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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Lizzy: I made asparagus the other day too. When I was in Colorado last fall visiting my brother, we went to this store, I think it was called the Olive Tap. It had all these specialty olive oils and vinegars. I bought a bottle of passion fruit balsamic vinegar, which is the best stuff you ever ate. I put it and olive oil on my asparagus and roast in the oven. Yummy and healthy too.

    Hi Carolyn. Love your new picture.

    I had a good Easter. Hope everyone else did. And Annie, I remember reading somewhere that apple seeds are toxic to humans, but why would you eat the seeds anyway??? I'm off to Zumba!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Tex: tis a little weird!  Maybe some people are just shy?! 

    Lady: I hope you have a wonderful time at Zumba!!!!!!!!   That balsamic sounds wonderful!   I really like balsamic but never had any "flavored" balsamic.  Sounds great...I am going to do a google on that one!

    In any case, you sound really good and I am very happy for you!  I am glad you are healthy and happy, woman!

    In fact, we are all doing pretty well!  Congratulations are in order all around!   Also, our HAIR is all coming along quite nicely!  To think we were all nearly bald 1 year ago!  Things are getting back to normal.

    Sptmm: HEY WOMAN!!!!!!!!  I must have missed your post when I was on earlier today!  I hope you had a nice Easter and a nice walk through the botanical gardens without the shadow of bc scaring you.   Two years ago, it is unbelievable, isn't it?  I pretty much knew I had it around St. Pats and then I found out definitively in early April.   So glad we are all doing so much better!! YEEE HA!!!  (that was for you, Tex!)  

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Feel good story!!!   There I was at Macy's using a birthday gift card on Dolce and Gabbana Light Blue and this woman started chatting with me.   Stage IV ...16 years since dx!!!!!!!!  She was my age when dxd-unbelievable!   I was enjoying some self-deprecating humor about my hair and she questioned why I cut it if I did not like short hair!!!!!!   Thus the bc convo started!

    Ginger: is it just me or do most of these singers on "American Idol" and "The Voice" this year sound great?!   I don't think I would make a good judge at all...not at all!  I post this question to you, btw, b/c I think we are the only 2 that watch these shows!   I am also into DWTS!   What I like about that is they replay the entire show, in a much more consolidated format, on Tuesday night before the results show therefore I can watch "The Voice" on Monday night as they are on at the same time. 

  • Regarding toxic foods - I'd rather eat an apple seed than a Twinkie.  ;)

     Here's an article on the toxicity of raw garlic to the brain.  Kinda daunting and scary -- and upsetting frankly, as I love raw garlic! :D   

     Everything in moderation I guess!

    tomorrow I'm going for a stealth test.  It uses the body's meridian points to detect pathogens, parasites and such.  It's a totally different kind of thing than my nutritionist uses - a friend is coming with me, as she also sees this practitioner.  He's part of real MD osteopath practice, but this is the "alternative" branch of it (so of course, insurance will not cover it!) .  Hoping to lick the lyme once and for all.  Really sick of it coming back and I'm not agreeing with how my nutritionist is handling it anymore.  He's using too many products that aren't killing it completely and it keeps coming back.  Supposedly this guy has good success hitting it a different way.  Hoping & praying! 

    Meanwhile, has anyone had their ovaries messed up by chemo??  I ovulated last month and got a period - not heavy, but it did last 14 days (really light at the end) and finally stopped.  Saturday (which would be exactly 14 days since I got my period - mid cycle)   I started getting sharp - really sharp pangs on the left side.  They have been happening on and off since then, less and less and lighter and lighter and farther between  It's like my ovary is trying to function and can't.    I'm due for an ob/gyn appointment soon and i need to find a new one as mine retired...but it's kind of unsettling...

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I wrote a long post and it got stuck and wouldn't post. Now it is gone. So Imagine lots of great thoughts, ideas and insights about AI and DWTS poured forth from my lightening fast fingers.  

    There is a AI thread and a DWTS thread that I think you will like Lizzy. I post there myself. 


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I just watched American Idol and I do like their voices this year. Yes I do. I was feeling they are being over produced and perhaps they are. But I do like the voices. I listen through a head set through our receiver. I can hear the nuance then and it makes all better if they are good. 


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    I hope you all are doing well.

    Ginger: I was traveling and just got back last night. Sure enough, I thought things were going to be fine on the final 3 hour leg of my journey and a woman showed up w/2 kids- approx 5 & 7! I think you all know I never wanted kids or marriage and that was by design, not by accident!  So, yes, I am one of those travelers that cringe when the kids show up! In any case, and very lucky for me, I have rather expensive headphones that work great so I was able to listen to "The 3 Tenors" for those hours and not to whining, crying, craziness! It was wonderful and I was glad but I also did my smile-and-be-nice-to-the-kids bit (of course they are attracted to me for reasons I will never know!). In any case, I know what great voices sound like but I don't suspect I will find those on AI! I just think AI is a collection of good voices, not great. More to this point, that guy Joshua that everyone is so crazy about, I really don't like at all. I don't like that raspy screaming at all. I think that sounds awful.

    I did not set the DVR so I did not see it last night but I do really like "The Voice." I actually watched that in lieu of DWTS the other night. I know those AI and DWTS threads are on this site. Perhaps I will check them out one day. I asked a friend, who is a professionally trained singer, what he thought of Joshua. He said that screaming is just noise. He did say Cavanaugh trails off in her lower register and Elise is a rocker. He said Skylar is good and that too much is being made of Jessica. I find it incomprehensible I used to trade many, many dollars for a select group of clients in our thriving financial markets for years and now the drama in my life is provided by AI/DWTS/The Voice!! BC has led me squarely into unchartered territory!

    Calamtykel: Kel, the last time I saw my gyn she asked me again if I was spotting and/or having my cycle. She said if it comes back, that is fine but if there is any spotting, weird cycling etc... I definitely need to get in to her office ASAP. I don't tell you this to scare you, and I am on tamox so that might be why they are so concerned about spotting, but I do think you need to tell your onc or gyn about what is going on.

    What I do still have is alternating numbness in both hands and pain in my liver, like a contraction and release type of pain. Not good! Eventually whatever is going on will most likely make itself known in a far more substantial way!

    OMG...I was just telling a friend how much I miss working in NYC, seeing him, seeing old friends, the action, the energy, the shows, off Broadway, the clubs that seem to have no median age and my overall experience that I felt while working there. Just now on the news, as I worked for Lehman Brothers in World Financial Center in lower Manhattan, they just evacuated WFC 2 as the mail screeners found a grenade in a FedEx envelope. That would not keep me from going back but it is a reminder of a time I don't want to remember.

    Of course, an ex of mine reminds me, regarding going back to work in NY, stress kills and post-bc I should be concerned with that. Well I also think not doing what you want, working where you want etc... has a stress connected to it that can't even be measured. Bottom line, we are only here for a while and I am not going to spend time trying to avoid doing the type of job I love because of stress as I think unhappiness is way more stressful and upsetting.

    I hope you all have a lovely day!
    Happy trails-

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I didn't know that you didn't want to have children Lizzie. I would certainly not want to have any new ones now! I don't think we considered it optional when I was a teenager in the 60's. 

    Kids sitting behind me on the plane kicking the seat make me crazy. I finally figured out that I had to speak up immediately. I say. "I have had back surgery and this kicking is going to cause me tremedous pain." Generally the parent changes seats with the child and I have no more kicking. I used to suffer through it but no more. You know come to think of it I haven't flown in nearly two years since moving out here.

    Laters Ginger

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Ginger: I just did not, and do not, want to have kids.  I know it is hard for so very many to understand that so I just perhaps had not been forthcoming about that in past here on this thread!  Again, it was by design!   Also what I find anomalous is the fact that the bc stats say if you don't have kids you are high risk for bc yet the recent stats in this country say 51% of people are single and living alone (nearly evenly divided men and women) and that 39% of women are not married and not planning to marry.  More to this point, this entire board is littered with people who have kids?  I think the bc stats are a huge stretch and I don't know how they come up with them.  In fact, from what I understand, I was the only person on this thread who does not have kids.  It is all so convoluted!

    The little monsters were sitting in front of me!  That is a great idea if the little monsters are behind me going forward about the back issue thing!  Great idea-thanks!

    My mother said that about the become a secretary, nurse or have kids options in the 50s and 60s.  Not my gig!  I just did not, and do not, want kids.  What's more is the preponderance of my friends, and bear in mind I am living in a suburban location now, are not married and don't have kids.   About 25% of my friends have kids and/or are married.  I think our country is changing and no more is this ardent desire to raise kids and/or get married.  To me it was always an option and there was ZERO pressure from my parents about it either way.  In fact, truth be known, my father told me as much about a year before he died.  He pretty much said he knew early on I was not the dependent, take-care-of-me, stay-at-home, housewife type!   He also reminded me it is totally not all it is cracked up to be and with my frenetic nature, I should work to keep my life interesting and exciting and fun and to avoid making it anything else!  He was a very smart man.  My mother often times, and in so many words, told me I could do bad by myself so as much as an uninspired man might be of fleeting interest, marry lateral or up or don't marry at all!  Even if my parents were not so "go architect your life and have a good time, kid" as they were, I would have never succumbed to "get married" pressure.  It was on a long list of things that was not going to happen!

    Nowadays many women are feeling very free to say they don't want and are not going to have kids.  It is all changin and for this I am grateful. 

    Something else that is not my gig is looking at these 50 yr old, botoxed, teenagers!   Dr. Oz has those housewife jokers on today...there is a reason we get old = make room for the new batch of people!  I don't know why their faces loaded with botchulism?!  It is so gross and they don't look good.  I think the mirror, and their minds, are lying to them!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I have to go out or I would try to write a good response. I agree about the crazy botoxed immobile faces. It is usually the lips that throw me. It looks like they are pulling the inside of their mouths out. I have a big fish lip story but I have to PM it. If I forget remind me.

    I am told by elementary school frinds that I always said I would have twins. I did, first time out, boys. Then 2 1/2 yrs later another boy. The 7 years later a girl. I kept getting better at it. As an only child I was a mess about 22 with two babies and I had never baby sat for a baby. Plus one of them had a major operation at two days old at another hospital and the other remained in an incubator at the original hospital. I have almost no memory of the first three months. Kind of like pledging a sorority where they haze you and you believe you are bonded because of that, and maybe you are. Raising kids is all consuming. I had no sense of self then. Wait! I read the Women's Room in 1974 and started Jr College and also got divorced. I was in the midst of the womens movement such as it was in a suburb of a large city in the midwest. I was also at Jr College with all the returning Viet Nam vets. Quite a time. You came along at a time so different that I don't think I would have known what to do to be born into it.

    I have to go NOW. Laters


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Good day warriors!

    I hope everyone is well! It is absolutely beautiful weather here today and IT IS OPENING DAY!!!!! Yankees home opener...does not get better than this!

    Ginger: I was the baby of 4 and I have a lot of nieces and nephews. I just saw my sister, step sister and a bunch of others getting married, having kids, being locked in a matrimonial prison and having to develop a palate for eating shit and being told what to do!!  Not my bag AT ALL! Who wants that? There would be almost no way I would EVER have stayed married b/c of "the kids" and I do not agree with the nanny or daycare idea as I think if you have them, you or your husband need to raise them, not strangers. That is pretty much it and the fact that I like having a career and freedom required I stay true to myself. Consequently you don't need to "want" something else to not want marriage and kids; you might just not want them. Also, in working in NY all I saw in my late 20s was men having a great, "married-single" time of it and their wives sequestered at home in the suburbs raising, HELL NO! I was NOT being relegated to a suburban prison while my husband went out having fun! On the flipside of that, I was dating a man who was working for ConEd for like 27 years. He started with the ConEd at 20 so by 45, which was 5 years away at that time, he was ready for retirement. All he wanted me to do was get married and have a kid and he told me he would retire and raise the child himself. I explained to him several times that if I considered doing this, he would largely be a single father as I would still be working and doing my thing. He was *fine* with that! Sadly I was not in love with him, however.

    Botchulism: I don't know what they are doing and why they, as housewives, are so concerned with all of this? I understand Hollywood men and women b/c their jobs depend on looking youthful which sucks (can't wait until Oprah buys Hollywood!), but I don't get these elderly teenagers-both men and women! I worked with a guy on Wall St whose face was totally immobilized!  It is really sad. Meg Ryan really seems to have had a botched job done on her lips. It is a travesty.

    Something tells me if you came along when I did, you would have figured it all out just fine! If you got a divorce, raised your kids, went to Jr College, embraced the female zeitgeist of the 70s, went to school with vets, architected a beautiful life which included selfless work in Haiti for many years, I am absolutely positive you would have been fine if you were born when I was!!! Just fine ;)

    Well, I must get back to the Yankees!!! Bottom of the 2nd and the Yanks are up 3!!!! WHOOO HOOOO!!

    A good weekend to all-

  • Lizzy - no spotting - I haven't had any mid cycle spotting.  Mine was just a long period, but I had that checked out with an endomentrial biopsy last year and it was all clear.  they told me it was just hormonal.  This is more just weirdness on one side every other month.  Feels like I ovulate but then I don't.  I need to find a gyn since I'm due for a regular visit anyway; mine retired...

     I got my tesitng results - I don't have lyme (amazingly!) but rather babecia and bardotella.  I knew I had the bardo - didn't tell the practitioner that but I wasn't surprised when he picked it up. The bottoms of my feet have felt like they're on fire at night and that's a major symtom of it.  Oddly, I also tested for something called plasmodium.  When I googled that, it comes up as malaria! -:O  I guess it's related to it somehow.  

    So the way this guy hits it is using one set of remedies at a time.  Right now I'm on the first, then I move onto treating the babecia, since they have all different remedies.  Already in a couple of days, the nausea I've had for the past couple of weeks is SO much better!  The first day after I started the program, I thought I was going to die - I lived on Pepto all day and thinking I was going to throw up or live the rest of the life in the bathroom.  But that's settled down today and I'm doing so much better!  I'm afraid that I probably won't be going back to my regular nutritionist - I feel that he had NO idea how to attack these organisms which is why I've had them for so long.  This guy does it totally differently.   I'm so happy to have found him - he's been treating this stuff for 15 years and even though he is alternative, his father is a real MD and his practice is all part of the same building.  The alternative stuff isn't covered by insurance even though he's part of the MD practice, but if I needed to see the MD, that part would be covered, oddly.

    I started pulling up the plastic in the garden today now that I'm feeling better.  My chickens were there with me - going crazy over all the bugs that were under last year's plastic.  My kale from last year is going to seed now I see, so I can save those seeds for next year and I'm still harvesting the kale leaves from it.  I'm trying to figure out what to grow this year!

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Good News! I'm FINALLY getting my nipple tattooes on Monday (the aerola sp?). The lady at my PS office who does it has been on sick leave for months, and I know they were tired of me calling every 3 weeks and asking "is she back yet? I'm still waiting!!" This will be the final thing on my reconstruction. It will be nice not to have to look at my white, naked boobs anymore.

     Lizzy: Ditto on the kids. I just never wanted any. Fortunately, my mother did not raise me to think that's what I "should" do, although she was old fashioned in some ways. I also remember her telling me to learn to type (this was the early 70s) because then I could always get a job and never have to depend on a man. I'm not sure where her "progressive" ideas came from, except I remember her telling me once that she was offered a job with the FBI when she was 18 and her father forbid her to take it. I guess she held on to that for her whole life and didn't want me to live my life according to what she wanted instead of what I wanted. Of course, dumbo me, I had no kids, but my first husband had two which I practically raised (they were 3 and 6 when we married) and my second husband had two teenagers (which, of course, are no longer in the picture). Oh yea, I got my revised divorce papers the other day and he didn't take issue with the changes I made, which surprised me. So, I guess it won't be long now before I'm officially single again.

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend. We are having beautiful weather. I've been outside planting flowers!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    The weather here is beautiful! Of course, we are going to straight to summer on Monday as the highs will be in the 80s but it is spring today!

    Calamtykel: so glad you don't have Lyme! Good news! It is great that the practitioner found the bardo although you did not mention it. I think that is a very good sign! Where are these organisms coming from? I don't blame you for not wanting to go back to the nutritionist who was failing to fix this problem. Do we all have these organisms?

    On the MD and the alternative doc son practicing together=very smart. They can be creative with the billing and advice, as needed. It is a shame our healthcare does not have more of a place for alternative docs but I do believe that time is going to come; I don't know if I will be here to see it but I think it is coming!

    That was pretty cool, also, on the chickens. I told a friend the other night about you and how you grow everything and alerted me to the idea that dandelions can be consumed! I also told him how you can raise chickens, for consumption, in less than 3 months. I find your holistic approach to consumption enthralling!  Seriously.

    One guy I was engaged to was Sicilian. When he used to go visit his great grandmother in Italy when he was around 8-10 yrs old, she had him cut the head off the chickens! He was particularly fond of that!  Did I mention I left him!?  Can you imagine me being with a guy that found joy in cutting the heads off of chickens and watching their bodies keep going?!

    Lady: I love your avatar! So indicative of the season!! Speaking of flowers, a friend stopped by recently and saw these pretty flowers that are showing up on my lawn. I have **no** clue where these came from but they are pretty and smell great! My friend told me it is the work of the squirrels!!!!!! She said they think it is food and they bury the seeds! I have been looking around the neighborhood to try to figure out from whose lawn these seeds have been absconded by those lovely, little industrious squirrels! I am amazed that the squirrels have done this! They also have taken over my shed and made a semi-permanent home of my mower bag! I don't care as I love all animals. I also have groundhogs at the edge of the yard and I love them too! They look like little pieces of carpet running across the grass. Of course my neighbor would like them gone because overly concerned with his garden! One planet, one love!

    My grandmother on my mother's side was supposed to stay in Ireland and become a dentist but decided to come to the states instead. Much like your mother, my grandmother who actually became a chef and worked at Yale, would forever lament the choice of coming here and not becoming a dentist. She went back to Ireland the British Isles every year and did most of this by herself as my grandfather died some 25 years before her.

    At least the divorce is getting to the point of being finalized. I am sure it is bittersweet, however. I am just glad you are in good health, going to Zumba and planting flowers etc... and you know what, Lady? There is someone out there for you and not so much to marry but just to spend time with. If you want a companion, they will materialize! Just focus on it ;)

    My mother had a great lady that worked for her after she retired from a great job at B of A.  Her 1st husband died young so she was a single mom for many years.  She put her daughter through Wharton and finally, in her 60s, found a new love.  Still, some 15yrs later, they are still unmarried but together.  Keep the faith ;) 

    Congrats on your tattoos! Best of luck with that-

    Well, be sure to watch CNN as I have to go to Walmart!!!!!! I really hate going to Walmart but that is the only place that has my cats all natural litter as the other store ran out! For those of you who have cats, the clump litters are bad for them as the same ingredients that clumps their urine will also clump fluids in their bodies. Of course, the litter gets in their bodies as a result of their fastidiousness!

    Hope you all have a good weekend-

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    OKAY I AM SO TIRED BUT I NEED TO POST THIS HORROR STORY BEFORE IT SLIPS MY MIND LOL (btw my kids were on the computer and i thought to myself as i was shutting down- get on BCO and post!)

    Okay so as y'all may remember i was due for my annual woman's exam and was NOT happy with my old gyno so i find this women's clinic that came highly recommended. they had a LONG waiting list for an appointment so it was what 3 weeks or a month that i waited for my appointment.....

    Anyhow i go see my PCP first (since i drive an hr into town i like to buddy my appointments when i can) My lungs are doing good- says sounds completely cleared up! keep on with the steroid inhaler!!!

    I then drive to my new gyno's office- fill out the mountain of paperwork and there is this one question that i have NEVER been asked before except when having surgery "Do you accept blood transfusions" and the check yes or no boxes... Do to religious reasons I do not accept blood transfusions and checked no of course. well the receptionist asked me about it, i explained religious beliefs. then they call me back for my appointment...

    duh dun duuuuuuuuuun (cue the creepy music) So the nurse takes me into an exam room and said "we dont accept patients that dont accept blood" i am SHOCKED! i am like "well this is a pap i doubt i will need a transfusion for this" LOL she was explaining that the drs all got together and decided that they dont want to treat people that dont want to take blood in case of an emergency.... I was getting more and more pissed as she is talking because A) i drove an hr there and gas ain't cheap! and B) they could have EASILY told me this over the phone. So i am like "i want to speak with your director of the clinic" i was in the exam room nearly a half hour waiting for the lady LOL so i can feel my pulse racing and my anger coming to a boil LOL (side note- i HAVE been asked in the past strange questions by the dr office OVER THE PHONE- when i was looking for a PCP this one office asked me a million and one questions like my age, if i took medications and my health history- seriously over the phone. And after i mentioned "oh i am 29, a stage 4 cancer patient, on a few different meds..." they said "oh the dr isnt accepting new patients" so i know this can be done!)

    Okay so in walks the director. SHe introduces herself and she dang near crushed my hand bones her grip was so hard. She basically said the same thing the nurse said and i told her that it was a waste of my time and money to get there and this was something that could have EASILY been said over the phone. she says its against their policy to say that over the phone. i say to her "i drove an hour to come to the appointment, y'all could have at least said when i made the appointment 'yes we are accepting new patients except for those who....' instead of having me drive all this way" SHe said "oh we cant ask those types of questions over the phone such as ethnic background, if you're overweight ect... because it would be discriminatory" so i cut in and say "so you're admitting that its discriminatory to refuse a patient based on their willingness to accept blood!" she was like "no, its a policy that the drs in the practice agreed upon, and we're not able make an exception" I mentioned my advanced directive would cover their liablity that they are claiming they have (but no they wouldnt be held liable if i refused- with or without hte AD!) she keep repeating that "we are in the business to save lives and so we wont see anyone that wont accept blood" I calmly said to her "ma'am this is an annual exam i highly doubt the dr is going to puncture through my uterus and require me to have a blood transfusion!" she said what if in the future i needed a surgery and i needed blood, they wouldnt accept the fact that i wouldnt take it so they just wont see patients that refuse. I then said "ma'am i am a stage 4 cancer patient and i take my health care very seriously. i do not go to second rate doctors and y'all came HIGHLY recommended. I have an oncologist, i have a surgeon and i have a PCP so the chance of me ever needing your doctor to preform a surgery is nil" the las t thing i left her with is the fact that my insurance BETTER not be billed for this visit. because as you know they run our insurance before the visit and  make us pay our co-pays. well i have a primary and secondary insurance the secondary basically covers my co-pays... she assured me that they wouldnt but i am going to be watching my EOB like a hawk.

    i know i am probably leaving a large chunk of the conversation out but i am too tired lol

    oh so i am now going to have to drive to San Antonio for my gyno too now, i am going back with the one that delivered my daughter. i really liked her. so monday i am going to call and make the appointment :)


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Tex - Ridiculous!!!!
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Tex: I will remember to put some of my blood in a ziploc before my next pap!   When I have my fits of "fantasy geography" and I see all the problems Israel deals with, I dream of pushing Texas south to Central America and putting Israel in its place!!!!!!  Of course, should my dreams come true, I would definitely alert you before your residency was revoked!!!  For just that reason, all the religiosity and nonsense that goes with it, this is why this country was settled: freedom of religion.   It just seems like a huge part of the middle of this country does not embrace that notion and behave, in their own secular way, as if they are the old Great Britain.  I think what happened to you sucks and I cannot believe, that under the auspices of clinging to *their* religion, they refused to pap a stage iv cancer patient because you would not agree to a blood transfusion.  That is a disgusting mess but the problem in TX and many other "more churches than trees" states is it is "the norm."  I would get legal advice.
  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Oh Texas, the state is like a foreign country sometimes. It makes no sense to me! How often does it even happen that this would come up and patients always heve the right to refuse treatment. How is this any different. 

    Will your PCP do a pap for you? 

    I am sorry you had to go so far to be turned away but good for you letten them know what you thought of their "policy"

    Hugs Gnger

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Ginger my PCP is an dr of internal medicine gynocology stuff is the ONLY thing he wont do. :)

    Thanks Lizzy I will get my bags pack for when that happens ;) Um tx does have its good points but then there is this LOL

    Oh and i forgot to mention- Do not be alarmed though- I have these weird lumps near my scar of my mx and my oncologist thinks its best to get a ct with contrast (just waiting on the insurance approval so my onco nurse can schedule the appointment) Of course i totally think my cancer came back, but who knows.... So when i am going crazy waiting for results y'all know why :)

    Oh and so i am going back to my old gyno that delivered my DD- so thats a nearly 3 hr drive for me.... I CAN NOT WAIT TO MOVE BACK TO A LARGER CITY! i am going to make that appointment for the same day as my scan- to conserve on gas. 

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Waiting with you Tex.
  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi Everyone!

    Lady:  Good news on the tattoo!  Now you will truly be done!  Glad to hear you are getting along better these days, you sound busy.

    Tex:  That is horrible that they wasted your time like that.  Seriously, they could have used common sense and made an exception given that you were there for a routine Pap!  I am glad you gave them a piece of your mind!  I will be praying that your CT turns out benign.

    Lizzy:  Just loving this weather today...aren't you?

    Have a great day everyone.


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Texas my son had major abdominal surgery several times with a long big scar. It used to get funky bumps along it that turned out to be nothing. I am praying that for you too!

    Love and hugs Ginger

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day warriors!

    Beautiful weather here today!!! 85 degrees!!!!!!! Loving it!

    Sptmm: am I ever loving this weather! I know it is going to get cool again this week but I must say, every window open today, went out and got an hour of vitamin D and all is well with the world!!!!!! Deb, is it the freakiest thing we are dealing with brush fires?! I am used to watching this on CNN, not live!

    Tex: I am still upset about that gyn. If I was out of law school, under the auspices of bar reciprocity, I could probably get hooked up in TX in no time flat and I would be suing the shit out of them for you. I can't stand that they treated you like that. As for the scar, I am with Ginger: I have all kinds of lumps and bumps along my scars and don't forget, I still have a humongous mass in my left breast pocket! Even with the PET scan showing uptake in that breast where the cancer was before, I am still not totally devastated, scared about recurrence. I sort of just take it as it comes. When I was recently examined the doc exclaimed "what is that?!" Um, I just don't know!! Don't worry, everything should be fine.

    Please, if your dh is in Federal employ, consider moving to a more metropolitan area. Don't forget, my brother lives in TX so don't feel bad that I am coming down on the state! FL and TX, IMO, are both like foreign countries at times and the craziest crap happens in both places. Tex, I just think, relative to procuring medical treatment, it would be within your best interests to peace out of there!  Although I do know, and especially with kids, this is much, much easier said than done ;) 

    Ginger: Hope you are doing well today!

    Omaz: how are you doing these days?

    The shorefront parks in CT were packed today! No charge for entrance before Memorial Day! With gas now approaching $5 per gallon in several parts of the state, I think people made the most of no-fee trips to the state parks!

    Happy trails, all!  Just found my "The Three Tenors" dvd and am going to pop it in! 

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Texas has relatives in Washington. :)

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Dropping in to say Hi. Hope everyone is doing well. The weather was beautiful today--windy but nice and warm. My kids have one more weekend of hockey---tryouts for next year--and then the hockey stuff will be packed away--good sign that summer is on its way!

    Tex--sorry to hear about the nightmare at the Doc's office. I have never been asked that question in all my Doc appointments--strange. I am sending good vibes your way for an all-clear report!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Thank you all!

    Even with the rain the weather was nice here too!

    I would love to move to a larger city soon, I am just waiting to see if this PA stuff to pan out. its still up in the air...

    My dh actually has a job application for a larger dept but hasnt turned it in just yet.

    Ginger- i do! good memory!

    Rachel- when does hockey start back up again? 

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Tex--Hockey is finished until about August when they do a pre-season camp. My youngest plays rep (competitive) hockey so he has "tryouts" next week for the next season but the tryouts in rep hockey are a bit false--team is picked in advance and kids just have to show up. I'm not familiar with other rep sports so not sure if it is the same. After this coming weekend--can pack away all the hockey stuff that is stinking up our basement!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors!

    We are actually having a few days of springlike weather here before we go blasting into the 90s in May!  CT gets about 2 weeks of Spring if we are lucky!  In any case, I took out my easel today and a large canvas (4' x 5') and painted a beautiful spring flower!!   It is lovely and now is hanging on the wall in my office where it can offend only me!!  No, I don't "paint" and if painting was singing, I would only do it in the shower!

    Tex: I know your dh is in some kind of law enforcement.  Believe it or not, wild woman over here dated an FBI agent!  Not joking!  I picked him up with my Chinese skills (do you like beer?!!!!  In Mandarin, of course!) and we had a blast!  He had an excellent car and when I met him, hanging out at a bar, I had no clue what he was driving and I was driving an Acura myself so "whatever" to his friends and their nonsense about how impressed I would be with his car!  I just thought he was cute and, because he was smart, he had a sharp sense of humor and I liked that a lot.  So, that was a long story just to get to this point: we were apart for about 4 weeks once because he had to go to Quantico, VA for some official FBI business!  Can you believe I dated an FBI agent?!  He was a good guy, though.   So tell your dh to apply to the bureau and then you can move to VA!  You like the way I arrive at my point?!?!

    Ginger: I am not loving that nonsense on AI last week and that save!  The judges are trying to tell us who to vote for.  If that Joshua starts his raspy screaming, I am changing the channel!!!!  

    Rachel: I thought hockey was all year in Canada?!  My brother played hockey for years and years.  Between those enormous equipment bags(when he was on peewee I don't even know how he carried it) and those CCMs and all his sticks etc.., my mother was equally happy to pack it away at the end of season!  

    Happy trails, all-  

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    So what kind of car did he drive?

    I bet she gets voted off again this week. 


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Ginger: it was a 944 but not on his govt salary but rather family money!  It was about 3 years old and in beautiful condition.  He purchased it used for a steal so the story goes..!

    I hope she goes.  They are so rude to Hollie, I just don't understand it.  Damn AI!