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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    Speaking about weight lifting thats good I use to be in training for body building before i had my accident and mess my back up. I started in high school wish I could do it now but I cant.

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    Lizzy my left arm is hurting all the way down.

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Hi everyone--I am back from my whirlwind trip to Denmark and back....all that travel for two days of meetings. Exhausted. I didn't really see anything except hotel and meeting rooms--it get darks there pretty early so when I finally did feel like going for a walk--pitch black. Made it back home yesterday. Both to and from Denmark were stopovers at Heathrow in London -- had enough time to buy my UK magazines and run to the plane.  This weekend my husband is away with my youngest son at a hockey tournament. My older son and I went wedding dress shopping with my oldest sister--she found her dress and it was so much fun watching her trying on dresses. All that watching of "Say Yes to the Dress" paid off!

    Tonight we are heading to church as my son is getting confirmed this year and he has various activities to do at church. My jet lag is kicking in a bit as I haven't really rested since getting back. Back to work on Monday too!

    Reading about xmas shopping...I need to get out and get it done as I am always a last-minute shopper who vows every year to start earlier.

    Felis--I had similar experience with my breast after my lumpectomy. I had to go to emerg one night as my breast was "leaking" and was so sore. Basically that had to drain fluid. I got checked for LE and that didn't seem to be the problem. They drained the breast and had me on antibiotics and it cleared up really fast. If your breast hasn't cleared up, time for the Docs to see what is happening--like Lizzie said, they may have to check it out again to ensure all is OK. Perhaps, you are taking longer to heal due to the chemo?? My chemo didn't start until about 6 weeks post surgery--not sure how long the timeframe was between surgery and chemo?

    Hope everyone is doing well. I know it is US thanksgiving this coming weekend--sign the Christmas is around the corner. Few friends are heading down to the US for those crazy shopping days next Friday. I have no patience for fighting crowds like that.

    Have a great week.

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    I hope everyone had a nice weekend!  Good times, busy times but it is all good ;)

    Felisa: that is so cool that you used to body build!  I did too!!!  I loved it- back & bi’s, chest & tri’s, shoulders, glutes/thighs/calves, take a day off and start it all over again!  GOOD TIMES, WOMAN!!  I really loved it.  I never juiced and never competed but I did body build for my own interests as opposed to competition.  It is the best thing you can do for yourself and as you know, muscle has memory!   I have a Weider stack system with 2 seats and about 550+ on the stack…it is a decent home gym but I could easily see myself, given a stretch of no infections and surgery, blowing the stack and having to go back to a gym in no time flat! 

    My lower back is killing me these days but I took a tour of a gym a few weeks ago and was desperate to do some hacks!  No chance!  I really wanted to, though!  I was able to do some dead lifts recently.  My feeling is the more muscle, the better off you are going to be.  Did you continue on with it?  I mean do you still do anything adjusted for cancer and back problems (again we are rowing same boat!)?   Man, my body was a fat burning machine in those days!  It was a lot, though- an hour cardio, 20 stretching (10 before and after), abs, lifting and in the end, it was most of the time 2 hours in the gym.  I did really love it and am very disappointed I got away from it.  Hopefully I will have the opportunity to get back one day.  What about you?  Any interest in doing it again? 

    My left arm is acting funny but my right is even odder.  The right hand won’t close when I tell it to.  It closes half way, stops and then closes completely.  Well, I have a bunch of scans coming up so between the headaches and the weird arm stuff, all will be revealed unfortunately.  I am dreading this.  I really think you are having a touch of LE.

    Rachel: isn’t that the truth about business trips?  I was just talking to my brother who travels just about 3 weeks per month and in past conversations he has basically said the same thing where he sees the inside of the meeting rooms and the inside of his eyelids in the hotel and that is it!   That is a shame  that you hustled all the way to Denmark for a few meetings and shuffled back on a plane.  Well, at least you kicked that cold before you left, right?!  I am realizing as I type I am being presumptuous! 

    Ironic you mention these crazy sales.  When I was on chemo, and like an idiot, I went to Best Buy.  It was raining and cold and instead of letting us line up in the warm mall, they made us wait outside in the freezing cold rain so we would all enter through the parking lot entrance.  I thought that was rude. I was texting my friend who was at Walmart, nice and warm, and in an orderly line!!  I have only gone twice and I just don’t have the patience either.  Unless you camp out, by the time you get to the counter all the good stuff is usually gone with the first 50 people or so.  It is just not worth it to me.

    That sounds like fun in going dress shopping with your sister!   Making memories, girl!  That is what it is all about.

    I wonder where that other Canadian globetrotter, Sweeney, is?!?!?

    Tex: you know I am always thinking of you and hope you are feeling well.  I know being back on chemo is a bit of a drag but at least it is pills so no traveling and it is going to patch you up and send you on your way ;)   Hope you are feeling better by the minute, girl!

    I hope everyone is feeling well and enjoying this pre-holiday week

    Good day, girls-

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    No i dont i had back surgery two herinated disc removed also i have sj in my hip is messed up all this was due to an accident when i use to work in 95. I use to work 12 hour shifts work out on my days off one day it caught up with me and i ended up in the hospital. I didnt know i was a diabetic passed out driving. I started off Power Lifting.

    I really miss it my body has taken a down fall i walk though but i cant go to far with my left hip and leg giving out. I know what you mean i loved it very much i did try to get back into it after my accident but i couldnt.

    Oh well my breast is still swelling and its very hard under my arm pit also. My low back is hurting me bad ankles swollen from standing on my feet cooking my Thanksgiving dinner, not expecting noone just me and my husband daughter and her boyfriend i just dont want to be bother with anybody.

    My chemo is next Monday then i go see my surgeon Tuesday to find out whats going on with my breast.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Lizzie, keep us all up to date wiuth you Doc appts please. I know getting all those migraines worried me a lot. I don't like that you are having any problems either.   

    My migraines have slowed, it has been a week since one. I am still off of the Aromasin. I really like being off of it but know I will go back on something or other.  

    Texas, I wish your chemo was easier. I used that same medicine when I had lots of runny tummy in Haiti. It helped me control it a bit and that was good. I used it during chemo too. I wish I had taken more pain killers because they worked really well. I send you lots of hugs my friend. 

    Felisia, I hope you get to the Doc soon. One thing, write your questions and concerns out now so you don't forget. I always forgot. I hope they can fix you up and all will be good soon. Lizzy really went through it with all this crap. She has good info for you.   

    Love Ginger

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Happy Thanksgiving to my American friends! Hope you have a great, relaxing long weekend :)

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Happy Thanksgiving, warriors!!!!!!!!

    I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday!

    Am I the only one that still loves this Macy's Parade?!?! 

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

    Lizzy, it just doesn't feel like the Christmas season until Santa comes..LOL!  Love that parade!


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Happy thanksgiving!

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Happy Thanksgiving ladies, we made it home just in time for family tg dinner. Our time in Fl. was awesome. DHs driver 24 even won that day. He was in nascar heaven big time.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    I had a lovely holiday and I hope you all did as well ;)  

    Sptmm: that parade is such a part of the fabric of my holiday life, I don't think I ever missed it, even once!  I love it!  I hope you had a good holiday. It was nice to see everyone and to have dinner together.  Good times!

    Iowa: glad your dh's driver won!!!  He must have been ecstatic!!! I saw on ESPN there is a woman in one of the pit crews and how they are giving her such a hard time. It is a shame as she is faster and better than most of the guys that are complaining!  I hope she makes it.  Glad you had a nice trip ;)

    Well, I am going to put on my boxing gloves and go out for Black Friday!!! Joking...I would NEVER!  I don't care if they are giving stuff away, you won't find me waiting on lines, in the cold, to save a few bucks!  Oh no! 

    Good day, girls!  

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    My breast is still swollen also under my arm its burning and paining. The pain is shooting down my left arm can anybody tell me what this is. I go see my onc for my treatment Monday after this one Ill have one more to go.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    felisa - I think you need to go see see someone about it.  If you don't know what the pain is from something is going on and needs to be looked at.  Do you have a primary care doctor?  Who have you seen about it so far?  This is has been on for quite a while if I remember correctly.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    I hope everyone had a nice holiday! 

    Ginger: I did not realize your migraines were that frequent.  I realize how frequent they are now that you point out they are less frequent in you not having gotten one in a week.  That is very difficult to deal with.  I am so glad they have slowed. 

    I will keep you all posted about doc appointments.  Thanks ;)

    Felis: Lymphedema can occur after cellulitis and it is can be painful.  I agree with Omaz, however, in that you need to get to either your bs or gp to find out if you do have LE and what they can do about it.  Whatever it is, a doctor is the only one that can conclusively tell you what is going on.  All we are doing here is speculating and that won’t help you.  The good news is cancer almost never presents with pain so if you were worried about recurrence, it would not seem to be the case but like I said, we are only speculating here.  You need to be checked out.  I hope you get some professional answers this week.  I would just rest today and see what your onc says tomorrow. I would definitely call your GP and/or bs for appointments this week.  I would call my bs right away tomorrow morning and get in there for an appointment.

    I hope you feel better.

    Tex: how are you, woman?!  I hope you are feeling better and better every day ;)  Stop by and let us know how you are.  I suspect you will most likely rest tomorrow after the week off with the kids so maybe we will hear from you on Tuesday!  I hope all is well.

    Sptmm: you are most likely running some marathon today!  Just thinking of you and wondering how you are.

    Well I hope everyone is doing well.  Good day, girls!

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Felis--I agree with the others--seems like you need the Doctors to take a look at this and explain all these symptoms. I'm sure there is an explanation--but sounds like you need it looked at and hopefully you can get some answers fast.

    Hope everyone is doing well. I cannot believe that December is around the corner. Christmas shopping should be high on my agenda but I don't feel like it always, I will be the last minute shopper. The weather has become chilly back in their winter jackets. We had a great weekend and today is the Grey Cup (Canadian football the super bowl). With my kids suffering withdrawal from hockey---football is it. Toronto is in the finals in Toronto so the city is crazy! Go Argos :)

    Have a great week everyone!

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Just stopping in to say "Hi Everyone"!

    Tex, hope you are feeling better.  I am thinking about you, sending positive vibes your way every day.

    Rachel:  Hope the Argos won.  For me, even without hockey I cannot stomach football.  I have been watching a ton of soccer, even basketball.  Sure hope they start the hockey season soon! How's it going with your thyroid medication, have you been feeling better?

    Lizzy:  Hi!!!!! How are you doing?  How is your recovery going?  I am feeling great, everything seems to be healing well and the boobs look pretty good!  DIEP is definitely a great option.  How's things up the in CT! My daughter and I actually contemplated going Black Friday shopping Thanksgiving night, but in the end I was too tired and went to bed at 9 LOL...just can't stay awake these days.  We did go out during the day on Friday to the local Outlet Center.  Really wasn't bad though, not insanely busy and it was a beautiful day weatherwise here so it was nice to walk around outside. 

    Felis:  Hope you did okay today with your chemo.  Sending prayers your way!

    Ginger:  Migraines are tough, I hope you get some permanent relief for yours.  They really do affect your daily life.  I have several friends that have them.  Funny, they started for them all at around age 40, must be something that happens to our bodies then. 

    Iowa: Glad your trip was enjoyable.  Your husband must have been thrilled.  I have been told by many of my NASCAR mad family members that there is nothing like watching a race from the pits!

    Hope everyone is enjoying their holiday season!


  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    i am doing good- thanks all. No more wheezing and coughing is nearly gone! Just some tummy troubles from the medicine thats it... Yeah i did nap today after having the kidsa all week- then when they got home they were fighting and bickering! its not even 7 and i put the trouble makers to sleep!

    Felisa- you NEED to have that checked out! No need to live in pain if it is somethign that can be treated!

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    Well I had my chemo today and the onc looked at my breast got me on iv antibiotics and set me up for and ultrasound because she found a lump under my left arm where they removed the lymph nodes. I go for my ultrasound in the morning then to my bs and back to the cancer institute for my iv anitbiotics and wed will be my last day for antibiotics. Also my last treatment is Dec 14th Im so happy. I got to try to get through this one then off to radiation.

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    Now how is everybody else is doing? Everybody is so concern about me I want to know how things going with you all.

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    Girl I hope I get through with this, its hard it seems like my next one is so far away.

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    Im getting it taken care of sweetie.

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    Its nice to know you feeling a little better hope you continue to feel better.

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    How you been doing. I received a head wrap from good wishes also.

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Hi all:

    Debbie--my thyroid medication is going fine. They did see a change in my thyroid but also at the same time found some immune deficiency that could cause my thyroid to stop working again. Craziness. Since going back to the Dr a few weeks ago--my Doc told me to start getting moving and losing some weight. Since then--have lost 18lbs. Have a long way to go but hopefully, will be able to tell you all at some point that I am back to pre-cancer weight. I started walking at lunch with a co-worker and although, it is getting cold--will stick it out!

    Felis--Glad you had the Doctor check it out--let us know when you find out about the Ultrasound. 

    My boss's wife just was diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer--clear cell---which supposedly is very rare. They are devastated. She started chemo already -- they have indicated that although the chemo may only give 10% improvement--they are going for it. She is pretty young (<50) and they have two University aged kids. Honestly, it seems that everytime I turn around -- cancer is there. I have passed over a few books and also my head scarves to her.

    It seems to have turned freezing cold now..I went for a walk today at lunch and am still trying to warm up!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors!

    I hope you all are doing well.    

    I have been doing some thinking and I have to come clean with you all!  I have been dealing with some scary stuff.  I have a massive lump in my left breast that was scaring me dreadfully but I wanted to get through the holiday and so I waited to get it checked out.  I also had a mass in my lower abdomen that I did suspect was scar tissue but one never knows after a cancer dx.  Add to this the 3 holes in my body that seemed to refuse to heal for over 2 months now and I have been a wreck speculating about what my immune system was busy doing and why these things were not healing.

    Bottom line, it appears to be fluid but they don’t know where the fluid is coming from or how it got there.   More to come on this as I go thorugh an echocardiogram, xrays, bloodwork and off to scanville soon thereafter.  In any case, it got me thinking: what am I worried about? I have cancer and there is no changing that.  Cancer symptoms come and go and it is very much a lifelong disease. 

    It also got me thinking how lucky all of us are to be getting close to celebrating 3 years since dx.  Some people don’t get 3 months from dx.  We are all hitting our stride with this disease meaning we have found an efficient and sustainable manner of dealing with this disease.  This is the fabric of our lives now and when mets/recurrence arrives, which invariably it will, we will just deal with it.  It is most likely going to happen to most of us at some point or another and I just feel that I will have enough time to be dead when I die and I need not waste valuable time preparing for it!!!  Every day is a gift, people.

    I do realize, however, that with most of us coming up on our 3 year since dx, it is easy to fall back into some old habits.  Sptmm reminded me recently that she read that exercising 4-7 hours per week greatly reduces risk of recurrence and we all know she has embraced that avoidance factor!  I have also been studying why the Chinese, living in China, and why they have such lower rates of cancer than we do.  Of course, modern med and are they getting dxd early/at all before expiration is always a factor but the fact remains Chinese and Japanese people do not suffer our cancer rates until they move West (of course they then become a part of our population subject to our treatment and statistics).  The one thing they largely do not eat is dairy.  I found that interesting. 

    In any case, the little changes we might make as we hit the 3 year mark is to renew our “vows” to a better lifestyle, revisit consuming those dark, leafy greens, exercise a little more and make sure to do our best to maintain immune system health.  Another issue is cancer can only thrive in a body with a depressed immune system so for people like Rachel and I suffering thyroid issues, we have to be extra careful and for all of you, get your rest, sleep, stretch and try to keep stress to an absolute minimum.  Don’t sweat the small stuff!  Immune system health must be maintained!!

    Finally, fertile ground for luck is when preparedness meets opportunity.  If we celebrate our 3 year anniversaries with verve and revisit some of the lifestyle changes we put in place right after dx, who knows?  Or perhaps there are some changes we can yet make? Our preparedness might meet with opportunities that don’t even exist yet.  This is all part of the good fight and you need to remind yourself if cancer wants to go into the ring with you again, you are going to put on your gloves and fight!  Continue on with little lifestyle changes *not* because we think we can control cancer through changes but because we are trying to help ourselves.  Finally, remember Timothea, that lovely Texasrose we are all blessed to have gotten to know and who knocks this disease down over and over and over and over again!  She is the inspiration from which we all draw! 

    Rachel: congratulations on losing 18 lbs!!!!!  I am looking forward to your post when you tell use you are at pre-dx weight!   Good times to come, sister!

    BTW, I, too, am a last minute shopper!   I find it fun!

    The lunch time walks are a great idea.   I know it is cold but you should warm up after the first few minutes…well 10…well maybe not at all!  It is still a great way to spend your lunch so good for you!

    Sorry to hear about your boss’s wife but you are right, every where you turn someone is being dxd with this damn disease.  I never heard of clear cell.  I was just talking to a friend who told me 3 months ago his father was being checked out for cancer.  I asked him last week how his father was and he said he died a few weeks prior.  I cannot believe this disease. It is just flabbergasting.

    Sptmm: I am cruising along.  I am nervous about the upcoming scans etc… and about these back issues and numbness in my hands not to mention where that fluid is coming from but I have to take it all one step at a time!  As for falling asleep, after that surgery sleep was my favorite so I understand why you did not get out to any stores!!  That surgery takes a lot out of us but it is definitely a great option, I agree.

    Tex: good for you on sending the trouble makers to sleep early!!  I am sure they needed it after a week off and a return to school today!

    I am beyond excited you are feeling better!  This is the ***best*** news ever!!!  I am so glad you finally got that med and are feeling better.  Chemo, of course, is hard on the stomach but we all know the upside to it!

    Felis: it seems like we are in the same boat, woman!  Only think is your fluid issue is more painful than mine!  You were meant to come and join our thread so we can support and guide each other in this mutual experience across the miles!  Our situation is eerily similar!   Please let me know what they find out from the US.  Did the dr mention LE?

    I am so glad your last tx is Dec 14!! Good times, woman!  Good times, indeed.  It is great they put you on IV antibiotics.  It is just faster and works more efficiently than pills and you are at a point where I think you needed that.

    The Good Wishes wrap is such a nice gesture on that part of that company and they are pretty, too!  That is just so nice. 

    I am glad you are doing better today.  Keep us posted on your US results and good luck tomorrow. 

    Today when I was leaving the PS office she said, in regards to my concern about mets/recurrence and that mysterious lump in my chest, that I have every right to be concerned b/c my cancer was a bad one!  I know there is no such thing as a good one, and all my docs knew mine was a bad one but my little ears were never exposed to such words!  Alas the facts are the facts.

    OMG—I was researching nitrates and meat and found this rather funny acid test for meat consumption from some joker:

    A good rule is look at the animal when it is alive.   Does a pig or cow look healthy?  Nope but deer, fish and chicken all do!

    That is all, that is all!!!!!!!  Sweet dreams to everyone and to all a good, restful night :)

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Lizzy- Hmmmm would an upside to the tummy troubles be breathing LOL Seriously i finally can sleep without coughing myself awake every 10 minutes! I am enjoying that!

    Be the squeaky wheel with all your issues! If it doesnt feel right get a second or third or fourth opinion! But i agree we're all coming up on our 3 year mark and for that we should be thankful!

    Which reminds me- I met one of my goals as a MBC gal- I made it to 30 years old! Not really a goal per-se lol but something i wanted make it to!

    WTG Rachel! 18 pounds isnt chump change! ( i get excited for loosing 3 or 4 pounds, but somehow within a week i find it again!) Your boss's wife is lucky to have you! I know when someone close to me was dx'd i sent them (they still live in my home state) my what to eat when you have cancer book. Which was helpful!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    LOL also to add to your meat guy post- how do we know if our meat came from a healthy looking animal or a sickly one???? all my meat comes pre-wrapped at my grocery store! made me giggle!