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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Omaz- the path report did say it wasnt ER+ anymore but still Her2+ the tykerb replaces herceptin.

    Sue sorry i just read your reply. WHat is this new her2 treatment called???? Like i was telling omaz the tykerb is what they use for her2. That was nice that they are going to wait so his friends can be able to attend. Especially at this young age, losing someone is hard, so whomever planned that I give kudos to.

    No i havent heard of that. I will check into it :)

    WOW i missed a lot LOL i was going back up to read what i wrote and realized these last couple of posts i was in a rush-

    SO let me go into details that i missed: The oncologist told me that i have a "film of cancer" basically coating my right lung, he said it was odd the way its presenting itself because it isnt growing tumors like cell onto of cell until there is a mass, but its like they are side by side. That is what is causing me breathing problems, it is triggering brochi-asthma (but inhalers arent working) and bronchitis (which numerous antibiotics hasnt helped because it wasnt an infection) He suspects that once i am taking this chemo the side effects of the cancer itself will basically reslove. Which would be nice because i am constantly coughing and wheezing! These medications have very minimal side effects, loose stools, some wierd rash and nausea are the more common things... Nothing i cant handle LOL! That was it basically in a nut shell. Oh and the fact that my cancer isnt estrogen positive anymore was odd- that may be the reason i had progression  on the tamoxofen and on the arimidex.... Leave it up to cancer to mutate against whats attacking it. I think of cancer like a really strong "antibiotic resistant bacteria" bacteria is smart enough to change so cancer is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY smart LOL

    Oh yeah and this rash on my face is an allergic reaction to the tape they used to tape in my oxygen tube while going in with the scope.... Hmmmm it isnt going away yet, but when i had my breast biopsy they put the tape on it and i literally blistered up so i guess my face rash could have been worse!

    Well gotta get everyone ready for church :)

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Tex- the following is a copy

    Ask your oncologist about Perjeta.

    HER2 is a protein involved in normal cell growth. Some types of cancer cells (HER2-positive), including some breast cancers, have excessive amounts of the protein. In these HER2-positive breast cancers, the protein promotes cancer cell growth and survival.

    Perjeta is given intravenously. It's believed to work by attacking a different part of the HER2 protein than trastuzumab, which reduces the growth and survival of HER2-positive breast cancer cells.


  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Thank you all!!!

    Debbi- yeah thats something they will be telling their grandkids

    Lizzy- yeah i am with you (now) about the not getting lawyers involved. As y'all may know i wasnt taken seriously at first when i suspected something was wrong, i was swept under the rug so to speak so i did try to go after the doctor legally, that didnt pan out- whatever, i am in my life goes on mode so i cant be bothered with thinking of that!

    Oh THEY DO KNOW about that, there is just way too many ppl involved in my care so the communication between them all is outrageous! The thing is they wouldnt do the zometa before i saw the dr although zometa is seperate from my chemo, the zometa is for my bones so i will take it always and forever regardless of my chemo, so i told them remember i need to be back by a certain time they said dont worry (well they never ordered the med from the in house pharmacy so when i finally got to go to the chemo room i waited a good 15 minutes for it to arrive- had they just ordered the medicine while i was waiting to see the dr, it would have been ready) Well honestly i had to skip lunch on my way home in order to get there on time, but i was late anyway to pick up my kids.

    funny one of the chemo nurses that i have had often, sorta stepped in for the other that was taking her sweet time. because the first knew i was in a time rush. Honestly the one i had wasnt the best, she spends so much time doting over these sick/elderly patients and basically ignores me. i know i dont look sick but hey i have advanced stage cancer and need a little time too. 

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    thanks sue, i will look into that!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    I hope everyone is having a lovely day!  We are getting into chilly times in the Northeast.  I feel so bad for all these people who have lost their homes and those still without power.  It was 30 degrees last night.  My heart is breaking for all of NY and now we have a Nor’easter heading our way this week.  Unbelievable.

    Iowa: that is just awful what you all are going through.  That poor kid.  Did you all learn of the details of the accident?  It is just horrifying.  I hope you are doing ok.  So sorry for your senseless loss.  He was so young and the whole thing is just awful.

    Tex:  That is just great that the Xeloda and Tykerb come in pill form.   That is just great.  Makes life so much easier.  Was that your onc’s first choice or was he being sensitive to your commute?  Reason I mention this is don’t forget, the ACS has cancer lodges (I think this is what they are called) where you can stay, for free, when getting txs.  If they wanted you to get infusion chemo in SA, you would very likely get to stay in a lodge and perhaps you and dh could work it out that you will not be home one night.   In this way, if you had to get the neulasta shot the next day you can stay overnight in the lodge, get the shot and go home.   All things to consider but the pill is just great and convenient.

    That is an absolute freak of nature that the cancer is no longer ER+.  Effin cancer.  You starve what you think is feeding it and it finds a new food source.  I am so glad the rash on your face is just that!  Good news!  We have to relish every little bit of good news.   I think b/c it is a “film” on your lungs that it was getting ready to organize and it has been caught.  This film business might be part of the process with lung cancer.  I will ask when I go (to you know!) this month.  I want to know more about that and I would love to fly you up for a 2nd.  It might be one of the little known phases of lung cancer as it is organizing.  I think of all these rotten bastards out here that are just garbage bag versions of human beings.  Then I look at you, such a positive, lovely woman and so intelligent and inquisitive and just an absolute beacon of light for everyone and I look at the battle you are mired in.  I just hope they are learning from you and your positive mindset, combined with modern medicine, will defeat this mess!

    You know, something else: as for the nurse who is so concerned with the elderly in the chemo room is comfortable with being overly concerned for them b/c they “look” sick.  I told you, just like those 2 jokers I saw at Walmart that remark about how I look because, of course, they are all EYE DOCTORS and if they can’t see it, it does not exist.  Cancer eats us from the inside out but I just think everyone thinks you have to “look” sick to have cancer.  I was dating this guy once I called “young buck!” He was like 8 years younger but in any case, my dad had lung cancer at the time.  For this reason I was coming back and forth from NY and would date “young buck” when I was in CT!  Well young buck picked me up one night at the RR station (my father did not know I was dating someone else…think I told you all I wanted him to think I was still with the now ex!) and we went to Yale to see him.  Well, when we left Nick said to me “your dad does not look like he has cancer-ious!”  I guess people just don’t know, they just don’t get it and the rudeness is in what they don’t see does not exist.  If she takes her sweet ass time again, call me and give me her name.  I will call and have a talk with her ;)

    Sptmm: only jog 2 miles today, girl!  You need to pace yourself!!!!!  I hope you are having a good day.

    Omaz: I hope everything is going well out there in the nice, warm, balmy desert!  Yes, I am jealous! Actually, I don't mind it getting colder...for all of my talk about the cold, I do like the seasons.  

    Felis: definitely rest but you also need to respond to the iron deficiency.   I despise liver but Tex is right as all sources say eat organ meat.  If you like liver, get some.  My father used to eat it with onions…gross-a-rita!!!!  That was definitely one of the alternate meal nights b/c none of us liked liver!  Skip the fried food as much as possible now AND going forward.  I know it is yummy but it is definitely not good for us cancer girls.  In fact, I allow myself fried food no more than once per month and often times not even that.  You have to be careful, too, b/c almost everything is fried.  I like fried clams so if I want to have those, it is no more than once per month.  I never fry food at my house (my father, Fireman Bob, is on my shoulder reminding me of the perils of frying and the potential for fire!!) so it is always a treat but the oil is a catalyst for proliferation of cancer cells.  A few things you have to remember about cancer: cancer LOVES sugar; cancer LOVES IT when you don’t exercise and if your bc is estrogen-driven then cancer also LOVES soy.    Don’t help cancer, help yourself.   Do a little walking, watch your sugar intake and avoid soy.  I know the jury is out on “good soy” and “bad soy” for us bc girls but as far as I am concerned, soy is estrogens bff so if you have an ER+ bc, I would skip the soy almost entirely.   BTW, the way we ate before bc definitely did not cause bc BUT now that we know it is here, we don’t want to accommodate it in any way.  This is why I say take simple steps nutritionally to starve it.  There is no guarantees, just smart moves.  Make sure you go get some liver today especially you like it!!

    The other day I found an old Disco workout tape.  Yes, I am one of the last people in the Western Hemisphere with a working VCR!!  Well, let me tell you all, I had totally forgotten how it is both fun and a workout! #goodtimes

    Good day, girls-

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I don't have time to read all the above, I will catch up later. 

    Debbi thank you for saying I was nice.  That got erased from my last post.  

    Texas, I gave myself Neulasta at home. It took maybe one minute of my time. Hurts way less than tweezing an eyebrow hair. I hope all of thins goes really easy for you and your family. I send you the biggest hugs possible. 

    Lizzy now that I know you have a VCR you need to get that movie with Olivia Newton John where they are roller skating. That would make for a cheerful day. 

    The bear didn't come back last night, at least he didn't wake us up. 

    Laters Ginger


  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Feliz...I also had low iron during chemo and ended up having an iron shot (Iron Dextran--DexIron). It did help. I also had it after the birth of my second son due to blood loss. I have always struggled with low iron---I used to give blood and even before cancer came into my life, I had to stop giving blood due to my low iron. I have tried various alternate therapies and different foods. I cannot eat organ meat....I just cannot do it. I grew up in a vegetarian home (explains why I am not that much of a meat eater!!).

    It is a chilly day today here. I am still struggling with stomach upset and now my oldest son isn't feeling well so it must be something that I caught. I am headed to Minnesota tomorrow for work--hopefully this stomach thing resolves itself before next weekend and I have to fly to Denmark. I am going to Doc next Friday for the results of my thyroid and will chat with her then about my ongoing stomach problems. Strangely it started once I started to lose weight on WW...I guess my body is rejecting all this healthy eating :)

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    Thank U

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    I forgot to tell you all: yesterday on Twitter I learned of a man in North Andover MA who was dxd with Stage IIIb bc.  Of course the article was largely about how men have no clue they can get bc and then, b/c it is largely a disease affecting women, the psychological problems a man experiences as a result.  In any case, the most important facet of this article I wanted to pass on to you all is that he received a letter from the military that when he was in the Marines stationed at Camp Lejeune he was exposed to cancer-causing agents in the water.  He remarked in the article how they were all working out so much they were drinking tons of water.  In any case, if any of you know people who were stationed at Camp Lejeune in the 80s and 90s, you might want to let them know.

    Rachel: the body has a "set point" weight which perhaps you are aware of.  Well, the body gets comfortable and feels "safe" at that weight no matter how unhealthy for us! What can happen is you will get stomach sick when you lose weight and I remember time and time again, upon weight loss, my body would go into a flu-like state replete with a minor bronchitis.  I have brought this up with docs and the bottom line is it seems basically like my body is throwing a fit.  Clearly it does not know what is good for it!  I am just letting you know this b/c weight loss could be causing your stomach upset.  So much I will never, ever understand! 

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    IowaSue: So sorry to hear about your family's loss. Prayer sent up for you.

    Felis: You are on taxotere, right? It made me dizzy. I stuck close to home for weeks while I was on that horrible drug.

    Football in Alabama is practically a religion. You are either for Alabama or Auburn (the other big state school). I'm for Auburn, but I root for Alabama when they aren't playing us. I went over to some friends last night to watch the Ala/LSU game. They almost got their "NFL caliber" butts kicked, but came back at the last minute, literally, and won.

    Glad everyone came through the storm ok. I'm heading to Savannah next week to visit a friend. I'm ready for some good eating and lots of laughs!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    I also just heard that they are in for a noreaster- most ppl havent even gotten through dealing with Sandy and now this!

    Yes that was his first choice- i have people i could stay with in SA, its not that- its getting my kids to school and getting home in time to pick up... Oh and its not lung cancer, its still breast cancer- IDC still the path was clear on that. From the way my dr was talking this film isnt normal.... hmmm i am not sure if he just meant he had never seen it before or if its just so uncommon in the way breast cancer is know to metastasize.... just the vibe i got off of him, nothing he said specifically. I totally agree a positive mindset is half the battle! if you go into this feeling defeated then you'll prob have a much harder time with all the SEs... i know that whole mess with my sister in law that stressed me out made one of my treatments absolutly awful! It was by far the worse time i had out of ALL my treatments. She had defeated my spirits so i was so down and worried when i did that chemo and it totally showed with how crappy i felt physically!

    LMBO! I will do! But i agree out of sight out of mind for people. I think that is what my sister in law was so hung up on (i had to be faking it if i was doing so well LOL)

    RE vcr: sadly you are :( our vcr went out the other day, i either need to remove the case and clean the heads (which i have to do because i dont think anyone still has vcr head cleaner) or throw it away! The vcr is in my children's room as i find tapes are WAY more durable than disks. DVDs just scratch too easily! I can not afford to replace all their movies at 20+ bucks a pop! Hopefully it cleans!

    Ginger i think that movie was called xanadu.... Bear???? what i must have missed a post!

    Lady enjoy your trip!

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    Roll Tide! Yes I am on that but im also anemic. That drug is awful my eyes be running my nose be running I be feeling like I have a cold. Right now Im just tired alot.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    I hope everyone is doing well.  I had to go to Yale today and did a little shoreline tour of the towns in that area.  OMG…devastation and destruction.  Very sad.

    In any case, saw some people while I was there and they were stunned by how I look!  One woman almost did not recognize me!  I took off my Yankee baseball cap uniform, did my hair and looked human once again!  

    Tex: I am so sorry, my bad.  In the recesses of what little mind I have left, I do realize that it is metastatic bc so I apologize.  Don’t know why I called it lung cancer.

    It is absolutely imperative you stay far, far, far away from anyone that sucks your spirits out of you.  I remember that mess with what I now know to be your SIL.  Stay far away from the evil bitches.  Who the hell is somebody to remark on how you look and the fact that you are not laying down crying about bc is a sign you don’t have it?  People are sick.   You really need to stay around people that support you and take care of you.  That is it.  Avoid the negativity.  That is entirely the last thing you need.

    On the VCR, my embarrassment grows: I have **3**!!   I also have 4 DVD players!  So sad!    I hardly ever use these things which is why I still have them.  The VCRs are working fine but should I have to do any head cleaning, I could not buy the stuff anywhere.  I am sure if you google it will tell you it is one part alcohol and 2 parts water. 

    Ginger: so funny on “Xanadu.”  There was a teenage nightclub some of us went to when I was like 13 and it was called Xanadu.  My stepsister accidentally danced with her cousin!! She did not know it was even her cousin!   In any case, I do remember that movie.  I tweeted Jane Fonda about rereleasing her workouts on DVD.  No response!   Her workouts are just fabulous and timeless classics.

    Consequently, and for the record, you are a very nice woman.  You are very big hearted and all the work you have done, under the auspices of altruism and selflessness, is a badge of honor and those people were lucky to have you.  

    BTW, I am with Tex, did not know about a bear!  We have had a number of bear issues in CT over the past year.  It is very anomalous also.

    Lady: I hope you have a wonderful trip!  Good for you as it is nice to get away especially when you are going to see an old friend.  The best.

    Felis: exactly how you are feeling is pretty much how we all felt during chemo.  I felt like I had a constant cold.  How is your breast doing?  Still hurt?  Is the infection clearing?  Make sure you take the antibiotics as prescribed as problems with an infected breast can sneak right up on you during chemo.   Did you get the liver yet?  Should I stop asking you questions?!?!?!  

    Sptmm: did you see how the runners that showed for the (non) marathon made good use of their time?  Such good work out there.  You know, we have govt and bureaucracy but in the end, we have each other and that is showing more than ever.

    Well I am back to listening to The Verve “Lucky Man!”  This is such a great song. 

    Be good to yourselves, ladies ;)  AND MAKE SURE YOU ****VOTE***** TOMORROW! 

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I checked back and realize I did not write about the bear here.  

    A couple nights ago at about 2:30 AM the dogs and I woke up at the same time. DH is out of town.The dogs were barking like crazy and by the time I got to the other side of the bed and sliding door and flipped the outdoor light switch the bear had turned and was jumping down the three stairs and running on all fours to the back of the yard.  For just a moment I thought it was a burglar dressed like a Ninja but the running on all fours convinced me it was a bear.   The deck has two levels, it goes all across the back of the house and the higher level is by the end of thehouse where our bedroom is. My DGD bubble wand tub was up there and is now on the lower level.    

    A couple weeks ago we had three bears walk through the North side of the yard and go off into the wooded area once again. We haven't seen them since. :) 

    We keep no food of any kind outside. The dogs only go out with us, on lead and with me just in the front of the house. My DH takes them over to the fenced in paddock where they can run around. 

    Dog story for today. DH left a dog chewie on top of big legal bookcase, the kind with the lift up glass doors.  I hear a strange nnoise in the hall and here is big Stewie standing on his hind legs, with his front legs up on the opening edge of the top door with his face up higher on the glass. I know if I hadn't caught him he would have been jumping up and down on his hind legs to get that chewie down.  He has an amazing reach and is pushing us to put things further and further  away.  That his bark scares off a bear earns him a place of honor anyways!   

    Laters Ginger

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    havent got the liver yet but i been eating a lot of green vegetables i have to have a taste for liver before i can eat it, even though i like it. my breast is doing fine and yes i finish taking all my antibiotics. i dont mind the questions it only lets me know yall care about me and what im going through.

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Felisa thats good to hear! Do you have family around as well? Or is it just you? I know being around ppl also helps me take my mind off things so i can take a breat and relax!

    Lizzy no worries :) Puh-tay-toe puh-tah-toe. Breast cancer lung cancer, it probably grows the same way, right????

    I second that- i havent exposed myself to all that negativity since the incident and have no plans to. I have to think of whats best for me and my family! Oh i always have used straight rubbing alcohol! i never thought to google it LOL i remove the casing, dip a cotton swab into alcohol and wipe the heads down, and repeat as many times as necessary- you'd be surprised at how much filth can get on them! Honestly i dont think i even screwed the case on last time, just left it loose for easy access i think.

    Ginger- Sorry to laugh but the whole bugler dressed like a ninja was HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!! that was a belly laugh moment! I would have also though that too. It is so hard because as the suburbs expand more into the wooded areas the wildlife's habitat is shrinking, basically  their living area is now butting up to yours and even though YOU dont have food outside and such, your neighbors might and once a bear learns where there is people there is food they will continue to come back. Remember to keep on you this spray for bear attacks. i think it is similar to pepper spray. whenever you go walking have it clipped onto your belt. Also are your trash bins in a raised thing or in your garage? Never leave them by the side of your house or on the ground, they attract not only bears, but raccoons and other wildlife. Good luck!

    Still waiting on insurance approval for these meds! I figured it would come today, but hasnt yet!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    Girls: PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE VOTE!!!!!   We, of all people, need to vote because not matter what you think of healthcare, bc has caused you to definitely have **a** position on the matter.  Just please get out and vote.

    Tex: I LOVE your avatar!!!!!!!  So adorable!!  

    I cannot believe you are waiting for approval from insurance.  This is what I mean: get out and VOTE!  I am sure Sweeney and Rachel did not have to wait for approval.  

    BTW, on VCR tapes, hidden treasure: Goodwill has a humongous library and every tape is $1!  That is my favorite!  I donate regularly and decided to go in one day.  I was stunned at how many movies they have for $1.

    Ginger: someone was walking the West Hartford Reservoir which is a popular spot.  In any case, this person went off the beaten path so they could circumvent leash laws.  Sure enough he let the dog loose and here comes the bear and killed the dog.  Of course, the nature police were flying around trying to find the bear so they could kill it.  Kill it for what?  For doing what comes natural?  I wish the bear had a gun! Leash laws protect human beings as well as dogs.  There is no shortage of property in West Hartford for people to let their dogs roam in their own backyard.  I felt really bad for the dog and the owner for that matter but I also feel bad for the bear.  My cat loves a certain window so I put a perch there for her.  What I then do is put out bread and seeds for the birds and I call it "Kitty Broadway.  Well she goes crazy when she sees the birds and I know full well if she went out it is within her nature to scare a birds and mice to death.  The chipmunks seem to like her, though, which does not make much sense.  Bottom line is it is w/in her nature to do such things.

    The nature police never did find the bear...GO BEAR!

    Felis: I felt like I was a reporter with all my questions!  Green leafy vegetables will help you.  Are you no longer having pain in that breast?  I hope not.  The pain you were feeling could have been from the pressure of the fluid building in your breast pocket.  I hope you continue to feel better and stronger coming into the next tx.  If you don't feel like having liver, try to get some red meat, make a cheeseburger.  Whatever just to get some iron rich food in your diet.  Don't forget nuts!  

    I hope you all vote today!  If you don't vote, you can't complain!!! wha ha ha ha ha!! 

    Good day- 

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    lizzy- funny i was changing my avatar for a bit til i found one i liked- i went back to my old one cuz thats the one i most look like now (well since it is recent)

    i was at walmart nd show this shirt. i almost bought it but was too small! (on clearence so no more)

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Bears, we keep our trash in a covered bin in the garage. When it goes out for pick up it goes up the driveway to the road and then up the road to where it is paved, so it is no where near our house.  We keep no food source at all outside. I can't even have a bird feeder because it would draw bears. I agree Lizzy that bears get a bad rap, what we need to do is not lure them ever. Bears are much less likely to become problems if we do not provide any food source.  In our area a bear walking by would not be a reason to trap it. A bear being agressive would be and is very unlikely if we go our own way.  

    Locally a bear and two cubs got over into an apartment complex and they had to be removed. They were in troble as soon as they walked through a gate. Releasing into the cascade mountains isn't a bad thing though. 

    Laters Ginger

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    No my breast isnt hurting anymore just hard on one side like something is in it. Today hasnt been a good day for me I been vomiting right along with diarrhea. Stomach is killing me. I took a zofran.

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    How long does it take for the swelling to go down because it makes my other one look like a tennis ball.

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    Love the bear.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    ELECTION MADNESS!!!!!  I love this stuff!  It is our beautiful democracy in action :D

    BTW, an important link:

    This is about that TDM-1 drug. Shows a lot of promise.

    Tex: I love that t-shirt!  I mean I did not understand what the nature police were doing trying to track down a bear.  First off, a bear is not going to have a clue what you are doing and why you are being aggressive when as far as the bear was concerned, that was a nice little dog meal on the path by the reservoir!  Like Ginger pointed out, if you just go your way, most likely the bear will do the same. I love all the animals!  All of them!

    I had a friend who purchased an Arabian horse that was NOT broken!  That thing was berserk.  His name was "Bear!" That was one Bear I did not want to have a gun! In any case, looney tunes invited me to the farm where she was boarding him to "meet" him!!!!!!  Holy smokes...he stood on his hind legs and made a bunch of "I am really pissed off" noises and she was staring, all 20 feet in the air and remarking how cute he was!  Where was I? About a hundred feet up a hill far away from her cute little Bear!  In long, I love all animals and some strictly from afar! 

    Timothea-put whatever pic you want!  Who cares if it was today or 10 years ago!  If you like it and feel it is representative of you then that is the pic you should use!  I mean look at me!  It was like 7 years ago I had that cat costume on with that apple on my head!!!!!!

    Felis: the swelling could take months.  Try ice packs.  It might help a little bit.  Please be careful with the diarrhea and vomitting b/c the 2 together can quickly lead to big trouble for you.  Try eating some rice or crackers and see if you can keep that down.  Also, any kind of nuts you like?  Even just maybe try peanut butter on crackers.  You need to be able to get some stuff in you that hopefully will stay.  If you can't keep anything down, you need to try Boost or Ensure.  They are both expensive even for a little 6 pack so call the manufacturer, tell them you have bc, are on chemo and that you would like them to help you.  I did that with Boost and they sent me some coupons.  I also called every major pharma when I volunteered with the elderly and I got them free meds quite a few times.  They will either send you coupons or might even send you some free samples.  Also don't forget I told you about the protein powder at Target.  If nothing else you should be able to keep down protein powder.

    OK, back to election madness!!!!!!  May I just add Barbara Walters looks fabulous!  Just fabulous! 

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    felisa - For the first few days after treatment I just took my anti-nausea medicine every four hours.  I would write down the time I took it and then take it again when it was time.  Sometimes I would do 1/2 a dose but I found that if I just did it regular it helped keep the nausea down.  I hope you feel better.  I had phenergan (promethazine) as my anti-nausea medicine.  It is cheap and old but seems to work pretty good.  

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Felisa- omaz is right, you should take your anti nauseas meds on a schedule to PREVENT nausea and vomitting as much as possible. Like lizzy said the 2 together could spell disaster! You'll dehydrate quickly! think BRAT- bananas, rice, applesauce and toast. All plain, dont add any butter or stuff. that should do the trick!

    Lizzy- i always assumed that was you with a lemon on your head LOL

    (john 17:15, 16) I do not participate in the voting, but i do respect whomever is voted into office. I had suspected that Obama would have been re-elected, for many reasons. Just on a side note my husband was in times square when obama was sworn into office, they had huge jumbotron things showing a live feed and the streets were PACKED..

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Wow Tex, that must have been so exciting for your husband.  They were showing pictures last night of Times Square on election night. It must have been fun to be there. 

    Lizzy, I agree on Barbara Walters, does that woman ever age?  You know who surprised me was Cokie Roberts.  She seemed shaky and hesitant.  I hadn't seen her in a while and that was definitely not the person I remember her to be.  Has she been ill?

    It is a cold and wet day here in the Northeast.  Another day, another storm.  Gas lines are better, but still around 45 minutes if you are lucky.  Totally insane!  I have about 1/2 tank which is more than enough to get the only place I need to go which is the PS office tomorrow morning!  I am hoping for removal of the last three drains after which I will feel like a complete human being instead of a post surgical patient! Wish me luck everyone!


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Good luck on the drain removal Debbi!!!

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Thanks Omaz!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Yeah he loved it! He wants to move to NYC but the cost of living seems too high for a family of 6!

    Good luck with your drain removal i hope they take all 3! Wow 45 mins for gas! 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    IT IS SNOWING!!!!!!!!!  The first snow of the year!  The tree is going up and the Christmas carols are on!!!!  Actually “Elf” is on right now but that tree is on its way up!!!!!  I think we have between 2 -3 inches!!!  I love the first snowfall especially b/c  these big pine trees look majestic covered in beautiful white snow!!!  Can you tell I am a little excited?!

    Sptmm: any snow on the Island?   Good luck getting the last of the drains out!!!!!  I am so happy for you.  Yes, you will feel more human very, very soon ;) 

    Funny you say that about Cokie.  I was wondering if she could be early MS?  I don’t know but I agree with you, she is very different.  Definitely different.  You are right, shaky and more like quietly confident but I know what you mean. There are subtle changes in her demeanor.   I am sure news is forthcoming.  Something is going on there.  My mother loved her and Wolf Blitzer.  Someone on Twitter said with each additional glass of wine, and the closer Obama got to winning, they found themselves referring to Wolf as Santa!

    As for the gas drama, you jokers from NY and NJ have created a mess here is CT with your gas lines!!!!  In all of FF County, lines have been berserk on the 95 corridor and no less than an hour.  Alas, we are happy to wait on line with our gasless brethren!!!

    Tex: I hope and pray every day you will move to the NY metro area!!!!!  Every day!!!!!  There are great, great, great hospitals for you here!  Did you see the houses on SI and in Queens?   Those were largely inhabited by NYPD and Fire.  Your dh could make really good money in his field in this area and your benies will be unbelievable.  Also, should you ever want to make the move, I know I could find you a house w/in commutable distance of NY for a decent price.  Just let me know!  Times Sq is so much fun and I wish I had gone last night.  My friend in NYC wanted me to come in but it was not perfectly clear Obama would win.  I just get nervous b/c the race was going to be so tight and if Romney won, I was concerned about a problem starting.   NY is Obama country as is CT.  What I found particularly entertaining is when Stephanopolous remarked how Obama took Mitt’s home states of MA, MI and NH!!!!!    

    Needless to say, I am enthralled!  I vote split ticket all the time but there was no way Mittens was getting my vote!  NO-WAY!  All I know is we are on the very difficult path to socialized medicine and whether I live to see its completion or not, it is good for our country and soon we can all be like Rachel and Sweeney!!!   All I know is we will pay more taxes but at least women getting bc long after I am gone will not have to worry about copays, burning through retirement funds, losing their house, going broke, losing their cars, being told they cannot get treated b/c they don’t have XYZ insurance etc… and all in the name of trying to SURVIVE this crappy disease they did nothing to get.  OK, I am done…for now!!!!! He he he!!  So many great political orators have said something like “healthcare is a right, not a privilege.”  This is my position.  Bottom line is Times Sq was an exciting place to be last night as well as in 2008 so your dh is a lucky man for having witnessed history from such a great place.

    It is tree time!!!!!  I love the Christmas tree!!!!  Just love it!!  Love the decorations and love that tree!

    In honor of "Elf," I must tell you all I am going to go outside and make snow angels and then am going to eat cookie dough!!!!

    Good times, good stuff!!!