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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    Snow angels!  You gave me a warm fuzzy......  Going to watch Elf tonight too.  (c:

    Tex- I'm sure you don't want to hear it but you inspire me and btw those pancakes were freaking awesome!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    I like Santa Clause 2

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    And 1!  Check out Prancer, good stuff.  (c:

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Omaz: I like Santa Claus 2 as well.  My other absolute favorite is "Miracle on 34th Street" the 90s version!  I just love it! 

    Sptmm: when you get home tomorrow, Netflix "Just Friends!"  It is a hilarious, Christmasish movie that is along the lines of the comedic value found in "Dodge Ball" etc...  Ryan Reynolds was hysterical in that!  If you have not seen it, I am sure you will enjoy a good post-drain removal LAUGH fest!!

    Adey: I feel like a total simpleton that I can watch "Elf" over and over again but it is a fact!  I must watch it 10 times every year during the holiday season!  One of my fav parts: when the store Christmas dept manager announces Santa is coming and Will Ferrell screams "Santa!!!"  Enjoy Elf this evening and know that I will be here in CT, belting out some Christmas songs while I dance a wine-inspired jig and decorate the tree!!!!!! 

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    90's version!?  Phssst..... It must be Natalie Wood.  (c:  Enjoy tonight.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    My mom LOVED Prancer!!! That was her favorite Christmas movie.  On Xmas Eve, as this is my first Xmas without her, I will play all her favorites!  On her birthday I played "Titanic" which she loved also.

    Speaking of Natalie Wood, I feel so bad for Christopher Walken that he took that ill-fated trip with her killer husband.   He was asked a few days ago in an interview and you can just tell how deeply uncomfortable he is with that whole mess.  I bet the one regret he has in his otherwise charmed life was that trip. Such a travesty.

    Wow, I cannot believe how much snow is out there!  I might not be found again if I go make snow angels!!!  No, on 2nd thought we don't have that much snow!!! 

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Yes lizzy we have snow too...just an inch or so though. Don't forget your spaghetti with maple! I will check out that movie tommorrow thanks. I am def jealous..i get the warm fuzzies just thinking of the xmas tree with this snow!

    Yes the Santa Clause movies!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Did you get the drains out?

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good morning, warriors!

    I just had to stand in the front door cooling myself from a wicked hot flash.  I don't know if I just forgot how bad they are when I was recovering from surgery or what but I am reminded again.  Soon I will be on tamox 2 years.  No clue as to why these flashes continue.  Probably don't want to know either...!

    In any case, did a little research and I learned something I wanted to pass along.  I think a few of us had question about this back when the flashes started after chemo:


    Low-dose antidepressant medication may help forestall a hot flash by rebalancing or intercepting the chemicals in the brain that transmit the hot flash alarm, epinephrine and serotonin.

    I thought this was interesting.  Now I am in front of a fan.  I wanted to started going back into the sauna...probably not my best idea!

    Hope you all are having sweet dreams right now!

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Omaz, my appointment is this morning.  Keep your fingers crossed.  The one under my right arm is really bothering me and none of them is putting out much drainage (10 - 20 cc) so I think they will all come out today.  Unfortunately my mother is here to drive me and she hasn't driven in the snow (she lives in Florida) in forever so she is very nervous about going so far to the doctor.  Hopefully she doesn't chicken out!


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Debbi - Mom should ride shotgun.

    Lizzi - I still have hot flashes every hour - 2 years now.  I am hopeful they will end sometime.  I sweat like crazy.

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Drains are out! Yippee! It took us one and a half hours to get to the doctor, usually takes 45 minutes. But mom survived and i am drainless so all is well!


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Yay Debbi! 


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!!

    I hope everyone is doing well.

    Tex: did your meds get there or are they en route?  I hope that insurance company got that authorized by now.  Let me know.

    Omaz: thank you for letting me know you are hot flashing as well!  Are they just constant with you, at about the same intervals and duration or do they, at times, get worse and then better again?  Just wondering.

    On the antidepressants, I will not get involved with that stuff.  I just thought the explanation was interesting.

    Sptmm: that was *the* best day!!!  Even though the belly ones had fallen out, good times, good times when they were all gone.  Of course I did not I would be hospitalized again in the 3rd week in August!!  All in the rearview now ;)

    The snow is melting!  It was a beautiful, snowy day yesterday.  For some reason the meteorologists are saying it is going to be a snowy winter.  This does not enthrall me! 

    Good day, girls!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Lizzy - I have them pretty much every hour.  At night I can go about 2 hours inbetween them.  Sometimes they are worse than other times.  Sometimes I am a big sweatball other times hot and a little sweaty.  So the frequency is consistent but the intensity seems to vary a bit.

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Hi ladies, I posted the other day but must have not posted it right because I don't see it. Been a very rough week, funeral was Tue.and huge 450 people. They are not sure what happen think he just lost control on a gravel road. It is so hard to watch SIL and BIL go through so much pain. Did I mention It is BILs only child his wife has 2 girls older from previous marriage.I am going to post a picture of my youngest daughter Chelsea and Dylan 

    Have a good evening.

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    Hello, I got to get fluids in the morning. I have my fifth chemo next Fri.  Not feeling to well I have a virus.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    So sorry you had ti go through this Sue. Your daughter is simply beautiful. They look lile they were very close. 

    Felisa please call your Dr if you are ill. I hope you feel better soon and especially before chemo. two times when I was ill chemo was delayed.   

    Love all Ginger

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors!

    Sue: that is a beautiful pic!  Your dd is just lovely!  Perhaps it is just the photo but to me she resembles the woman on "The Office."   I forget the character's name but she sits across from Kevin and has cats! 

    I am so sorry for your loss.  What a handsome young man.  There is so much I don't, nor will I ever, understand about what happens to us during this life.  Again, I am sorry for your loss.

    Felis: get Boost in the morning but I agree with Ginger: you have to reach out to your dr.  Don't sit here sick, 1 week from chemo, and not have a conversation with your dr about how you are feeling.  You need to talk about this before you go for another tx.

    I am watching Rock Center right now.  They are interviewing/telling the story of one particular woman from Staten Island.  She was just now saying she closes her eyes and remembers what her neighborhood looked like before Sandy and she does not want to open them.  For the first time since this bc experience began, I woke a few days ago prepared to get up and get ready for work, thinking I had had a nightmare about having cancer.  It was awful.  If I had known what opening my eyes meant that morning, I am sure I would not have and would have stayed in the comfort of my pre-bc life for a little while longer.

    Goodnight, girls-

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Lizzy- i love the snow! i wish it snowed here... NY is always an option (or well til january- thats when he has to go back and take his next round of stuff or he is kicked off the list- they only hold the spot for 3 yrs)

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Adey- thanks! your words inspire me to be the best human being i can :) 

    since i have been off amiridex i have been having crazy hot flashes!

    WOOOOHOOOOOOOO debbi glad they are OUT!

     lizzy= nope not yet, gonna call again tomorrow. though i did get my scan shceduled for a baseline. its monday :P yet another exposure to this crap!

    Sue GREAT picture- they are both photogenic!!!! remember God doesnt give us more than we can handle :) we might not know it at the time, but its true. i agree with lizzy  there is just so much that is hard to understand in this world! Like mothers who kill their own children- it is beyond my grasp of understanding. So sensless! Isaiah 26:19 is a comforting scripture got losing loved ones.

    FELISA-WATCH YOUR TEMP, if it gets to 100.2 we are advised to go to the ER, check with your oncologist though, but if you have something it could hit you harder while you are going through cfhemo.

    Lizzy i think youre talkin about angela :) LOVE tht show! Awww... i have had that thought too- sometimes i forget this cancer is real and our old lives are the dream....

    nighty night!

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Thank you ladies. Always a great place to come for kind words beyond BC.

    Now I have been vomiting. I don't know if it is the flu or stress. I have had a gut ache and anxiety since the accident. I know stress lowers the immune system making a person more susceptible viruses. Hope I feel better quickly we leave for Fl. next week. We are going to the last Nascar race of the season. DH is a huge nascar fan. For our anniversary I got him pit passes.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    First a massive hurricane, then a massive Nor’Easter that dumped 10”+ of snow, bitterly cold temps a few days ago and now this weekend, and next week, it is in the upper 60s!!!!!  In CT they say if you don’t like the weather, wait a minute!!

    Tex: why are you off Arimidex?  I thought that was for post-menopausal women but then I realize you were pushed into menopause early. 

    I swear, I am leaving for TX at midnight to help you get that INSUR CO on the damn phone and get those meds!  I am totally serious, this has gone on quite long enough.  If it was not b/c I know your dh is in a municipal job, I would have called the Governor’s office by now!  I am serious, Timothea.  This is awful and 1 week is quite long enough to get it together, get their questions answered and to get those drugs sent to you. 

    With MSK in NY, I would totally have your dh throw his name in the hat for a law enforcement job in NY where you can enjoy snow and one of the best cancer hospitals in the world all at once ;)  At the very least, he should go back in January to hold his spot.

    BTW, you could not be a better human being if you tried, woman!  You are the best!!

    Yes, Angela!!!  Doesn’t Sue’s dd resemble Angela in that photo?!  I do love “The Office” but I never watched it when it was a prime time show and so I never really got the characters all straight as I would have if I watched when it was a prime time hit.

    I wish my old life was not the dream!  Oddly I did not think it such a dream that I now know it to be!

    Iowa: years ago I went out with a Nascar fan and we went to the Indianapolis 500!  I was not really into it at all but the partying was definitely great!!!  There was a guy he met up with there and his gf was just a great time so she and I shopped, drank and otherwise raised a little hell!  Good times!

    You probably just have a flu or, like you said, are having a stress reaction.   I am sure you will be fine for the FL trip.  Your dh must be so excited!!  PIT PASSES!!!  He must be beside himself! Does he know you got the passes?  Hope you guys have a wonderful time :)  Making memories, that is what it is all about.

    BTW, if you all ever see and errant "J" in my posts, it is b/c I compose in Word and paste into this text box as I was tired of losing posts!  In any case, the "J" is what happens to my smiley faces when I paste in here.  I try to clean them up but, like I said, if you see one, now you know! 

    I hope you all have are having a good day!

    May the force be with you!!!!!!!!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    SUe enjoy your time in FL sounds fun!

    Lizzy i was put onto Arimidex after i had progression on the tamoxafin, i did the chemo for 6 months then they had to put me back on a estrogen blocker and due to progression tamox was not one of them. I was taking this shot in my stomoch fat that started with an F- not sure, but it was to shut down overy production. Hence putting me into menopause, so i could take the post menopausal ones... Which my dr chose arimedx. funny cuz had we biopsied before maybe they would have realised i am not linger ER+. Anyhow i only had one month of the Arimidex, since i am going to be back on chemo i do not have to take that any longer. Oh and to clarify i havent had periods since before tx (i had an IUD) but i apparently wasnt menopausal because my gyno did ovary function test, like checking levels and i was fine. 

    I never got into the office til i watched it here on netflix. One of the perks of being sick sometimes i spending the entire day (while kids are at school) on netflix, just resting....

    calling them back as soon as i post this to get any answers!

    Oh and if i spell like crap and have things all mixed up its because i was in a hurry to post and didnt do spell check!

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Sue--the picture is beautiful. I am so sorry that this has happened to your family. It must be devastating for everyone. (your daughter is beautiful).

    Well...I came back from Minnesota with a lovely cold which I now have to try and get rid of before I fly to Denmark on Monday. Sucks. I don't want to go anywhere--just cuddle up at home.

    I had my followup at my Doctor today--good news, my thyroid medication did seem to be working but they found some immune deficiency --something called B lymphocyte--they say it is nothing to be overly concerned about (First thing my Doc said is "Don't worry--it isn't cancer"--she knows how worried I get) but can be genetic or happen as a result of chemo. The weird thing is that I have not been sick for two years--not even a cold--and supposedly this deficiency causes more illness. Strange. Plus, it is fighting my thyroid medication and therefore, that may not have long term benefit. So......I have to go to a specialist in a month to see what is what...seriously, can there be anything else. I am guessing most of this stuff goes diagnosed if you are not a post-cancer patient, but with all the blood tests etc..I guess they will always catch something.

    Good times :)

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    Well I had to get two bags of blood plus fluids. They are trying to figure out why Im losing so much blood so my chemo was delayed until after Thanksgiving. Its been a long day for me.

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Get some rest and hopefully you'll get back on track!!!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Felisa, the transfusions should make you feel a lot better. Like Texas said, rest and get strong again. 

    Hugs Ginger

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Take care felisa

    Hi Tex, Ginger and Rachel!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors!

    I am hysterical right now as Jimmy Kimmel just said people in NY are selling GAS on Craigs List for $20 a gallon.  He then said you can buy a human baby and a futon on Craigs for $20!!!!!   I love Jimmy!

    Tex: you should be spending many days resting and watching Netflix!  That is a very holistic way to spend your day.

    I hope you get your chemo on Monday.  Let me know how that goes.  I so wish they sent it for Saturday delivery

    Rachel: you probably that cold on the gross plane!!!!! By now, after all these years, do you think they would have better transportation for us with cleaner air?!  Denmark on Monday…I feel for you.  I should say I am tired for you.

    Exactly what you just said, about them finding things, this has me petrified about going to doctors.  I have big appointments coming up and I don’t want to go!  I really don’t.  I have to but I don’t want to go.  You are going to have to go to a endocrinologist.  They specialize in thyroid.  Good luck.  Most thyroid stuff is just innocuous but can be cumbersome, in the fullness of time.  For this reason, it is good they found it.

    Felis: 2 bags of blood?  Geesh…well, like Ginger and Timothea said, you should be feeling better soon.   The transfusion is supposed to give you a good boost and make you feel energized, healthier.  I guess it is just as well they delayed your chemo.   I hope you feel better after what you went through today.  

    Omaz: thank you so much for telling me about your hot flashes.  I just felt that at some point they should perhaps go away but I guess that would mean the med was not working.  All I know is it sounds like you have it worse than I do.  I don’t get the soaking sweats but I do get those sharp hot flashes.  It is just nice to know others are having them as well!  I know, misery loves company!  I think in this case misery just loves to know others are having the same problems! 

    Time for bed!

    Night all-