 2016


    In my rush to know more about the quake in NZ, I forgot to congratulate you for having been cleared. Here's a nice Thanksgiving gift for you:


  • amw5
    amw5 Member Posts: 74
    edited November 2016



    Thinking of you.

  • LifeAloft
    LifeAloft Member Posts: 69
    edited November 2016

    Alicia, so so happy to hear your great news!!

    Cocker, thinking of you

  • allydp
    allydp Member Posts: 361
    edited November 2016

    Thank you all so much! Your support, as always, means the absolute world to me. No one truly knows what these scares are like except, you, my fellow warriors.

    gmm - that is hysterical! Thanks so much for the laugh!


  • Cocker_Spaniel
    Cocker_Spaniel Member Posts: 1,188
    edited November 2016

    jenjen sorry my dear but no good news here.

    Have large cancerous mass in the middle of my chest. Without chemo several months. With chemo possibly a year but have to have a special biopsy to see if chemo suitable. Family are devastated. What a F.... shit day.

    The earthquake. We did feel it because I heard a bang and my bedroom door was banging like mad against the bedroom wall and the room swaying a bit. I woke my hubby and said someone was breaking in so he sat up in bed and said "ok we are ready for you". How we would have been ready I don't know because all the intruder would have seen was two oldies, hair in a bedtime mess and not a candlestick between us to defend ourselves. I laughed so hard, it was so funny.

    LUV I thought if anything it would be in my right breast and I could have it gone but I think God this forsaken me this time.

    Ally wonderful news for you. It really brightened m y day. You keep going my darling you have a lot to live for.

  • gmmiph
    gmmiph Member Posts: 662
    edited November 2016

    Gosh Miss Annie,

    I have never felt so sorry in my life. To think that there's so many here praying and rooting for you. Sometimes I really think it is so unfair. Why are those good people suffering? Why not the bad ones? Why not Trump, for heaven's sake!

    Can surgery and chemo still fix it? I wish there's still a way. So many difficult cases like yours have been treated before. How about experimental chemo drugs on clinical trials? There must still be a way.

    It is good you still have that humor in you. Hold on to that. Hold on to your dear husband and children, Hold on to us.

    We will continue to pray hard for you.

    Rest well and stay strong.

    We love you!


  • gmmiph
    gmmiph Member Posts: 662
    edited November 2016

    Dear Sisters,

    Once again I would like to request you to please offer a few seconds of your precious time to devote the following prayer for our dear friend Annie, for her complete healing from this common dreadful disease we are all suffering from. We also include in this prayer our own personal healing and for the safety of our loved ones.

    Heavenly Father,

    We seek your omnipotent presence at this very moment.

    We humbly beg for your forgiveness for all the sins we have commited. We want to be truly cleansed before your holy presence.

    We thank you for all the blessings you have bestowed upon us.

    We now come to you in deep prayer to petition for the complete healing of our friend Annie. May your healing hands touch her now, melt all cancer cells in her body, remove all diseases she has and show to her that with sincere faith, Your infinite love and mercy will be upon her.

    We also pray for the deliverance of all of us from this dreaded disease which bind us. May our collective petition be a unified sign of immense faith which would be pleasing enough for You to grant us Your infinite compassion.

    We also pray for the comfort and protection of our loved ones. That they may calmly understand your Holy Will. Keep them safe Father.

    In Jesus' name, we pray,


  • Luvmydobies
    Luvmydobies Member Posts: 476
    edited November 2016

    Cocker, I can't tell you how deeply sorry I am! This disease is so damn awful, obviously! It just plain sucks and isn't fair. I'd never wish this on anyone but it's so unfair that the nicest of people who try to do good in this world are the ones who end up with cancer and other diseases with no cure! You're not alone. We will fight with you. Just a crappy day for all of us! I'm so sorry! Holding you tight sweet Annie! That's all I have for now. I'll continue to pray for comfort for you and your family. Love you!!