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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Sorry the pictures are so huge!  I wasn't yelling!

    You can get them at amazon.  There are cheaper options like generic chlortrimeton is called chlorpheniramine and there are other brands of melatonin.  Good luck.  I took them together about 1 hour before bed. 

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Texas I was really short of breath after radiation. I kept thinking I would collapse if I didnt sit down real quick. It has passed. I hope you feel better soon!

    Love GInger

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors-

    I hope you are all having a lovely day! I never got back to sleep last night...until 5AM! I am going to try a hammer to my skull tonight...that should do it!
    Is anyone addicted to "Jeopardy?!"

    Omaz: I will try most anything so I will head off to the pharmacy tomorrow to get those supplies and will whip one of those up for myself and hope for the best. I will try anything! How are you feeling?

    Texas: you were so right about the Whitney and the company she had around her in the days leading up to her death. Innocent bystanders are slowly coming forward stating she was acting outrageous. Perhaps one person could have tried to intervene. We will never know and I am still bothered by such a beautiful person dying such a senseless death.

    You are the epitome of someone who controls their mind when it comes to all things cancer. If you ever sat around, upsetting yourself with the most blatantly awful potential manifestation of your situation, it would be tantamount to lunacy! Seriously anybody, even those without our luscious disease, could sit around all day and think themselves to a bitter end. The only we can control is our reaction to this mess and you are a shining star example of maintaining the best outlook possible. We must fight the power!!!!

    On cassettes and walkmans, of course I, too, had the cassette walkman and Tex, even though my phone has over 3000 songs on it, I don't like to use my $600 phone when I am doing stuff so I have the new MP3/4 walkman. My entire family is on "I" also. I just have not gone there. In any case, I have about 40 cassettes and did not want to replace them all so I found this "converter." It is cumbersome but it does actually work. Unfortunately I have to do 1 song at a time so it is a work-in-progress but I was so happy to get some of my cassettes onto my computer and then onto my phone and MP3 player. Good times!

    I had my (late) annual with my BS today and she found, on the side where the PET did not show uptake, an enormous lymph node. She asked me how long it had been there and I have no clue. I have to have an ultrasound on that tomorrow morning. As for the mass in the left pocket that did show PET uptake, it is being removed and sent for pathology. Because my doctors work in a clinic, my PS was there today seeing patients while my BS saw me so I was able to see both. They both agreed that the node has to be looked at asap and so the ultrasound, which will be done tomorrow, they will have before the mass is removed for pathology. If it, too, looks to be malignant, it will also be removed when the mass in the left breast pocket is. Either god is playing a mean trick on me with all these lumps, bumps and wayward PETs OR there is something rotten in the cotton! Soon I shall know more. This cancer stuff is a lot to keep track of.

    Well, tonight is my favorite line-up on the smut box (tv) so I am going to go get settled for some mindless entertainment!

    Happy trails, girls, and may the force be with you today and always!!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Lizzy - I'll be thinking of you tomorrow.  Good luck with the stuff to sleep - I sure hope it works. Oh yeah, I am doing alright.  Went for physical and he did a physical 'light' since he figured I was already being followed so closely.  He did run my lipids so I will be interested to see what that shows.  Hope my cholesterol isn't too bad since chemopause.  I am still enjoying my weight routine.  I can't lift anything higher than about 7 pounds I have found since it aggravates an old back issue so I added more reps to tire my muscles.  That will have to do!  I can see more definition now which I really like.  Good luck tomorrow.  Anyone going with you?
  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Lizzy I will be praying for you. Bnighn, bnighn, bnighn.



  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Oh yes Jeopardy is my FAV show! But here it come on during the day (1ish i think) and so i cant watch (no i dont live in the same centruy as y'all so dont have a recording option lol) Its on at 7:30 in WA so when i went home i got to watch it every day! I whupped my sister 20 something answers to her 4 LOL I bought it for the WII but already went through all the questions- i keep getting repeat catagories.

    Have you heard anything about the ultra sounds????

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    oh and they are doing this crazy recylce thing at my daughters school so my kids are actually unrolling toilety paper for the tubes!!!!! i dont think thats the true object behind this LOL

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Lizzy:  Hope everything went okay today...benign, benign, benign.  I have to say I am very happy that you were persistent though on getting that PET scan!

    Texas:  That is hysterical, unrolling good TP to get the tubes.  I would be glad to send you some if you want. 

    As for the sleep.  My fatigue was reaching critical levels.  I was seriously nodding off to sleep at my desk every afternoon!  Boss definitely didn't like that.  And I caught myself nodding off one day at a stop light, it was insane.  The good news is now that I am off the Tamox, I am sleeping better.  My oncologist said that insomnia was not a side effect of Tamoxifen, but I am telling you he was lying!  I still don't sleep through the night, but now I get up 3 or 4 times instead of 9 - 10 times.  The hot flashes are worse on the Arimidex, but still just a nuisance not a major problem.  I do wake up damp from sweat in the middle of the night though.  Other than that, I haven't noticed any difference.  I am very happy to be sleeping better, so I will take the hot flashes. Besides, I still spend 90% of my day so cold I have goosebumps so the hot flashes are a welcome relief from freezing my arse off...LOL. 


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Debbi - So you switched to the arimidex?  Did you go into chemopause with treatment?
  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Speaking of hot flashes- i dont get them often but last night was AWFUL- well maybe it wasnt hot flashes but night sweats.... Oh my i was up til 2 in the AM miserable, i was sweating buckets and couldnt cool off and even my shins were sweating.


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Tex - Do you have a stand fan with a remote control and a timer?  They are great at the foot of the bed.  
  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Yes, Omaz I switched to Arimidex in January.  I have been having problems with endometrial thickening, necessitating endometrial biopsies and since I hadn't had a period in a year my doctor said we would make the assumption that I was postmenopausal and make the switch.  I didn't go into chemopause during treatment, I actually had bleeding all the way through chemo...every day!  That sucked! They found a polyp so my OB/GYN did a D&C in December 2010, after I finished chemo and radiation and that stopped the bleeding.  I haven't had a period since.

    Tex:  That sounds like what I have, I just wake up all damp.  I change my clothes and go back to sleep.  It doesn't happen every night, but most. I keep an oscillating fan on all the time, but it doesn't really help the sweats.  I think you just kinda have to deal with it.   


  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Omaz- no i have a ceiling fan thats on all night- i may try a remote control fan, cuz i am up and down turning it on and off!

    Debbi- i also have been period free for a LONG while (more than a year) my gyno insists i am fine, but i feel a change in that region- i need a better gyno but i am stuck seeing the one i have LOL there are 2 in my town- the one i go to and my daughters best friend's dad. Um no LOL

    i would go to a larger town but i am starting to dread the long drives, especially with the wy gas prices just skyrocketed in the last week!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Tex - The remote is great, as is the timer.  I throw off the covers turn it on with the timer and then as I cool down start pulling the covers on until I am cool and just about then the fan goes off or I turn it off.  I have a couple layers of blankets.   Hot flashes are so tiring when they mess with sleep!!!
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening my lovely warriors!

    I hope you all are having a good weekend and are fighting the good fight!

    Well, I have been crying most of the weekend! First this Whitney tribute and passing has had me carrying Kleenex all day, then one of my best friends' mother died today and my other very good friends' husband (is my age) was hospitalized with heart trouble. Geesh...the wheels are coming off the cart very fast now! As for my US, nothing makes sense. The "big" node my BS thought she found was actually, they think, muscle because they could not find it. They found one node that they thought was questionable but they will follow up on that. This entire medical industry is odd, nothing is ever definitive.

    Omaz: what is the connection with chemo and cholesterol? I have done some research and I am very surprised that my cholesterol is up since chemo. I have *never* had high cholesterol and my diet does not consist, at all, of the foods that cause cholesterol. Is this another belated chemo gift?! As for people going to the hospital with me, I only bring company on surgery days. For the most part, when it comes to all things cancer, I can very much do without people's comments! For this reason, I really do like flying solo!

    Hot flashes are tiring and, much like you, I have a number of blankets and I just keep adding them on as I cool off and then flip them off when the heat starts again.

    Tex: I am soooo sorry for your loss. No matter how much you know it is coming and how much you might prepare, it still hurts. My friend (guy) that lost his mom was tearing up with me today and her death was very expected.

    I don't live in that century of recording because everything in CT costs more than it does anywhere else and to get to the cable TV level of having that recording ability puts the cable bill at like $250 or something ridiculous and I am NOT paying $250/month to juice up the smut box!!! Even this absolute joker I was going out with when the cancer bus stopped at my place DVRd. He loved it. I mean he could barely figure out a cell phone but he was all about that DVR. In any case, I love "Jeopardy."

    In my mothers' condo there were 35 stairs to the front door. Well, my cat at the time decided to get the toilet paper out of the closet, as the door was ajar, and put her little paws on the first sheet and rolled every roll to the front door!!!!! There was like 12 rolls undone! It was hysterical! She must have had some fun! Well, at the very least your kids are getting acquainted with recycling only in recycling items to manufacture! It is enterprising if you think about it!

    As for the hot flashes, they are bad. Just when I am dozing off, BANG, the flash comes on. Oddly I sweat from my forearms! I find that odd. I mean I sweat from everywhere but definitely from my forearms. In long, my forearms are your shins! As for fans, I sleep with 2 box fans in my room as they are very powerful. I just leave them on now...there is no sense in turning them on and off!

    Sptmm: that is so great that you are sleeping better. When my father was dying of lung cancer he said the worst thing about it was not being able to sleep as he was afraid to sleep because, of course, he was afraid he would not be able to catch his breath and would pass away. Of course that is not your issue but it speaks loudly to the debilitating effects of sleep deprivation. Glad the Arimidex is working out better in that regard. From 9-10 times down to 3-4 is a huge improvement!

    How are you doing with running? I got to thinking, I am going to get back to that treadmill and try to get myself to the point where I am doing a slow jog again. I am oddly starting to feel a little more motivated these days about getting back to normal. Perhaps it is my way of coping with the potential for recurrence! I don't know but I just thought I would like to run again.

    Deb, I have a question for you but it is actually for everybody: who is monitoring your endometrial lining business? I have NO CLUE what could be going on with my endometrial lining, I have not had my cycle in almost 2 years and no one has ever mentioned anything about that to me. I was really wondering about that.

    Funny, if you ever thought cats were unto themselves exclusively, this will drive it home! In a hallway I have a montage of both my father and mother. Since my mother's passing, I find myself talking to her pictures at night. Well, one night I was really in the throes of a good cry and I heard my cat jump off her window perch and come toward me. She left the room she was in, walked right past me blubbering and talking to my mother's picture and marched right into another room where she would have a little snack and some water! She then proceeded to walk right past me again and headed back to her perch!!! It was hysterical! At least her lack of concern for me got me laughing!!

    OH CANADA!!!!!!! How are you jokers doing?! Yes, I am talking to you, Sweeney and Rachel!  Hope you all are well.

    Signing off as I am watching SNL!  May the force be with you ALL!!! 

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Lizzy - Muscle - that's good!  I think the cholesterol goes up because of the loss of estrogen.  Enjoy your show!
  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Good morning everyone!

    Lizzie:  I am glad that they were not able to find anything obvious in your ultrasound, that is encouraging.  Hopefully the follow up on that one node will be benign.  Question:  since the finding with the PET scan, will they do a breast MRI? It is my understanding that is the most accurate test as far as finding breast cancer, especially when it is hidden deep in the breast.  As for the endometrial issues, they actually found that when they did a pelvic MRI when they were trying to figure out what the "spot" they found on X-ray of my hip was.  I was told to bring the MRI to my GYN who was then responsible for the follow up.  They are doing sonohysterograms every six months to monitor for changes now that the endometrial biopsy proved negative.  Once it stabilizes, which it should do now if it was truly a side effect of the Tamoxifen, they will just do yearly sonohysterograms to make sure it doesn't change.  My onco said that they prevailing wisdom is that at my age (49) if you haven't had a period in a year, you are in menopause.  You are a little younger so I don't know if that is the case for you.  He did say that my period could return up to six months after I stop the Tamoxifen at which point they would have to switch me back to Tamoxifen because it meant I was not truly in menopause.  Geez, I sure wish that doesn't happen. 

    As for the crying, you know, sometimes you need a good cry!  I think I have told you guys before that I don't cry.  Long story, but I honestly think I am now truly physically unable to cry because I have not cried in years.  I tell you what though, I think a good cry would help me, kind of get it all out! I have tried, but to no avail.

    Texas:  That is so funny about the other OB/GYN being your daughter's best friend's father.  Reminds me of something that happened to me during radiation.  I went in for radiation one day in the morning instead of my usual afternoon appointment.  There were two men working then (in the afternoon it was all women, much more comfortable for me).  So, anyway we are chit chatting, small talk and the conversation gets around to soccer.  Then the guy proceeds to tell me, as he is writing on my boob, that he has a son who plays soccer in my home town.  So, when I ask his son's age it turns out he is one year older than mine.  So, now all I can think is that when Kieran gets to high school, there is a good chance that at some point, me and this guy who has drawn on my boob are going to be standing on the same sideline!  AWKWARD!  I know they say it is all professional, but there is just something really embarassing about that! So, I agree with you, I wouldn't be able to use the best friend's father no matter how good he was.  I understand the gas issue too, but honestly if you think you are getting substandard care, you need to do what you have to do in order to guarantee your health.  Ovarian cancer, uterine cancer, and breast cancer are all closely tied together, so you can't afford to ignore any symptoms or feelings you might have about that area. 

    On sweating, just an odd observation.  Is is just me or does anyone else find this?  I no longer sweat under my arm on the side where the lymph nodes were removed?  Not at all.  Isn't that weird?  So the moral of that story is, if we ever get together to work out, just make sure you are standing on my left side (OOPS, sorry that would be my right side you want to be on) smell there!

    Have a great day everyone!


  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Hi everyone--we have a long weekend here also--Family Day long weekend so it will be nice to have that extra day off work. Lots of people have come down with flu both at work and through my son's hockey whole family -- although no one really sick--we are all feeling run down so tomorrow will be a nice day off for everyone.

    I am still on Tamox even with my rad hyst almost 2 years ago. Onco said as I am handling Tamox OK--they will keep me on it for the timebeing--no switching.

    I have my gyn onco appt mid-March, then my mammo/us in August and then I should be home free from appointments for a while. Fingers crossed!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    It wasn't the wheat thing bugging my heart that I reported earlier - it was just stress apparently.  I went back to my 'heart coherence' practice (use the emwave or healing rhythms software, I have both) and that seems to have made it go away for the most part!   yay!  I haven't been able to figure out meditation but I can relax with the heart coherence breathing since it is essentially biofeedback and I can see my progress.  It is also called cardiac coherence.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Good day warriors!

    I think I reported this a few months ago but SNL is getting funny again! It went through a non-funny phase!

    Omaz: thanks so much for the reminder. I am now using my "OneNote" software in the MS suite of tools to keep track of important facts regarding bc. I just added that estrogen note because I know full well I have asked that cholesterol question before!

    That "emwave" software sounds really cool. How does that work? What got you onto it? The best thing for stress is weightlifting. If you work your traps (all those ladies on the red carpets at the award shows cannot buy that neck/shoulder area at a plastic surgeon!) that releases a lot of stress . If you stand with your weight in hand, palms toward your legs, and pull the weights up to your chin (keeping them close to the body), you will feel a nice release of stress. You can also do it at the gym on the smith machine.

    Sptmm: how are you doing with running? You really inspire me. I am serious. I love what you have accomplished since chemo ended. As for the next steps, see PM!

    On crying, I have not responded to this dx with tears ever. Actually once I did when the radiologist came into the little room I was waiting in after the mammo and declared, in no uncertain terms, I get a biopsy immediately as there was definitely a problem! What a way to be told you have cancer!!! Also they prescribed an antidepressant to help with hot flashes around chemo time. That really numbed me. It was so weird. At dinner last night with friends there were 10 of us and 3 knew, or had been, on that antidepressant and they all spoke to the numbness factor. BTW, all the talk they help with hot flashes was definitely not the case for me. I went off of it a while ago and the hot flashes are as bad as they ever were. For some, however, maybe these pills do help with hot flashes? I don't know. I know what you mean, though, about feeling almost like you can't cry. Until my mother died, and I was able to cry again, I was starting to wonder if I would ever feel anything again. I am positive by nature and if I think about the relationships I have wasted tears on, cancer should have certainly warranted some but I just did not get all teary-eyed about cancer. I do feel odd about it but alas I have many other things to worry about!

    Deb, if you see "Mr. Circles" on the sidelines, you should walk over and ask him if he recognizes your boobs!!!

    On the lack of sweat, I was never an "underarm" sweater but I do know that LNs are an irrigation system and with some/many of them gone, as much water is not invited to that area thus less/no sweat. Also rads can kill sweat glands.

    Rachel: have a good, restful day! May your onc gyn appt be uneventful in March.

    I hope you all are having a good day. I am looking forward to summer this year. I don't know why as we have had a mild winter but I am hopefully going to be healthy enough to enjoy this year! I mean really enjoy like be active, and go swimming and to water parks (my guilty pleasure!) and not have to worry about crap leaking into my open wound!!

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Lizzy: I haven't checked in for a few days. So sorry to hear about your node scare and the PET scan. Keep your chin up girl. Sometimes tests show stuff that is nothing and that other people would never even know is there because they don't get scanned all the freaking time like we do. I've even read that a lot of the Stage 0 and 1 BCs would have just gone away on there own if they hadn't been detected by mammography and treated. Our body would have just eaten it up using it's own defenses. So who knows ...

    On the law of attraction, have you ever read the book Sermon on the Mount by Emmett Fox? I love Emmett Fox and his book was written years before The Secret, but one of the chapters is about how much our thoughts influence what things come into our lives. Fox does a good job of combining the religious/the Bible with the metaphysical. I've probably read that book 3 or 4 times and get something new from it each time. In fact, it's on my nightstand and I flip through and reread sections when I'm going through something I need help with.

     I had a checkup Thursday. Saw the NP rather than my onc. My blood work was good and she said everything looked fine. I'll have 6 month follow-up scans in March (6 months from end of OVCA chemo). I told her the one thing bugging me is how much weight I've gained, and she pretty much said I'm doomed to be fat as long as I'm on the Arimidex. She said just eat healthy and continue to walk 3 to 4 times a week and try not to fret over it. Sigh ... cancer just keeps on giving, doesn't it.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    My new avatar a bit more accurately reflects how I am feeling about things these days!!!  
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Lady: all I can say is it is an absolute travesty we got the cancer that causes one to either maintain or GAIN weight!  It sucks!  I am really glad your blood work was good.  I was watching an interview with Motley Crue on Piers Morgan a few months ago and they were all talking about how they never ate and just partied and that is how they kept their boyish figures!  Seriously.   In any case, this kind of dx can cause one to just stop consuming all together.  If you don't give the body anything to mismanage then it can't mismanage anything!  

    I have never read the book "Sermon on the Mount" but based on what you have told me, I am going to hop over to Amazon and pick it up.  After years and years of being in sales and working on Wall St, I have everything from Napoleon Hill to Og Mandino to Dale Carnegie and onwards but don't remember that title coming across my desk.  A friend is really into the Hicks stuff also.  In any case, I play the dvd "The Secret" at least once a day.  I think it is a good reminder.  I know the extremeties of that sweat lodge death gave the whole thing a bad rap but honestly I have to consider the work of "The Secret" before I consider it to be bad because someone accepted instructions from another that were tantamount to death!  A friend of mine used to go to sweat lodges and if she felt like she was going to faint she would just get out of there.  Oh, the mysteries go on!

    That is very interesting about the Stage 0 and 1 bcs.  I never heard that.  I kind of wonder if people without health insurance are doing better than we are?!  Seriously, they can't get checked so they don't and that is that!  A friend had skin cancer and she lost her benefits when of course, thanks to the econ, she lost her job and she has not been to a dr in over 6 years about the cancer thing and she is not even remotely concerned.  Go figure.  Is it necessary that it get treated or does the body kill cancer by itself?  A question for the ages, no doubt!

    Good day, woman and glad you are doing well. 

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Lizzy - I went for biofeedback training about 5 years ago to learn how to relax and help with my blood pressure. With the emwave you put a sensor on the ear lobe and run a session in the software, it shows you how your heart rate goes up and down with your breathing.  If you get a good sinusoidal type wave you have good coherence.  It is supposed to be good for your heart to be coherent.
  • Lizzy =- I've been kinda MIA for the past week or so - what is happening; I'm sifting through previous posts- they found one big node?? or they found a lump in the breast tissue??  You had a mastectomy, right??

    Remember that I had a supraclavicular (sp?) node last January that was solid and it was a "reactive" node.  Praying yours is the same - healing and reactive!!  GOOD grief, nobody every told us that cancer would mess with our minds like this!!! :(  

    I'm still struggling with my foot healing.  It's getting better slowly -= I had a full blown lyme relapse - pain in the joints, bubbles and dizziness in my head, nausea- palpitations, etc. etc.  My nutritionist put me back on the Monestary of Herbs product and within two days most of the symptoms were gone - I'm feeling a little better each day and hoping this is what's going on w/ my foot.  The tendon on the side is still sore, but my achilles tendon in the back is sore and my muscles all along that side are painful on and off.  Of course, the C word HAS crept into my mind and I have chased it out.  Frankly, I cannot afford to even go for an x-ray for the peace of mind - the doctor called and she cannot change the code on the mammo I had in December so we owe nearly $400 more now... :(  

    And so I pray that it resolves so I can stop worrying about it...but you know that C word is ALWAYS there lingering in our minds!  

    Hoping everyone is having the fabulous spring weather that are here in the Northeast!

    By the way, I've been reading a ton about EMF and cancer and all KINDS of other cell disruptions  and it's scary stuff! I realized we never had any of these chronic lyme problems with me and my kids before they put in the blasted cell tower which is VERY close to my house when you think about it - plus we have wifi now, satellite and all that jazz that we never did before.  Not saying it causes breast cancer, but now I'm scared about all the nights I've had my laptop on my lap in bed for hours watching movies.  Egads.......Yeah, it's always something!  

    Tex -  you're our hero here on this board; you know that!  Happy about your nine months of good scans - praying for them to stay that way indefinitely! :)

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Lizzy - I love that new avatar!!!! Somehow I think I can envision you at a party with something akin to a melon on top of your head....back in the party hardy days...LOL!  And thanks for that rationale.  My axillary area was heavily radiated because of the way my surgery was done and the question about whether or not cancerous nodes were left behind, so I bet that is why I don't sweat.  My sweat glands were fried.  Oh well, I don't mind, I save money on deoderant..LOL.  BTW, if I see "Mr Circles" on the sideline in the Fall, I am going to RUN, not walk, in the opposite direction.  That would just be way too embarassing for me.  My only hope is that I have lost so much weight and would be wearing clothes and not a lovely hospital gown that he wouldn't recognize me.

    Lady:  Thanks for the tip about that book.  I was just going to go shopping for a new book for my nook, I think I will pick that one up.  I have always very strongly believed in the link between your psyche and physiologic health...i.e. "the power of positive thinking".  I am glad your check ups are going well, you deserve some peace of mind and good news.  As for the weight, I switched over to Armidex last month and I have been dreading that "weight gain" that I heard about.  I guess I am a little obsessed since I lost so much weight that I might gain it back, but honestly I think I weigh myself like twice a day..LOL.  So far, so good.  But just in case I upped my exercise by one hour a week when I started the Arimidex.  Realistically though, a little weight gain should be the least of our worries, right? 

    Cal:  That sucks that you can't access the proper testing because of finances.  This whole health insurance industry really sucks!

    Rachel:  Enjoy your day...what a nice country you live in that they have a holiday for families! I love that, now there is a value worth promoting and one that is regularly trampled on in today's society. 

    Well, I have to work tomorrow.  YUCK!  So, I gotta go.  Have a great day everyone!


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Calamtykel: it is so hard to keep up with this mess we call cancer!  While you were gone my BS thought she found a huge LN which turned out to be a piece of pec muscle!  Or at least that is what the US showed.  Also a PET scan showed uptake (SUV 4) at the mastectomy site where the bc was before.   CANCER SUCKS!

    It really sucks that the insurance bs is keeping you from getting more tests.  The tower near your house...scary. You know, people that work on the railroads as conductors etc... upon retiring have to go back and ride the trains like once per week (or something to that effect) so they don't die.  Not joking.  Their bodies become accustomed to electricity passing through them every day. You are right to be concerned but, to be honest, we are all walking through the equivalent of cob webs of electrical currents every day.  It is everywhere. 

    Sptmm: You are funny!  Too embarrassing!  As for the melon on my head...yes!  I made a watermelon hat out of the carcass of a vodka-soaked watermelon!  My friends and I also made "coconut" carcass bras...u name it, I probably did it and I am glad I did because I am leaving this joint early, I am sure glad from 15-35 I had the time of my life!!!!!! 

  • Lizzy - so the area lit  up on the pet?  I think  that Pt's can light up all kinds of things; not just cancer - I was told that when I asked why some people get a  CT and not a Pet.  (I had CT's)  The doctor, who was the chief of oncology of the hospital explained it to me that anything can light up on a Pet - old injuries, etc and they can create false anxiety...but that like other scans, they are a tool and some doctors prefer one over the other.

    So what happens now with the part that lit up?  How are they moving ahead on it?  Or do they just watch it?? 

     Yeah, we are bombareded with EMF!  there really is no escaping it -from hot spots in stores to being under cell towers and near power lines, etc.  There are ways to protect against it - there are things you plug into your router for instance, that can change the emf's somehow - there are laptop radiation pads that actually absorb the radiation from under and around and pull it back into the machine.  There are some Youtube videos that show different emf readings with and without these gadgets.  Of course there are lots of scams too!  My nutritionist reports that he's seen really good results with the Q Link pendants from patients who wear them.  They supposedly can strengthen the body's biofield so that it's not as sensitive to emf.  Some people are so sensitive to EMF's that they can't even walk into a store that has hot spots, without becoming dizzy and light headed.  Crazy stuff!  

    Meanwhile I continue to ride my daughter's mountain bike even though I'm not running right now.  I just don't want to run and make my foot bad all over again - I'm finding that I like the bike.  The weather's been good and with 3 1/2 acres to ride over here it's fun - up and down the hills, etc.  Our streets are too windey and the shoulders are nearly nothing, so I don't feel safe on the roads, so I stick to the property.  It's a better workout I think.  I can't wait until garage sales start up so I can find a bike for me!  My daughter's is a 21 speed brand new mountain bike that I paid $30 for last October.  :D

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    The Joker Report from Canada- LIZZY- verrrry glad to hear the word muscle from your onco. Not definitive, but when are they EVER definitive?? But still this is good news. So now on to the report.... Spent the Family Day weekend today at Winterlude...a festival hellbent on promoting cold weather, ice and snow. Because when you live in Canada and 8 months of the year are cold weather, ice and snow you just have to go with it! Sooo, we skated, went to a maritime snow dance, looked at ice sculptures and finished the day with beaver tails by an outdoor campfire. All in downtown Ottawa! Yay Family Day Weekend! Tomorrow we're off to the Dinosaur Museum.

    You know what I notice about our posts now? Sounds like life is feeling a little more normal for all of us. We deserve that. Happy, happy Family Day ladies! XO Sweeney