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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    Ginger: she is beautiful!!!!!! What a cute pic!  Standard Poodles are great!  Smart and that prancing is very, very cute!  I know exactly what you are talking about.

    As for law school, I was supposed to go after undergrad but got into the Wall St game. Was the only girl in the old boys school, made a ton of money and burned out! Around 2005 I took a few years off, lived off of what I made, partying, going to the Yankee games, traveling etc.... Well, when you are single and take care of yourself, that dream comes to an end fast! I ended up working for a behemoth company in marketing, largely as a stop-gap measure, and I thank god I did b/c by the time I was under the bc bus, those benefits have sure come in handy.

    Over the years I have volunteered with the elderly. Around this great nation there is a huge problem with nursing home abuse. For this reason I would go into elder law as ultimately I want to see nanny cams installed in all rooms in nursing homes. My primary focus would be estates and trusts, however, which is very much in my wheelhouse after the decade in the markets. Just last night a CNA was arrested in CT for beating up a patient. Not only a few months ago some smart people put a camera in their mother's room, suspecting violence, and sure enough they got footage of some very large CNA basically throwing their mother around. As for knowing "female" lawyers, after all those years on Wall St, I don't even consider such things. Gender is a non-issue for me.

    About the amount of time in law school, I am just trying to figure out a 3 year commitment and the time I will be spending doing that vs being able to do some traveling etc... but I know I am going to go. It was a goal since I was in middle school and is probably a good place to be while I meander down this bc path.

    Thank you so much for your thoughtful post, I appreciate it ;)  There is a lot to consider.  I continue to reflect on all of this.

    Perhaps I have not said this yet but HAPPY BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH, girls!!!!!!! Some people are so gross degenerates, it will never cease to amaze me and more to this point: someone stole the pink ribbon magnetic thing off my car! Who steals that type of sacred item and if they only knew I am a bc patient, I am sure that would not have changed their wicked mind! Good luck to all the nefarious, the greedy, the colostomy bags roaming this planet! May they all perish together!

    Good day, girls-

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Lizzy - thanks for the update on Tex, that makes me VERY HAPPY!!!
  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Really glad to hear Tex is so well. That is awesome news!

    Also thought of you guys when I read's a football story about hope and kindness. I loved it...get your kleenex out!

    Night gals:)

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Hey everybody- i guess no catching up for me.... i never have enough time... ALso i have this awful cough for no rhyme or reason, weird sometimes the A/C seems like it aggrivates it but then sometimes it seems like it helps.... Same with being indoors vd outfdoors- just comes and goes, although it seems like i cant breath if i try to stifle the cough- the coughing is getting so bad its giving me headaches and seeing spots, i mean seriously! LOL My oncologist has listened to my lungs and says "sounds clear" I really do miss my old oncologist!

    I am under care of my PCP who is an internal medicine specialist and he has me on a bunch of crap, antibiotics, cough syrup, steroids, inhaler (which i actually have been on since my lung thing a while back) the results of my xray came in and he called in a new antibiotic- but he wasnt in the office today so the girls couldnt tell me if i was supposed to stop my current ones or add them or what LOL i'll find out tomorrow.... Problem for me with the cough is i have a leaky bladder so you can just imagine!!!!!!!!!!!!! LMBO i had to switch from normal pads to poise ones and oh my goodness i am never going back! Much more comfortable than the regular ones....  Oh and also so strange- my inhaler seems to ALWAYS make me cough worse.... i am gonna bring that up with dr tomorrow. Another sure trigger being in my room (which happens to have my computer in it) i dont have any plants or anything.... hmmmmm the mystery thickens! Sorry rambling on about my cough but i am sitting here coughing up a storm!!!!!

    Okay so about my wonderfully awesome news- i am no longer doing weekly chemo so hopefully you'll see a lot more of me- instead i get this shot to shut down my ovaries once a month and take amiridex daily.

    Thank you Lizzy!

    Maybe tomorrow i'll be back

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors!

    Tex: You are baaaaaack!!!!!  YAY!  Good to hear from you.  Sounds like the cough might be an allergic reaction.  You are on so much crap, who knows?  I know my neighbor, when I was very young, would get that cough and feel like she could not breath when exposed to peanuts.  I also think chemo alters our chemistry so much, perhaps you have developed a new allergy?  You should also check the air conditioners for clean vents and to be sure that MOLD is not building up in there.  

    BTW, on the "leakage," after that massive surgery and with all the drains, it was so hard to get up and go to the bathroom.   By the time I could get up and was heading there, a few times I had leakage.  I asked my nurses and she asked if I was doing my "kegel" exercises.  Apparently all women over 30 should be doing them to head-off leakage problems before they start.  I thought that was a new spin on that exercise.  Try those and hopefully, over time, that will help.

    Good to have you back, woman!  Missed you ;)

    Sweeney: definitely a Kleenex story!  The human spirit is amazing.  We are all so much better left to our own devices, our good spirit can actually shine through.

    A pink month positive...finally!  I called and was talking to a woman at a doctor's office I have not been to in quite some time (I know, hard to believe, right?!) and she told me JC Penney is giving haircuts for free to all bc girls this month!  It is actually the first "benefit" I have heard of during this pink month crap! 

    BTW, I never told you all how I know my ribbon was stolen off my car: on my way into the mall I looked at it for a moment, kind of reflecting on what it all means and when I came out it was gone!!!!!  If it fell off, it would have been on the ground!

    These Yankees have broken my heart!  On a much more positive note, I am sure glad our President showed up to the debate tonight!  I missed him during the first one!

    Good night, girls-

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Hey Tex - Do you have any post nasal drip going on?  That can give you a serious case of the reflex cough-gag thing.  Have you had a cold with sinus congestion anytime lately?  I have the leakage too and understand completely!  

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    We just got a new A/C unit over the summer... Not quite sure what started it, but i searched through my posts on here and found i first started complaining about a cough in May...then again in August- could be allergies... I am waiting to hear from the dr.

    Omaz- nope no post nasal drip, i forgot i am also on an expellorant (sp?) to help get rid of anything in there phlem wise and nothing...

    I wish there were more benifits like that! Or more benifits in general! Research is good and all but there are so many things that insurance doesnt cover (gas, food, etc...) that cancer patince really do need help with. I'd love a  free haircut!

    So sad about your magnet! People never cease to amaze me!

    Oh i saw this awful shirt, this guy was standing on the corner hawking them. it said "I wish cancer would get cancer and die" Which to me seems to imply that everyone that gets cancer dies... Not something i would wear....

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    I am getting so nervous as my hot flashes calmed down, did not go away but calmed, and now they are back and very bad.  I am also getting so much itching where the cancer was before.  Sometimes you just think you are going absolutely mad with this disease.

    Tex: you have no idea how it warms my heart that you were able to use  our thread to track down the beginning of your cough!  I know that might sound a bit odd but I really love the idea that we have created a timeline here that will tumble through history with us.  I think it is just great!

    I might have already mentioned this but I speaking of help w/gas & groceries etc…  I saw an interview with Matt Damon (whose father had cancer) about a charity he is involved with in the Greater Boston Area called “Family Reach Foundation.”  He and Ming Tsai teamed up for it.  At this point it helps families with funds for practical needs like food and gas who are fighting pediatric cancer.  I would love to see that grow and extend to all cancer patients.  The basic needs are evident.

    In any case, this is why I want to get to work on the Pink Brigade.  Unfortunately some interior design joker already took that domain so I am back to figuring out how I will proceed.  What I want to do is fundraise for people who need groceries, utilities, a ride to the hospital, money even for parking etc.. . and also have a “human” network of real volunteers, on the local level, who can help without judgment.  In this roll  will have only people who have had cancer. When I went back and forth to NY and Philly, my out-of-pocket had to be several hundred dollars.  We need charities that give basic help but so many people lie just to get a few bucks…not sure how I would police that yet….perhaps “Pink Brigade” cards?  Something to consider.

    I know what you mean about the shirt and I would not wear it either but in a way it is kind of funny!  I will tell you one thing: that person DOES NOT and NOR DID THEY EVER have cancer.  What pisses me off is they are selling questionable t-shirts and making money off cancer.  I don’t like that at all. I remind people all the time the “Bank of Karma” is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and if your withdrawals exceed your deposits, watch out!!!! 

    Well, I hope everyone is having a lovely day!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Tex: meant to mention this in previous post: I follow Mark Ruffalo on Twitter.  He tweeted the other night something about "fracking," "gas plants," and "Texas" and how this is being strongly connected to bc development.  The bc numbers are staggeringly high the closer to these plants/drilling spaces women live.  I looked through his tweets but I could not find that particular one and I could not "favorite" it b/c my phone was acting up.  Something for you to look into and to see if there are any of those around your or if you lived near one.

    I love Martha Plimpton, Mark Ruffalo and some of the other celebrities that actually get involved and use their celebrity status for some good.

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Hi Tex---so glad to hear your news. Hopefully you can shake that cough soon. I had a terrible cough on my last couple of chemos and it turned into bronchitis. I was on a variety of drugs. Even when my xrays were clear--I was still coughing. It gradually got better but took forever. Sounds like the same for you. I am sure your body is working overtime esp with the chemo.

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi Everyone!

    Lady: Glad to hear from you!  Busy, busy, busy...thats the way to be!

    Rachel:  Your boys are absolutely adorable.  I love the baby pic, sooo cute! LOL...Hope the party didn't drive you insane! Stlll no hockey Frown, I hope they get the season started soon, I don't get much chance to watch TV so I have no favorite shows (except The Amazing Race).  I have no idea what I will watch while recovering from surgery if there is no hockey! How is your son's season going?  Kieran's team is undefeated so far, looks like they might have a pretty good year, but the season is young. 

    Ginger: OMG, your granddaughter is gorgeous.  What a cutie!! And your dog is precious too! Sorry about the migraines, I hope you get some relief.  I know several people who have them and they are really tough. 

    Hi Adey! It is weird isn't it that tears will hit you at the oddest times, never really makes sense. 

    Lizzie:  Thanks for the word on Tex...SOOOO happy to hear that.  She must be really busy with all those kids.  How are you feeling?  Are the boobs doing well still?  My procedure is Wednesday, had my presurgical testing today.  I'm getting nervous, it really sounds like a bear of a procedure.  But I know it is a good choice for me. 

    I am doing well.  Winding things up at work as I will be taking off at least four weeks after the surgery.  My oldest son has volunteered to pay my bills so I can relax and recover.  Such a good boy!  I am running my first 10K on Saturday!  I have been training for this for a while and I am just hoping I can stick to my pace and run the entire way.  I run 6-7 miles twice a week, and have been for a couple of weeks, but the race is different.  Wish me luck! My surgery is Wednesday and I am getting a little nervous about that too.  All in all, I have a pretty monumental week ahead...LOL.  I think I better get to bed and rest up..LOL.

    Hope everyone is doing well


  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Okay so somehow I missed a bunch of posts before I replied..LOL.  Didn't realize Tex herself had posted, sorry Tex!  I will have to reread all those posts.  But I am SOOO HAPPY to hear you are done with your chemo!


  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Debbi--I will be thinking of you next Wednesday and sending lots of love and strength your way. You will recover so fast especially now that you are so healthy and fit. I'm sure that makes a big difference. Good luck for your race this Saturday. Sounds like you will do perfectly fine! My son's hockey season is going well. It is the first year of checking this year so there are more injuries than I would like to see. My son is pretty aggressive so he has a target on him most games. Good thing he is such a fast skater. He has spent his fair share in the penalty box so far. With the kids learning to hit--headshots and hit from behinds are big penalty minutes. We played in the US a couple of weeks ago but they didn't have any hitting in their tournament so our boys were a little lost. Does your son's team hit? Seems like in the US they only have hitting starting at a certain age.

    I had my blood taken yesterday and I think it was traumatic for all involved--as they couldn't get a vein no matter how hard they tried. Damn chemo. They had to take from the other arm. Next time, I need to have the pediatric vein team do my blood draw....crazy.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Rachel what do you mean by "hitting".    with the stick, or with fists? or?  

    I only ever saw the olympic hockey game years ago where it was the US vs Russia I think. 



  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Hi Ginger--it is "checking" -- nope, no hitting with fists or sticks! Guess it would be kind of like tackling in football as opposed to a flag football. Body contact. Here in Canada--body contact starts at 11 years old. The kids are learning the body contact this year and learning their limits.

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Thanks for your insurance comments ladies I appreciate it. I did out smart one cost for breast care, about 2 months ago I had yet another lump right beside the bc area. This time it felt like 2 lumps. Went to the surgeon and ofcourse he wanted to cut them out. I said why cut them out if they may be nothing. Long story short they were then going to send me to the hospital for an ultra sound which usually cost me out of pocket toward my deductible 500- 700 dollars. Instead  I  found a place in a near by city that is a breast clinic I called and asked them if an ultra sound is billed and part of an office visit (which is just a co pay $15) and they told me yes. Had it done there they saw nothing suspicious end of story. Doctor at breast clinic said come back anytime you feel the need to check out a lump. Doctor also told me the tissue in that area is broke down due to  radiation and surgery in that area. I hope it was the right thing to do.

    Love all the show and tell pictures : )

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    This morning I am plagued with “shotgun” sneezing!   A good 7 or 8 in a row!

    Sptmm: a 10K?!?!?!?   Holy smokes!!!  You are my new hero, lady!   Good for you!  That is amazing.  Enjoy, it might be a few weeks before you can do your next one!   Don’t worry about that surgery at all.  You are in great shape and ready to go.   You are making the right choice and you will be happy with your results.  The best part is it the fact it is your own body fat.  They really feel natural.  Every now and again they get in the way but by and large I have gotten quite used to them! To answer your question, they are fine.  Completely fine.  They feel like breasts, soft and warm, and they are really just great.  I am very happy with the results and am glad I did it.  More to this point, NO NECROSIS!  I was petrified about that but it is all good, my friend ;)

    I am glad you made the follow-up post about realizing Tex had posted!  I do that sometimes, though.  I just figured she must be really nervous!!

    Rachel: things have changed a lot because when my brother played pee wee, there was checking.   “Hitting” and “hockey” are rather synonymous and it seems antithetical that it is being introduced in a “controlled” manner.   Sometimes they check to avoid falling etc…   It just seems to remove the naturalness from the game to regulate the very essence of it.  It would be like controlling sliding into bases in baseball.

    You are so lucky to have such good healthcare!  Seriously-a myopic view into our healthcare again.  Effin chemo left me, too, with hiding veins.  They have to stick me 6 or 7 times to get a vein.  NEVER did anyone mention the “pediatric” team but crap, that does make a whole lot of sense!   It got so bad for me about not wanting to be pricked 7 times to get a vein that recently I told them regarding the drain in my stomach, that I did not want any anesthesia so in this way I could avoid being stuck 6 or 7 times because they would not be giving me an IV.  I opted for the pain of the procedure over the pain of being attacked with needle pricks.  Seriously, again, this pediatric business was never mentioned and btw, this was “in” the hospital.  Most of the time they can get a vein on me but b/c I could not lift over all these past weeks and because of the no-eating/drinking after midnight business every time I go, of course now I am partially dehydrated and I am a hard stick anyway.   

    I am looking forward to hearing your WW updates!  Good for you for taking the initiative.   Oh, on that note, I follow this “fact” thing on Twitter and the other night they sent out a tweet that said you have to walk the length of an ENTIRE FOOTBALL FIELD to burn off 1 (ONE) M&M!!!!  How awful is that?!

    Iowa: good for you for getting over on the damn system!!!!!  Mo money, mo money for YOU! Gadzooks, do they think we are hiding money in our ass?! Would they not have seen it on a scan and summarily removed it and tossed it into the big cancer fireplace anyway?!?!   What is even more enthralling about your story is the fact that the other place you went to with the copay was “welcoming” of you coming back there.  Good for you! Thanks for posting that story also as it reminds all of us to make a few phone calls before dumping more cash.

    There is a hiking group I have belonged to for years and the members are pretty steady but over these past few years, obviously, I have not been around.  They have kept in touch and I just backed away, and in a rather circumspect manner, I just said I had a health issue.  In any case, I am looking so forward to getting back to going!  I just actually started looking at the emails of all the fun events and am thinking maybe, just maybe, I am getting closer to seeing them again!

    Good day, girls!

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    I am to. Got out the hospital wed been in there for five days due to dehydration and flu like symptoms. Im still feeling kind of tired and depress I feel like nobody loves me because of the situation Im in. Im in the middle of chemo and alot has happen to me I just wish all of this was over. Love the dog very pretty.

  • Hey all!  So sorry for being MIA.  THings have been insanely busy!  I've been working like a mad woman listing vintage jewelry in my Ruby Lane store-   I'm learning all about how to pin my items and do all kinds of fun stuff.  Ah well - and the bills continue to roll in and just trying to keep our heads above water....

    Meanwhile......all this crap has happened.  My mower broke and the bill came and was almost double of what he quoted me - my washing machine broke and I was living at the laundromat for a few weeks shelling out a small fortune...but I finally got a new one (thanks to my mom...) -it the biggest size they come in and it's a top load Whirlpool, but works like a front loader, so there's no agitator in it.  I LOVE it!  Our clothes have never been this clean --all the whites that were dingy that I could never get clean are now white again!

    AND THEN, you know how I've been raising this batch of meat chickens.  Well, my processor crapped out on me.  Well actually, I asked her when I got them and she said yes, she was still processing (she was $3 a bird, always).  I asked again a few weeks ago and she refused to quote a price - she just said "call me and we'll work something out".  Well, I did and THEN she said "Um...I can't give you a price.  I will have to call you back."  WTH!!!  It took FOUR DAYS and she finally came back at $8 a chicken!!

    I was really irked - they clearly know we are struggling financially, as they are in our church.  Was she serious? the only other place was down near the city - a USDA facility that wanted $4 a bird AND papers from Trenton saying that my chickens have been tested by the state for bird flu!  (WHAT???)

    I said "Forget it - WE'RE GOING TO DO THIS OURSELVES!" 

    I never thought I'd say that.  Honestly.  But I figured - I survived natural childbirth -- I survived BC - I survived chemo - I CAN DO this!  I WOULD do this!

    And we did!  Two of my BFF's came over and we three ladies, with help from the kids, butchered the first 12!  I'll stick some pictures on, but I['ll keep it on the "clean" side since I know it can be kinda squeemish. 
    We had the laptop out there, following it step by step. 
    We did the first 12 and they came out great - we're doing to do the remaining 14 on Monday! :D

    So that's where life is right now.  I feel well - I go back to the oncologist in November.  We're going to a new church (only 20 people) that I really love -very charismatic; kinda pentacostal - something I'm not used to at all, but it's really an amazing experience.  I have my kids involved in some other church groups for kids at other churches, so lots has changed for us; at least it really feels like it.

    OH - and the wildlife sanctuary did a Bales of Hope event, and I got video interviewed by the press guy!  I don't know where my interview will land, but he said he will be compiling a video of the event and it will be on Youtube, etc.

    Anyway, so this wasn't something I wanted- but we were there for the event and the sanctuary owner introduced me to the videographer and he pulled me into one of the buildings and asked if he could interview me.  He kept the camera on me and asked me all about breast cancer - what kind I had and what the experience was like, and why we were at the sanctuary.  I babbled about it being a place of healing and "life" after being through so much with the cancer and fear of death.  I talked about how it was healing for my kids and family, etc., etc.  I have no idea what I said _ I wouldn't shut up.  Even after he was done, I kept on talking and then he turned the camera back on and said "wait -say that again".  And I'm like... "What, say what again?"  LOL!    I'll post if it goes up on Youtube - as long as I do go viral! :D

    So things have been crazy busy.  Now I'm just focusing on building my store up as much as possible - we're not in a good place at all financially.  I would love to declare bankruptcy and just try to wipe out the credit card debt..but... :(  that won't solve the underlying problem of needing more income and less bills!

    Hope all is well - Tex - hope your cough is allergies!  Lizzy - glad the boobs are good now --

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Calamity, I am glad you posted. The interview sounds like it was exciting.  I tried to open the site to your store and it said that they had no store by that name.   Maybe I am too quick?   Good luck with it anyways and give us a chance to do some Christmas shopping there. 

    Laters all Ginger

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Thanks Rachel for your positive vibes, I am definitely accepting all the good wishes and prayers I can get!  Kieran's league plays with checking.  He joined the league at 13 and they were checking, so I don't know when the start.  I totally get you on the hitting.  Kieran is really little so last year they allowed him to stay in juniors instead of moving up to seniors, but this year he had to move up.  He is 5' tall and weighs 78 lbs., some of those kids are 6'.  I worry about him but his coach says that the big kids kinda take it easy on the little ones and so far it has been true.  But, his league is a rec league too, not travel.  So, they may be a little less fierce.  Sorry to hear about the veins.  Seems like they need to take blood from us all the time, that must be a pain. 

    Lizzie, HIKING!! Seriously?? I have been thinking about how much I would love to start hiking!   When you are up and running with your group, maybe I can drive up for a hike one day.  I am still waiting for that tour of the city...LOL! As for the M&M, sorry I read that one, they are my favorites!

    Lady... I love it!  Sock it to those STUPID insurance companies!  Thats great that you even thought to shop around, I don't know if that would occur to me.  But now it does, I might try it sometime.

    Felis:  Have patience, you are almost there.  It is very difficult, we have all been there.  But just keep focused on what you have to do and it will be nothing but a bad memory soon.  Feel better!

    Cal:  Talk about woman slaughtering chickens.  You really do seem to be able to stretch your resources very well, while providing your children with the healthiest meat they can get.  Good for you!

    I still haven't caught up on everything so forgive me if I forgot anyone.  The catch up might have to wait till after the surgery, I have so much to do to prepare.  

    Good night everyone,


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Debbi - Best wishes on your surgery.  When is the date?

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors-

    I hope you all are doing well.  I am lamenting the rain today as I wanted to show those leaves who is boss but alas they will live to litter my lawn another day!

    Sptmm:  Your excellent physical condition is of concern to me when it comes to taking you on a NYC tour therefore I am in the process of buying a “Segue” so as to perform the tour at a pace congruent with what you are used to!!!!  I hope you understand!!!   On the hiking, sure, come on over!  Also check PMs for a way you can find a local hiking group…although hiking on LI?!?

    Deb, your surgery is going to go just fine and I will be wishing you the best with every thread of my body on Tuesday right into Wednesday and will be thinking of you until I get that “got some new boobs” text!!

    Felis: hang in there, girl.  Chemo will be over.  I know what you mean about people and how you might feel like they are not coming around because of what you are going through.  I don’t know where you are located but you might want to see if there is a Cancer Support Community in your area.  Here is the link:

    BTW, this is not just “smoke in mirrors” but they actually do some good for cancer patients through these centers.   Something to consider.

    Cal: I have to say something here.  You have used this thread to advertise for “bales of hay” fundraising and you have advertised your “store” on Ruby Lane 2 or 3 times now.  This thread is not for those purposes, I am sorry.  Also, please don’t talk about slaughtering animals.  I am happy that you are so resourceful but these advertisings, fundraisings and now talk of slaughtering animals really have no place here at all.  

    As for the financial struggles, we *ALL* have taken a hit to one extent or another.   I am sorry things are so hard but following your "Ruby Lane" advertisement  with 2 paragraphs talking of financial struggles is making some people uncomfortable.  I am the only one, however, that took direct issue with the talk of slaughtering chickens so far.  I hope you understand, this is just not the place for that.  Please no more posts about your stores or local fundraising for "pink" bales of hay or anything to do with trying to evoke an exchange of funds of any type from this thread.

    I really don’t even appreciate the fact I had to even say something but when people who come here to talk about bc struggles and their lives under the auspices of such a struggle, no one wants to be made to feel uncomfortable. 

    Ginger; if you want to shop at Calamtykels store, please PM her for more information.   I know you want to help.

    I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

    Happy trails-

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    Does chemo make your eyes watery, my eyes has been running like crazy.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    felis - Certain chemos like taxotere can make your eyes water and twitch.  What chemo are you on?  Each one is a little different.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I saw ClamityKels post entirely differently. Her week had been rough and she was looking for some support. She had been very busy trying to support her family.  Many women today are multitasking to make it financially and Calamity is a prime example of that.   I didn't find her post to be offensive in any way.    

    I think the most important thing here is to support one another with love, where we are at. 

    Love to you all


  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Rachel I hope its something simple like bronchitis! Yeah its crazy- today i felt wonderful! hardly coughed at all then tonight it hit me! WHAM coughing fits and my chest feels like its burning (the bone or muscle) Hve you tried a blood draw from the hand? thats wehre they've been getting it lately.

    Debbi- No worries i have done that before!!!!!

    Kel bravo for doing it yourself- seriously $3 a bird to $8 a bird to $4 a bird is just plain crazy- i know our chickens are never as plump as those in the store which they only carge $3-4 for anyhow! 

    matthew 6:25-34 have helped me when stressing about our finances.

    Felis- Glad to hear you're out. Try killing 2 birds with one stone- try eating high water content foods in order to get some fluids and nutrients in! Watermellon, grapes, greens that sort of thing :) It could be the type of chemo you're on and also since it weakens your immune also you may not be able to fight irritants like before

  • Lizzy - seriously?  Really?  After two years - that's what you think of me - that I would use this forum to advertise my store.  Really?

    I thought maybe you'd like to know what I was up to - that i'd check in - I don't assume anyone on here has ever been interested in shopping my store - I have a certain set of customers and it's not like someone here is going to suddenly be interested in antiques and stuff!  I just  thought it was just fun to show what I'd been doing!  Other than going for bloodwork and worrying!

    As for slaughtering animals - it's part of farming.   My post wasn't ABOUT That - it was about me doing something that was very very hard - taking charge of a difficult situation and not allowing other people to control me or what happened.

    Do you think your chicken grows on trees?  Really?  After all the talk we've had on here about tainted meat and such.  BUt on the whole it was about breaking out and MOVING on from breast cancer - same with bales of hope!  CLEARLY it would have been cool to see some of you if you are in the metro area, at the bales event - that's what it was about NOT about funding.  I only contributed $10 to them but I went to the event and it was fun.  I guess that's now a taboo topic too - along with my line of work.  And as for getting interviewed - never mind - I won't bother posting the Youtube video since that will be seen as some kind of sinister propaganda too.

     I thought it was really COOL to be involved in something like that.  It's about MOVING ON from breast cancer.  We've all been to hell and back - why can we not talk about anything other than our foobs??

    Know what?  I'm done.  I wish you all well - have a happy life, and I won't check in again.  And I'm not going to check my PM's either, although I see that I Have some.  I really just can't deal with more drama right now.

    Im' sorry that after two years that's really what you think of me Lizzy - you've already had words with other people, and if it continues you will be the only one left posting here to yourself.  Thank you Ginger and Tex - love you guys and glad we were able to make this journey together but I've clearly got my walking papers here and it's time for me to move on.

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Cal...I hope that you don't leave. I never take offense to anything and am interested in what everyone is doing. Like you said, life is now about moving on but keeping ties to our shared experience. I have been on this site for a couple of years and this along ith a Canadian thread are the only ones I check. I am so pleased that a group of us has stayed in touch. Cal..I hope you reconsider.

    Tex...they have tried my and but no veins are just garbage in that arm.

    It is a beautiful fall day here but I went to bed and woke up with a headache so feel horrible. Luckily, it is one weekend in a long time where we don't have anything much to do..for that I am glad.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors-

    It is a fabulously beautiful day in the CT!  Amazing, fall-like and perhaps a really good day for leaf  peeping as it is ***70*** degrees!!!!!!  

    Calamtykel:  You can “talk” about your stores without providing links to them and you can “talk” about your involvement in local fundraising efforts without providing explicit instructions on how people can donate/get involved.  Also a number of us here have discussed our disgust at the whole “pink” business so that is another issue.      

    As for chicken, yes, I am the consumer that simply wants to buy it at the store without watching it killed in front of me and, no, this is not the place for showcasing videos slaughtering chickens.   I think you might be able to understand this.

    I am sure you are on Facebook and that is a much better place for all of this.  If the people who view this thread are interested in knowing more about your stores or want to see a video of a chicken being slaughtered, I am sure they will reach out to you in a PM and you can provide more information at that time.  

    I have always said, time and time again, I admire your spirit and your amazing levels of resourcefulness and that has not changed.  There are limits and when people are made to feel uncomfortable, we have to discuss those limits.  I am sorry if you don’t understand this.  I wish you well in everything you do and in all of your ventures going forward and I hope that at some point you can see that perhaps a point was being made here, not about you personally, but about boundaries.  If you can't see beyond this, you will be missed.

    Felis: yes, chemo can make your eyes water.  I, at one point, had both eyes going but there was a time where it was one or the other.  One ran like a faucet for quite a while.  I just think the body is very interested in getting chemo out in any way possible and as expeditiously as possible.  For this reason, I think the tears are just another way of the body to get some of it out.  There is also a more complicated (and medical!) about how chemo affects our membranes etc…  With each tx, you are getting closer to being done, woman!  Hold onto that and the before you know it, this entire experience will be relegated to the dustbin of history and you will be getting stronger and healthier once again ;)

    Big day today!  I am going to introduce myself to the treadmill again!  These surgeries take an awful lot out of us poor folks!

    Good day, girls-