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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    A reminder to the East Coast/NY Metro folks: if you are like me you live on your wireless device, even when it is doing factory resets without provocation as mine is now!  In any case, be sure to "write" down the phone numbers you use regularly in hopes you have access to a line that is working if we lose power and cell phones die before power comes back.  I don't know about you all but I no longer store phone numbers in my head and the few times when my phone was down, I was finding it very hard to recollect phone numbers.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    We had a power failure during an ice storm here in WA last year. we couldn't go anywhere because the roads are hilly and were iced.   I would suggest you buy at least one car charger for your phone and whatever you might need for other electronics to run or charge them.   I would also suggest you fill up your cars now.    We also had a couple of those little sterno burners to heat water or whatever with. We used them in the oven in case we had a spill of the sterno. Sure didn't want to set the house on fire.  

    We just bought a generator in case it happens again. We also got a couple gas cans and preservative for the gas. We are keeping the gas in a building not connected to the house. Falling trees during storms causes us to lose power every few months. It is during cold icy weather that concerns me the most. 

    Friend in Haiti sent a photo of the Carribean and it has waves that I have NEVER seen there. It looks like a wall of water rather than a wave gently rolling in. 

    Good luck to you all. 


  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    To Sptmm62, I hope your doing ok, positive thoughts and healing prayers sent your way. Before you know it you will be moving right on past this too. Happy Healing : )

    I just had my very last (hopefully) reconstruction procedure last month, nipple tattooing touch up. Believe it or not it was the 1st time out of all this I had quiet the frustrating appointment. Which reminds me anyone know how to go about making a complaint, do they have a complaint dept?

    Prayers to the entire east coast, Sandy needs to die or at least change direction !!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Sptmmom wishing you good healing.  Texas, prayers for your biopsy. Hugs to all GInger

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    Use E Coast girls are going to earn our "warrior" stripes in a few days, I believe! It has been a long time since we got a hurricane direct hit like this.  

    All: Sptmm sent me a text this morning from the hospital joking about her ace bandage bloody scarf (drain holders!) so clearly she is in good spirits and ready for Halloween! 

    Ginger: thank you so much as I realized I had to fill the gas grill tank!  About to go get that done.  Of course, the flashlight I purchased for $40 at Walmart last night is defective so back to that joint to return it!  So tired of going to Walmart to return things!  Bought 2 card readers this week and both defective.

    Years ago I lived in Stamford, CT and there was a pretty bad storm where we lost electricity for a few days.  In any case, a hair salon in nearby Norwalk had lost power during business hours, left and forgot to unplug the appliances.  Sure enough, when the power came back on, the curling iron that had fallen on a couch created a humongous fire that burned out a number of buildings.  Speaking of burning houses, my father had us petrified of fire growing up (don't know why!) so I definitely unplug all appliances in the event of an outage.

    Thanks for the tips, however.  All good stuff and most easily forgotten as, and thankfully, we dont' have to deal with emergency situations much in these modern times.

    Iowa: there is a complaint or "service excellence" dept at most hospitals. This tattooing took place at a hospital, correct?  If you are really upset see a lawyer.  I found out that when you sue a dr they are hardly affected at all b/c of the healthy insurance they must carry, it is a foregone conclusion they will be sued. For this reason it is pretty much a non-event for them and you usually get a few bucks! 

    Felis and Tex: hope you both are doing well today.

    Here I go, back to Walmart!  

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    I'm glad i have yall to talk to because i dont think i could make it without the Lord and yall. I went for my fourth treatment today he did some changes to see if it will help me. I'm starting to feel a little tired now he put me on some antibiotics for my left breast the one i had surgery on he said it had set up and infection. If it's not one thing it's another. I have two more treatments to go I'm really getting tired trying to go through this.

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Rachel and Sptmm (Deb): Hooray for good news!

    Felis: Yes, you get tired toward the end of chemo. The treatments build on one another, so by the end you can be pretty wiped out. Fortunately, if you'll rest and eat well, you'll feel better in no time. I think within a month, I had some of my energy back and felt "sort of" normal.

    Lizzy: I've read "Me Talk Pretty One Day." I think I've read all his books. One of the funniest to me was "When You are Engulfed in Flames," the title of which is based on a story he wrote about being in Japan (or Korea, I don't remember which) when he was trying to stop smoking. I just finished "Holidays on Ice," which had a couple of stories in it that I didn't think were up to his usual standard, but the first story about when he worked as a department store Elf at Christmas will have you rolling in the floor - don't read it on the subway!

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    Sometimes the way im feeling i wished i didnt go for the treatments. now i have infection in my breast again im just tired of it all. im eating oranges taking vitamins and drinking alot of water i pray that this all work out for me.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    felis - Be sure to keep your protein intake up - like chicken and yogurt and and fish and meat.  It helps the body rebuild after chemo treatment.

    (((hugs to you)))  Hang in there!!

    What did I miss about Tex having a biopsy??

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors!

    Felis: I so feel for you and I promise you, I had a tough time of it as well.  Between txs 5 and 6 I was hospitalized for 10 days with a massive infection in my left breast that nearly ended my life as my body stopped responding to antibiotics.  I **know** how you feel and it is no accident you found this group.  I am here for you and whatever is on your mind or whatever you are going through, come here and share with us.  I don’t want you to feel alone, to hold back or to suffer in silence.  Talk, we all did, we all do and we are support for you.  It is tough but you are getting through it, it is almost over and it has tremendous life-saving properties so we are here to help you through this and to help you get by and put this behind you.  Don’t forget, radiation is a cake-walk compared to this chemo madness!  Hang in there girl, you are in the final stretch ;)   Also, I agree with Lady that is was about a month after chemo when I started to feel a little normal again.  Bottom line, once chemo ends, it is all uphill from there!

    Omaz is right also as you need protein: chicken, shrimp, nuts, eggs, egg whites, even protein powder you can get at like Target is good for making sure you are getting enough protein.  You can buy a 2 lb jug of protein powder at Target for like $18 and make shakes out of it with milk, chocolate syrup and even add ice cream if you want!  Just make sure you get that protein in you however you can.

    Drinking water is really important and the Vitamin C is good so keep that up ;)

    Lady: you know, you are right and I need to read some more of his books!  I am going to check them out next week. 

    Omaz: I thought Tex had posted here.  She has a biopsy due to the results of her xray earlier this week.  I feel bad even saying something. 

    I wish everyone well and I hope you all have the sweetest of dreams :)

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    My dr said my weight is good and so is my protein. Im glad about that. I cant thank yall  enough for being here for me it means a lot to me.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    That's good to know felis - I hope you have less side effects this time.

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    so far so good im not bragging im a little tired though. im on antibiotics for my breast.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    For the first time in 3 years, I have revisited the "Habitat for Humanity" website.  Years and years ago I got involved with it and I love it!

    Felis: it means a lot to me that you come here and talk with us about what you are going through.  Chemo is quite an ordeal and we can help you.  BTW, make absolutely sure you take the antibiotics as prescribed even if you have to write notes.  What I did was just took a notebook and jotted down whenever I took the antiobiotics.  I just put the pill bottle on top of the notebook. 

    I really think you are going to be fine.  Chemo is a dark time but it leads to such a greater existence and I am really happy my GP kept on me about getting a mammo and/or US because then it was caught and I am glad I got treated when I did.  Don't forget, we are the lucky ones who actually catch it "relatively" early.  Gone undetected, we all know what happens. It is an insidious disease but chemo is very much your friend and stay strong, woman!  Better times are coming ;)  Stay positive, stay strong and whenever you need to unload or talk about what you are going through, we are here and do not hesitate.  I am glad you are doing ok today also.  It was my experience with chemo days 3-8 were pretty rough but I was also on TAC which is like the AK 47 of chemo!!!  

    One other thing: make sure you are monitoring your temp b/c they kept me on antibiotics all the way through chemo b/c I was immediately infected right after bmx.  The PS released me to chemo and whether he knew I was still infected is inconsequential.  What he did know is if he did not release me to chemo, the affects could have been far more deliterious.  SO I was infected pretty much right through chemo but my body did stop responding to the antibiotics so keep on checking yourself for fever.  Also my temp was way higher in the ear on my infected side.  Check both ears.

    You are almost there and then can celebrate getting back to a normal life with a little radiation twist!

    Hope everyone is having a good day! 

    BTW, if any of you want to volunteer, you might want to check with the local ACS as a woman I met at the event I spoke at told me they are really looking for volunteers.  something to consider ;)

    Later, ladies! 

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Iowa i just loved that video! You put such a positive vibe out there! Beautiful scenery too!!! Do not know if they have a complaint department, lol whenever i have asked i have always gotten one of those automated lines, which doesnt do much!

    Sorry about not getting on and mentioning my biopsy- i get so busy during the week while the kids are at school i had seen my dr on monday and he said i would be needing a biopsy- found out maybe tue or wed abut the biopsy gonna be friday...

    Remember i mentioned my persistent coughing, well my xrays are showing what appears to be bronchitis but only in one lung which my dr said its rare for it to occur like that so they wanted to go in and do a bronchoscopy (take a camera down there and check things out) and also biopsy not only the area showing up on the xrays but also random samples.... So i had to be at the hospital at 8 friday morning, meaning i had to leave my house by 5:30 because i was going to be under anesthesia i had to have a ride home, my husband got the night before off (he works midnight shift) and we loaded up and headed out. about a block away i realised i forgot my phone but since i was going to be asleep during this procedure and probably drowsy on the drive home i said oh no worries about that i will just call/text people when i get home. So it was only supposed to be a 2 hr thing no problem...

    Let the nightmare begin LOL so i come out anesthesia to my husband standing there and the dr explaining that they will need to insert as chest tube i am like not understanding whats going on, but apparently while i was under i may have coughed while the biopsy was going on (thats what they are claiming) and they punctured my lung causing air to do something LOL i really dont remember the whole explanation- it was called a pnuemothorax something . the same thing that happens in a case where you get shot in the lung as well.... Anyhow- so they bring me back to the OR and just inject the area with lidocain and proceed to enter a tube into my lung, i am not one drop f bombs but one did slip  LOL! so then the wheel me back out to wear the recovery area is waiting for a room to open up because they wanted me to stay over night for observations... i am SOOOOOOOOOOOOO thirsty as i had to fast for this thing, and in a LOT of pain, i am begging the nurse to give me water or something to eat and some pain medicine... BTW at this time its before noon... they are refusing saying its not the drs orders etc.... some dr comes down and i ask him if i can eat or drink he says yes and i hear him telling the nurse that i can have something to eat and drink. needless to say the nurse NEVER got me anything. I didnt get put in to my room til almost 5- with NOTHING to eat since 8 the night before and still no pain meds. they are trying to have me move into the other bed, not the gurney type i was in, but i am in so much pain i am refusing LOL, they said we'll pull the sheet over and i am absolutely refusing to be moved, i cant lift my right arm without wanting to pass out so i just am not going to do it... SO they call the dr up, and the dr that actually did the biopsy and chest insert thing asked me when was the last time they gave me anything for pain, and at this point i am in tears because it truly does hurt like no other pain i have ever felt! i tell her the nurses downstairs were refusing to give me anything for pain. she was shocked because she  said she had put the orders in right after i had gotten out. So they gave me 2ccs of morphine which i appreciated LOL finally i was able to move into the other bed, although my lung with the tube in it had a burning sensation for the rest of the day and the next as well...

    So in the am the dr sees me and says my xrays look good- this is before 8 in the morning, and i will have the tubes removed and go home, which i am happy about because dh had to miss work AND get a hotel room for the night, so its like we're out double... But of course we didnt get discharged until 3ish! 

    I am supposed to see my regular dr monday, but wont have the results for a week i am thinking of moving my monday appointment to when the results of the biopsy will be in that way i can kill 2 birds with one stone. It was SOOOOOOOOOOOOO crazy... i know why ppl are afraid of the hospital- they do make mistakes...

    So now i have this wierd vasaline bandage where the tube was (they said to keep air out) and a much more horrible cough (not sure if thats a real word)

    Anyhow thats how i spent my weekend, not at all what i had planned :)

    felis- i am not sure why some rounds of the chemo would hit harder than the rest, but i am sure it has a lot to do with the amount of rest you're getting and also all those things that these ladies mentioned like protien intake.

    Well i am a slow reader and terribly long winded- my babies are wanting breakfast.... hmmm i wish i could order breakfast to be delivered like i can dinner and lunch LOL


    PS no worries lizzy i had ment to get on here but had been so busy with kids during the day and too tired at night to get on line, my goal is to get on once a week at least and maybe get it bumped up to more times!!!!!!!!!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Hey Tex, what a mess you were in! Ouff

    Glad you are home and can write your own orders. Maybe the kids could make breakfast? You know, really simple.  

    I think you are smart to move your appointment til they get the biopsy results back. Of course maybe the doc wants to see you sooner just to check on the wpund from the tube. I have hear those things are a beast to have inserted. An F bomb would be appropriate just about then!

    Gentle Hugs Ginger

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    I hope everyone is doing well.  I have been busy preparing for this hurricane.  Geesh, you don't realize how much work there is to do! My basement never ever floods but this time the possibility exists.  I am also a neat freak so I have an organizational system in my basement where all the holiday stuff is stored and all the other junk all organized in totes and in a shelf unit.  I have been working to get everything UP just in case.  I live about 200 feet from a lake that feeds off of an even larger lake that is within a 1/4 mile of here.  These lakes all make friends with a river that makes friends with Long Island Sound!  Bottom line, I am trying to plan for anything.

    Tex: I am so glad you posted, in a more comprehensive way, so as to let everyone know what is going on.  People are afraid of hospitals.  They are not infallible but we only have 1 body so they have to do better than they are!  Imagine how scary it is to be working in the OR when a "mistake" occurs.  I don't envy their positions.

    What an absolute disaster for you, however.  I am just glad they were able to successfully get a sample.  It is entirely feasible you started coughing while they were trying to do the procedure.  Even though you are "under," your body is still doing it's thing including breathing which for you these days seems to be coupled with a cough. They will get to the bottom of this and then at least you will know what is going on and start to look at options - you just never know.  One step at a time.  Let's hope for the best and prepare for other things ;)

    We are all here for you and will be every step of the way.  You are the best, Timothea, and your positive outlook is absolutely remarkable.  Laughter and positive attitude are the best defenses against everything this life can toss at us ;)  Keep all those silly comedies nearby: Dodge Ball, Office Space, Just Friends, Road Trip, the American Pie anthology etc....!  Just keep laughing!!!

    Felis: hope you are doing ok today, girl!  By next Friday you will most likely be feeling much better so one day at a time for you also! 

    Well, now it is time for me to go score a few last minute things.  I cannot believe I am going to go to the grocery store!!  Crazy, crazy, crazy!  I moved off of the beach  years ago and am glad I did.  All the talk of these evacuations makes me very happy to not be on that beach anymore!  OMG--they just announced NO PETS at the shelters...whaaaat?  I know it would be hard to manage but seriously, that is uncalled for.  We love our animals! 

    Happy trails, girls! 

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    TEX!  I am glad you are alright!!  That was awful not giving you the pain meds!!  I agree, your kids should throw together a breakfast for YOU.   ((((air hug and well wishes)))

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Lizzy: You didn't have to evacuate? Be safe! Let us know how you are doing.

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi Everyone! Thanks for all your prayers and well wishes!  I am feeling good.  Surprisingly little pain, mostly just uncomfortable.  These drains however....OMG WHAT A PAIN!  Just looking at them skeeves me out, but I am getting used to them.  I have six, will have them until at least the end of the week when I go back to PS.  I came home from the hospital yesterday.  They kept me in ICU an extra day because of my low blood pressure and I had bleeding problems during the surgery, had to get two units of blood.  LOL..seems my 80 lb weight loss DID NOT help me in this portion, made it worse they said.  Anyway, finally looked at the new boobs yesterday, not too shabby.  Probably a little bigger than my real ones, definitely higher up..LOL.  Anyway, thanks for all your support.

    Tex, I am sooo sorry to hear about your experience at the hospital.  That is HORRIBLE! You really have had the worst luck in your treatment.  So glad you are feeling better.  I agree, your kids need to make mom a little breakfast, take it easy! Feel better.

    Felis, hang in there!  I am praying for you daily, it is almost over!

    Sue, that video was fantastic.  I was bawling like a baby, love that song!

    Lizzy, so glad you lifted the other day, YAY!  Can't wait to get back.  I can see where, based on how I feel right now, I will be back to working out sooner rather than later.  Grab hold sister and hang on, seems like we could be in for a wild ride with this Hurricane.  Luckily I am not in a flood prone area, but do have overhead utility wires and a lot of trees, so I am hoping not to lose my utilities.  Anyway, I have my supplies and I am ready to hunker down.  Hoping not to have to leave the house and go anywhere, because I am not feeling up to traveling, even to a relative's house. 

    Well, Lizzy was right on about the naps.  Been here on the computer for about 15 minutes and I am feeling worn out.  Going to go back and lie down on the couch.  Stay safe all my Northeast buddies!


  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Tex- what an ordeal!! Hope you feel better soon, prayers and positive vibs : )

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Debbi: Amen on those drains! I think those were the worst part of everything. Not to scare you or anything, but I had one drain that just wouldn't dry up. I had that thing 6 weeks! If I had it any longer, I was going to adopt it and name it. Glad you are ok. I hadn't thought about weight ... maybe that's why I did good in all my surgeries, because I was (am) still fatSmile But I'm working on it, just got back from my daily 2 mile walk.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Sptmm: now remember, drains aside, you can't lay down any miles during a hurricane so leave those sneakers where they are!!! Same thing here with the trees and overhead wires.   I lived with buried wires for a while and it takes them way longer to dx problems with those.  Of course the problems are not storm related! 

    I am so glad you are home and doing well!  Good times, sister! Right after that surgery there would be no way I would want to go to a relatives house or travel anywhere so hopefully that won't be the case for you.  I had a generator when I was on the water.  I kind of wish I kept it! 

    Tex: btw, on the emotive "eff" bombs, that is my favorite!!!!  Like when they could not get a vein on me so I elected no anesthesia for the stomach drain procedure and as soon as the doc stabbed me with that first needle, I left out a nice "eff!"  

    As for those dr appts, between the amount of time you have to travel and copays, definitely call tomorrow and get it all done at the end of the week when they have the biopsy results.  You can see that drain hole, right?  It sounds like they put a tegaderm on it.  PM me your address and I will overnight you wound supplies...oh wait, hurricane!!! Seriously, though, if you need some wound supplies, I will gladly send them FedEx so you would most likely get them on Weds as I don't think I will be going anywhere tomorrow.

    Lady: they don't call for evacuation here but when I lived on Long Island Sound they did.  From 20 to 40 I spent almost 10 years living on the beach and I have had quite enough!! The storms and the hammering and the plywood blah blah blah!  The "no pet" policy drives me crazy at the shelters.  The few times I did evacuate I went to a friends house and pets were in tow!  In one community they had a rather antiquated, reverse 911, speaker system and they would talk to us, at all hours, about evacuating if need be.  The speakers were mounted on phone polls.  Reminded me of the systems in place under Mao!! 

    As for weight is an albatross from the depths of hell!!!!  If it served you well during surgery well then hallelujah, sister!!!  At least it is good for something!

    Good for you on the 2 mile walk!  It makes you feel good, that is for sure. 

    Just got my car insurance bill and my rates are wicked low but I also have a (lawyer sponsored!!) clean driving record for nearly 20 years.  In any case, I pay in-full each 6 month period but they sent me an option to take the payment plan this time.  Mind you, I don't know why I am getting anything as my policy does not renew until 12/12! In any case, they charge $5 per month if you want to pay over the course of 4 months!!!!!  $5 is highway robbery!!!  I am getting old and cheap--very, very cheap!  

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Tex--sorry to hear about your latest trip to hospital and the total mess that happened. It always makes me wonder what really happens while you are under and any mistakes that occur. Hope you get the results soon and they get to the bottom of that cough which seems to be hanging around. Sending you lots of strength.

    Debbie--so glad to hear that you are feeling good and recovering well. Get lots of rest and make sure people are taking care of you!

    Well...this weather is definitely crazy. Here in Toronto area, they think that we will get the worst of it on Tuesday. Looks like Halloween will be a wash-out for the kids. I doubt there will be much trick or treating when there is so much rain. I hope those that are in the path are safe and sound.

    I have been feeling exhausted this weekend. Rushing from hockey to hockey then making a chicken pot pie from scratch (!). Work is crazy busy and I have two new people starting tomorrow so that is good. I am leaving for Minneapolis next weekend -- hopefully weather is good there!

    Have a great week everyone. My oldest son turns 13 on Tuesday. A teenager--where has the time gone!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    y'all are the best! i took the bandage off today and the hole is looking good- just a little pink so i will put some peroxide on it, no worries about the supplies lizzy- you should save those for this storm imagine this: a tall, dark and handsome guy could get wounded by a branch flying around in this storm and could wind up knocking on your door where you need to care for him by romantic candle light but intead you'd need to shut the door in his face and tell him, "cant help you i sent them all to my friend tex" LOL we cant have that now can we?!?!?!?

    No pets at shelters? they expect you to leave them home to fend for themselves????? Hmmmm it'd be nice if a secure vet office or kennle would offer to house pets for free.... 

    my kids are 7,7, and 5 (the 17 yr old sleeps in til NOON) those 3 would A- burn down the house or B- serve me undercooked eggs which i would get salmonella poisoning from because thats just how my life works!!!! j/k made them french toast

    Debbi- yeah drains suck! and you have 6 to deal with. they'll be out soon! 

    car insurance-i got my first ticket EVER! in my life for driving in a school zone on a cell phone... hmmm wonder what my rates will be!

    rachel home made pot pie sounds great! i think i'll make that tomrrow!

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Lol Tex, never thought of meeting a tall, dark, handsome man in a storm.  I think I will send my mom out for wound care supplies.  I did just see a man jogging by on the street, dodging branches, LOL!  Maybe we should just teach the kids to eat cold cereal for breakfast, might be safer.  Mine don't eat cereal like normal kids, always thought that was a pain!

    Hey Rachel, the baby becoming a teenager, thats a rough one! He is a handsome boy though, teenage years are going to be interesting!  I have always choked up a little as each child graduated high school, but nothing dramatic.  But when Kieran graduates (he is in 10th grade), I am going to be inconsolable.  I guess I still feel young as long as I have a child living at home.  The minute they all graduate I become ancient by default!

    Okay, so in addition to these lovely drains, I am now hopelessly constipated.  ARGGHHH!  Just took some Colace.  The resolution of this issue is not going to be pretty! Sorry, I am done complaining now, at least I have electricity! How are you doing across the Sound Lizzy?


  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    LOL at Tex with a story line like that you may be the next bestseller like 50 shades of the storm ha.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    So far just some wind and rain here.  Glad for that!  I have this thing that will charge my car battery if I don’t want to wait for road service.  Well, I realized that thing has a cigarette lighter charge thing and then I can also use that cigarette lighter outlet on the device itself to charge my phone!!  Sometimes I really love technology! Oh yeah and that thing also has a light on it!  Very exciting!  

    Rachel: chicken pot pie from scratch?!  Good for you..sounds both yummy and like a lot of work!   Happy 13th to your son!  The years do fly and 13 is a big birthday!  Better get him something way special!  Hope you get some rest, feel less exhausted and although the weather in MN will most likely be freezing and snow, there is always the MALL OF AMERICA to keep your climate-controlled shopping needs in order!

    Tex: LMAO!!!   That was hysterical!!!  Reminded me of college where the fire alarms were constantly going off and my roommates and I were always like “what should we wear!!!!” instead of what’s on fire!  Yes, the firemen were way hot!  You are so selfless, however!  Worried about that wicked hot stranger that is going to be the victim of a flying branch and will seek comfort on my front lawn!  Yes, I will rescue him but more to this point, I have ample supplies that I can both take care of “him” and send you some!!  I don’t know what the deal is but I have heard from **4** ex-boyfriends this morning!!! I can’t believe they still care if I am alive or dead after how I aggravated them!  Some men just like it!

    When I was young, in the 70s(!!), we had a 3 TV household unlike me now, single w/7 TVS!!!  In any case, the only time I could find any peace was on Saturday morning, like 6ish, to get up and watch Saturday morning cartoons.  I was all of 5 or 6 and could easily get the milk out (my parents had it delivered so it was in small, kid size quart bottles!) and get myself a bowl of Crunchberries!  I am sure your kids can do that but what I suspect, however, is that you love them so much, you want to fix their meals for them ;)      

    Some shelters don’t allow pets.  I found the one nearby me will accept pets.  I think it is ludicrous to expect people to leave their pets home although I also realize how easily managing them in a shelter could be a nightmare.

    As for the ticket, get a lawyer-it might cost you $150 or so but what they will do is go to court, whine that you are a perfect driver and the ticket will get nollied and you will have to make a charitable contribution.  IN a school zone on a phone---your insurance rate increase is going to cost you way more than $150!

    Sptmm: the way you meet a talk dark and handsome man in a storm is to not let him just jog by!!!!  Don’t let those drains stop you!  I deeply suspect you are sending your mother to the store for supplies so you can head out for a little run yourself!  Deb, the post-surgery constipation b/c of the length of the surgery, was horrible. I did prune juice and they gave me some prescription.  It was horrifying and I feel for you!

    I am ok so far but my friend in Manhattan said Battery Park is going under!  He is in the E Village and will most likely not have to go anywhere but to his parents in Queens!  Meanwhile my friend from college who lives in Park Slope is worried about power outages and “looting!”  So said.  My friend in Philly is getting hammered right now. 

    You will never be ancient, girl!  You can run farther and longer than most of those 10th graders!!! Forever young!  You take good care of yourself that is your age, my friend!

    Iowa: 50 Shades of the Storm!!!!  Good stuff!!!

    At least this storm is going to get the rest of the leaves off these trees! #silverlining

    Why did I buy honey mustard pretzel pieces at CVS yesterday!?!?  They are only moderately addictive!

    Good times! 

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    love them so much LOL the way they see it is i want to tourtue them and dont often buy those sugary cereals LOL we have frosted mini wheats blueberry and the raspberry filled ones right now. when i buy something like fruity pebbles it is strickly a dessert/snack! not a healthy  wake up and eat type of food!!!!! 

    No weekends i do like making them their meals= i will do shapped pancakes whith food coloring in them... i'll try to post some pics when i get a chance so y'all know what i am talking about!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    That is adorable!!!!!  Pancakes in shapes and colored!  How beautiful!  BTW, in the 70s, I think all there was was sugary cereals!  Sugar was ubiquitous as the govt realized feeding a populace on grains and sugar was both inexpensive and addictive.  That is how diabetes was born!