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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Sweeney are you going to the Dinasauer Museum North of Calgary? I went there a few years ago and it was wonderful.   Have fun where ever it is.


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Calamtykel: I am glad you stopped in to respond b/c I almost reached out to you about these PET results. I know they can light up for a number of things but because it is right where the cancer was before, kind of scary. See PM for more details. Both boobs are really itchy and the CT and MRI were inconclusive. When I started to call some cancer hospitals about getting seconds almost every one of them asked me where the PET scan was. I did not even know what it was but when I learned that it is radioactive glucose, I figured that has got to be one good test to identify mets. Using radioactive glucose, they can target even the smallest recurrence. I think PET scans are the greatest thing when it comes to finding cancer hiding in the body. Unfortunately, and like you pointed out, it is not a perfect science.

    That is so cool that you have 3 acres to ride on! I would love that. You are safer riding on your own property anyway. A friend of mine played football for Syracuse and one summer in college we lived together. He would ride his bike like 70 miles a day! It was amazing. He was so addicted to that bike. I have a cruiser bike and like to ride a linear trail near my house. They keep extending it and now it is like 50 miles or something. It is hardly challenging but it is just nice to have a place to ride away from cars as my friend was eventually hit by tourists on the shoreline in CT. He lost a semester of playing football b/c of it. In any case, glad you are keeping busy even though your foot has given you trouble.

    Sweeney: between the look on your face in that avatar and the title of the post, it is hysterical!!!!!!!!! LMAO!!!! The Joker Report! I worked with this guy, who I absolutely adored (if bc didn't show up it was ON!), and he got the biggest kick out of me using the word "joker!" We sat right by each other and both had pretty successful careers before this "layover" at the job where we met. I swear, we had so much fun, I loved that guy. He was hysterical and so hot. You know, when Irish guys are good looking, they are really, really good looking like Colin Farrell!!!!!!!! I am going to stop now! I met him one night on the E Side when I was going out with this other bloke!! Tony was from Ireland and he knew Farrell from the motherland! He and I both speak wicked fast and, when I drink, I get faster and more succinct. There was no way Tony could keep up with us!

    The Dinosaur Museum?! My father took us to Dinosaur State Park when we were young and my friends that came with and I were hysterical as it was *the* most boring trip ever!!!!!!!!! I am surprised my father did not choke me! Well, if it is the place Ginger is talking about, sounds like it will be one heck of a good time! Good to hear from you, JOKER!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    I like my new avatar but now I am getting concerned about the cat's ears!!
  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Hi Ladies, I just started reading a book and it is called Natural Cures "They dont want you to know about by Kevin Trudeau. I find it very interesting and just wondering if any of you have read this book. I have totally changed my diet and have lost 10 lbs. I can across this book when I was looking for natural wellness. Just wondering if anyone has read it and if so what you thught about it. If anyone is looking for a good information book this was has sure got my attention. My sister was also told about a natural healer MMS or miracle mineral solution or master mineral solution has any one heard of this?This to has me intrigued. If anyone else has any good reading material along these lines please share your info..

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    Iowa-  AntiCancer by David Servan-Schreiber and Life Over Cancer by Keith Block.  Also any of the Crazy Sexy Cancer chicks stuff (Kris Carr).  Don't like the name but good info.  Theres a start.  Have fun!  Never heard of MMS.

  • Iowasue - I haven't heard of the book but as you know, I"m a huge believer in the great double standard that serves to work against us.  I just finished a horrendous book that I don't think I would recommend just because it was so disgusting called 'Toxin" - It's a work of fiction by Robin Cook about a cardiac surgeon whose 10 year old daughter dies of E Coli after eating a rare burger.  It begins with two guys who pick up dead and dying animals from farms and dispose of them - instead, if the animal can even stand, they sell it cheap to a slaughterhouse.  The book is EXTREMELY graphic about what happens inside slaughterhouses, including how the animals are killed with a bullet in the brain, which scatters the brain material through the body, since the heart is still active.  I won't go into any more detail, but  I was ready to hurl about halfway through this book.  The illness the girl goes through is horrible and right after she died and the doctor went undercover inside a slaughterhouse in order to uncover the source, I pretty much gave up the book.  It ALSO exposes how the USDA and the beef industry are all in bed with one another, so the USDA basically does CRAP as far as actual monitoring the source of the beef- they do "inspect" but that's mainly at the packaging plants to be sure the meat is refrigerated and the equiptment clean.

    Needless to say, unless I can get local ground beef (actual steaks and stuff aren't so's ground beef that's gross!)  then I'm not eating beef at all anymore.  

    I kinda got off topic here, but it made me think of the HUGE cover ups that surround our food industry.  Then they have the NERVE to go after the private raw milk dairies - many more horrendous diseases have come from processed beef and dairy products!  UGH!

    I am not aware of a natural mineral solution--it's very hard to sift through all the information and stuff that's out there!   there's a lot of quackery but in my opinion, there is just as much if not MORE evil being perpetrated by our own goverment, FDA , USDA and drug companies, but MOST ESPECIALLY by Monsanto as they  manufacture patented GMO seeds that we have virtually no choice but to consume!  The evils that are committed because of greed!!  

    I think the first line of defense sounds like what you've already done - changing your diet.  I have made drastic changes to mine as well; slowly, but surely.  I would be happier if I lost more weight...but whatever.  I'm more than I was when I stopped chemo.  One minor bonus of chemo is that it changed my metabolism - I was able to eat and eat and I lost weight!  Oh well....

    A really good place to start is the Weston Price foundation.  Check out their site about myths and facts about food and diet.  It is surprsing!  Weston Price went around the world and studied people who ate whole foods and native diets, and what happened when certain tribes adopted processed foods and a Western diet.  Their whole facial structures changed - their teeth alignment changed, etc!  Appalling!  

     I'm off to do my business income taxes.  Hoping to get a good refund this year to pay some bills! -=:O

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    calam-  Yep, we are simpatico, you know after all I've seen, read and experienced you'd think I wouldn't eat meat or dairy.  Especially ground anything, sausage/hamburger, it is so easy to hide nastiness in those meats.  I do pretty well but alas am weak.  Baby steps, peaks and valleys.  Thanks for the info on the Weston Price Foundation, I will check it out.  Another one Iowa is the China Study by T. Collin Campbell.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day my lovely warriors!

    I hope the sun is shining and you all are happy today!

    IowaSue: friend SWEARS by that book. Apparently Trudeau is on the run, in some way, from the Feds, or something to that effect. My friend, as soon as he found out about my cancer, got Trudeau on the phone and he believes wholeheartedly lack of Vit D has a lot to do with cancer proliferation. In any case, I am going to read the book. I wanted to travel the cancer highway for a while before I started reading everyone's opinion on this enigmatic disease. I feel I am comfortable enough with it now to adequately digest new information/opinions about it without my racing off, trying to implement each new idea.

    Adey-thank you, thank you, thank you for everything!  Also, I am going to read that book. I am going to order it today, in fact. I was just telling my friend this morning about my not having eaten fast food burgers since 1988 when I found a bone in a BK cheeseburger. That was all it took! In any case, and here I sit with cancer, I tried to alert my nephew who seems to like to live on McDonald's, of the recent "pink slime" news and he said he saw it on YouTube. He then asked his mother to go to McDonald's and jokingly told me that I am the one with cancer and he is not so perhaps I should eat MCRAT!!!!!! PUNK! Oddly enough, though, he has a point. I did not eat their crappy food because I thought I was avoiding cancer but rather I do not like bones with my burgers! Bottom line, though, is I never had an affinity for red meat. I don't know where the devil is hiding but I am only pretty sure it is in our processed food.

    Sausage!!!!!! Eeeeeeks! That is one thing I cannot eat at all! At all! That meat scares me! My sister's MIL used to tell me how they made it in Italy and hung it from the ceiling overnight to dry. She told me how they got up close and personal with the skin of the intestines! Ugh...that description killed me, too! Although, and sadly, once in a blue I still crave sausage and peppers but I don't make it and won't eat it! I am a nutritional flake...nothing makes sense with me!

    Colloidal Silver- I know an older Jewish woman who I have known for quite some time. She was pretty worried about this cancer business with me and her family has long been in medicine. I never breach friendships with requests of professional advice etc... as I tend to think it is crass. More to this point, I have never asked her about gathering information from the professionals in her family etc... as I just figure if it is out there, I will know about it soon enough. Just this weekend I saw her and she told me that for years and years Jewish people have believed in the power of colloidal silver as a way of combating cancer. No one in her family has cancer. I am going to look into it. It is like $30 at the health food store. I think I can get it at Amazon cheaper. I will be our guinea pig!!!! BTW, if my posts stop you all know what that means, right?!!!! He he he! A little cancer humor!

    Calamtykel-that is the truth that you speak about the FDA, our government and the medical-industrial complex and all the misinformation. If they weren't making so much money off of treating cancer I would trust them a little more. Then again, cancer is in ever country on the planet and those with socialized med where the margins have been driven out. I just don't think if "they" knew about a cure etc..., they would be holding back. Cancer is killing everyone from judges to doctors to athletes and all us common folk(!) which is also why I don't read too much about cancer. There is nothing definitive and there is a lot of junk out there. I protect my mind by not perusing too much about cancer because no one has any real answers.

    Dr. Oz- Belly buster cake! I can watch his show like once a week because it is always information overload! I have to be sitting in my office, in front of my computer, with the TV on and ready to type up notes as I watch! In any case, he had this cake/dessert on last week. It was on Weds I believe. Made with all good stuff although we would have to skip the flaxseeds. I think you all should check it out! If anyone wants the recipe, PM me. I don't want to just toss it in the thread as it is FIVE LAYERS!

    My suggestion: we all embrace the song "The Climb" by that adorable little Miley Cyrus and just accept our wonderful cancer struggles!

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311
    Joker Report Update- Family Day Edition. Meant to spend the day at the Dinosaur Museum (not the one in Calgary! But that would've been fun!) however, the lineup at the door was over 150 people. So no dinosaurs for us. That's okay, we rode the bus and that's always fun right? So back on the bus and we'll go down to the market for lunch. The great deli we wanted to go to? 40 people lined up out the door. FINE. NO PROBLEM. McDonald's it was. And (thank you very much ladies) now that I've read the above posts I feel like I might try to vomit it all up. So then BACK ON THE BUS and over to the cinema. CLOSED for Family Day. Bloody hell. Back on the bus. Rode the bus ALL day with some lovely seniors who obviously lived with waaaaay too many cats as the entire bus was filled with the scent of kitty litter. The USED kind. Max kept asking, "MOM ARE WE GOING TO DO ANYTHING OTHER THAN RIDE THE BUS???" Nope. Now back at home with all four kids (neighbours came along too) and they are celebrating Family Day by lying in a heap on the couch watching "The Adventures of Shark Boy and Lava Girl". Happy Family Day ladies. I am going to break out the red wine now....
  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Sweeney! that is soooo sad!!!!!!  I am sorry...of all the days I had to get on my freakin' horse about fast food!  Don't worry...everyone eats it and don't forget, I don't eat it (sans the fries on occassion and the side that Newman's dressing!) and I have cancer so I don't think it is all that devilish!  You poor thing, I feel so bad for you! All day on a bus...what a way to celebrate! 
  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Lizzy:  Why can't we eat flaxseed? I just added a tablespoon a day of flaxseed meal into my diet on the advice of a nutritionist because I don't eat fish and flaxseed is a good source of Omega 3.  Am I doing something bad?


  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Thanks for all the book referrals I will be putting my new nook to good use.

    Lizzy the book has brainwashed me. A lot of it I have heard but WOW there is has a ton of info in that book Natural Cures. If he is on the run from the government it is because he is a big whistle blower. The same thing with the guy that discovered MMS the government chased him out of the states because of his claims of what MMS does fr people. It is all very interesting. 

    Thanks again ladies. Hope you are all doing good. I am amazed by how good I feel. Just had a vacation to Florida again. Still dreaming about the day I can live there : D We miss riding the bikes in the winter so we rented a Harley for * hrs and cruised the gulf coast, that was so awesome.Even though we have had one f the mildest winters ever I still miss the outside activities so much.

  • sweeney - sorry!  I had beef last week too...  didn't mean to bring up the book but it was fresh in my mind. Next time I won't go poking in DH's library for some good fiction.  Yuck!

    Colloidal silver - my np uses it often.  He cured my DD"s UTI when she was 6 with it - something many rounds of different antibiotics could not do!

     speaking of ailments- i'm in bed with leg aches - and lower tummy issues.  sounds like a train in my gut-UGH!  PRAYING this is not a stomach bug -it's going around here! I never got these things until I had chemo and then last fall I got a whopper of a tummy bug.  Hoping I wake up tomorrow feeling better!

    Lizzy - I don't know that "they" know the cure, but I sure as heck think they know the causes of cancer and they are MANY that are covered up in the name of money!

  • debbie - Flaxseed is a possible plant estrogen -however, no real connections have been made to increased BC rates - it is a good omega three.  I'm on Lineum B6 which is made from flax oil - my nutr. has me on it. 

    sorry for the typs -lying on my side!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Sptmm: the link, that was on this site, is no longer available but here is a little of what you need to know about flaxseed:

    Women with a history of estrogen-receptor-positive breast cancer or other hormonal conditions should use flaxseed cautiously because it may act like a weak estrogen. Side effects include mild stomach distress and anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction).

    Flaxseed is likely safe for women with estrogen-receptor-negative breast cancer, although its benefits have not been proven in clinical studies.

    There is more but I can't find my links right now.  Basically the flaxseed can fight against tamoxifen b/c it is sort of like a synthetic estrogen in our system so it does all the same things as estrogen and it basically skips right by the tamoxifen electronic fencing!  At least that is my understanding.  

    Geesh...we really do need to put together a Broadway production that breaks down all the "stuff" people need to know and remember about bc!!!  Honestly, if you are using it, probably not to worry. I just don't mess with any soy, beans or flax products.  Perhaps try an Omega 3 pill?  It is always something in this bc circus, Deb!!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Awww thank you Kel :)  I never think of myself as such, but I do see that my current state gives hope to a lot of ladies out there....

    I dont understand- was this $400 a billing mistake? They prob could change the code and save you. I know my dentist only charges me 1/2 the reg fee cuz i dont have dental. so it can be done.

    About visualizing things LOL okay so my son and only my son (super longe story and i only have ten minutes lol) doesnt have insurance for ONLY the month of FEB and of course he gets an ear inefection- antibiotics alone cost me $124 out of pocket! and who knows how much the ER visit will cost- the clinic wouldnt see me because i didnt have cash for the visit. said i had to pay day of. what a crock!!! Anyhow i did call and complain to his insurace a week before about him having a gap in coverage and BAM- he was the one that got sick! yup i projected that onto my life.

    Sweeny- Yup it does sound like life is moving more into the NORMAL

    We reached 78* today

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Martha Stewart had a segment today where she put flowering shrub branches into warm water for them to bloom indoors. I wonder if that would work on the beautiful shrubs we have out here in WA. I can see the blossoms waiting. No, I can't remember what they are called but there are many of them planted around the clumps of trees all over the property here. I can't believe I can't remember what they are once again! Grr!

    Anyhow it looked wonderful on Martha today, so springlike and fresh. It is high 40's low 50's here this week. Rain every day except thursday.


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Ginger - Rhododendrons!
  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Yes Rhododendrons and Azaleas too!    Thank you Omaz, I just keep blocking those plant names! 

    I look forward to the b;lossoms especially because the view out any of the windows is green, all green, all the time. A splash of color is very welcome. I just discovered we will be in this house for three more years. I bought three window box planters for the windows in the family room and breakfast room so I can place annuals there where they will have a chance to grow. We will have a  nice view there and I think I can get some,midwestern color out there. I did love my bright annuals and sweet stalky dwarf snap dragons etc. 

    They will get all eaten up if I put them in the yard, deer and huge slugs. Thay grow huge gigantic slugs out here. 

    I am so lookling forward to color out there!   

    Spring come soon!  


  • Tex- that makes me furious - they wouldn't see him at a clinic cause you didn't have the $ up front??  Unreal!  Did you hear the news story of the couple who just got sentenced to eight years in prison because their son died of lymphoma?  They didn't have insurance and apparently took him to a clinic but were told they would have to pay $180, so they left. Apparently they appealed to social services and they couldn't get help.  Meanwhile I guess a CPS case worker was on the parents or the kids or something and visited the home a few times and never reported the child as ill looking -- and supposedly advised the parents to wait to take him for a checkup until they had better finances -- but meanwhile, he had undiagnosed lymphoma and died and the parents went to jail!  WTH?!

    I'm thinking - "So if the kid was ill enough that the parents should have KNOWN then how come the case worker didn't know - shouldn't she be in jail too??"  Either none should go or all should go!  I don't know the details, but I do know that this country is all messed up as far as healthcare! 

    I was in the ER all evening with a friend - she had stomach issues and her pcp sent her for a CT scan.  Radiologist sent her immediately to the hospital - it's her appendix.  So on the way there she stops AT BURGER KING! (!!??)   So now they couldn't do surgery last night and had to wait until this morning!    So meanwhile, she has no family, so I hung out there for the evening.  Hopefully all will be okay - she had BC a few years ago.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Is she really young? My sons intestines ruptured due to adhesions and he was very sick because they misdiagnosed and he waited 36 hours for surgery. I am sorry she was so sick too bad she didnt know better about going to BurgerKing. 

    I agree that is just nuts that the parents are going to jail.  Surely there must be some mistake here. It goes to tell parents who are low income do not go to a clinic. An ER can't turn you away. 



  • No, my friend is older than me - enough to have known not to go to BK with appendicitis! :)    She's doing okay - it did rupture but she was really in very little pain for a ruptured appendix.  Glad she's taken care of now. 

    Meanwhile my DS woke up at midnight crying about his stomach - three hours of crying and complaning and he threw up all over the bathroom - ALL OVER the bathroom.  So I was disinfecting the floor at 3:30am...  He was up the rest of the night throwing up - kept us all up.  

    Now today I'm not feeling great --kinda lightheaded and queasy after I eat.  Achy legs---NOT FUN!

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Cal--That is crazy about your son not getting seen without you paying...I will admit that I am a little confused with the healthcare system in US. What the media reports, government reports and what actually happens seem to be so different--go figure!

    I also read about that couple--It is amazing to me that the social worker didn't notice anything because they said that the kid was really ill and had huge lump in his neck. Supposedly the parents took him to Doc, was refused due to $$ and then didn't go back--but at same time had spent a $$ on taking their pet to the vet. Also, supposedly they spent most of their money on drugs. I would hope that wasn't the case as that is just inconceivable.

    I have come down with a bad cold--the benefit of working in an office where people come to work sick and spread their germs. really irks me when people come to work sick because no matter how careful you are--good chance the germs will spread. My pet peeve for today. Rest for me this weekend. 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Hello lovely warriors!

    I hope everyone is well. I have been running around mainly because next week is another surgery. This time the mass in my left breast pocket will be removed and sent off to pathology. I will then have 2 weeks to be sick to my stomach, waiting to find out if my friend cancer is back. I appreciate the value of a PET scan, however, as it will find even the most minute traces of cancer unlike the scans where we have to wait until the tumor is the size of a quarter! The "mass" in the left breast pocket is huge. I hope it is just necrotic.

    In long, once again I will need all your positive vibes getting me through surgery and that I don't have bc recurrence/new primary.

    Tex: I can't believe you don't know you are our THREAD ROCK STAR! You have such a positive outlook no matter what you are going through. Clearly this is the smartest way to go and you do it well. I used sing to this miserable pack of whackos I worked with my first job out of college, when they were bickering, the "Coca Cola" theme (I'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony...!) because I felt they needed it! Of course, they wanted to kill me but I just always felt when you wake up you have a choice to either be happy or be sad. It really comes down to a choice and you, my friend, make the most beneficial choice always! You are a ray of sunshine ;)

    Speaking of costs, I went to an oral surgeon to find out about options for the crown I lost compliments of chemo. They would not do anything on me in November b/c I had just been operated on. In any case, and I have *excellent* dental insurance, I thought it was a "free" consult!!! WRONG it was $95! I could not believe the audacity. He sat with me for 10 minutes, would not shut the eff up so I could get a word in (I talk and THINK fast) and he just kept going on not to mention he was 30 minutes late. We so need socialized med in this country. This has got to stop.

    Sptmm: what is up with this weather, sister?! Got me some Vit D today! is beautiful out! Perhaps you are out running and I would not blame you. What a nice day. We have had such an incredibly mild winter and this makes me very happy! I just want to let Tex know, with her 78 announcement, that we hit 62 yesterday!!!!!!!!! WHOO HOO!

    Ginger: I know about those huge slugs in Washington! A went to visit a friend about 7 years ago and it would seem as if they were mutations of perhaps bears and slugs!!

    Iowa: good for you on the Harley spin in FL!!! Do you all go to bike week? I worked with a woman once who was the scariest woman I ever met!  She used to ride her Harley to work and she was one tough momma.  In any case, I was all of maybe 135lbs and was lifting so I looked like I was about 110, if that.  She was a good 225 and 5'8" maybe.  Well, she did not really like me too much.  One day my friend Joe and I were playing with her super ball and I accidentally backed over it with my chair and it fell apart!!!!  I was so scared so Joe used glue to put it back together!  She was at lunch while this all happened.  When she got back the first thing she did, which she always did, was go to bounce that ball up against the wall and it broke into pieces!  Joe was doing the finger knife across his neck, looking at me! She did not see him but Joe came over and said "you are attractive but I don't know how cute you are going to look after she drags you outside and burns you with the pipes on that bike!!!"  Joe took the fall for me!  In any case, she was the one who used to go to bike week.  I was just happy she would be gone for a week!!  

    Calamtykel: Burger King?! WTH?!?!? Geesh...well, if you think about it, kind of makes sense! I am going to the ER, let me get some BK on the way! At least they will be in the right place when that crap grabs hold of their heart! You know, you really hate to judge but there are people out there scoffing down garbage food and doing all types of drugs meanwhile us jokers are fighting for our lives. It is such a paradox. Those jokers will probably still be here, laughing over their cheeseburgers and marijuana, and we will all be long gone!

    You know, I really feel bad about the couple who went to jail b/c they did not have MONEY to get their child healthcare. This country is crazy. They tax the shit out of us and still we have to pay for education and healthcare. It is a HOT MESS, that's what it is. I don't what they are going to do but I fear if something does not happen soon there is going to be a revolution.

    About 3 weeks ago I noticed my gas was going down in my car quite a bit. I just park in the driveway and could not figure out why my gas area door thingy was not working properly. Sure enough, apparently someone had been siphoning my gas! I don't know if it was at my house or the mall or when I was in New Haven but somewhere it had been happened, and more than once from what I could tell. I went to buy a locking gas cap for the bargain price of $45 and I have 2 cars but did not buy 2 at that wonderful price! All I am saying is if it keeps up like this, there are going to be some big problems in this country most likely in the form of a revolution of some sort.

    Omaz: what is shaking in the desert?  Oh, btw, I tried your evening drink and accidentally added rum...JOKE!  Seriously, though, I think it did help.  Thank you for that.

    Dr. Oz: I am sorry but I am addicted.  So I watched yesterday and he was talking about tea, as follows: in the AM have 2 cups of "Per Hu" tea; at lunch have one cup of white tea; at dinner have chickweed (1 cup) and at night have Bilberry (1 cup).  Also, the chickweed was a mild diuretic/laxative (bonus!!!!!) and TODAY I learned that if you have a cup of water in the morning and then gargle, with just plain old water, for 2-3 mins when you wake up, you will move out "stuff" that settles in your throat over night.  He said this mucous that settles in the throat can sap energy.  In any case, I find his show very interesting.  So gargle tomorrow!  

    Well, girls, off to hospital I go next week to have this rock removed! God help me! What's more is I feel like a sore throat is coming on and my ears feel clogged AND I am currently on Augmentin!!!! Can you believe this? I hope I am healthy next week for surgery. Of course my thyroid is out of whack since chemo ended and that compromises my immune system....I don't know why she swallowed the fly, I guess she will die!!!!!!!! One thing leads to another! Gadzooks!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Oh Lizzie, Augmentin, can you take a yogurt tablet or something to keep your innards working properly? I have to list Augmentin on my allergy list because it makes me have crazy runny tummy. Here's a clue, I always remember the name by linking it with Auger. 

    Maybe the mass is as you said a necrosis, you did have lots of trouble there, was it on the left? 

     You are so right, Texas is our sunshine here!   

    What day is your surgery Lizzie? Will you have someone to post for you to let us know how you are doing? 

    Hugs GInger

  • Tex -- Yeah, I saw that part about the dog to the vet, however, what it said was that they had the dog treated for fleas for $87.  I would have spent my last DIME to treat my dog for fleas; not for the dog, but because fleas in the house are not just a nuisance, but a danger to the family!  They are a misery that you can't get rid of.  My dog's Comfortis pills cost $10 each and it's worth it to get it every month during the flea season, because last time we had fleas in the house that were biting us, we got lyme from it - yup; they are saying now lyme can be transmitted by fleas and mosquitos.  I thought the media did a crappy thing by pulling up the dog story - I understand what they were saying, but honestly, it's not like they took the dog to a fancy groomer to get his nails done or something for $87........

    Sorry you are sick - I'm down too.  I got DS's puking illness, but without the pukes...(so far...please God...)  I woke up in thie middle of the night with a rapid pulse, hot skin and aches and feeling like my stomach was going to flip over.  I got up dizzy and took an ativan-- my legs hurt so bad!  The ativan actually quelled the nausea.  I know, if I have a virus, I should puke and get rid of it, but I hate to throw up....and I figure if my body gets desperate enough, i'll trump the ativan and go full steam ahead....but for now, it really did help me go back to sleep at least.

    I feel hit by a truck today.  My legs hurt so bad - does anyone else find when you get sick like this, you start to panic that your immune system will be distracted enough to let cancer come back-? I shouldn't let those words come out on the page - not saying they're true, but just wondering if anyone else's mind wanders in that direction of being afraid.....

    Worst thing is my np is at a seminar until next wednesday so I can't get get over there.  So it will be chicken soup for me I guess!

    Lizzy - sorry you are not well either - get better before the surgery!

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Lizzy: What day is your surgery. I'll say a prayer for you. Why will it be two weeks before you know something? On both my cancers, I knew two days later that it was cancer. Two weeks is a long time to wait. Can't you make them move a little faster??? If anybody can, you can Wink

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors-

    I have the flu!  The good news is I think I have had it all week and am resting and hoping and praying I feel better on Monday.  My friend is a public school teacher and I went to bring her something to help her get over what we thought was an upper respiratory and, as it turns out, she has the flu and now I do too!!!!!!  No good deed, girls, no good deed!

    Lady: I have no control over the pace at which they work.  My surgeon just said "about" 2 weeks.  I hope it is sooner.   It is Friday.  I wish I could make them move faster but the way I feel right now, I have no energy to do anything at all.  Damn it, I wish I had suspected she had the flu.  I don't what the heck I was thinking.  I need this mass out of my chest yesterday and I had to foolishly put myself in the path of the flu.  I really think if I guzzle Gatorade, soup and theraflu all weekend I can be healthy for surgery.  This surgery is only 2.5 hours as opposed to the 13 hour surgery that was supposed to be this week.  

    I still wonder if our bodies process time under anesthesia as "sleep?"   I seriously wonder if in the big calculator of our lives, all this time we have all spent under anesthesia adds up to sleep!   To be perfectly honest, I am not exactly enthralled about being under for 13 hours anyway!  I guess if I made 11 for the bmx & immediate recon, I can do this other one!

    How are things going for you, Lady?  I wonder about you and hope that you are having good times for yourself!  I wish you the very best, woman!

    Calamtykel: I *always* think about my immune system being so freakin' busy catering to the likes of my broken thyroid (or the broken thyroid distracting the immune system because it is broken and needy!) that cancer has all the opportunity in the world to come back.  Right now I feel so weak, achey and horrible and I have not even been able to get on the increased synthroid yet b/c I am finishing the other bottle of the lower rx.  It takes weeks anyway for the synthroid to start working on a troubled thyroid.  In long, yes, yes, I do share that concern.  

    I hope you are feeling better.  What you describe makes me nauseous just reading it!  

    I must have gone through 3 large boxes of Kleenex in the past 2 days and now I like to just leave the Kleenex right on my nose so I am ready!!!!!!!!! I literally lay in bed with the Kleenex right near my nose as I go from stuffed to running like a faucet!!!  I hate this.

    Off to bed!  I just had some Theraflu and now it is time to go get some rest and of course my eyes are watering as well!  I HAVE to be done with this for surgery.  I want that mass out of my chest.  Well, I guess everything happens for a reason...!  

    I think I might get the Darwin award this year!!!

    Night all- 

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Lizzy I hope you are feeling better. I assume it is morning there by the time you read this.

    You have never seemed reticent to make your opinion known. Why now, (assuming you feel better) would you not tell your surgeon you do not expect to wait two weeks for the lab results?   Come on Lizzy we will march with you!  Two weeks is just too long to wait.

    I once exposed myelf to a terrible cough and cold that took me well over amonth to get over. It was because I was sitting next to the hacking hacking woman at a meeting and didn't want HER to feel bad if I walked away!  How spectacularly stupid was I? At least you friend didn't appear fluish. 

    Hugs (from a safe distance) 
