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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    Lizzy-  I like those too.  Ever seen Role Models?

    I like your sarcasm, maybe because I'm disturbed.  (c:

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Debbi- Yes i had a bi lateral so it was on the side of my mx- does that matter?

    It actually is healing really nicely which i told my husband is a sign that the effects of chemo are wearing off- i remember a simple papercut taking at least a week if not more to heal.

    Lady- Hope that bug has run its course- nothing worse than feeling sick!

    Kel- Whoop whoop on the clear mammo!!!! If done right they should hurt, some of these techs just get too grabby!!!!

    Carolyn that sucks- yeah its terrbile they wait a yr to let ya know and of course some places are quick to pass it to collections, billing needs more regulation

    Oh speaking of which i found out the reason i owe my oncologist so much is for the first 4 months i was seeing him they were being billed as out of network while they were really in network so the insurance is going to resubitt, fingers crossed! But funny it took 18 months for someone to figure that out, and by somebody i mean me! I was going through my charges and they said i owed X amount for an office visit, which i was like i paid my co-pay i shouldnt have to pay anything over that! well if my calculations are correct i owe them under $100 bucks! Lets see how this pan out- check back in 10-14 days LOL

    Kel- Whoo hoo on the clear nodes! Yes that is the first thing we worry about! About you're 2 things that have been paid- i would dispute it which costs you nothing. Let them know that both had been paid before being sent to collections. Its a lot easier getting stuff taken off now than before- if i am not mistaken you can do that online... Yeah crazy how the amount doesnt matter one bit, i personally dont think medical bills should effect our credit score (that'd be a perfect world lol)

    Lizzy- i am the same way- i had a crad to a very popular clothing store that had GREAT clearnace- which they would give you an extra % off when using your card, i would buy a ton of stuff for really cheap, go home and pay off the balance, well they got wise and kept cutting my limit LOL you're punished either way! I really try not to buy anything on credit, but am not gonna lie that i had to put a lot of gas fill ups on my credit card when i had no money to get to my appointments.... But things i buy, food, clothes, furniture- i pay cash....

    Kel- I am only saying this out of pure love for you and I know you are a spiritual person. Read Acts the 27th chapter. This is the story of Paul (as a prisoner) sailing to Italy. There was a huge storm which terrified all the people on board. After days of being in the storm the sailors tried to flee on the skiff but Paul warned them that they needed to stay on the boat and to "Be of good cheer" (Acts 8:22) that no one will be lost only the boat. That ship that the men stayed on is what saved them, although it did break apart, the men that couldnt swim used planks from the ship to float ashore. The very thing they were trying to flee had saved them! Had they gone off on the skiffs they would have surely died. Sometimes when we are caught in the storms of life such as credit ratings and such we just see the ship that is sinking. And its hard to be in good cheer as Paul suggests. But his optimisim came based on the knowledge that no one was going to perish. I know i am trying to go somewhere here LOL but its like everything i am thinking isnt good enough. What I want to say to you is let them do what they want, pay them in your own time- I am super happy to hear your mom is stepping in and is able to loan you the money. Money is just paper, not nearly as valuable as your life.

    Matthew 6:24 "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."  (7 years is a lot of tomorrows Wink)

    Ginger- i am doing the happy dance with ya girl!!!!!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Lizzy- Apparently we were typing at the same time (i am terribly slow!)

    Wanted to say thankls for the great advice! I didnt even think about not sharing the cancer fact, but it makes sense. And agree- if its ruing your credit for 7 years, why let it ruin everything else- $5 bucks sounds too generous to these jerks!

    Also your bank will NOT back you up if they take more than agreed upon! Def do money order (banks give those out for free to their customers) or even do a western union transfer which run about $12-15 i had nearly $400 taken from my account once and my bank said because they had the account and routing numbers they were free to do that! So much for payment arrangements!

    Well my daughter is getting out early and i have to head out! Funny cuz it literally took me an hour to type the above message lol! (i told myself pop on BCO for 15 mintues!) LOL

    Later Ladies! if i dont get back on today have a great weekend!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Tex: the add the zero thing happened to me when I was out of hte country in 2005.  I allowed my gym to charge my annual membership to my account which, at that time, was $750.  Well adding a zero, which they really, really did not mean to do, caused a mess for me.  An absolute mess.  I was faxing and mailing blah blah, phone calls etc... and it took so long and so much money to fix I just decided I would never, ever, ever allow anyone access to my accounts again.  More to this point, I set up a "joker" account for gym debits.   It is on a totally seperate island and the only thing that goes out of that account is 2 gym memberships.   Also, remember with a credit card, you are paying XXX% in interest.  You are going to pay phone, light, gas and do grocery shopping every month.  Another way to cut down on the interest you are paying them is to pool your "household bill money" and make a lump sum payment on a card and then use the card to pay your household bills.  You lower the actual amount you are exposed to on credit on a monthly basis by doing this.   Something to consider.   I only use 2 and pay them in full every month (yes, they hate me!) and I would much prefer to chew my arm off than a penny in interest!   

    Tex, as you know I am no bible reader but I will say the stories that I have been told etc... remind me that whoever wrote that book had, at the very least, a modicum of clairvoyance because so many of those stories are very pertinent to what we are going through today.  It is really very surprising to me, the pagan that I am!  

    Adey:  I do have to check out Role Models!  I heard about that!  Terrible Bosses...very good stuff!  Aniston was great in that!  

    Oil drama: now I had to call them back for servicing= mo money, mo money!!!!!  Goodbye $600!  So long dreams of spending you elsewhere!   Goodbye Jimmy Choo! 

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Well, ladies, I'm glad to be alive, as Lizzie said, but life can suck sometimes. My husband told me that he is filing for divorce. So, Lizzie, add to that list of things cancer takes from us: spouses. We've been separated since Nov., and I figured when he moved out then, although he said we'd do counseling and work on things, that it was just his way of getting out the door.

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    I am reading all of these posts and am horrified that financial stress comes into play after or during cancer. Not that I am saying that people don't have financial difficulties here in Canada during illness--losing a job and regular pay--going onto disability at % of your regular salary....that being said, no one would ever worry about receiving treatment and no one ever gets an invoice from the Doc. I hope that some changes are made in the US for healthcare...should be a right for everyone.

    I thought that credit people couldn't harass you....I thought there was a law about it...perhaps I am wrong.

    I always tell people that as much as Cancer was a unwelcome guest into our lives...we were at a good place financially where I could take a year off work at % of my regular salary and have no issues. I am thankful for that.

    Well...we got snow here today and I think everyone forgot how to drive in the 10min commute this morning turned into 45min....we need more snow to get everyone used to it. Happy Weekend! My hubby and I are headed to a "January sucks" party tomorrow night..everyone brings a gift (from any occasion) that they received and don't want or can't believe someone bought for them and we have a slightly off secret santa exchange. No kids so nice adult evening!

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    (((Lady)))  So sorry.  You have been through the ringer.  Prayers and peaceful vibes.

    rachel- That is a great idea for a party.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Rachel: that is a cool idea for a party! In my pre-bc life I would head to the equator for 7-10 days last week in January and first few days of Feb. I don't love Jan/Feb.

    As for the financial end of being "Born in the USA," I have been fine even with my reduced income and totally able to handle this myself but I still would have liked to spend that $40K in another way like on a vacation home! I would have liked to do anything but dump it in the "survive cancer" fireplace! I getting ungrateful again?! I am going to slap myself and dish a good reminder about being grateful to be alive! I must just relish being alive and pray to cancer to take more money from, please!!!!!!

    Adey: I will check out "Role Models." Saw "Water for Elephants" tonight. That a very good movie.

    Lady: there is that old song by Bonnie Raitt "I can't make you love me." I have been on the receiving end of love that I have wanted nothing to do with on more than one occasion and I have also loved someone who did not love me back. It is all a mystery but my problem with your spouse is his timing: that was wrong. Love must be seperated from "humane treatment" of another human being and in this way he has faltered horribly. I really think you are lucky cancer tested the strength of your relationship because now you can move on. How awful it would be if it were never tested in such a way and you had to find out in other, far worse ways, he could not be trusted to do the right thing. There are nice guys out there and when you are ready, take a ballroom dance class or something. You will meet someone.

    My mother had a woman that worked for her for years. She was very attractive and had been in banking for years. She worked for my mother PT for extra income and she was a very fun lady. She told me one day "Lizzy, my first one was a drunk whore and my second was a whore, I am not going for #3!" She used to tell me how firmly she drew the line with her "companion" and, for instance, one day when he came to pick her up he said her hair looked nice and she said "Don't start, we are just friends going to a movie and don't get any ideas or I can get right back out of this car!!!!" She was hysterical and I loved her so. She was so interesting.

    I don't think some are luckier than others in love but it is just that some like the taste of shit better than others!!!! My friend Mary who I call "wild eyed crazy Mary" just got divorced last year. She was a woman who really needed to be divorced as she loved to get out and party and play with me! We had a lot of fun with the boys! She is a lot of fun to party with. My friend Teresa, who I worked with in Manhattan, lived in Greenwich and had been recently married. All we did was head to midtown to party night after night until one night she broke down in a drunken stupor telling me don't ever get married, I hate going home, my life sucks and I am bored and then started blubbering more about him wanting children and then she really fell apart. She felt that children were the shackles used to bind women. A lot of people would agree with her. I tell you all of this because the caliber of love one person can give to another also varies. Teresa and Mary, albeit without sick husbands, were not capable of giving their husbands the equivalent of the love they were getting. They had to leave but I don't think either would have left if their husband's were sick.

    Some are more emotionally incapacitated than others but I think that any man or woman that can turn and walk away on a spouse in a double cancer battle is a total piece of shit and although you may romanticize the high points, someday you will realize it was a total blessing his true colors came out. I am sorry to come out strongly but I can't stand anyone that could dump on someone in a situation like your's. That is a sick person. As for more sick men stories, my sister's BIL who gave the woman he was living with no support during her Stage III lymphoma battle (and she finally kicked him out of her 1/2 mil home) I find out today is a NURSE! Can you believe this poor excuse for a human being, my sister's cold BIL, is a nurse? Some things are incomprehensible.

    There are a lot of great guys out there...go out and find yourself one and don't waste another 2 seconds even thinking about this one. Someone else deserves your love and you need to find that person.

    Ok, back to tv/movies: does anyone watch "It Is Always Sunny in Philadelphia?" That is some good comedy! If you all have not seen it, check it out.

    Tomorrow I am going to put up my "countdown to Spring training" calendar!!!!!!!!!! GOOD TIMES! I am going to hop to FL to check out my Yanks during training and then I am going to hop to Yankee stadium to swap out my rain day tickets from last season's rain fest in September when I had slammin' seats for the BoSox v Yanks....I will not get seats like that on a swap but I will cry if I get junk!

    Goodnight, girls!

    Abraham Lincoln: It is not the years in your life that count---it's the life in your years
    Diagnosis: 4/16/2010, IDC, 2cm, Stage IIb, Grade 2, 2/18
     nodes, ER+/PR+, HER2-

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Lizzy- Maybe setting up a cheap video camera outside to catch these guys in the act would help prevent more attacks on your oil!

    Lady- I am terribly sorry to hear that. Yes cancer has been know to take spouses too, SMH thats just too bad, I had a lot of hope for y'all when he agreed to go to counseling. Men can be jerks and self centered!

    Rachel- I t hink your Gov realised that its more of a hardship to them if all the sick people went broke and they had to pay welfare benifits to them instead of making it easier and giving medical coverage.

    That party sounds fantastic! Let us know what gift you end up with!!!

    Lizzy- I have watched that show (always sunny) pretty funny in an adult crude humor way.

    About love- i agree with you that others arent luckier in love than others, but they work harder at accepting the other's short commings. I am being dead honest with you ladies- if i wasnt dx with stage 4 i would have divorced my husband the second he dropped this huge bombshell on me. I may have mentioned it somewhere on the boards, but i dont want it to stay forever in cyber space LOL (if ya want details i will gladly PM them to ya) Anyhow, it took a lot on my part to even look at him again. Turning to my faith I have been able to overcome it, but hey those are the chips i was dealt.

    Well my darling son is letting me know he wants to watch a movie on my computer LOL- got house work to do anyhow!


  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Lady....sending hugs. After the rough couple of years you have had, happiness is what you deserve. (that and health of course!)

    Coming back from Mexico, I watched that movie 50/50 on my iPad....that cancer movie. It had some hilarious parts...and was a litte emotional...I think it brings things to the surface for us cancer patients. Anyway...check it out...also The Help was good!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Lizzy, you are so funny! DGD name IS Zoe. I was making a joke with the Diane business. lol I am apparently not direct enough with my humor.

    Lol Ginger

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    Tex: it is so dark out here cameras would be for naught! I really don't know what is going on. Family members are in law enforcement and say it is a suspected crime on the rise. Well, yeah, with oil at $3.60 a gallon!!! Who knows? Maybe I have that heating equivalent of "night eating syndrome!" Perhaps I am secretly upset I have not bought a sauna yet and am acting out in my sleep by turning up my heat and wasting oil in the most balmy winter CT has had, to date, in many moons!!!!

    You are probably too young to remember "The Wonder Years" but the lead character, Fred Savage, actually directs Sunny! #useless trivia!  He also directed several episodes of "Ugly Betty."

    As for chips, I think people deal each other chips, some worse than others. Me, I say shove all your chips up your ass and get to steppin!!!! Yes, I have been told on more than one occasion I am filled with piss and vinegar!

    Rachel: I am too sensitive to the history of this country to even watch "The Help." In fact, I don't even like the title. I know it is an acclaimed film but as far as I am concerned it revisits a time in our history that no one wants to so we very well could have survived without it. I know it glorifies how the employed domestic engineers of a certain era raised the children of wealthy families and, from what I understand, it is done very well. On that note, however, there is nothing new under the sun even though this film serves to glorify this evolution. Wealthy families having nannies, butlers and the like raise children is so nothing new. I do like the work of Emma Stone, however! An ex of mine from my NYC days was from Greenwich. Do you know his parents sent him to boarding school at 7? There is a school in the Northeast who takes kids that young. That is sick. For many, absurd wealth means outsourcing parental responsibilities. I am done!!!!!!

    Ginger: joke delivered!!!! Sorry! It is not unlike a child to elect a new name just the same!

    I hope you all are having a nice weekend and, if stress comes your way, start humming Bob Marley's "Three Little Birds" because you know what? He was right! Everything is going to be alright! coming clean: when I was in love with the guy who did not love me back I was kind of seeing another guy in whom I had very shallow, albeit potent, interest! He would always say "everything works out, you'll see!" So take Adam's words with you this weekend should trouble or stress come to pass!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Hi, I have been away from reading while I scoured craigslist for an automatic used car for my daughter.  She just couldn't learn the manual shifting on my old truck and how to drive at the same time.  We found a used civic and bought it this week.  We have spent the entire day cleaning it, the upholstery, the outside, the carpets everything.  You gotta wonder what the brown and orange sludge was in the beginning.  I think they spilled an entire cup of coffee under the passenger seat.  Anyway, it is looking better and my daughter actually drove around today way better than with the manual so I think it was just the ticket to get her driving - yay!  

    Lady I am sorry to hear about your divorce. 

    Thinking of you all! 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    I hope everyone is having a nice weekend!

    The noticeably absent ROSTER:

    Wherria: what happened at your appt this past week?

    Sptmm: how the heck are you?!


    Omaz: that is wonderful that you found her an automatic car!   My father had sports cars so we never had a "family truckster" so we all got cars at 16.  My first car was a Buick Regal and it was my last American car even though I loved it!  My first brand new car was an Acura Integra.  I loved it and it was FAST!  My nephews "chipped" it out and we would race it!  Geesh...when I got in trouble in high school (frequently!) the vice principal would say "Liz, you see my beard?  When you came to this school it was all you see what it looks like (nearly all white!)!"  In any case, I don't know how my father handled it all!  Concerts, boys, skipping class, boys, RI, Boston, NYC (Webster Hall & Limelight at 16 w/my fake ID!), Jersey Shore, car racing...DO YOU HAVE ANY QUESTION WHY I NEVER HAD KIDS!??!

    I hope she is loving her car!  I will never forget admitting to my sister my friends and I would have parties at "top of the world" and for some reason that made my sister, who is 10 years older than me, very nervous and she decided to rat me out to my parents.  My mother was living in Los Angeles at the time and there was a bit coast-to-coast ruckus about what I was up to!  It was so innocuous...if they only knew what I was really doing!  Top of the world was simply top of the industrial park and we got a nice view of the town!  The building was empty!  My first car is very much linked to that activity!  Why am I telling you this?!  You won't sleep!

    I hope everyone had a good weekend-

    Happy trails- 

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    My first new car was a Corvette with a 327/350 engine. I had a blond flip hair style, that was occasionally pink.  :) 

    One piece of the roster reporting in. 

    It is snowing here, a lot!  We discovered that our standard poodle puppy is a snow clump magnet. 



  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Ginger: a vette?!  Nice!!!  About 8 years ago I was going out with a guy from the Bronx.  We both worked on Wall St. I really enjoyed him and by that point I had a 525 (I went on from my teenage musings in that Integra to the Vigor and Legend and really fell in love with Acura at that point but then went to BMW congruent with that industry I was in...which I miss!) and he would let me take his car (Benz) when I fell asleep at his place!  My car was always at some train station in Westchester or Fairfield County.  In any case, one weekend he went to look at a vette.  I was really excited about the idea but he said "Liz, there is a little problem here-they would have to "butta" me to get me in it!!!!!"  He was hysterical!  About 6'4" and 280!  I was all of 135lbs then!  We were quite a pair!  I had fun with him.  I am going to go put on my Willie Nelson wig and sing "to all the men I have loved before!!!"  

    You must have looked like a total pop tart in that car!   Good for you!  Must have been some wild times there, Gingers!

    Ginger, how do you feel now that you have stepped away from some of your responsibilities?  Are you feeling better?  I am so rearing to head back into that Wall St arena but like one of my ex's pointed out a few days ago, stress kills.  I think for somebody who likes stress, lack of stress kills.  I am so ambivalent. I do believe I have to take it easy for a year to make sure there are no mets and to get comfortable again with being alive!! 

    Ok, so it is 5 degrees here and I have to go to Redbox...not happy!  

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Lizzy if it costs you $1.00 not to go to Redbox, then maybe don't go!    Stay warm!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Rachel- I want to see 50/50, i will try looking for it on the redbox.

    Lizzy- Night vision cameras????? I know the chances that they come back are slim, but there is always next year. ;)

    Yes i do remember the wonder years- i did not know he was the director though.

    The Help- it didnt so much glorify how the help helped to raise children so much as it did shed light on things as a whole. (that child rearing was just a small portion of the movie) But i agree it is a time that we don't need to revisit- although there is still treatment of that sort today. Racism is alive and kicking (especially down in my neck of the woods) So funny because growing upin the North West  I had never dealt with racism- i had friends of all races with no incident (until high school- i wont get into all that) Down here is is a whole other can of worms, i find that different races self-segregate, Its really sad. 

    Ginger- Glad she is liking the automatic! Hondas are great cars!!!! I have owned 3 in my lifetime, really wishing I hadn't sold the last one but it was a 2 door and I now have kids (thats why we sold it LOL)

    Oh Lizzy I have one of those sisters LOL she is 2 years younger than me, and my parents had a rule that we could only go with friends that they had met- but my code for going out and partying was "i am going to go stay at my friend Tara's" I had very detailed reasons why every weekend she couldnt meet my parents, but i had integrated her into my life "oh tara and I are doing a report on Lincoln" LOL i was so shady! well when my sis got to high school and realised she had NEVER seen me with anyone named Tara that something was up. Only thing is she wanted in LOL, so I had to drag my little sister along in order to keep her mouth shut!

    Ginger- be safe out there on the roads!

    Redbox- they actually raised their price (at least here) to maybe $1.20 i think- it cost $1.29 after tax. I know 20 cents isnt a lot but imagine if they rent out 1,000,000 movies a day thats $200,000 extra they are making!!!!

    Little know fact- the Dollar menu is what saved McDonalds from going under- as you know its super cheap to buy food there well they were not making a profit at all- someone came up with the idea start this dollar menu and our profits will increase (at that time they were charging 99 cents for their mcchicken.) That one cent on a few of their sandwhiches turned the business around. Oh and they took off a slice of cheese the double cheeseburger calling it a mcdouble which save them a ton of money too.

    Ginger I agree it may be worth the extra day or 2 to night walk out in the cold to return the movies!

    Well everyone enjoy your week!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    If you dont watch the movie as a whole Lizzy= Please watch my favorite part in the movie:

    BTW Bryce Howard did an awesome portrayal in this movie- you know when you hate the person playing the bad guy they are doing a good job!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day warriors!

    I hope everyone had a nice weekend!

    Ginger: I wanted to watch "Moneyball" last night!!!!!  Great movie!  So I braved the RedBox in 5 degree weather and the kid at the adjacent RedBox was wearing SHORTS and a sweat shirt!  

    Texas: that same guy I told Ginger about from the Bronx lived in Throg's Neck. He was born and raised in the Bronx, Irish, nearly went pro football and dreamed of playing for the sad sac, Jets! In any case, one day he and I were driving through the Bronx and I saw a guy kicking a dog. We were at a stop light and I jumped out of the truck, ran over to him and was screaming for him to stop and then I pushed him. Eddie was 2 seconds behind me b/c he knew where I was going. The guy thought he was going to start with me until he saw Eddie! Eddie took the dog from him and that was that. He had a spiked collar on that dog turned inward. If I can't see a animal treated inhumanely (which I cannot and will not), there is no way I would not have been an abolitionist. In fact, if these here souls are recycled, I very well may have been. Only thing is I would have done differently is franchised the likes of "Fried Green Tomatoes!!!" I think we needed more of those types of venues in the South!

    My best friend is African American and he lives in Manhattan. Went to Utica and the whole 9 and do you know what my friend tells me? "Elizabeth, I won't come to see you in Connecticut as I will be reminded I am black." That is sick. I did not know when I read the "Gettysburg Address" in 5th grade or when I was on the "Sally Jesse Raphael" show at 17 and declared in response to her ratings-seeking, racially motivated programming that day, "that we all bleed red so let's stop this madness" that I was well on my way to becoming they woman I am today. No, I will not be watching any "Help" movies. I think that entire disaster has to be relegated to the dust bin of history and left there. I would, however, welcome more movies about the Tuskegee Airmen, Frederick Douglas, The Amistad Mutiny, the Harper's Ferry attack and how it had much to do with the starting of the Civil War 2 years later etc... There is a lot of stuff to write about our history but I feel much like "Pan Am" served to attempt to resuscitate the "would you like some T or A, sir?" mentality of a time all women wish to forget, that film falls the same way for me.

    Getting back to Eddie, he used to ask me before we went out "Is it ok if I take the car instead of the SUV?" because we were in the SUV the day of the "dog" incident and there was a dog fence in the back which was convenient! His mother's dog was wicked rambunctious so he would keep her in the back until out of city traffic.  He also used to offer a blindfold as a joke! He still has that dog today. The spikes were dug so deep in his neck he had to undergo 2 surgeries. I am lucky we did not get killed/shot etc.. that day but you know what? Everything happens for a reason and as all those other a__holes stayed in their car watching this happen, I got out, immediately so I think if god puts people in your path for a reason, then I was put in that dog's path that day to help him. Eddie was also not just any Irish guy from the Bronx so that helped! 

    McRat! I never eat their food.  It has been over 20 years since I had a fast food burger but I will tell you, I love that side salad on the dollar menu!  Works out perfect for me!  The side salad is what brought me back!  Also, and with a good buzz, fries are important a few times a year!  My nephew asked me to go for him the other night.  He wanted 2 double cheeseburgers and a small only cost 3.98 or about a tank of gas in Connecticut!!!!!! Less than $4?!   That is uber cheap.  

    Good day, girls, and if you all have a vaca day today (which you SHOULD!) enjoy!  

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Tex: btw, watched the "Globes" last night and I know that film and the actors won awards.  I understand it was well done.
  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Lizzy- No worries :)

    Yeah you are def someone that takes a stand for their beliefs. Which is refreshing in a society that mostly looks the other way. So you were ON the SJR show???? Interesting- they should make a movie about you and your exploits- or at least a book ;)

    I despise the choke chains, and people that tie their dogs up 24/7- which my SIL does they claim their dog is "untrainable" we went over during the holidays and I took the dog off her tie out, and had her on a leash by my side the WHOLE day- at first she would try to jump up on me, but i would show dominance over her (holding her down til she subitted) she only tried jumping on me for a few times before she realsied that i meant business. Anyhow they never let their dog run free- what is the point of having an animal if you're gonna lock it up or beat it.

    We actually had a pit bull/german sheapard mix and everyone told me what horrible dogs pit bulls were ect... No they aren't horrible dogs- the horrible owners that mistreat the "vicious breed" dogs they get are the problem. Interesting fact- Chihuahuas are more likely to bite than a vicious breed dog. My mom had one and it actually bit my daughter in the face for no reason.

    Reason that rotties, german sheapards and pit bulls get a bad rap is that a large % of the owners buy those dogs for the intention of using them for home protection and they train them to be aggressive. Then breed specific laws come about and idiots without half a brain say "oh i want that type of dog do dog fight ect...." bad cycle

    I am glad to hear your friend still has that dog. I would have hunted that owner down and made sure he never owned a dog again :)

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Lizzie I have done some "interventions" of my own. My parents were racist in the 1940's and 50's sort of way. I don't know where I ever got the idea I could intervene and not get myself killed but I did. So I get it and I understand how it can be near impossible to let injustice happen in your presence.  I nearly blew the real estate closing on my deceased mother's house. The buyers were african American and their lawyer a pompous ass. I finally aksed him if he was their attorney and if they were paying him for his services. He said yes to both. I then asked him how dare he speak to these people like he was? My lawyer had said nothing, and neither realtor had said anything. I felt like what the hell is this? He cooled his jets after that. So there is one example.  I have always felt we all need to put ourselves and our money where pour mouths are. If I preach something I had better practice it.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Tex: the reason German Shepherds are not coveted amongst those that like to abuse animals is a Shepherd will decide for itself how much crap it is going to take and the potential for a Shepherd to turn on it's owner, under the auspices of abuse especially, is very clear.  Pits can be manipulated far more than a Shepherd or a Rott for that matter.  My cousin, who is in law enforcement, has a collection of Rottweillers because he has collected them at drug busts etc... There was one he found where the animal that had the dog had him hanging from a tree behind his house where his paws could barely touch the ground so as to strengthen his neck.  My cousin gives him extra love!  I think he has 7 now.  I don't go for animal abuse and I sure as hell don't go for people abuse.  There was this one day where an animal was roughing her kid up on her way into Walmart.  I stopped and told her unless she wanted me to twist her arm up like that and slap her in the head then she better stop and my next call was to the police.  I am one of those people that DOES NOT WATCH.  If I had kids of my own etc... I am sure I would be thinking twice so I understand the "watchers" but watchers need to be balanced with "doers!" That is where I come in! 

    Ginger:  I believe we are very much sympatico.  I will tell people right away when they are wrong.  Last year when I was on chemo this miserable thing was getting cigarettes and she was upset b/c the cashier was not moving fast enough.   I need not tell you more when I tell you she turned to me and said "they" don't even like to work.  When I pressed her as to who she was talking about she gestured with her chin toward the cashier.  I explained in my current state of health I just about lived there and that woman was always working hard as far as I could tell.  Then she did the unthinkable and TOSSED change on the counter for the cashier to pick up.  The cashier looked at her for a few uncomfortable seconds and I stepped in before she did something was cause her to lose her job.  I told that curmudgeon that her behavior was indicative of a complete lack of social etiquette and that she should hurry along and smoke her demise!  Of course I picked the change up off the counter and handed it to the cashier....and, like I said, I was on chemo!!!!!!!  Ginger I firmly believe it will only be better if we make it better.  Not everyone has to be like you and I but there need be more of us.  Definitely needs to be more of us and GOOD FOR YOU that you put that lawyer in its place!   Pronouns are fun, aren't they?!  

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Hi! Everybody doing OK?  I think this is the biggest pause we have taken from posting so far!

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Hope everyone is well.

    My BIL's father passed away this week after a long struggle with cancer. Sad time for my BIL and my nieces. Another reminder of how cancer is such a beast.

    I went to see the movie "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" last night with a friend....real heartwarming story....more about the strength of the human spirit and how one person can touch so many lives...recommend it....bring the tissues!

    Have a good weekend!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day warriors-

    Sorry for my absence but my mom passed away.  I have been keeping to myself this week.

    Rachel: was supposed to go to NYC to see that movie w/friends this weekend but enough crying for one week!

    Have a good weekend, all-

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Oh Lizzy, I am so sorry!
  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    My heartfelt condolences Lizzy.  Prayers to you and the rest of the family.

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Lizzy:  I am soo sorry to hear about your mom.  My prayers go out to you and your family at this very difficult time.

    Lady:  I am sorry to hear about your husband wanting the divorce, but I am glad that you had kind of expected it so you could prepare a little.  I divorced my husband about 10 years ago, and even though it was my choice and he was a total A**, it is a very difficult thing to go through.  No matter how much we all tell you that you are better off without him, I know that it hurts nonetheless.  I wish you the peace and serenity you need to get through this, and you will get through it.  You are a very strong woman, who has demonstrated enormous strength over the past year or so, and you will come out of this stronger and more confident in yourself!
