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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Aw thats so sweet! oh i took them right not, its just ibprofin and usually doenst help with the headaches, but i couldnt wait.

    funny thing bout hot flashes me and this older woman had gotten into a conversation about them, well first she made a comment about it being warm in the building and maybe it was just her cuz of her hot flashes, and that lead into a converstation 

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Morning all,

    Tex: Just read about your situation, I'm thinking of you and sending good vibes and prayers from Canada. Just think, all over the continent you've got people rooting for you.:) Hugs.

    All: HI!! I haven't been around much but you're never far from my mind. Life is good here, still a cold spring though.

    Lizzy- I think you should take that apple off your poor cat's head. HILARIOUS.;)


  • Hey all! I need some help - DS who is 13, and taking a class on Sundays at our church was supposed to survey a few people for his activity this week and didn't do it.  He's very shy, and I'm sure didn't want to approach people so he didn't tell me, and the survey has to be three people that he doesn't know.  since he's totally not the kind of kid who can or will walk up to someone in a grocery store, I thought maybe if a couple of people on the board could PM me and wouldn't mind answering a couple of questions for him, that it would really help him out.

    If you PM me with an email addy, I can have him email you directly. (I'm making him do that part of it!)  

    So far he has an honors grade, so I don't want to see him lose it.  - Kids -- UGH!

    Anyhow, hope everyone is doing well.  Tex I'm sorry to hear about all the stuff going on.  I hate this blasted disease and I think what we have to go through after the treatment and all is worse than walking through it.  Every ache and pain...  I'm trying to get an app't with my old gyn since my new one retired --  because I want to get checked down there - I think chemo did a number on my ovaries.  I'm getting a period every other month and having some weird pains.  Yesterday I had cramps all day but no period. I'm having a lot of IBS symptoms lately but that's really nothing new - it's been around since chemo, but I can't tell what's intestinal rumblings and what's ovary pain..  I dunno - I just hate the "elephant in the room".  I guess I should be learning the life lesson to just live life and to try not to worry but it's hard.  I think "okay, my ovaries and periods are screwed up - maybe that means estrogen imbalances and we all know what estrogen does......." and I start spinning on worrying. 

    I know it's so wrong-- but that's where my mind goes.  I try to look  back "Okay, got scared last year and the endometrial biopsy was clear - skin cancer scare; that was clear - breast cyst scare - that was clear.  Foot pain - got a cortisone shot and x-ray and that's feeling better - not cancer....................but still our minds go there.  Faith is a constant battle it seems! 

    Anyhow, we're all in the same boat I guess!  

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Thanks Lizzy and Tex for the explanation - thinking of you today Tex over here in the desert.
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    I am here thinking of you all this morning and how far we have come. I also looked at my mullet in the mirror this morning and am thinking perhaps around July might be time for another cut! Only my second since chemo. I can't believe how it is growing in, though, thick and curly. It was always both of those but, quite frankly, in the year leading up to the bc dx, I am only pretty sure it was getting thinner. That could have been age, hashimoto's or it could have, in some way, been related to the latent bc. Well, it is back and healthier than ever! I have a friend from NYC, not on these boards, who has bc and was lamenting the last strand falling out recently. I reminder her we are lucky to get a chance to grow all of hair over again, in the middle of our lives, and thereby get a new, healthier batch!

    Sweeney: I think of you often. I am glad you are doing well. I understand moving on and not being around these boards so much, which is very healthy in and of itself, but just the same, know you are in my thoughts ;)

    Rachel: that story about your aunt was absolutely startling. I cannot believe that after 20 years, it came back quite quick and took her life. That is outrageous. A reminder of how insidious this disease can be. I find it incomprehensible she went 20 years with nothing and then it came back like that. A reminder we are never really free of this albatross but I still have hope they will develop a remedy, a "cancer" shot etc... before I expire! I sincerely believe the "shot" etc.. is going to come from the US simply b/c the costs of dealing with cancer care are so egregiously prohibitive, they will soon have no choice!! YAY!

    Calamtykel: we are all very much in the same boat . Between my itchy breast, pain in my liver and now my thyroid feels "big," I immediately go "there" as well. "There" sucks!!!!!

    If anyone is interested,  here is a link to an article on how the cancer drug shortages continue and how this might impact research: 

    Off to the eye doc and chops doc! Good day, all-

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Wherria: I don't know if you lurk and still read but don't post.  If so, I found this board just now and thought of you:

    It is a 2012 Running thread.  I am sure others here would like it but I thought of you immediately.  More to this point, I do think of you and hope you are doing well- 

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    Texas-  Prayers for quick results and good news.  Good vibes coming at ya.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    I hope everyone is doing well and have some decent plans for the weekend!

    Tex: I am thinking of you and wishing you the best.   

    Ginger: hope you are ok.  You were on my mind last night and as we have not heard from you in a few, hope all is well.

    Daily complaints: first, poor Sptmm, Calamtykel, Ckptry and I have to deal with winter-like temps tonight!  It is going into the upper 20s in CT tonight!!!!   Feel bad for all of us, won't you please?!?!   Also, my neck hurts!  Yes, yes, I am done whining!!!!

    Later, gators!   

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    Adey too!  I feel sorry for the foliage......  (c:

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Us too. Ottawa (aka the FAR north...) is going down to -10! That's 14 degrees for all y'all south of the border.

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Tex...thinking of you

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Hi I am here just didn't post over here. I too immediately think I have mets when anything goes wrong. I have had a cough lately, well duh, we have thick pollen on everything. I am in the middle of the woods here. Still I get nervous, my dad died of lung cancer and his presenting symptom was a cough. Of course he coughed for years and years.

    So the other morning I was having one of my dreams. There was this b ig wheel turning with pegs in it. I needed for what ever half a**ed reason to jump onto the wheel and instert myself into my peg hole. So, in my sleep, I leap from the bed across the floor into the closet door landing on my side. My feet remain tangled in covers. My brain simply fails in its task of keeping my motor functions paralyized during sleep like it is supposed to do!  I am still achy, my dogs think I am insane and my husband who wasn't here is just glad he wasn't in the way.   I am a weird dreamer and am starting to think I need to pad all corners on furniture.  For me to even think I wasleaping is crazy, I am not capable of leaping but somehow did throw myself off the bed again. I was perpendicular to the bed when I landed so some sort of energy was in the leap. Argh.    

    Texas thinking about you lots.  

    Sweeny good to hear from you.

    Lizzy I too was thinking about Wherria, hope she pops in here. 

    Calamity I would be happy to help your son. PM me. 

    Love to all Ginger

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    i dont think wherria lurks anymore- well i've PM'd her with no response...

    thanks all... 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    Ginger: that is crazy that the body's "immobilization" system failed!  I cannot believe you found yourself out of bed, on the floor.  Good that your dh was not in the way!

    Good day, girls- 

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    TO better explain. I have dreams that I act out in that I sometimes remember in detail. My poor husband has suffered through many of them. I am surprised he sleeps in the same bed with me.

    Then, I also have night terrors that I never remember. I don't think I act out in those, I just scream at the top of my lungs and am very difficult to awaken.  The other night DH woke me up saying, "Wake up, wake up, you are screaming." I had been screaming right in his face!   

    On the nightmare front I have been awakened punching my husband yelling, "Get out of my house!" He tells me he grabbed my wrist after I landed one punch on his arm.  I have no idea what that dream was about but I did start laughing really hard after he awakened me. Honest to God I am rather normal except for this.  My Sweet 8 year old DGD has the same sleep problems.

    I was at my DS house and he is so used to his daughters night terrors that when I woke them up screaming on night he sat up in the bed and then said. "Oh it's just mom."  

    I wake up so exhausted sometimes. I like to find the humor but truthfully it isn't very funny too me.  My poor dogs look just stunned whan they see me like this.   I have had this my entire 66 years. My poor DGD, it made her feel good to know that I have this too.

    I probably should go to a sleep lab but while I would be interesting to them I have never heard of anyone being helped with this. 

     Hugs and peaceful dreams to all of you.

    Love Ginger

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    OMG I have killed the thread!  I am so sorry. 


  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Ginger- you're funny! Not killed. Just a slow weekend...:)

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Hi Ginigerbrew - Nah, you didn't!  I was doing chores this weekend.  Cleaned the fridge.  Washed everything, got all the food back in and was hefting the half gallon bottle of cranberry juice, last thing, and it slipped and spilled all over the bottom and sides of the clean fridge.  sigh!  today I am going on the field trip with my daughter's class.  Have a good week!
  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Wow thats strange Ginger, so do night terrors run in your family? If your grandkids get them??? So its like you'r esleep walking or sleep leaping?

    Yeah ya didnt kill the board, weekends are a hectic time for me as well. i get just a few mins to pop in...

    Still no call from my oncologist- althought the imaging place said i had STAT orders they should have gotten them by now, if i dont hear anything by 4 i will call them :)

    Will update y'all 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Good day, warriors!

    It was a busy weekend. Plus a friend won a trip to the Bahamas and I am invited! I have been traveling but it is really nice when the entire trip is a GIFT! Just found that out this weekend, too. Of course, surgery Jane over here is not going to be able to do anything this summer (and, suffice it to say, I **do not** do the islands in the summer!!) but will be looking forward to this trip hopefully in October.

    Ginger: I periodically "thread kill," not you!!!!! I make some wild, off-putting comment, rendering silence!!!!

    Night terrors...only heard about it. Never knew anyone that actually had them. It is awful they run in families. What a shame. Your poor dgd.

    The last guy I was engaged to told me I talk, in a rather spooky voice, in my sleep! Of course, he was such a jealous freak-of-nature, he tried to "pump" me for information about this cheating (in his mind!) that I was doing!!!!! Seriously, after dealing with him full-time, I had no energy for cheating! In any case, I know I still do "spooky voice" periodically as my cat will lay on top of me! It is when I am stressed like nowadays as bc is just a bit stressful!

    Texas: I am very much looking forward to hearing your results. Fingers crossed, woman ;)

    Calamtykel: did your son complete the assignment?  Did he gather enough subjects?  If not, I will help him.  Just PM me. 

    I am so enthralled as my Skecher Speciate mules just arrived!!!!!! Been wanting to get these things for 2 years but did not find my size or just forgot about it. Finally, they have arrived! So excited!!!!

    Happy trails, girls!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I have a paternal uncle who dove through a second floor window in his sleep and lived.  My father had some acting out dreams after extreme stress following an industrial accident he witnessed. One of my sons sleep walked and talked, I don't know if he stil does or not. I think it must run in families. 

    I had a complex argument outloud in my sleep, with a childhood friend, while I was at my sons house. My DIL told me it went on for like 20 minutes. I was apparently standing up for myself which is good because this "friend:" was very cruel to me. My DIL didn't wake me up.....I wish she had. I use a lot of energy in these dreams.

    Cranberry juice in the fridge, I boiled over a big pot of grape jelly on my stove. I never made jelly again. It even ran into the oven, behind the seals. It was horrible to clean out. 

    Laters, so glad I didn't wipe out the thread. 

     ,Hugs Ginger

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Ginger: A good defense mechanism you can carry with you into your next life, when a "friend" treats you badly, quickly relegate them to non-friend status by resorting to playground tactics=punch them in the face!  It must be the Irish and Italian in me!  Once a girl cut me in line in middle school and then she would not move!  I don't have to tell you all what came next, the look on my father's face when he came to collect me and the talk I received about how to handle things better!! Would I have done it differently?  Absolutely not!  She was a long-term bitch and I fixed her!  Never again did she even come near me.  Mission accomplished!!
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    BTW: Nightline reported tonight that several studies about using vitamins to combat cancer is a waste of money!   In fact, I think they said something like certain things might actually cause more problems than help the "cancer" situation.   

    Tex: what is going on?  Any news?  

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    When I was 14 my best friend called my father a something something drunk. I punched her directly in the middle of her face with my closed fist. I could feel her face mushing down under my fist. I never punched another person again in my life, except when some Jamaicans were trying to rob me.  Lol later she was my maid of honor, and me, hers.  Looking back I am rather impressed at the family loyalty that rose up in me, I had never known it was there until then. She never made any remark about my father again.


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    I was about 13 and that girl really just liked to push everyone around. I remember my friends, in parrticular Jeff, urging me to address the issue and how he would not take that! Suffice it to say, that was not my first run in with her but it sure was my last! I never got into another fight again. I had to defend myself once in HS against some jealous girl who thought I was after her boyfriend! I think that fateful day in middle school established a reputation for me. I did get punished but not so much because of what I did but because I would not agree it was wrong! I guess that was the early lawyer in me!

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    Lizzy and Ginger are bad asses!  Tongue out
  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    I was a rowdy adolecent and have lots of those type of stories ;) maybe i will share later.

    No still no news from y dr. i was actually at zumba last night and didnt hear my phone (as it was in my cubby) the message was brief and he said he will call me today around the same time so I am gonna have my phone on me while i do zumba. (my dh has a weird shcedule this time around so mon and tue are my only free days for zumba and i dont want to put my life on hold for these results!)

    i think i over did it at zumba last night my abs hurt! i was crunching hard when doing the knee pull things lol... i have my messurements on the 16th so i am really trying to utilize my workouts! 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Good evening, warriors!

    I had trouble accessing this site a few times today. Finally tonight, when the problem persisted, I got creative. This is what I found:

    I cannot believe there is a site out there like that *tracking* our posts, how many times we post etc... Privacy is long, long gone!

    Adey: not a bad ass, just a kid who was constantly being pushed around by her older siblings! You get to the point where you have just had enough and won't take it anymore! I always joke with my friends how my brother would ride me around the pool like Sea Biscuit! My sister thought my pigtails were a means of picking me up off the ground! By the time she cut me in line, I had had quite enough!

    Tex: still thinking of you even though we had our "Zumba" exchange! Be sure to let us know how things go!
    What are you getting measured for?

    Tonight I suddenly got a weird feeling in my lower jaw like it was about to come unhinged. It was the weirdest feeling and I was just walking up the driveway. Sure enough my friend Google told me it could be a sign of heart problems. Google hardly ever has good news!!!!!

    My creepy friend Google also told me that heart attacks are more likely in women post-menopausal because the estrogen they lack was actually quite instrumental in fighting plaque build-up in arteries...and causing bc, thank you!

    Well, going to get ready to watch "Nightline" and then watch Jimmy Kimmel bid adieu to the latest cast off from DWTS! Am I the only one who loves the "burning of the Capezios?!"

    Night, all

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    New cleaning lady, she cleaned. I love her, I want her to live here.  Yeah!


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Ginger: funny that your brought that up!  I was just thinking about that a few days ago.  Did you ever get cameras?  I am so glad you found someone new!  Good for you.  Don't forget, though, cameras are very helpful and today, with them being the size of a pin, don't hesitate!  I told you, my desire to use cameras was to spy on my cat = equivalent of spying on paint drying!