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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Ginger - I asked a person who was hacking and sneezing to leave a meeting once and boy did I catch it!  Now I just say that I am excusing myself when someone is sick like that.  Pet peeve - people coming to work obviously sick.
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day warriors!

    I just juiced 4 grapefruits and am guzzling that down
    ! Been having tea and Gatorade all day. There is a nasty strain of this flu going around but I am not sure I have the worst of it, thankfully.

    Ginger: My PS is doing the surgery and she is, most likely, not totally familiar with the turnaround time with pathology. I think perhaps the 2 weeks was her way of managing my expectations on the long end. I am sure if I call and request sooner, they would do something to make that happen. I am, however, tired of this whole mess! I really am. Perhaps you are picking up on just that!

    Omaz: I worked for 2 companies in the past with such strict attendance policies, the entire place was just one big germ factory for the final quarter. No one had time left to take off in the final quarter thus January was like a ghost town. Of course, everyone sick from the previous2 months finally could take time off. I don't blame you for asking them to leave or get up and leave yourself. After what we have been through, I would be more vociferous now. Also, in Japan, many wear those "surgical" masks when sick and/or to avoid maximum germ exposure. I am not above wearing those masks now. I think it takes a few years for our immune system to recover after chemo. I don't think we ever reach full recovery, however.

    I am actually going to lay in bed and watch the red carpet and then the Oscars. Flu be gone!

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Lizzie...I am also battling the flu since last Wednesday...fever, aches, chills, bad cough now...whole thing sucks as I don't think I did feel this bad even through chemo. I started to feel a little better today but haven't been able to eat for about 3 days. My germy workplace probably contributed to this as people come to work sick all the time to save their days off!

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Lizzy:  ((HUGS))) I've had the flu once. It was horrible. I had to call my brother to come take me to the doctor, I was too sick to drive, could barely sit up in the car. I get a flu shot every year now. But this friend of mine told me the other day he took the shot this year and had the flu last week. He said there was a strain going around that wasn't included in the shot. I told him to get away from me and held my fingers up in a cross shape (like warding off a vampire). I USED to be nice, but since cancer, I get away from sick peopleSmile

    I'm doing pretty good these days. Staying busy. I went by my soon-to-be-exes today to pick up some stuff I still had at the lakehouse, then he came over here with his truck and brought me some stuff that was too big for my car. He even brought me two adirondak chairs and a table he had bought me for my birthday last summer that were over there. I figured he'd keep those, so I was pleasantly surprised I got them back. I need them since my dogs have chewed up all my outdoor furniture! I hope they have outgrown that, but I'm keeping a close eye on them. The fact that I'm doing ok  makes me think that this is all for the best. We are just waiting on the lawyers to get the papers done (and to come to agreement on a couple of things, one being COBRA health insurance for me that HE pays for). But I actually like being alone and having my house to myself and nobody to answer to. Maybe I was too solitary and independent to be married in the first place. My first husband traveled 2 or 3 days a week, so that worked out great.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Rachel: I hope you feel better. I don't know what the answers when it comes to companies and sick time but there has got to be a better way. Also, can we please have buildings with windows that open again? I really think that is a contributing factor. The lack of ventilation makes it like a petri dish. Gross!

    Lady: I personally find having someone around full-time to be a total pain in the ass! I very much enjoy my independent life which will morph into "The Golden Girls" life at some point! I have no interest, nor did I ever, in getting married. Just reassuring you that you are not alone ;)

    BTW glad he brought the table and chairs. That was decent. He might be the independent type also. Startling stastic: Nightline reported I think 53% of adult households are single people. The majority is taking hold!

    I am just glad you are feeling well.

    HOT FLASHES and th flu, together, suck more.than they do separately! Just in case you guys could not figure that one out on your own!

  • I'm sorry so many of us are sick!  I'm still not feeling well - my two boys had the pukes, aches and chills last week but they're all better. Me, I still don't feel well. I never got it full blown but had waves of nausea and it sounded like a train was running through my intestines.  I thought yesterday I was all better but I was up last night feeling queasy with a headache and was hot and cold all night.  I kept having night sweats like hot flashes but I was cold in between.  UGH!  I would love a good night's sleep!  I fell asleep at 9:30 and by 1 I could not sleep.

     Today I'm wiped out.  I've felt sick all day and tonight I have pioneer girls with my daughter.  It's my 8 year old's birthday so I took him and his brother and sister to Gamestop to use their gift cards from Christmas.  What's worse is that I want to eat all the time!  This is REALLY BAD - eating seems to make it feel better, oddly.  I should at least get some weight loss out of this.  

    There are some horrible viruses going around including the flu.  Bad!  This stomach thing is running rampant through northern NJ.  I just can't believe it's been over a week and I still don't feel well.  ;( 

    At least I never got it full blown like the virus in September.  I hope that means our immune systems are learning to recover after chemo!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day warriors-

    My surgery has been rescheduled because of my bought with flu and bronchitis.  The saga continues. 

    Calamtykel: I was on augmentin when I got this and now am on  Z pack b/c apparently there are germs that float around in schools (friend is ps teacher and am pretty sure got this from her) that augmentin does not address!  Just my luck.  It was funny when Omaz suggested eating to get by the flu.  I have not had any vomitting but I have had nausea.  Of course, food and nausea are old enemies but I think Omaz is right because the more nutrients, the better we are going to get.  

    I am hopeful I will be better by the end of this week.  I will be hoping you, too, are better soon. Whatever it is, it is a potent strain and I certainly don't think our immune systems are just not what they once were.  I have never gotten sick like this.  Alas, this is the new frontier!

    Happy trails, all! 

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Lizzy I hope you feel better really soon. You had yourself all ready for surgery and have to reset yourself now don't you? I bet the ZPak gets you moving along now. 

    I worked at the Navy Nursery School at Millington Naval Air Station back in 1967 and I got every illiness one could from those little kids. I am an only child and apparently had no immunity to anything. A petrei dish for sure. 

    Wishing sunny days for you soon.


  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Well crap! I hate that you have to wait longer Lizzy!

    I had a really good today. Met an old friend from Bham for lunch. Then met a new friend at the Lilies meeting tonight (the ovarian cancer support group I go to once a month). She and I "met" on the Inspire board (like, just for ovarian cancer). She was in NC and moved to Ala. about 3 months ago. We've corresponded online but finally met in person tonight. Wish I could meet all you ladies. I bet we'd have a blast!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    We would be dangerous together! We'd get thrown out of places together.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    It would be fun!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Well, yeah.

     One time long ago and far away I was a little tipsy and with friends at a national convention. We decided it would be fun to sit cross legged on the floor in front of the elevator bank on our floor. Each time an elevator rang for our floor we would rush over and plop down and say Ooooohhhmmm just as the elevator door opened. We got some pretty incredulous looks.  We thought it was hysterically funny. In the retelling maybe it wasn't quite so funny but at the moment it was a riot. That week was also my introduction to Harvy Wallbangers.  

    So this is the kind of thing we might do, you see. 


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    I'll have to do it without any assistance since I stopped drinking alcohol when I was diagnosed.  I'm pretty silly so it should be just fine!Cool
  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    it's funny when people mention they gave up alcohol after diagnosis. When the kids were younger I was never drank-too tired, so I wonder if I should have -maybe it would have alleviated some of the stress that I'm sure contributed to my own perfect storm for cancer! Now I'm all for a glass of wine or some beer here and there.


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Carolyn - I really liked beer and I don't think it was good for me.  Plus my daughter felt uncomfortable when I drank so it's just as well that I stopped.  
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Good day warriors!

    I hope everyone is well. I, unfortunately, am still battling the flu-like symptoms and bronchitis. Although the cough is gone, I still feel flu-like. I wish it would go!

    Alkaline state: you know, there is so much to remember about this disease. I have been juicing more recently esp w/being sick. Sure enough, I made roughly 14 oz of grapefruit juice yesterday, and I do the skin (pectin is good for us!), and then realized what damage I had done, albeit temporarily, to my alkaline state! I should have had 4 oz here and there. So much to remember all the time! I just thought a nice, tall glass of juice would help me out. Perhaps I should have a cigarette the next time!!!

    Lady: it MAKES MY DAY to hear you had a good day! I am serious. I am so happy you went out and had some fun with the ovarian cancer girls. My hope was that once, if ever, I get beyond this mess, we could all go to the annual event. Last year, you might recall, was in Vegas. Perhaps we can all manage to go this year? I know we get discounted room rates etc... It is food for thought.

    Needless to say, I cancelled my Komen walk plans for this summer amid the Planned Parenthood controversy. I was kind of hoping that could have turned into a "gathering" but I refuse to do any walking for that mess now!

    Ginger: the truth is coming out!!!!!!!! I don't know if it is the ghost of my mom etc...but something gets my cat going lately, running around, crying up at the ceiling, chasing things that aren't there so I decided to start singing "Wild Thing" to her! I now dedicate that song to you as well!!!! Sounds like you had quite a time of it with that elevator! People riding the elevator must have gotten a charge out of that! Namaste!

    Ckptry, Omaz: well, you all know I drank my ass off and partied like it was 1999 right into to 2005! In any case, and very oddly, when I was dxd they said it started around 2005/2006 or just when I hung up my party hardy hat! I never stopped drinking but the "good time" bus came to a halt with living in CT and not wanting to go out cavorting with my "married-single" friends etc... so my life changed that year. I was living back in CT and the social network of fun and madness I had in my NYC days was no longer. I just wonder if putting all of that on a shelf is what caused my bc. Seriously, so I don't know if drinking has shit to do with bc and I just think they arbitrarily pin the tail on whatever freakin' donkey they can find. I also think their "drinking" studies have more to do with carbs, which seems to really be a demon when it comes to cancer, rather than the liquor itself. More to this point, if you all drink vodka/bourbon/rum w/a splash of water and a piece of fruit, no carbs and I don't know what else to say about that! If you are drinking White Russians, that might have a direct impact on recurrence! I am with your, Carolyn, in that I still drink on occasion. I did before and it seemed when I slowed down is when bc started so as far as I am concerned, they just don't know much about the causes of bc. It almost makes me laugh when they start with their warnings about specific things as if they know something we don't! I think however you define fun is what you have to stay in touch with and none of the crap they warn about, until they know the "cause," should be taken seriously. To each their own but, and this is for you Carolyn, PARTY ON, GARTH!!!!!!!!! (I am Wayne...!)

    Omaz: your dd probably felt uncomfortable when you drank b/c you were cutting into her supplies!!!!! My father had a bar but he NEVER drank so, of course, it was fodder for the party bus my sister, brothers and I were always riding on! I learned the "water" trick early on! He would get bottles for the holidays and just put them in the bar of no-use! We were always like "yee ha" when we saw someone show up with those pretty, gloss bottle boxes and bags! More for us!

    Well, I hope you all have a good day and do something fun today. I would be lying if I told you all that sitting in bed watching old movies these past few days while I try to get myself over this flu (so I can have surgery next week) has been a task! Especially today, it is perfect movie-watching weather!

    Tex: I found my alternative to Crunchberries (was craving like a child!) = Raisin Bran Crunch!!!! 

    Happy trails-

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Lizzy - that is so funny!  I used to do the water in the liquor bottle too.  I finally asked my dad if he ever noticed and he said no.  He only liked the beefeater gin so I stayed away from that.  Did you mix a little of everything together?  Oh, that was awful tasting!!
  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Ginger: That's hilarious. Ooooommmmmmm ...

    They say drinking is not good for BC. But it's good for your heart. Who knows? Pick your poison, I say.

    Lizzy: Raisin Bran Crunch is the crack of cereals! I can't even bring it into my house, I'll eat the whole box. Yum. Enjoy.

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    Water in the liquor bottle..... check.

    Kidhood cereal....... Quisp!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Adey - You too???
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Lady: I was really wanting those Crunchberries!  I have not had that cereal in probably over 10 years! Raisin Bran Crunch is soo good!

    Omaz: the problem with the water is everyone had to have separate bottles and sometimes they would water on me (punks!) so most of the time, I would just take the entire bottle!  I was 18 on my first non-parent vacation to Los Angeles with 2 other 18 y/o friends.  When we were not on Hollywood Blvd looking for Axel Rose, we were trying to score liquor!  More to this point, of course, we got into the hotel minibar and took great pains to try to "seal" the bottles again!  Well, parents got billed like $250 each for that scam!  They caught onto our water tricks!   It was fun anyway!

    Anyone else watching Idol?! I am hooked.  One thing bc has done to me is made me a total boob pun, I guess?! 

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I am watching American Idol too. I think this might be a really good season. I think this was the best elimination show they have ever had.  I am also a real couch potato these days. I can steer you to the best of tv. Hah!

    About the Ooomm thing. We were at a national foster parents convention. eerrrr Don't tell anyone okay? 

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi Everyone!

    Ginger:  That stunt with the elevator is hysterical!!  OMG, you must have died laughing everytime the elevator door closed again!  My lips are sealed, don't worry.

    Lizzy:  How are you feeling today? 

    Omaz:  I'm with you on the drinking, although I did have a glass of wine on Christmas day.  Otherwise, I steer clear as I have read too much about the link between ILC recurrence and drinking.  We all have choices to make and we make the ones that are appropriate for us. Anyway, I was a beer girl too, and all that sugar and those calories would definitely not be good for my newfound there is another reason for me to abstain.  Anyway, congrats on your accomplishment!

    I don't get to watch much TV, but the one show I watch every week is The Amazing Race, anyone else?

    As for cereal, my absolute favorite as a kid was Captain Crunch. Of course, as an adult knowing what I know about all that sugar and those chemicals in there, I wouldn't touch it now, but back in the day....YUM YUM!

    Hope everyone is feeling well and enjoying their weekend!


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    sptmm - I only watch survivor, big fan.  My favoirite cereal was rice krispies when I was a kid!!  Remember the little sounds they made with milk?  My brother and I also DUMPED sugar on them.  We would have quicksand pile of it at the bottom of the bowl when we finished the cereal.
  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Ya'll are bringing back some great memories ... Cap'n Crunch and Rice Krispies with lots of sugar. I wonder why our parents let us eat such junk? I also loved Sugar Smacks (I don't think they make those any more) and CocoPuffs.

    I survived the tornados yesterday. They say that 6 hit here, but they were all north of me, the same path that hit last April. Those poor people. So I spent all of yesterday listening to the weather radio and flipping back and forth from a tv show to the local channels, which had nothing on them but weather because there were tornado warnings all day. My dilemma of the day was whether the dogs would be safer in their kennels in the laundry room or in the closet with me. I still haven't decided! I'm leaning toward the kennels. That way if they get blown away, they'd still be locked up and not able to run off, right? Or would a tornado be capable of breaking down the kennels? See, still in a dilemma!

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day warriors!

    You all will like this: I took my ZPack backwards!!!!!! So sad! The generic ZPacks have some writing on the back foil but I just started at the wrong end because I missed the little arrow. To be honest, and I know how ZPacks work, I was not even looking for the "start" point. It is so sad!

    Lady: after WWII, the hegemonic nature of our country at that time was palpable. We had to feed all these troops and then they started reproducing! The government decided to start feeding the nation carbs, thus sugar. I firmly believe that is one of the main reasons why there is so much cancer.  Our parents just went along with the spirit of the times in allowing us to eat those cereals etc... Cancer and sugar go hand-in-hand and as they just allow these meat factories to blow up these animals with all types of crap to make them fatter and fatter so they can make more and more money, it left people like me in carb central. They can't poison a box of pasta. Now, of course well all know there are good and bad carbs but the bottom line is the freakin' meat was not so laced with carcinogenic matter, we might eat more of it and reduce the number of cancer cases in this country. Carbs are not so much luscious as they are safe from attack but then that very trend is exacerbating the number of cancer cases. I don't know why she swallowed the fly!!!!!!

    I hope you are ok in tornado alley! My friend moved to TN a few years back. To people in the northeast, the entire Midwest is tornado alley. She was correcting me today explaining there are actually "tornado alleys" and she is living in between 2 of them! Ok...whatever!!!! Bottom line is CNN reports widespread devastation and to this I respond by calling friends in TN, MN, WY and TX. During this conversation she is trying to encourage me to move there!!!!!!!!!!! I was actually calling to make sure she was still alive!

    KENNELS! Definitely kennels, preferably with you in the closet. These are portable, indoor kennels, correct? I can't imagine you thinking of leaving those little dogs in an outdoor kennel! You will have no control over them if forbid one does hit so they are safest in indoor kennels, with you, and with pillows and prayers!

    Ginger: on Idol, I never watched, ever, before Steven Tyler joined the panel. As far as I was concerned why were a bunch of no-talent hacks passing judgment?! Now the panel actually is replete with talent and I think the show now warrants more viewership. For this reason, I am hooked but also for this reason, I cannot let you know if I thought this was a good elimination v others! Sorry. It sure is shaping up to be good! Now that train wreck DWTS starts this week! The entertainment is wonderful!

    Sptmm: feeling good, like I left the flu behind me! Off to the OR next week!  Beer would ruin your figure...definitely.  When I was very into working out, I would have rum or vodka w/diet coke.  Of course drink D Coke anymore b/c of the phenylketoneurics so now, should I revisit those low-carb treats, it would be w/soda and lime!  

    I am busy today and it is also BASEBALL season! Pre-season has begun and my Yankees are looking good!

    Have a good weekend, all

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Ginger: this is awful of me but I was secretly hoping Gary Busey would be on DWTS!!!!!!! Did you ever see the movie "Rat Race?"  I seriously think that is where Trump got the idea for "The Apprentice!"  I also think in some room in Vegas there are hefty bets being taken on the outcome of that show! 
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Apparently a CVS in NJ filled rxs for.fluoride with Tamoxifen by accident, of course. In any case, the pharmacist told a Nightline reporter that Tamox is like chemo in a pill!?! I thought that was an odd characterization of Tamox, albeit perhaps valid. I just never thought of it that way.

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    Gary Busey on DWTS!!!!!!  I might even watch!  (c: