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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Good Morning Everyone!

    Tex:  I hope you have received your meds and get your treatment on time.  I think it is absolutely horrible that your medical treatment is on hold while you wait for medicine to arrive, which I am sure is because of insurance issues.  Honestly, things should not be that difficult.  When you need a test or medicine, you should just be able to get it right away without all the paperwork and processing!  I HATE INSURANCE COMPANIES! As for NY, you are right, it is expensive to live here, but there are areas especially upstate that aren't that bad.  On a personal level, I would LOVE to welcome you to the Northeast if you ever decide to come!  And my son-in-law is a NYC police officer and it is a well-paying, steady job with excellent benefits which is something to consider. 

    Lizzy:  I get the hot flashes too, I don't think they will go away until we are off the medication, if we ever get off the medication.  Mine are not that bad.  They last only a couple of minutes and are pretty intense, but not more often than once an hour or so.  I am usually cold, so when I do get the hot flashes they are kind of a welcome relief from the cold, LOL!

    Rachel: So sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well.  Hopefully you are resting this weekend ahead of that trip overseas.  I agree with Lizzy, you probably picked up the bug on the plan.  One of the things I dread about flying are those enclosed cabins and all the germs flying around!

    Sue:  Enjoy your trip, you guys need some time away! My family are huge NASCAR fans and there is nothing like watching a race from the pits!  Your husband will love it!

    Felis:  Get plenty of rest! Hopefully the transfusions and the fluids will help you recover.  Don't worry about postponing your chemo, if your body needs some extra time to recover it is better you get it before proceeding on.  You only have two treatments to go, you are almost there!  Hang in there!

    Hi Ginger and Omaz!

    I am feeling much better these days.  I am back to walking everyday and have been given a PT regime to help me regain the range of motion in my arms.  The new boobs look pretty good, a little too much under the arms though.  Anyone else have that, it is swelling that will go down eventually?  Also, I have been left with these horrible looking "love handles" at the ends of my abdominal incision.  Hopefully that is just swelling and will go down eventually because it looks horrible!  But all in all I am happy with the results and very relieved. My two new boobs definitely look much better than my mangled boob and a half!

    Have a great weekend everyone!


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Lizzy - sometimes I calculate it out - about 20 hot flashes a day x 365 days a year x 2 years=14,600 hot flashes so far.  Speechless.  Good thing though that I tell myself is that they keep my skin moist!  I think I have some little group of estrogen junkie cells in my brain and they are still convulsing with the loss of estrogen and sending out distress calls every hour.  That's my scientific reason for hot flashes.

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    Thanks to all of you. I still feel a little tired but not as much as I did before the transfusion. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention my iron was good. Its just my hemoglobin that was very low. Once again thanks for caring about me and I care about yall as well.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    felisa - You are part of our group.  I am glad that you feel better after the transfusion.  All this is temporary.  You just need to take whatever medicines you need to take during treatment to get through it then you don't have to take them anymore!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, my lovely warriors!

    It was pretty nice out here today but alas I am still working on that ambitious Christmas tree project!  Geesh, I had all sorts of plans that day, too!

    Sptmm: they call those “love handles” at the end of your incision “dog ears!”   When they *complete* the process they invariably use that area.  I don’t have anything on the side but I really believe you are concerned with something that will go down in time.  The swelling from a surgery like this can take upwards of 6-8 months to fully go down.  That is great that you are walking!  Good for you!  Such nice weather for the next few days also.

    I am so happy you are happy with your results ;)  Certainly better than the mangled 1.5 but also gives you a new lease on life, mentally, that you did not have before.  Since surgery I think I actually forget about bc a little bit b/c they are back!  BTW, thank you also for weighing in on the hot flash issue.  I just could not help but think they might get better but there I am, standing with the freezer door open at the grocery store!

    Omaz: The math, the math, oy vey the math!!!!!  Wow!!!  That is a lot of hot flashes, woman!  I guess I am a baby now that I read what you go through!  I don’t think I have them hourly but they are definitely there.  I think mine are more like Deb LI than what you are going through.  I am starting to quietly lament my complaining! 

    Felisa: Omaz is right, you are definitely a member of our group, girl!!! This means we all care about you and are here for you, through thick and thin, as we meander through this madness together!  I am glad you are feeling a little better.  That was great that your iron is good.  We have to relish every little bit of good news!!!!  Hope you continue to feel better and better with each passing day.  You are probably going to feel quite strong going into your 2nd to last chemo after Thanksgiving.  For this reason, you will most likely do better the next time.  Almost there so hang in there!  Stay strong ;)

    Tex: how are you feeling today?  I know you are probably busy with the kids but please keep us posted on how you are doing.  Also I hope those meds arrive on Monday.  I am going to be pretty upset otherwise ;)   Deb is right about NYC and the cost of living but don’t forget, you also make more money.  The NYPD benefits are 2nd to none.   I would love for you to live in this part of the country with all those good care we get.  All things to consider but the money is definitely there to be made.   People in NY may complain about a lot of things but money is usually not one of them!  Cost of living, yeah, but inability to meet those costs through normal applied effort, no!!!

    Ginger: I saw the most beautiful standard poodle today and thought of you ;)  It was so cute.  Of course it wanted to attack me with love as all animals do.  I think I should have been an anthropologist studying captive animals.  There is so much we don’t know.  More to this point, this poodle today seemed intelligent beyond its fur!!!

    Back to that tree!!  Actually I am going to cut a pineapple and then go back to my tree work!!!

    Hope you all are having a nice Saturday and may the road rise to meet you and the wind be at your back… all of us bc girls need to memorize that poem!!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    I was so sick yesterday! i think i had a 24 hr flu, woke up queasy, spent the am puking and the WHOLE day sleeping, luckily for me DH was home til 11pm when he had to go to work. my tummy hurts today but i think its from the puking yesterday.

    i still havent gotten the medicine and debbi you're right- its a hold up on insurance approval...

    well kiddos are hungry, gonna try to convince them to eat cereal as i dont want to do anything today LOL

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Rest Tex. I hope you feel better soon!


  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    There must be a big going around. I have not been well since Thursday but today am starting to feel better. Am not puking but cannot eat as I am so stuffy...I feel that if I eat, I may suffocate :) At least it feels like it is clearing today. I actually had the flu shot on Friday -- my Doc forced me as my immune system etc is low. My arm still hurts from where they stabbed me with the needle. I haven't had the flu shot in about 7 years.

    Today, it is a beautiful fall day--kind of cold but sunny. The boys are heading with their Aunt/Uncle to a sports card show so will be nice and quiet. I leave for Denmark tomorrow night and am back on Friday. 

    Tex--Hope you get better soon. It is terrible being sick and even worse when you have kids that need you!

    Debbi--So glad to hear that you are recovering so fast.

    Have a good week everyone!

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    Thats how I was last Tuesday vomiting with diarrhea stomach was hurt so bad which I have gastritis I felt terrible. It is a virus going around. I pray and hope you get to feeling better.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    Finally people have gotten smart: instead of waiting for the Red Cross to organize volunteers etc... local folks in Fairfield made an announcement last night on the news that anyone who could help to just head to Jennings Beach.  That is smart.  SI, Queens and NJ have organized crews through Twitter.  Just telling people to come and bring their 2 hands to help.  ACR complicates matters.  I love Twitter!  No complications, very simple = "can you make it to SI on such and such a date and time to help w/clean up? Fine, show up!"  Much, much better (Ginger, this one was for you!)  

    Rachel: I hope you feel much better very soon as I know you are flying again tomorrow.  I feel for you.  What is nice about a thread like this is people from all over the continent are agreeing there is something going around so you know it is a fleeting situation! 

    BTW, speaking of sports cards, there was a guy interviewed on SI who lost some very valuable cards in the devastation.  If the boys have cards, I would get water and fire-proof safes for them for Xmas.  We never thought we could experience such weather madness in the Northeast but we did.  Not that they would ever want to sell but perhaps they would want to pass them on to their kids.

    Sptmm: I meant to tell you yesterday I totally agree about flying.  That air is just disgusting and for this reason, I try to avoid!  In fact, my grandmother used to like to take the Blue Nose to Nova Scotia.  It was one of her favorite trips.  In any case, I looked into it and I think you might remember around the time I was dxd I was planning to go to Ireland. Well, between 9-11 and germs, I don't love flying.  I started to investigate going to Nova Scotia and then I remembered there is a cruise out of Nova to Ireland!  I am honestly thinking of cruising to Ireland when I go.  Of course today I have no clue when that will be but I am happy about finding something besides flying...even though I will probably end up doing just that!

    Tex: now if this was the 70s, your kids would have already ripped into a box of Cap'n Crunchberries!!!  I hope they settled on cereal.  I give you so much credit but what I would prefer to give you is rest!  In a parallel universe I would morph you to my house where you could sleep, rest, watch tv, take long baths in total peace and quiet and never be interrupted by anything and I would morph myself to your place and watch your kids for a week!  Mind you, a few months back I was holding my nephew's baby and he remarked to my sister (as he was about to go outside) "watch the baby with the baby!!!!!"  Yes, my smart ass (he really is wicked smart!), adorable, 22 y/o nephew is all grown up, has kids of his own and b/c I don't have kids, he is not sure I can handle his!! PUNKS!  Rest assured, with the amount of kids in this family and the amount of babysitting I have done, and aside from my nephew's unnecessary judgement of my skills(!),I am perfectly capable of watching kids for a few days! 

    Felisa: you sound good today ;)  I am glad you are doing ok and feeling better.  

    It is beautiful here today!  Time for the Three Tenors and some fresh air! 

    Good day, girls-

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I like the idea of peopple organizing on social media.  Here is how I was able to send some needed items to New Jersey. My friend in VA has a friend in NJ who has a big van. Friend drove down to VA to pick up an accumulated load of supplies to bring back to their church in NJ for distribution to those in need. I was able to contribute all the way from the state of Washington via Amazon. We have the no shipping fee option of Amazon so I ordered 1000 pair of heavy duty nitrile black rubber gloves and 26 boxes of heavy black trash bags. They arrived in VA in 2 days. I liked being able to help nearly directly. Most of the time cash is best but I really enjoyed getting what I knew was needed this time.

     I wish I was there to work in a shelter, I know how to do that. Oh yeah, anyone working in a shelter maybe pick up a gigantic box of ear plugs. People sleep better then.  Also place a chair next to the mats seniors are sleeping on so that they can get up from the floor.  

    I am just stunned that our nation is not better equipped for emergencies like this. Why does it take days and weeks to send the needed equipment? Something is just wrong with that. I am glad resources are there now and more are on the way. Let us not forget our neighbors. 

    Thanks Lizzy. 

    Love everybody


  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Hi ladies, I had a great trip to Savannah. Perfect weather while I was there. And way too much good food. It was so much fun to catch up with my friend of 30+ years. She had bought me a breast cancer bracelet. It is so cute,. silver with some pink charms on it. I am now catching up on sleep. Hope everybody is doing well.

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    Trying to build my nerves up for my 5th treatment after Thanksgiving hope I pull through it okay.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Greetings, warriors!

    I hope you all are having a nice day.  I deeply suspect Sptmm might have gone for a run today it is that nice in the Northeast!  It is just gorgeous out.  Cannot even believe it is November.  I don’t even mind November and December but it is Jan and Feb that are just too cold for me but I muscle through!!

    Felis: I am so glad you are feeling better!  Just imagine how strong you will be going into that chemo after Thanksgiving?!   You know, I am happy you are going to be feeling good and strong so you can have a nice holiday.    Then hopefully your last one will be in Jan, after the holidays, and you will have been able to enjoy all holidays without feeling too sick or dragged down by chemo.  It all works out ;)

    Lady: I am so glad you had a nice time for yourself in Savannah!  Good for you!  Enjoy your sleep, woman!

    Ginger: someone I know asked what he could do with a bunch of money he wanted to spend helping NY, NJ and CT.  I advised *never* give money, always give products.   Money walks and you and I both know this.  You did the perfectly altruistic thing and you did the smart thing by sending needed tangibles, not money.  That was very thoughtful of you and so sweet!  Imagine how many are going to benefit from what you did.   Good stuff, woman!

    I think our nation is wildly stunned by mother natures’ wrath over this past decade.  We have had hurricanes and storms in areas and disasters in places that never saw such carnage.  I just think FEMA is great but we still have a ways to go.  I just think we are getting used to mobilizing and getting things moving much more quickly.  No more bureaucracy with social media either.  Oh, btw, the Fairfield Beach event organized through social media and the evening news brought over a 1000 people!!!  That is just amazing how wonderful social media is manifesting. 

    Well, good day to you all!  Hope things are well-

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    Me too girl Ill let yall know when my 6th one is.

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Lady - glad you had a great trip! Isn't that the hard part about traveling the food. I remember the last time I went to Vegas I didn't think I was going to have anything to wear home lol way to many buffets. I eat alot more salads now when  I travel ( I know how boring).

    Tex - always in my prayers

    Weather 72 here Sat.  32 Sun with cold wind. I really dislike cold weather. I can really appreciate why old people go south for the winter, I am going to be one of them. 5 years til hubby can retire from this job, then go so. and find a new job lol.

    I hope everyone has a good week Smile

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    I don't know if any you watch "Charlie Rose" but I happen to really like his format and I enjoy his interview style.  Well tonight he had Robert Deniro and Brad Cooper on as they are in a new movie being released next week.  In any case, I don't even know what Brad Cooper was saying as his looks are so distracting!  If he is not the sexiest man alive again this year I think People should be closed down!!  Not only is he startlingly attractive but he is also smart!!!!  He went to Georgetown, I believe.  I loved him in all black in those opening scenes in "The Hangover!!"  In long, Charlie Rose was really good tonight!

    Iowa: I live in casino country out here in CT and, yes, the buffets are so dangerous!  I was talking with one of the guys from our trading desk in Atlanta one day and we were discussing food and he said the bottom line is if it tastes good we should not be eating it!! Truer words were never spoken!

    If anyone needs another funny movie to watch this one came out about 15 years ago and stars Kirsten Dunst.  It is about the Nixon administration and is called "Dick."  It is very funny and a good soundtrack, too! 

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    I have swelling in my left breast waiting on the surgeon to call i have cellulitis dont know what he is going to do yet about it. Ive been on antibiotics and it helped for a while also my under arm is swollen as well. Im all open for options.

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Good afternoon ladies, I hope everyone is doing good. We will be leaving this evening for our trip to Florida. I'm getting excited, funny I have been there 10 xs and I still get excited like its the 1stx I truly love it there. I hope you all have a good week and Happy Thanksgiving early because I won't be back til them and I probably won't be on BCO. Have a good one, Sue

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    I hope everyone is doing well!  

    Felisa: it is starting to sound to me like you might benefit from a re-excision.  They might have to get in there and clean the area out.  Something is causing it to swell and cellulitis and an infection should have been remedied through antibiotics.  I hope you get some resolution soon.  I really feel for you and just about everything you are going through I, too, have experienced.  I know how you feel.  Keep us posted and I hope your dr gets back to you quickly.

    Iowa: I hope you have a wonderful time in FL!  I love FL, too.  It is nice, warm, the streets are clean (Northeast humor!), the buildings are pretty...what's not to like...oh yea, the median age is 70!!!!!  he he he!!!!!!  In any case, I know you too are going to the Nascar event so I hope you have a wonderful time and enjoy the race!  Your dh is going to be enthralled in that pit!!

    I hope everyone is having a good day.

    Happy trails, ladies!  

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    I hope not because Im just now starting to relax from the surgery and my breast swelling.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    I don't know what happens but along with life and its regular business, in walks the holiday and you don't realize the pace has quickened so much until you realize it is Friday, November 16, less than a week from Thanksgiving!!!  In any case, I hope everyone is doing well and are ready for the holiday!

    Felisa: At this point, I totally know how you feel about more surgery as I have been there.  What I want to remind you of is if you do require more surgery, this should fix the problem and may be required to fix the problem.  I know, believe me, I know how awful the thought of another surgery is but be brave!  It all works out.  Don't get yourself worried about something that has not happened/been suggested yet.  Just take things 1 day at a time.  Did they remove any nodes when you had the lumpectomy?  Sometimes water that you could be taking on, if you had nodes removed, might indicate a little lymphedema starting.  Of course, no surgery would be involved if this is the case.  Keep us posted on how you are doing.  I am sure everything will work out.  As I always say, hang in there...better days and higher love are coming!!

    Omaz: You have not been around at all which tells me you must have gone to your vacation home in Belize for the holiday month!!!!!  Check in, woman, and help me stop my wandering mind regarding what Iperceive to be (I suspect I have made up!) your posh and glorious lifestyle!!  Hope you are doing well ;)

    Well alas I have *stuff* to do!  My addiction to "Words With Friends" grows also!  I might have to go to DMV in a few weeks and I am relishing the very notion, for the first time in my life, as I will have ample WWF time even though we don't have enough chairs in most DMV locations! I can certainly play WWF while standing, however!

    Happy trails, girls!

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    yes he removed 3 nodes. i  have an appointment on the 27.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Lizzy - I am fine, thanks for thinking of me!  Enjoying a cloudy day.  My daughter out of town for 2 days with the theater troupe at a state thespian conference.  She is 1 of the 4 members of the 'tech challenge' team (she is a techie not an actor) and will be doing the costume change and scene change challenges (timed and judged).  She has never done it before so I can't wait to hear the stories when she gets back.  she is a great story teller, always gets me laughing.  My favorite stories came from her weight lifting class freshman year.  All the football boys and just a couple girls in a small space lifting and posing - you can imagine!  Love this time of the year.  Got all my xmas presents wrapped and ready.  Did you get your tree up?

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    WTH Omaz! (SAID WITH LOVE).  (c:  Wrapped and ready?  I am in awe.

    "I'm not worthy..... I'm not worthy...."

    Both my girls did weight lifting too.  Good stories.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Adey - I start collecting gifts for my daughter in may.  Sad but true!  I just love watching her open her gifts.  Most are just little things that she mentions wanting and I get them.  I also get one bigger gift too.  I get my husband books and jammies.  Best part though, is that when I wrap them early I forget what most of them are so I'm surprised at xmas too!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    LOL omaz that is so funny! i would also forget what i bought too....

    Before having my own kids i used to buy things when they'd go on clearance and whenever one of my nieces or nephews b-days or other gift giving occations would come up i would just dig through my huge rubbermade container looking for something they'd like.... Now i have my own kids so sorta do the same thing, but wrap them intended for a certain child (if left unwrapped they find them) We dont do christmas, but we do give gifts randomly and i do a party for my kids for no reason at all where they can win prizes.... i STOCK UP after halloween and xmas!

    Sorry been away- dealing with my cough among other things, today i started the tykerb and xeloda. Whew i forgot what chemo does to you guts!!!! gemzar was a cake walk compared to this- TMI but i am taking imodium at regular intervols...

    Besides that all is well! Kids have a week off for thanksgiving. so sorta sucks me feeling like crap when they have off, but we'll make the best of it!!!

    I just want to publicly say Lizzy is awesome!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Tex - Hope your guts get sorted out.  Don't forget the yogurt!

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    At least I get to taste my food for Thanksgiving but on the 26th got to have my treatment, Im enjoying my five month old grandbaby and daugther even though im not feeling too well.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    It is so weird that you all are talking about girls and weight lifting.  In the late 80s, we could “walk through” the boys palatial gym, replete with tons of weight lifting equipment, en route the softball field!  All I wanted to do was lift!  I remember gazing longingly at the equipment and a few times I decided I would lift much to the chagrin of my PE teacher!  In any case, blocking us from weight lifting caused me to eschew sewing and cooking classes because I did not understand the gender imbalance.   In any case, here I am, some 25 years later, wondering about where that old sewing machine has gone!  It all comes full circle!

    Felis: glad you are enjoying your dgb and dd!  It is good for the soul ;)   As for the node removal, that fluid building could be lymphedema (LE).  I am glad you have an appointment.  I could also be entirely wrong and it is something else all together!   In any case, the 27th will get you through the holiday and then you can deal with this business after that!  I am sure your questions will be answered then.

    Omaz: I was in a store last night when your post hit my phone and I LOL at the “thespian” reference!  When I was young I worked in theater and the first time someone used that word with me I was all of 17 and the look on my face said it all!!!!  The woman was so concerned about my misunderstanding she sat me down!  It was the first time I had ever heard that word!

    That is just so cool that she took weight lifting.  I mean A) it is a damn good reason to get closer to the boys we all normally want to be closer to at that age (footballers!) and B) it is good for their bones.  I am so happy she took lifting.  I bet the stories were good!

    I did get the tree up and visitors have remarked how lovely it is and how they feel the spirit of the season upon them when here!  This feeling, of course, changes when I usher them out the door when the visit is OVER!

    Wrapped and ready?  No, I am all about December when it comes to that stuff!  At one time I was better but not these days.  I was, however, never as good as you!  You must have some will!  My mother would get so excited sometimes I remember her giving us gifts she knew we were dying for before Christmas!  There is nothing like opening gifts!  That is funny that it is a surprise to you as well due to your early shopping!  

    Adey: very excited both your girls weight lifted also!  That is so great.  I really did not know they offered it to girls. 

    Tex: that is so cool that you do a party for the kids where they can win prizes!!  That is great!    When you are a kid, no matter what the gift is, it is like gold!  That is so cool. 

    I hope you are feeling ok today.  I know, rough times.  Perhaps the kids being home next week will keep your mind busy and your spirits high ;)   Kids are fun to have around and very distracting!  I just hope you feel a little better so as to match their boundless energy!   

    I want to publicly say YOU ARE AWESOME!  You are my hero, girl!  And with that I drop the gavel on the Mutual Admiration Society meeting!  Adjourned!!

    Ginger: I saw a bunch of boxes of the nitrile gloves at a drop-off spot and thought of you!  I think after your story I will forever connect you with nitrile gloves!!!   BTW, also thought of you yesterday as a woman was driving around in her Audi TT, hat and gloves on with her Standard Poodle!!!  That car does not match the size of that dog and it was a very funny site! 

    There was something I heard about some bc news and it evades me now.  I will be back (please use your Schwarzenegger voice!)

    Good day,-