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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Cal- I did not take your post that way either. Not at all. I just saw you as sharing what's going on in your daily life, and I'm glad to hear it. All of it. Please don't go, it would be a real loss.

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    Both eyes are watering like crazy then my nose is running. yes im close to be done then off to radiation.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    felis - If your eyes are watering from taxotere it is because they are actually dry from the chemo.  Kindof like an over reaction.  When that happened to me the nurse told me to get some artificial tears (the kind without preservatives in them) and use them to moisten the eyes.  I know it seems like the opposite of what you would think would help but it did help me out some to use the artificial tears and maybe it would help your eyes too.  

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Lizzy: Thanks for the updates!

    Tex: Congrats!! Wonderful news.

    Sweeney: Hugs and prayers for you.

    Felis: See an ophthalmologist about your eyes. I was on taxotere and my eyes were tearing/watering all the time. My onc sent me to an eye doctor who put me on steriod eye drops and it cleared up in about a week. He said that there could have been permanent damage to the tear ducts if I had let it go without treating it. So definitely get it checked out.

    It's been a really good week for me. Besides my usual weekly things I do, I had a "girls night out" last night with some friends. We ate pizza and watched Bridesmaids and just laughed all night. Then today I went down to Bham to eat lunch with my brother and sister-in-law. A couple who are friends of mine here in Huntsville went with me. The wife of the couple was diagnosed with BC one month before me, so she and I have held each other up through this whole ordeal. All in all, a good week/weekend, except that my football team got beat AGAIN. It's embarrassing. They were National collegiate champs 2 years ago, and their record so far this year is 1-6! Somehow, you just don't sweat the small stuff anymore though.

    Everybody have a good week!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Hi Lady, now that you mention it I remember reading about clogged tear ducts so yes, felis, that's a good idea to see the eye doctor to get things checked!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I am very sad at this turn of events. CalamityKel is a valued member of BCO and a member of this topic from its beginning. I believe she writes in good taste. and has never offended me, ever.  

    I, for one, do not understand how one message board member can suppose to direct another as to how or what they should write. I personally reject such direction and instead hope all will post in ways that are informative and of interest to many. I also do not understand how one poster can suppose to speak for others.  


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    It is another beautiful day here and I am watching football!   I know, it is a deviation from my norm, baseball, but those Yankees so depressed me in that post-season disaster, I still need my sports fix!

    Lady: I am so, so, so happy you found a nice group of ladies to hang out with, to have girls night with and to just laugh and enjoy yourself!  It is so nice to hear. I know you mentioned your brother had moved to your area so I am glad you had a nice lunch with him and are having a good weekend!  Good to hear!

    I did not remember you going to a dr during chemo for your watering eyes.  My eyes were watering like crazy but I think I had just been to enough doctors and did not want to go to another.

    Talk about sports and embarrassing, how did Robinson Cano go into the post-season a .600+ hitter and leave a .050 hitter?!   They Yankees collapsed in the post-season and it was embarrassing.  What’s more is I have no clue how they completely dismantled in those final games?  I am sorry to say, a friend got tickets to post season play at Yankee Stadium and I could not go for a few reasons: 1-I am still not feeling so great from that stomach drain business, 2-I could not bear the thought of watching them TANK at home and 3-it was kind of cold for me!  Aside from my pathetic excuses, the fact is I really can’t handle watching the post-season games live!   I am one of those with my hands over my eyes!  Yes, you indeed do learn to sweat the small stuff!

    I am just enthralled you are having such a good time for yourself and keeping busy & I could not be happier for you ;)   There is something called “too much “ and you definitely went through it and now look at you?!  Partying it up, hopping around and having a good old time-just the way it should be.

    Felis: radiation is going to be a massive walk in the old park (from what I understand) compared to chemo!  You are soon going to be done, your hair will be coming back and you will be well on your way to better health and to healing.  We were all there and my heart goes out to you. 

    As for your eyes, making an eye dr appt is perhaps your next best step.  You know, there is no such thing as a coincidence and you posting here about your eyes and then Lady explaining what happened to her and how the results for her, had she not gone to the eye dr, could have been permanent damage, I would try to get to the eye dr.

    Well, I am back to football and cooking!  What a great Sunday!!!  One thing missing: the “Three Tenors” in the kitchen!!!  BTW, if one has to walk the length of a football field to burn off the 4.5 calories in an M&M (assuming they are walking about .25 MPH!!!) I am going to have to go out and do about 10 laps for eating that snack size Reese’s today!!

    Good day, girls-

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Lady - so glad things are so good for you. Sounds like you are having a great time. Well deserved!

    Felis-radiation will be much easier. Sounds like you have had a rough go. I had 25+5 radiation. I had no problems. I used Glaxal Base cream all the time to keep from getting skin irritations. It is more a hassle driving to the Hospital each day for radiation.

    I also hope that Cal stays around. I am not bothered by any discussions--must be the Canadian in me ;) I have found it so interesting to hear all the different lives we all lead and how we have come together all around BC. It would be a shame. This has always been such a great thread to keep in touch.

    Tomorrow I get my results from gyne oncology checkup. Fingers crossed.

    It is such a beautiful day here. Hope everyone has a wonderful week.

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Rachel: I'm sure you'll let us know on here and on Facebook how it goes. I've said a prayer that all is well.

    I'm looking forward to this coming weekend. I've got tickets to go see David Sedaris. For anyone who doesn't know him, he is a (I think) hilarious writer. He is gay, a recovering addict, neurotic and sees the world in a warped way. If you haven't read any of his books, which are just collections of essays he has written, check them out.

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    k ty

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Lady: I absolutely LOVE David Sedaris!!!!!!!  They way I was initially introduced to him was I got on a train in Fairfield, CT around 10:30AM which was significantly later than my usual 6:30AM but I had a dental appt!  In any case, the train had far fewer travelers than the jam-packed morning trains.  Now normally I would be on all my "devices," completely absorbed on what the day might hold but I was constantly reminded of a woman sitting nearby through the sounds of her laughter although she sat alone!  She was reading a book that was giving her much joy!  As it turned out, it was David Sedaris "Me Talk Pretty One Day!!"  If you haven't read it, do so!  It is LOL funny!  I think it is easily one of my favorite books and very entertaining at that!

    Later that night, when I released myself from World Trade Center (!), I went to Borders at the edge of WTC plaza to get that book!  Of course, this was back when the towers were still standing and we actually purchased physical copies of books! 

    That book should be a must read for you.  I saw him a few times and I, too, would be looking very forward to the coming weekend if I had tickets! Enjoy

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Had a wonderful weekend- We went to the beach and the salt water acted like one of those things ppl do to clear their sinuses. Not sure if it is a nasal spray or pot or whatever- Lots of drainage! But that always happens at the beach or pool!

    my niece and nephew whom are from Pennsylvania kept remarking how they wouldnt go to the beach EVER this late in the year and in fact they had snow in October. Personally i went to PA in June and that was too cold for me- couldnt imagine when they would go to the beach LOL Lets see if i am still enjoying the beach this time next month!

    Cough seems to ebb and flow now, i had 1/2 a day where i dsidnt cough whatsovever and then later it was back to that awful thing again. i have my appointment tomorrow with my oncologist to see what might be the cause of it...

    i am gonna look for that book very few books have made me literally laugh out loud my interest in piqued!

    Thanks LADY- sounds like you've got a great group of gals! i think thats what i need! or maybe a mom night in (to nap and not be bothered) my son is going through an extremly whiny phase which is probably driving me crazy, nails on a chalk board his whine!

    well night all i have a drive ahead of me in the morning!

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    I know what you mean Texasrose i been having alot of drainage as well right along with coughing.  I go for my fourth treatment this Fri., keep me in yall prayers that it don't do me like it did week before last because i hate hospitals.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    It was another lovely day here but that is about to change for the remainder of the week so I went out to try to deal with the unruly leaves and then the wind came for a visit!  This entire event did not end well!  

    Sptmm: best of luck!  I know your day is coming up here, woman!   Be sure to let me know how it goes and I am sure it will all be just fine and you, too, shall be happy with your results ;)

    Texas: you might have had stuff built up in your membranes that the salt water was instrumental in helping clear out.  I grew in an oceanfront town and spent the preponderance of summers either in the pool or at the beach.  My mother really believed in the healing powers of salt water and how it just overall seemed to do the body good.  I think it might have been beneficial for you and just gave you a good clean-out!  

    Get that book…you will definitely have those good, hearty LOL moments!

    Keep me posted on what is going on today.  When did you have the ½ day where you didn’t cough?  Was it the day you went to the shore?  Just wondering if there was something significantly different about that day?  I hope that just calms down for you soon.  Speaking of coughing, I started to get a little bronchial a few weeks ago, picked up Spearmint Halls and now I am seemingly addicted to these cough drops!!!!  I am eating 2 or 3 a day and I *love* them!  What’s more is my addiction has gotten worse as I ordered a case from a company in NY!  Goodbye teeth!

    Felis: I tell you, I was just constantly draining during chemo.  I really think it is our body trying to push that stuff out in any way it can.  Best of luck Friday and keep me posted on how you do over the weekend.  I hope you are going to do well this time and will be sending the positive vibes  to help you through!

    I went to a bc awareness month event and heard the most startling and positive statistic I have ever re: survival rates and bc: Survival rates are up 36% since 1990!   That is a pretty significant jump in just 22 years.   In fact, it is just over 1.5% increase taken annually.  That is a good, healthy number.  Also I did some research recently and I can’t help but remark that not one state above the Mason Dixon line (if it were linear and continental!) has high rates of bc incidence.  The states with the highest incidence are NE, AK, WA, MN, PA, NJ, DE, MD, CT, RI, MA and NH.  I can’t help but think the closer we get to the equator, the less bc is a problem which gets back to the sun and that vitamin D.

    Here is the "Center for Disease Control" link if anyone wants to see the bc incidence map:

    Good day, girls-

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Thanks Lizzy, I am getting down to the wire and I am getting nervous.  But I know everything will be fine.  As for the M&M thing, they are my favorite candy in the world so I will have to do laps on the football field, cause I am not going to stop eating them...LOL!

    Tex, sounds like a great weekend.  I think you are right, you probably do need a night out with the girls.  Even just pizza and a movie at someone's kid-free house.  It would do you wonders.  I have four kids, so I know that it can really get on your nerves at times, someone always needs something from you! Or maybe your husband or even your niece can take the others out to the park or movies for a couple hours and you can stay in and relax.  You deserve it Wondermom!

    Lady, you sound like you are having a blast, good for you! As for your football boys, remember they are just boys so sometimes they just can't get it together and they have a bad season, nothing you can do about that. 

    Rachel, hope everything went well for you today!

    Felis, I'm praying for you honey! Just keep going, it will be over before you know it!

    Tomorrow is my last day at work and I am sooo looking forward to my little month long vacation, even if I won't feel all that great.  I will have plenty of time to talk coming up, you guys are going to get sick of me...LOL.  Talk to you soon.


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Thinking of you Debbi!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    It is NOT a nice day in CT today! It is political season, however, so I have been busy with other things.

    Sptmm: best of luck tomorrow!!  I hope everything goes well and will be thinking of you.  I expect you can post from the recovery room!  I just used my "ab lounger" for the first time since surgery and boy did I feel it!  It was amazing how much I felt it.  I never felt my muscles like that in my life.  It was weird!

    As for the M&Ms, it is just sad!!  I find it incomprehensible one would have to walk the length of a football field to burn off the calories in one M&M.  Perhaps they meant crawl?!   I like them as well and will not be completely deterred by the laps I will have to do!!

    Enjoy your month off!  

    Those debates last night were hysterical!  I find them very entertaining!  I wish there was another one tonight.

    Good day, girls-

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Debbi...will be thinking of you. Get lots of rest!

    My results came back problems. Free from Docs until February.

    Lizzie...I watched those debates last is crazy. We don't have elections and debates like that here in Canada. It will be interesting to see how close the election will be. Sounds like it is divided down the middle.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Great news Rachel!

    Best wishes Debbi!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    One of my friends, who was an incredible support to me through treatment, was just diagnosed today.  They caught it early by mammogram.  It is under 1cm and ER+PR+ HER2-.  They are thinking it will be lump/rads/anti-estrogen.  I just can't believe it. This disease just sucks.

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    i think that it cleared somewhat but not enough to matter.... 

    Lizzy- interesting map- i wonder why WA is so high? Also i wonder if statistically i am added into the WA one or the TX one- i dont think ANYONE asked where i was x amount of years before dx... hmmm interesting!!!!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors!

    I lifted a bit today and am already wicked sore! Also, and sadly, I went from a woman with perfect teeth and having been brought to the dentist often times 3xs per year by my father who was rather festidious about dental care, to a post-chemo mess! Tonight I was chomping on a Jolly Rancher "cinnamon fire" and I realized a little chip occurred on one of my back teeth.  BTW, if you ever liked fireballs, DON'T get those Jolly Ranchers!  

    Tex: that is a really good point you make about the fact we move and then get dxd so to what state do they attribute dx?  I wonder.   That is a very good point, though.  Especially in the transient states of CA and FL.  Very good point.  Now I think about how much those stats must have a pretty wide margin-of-error.

    It is my opinion that CA, WA and Alaska are high b/c the pac rim will dump crazy garbage in the ocean and, as we saw with the garbage from the tsunami that devastated Japan, eventually that crap makes its way to the CA, WA and Alaskan shores.   As you see, almost the entire Northeast has the highest rates in the nation but oddly NY is not in there.  I believe that is b/c of upstate NY and part of the state lying on the St Lawrence as opposed to the Hudson, Atlantic and LI sound.  In this part of the country, having been settled first, a lot of garbage is in the land, the infrastructure and the ocean has been so polluted for so many years, it is almost intrinsic.  Of course, we have awoken to our perilous ways and are doing much better about our waters but I belong to a group involved with “saving” LI Sound and what I learn at our meetings is we still have a long way to go.   If you notice, it is all the high-commerce, once high-industrial states where the bc is the highest in the Northeast.  How it is getting in our breasts is a whole other issue!  I do believe the catalysts here in this part of the country are in the water, the infrastructure and the land we walk on.  It was never a plan but a byproduct of a burgeoning society and us, as a country, having gone from broke to no joke in a matter of 25 years.  It is the byproduct of our evolution and being a hegemonic state for so long.  We are waning from hegemony but the damage has been done.

    Omaz: yes, this disease definitely sucks.  I am sorry to read your news.  I did not want to mention but 2 people I know were *both* diagnosed on Monday.  It is awful.  One is 38 and the other is 40 and they think it is inflammatory.  I am very concerned about how both are going to deal with this.  They all look at me like I am teflon and to be honest, I don’t know where I got the strength to roll through this mess like I did but I also realize not everyone has that.  I know they are likely going to struggle and one is a single parent.  I really lament those with lesser abilities to deal with this train wreck having to go through it.  The hardest part is the “scary” part and for me, the fact that I feel like I am walking around on borrowed time is cumbersome.  It is all a bit much at times and add to that our friends falling victim to this makes it all way too much.  I am so sorry for your friend, Deb.  She has you, though, and that makes it all easier for her emotionally and mentally.  I am glad she has you and you know what?  At dark times like what she is about to go through, one person can make all the difference ;)

    Rachel: I know that you are interested in our political system.  Well, let me tell you, that debate, albeit rather entertaining, totally pales in comparison to the VP debates which should have been a pay-per-view event and held in a cage!!!!!  If you have time, YouTube that debate!  It was hysterical.  So, yes, every 4 years we get first row seats to these spectacles!  Good times indeed!  I live tweet it also and it is just one big fun fest! 

    Aside from the entertainment value, this election is very much divided down the middle, you are right.  It will be interesting to see what happens.

    I am glad your results are all clear and you get a good 3 to 4 months before going again.  Very happy for you.

    Felis: I hope you are feeling ok today and feel strong enough to go again on Friday.  I am thinking of you and hoping you are feeling better.

    Well, much to my chagrin they announced Iron Man 3 is not coming out until May!!!  7 months?!  I love the Iron Man movies!

    Tex: I know you and your dh enjoy the warm weather but if he wants a really super lucrative job, I googled an ex of mine from years ago today as I saw his sister (she did not see me!) today.  He is a municipal employee in NYC and is a conductor on Metro North.  When you are a municipal employee in NYC your income can, and most likely will, be published.  He made ***$126,000*** last year asking people for their ticket!!! Asking people for their ticket!! Only $22K was OT!  So, if you want to relocate, you can get by on that amount in NY!!  The job is awfully boring, political but the benefits are stellar, the union is rock solid and the pension is great.  One problem: when they retire, they have to go back for their "dose" of electricity from all those years riding the trains with electricity running through their bodies.  Trade-offs abound!

    Omg---left NBC on after the Voice and on this show called "Parenthood" a woman was dxd, had surgery and they told her she was Her2 *amplified.*  I wonder what that is? Never heard that.   

    Sweet dreams all- better times and higher love are coming :)

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Lizzy - Thanks for the kind words.  her2 amplified means that cells in the tumor have chromosomal abnormalities associated with the her2 gene (extra copies of the her2 gene).  My tumor was her2+ and I had a year of herceptin infusions, which is a monoclonal antibody to the her2 protein produced by that gene.  It is a targeted immunotherapy and is though to help destroy any possible tumor cells leftover.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Omaz: I just read something recently on how the medical "minds" feel herceptin on her2+ patients is one of the greatest accomplishments in bc research to date.  They went on to say the results are excellent for those patients treated with herceptin.  As George Bush Sr would have said "...there are a thousand points of light."  Every little bit of good news gives us more and more hope and that is really all we need :) well, that and a cure would be nice! 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    I just got the news that Sptmm has successfully MADE IT THROUGH that lengthy surgery!!!!!  YAY!!  

    I was so relieved to get the message simply b/c it is a very long surgery.  She is in perfect shape and that strength and good physical shape no doubt contributed to her coming through it without a problem.  On that note, it is amazing what they can do for us these days.  I count myself lucky this surgery is even an option.

    Good times, girls, good times!   I am so elated!!!

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Hi Ladies, I hope everyone is doing well. Having a very yucky weather day here in Iowa dark clouds and misty. I want to share a picture video I made one evening as a sort of tribute to those that supported me through BC. I should have included the BC 2010 Aug chemo ladies too, because you ladies were great support !! Here is the link I hope it works and I hope you get a chance to watch it. and warning it does have some pink stuff in it  : )

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    I hope everyone is doing well today.  

    Felis: good luck tomorrow, girl!  I hope you feel ok over the weekend and I will send positive vibes and good wishes for you to be strong through this one.

    Iowa: that made me cry!!  It was so beautiful.  I really loved the photo of you and your dh with the mountains behind you.  That is a beautiful photo.  What a great support system you have! That is just remarkable! I don't think too many can create a montage like that involving so many people and so much support so in that way you are truly blessed.  Thank you so much for sharing as it was heartwarming and just beautiful!  I loved it!  That church is gorgeous also!  What a beautiful, old stone structure.

    I hope everyone is doing well and good day to all-

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Thanks Lizzy, did you notice the expressions on my face through treatment ? Like when I had the wig on in Fl. and even the 1st Bret concert with the cowboy hat on (because I had no hair) it just looks like my expressions so unsure, no big cheesy smile I usually had. I just thought my face kinda showed my uncertainty. DH and I road motorcycles to Co. end of June ( just happen to be when it was 100) we stayed in Estes Park and the church is just a few mile south. The picture of me and DH is in the church parking lot. I have been to Estes park 2 times before (by car) and both those time the Rocky Mnt Nt Park was closed due to snow. So this time I finally got to go through, it was so beautiful. This vacation I truly felt closer to the higher power than ever. I don't know if it was the altitude or the beauty of it all but it left me feeling truly blessed that I was able to have found bc early enough to survive it. One more fyi the lady in the relay for life picture with her arm around me is my daughter in laws mother and 2 years ago she was diagnosed stage 4 with a rare form of intestinal cancer plus has had 2 other kinds of cancer unrelated anyway she wanted me to do this walk. Last month she had a 3 month check up to see how her treatment was coming and they found that it has spread from her liver to her bones and she has been having issues. I am sad for her I just know she is probably on her way out.

    P. S. Lizzy I also caught the end of that show Parenthood ( never saw it before) now I am going to have to watch this show to see what happens to this lady.

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Iowa---that was a great video. Beautiful.

    Lizzy--Thanks for letting us know about Debbi--I was thinking of her and am so glad to hear she is through and now recovering. 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Felis: stay strong, girl!  Best of luck tomorrow.

    Texas: I know tomorrow is the biopsy so I want to wish you well and be sure to keep us posted when you get the results. I sure hope you don't have to wait long.

    Iowa: now that you mention it, I will have to look again.  The subtleties I would pick up if we were closer rather than just cyber friends ;)  I know what you mean, though.  It is almost like you are too afraid to feel good, to feel spirited, to feel joy like if you do, the wrath of bc will turn on your or something.  This disease is very difficult to deal with and constantly leaves you wondering where that proverbial other dropping shoe is.

     Glad you got to go into to Rocky Mountain National Park.  The photos reflect the beauty.  You live in a really nice part of the country and also people are nicer.   My good friend Cindy lives in Iowa City.  She was in CT for work for about 6 years and could not wait to go home!  It is a nice area of the country.  I have a picture of the acres sitting on Cindy’s porch during sunset.  It is a beautiful pic.

    There is something about witnessing true beauty that takes your breath away while at the same time reminding us there is something out there greater than us.  I really feel for you, too, with your daughter-in-law’s mom.  It is so hard to see someone else dying of this disease that for all intents and purposes, you seem to have beaten.  I just found out from a woman I used to work with her brother has bone cancer.  Cancer is just ubiquitous and unfortunate at that.

    I, too, am going to watch Parenthood next week.  I like the fact they seem to be realistically dealing with bc. 

    Rachel: I was really relieved to hear she came out of surgery just fine.  That is a long, long operation.

    I was invited to speak at a bc awareness month event. I did accept and spoke tonight.  The title of my speech was “homonyms” and I focused mostly on “peace” and “piece.”   Of course that bc once attempted to take a piece of me but now I have made peace with bc.  Sadly I did get choked up at the end and started crying a bit.  I don’t think there was a dry eye in the house!  Public speaking, making speeches and writing speeches comes easy to me; in fact, I enjoy it.  It was a good event but I stayed not too long after my speech was done.  I just felt like I might start crying again!  I don’t know if it is because I am so grateful for having made it this far/long and also, like you said about our nervous grin Iowa, that I sort of feel like in a total state of suspension.  Looking at the sea of scarves and wigs was a reminder also.  It is a hard disease to live with.  Constantly looking over your shoulder. 

    On my way home stopped at Walmart to get, you guessed it: FLASHLIGHTS!  I don’t know what I did with all of mine. In any case, it looks like we are going to take a direct hit on the hurricane.  Tonight, because I appeared at the event, I actually flat ironed my hair (cannot believe how long it is), had make-up on, dressed appropriately (instead of my uniform of Levi’s and a Yankee baseball hat!!) and for the first time in a long, long time I actually felt human and almost felt a trace of my old self.  In any case, of course I bump into someone I used to know.  She and her dh are remarking how good I look and like championing me as the slayer of bc.  Most people just don’t get it and I have accepted that.  They look at you like you are ok because they are all “eye” doctors!   If they can’t see it, you are good!  I will never again go to Walmart at a “peak” hour!

    Hope everyone has a lovely evening-