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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • HOLY COW Lizzy!  I just read the article about the mixup - that was here in Chatham, about an hour from here.  WOW!  Kids fed tamoxifen -- And it was from December 1 to Feb 20.  Sheesh - I was on tamoxifen and lost my mind after three weeks.  And I love how they say that there's no danger to the kids.  WOW!  How can they say that when this is a drug not tested in children.  Yikes!!    Goes to show, if something seems wrong, question it.  I see a gigantic lawsuit launched against CVS!

    Speaking of carbs and food - did you read the article how mcDonald's burgers don't decompose? There's some guy apparently who has a whole "museum" of old burgers- the buns don't decompose.  The article said that we are the stupiest species - to eat something no other species will; not even mold will eat it!  

    Anyhow - I think that was also covered on the Super Size Me show about fast food.  When did bread cease to be bread?  And why?  Goodness.

    Last night I was making natural jello for my kids.  We use a can of pineapple juice and knox gelatin.  YUM!  I can't leave it alone - BAD since it still has some sugar in it from the fruit.

    Anyhow we dug out my 1929 Jello recipe book and had fun looking through it.  Back in the day housewives made ham loaf with lemon jello, tuna and rice loaf with jello (GAG) and even corned beef jello...enough to make you yak just reading the recipes.  HOWEVER what I noticed is that the description in the cookbook states that jello is made with natural ingredients and natural vegetable coloring.  Imagine -they actually colored jello powder with VEGETABLE coloring!  HA!  Not today!  Cherry jello - RED DYE!  And all the others have horrible dyes in them.  For what?  I think it's horrible how far we have fallen  as to what passes off as "food" anymore....  


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Cal - How did you make the pineapple jello - that sounds good.
  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    So what is gelatin made from? You know, like the knox gelatin. What is it?  I have one guess, I have not googled so I don't know, but I won't tell you my guess. I have always loved Jello. The meat gelatin salads sound really gross to me. Imagine, Spam Jello, yarg!


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Oh no Ginger - gelatin - I am thinking the same that you are thinking!  Don't they have vegetarian jello now?
  • Ginger - gelatin is made from a collagen type substance from animals.  When I used to make chicken stock from our chickens that we raised, we'd boil the bones for a couple of hours and what we got was a jello like substance when it cooled.  Kind of the same reason "real" gravy made from turkey drippings will "gel" in the fridge!  I think gelatin is mainly from cattle but I'm not positive.  Vegetarian "gelatin" is probably agar agar which is a gelatin type stuff but not sure if you can make a true "Jello" from it.

     Omaz - one large can of pineapple and either one or two (you'd have to check the back of the box for the recipe - the can of juice is about a quart, or four cups) of knox plain gelatin (in the jello aisle, in an orange and white box.)  Bring to a near boil 3 cups of the juice - keep 1 cup aside and sprinkle all the jello packets into it and let it sit while the other stuff heats up.  Mix it all together (I put the cold juice and knox right into the pan) and stir until dissolved, and then set it.  It will be about as sweet as pineapple juice, which is more than enough for me, but stevia, etc could be added.

     This makes quite a lot - and it pretty much the recipe for Knox Blox -- a stiffer 'Jello" than regular "jello" and more of a finger food.   I pour it into a 9X13 glass pan.  You could also divide it between two cookie sheets and make thinner Knox Blox.  

    You can also do this with white grape juice and it's fabulous!  I haven't tried orange juice, but I keep meaning to.

    there is also a recipe I found to make gummy worms this way, using plastic straws that you sink in the jello itself and allow to cool, and then somehow pull out the jello from the straw and they're "worms".  How fun!  I haven't tried it yet!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Thanks Cal, I think I'll try it!  When I cook chicken thighs (boneless skinless) and put them in the fridge they get a gel around them which liquifies when I warm it up.
  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    That is a relief. My sil said something in passing about those gallant steeds that we all love and I was horrified. I avoided finding out the truth because I was afraid of it. The actual source makes much more sense to me. 

    I have the stinkin flu. Not so  bad as many do so I am lucky for that. I did have the flu shot so perhaps that helped me.  My husband left again for the week this morning. I hope he doesn't get the flu too. My DD caled today at the same time as me leaving a message that she had the flu. I hope sheis already feeling better. I haven't wanted to call again and wake her up or the baby.

    I hope you all stay healthy.

    Love Ginger

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day warriors!

    Without saying much, things are stranger than ever here! I will tell you all more when my "Season of Halloween" is over! They are all monsters out here....MONSTERS!!!!! More to come....!

    Calamtykel: that is so funny about us being the "stupidest species" in that we will eat something that not even mold will! That McRat crap is awful. I hate to say that as I know they are serving "billions" but I am really thinking they are not so much serving "billions" as they are serving my nephew over and over and over again!

    As for pineapple, I have been buying fresh ones for months now! I love pineapple and I like putting it on plain Greek yogurt. Good stuff!

    I think it is wonderful that you do work to provide natural, whole foods for your children. It is hard and you really have to have a keen interest in it. I don't think if I had children if I could do as well as you in that area mainly because I am still a neophyte in the kitchen! I will never forget dating this guy who had gone to a culinary institute in Switzerland. He came over to my place one night and I was really not having him over for his cooking but I played along nonetheless! He whipped up a fantastic dish from the spices and a few condiments I had in my refrigerator coupled with some frozen mahi mahi I had. It was really good. He was like McGyver in the kitchen....I do believe you and he have that in common!

    Ginger: I am with you on the "meat salad!" My grandmother was from Ireland and would make those dastardly dishes like blood pudding which, of course, is an English dish but the Irish covet it!! Who the heck eats this stuff?! She would try to force it on us but there was no way. All gross....gross, gross, gross!

    That flu was kicking some serious butt here. Friends were reporting taking nearly 2 weeks to get over it. I did not have a flu shot and I believe, while on an antibiotic, I got a touch of the flu. I was later dxd w/bronchitis but I still feel that although the dx was bronchitis, I had a touch of the flu in there somewhere. My friend is a PS school teacher and my GP told me by virtue of her job, she is exposed to germs I would never be with not having kids etc.... This was the origin of my bronchitis/flu! I am feeling ok today and this week (ATTN CKPTRY, CALAMTYKEL, SPTMM!!!!) we all are going to hit 60-70 degrees!!!!! YAY!! I am so happy as the St. Pat's parades are this weekend!! I am just so happy to be Irish and healthy this weekend!

    Omaz: chicken thighs...I was just looking at them yesterday at Stop and Shop. In your perspicacious mind I am sure you can envision me perusing the contents of chicken body parts! I went with cutlets, as per usual, but there was a small part of me that was thinking aboutbranching out!!!

    I hope everyone is having a good day. Be well my lovely warriors!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Chicken thighs are good - put them in a heavy pan with a lid with a few sprinkle of lite soy sauce and a chopped up onion.  Bring to bubbling then turn down and simmer for1.5 hours, turning them over a couple times.

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Last night i had gotten online to catch up and i was in the middle of typing, stepped away from my desk and my kiddos took over LOL

    Okay so like i said i am always behind LOL

    Kel- funny story about BK cuz honestly if they told me i was gonna be in the hospital i would have brought provisions LOL hospital food is yucky! I wouldnt have eaten it right away, but def would have bought it!

    Ginger- Spring might be a while- aren't y'all getting snow up there LOL???? I called my sister to tell her that it was in the 80s and I was wanting to pull the kids out of school early to take them to the beach. She said it was snowing there LOL

    That is appaling that parents are being punished for being too poor to find healthcare but not poor enough to qualify for assistance.

    Aw Lizzy- such kind words (rock star and ray of sunshine) I strongly believe in the thought "there is someone worse than you out there" and def dont like to mope. Although i do have ups and downs. I did go onto an antidepressanet but got off it. I really think it was just stress not related to cancer LOL

    A $95 consult! that is highway robbery!!!!! Its a double standard that if you are that ate to an appointment you are A)charged and B)given another appointment!!!

    Gas spyphoning totally happened to us while living in houston! they have locking gas caps for a reason- there is always someone that would sink that low! it cost my $96 to fill up my tank the other day and i nearly had a heart attack!!!!

    OOOOOOOH Augmentin- thats the medicine they gave my son- which is cost $120 while i had no insurance and it tore his tummy up! seriously it was like mucus runs... Poor little guy, he totally couldnt help it and poo'ed all over himself at school- i told the teacher just toss those clothes, i do not want them!!!!

    Now i am on to page 249 after i take the kids outside to run off this engery!!!! its currently beautiful out here! y'all ladies dealing with chilly temps are more than welcome to come hang with us! We are taking our kids camping next week for spring break!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Yes, it snowed thismorning. Dd brought Zoe over to play in the snow. We are at ahigher elevation so we get to keep our snow a little longer.  It was very pretty, each branch was covered, the flakes were mostly big. It is all gonenow. Totally.   I can still hope for spring to come soon. It will still be in the 50's most of the time but I can put pansies in my new window boxes and they should be alright untiul I can get something else in there. I also bought some little decal sort of things to put on the kitchen window so it looks like there are flowers on the other side. A little cheesy I suppose but I think they;ll be sweet.

    Augmentin, never again, ever. The worst.

    Gas is up tp nearly $4.00 here. I don't drive much but I really feel for folks who can't get to public transport and have to drive to work. 

    Sned some of that beachy weather up here please.  Texas, I went to Vashin Island is that near your family? 

    Hugs everyone GInger

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Beautiful day here in Canada...warmest day in March that I can remember. Kids are on March break next week....we are staying put for this break. I have my follow up scans for cancer #1 next week. My nerves are a little on edge as I have had some cramping over the last little while....not sure what from. Cervical cancer has high rate of recurrence in the first two years and I am at that two year mark now. Probably my brain playing games with me but scananxiety is high. Having 2X onco checkups etc. sucks! Hope everyone is well.

  • you're all making me hungry for chicken for dinner and it's only 9:00! :D

     Well, my mom and I planned a trip to GA the week after next to visit my 102 year old grandfather -- with the kids -and last night he went into the hospital - sounds like cong. heart failure.  We are really bummed out!  I'm really praying and wishing he'd hold on another three weeks --after 102 years, now would not be a good time to "go"!  UGH!

    I'm having tons of Ebay stress- Paypal locked my account for all future funds - they will be held for 21 days and then released.  When I clicked on the "reason", it says to make sure that I meet the following criteria (good Ebay feedback, prompt shipping with tracking, etc.)  I meet and exceed every single one.

    I called Ebay and they said my acc't was in good standing - to call Paypal. I call Paypal.  I basically ripped the guy a new one.  He's going on and on about protecting customers.  I asked him after FIFTEEN YEARS why am I NOW a risk???  My feedback, stars and shipping are all perfect - in fact, the customers have received every single item in my Paypal log - the delivery confirmations are right on line!

    He had no answers except to say it was  a "new thing" they were rolling out to make sure that the funds were available to the buyer if they decide to "reverse" them- they hold it in escrow.

    What is worse is that I only rarely sell on Ebay, and just happen to have listed a few things recently.  So I asked him "SO if this is an Ebay thing, it's ONLY the Ebay funds that are held right? "  Paypal said NO, it's ALL INCOMING PAYMENTS!  I asked him how the HECK he knows what they're for - some are personal payments, some are for repairs that I do for people - this is RIDICULOUS!   If it's an Ebay thing, then why is Paypal going to now start holding my funds for  my OTHER shops.  I sold over 200 items last year, none of which were disputed; all of which were received and tracked online.  Un freaking believable. 

    I was absolutely livid.  I was screaming literally.  I can see if I was a new Paypal customer, but we're talking fifteen freaking years of selling online!

     I called Ebay back and got another rep who told me that if my packages showed delivery confirmation in the tracking that I would receive my funds within three days of the package receipt.

    W...T...H..   Who the HECK is Paypal to be ALLOWED to hold ANY funds in escrow - they're not a freaking bank!!

    Anyhow, it's been a pretty stressful week to say the least!!! :( 

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Hi - Anyone on letrozole?  I got the script to switch from tamoxifen to letrozole (generic femara).
  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Sorry Omaz, no.  Onco switched me over to Arimidex.


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    sptmm - Onc PA said there isn't much difference between arimidex and letrozole.  Did you take any time off from tamoxifen before starting the arimidex?
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening my lovely warriors!

    Today was beautiful here! It was so nice to get some fresh air and air out my house.

    Rachel: best of luck. I am sure the 2 year mark is causing the (mind-induced) cramps. Please keep us posted and good vibes, woman!

    Calamtykel: I am so done with Ebay and Paypal. I have bunches of Coach bags and I have been selling them. I don't need them anymore and, to be quite frank, all I really carry is a wallet. I have a Coach wallet I use but I don't need these bags. Sure enough Paypal decided to put some 14 day hold on funds. I will never sell again on Ebay. Paypal is nefarious and although that was the first time I had trouble with them, I have heard horror stories. I also had a problem with Ebay last year. I am just done with them. No more!

    Also, and just so you know, that Paypal "be prompt" criteria is a crock of shit from the depths of hell!! It is called Paypal wants to make money trading funds in the overnight market and the best way to do that is to hold our funds for an inordinate period of time. I cannot believe the government has not sought to control them by calling them a bank. I hate to say it but this one time, I would much rather pay the gov to stick it to Paypal!

    Tex: I cannot believe that med cost you $120. Just awful. Speaking of cost of meds, I got this card in the mail today from "Healthcare Alliance" and it was some RX relief card. On my way to putting it in the garbage (because I am never eligible for any discount ever, in my entire life, so I knew it was crap), I decided to look them up. Apparently it is a scam and what happens when you use this "discount" card, you might actually end up paying more for your meds if you use it b/c there is some small transaction fee built in. The greed and grotesque abuse of the citizens of this country, under the aegis of capitalism, just sickens me. I am sure I told you all I watch "Shark Tank" on ABC every week and "Mr. Wonderful" always says "it is always about money, all of the time." He is 100% correct. Even this disease, riddled with people just trying to make maximum profit off of it. It is gross!

    CAMPING! It has been years and years! I hope you have fun!

    The $95 consult was put through my dental insurance, of course, but what a pathetic sack he was, too. I sincerely hope all the money grubbing doctors, upon death, go to a special part of hell together where they get to hear intervals of nails on a chalkboard collated with listening to Rebecca Black's "Friday!!!!" and the only way to make it stop is to PAY with money they don't have and will never have access to!!!!!!!!    

    Ginger: snow?! I am so glad CT had 1 snowstorm in the past 12 months and that was in October. I really need to move a bit South of here as I am really growing to hate cold weather.

    Omaz: I have not been changed from Tamoxifen even though I have not had my cycle in almost 2 years. I am jealous as some of you actually do receive "healthcare" out there! Must be nice! Your meds are switched, your "linings" are checked for thickening, you have doctors that actually do the freakin' job according to the oath they took!  

    I hope you all have a lovely night! Carry on my lovely warriors!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors!

    In case anyone was wondering if stupidity is still alive, I offer irrefutable evidence it most certainly is!!!   Someone actually said this today:

    NO ONE DIES OF CANCER ANYMORE....THEY JUST TAKE TREATMENTS AND EVENTUALLY DIE OF SOMETHING ELSE!!!!!   God played such a mean trick on some people by giving them 2 anuses instead of a mouth and an anus!!!!!!!   I cannot believe what people say.  

    By the time my friend and I start our show on CPTV called "I Am Going To Punch Someone," the first episode is going to have to be about a week long at the amount of GUESTS we will be processing!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I hope they settle Mars soon....I want out of here!!!!

    Happy weekend, all....and I am so glad I was able to report live, from the front lines of stupidity, that cancer is no longer terminal and we have all been saved!!!!!   

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I have a friend in development at FOX, want his number?

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    LOL! that is so true lizzy!!!! some people just talk nonsense!!!!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Lady- raisin bran made a new cereal now with almonds in it...i jut checked its called rasin brancinnimon almond... not sure if its enough like the crunch one but the bran flakes have cinnimon flavor so not so bland- i love it!!!!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Rachel is your march break like spring break or do y'all get spring break as well...

    If anyone wants to be turned off of mc chicken nuggets talk with my 6 year old LOL she LOVES to share what she's learned of that nasy wannabe chicken product- hint its what they put in their breading! 

    sorry i am all over the place with my posts- my 4 hr old is telling me "mom go to hulu" yeah right LOL! 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Ginger: thanks for the offer this programming will be strictly CPTV or perhaps WWE which is just a quick trip on down to Stamford CT!  I actually know a few wrestlers and perhaps will leverage that connection to get airing for "I Am Going to Punch Someone!!"

    Texas: I am just so happy that you show appreciation for my publishing the "dumb ass" report!   I wonder if they ever put their face in the toilet bowl when seeking relief?!   

    The last time I ate a McNugget was circa 1987!   I will not eat anything but fries (very, very occassionally...or when drunk!) and the only reason I am ever at that place is a side salad and I actually really like their coffee.  I don't eat any fast food, ever, and that includes the Chili's/Tuesdays/Olive Garden ilk.   I do sushi (could live on it), non-chain Italian, and occassionally non-chain Indian and non-chain Chinese.  As for chains, I definitely do Subway!  If I am hungry when traveling I can always get nuts most anywhere!  Bagels, too.  I just don't understand why people, like my nephew, are still eating McRat daily if he could get his hands on it.  

    I am so fortunate as this week I get to go to DMV!  Be sure to watch CNN as I very well could be on it for all the wrong reasons!  

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    OOOh the fries are BAD!!!! check out the ingedients.

    French Fries:
    Potatoes, vegetable oil (canola oil, hydrogenated soybean oil, natural beef flavor [wheat and milk derivatives]*, citric acid [preservative]), dextrose, sodium acid
    pyrophosphate (maintain color), salt. Prepared in vegetable oil (Canola oil, corn oil, soybean oil, hydrogenated soybean oil with TBHQ and citric acid added to
    preserve freshness). Dimethylpolysiloxane added as an antifoaming agent.
    *(Natural beef flavor contains hydrolyzed wheat and hydrolyzed milk as starting ingredients).

    So not only are they fried in oil but they are made up of oil as well... hmmmm interesting. Also why add the beef flavor????  I love subway but find it too expesnsive if we all eat out. Cuz to buy the sandwhich fixins is much cheaper at the store :)

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Tex: from my "coyote ugly" mornings in my NY days to trying to do the dip and not wake him up (and host of other things I will not mention here!) eating fries when drunk is one of the safest, healthiest things I did!!!!  Thank you for the trip down gross lane with how they manipulate strains of a potato and kill it, several times over, to make fried, tasty dukey!!!!!!! 
  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    McD's had "healthy" fries for a brief while and gag me they were awful. They quietly disappeared and to no fan fare whatsoever the "tasty" ones reappeared.

    I think the beef flavor is to simulate them being fried in old gease at a diner. 

    Lizzy my DD briefly dated the head writer for smackdown about 10 years ago. I hadn't seen wrestling since I saw Gorgeous Grorge when I was about 4 years old, live. So  I watched once and was stunned by the story lines direction, I was thinking, "Oh my God, That is in his head!"  He moved East.I was relieved.

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Happy Birthday!!
  • Since we're on the topic of gross stuff-- Google "Pink Slime" and see what comes up.  Ground beef being served in our school cafeterias!  It is preserved with ammonia - it's basically all the connective tissue and crap ground into one gigantic mess.  GOOD grief!

     Anyhow, still planning on going away monday.  Hoping my grandfather holds on 'til then - he's not doing so great.

     So this week is crazy busy!
    Plus on Saturday I went with my DD to a wildlife refuge volunteer orientation.  This place is totally cool -- they take care of about 900 animals a year - they are a rescue, so the main goal is to rehab the animal with as little "human imprinting" as possible and release it.  She has to go to "squirrel 101" for two 4 hour training sessions and then "fawn 101" for four hours in May.  She will be working 4-8 hours a week this spring and summer.  I'm excited and nervous for her -  I hope she does well!   Since she's homeschooled she can take shifts that might be otherwise hard to fill such as weekday mornings, etc.

    They work in four hour shifts seven days a week, 12 hours a day.  LOTS of feedings, food prep, cleaning, etc.  Last year they had 70 fawns that went through.  (Mainly people who "find" a fawn, thinking it's orphaned and bring it there... so lots of community education also for people to LEAVE wild baby animals alone unless the mother is dead by its side!)  

    It was really educational AND what's ULTRA cool??  IN October they do a huge breast cancer fundraiser- the funds don't go to the "pink" foundation but directly to one particular clinic that provides free mammos for women without insurance.  Last year they did "bales of hope" and spray painted 100 hay bales pink and got corporate sponsors for them -raising over $5000 - how awesome is that?

     Anyhow - crashing to get ready to leave next week.  DH will be staying here - wonder what he'll do without us all!!?  ;D

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Am heading out today for my checkup for cervical cancer and some idea on what is causing the cramping that I am having right now. Fingers crossed. My nerves are frayed and I can't eat a thing.

    Tex---this is our March break--we don't get a spring break here. Kids are off all week. Today they are going to their grandparents for a visit while I'm at the hospital. The weather here is amazing so they are enjoying the week.

    Happy Birthday Lizzie! Hope your b-day is great.