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Calling all TNs



  • Valstim52
    Valstim52 Member Posts: 833
    edited January 2017

    Sending gentle virtual hugs to you DIV and all others going through treatment.

  • Luvmydobies
    Luvmydobies Member Posts: 476
    edited January 2017

    (((((HUGS)))) DIV!!! We are here for you and everyone else too!

    Everyone, just hang in there!

  • DiV
    DiV Member Posts: 148
    edited January 2017

    Thanks ladies! 2 more days then i get a break.

  • Cathytoo
    Cathytoo Member Posts: 394
    edited January 2017

    DiV....stay strong. We're all with you all the way‼️

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821
    edited January 2017

    DiV, - rest rest rest! and stay hydrated!

    sending hugs

  • LoveMyVizsla
    LoveMyVizsla Member Posts: 526
    edited January 2017

    DiV, do you have any ginger chews? Or maybe try some ginger ale. Hang in there!

  • gmmiph
    gmmiph Member Posts: 662
    edited January 2017


  • Nan812
    Nan812 Member Posts: 224
    edited January 2017

    Mykiddies, you are on my mind and in my heart today...I hope you can sleep tonight, I hope your babies make you smile, and I hope you make every second count.

    Sending cyber hugs to all my TN sisters

  • Cathytoo
    Cathytoo Member Posts: 394
    edited January 2017

    Mykiddies....sending you hugs and ❤️❤️

  • meadow
    meadow Member Posts: 998
    edited January 2017

    Thank you Nan

    Hugs to Mykiddies

    Thinking of you all

  • GT1965
    GT1965 Member Posts: 29
    edited January 2017

    Hello all, like Mykiddies, I have been lurking for a week or so after having been diagnosed on 12/29 with IDC, grade 3, TN. My tumor as so far known is 1.5 cm. I can't begin to thank every one of you for sharing your stories and experiences. I find reading these threads so very helpful. Having only found out my diagnosis 2 weeks ago, I still find myself thinking I will wake up from this nightmare. I'm scheduled for a lumpectomy and node SN on 1/17. My mother had BC with rads and then was diagnosed a couple years later with Leukemia and died 2 months later. I'm praying for 0 node involvement on Tuesday but I also realize that chemo and rads will most likely be a part of my future treatment- like it or not. Positive thoughts and ((hugs))

  • DiV
    DiV Member Posts: 148
    edited January 2017

    Hi ladies, just an update on my treatment. Stomach feels better today. Can't say much for my back and arm. Today was really bad doing radiation. Having my arm behind me today was the worse. I can handle alot of pain but today it hurt so bad i was crying. I am on percocet but don't take it every 4 hrs like the dr wants me to. I am so afraid of getting addicted. Dr spoke to me and insisted on taking it. Dr said it should help if not he would change my pain medication. I just feel so out of it and loopy. I will listen to his advise and pray that it helps. Will be glad after tomorrow and I get a break from radiation over the weekend. Sometimes it's hard staying strong when you hurt. Will hang in there and fight through it.

  • marias
    marias Member Posts: 265
    edited January 2017

    Hello everyone, on October 31 I dreamed of my father, who had died 11 years ago, and tells me in the dream, "Nena has breast cancer." Stay awake and alert ... I have been very tired in the last years and with a pain in the upper part of the belly on the right side. So I had some liver exams and biliary exams but I had not returned the mammogram since 2012. I had the low white blood cells in 2013 and I went to the hematology, but I did not know why. The fatigue continued, and it was getting worse. In August I started a headache that was initially thought to be the glasses, I suspended a mastery study that was advancing, and change three times of glasses. The ophthalmologist said everything is fine with his eyes, so I made a cerebellar and also went well. But there was the headache, the pain in the side and if some activity was totally exhausted. So with those words of my father in the dream, stick to the ceiling. It was already November 1.

    That same day I asked for an appointment with the family doctor who sent me the mammography, they did it to me that day at 6:30 pm, I hardly got to the appointment because there was a huge trancon. So the young lady who took care of me, treated me aggressively, scolded me because I did not choose the correct position in front of the mammogram from the first moment, but I do not care, she told me, I have to run with this.

    I was told that on November 15 I got the results, but on Saturday, Saturday, at 5 pm, the results arrived in the mail, saying that it was a Birads 4c. I remained in schock, I could no longer doubt my father's words. So that day, call my mother who lives in another continent to my brothers who live in other cities.

    I live alone, so I said good to move then !!

    Go back to where the family doctor, who immediately sent me to do the biopsy, on Wednesday November 9th I did the trucut biopsy, in the surgery room, the fear caused my blood pressure to rise.

    The most difficult thing until that moment had been not having close people with whom to speak, in a more humane way. When I said I'm waiting for the result of the biopsy, I've been told, "is that you have to solve a problem with your mom" "with your dad" "with one of your partners" "is something you have not healed from the past." .. etc. Go support to go to the very same fuck, or I seek the cancer .. when I thought to tell a psychologist, then, a small child that gives cancer, which is what I had to heal ... tells me ... because ... it is that when he was going to come to this world he decided that he would give him cancer as a child ... hp, that is, it is the fault of one who has cancer .. so I did not find people with the Which I could talk about that did not make me feel guilty, that I had gone to the sky market to buy the cancer.

    I asked for vacations, how can one be working and go to the medical services, ask for appointments, authorizations, rows, etc. while working. The first five days after the pathology left me incapacitated. The pathology was infiltrating Carcinoma, nottingham 8/9 and histological grade 3, something that I do not know what it means so far.

    Then go back to the oncologist, who sends a hypo-histochemistry, then you have to go through the tissue samples to the first laboratory that did the pathology and take it to another. The delivery of these fabrics are made in paraffin cylinders and some plates ... but it takes ... about 20 days if they do it between laboratories and if you go and do the rows, management, order, The letter, etc, about 6 working days ....

    While those days were good, I went to the swimming pool, to the sauna, to walk, to listen to audiobooks, and to do the sistica to each activity, I felt very good, more rested, as free without having to go to the office.

    After an aunt, I invited me to a farm in a cooler area where I live, to talk about all that was happening to me .. but I also invite other cousins that I did not see more than 30 years ago ... so I do not I feel very good neither the weather nor the company, we were in another synchrony, I thinking about what I'm going to do and them on vacation ... So I can not talk much of what happened to me, my aunt had an immense cold so I I fish it and go back to my rather constipated city.

    Finally I already have the result of the second laboratory already says: triplenegative and Ki67 present at 35%. Oh ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    I have a sister who, since I told her that I had done the mammogram, says to me, "Tranquility is nothing, trust in God." Every day sends notes of religious things, but she does not call me or write to me to ask me how I am ... I will be very sensitive and I expect more from the family, what a mistake, being single, being 53 and living alone.

    Now since I know it is a triplenegative I have been tearful, sensitive ... And I feel that I am not able to face what is coming ...

    Well now, first I'm going to put a clip, get an aspiration biopsy of the sentinel lymph node, start chemotherapy and pray to God, let the chemo work.

    I do not know if the clip hurts. Anyone knows?

    In the last weeks have appeared and disappeared friends and friends .... I think it is better that they rotate so they do not burn with this situation ... so I try not to lie to anyone ... but I really feel very alone.

    I started my first cycle of chemotherapy on 26 of december, take 24 hours. In the hospital 4 hours, and I carry one to home.. Before that I was introduced a picc catheter in the left forearm to pass me there the chemo. The week before a clip had been inserted into the tumor in the right breast to locate the site of the tumor in case it was reduced. Also I had a biopsy of a ganglion in the armpit that resulted without metastasis which gives me much hope. I also had a thyroid ultrasound that shows that I have two nodules on each side, but the oncologist said that we did not biopsy him but would start the treatment as soon as possible. With chemotherapy I did well, it's a chemo fac-t.

    The first FAC or CAF, are every 21 days, for 24 hours, give me an infuser to take home and at 24 hours I return to have it removed, I have not felt very bad, just very tired. I exhausted myself quickly.

    Now they have discovered that the cancer is also of Basal - Like Phenotype, so I hope chemotherapy will take effect. Because I do not want to face the situation that does not work.

    My brothers came to accompany me and my mother arrived too. So I feel more emotionally backed. I have been incapacitated so I do not have to go to work, even so, the plans I have to do in the day, I often do not have enough time or energy.

    I'm getting used to going out with masks, you do not go to public places like shopping centers, restaurants, supermarkets. I'm also getting used to not eating raw vegetables or not eating late night food. So nothing to cook and save for tomorrow everything is the same day.

    There are days that I sleep well and others in which I enter an anguish that I am not able to sleep but I go to walk by the apartment. I'm taking cannabis globules with a dilution of 60. I take 4 and I think it has helped me.

    Now the subject of the bathroom is complicated, because you have to turn the arm in kitchen plastic to enter the shower, I am trying to find here in Colombia a dry pro to use it during the shower but they do not sell it. Same as the one I've seen on the internet, goes from forearm to arm, like covering the elbow and my catheter picc, is only in the forearm

  • Nan812
    Nan812 Member Posts: 224
    edited January 2017

    hi GT, it took me a while to post too. I'm really glad I did and I think you will be too. These amazing gals have so much to share and do so with such an open heart. So glad you're here yet so sad I have another triple negative sister.

    I'll sign off with Claires quote: if God never gives us more than we can handle...He must think I'm a bad ass !!

    Keep shining bright

  • DiV
    DiV Member Posts: 148
    edited January 2017

    Nan812, I love that quote!

  • GT1965
    GT1965 Member Posts: 29
    edited January 2017

    Thank you Nan812. Love the quote - guess we all find out we are stronger than we know! I have a question for all of my new TN sisters - I read on my initial pathology report that my Ki-67 was 70 per cent! Has anyone else had that high of a reading

  • Nan812
    Nan812 Member Posts: 224
    edited January 2017

    Oh maria, I just saw your post. Please don't feel alone with all of the wonderful triple negative sisters on here. We may be half a world away ( or not ) but some one is always here to really hear you :)

    I'm so sorry that people are blaming you for this horrible thing... I'm sorry but absoulty no one is immune to cancer. Maybe your cancer is really a test for them to see how loving, kind, and compassionate they really are. I too was surprised when what I thought were good friends, who had promised to help with anything I needed when I was diagnosed, just got way to busy for that one ride I couldn't find. I have come to realize that my diagnosis is just to scarey for many people and no one wants to be this close to death (my cancer has really spread, past the point where no doctor will even do any cancer cutting surgery on me..ever. no point to put me thru that they thankful you caught yours early enough) I've surprised my doctors and responded to the chemo and I'm still here against all odds. You can do this too.

    I too have been using medical cannabis since the beginning and I feel personally that it has helped slow my tumor growth immensely. The 2 times I went off I got a new brain met and a 4 cm tumor on my adrenal gland. Sure this could be a coincidence but I'm not going to risk it again and if it stops holding it back then at least it bought me a lot of extra time ( I've read my stats so trust me on this ) It also helps me manage many symptoms so for that alone I am thankful ;) if you ever need to ask me anything, I will do my best to help.

    You have made it this long being a strong and independent woman and even tho this can knock you off your feet for a minute, you will find true friends you never knew were there, inspiration in the strangest things, and angels showing up right when you need them.

    You can do this and if you need us we are all right here .

    Big cyber hugs to you and all my TN sisters

  • LoveMyVizsla
    LoveMyVizsla Member Posts: 526
    edited January 2017

    Welcome GT, from another fellow Washingtonian. I'll be hoping your nodes aren't involved too. You might want to start on stool softeners now before your surgery so you don't get constipation issues. If you have nausea trouble from anesthesia, ask for a scopolamine patch-they work wonders. Hope your surgery goes smoothly.

  • Nan812
    Nan812 Member Posts: 224
    edited January 2017

    maria I think the clip you're talking about is the one they use as a marker and it goes in when they take the biopsy . It's the size of a piece of rice so however much your biopsy hurts, that's about it. I wasn't numbed long enough so mine brought tears to my eyes but it was very quick.

  • Momy4ever
    Momy4ever Member Posts: 21
    edited January 2017

    Hi ladies, can I join you? I was diagnosed on the 16 th of august. My biopsy report revealed that I'm er/pr + and her2 - . I have a multifocal cancer with the bigger tumor 6cm plus nodes involvement. They started me on neoadjuvent chemo TAC . I had my BMX surgery on 1/5/2017 and my pathology report revealed the following: my biggest tumor decreased in size from 6 cm to 2 cm, but I still have 11 positive nodes from 20. My onc said that it is considered good response as we didn't know how many nodes were affected before chemo. The strange thing is that they tested the hormones again and they came back ER-/PR-,HER2- .

    My onc didn't discuss with me yet what could be the next step, of course I will have radiation but I'm wondering for whom who are TN and had residual disease after neoadjuvent chemo, what was your next step, more IV chemo, xeloda, nothing?

    Also is it normal to be er+/pr + before chemo and change to er-/pr- after chemo?

    Forgive me but the new TN diagnosis took me by surprise

  • marias
    marias Member Posts: 265
    edited January 2017

    Hello Nan812 thanks for your answer and words, is really nice to read you. I need this place to read, to talk about our problem and how to go out with it,


  • Nan812
    Nan812 Member Posts: 224
    edited January 2017

    I mommy4ever, of course you can join ...I'm just so sorry you have to. I have no answers to those questions, I'm new here too. I froze with my DX and never looked another thing up till now. I've been learning so much from everyone on here...real life stuff.. that I haven't found anywhere else. I hope you have a restful sleep tonite. Keep shining bright!

  • Cathytoo
    Cathytoo Member Posts: 394
    edited January 2017

    GT1965...sorry you are here, but we welcome you. This is the place where you'li find support, information...and most important, caring and support. Good luck on your upcoming surgery. Hope you have an easy time and get the best possible results.

  • SA8PG
    SA8PG Member Posts: 280
    edited January 2017

    GT1965 my KI67 was 95%. It was a very fast growing tumor. Chemo destroyed it though I got a PCR.

    All of you new ladies hang in there. Take it one day at a time. There are so many positive stories, true ones. Google is not your friend when your searching for answers.

    Hugs, Love & Prayers

  • meadow
    meadow Member Posts: 998
    edited January 2017

    GT and Marias, Welcome welcome!

    GT, like SA8, my ki67 score was 95. I had a complete response to chemo, and surgery and rads, and am cancer free, Thank you God. Triple Negative cancer is very responsive to chemo, which is good news for us. Sending you my best.

    Marias, I am glad your family is there with you and you have support. That means so much!

    Momy, Welcome! Hoping you are healing well after your recent surgery. How are the drains? About the time you think they are driving you crazy, they are gone. Hoping yours are gone or about to be. Hang in there!

    Helloooo Cathy and SA8, DiV, Nan and LMV

  • Momy4ever
    Momy4ever Member Posts: 21
    edited January 2017

    thanks Nan & Meadows, I'm heeling well, the drains are annoying, I had 4 and my PS removed one 2 days ago, so i still have 3 to bother me.

    I will meet with my onc on Wednesday to check what my options are, I will beg him for more chemo. When I thought I'm er/pr + ( as per my biopsy) , I thought fine the hormone and the radiation will take care of the residual cancer but now as my path report came back TN. I think the only option with radiation is more chemo.

    If anyone has experience or know someone with a similar situation please let me know.

    Thanks all

  • Cathytoo
    Cathytoo Member Posts: 394
    edited January 2017

    Meadow...Helllooo back to you‼️

  • Luvmydobies
    Luvmydobies Member Posts: 476
    edited January 2017

    So, I was diagnosed four years ago today! I'm feeling a bit anxious because I still remember everything about that day, and the worst part was telling my parent's! Ugh!! I was 36 at the time, and thought I was too young for this, although, after learning more as I went along in my treatment, that was/is obviously NOT the case! Do any of you ever notice an uptick in anxiety around your cancerversary? I also have my six month checkup on February 6th, so maybe that's why I'm feeling a little nervous. Anyway, hope everyone has a good Monday!!

  • Nan812
    Nan812 Member Posts: 224
    edited January 2017

    lovemydobies, I will keep you in my heart all year. For me my "cancerversary" will be a happy day because I will have beaten all the stats I have read in fact at 22 months I already have and I'm going to party with my girls in 2 more months. I guess my true anxiety over getting a new met has never really gone away now that I really think about it, I'm always at the doctors so maybe I just got used to it(except scan day). Still I'm so thankful for another year and I'm happy for you too.

    Keep shining bright

  • Valstim52
    Valstim52 Member Posts: 833
    edited January 2017

    Congrats luvmydobies. You too Nan812. With my dx, I will be happy each year, but will have anxiety too.