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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    We are scheduled to hit 99 degrees here this weekend!  Gotta love the desert!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Omaz: in the Northeast, we call that *dry* heat and we have convinced ourselves we can't feel it quite as much as 99 and humid!   Having said that, 99-dry or humid, is a bit much for me!  You, however, must be used to it so enjoy!

    For those on tamox: does anyone else get an "immediate" hot flash if they have something sweet? There was an event last week, and again a few nights ago, where cake was involved.  I don't eat much of it but a few nights ago it was tiramisu and I love that!  You all know I am from the Northeast where Italian food is fantasmic, pizza is legendary, high quality restaurants that represent every flag and this restaurant in particular makes a mean tiramisu!  My nephew remarked how I was burning up w/in 3 minutes of eating the tiramisu.  I told him that I notice since chemo and now on tamox, I burn up almost instantly after eating any sugar.  Anyone else?!  I am sure that on many, many levels it is just as well but now I find myself thinking 'I might like that but do I want to burn up in 2 minutes later?!'  In the end, however, it is a disincentive that is only going to serve me!!   

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Forget my question!  I just answered it!  I went to a "menopause" link when I googled it and sure enough, white flour and sugar apparently are not for the menopausal woman!  I totally avoid white flour anyway but with these events, these desserts all contain white flour and sugar and there goes the inverse relationship in my body!  After the tiramisu, I actually had to leave the restaurant to cool down!  Ok, so now I know!  
  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    After nearly two years I am finally liking food again. It tastes good once again and smells good too. We went out for our anniversary, 34 years :), a few weeks ago and I was so happy and excited that I was there and really enjoying everything! It is a fine Italian Restaurant with a great wine list, for even a wine wimp like me. They had a little bottle of a sparkling redish wine that was perfect for me. For my husband, Dd and DSIL they had quite the list and they enjoyed themselves too! 

    It was hard to have everything taste and smell so awful. We had some local grass fed beef and everyone was thrilled with it except me. Later I enjoyed a burger that finally tasted good.  I can't imagine people with no sense of smell, I think they must be very thin. Eating would be a time waster for them.  

    nutritionist was on Martha Stewart this week and said we really should on ly eat organic strawberries, peaches, grapes, blueberries etc because there is so much pesticide used otherwise. Martha was saying even hot house fruits get pesticides? I was surprised at that. 

    I love berries and peaches!  Peach blueberry cobbler is just the best! EVER! 


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Ginger: I am so glad you are enjoying your meals again!  Good for you!  

    As for eating organic, I watch Dr. Oz just about every day.  My friend Kathy and I call each other to discuss the episodes at least twice per week!  I learn so much by watching.  In any event, yes, he too talks of going organic across the board.   I have heard that several times on his show, largely from guests, however.

    As for cows, the other night (Calamtykel!) a cow got away from a slaughterhouse in NJ and, of course, the filthy creeps went about chasing it down.   One Ahole actually saw the cow running behind his truck and did about 90 in reverse so he could not the cow down with his truck....I wish the cow had a gun!  It was so disgusting, I swear, I would like to put my car in reverse and do 90 towards them.  Of course the owner of the slaughterhouse got on the news and told some big lie about how he rewarded the cow for it's efforts and moved it to a farm upstate NY to live out it's life.  All I could think was what a pathetic lie!  Of course my parents told me, in an attempt to quell my growing concern for the slaughtering of the cows, that they are bred for food but I was still not too happy with their story!  

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    My friends son asked his Dad, "Dad, how do cows give beef?" His father replied, "Well, they only do it once." Good catch I thought.

    We told our daughter beef was from steers. Of course she didn't know what steers were for several years. 

    She got a rabbit fur jacket at about 7 yrs old, and was delighted with it. I was surprised because she loved animals so much. Years later she asked me, "They get rabbit fur like they get sheep fur don't they?" I felt horrible. She looked stunned. 

    Oh the loss of innocence. 


  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Lizzy thats too funny- actually DH applied to the NSA, but afterwards we decided we didnt want to move.... he wouldnt mind being federal but he loves spending time with his family and wouldnt want to be married to his work.... He applied with NYPD as well, he made a spot and would have one more testing thing to do if he wanted to work there.... But we LOVE our state and always move back every time we leave!

    I am not watching AI this yr as i was unaware that it started LOL.... maybe i will youtube some clips- what are we in season 11?

    Oh i got my appointment for my ct scan.... tuesday! 

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    i have always told my kids what they were eating- funny we will say you're eating chicken and they never have a problem, but when its deer meat it the end of the world LOL (my 6 yr old actually cried and said "you killed bambi!" )

    there is very little she wont eat, fish eggs is one of them. something about eating babies LOL- now my son will eat ANYTHING!

    too funny on the fur coat story ginger! my daughter is an animal lover- she aspires to be a vet or have a petting zoo lol, but she does grasp the concept that in order for us to eat certian things those things have to die. 

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Lizzy: I'm on Arimidex, not Tamox, but I have a hot flash every time I eat, no matter what I eat. Something about eating sets it off.

    When I was about 6 or 7, one of my uncles walked by me one day as I was enjoying my grandmother's fried chicken, and he said "oooh, are you eating that dead chicken" and I screamed and said "is it dead?"  Funny what kids do with/about food!

    It took 2-1/2 hours for the nurse to do the tats! I only got a glimpse of them, then she covered me in gauze that she says has to stay on 5 days. I took a shower this morning, and although I wrapped myself in Saran Wrap, they got wet. Hope that doesn't matter. She said keep them covered up and dry. I've never had a tattoo. Is that normal? Or they just being overly cautious? But I'm sooooo glad to be done. Hope I like them when they get unveiledSmile

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Well, I am here to announce that little bugger I referred to as my "nephew" is actually a very good friend's son as when I told him that the tiramisu hot flash was from menopause, he was very quick to point out how old I am!!!!!  He has been excommunicated! 

    Lady: I am soooo happy for you!!!!!!!!  That is wonderful!!!!!!   Such good news!  I am so glad you are done even if you have to put Saran Wrap on them!   Good for you!  I am so happy you are doing so well-it is such a gift to me.  I am just so grateful you have come along and are stronger than ever, celebrating life and zumba-ing right through it!  Good times, lady, good times ;)

    On the flashes, tonight I had broiled chicken, brown rice and salad and sure enough the flashes came on.  I am wondering if it is all carbs?  Usually brown rice does not do that to me. 

    Tex: actually NYPD--very tough job.  So much drama and so many crooked is a mess. Law and Order gave the NYPD a good name!  They gave them a reputation to live up to that they resent every single day!   They also gave the public expectations of service that they would never, ever get.   It was just announced today that Bridgeport, CT paid some $6 million in OT.  One resident was on the news stating that the cops are largely useless, they never come if you call them unless someone has gotten shot and it is a dreadful shame all that money was spent on such an underperforming force.  Bottom line is law enforcement hardly lives up to its name so if you guys are happy in TX, by all means carry on!  Perhaps you can travel to a more metropolitan area a few times a year to get a check-up?  Might be worth your while.

    I am very glad you got your appt for the CT scan.  Are you going to see a gyn when you head to that area?   

    Ginger: the fur coats!!!  OMG they were all the rage and I so wanted one and then I got it, realized what they had to do to get it and I got rid of it immediately!   Then I went to leather!  I guess my father did not want to discuss that I went from rabbit fur to cow skin!  I was 9 or so...not the age for such discussions!  Those rabbit fur coats were beautiful, though!  I loved them...they were all calico patches of fur and were so pretty...and so murderous! 

    AI: Phillip Phillips is starting to look like a lead!  He is adorable as well!!!   I like Hollie also.

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    San Antonio has about a million and a half ppl so i guess its a metro area ;)

    Thats were 99% of my medical care is. the only one thats not is my PCP which is a dr of internal medicine.

    lady- i think they are being overly cautious, or maybe its a sensitive area... who knows. but its gonna be 5 days til you get to admire your tats :( i'd peek lol 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    I just realized I went right by my 1 yr tamox anniversary about 3 weeks ago! Less than 4 to go!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895


    that got me thinking- i have no clue when i started mine! i dont think its been quite a yr for me.... lol

    its 130 am here and i am baking a cake so my minds not thinking! 

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    i just made the most awesome coffee cake EVER!!!!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Tex: that cakes looks yummy!  She makes it look so easy, too!
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening warriors!

    I have very exciting news, compliments of Twitter!!!   This is unbelievable and what I don't know is why do we all not know about this already? 

    This is a huge development.  If this gets approved here, bc might not be our end!  If it is not approved here, I know how to fly!  I will order it on some mail order website or go and buy it where it is legal.  This needs to get approved here. 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Well, I did more investigating and found this link: 

    What is meant by "early stage?"  Is that 0s and 1s only or is it 0-IIa???  Does anyone know what is unilaterally meant by early stage?  I always thought it was 0s & 1s.   

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Funny the key criteria i would fit cept i am not too sure what the HLA positive thing is- i honestly dont pay too much attention to that sort of stuff....

     i think what they mean by early stage is anything before stage 4.... so i'm out LOL

    i dont think it hurts to try a trial, without them we wouldnt be where we are medically!

    oh and the cake WAS easy and delish- to be honest there is like 1 piece left nd i ate 2/3rd of it!!!! it was a 9x13! so what i have been doing zumba and going to the gym... lol 

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I would like to know more about this too.

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi Everyone!

    Tex:  That cake looks delicious!  I love coffee cake, going to give that recipe a try, thanks.

    Lizzy:  Thanks for the link.  I think early stage means stages 0, 1, or 2.  I went on the Neuvax website and I don't think me or you would qualify because as I read it you have to be Her 2+ and we are negative.  Bummer!


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Hi Debbi!!
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening warriors!

    Nice weather today, again!  Much needed rain this weekend, however. 

    Tex: you never know how all of these trials are going to play out and eventually if it works with the lower stages, I am sure it is going to be applied to the later stages as well.  It is entirely feasible, as I sew together all these pieces of news, we very well might have a "vaccine" of some sort, for all of us to use, before bc has any more impact on our lives.  I think it is all very exciting news.  Think about it: what we once thought might be our end might turn into something that is treated more like a flu and that with which we must just live with.  I just think all of these strides are amazing and every little development is a building block of hope and that is exactly the way I see it.

    Sptmm: I know, in it's trials, it is not for HER2- but it was intimated it would be rolled out to all early stage bcs if approved. One onc told me they are looking at HER2 status differently now and in some way this makes treatment approaches more universal.  I forget exactly what he said and, to be honest, he was trying to make up for having told me he was going to put me on TCH chemo!!!!  Whacko!  This was the guy I saw before I went to Yale.  When he ever said herceptin I was like "excuse me?" and he started to stammer and then went on some diatribe about how HER2 status is being treated differently etc...  In any case, like I told Tex, every little development is a huge ray of hope for all of us because, if you think about it, once they solve HER2 low and neu, surely that will lead to developments for us.  I find it all exciting as well as fascinating!

    Ginger: I think all the news is great.  We can all be excited about new meds.  Can you imagine if they actually not necessarily cure cancer but come up with a vaccine that moves it to a treatable status?  It seems to me with the little news bits I have picked up over the past 6 months and shared with you all, and although each one does not mean everything to all of us/apply to everyone of us/matter to each of us at all, collectively considered I like to think we are on the precipice of something big and learning much more about cancer.    I think Bush Sr called it "a thousand points of light!!!!"  That is the way I feel about every little development and even if bc eventually takes my container, I think the times we are in are going to be regarded as special and precipitous.

    I hope everyone has a lovely weekend!  I am looking forward to doing a bit of yoga and reading.  It is going to rain most of the weekend.   The Irish in me adores the rainy days!

    Happy trails- 

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi Omaz!! How's things going down there in Arizona?

    Tex:  I just love that avatar, what a cute picture! Has kickball started up again?

    Lizzy:  I agree with you, every advance is good news regardless or what stage/grade is applies to!  Enjoy your yoga and rain!

    I am going for a run now.  I have two weeks until my first 5K.  I have run as far as 3-1/2 miles so I think I will be okay.  It is the Revlon Run/Walk in New York City, so it should be a lot of fun.  A group of about 20 of us from the gym I attend are going in together.  It is drizzling here, running in the rain...a new one for me..LOL.  If anyone had told me a couple of years ago I would be running a 5K, or any distance for that matter, I would have told them they were nuts.  But, here I am.  Seems bc has brought about some positive changes too.  I guess I always like to look at the glass as half full. 

    Oh, as for the hot flashes. I am on the Arimidex too.  My hot flashes have definitely gotten worse than when on the Tamox, but still manageable.  But I get them about 1/2 hour or so after I eat a meal clockwork.  I don't know if it is just the food, or the type of food.  Funny, but I am always trying to figure out what triggers them too Lizzy.  Hoping maybe I could just avoid them by doing things differently. 

    Have a great day everyone!


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Hi Debbi - Things are heating up!!  It's supposed to be 100 tomorrow!
  • Lizzy - the article says "early stage node positive" so that would be a 1, 2, or even a 3 if there is NED anywhere else.  But it's only for Her2+.  What I would like to know is why would it NOT help a stage 4  - if someone has stage 4 with bone mets and NED for the organ, wouldn't it help it from spreading to organs?

     I hope and pray for a cure- 

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    I hope they find a cure soon too!!

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Am I missing something re: Neuvax. Why under clinical trial info does it say Conditon:  "Her 2 negative breast cancer", when it's supposed to study her 2  1+ or 2+? I'm not a candidate anyway b/c I'm her 2  high -3+.


  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Debbi- thanks for askin, nope not doing kickball this yr, was going to but for various reasons didnt. the main reason is that my daughter has done so much sports but we never get the chance to put my son in anything. We are going to try karate lessons, they both can do it.



  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Good evening, warriors!

    I hope everyone is well! Today was supposed to be raining but alas we had none so I stepped out to get some Vitamin D! Good times ;)

    I have come to the conclusion kale is like a good healthy scrubbing for a person's insides! It is such a vigorous vegetable! It is very hearty. Of course, the grocery store douses it with water all day so when I get it home I have to shake out all that water and it is like shaking an "SOS" pompom! I then cut some up and make a salad accompanied by arugula and chard. That kale is just a wonderful, wonderful treat! I can just feel it's rough, robust nature tracking through my intestines! Ok, my "Ode to Kale" is done!

    Calamtykel and Ckptry: I find the way it is written confusing. Additionally, what the heck does "neu" stand for? In any case, whatever it all means, I think there is shreds of positivity in it for all of us, if not today, then perhaps in the near future!

    Sptmm: congratulations on the 5K! I did not realize there was a Revlon NYC run. Is it a bc run? Just wondering. IN any case, the weather turned out great! Nice day.

    Tex: I had a boss at Bank of America who would say to all the financial consultants, when we found ourselves out, partying after hours, if he would be seeing all of us at the gym the next day! He always told me he worked out all the time because he loved to eat! He was very handsome and in really good shape and was overall just a really nice, decent guy. He really protected and helped us along and I can safely say he was one of the most decent people I ever worked for. In any case, I remember his words when I think of you Zumba-ing your way through yet another cake this week!!!! Oh, why can't our bodies just successfully digest cake without us having to run 20 miles to burn it off! Another guy I went out with some years back used to joke when we were out partying it up until the wee hours that he would have to go to the gym for 3 hours the next day to sweat it off! The moral: enjoy your cake and remember when you are working it off that you have tons and tons of company!

    All week a local news station is running stories, sponsored by Yale, on strides that have been made in cancer R&D. Each night it is going to be a new development so I will be sure to make notes and report back! I know this disease is an albatross and can be upsetting but I find that it is somewhat exhilarating to watch new developments unfold! I just find it really exciting and I don't think I would feel the same if I did not have the disease.   In any case, with developments in mind, we should all remain hopeful for the future. Golden Girls house here we come!

    I am wiped out! BTW, "Hunger Games" was rather mediocre. Is it just me or do movies generally suck these days? It would have to be compelling for me to go to a movie going forward. I just find them disappointing. I don't know if it is me, if movies are for the youth or if the general consensus among moviegoers of all ages is they just aren't like they used to be? I would rather go get rush tickets at a rep theater any day. My brother who is 5 years older just loves, loves the movies. He always tries to remind me not to anticipate the predictability but rather just let the movie take me where it will. I try but I remain disappointed!!!!

    Night all-

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    i am right there with ya! movies haven't wowed me in a while!!!! I didnt see hunger games but my cuz who did said it wasnt worth the movie ticket...

    Um i cant recall the last great movie i saw! i can tell you of some AWFUL movies though...

    We are taking the kids to chimpanzee tomorrow. its a disney nature movie, usually i wait for things to get into the dollar cinema but when you see it at the reg one some of the proceeds go to animal charities i guess.... DD has been wanting to see it since we saw the preview, today i told her not unless she picks up her room. it is SPOTLESS- so i guess she really wanted to see that movie....

    My all time favorite movie that i could watch unendingly is drew barrymore's "ever after" great movie- not an oscar winner in the least but i love it!

    oh yeah i love feeling the sweat pooling down my back after zumba, actually DH's work schedule didnt allow me to make the classes for a while and i just got back into them... although on tue last week my hip popped out of its socket- not fun at all!!!!!