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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    This is what I found Felis;

    Dr. Oz's Green Drink

    Make the breakfast drink that Dr. Oz swears by! This "green drink" is high in fiber, low-calorie and rich in vitamins.


    Makes 3-4 servings (about 28-30 oz)

    2 cups spinach
    1/2 cucumber
    1/4 head of celery

    1/2 bunch parsley

    1 bunch mint

    3 carrots

    2 apples

    1/4 orange

    1/4 lime

    1/4 lemon

    1/4 pineapple


    Combine all ingredients in a blender. Serve and enjoy!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    I figured the sleep shopping out.



    A news item was on about a local woman who was raped and the police did a drug screen to see if she was drugged and thus didn't remember. It showed that she tested positive for Lorazapam. That is what I had taken 2 mg of late the night before. I felt groggy but didn't consider it might actually make me forget.  How weird is that!     I still need to go back for the sleep test.   


  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    im allergic to certain vegetables and fruits also i have severe gastritis. and you are very welcome you guys are my second family. when i found out i had cancer i tried to take my life because i didnt know who to turn to. but i just had to keep the faith and go on.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors!

    Hope you all are doing well ;)

    Felis: I am so sorry to hear what you went through upon learning of your dx.  Honestly, though, I believe that reaction is more common than is talked about.   I believe we are around the same age and I think women over 35 have seen so much bad with cancer that they absolutely are devastated when they learn of their own dx.  I am just so glad you found us!  We all have to keep the faith, go on and try desperately to avoid thinking negatively about the entire situation.  Every day we are still here is a blessing, woman!  Enjoy!  I am really glad you joined us ;)

    Adey: thanks for giving clarification on the green drink! It is really good.  I actually look forward to it and it is filling.  I totally understand why he has that, and just that, for breakfast.  BTW, speaking of breakfast, recently some myths were debunked and one of the main ones was if you don't eat breakfast you are going to harm weight-loss efforts and also if you lose weight "too (whatever that is!)" quickly it is unhealthy etc..  Glad they cleared that up!

    Ginger: I am so glad you saw that article.  These drugs can do crazy things and when you are tired from long-term sleep issues, anything is possible.  When my father was dying of lung cancer in the end his breathing became so labored, he was afraid to sleep.  He said there was nothing worse than not being able to sleep.   I hope you find some success with the sleep doctor.  I so wish a meditative state was easier to achieve! 

    Have a good weekend, girlies! Stay warm!  

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Lizzy- Where was this barn???? sounds tempting! 

    Ginger- that is so funny! you sleep shop and i sleep eat! No joke since now i have a 17 yr old living here, who is up later than me, she has informed me that in the wee hours of the night i get up and eat. I've polished off plates of brownies, bowls of ice cream. Left over dinner... LOL i hve very few recollections of any of that and what i do remember is more like a dream than a reality! SO strange but true! It might explain my inability to lose weight! Also i sometimes wake up and it feels like my stomach is eating itself- like i am starving- i've deduced that these are the nights that i dont eat! Oh and my 7 yr old will watch QVC and swear we need this stuff- she's been watching the jewelry part since maybe 2 or 3 yrs old. I have never bought anything from there but she will try her hardest to convince me- usually quote what the sells person is saying!!!! Do you think this woman was raped while she was in a 1/2 sleep state? Send me the link to the article- that is very intriguing! 

    Felisa- SO true!!!! You stumbbled onto our thread and have been a wonderful precense! I am sorry you felt that suicide was the only end for you. So glad you didnt succeed and found us! Lizzy is right- that is a taboo subject among cancer patients and probably the rest of the world because we've been taught to "fight" "survive" and "dont give up" but honestly this crap is HARD! just financially it has taken a toll on me! Sometimes i think it'd be easier to just die. I am stage 4 by the way so that just may happen eventually, but my train of thought was -why the heck am i putting all this time and effort into me just having a good quality of life when in the end i might just succumb to this disease. Then i see the light in my children's eyes and remember i have a greater purpose :)

    rachel- i have also had some pains in that area. Weird- when i have a BM my abdomen hurts! it sorta feels like menstrual cramps- i see my dr next week and was planning to bring that up.... Maybe you should move your appointment up before march, unless you're comfortable holding off til next month. (me i am a hold off person LOL)

    The green drink sounds yummy with the fruit in it! Could we use canned pineapple? (i hate dealing with fresh LOL)

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    i know its been rough for all of us, but we all have a purpose of not giving up, im glad i didnt because i never would of seen my first grandchild or yall. thanks family.

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Tex--I think that I should move my appointment up--but...I won't...I had scans last year and each year I have had the same complaint..I think that I can wait another month for that checkup. I have my breast onco next week...I think that I can only handle one Doc at a time :)

    I am heading to Iceland in April....yep...for work...well...actually to Copenhagen but stopping over in Iceland and couple of work collegues and I have chosen to stay a day or so in Iceland as I have always heard it is an amazing country to see. Granted, I will be in Denmark for another week so I don't want to extend the trip too far.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Hi, Felisa - You are sounding so much better!  Glad things are finally healing up!

    Lizzy - I think your body doesn't like surgery!  Hope things are healing well now.

    Rachel - I did a report on Iceland in grade school and have always wanted to go there.  My daughter did a report on Iceland too in 6th grade.  The shaggy ponies are so cute!

    Hi Ginger - How are your feet doing?  Has your neuropathy improved at all?

    Tex - Yeah I think eating at night while sleeping (!) would sabotage any weight loss plan!  How are all the kids getting along together?

    Adey - That drink sounds tasty but a lot of cutting up of things.  I might try it though.  I like the idea of the mint and the lime/lemon.

    Things here are going along pretty good.  We are sprucing up the patio and have been eating dinner outside.  It was warm today and I was reading my book outside and fell asleep in the sun.  Very nice nap.  I feel like I had a good weekend if I get nice nap one of the days.  Take care !

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Good Morning Everyone!

    Woke up to snow here today...ugh!  Have to go clean off my car and head to the gym early in case the roads are bad, but I just know it is cold out there and it is inevitable that I will get all snowy cleaning off the car so I am procrastinating..LOL!

    Tex and Ginger: I have always heard about strange things people do while sleeping, especially on Ambien, but Ginger I think you are the first one I heard that shops!  As for the eating Tex, that is too funny.  Imagine the look on your niece's face when you come out and eat and she realizes you are sound asleep..LOL!

    Lizzy, I could soo see you on a farm somewhere. You seem like an animal person.  BTW, how is your metal sculpting going?  Are you still doing that?

    Felis..we are all soo glad that you are still here to talk with us.  Believe me when I tell you that the worst is over and everyday will get a little bit better.  I don't think any of us will ever truly be the same as we were before and not worry about cancer, but it does get easier.  I hope your wound healing is progressing.

    Rachel, good luck on your doctor's appointments! I hope there is nothing to worry about.

    Okay, gotta go trudge out in the snow and clean off the car now.  Have a great Sunday everyone!


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Hi Debbi!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    Happy Superbowl  Sunday!!!  I hope everyone is doing well ;)

    Tex: don’t ever say that!  You are such a beautiful person!  Sadly there are many, many people who should be getting on their way, off of this planet, but not you, woman!!  I will put money on saving your beautiful life and keeping your lovely soul among us every day of the week!  BTW, first on the should-depart list: a guy I worked with on Wall St I called “no soul” as he was a convicted pedophile and that while drunk driving committed vehicular homicide.  Indeed we need many, many more Timothea’s and far, far less “no souls!”   Money, shmoney anyway!  Is there a better way to spend money than on saving your beautiful life?!  ;) 

    The barn is in Durham, CT.  I am just not sure of the structural soundness or how someone might move it but there are always those large flat bed trucks they move modular homes on.  Who knows?! 

    On the sleepwalk eating, so common.  I am always surprised when the likes of 20/20 runs a show on that and uncovers the stats.  Perhaps you are just wanting a middle-of-the-night snack!

    Omaz: Adey was drawing Felis’s attention to the recipe for the Dr. Oz green drink I have been telling her to try!  Not too much cutting.  I take 1 huge bowl, dump ½ bag of spinach in there (save other for next time make drink), cut an orange, lime and lemon all in ½ (saran wrap the other halves for next drink), toss in bunch parsley and mint, break 3 stalks off celery bunch(take an additional 3 off for next time make drink and then I cut the rest of the head into snack sticks!),  take 3 carrots (I pull another 3 carrots out bag and then cut the rest into snack sticks) and the only real cutting is the pineapple as the cucumber goes in whole also.  I also put in about 2” of ginger root.  #goodstuff !!!  You are right, my body does not like surgery! It has had enough.  It did ok for like the first 4 or 5 surgeries but has not been happy since!  Glad you got a nap and good to hear from you!

    Sptmm: you are such a trooper!  Heading to the gym in the snow! Yes, I am still working with metal.  I made a great coat rack recently and this year I plan to make **3** of the Wall St themed bar tables.  That will be the most I ever made.  How are you healing?  How is work going?

    Felis: thank you for joining us!  I am glad you came and joined in with us and found some people that know exactly what you are going through to assist you on your journey. I have said it a thousand times, we are all just dotted lines to each other. 

    Rachel: never been to Iceland!  My friends dd did a semester there a few years back.   BTW, watching a show on CPTV on Quebec right now!  Quaint downtown colorful row houses!  I have not been to Montreal in 7 years, Toronto in 5 years and Quebec since I was very, very young w/grandma!   I think I am going to do some Canada tripping this summer!

    Ginger: it is hard enough to not spend when awake!  If I was half asleep, surely I could be tricked into buying most anything!!

    Well, time to get ready for the Superbowl!!!!!  I do love the commercials! 

    Carpe Diem, ladies! 

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    I am going to give the drink a try and will let you know.  I have a vitamix so that should fluff it up good!

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    So, I finally got the picture thing to work.  Hope it doesn't come out too big.  I just wanted to show you guys my before and after pictures.  I have talked a lot about the changes in myself since diagnosis and I wanted to share with you all what they really look like.  The picture on the left was taken a couple of months ago and the picture on the right was taken right before I was diagnosed. 


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Sptmm: YOU LOOK FANTASMIC!!!!!!  I think you look great in both photos, honestly!  Your dd is beautiful also!   I love your cami sports bra and you are truly an me and the old men that like to watch you jog by!!!!!!  he he he!

    BTW, and this is the only place it is safe to say this, your boobs look great also!!  Nice traps also!   Overall I give these pics a 10!!!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    rachel- i was gonna say my FIL was stationed in iceland but i forgot he was stationed in greenland LOL i get those two places confused! Enjoy your mini vacation on your stop over!

    omaz- somedays its like WWIII over here! the kids get along one minute and then are at eachother the next. i figured it out- there are 6 ppl living in a 960 sqft apartment- we need a bigger space!

    debbi- oh no she gets a huge kick out of it!!! i am responsive in the fact that i will have conversations and everything but i just dont remember it at all! apparently friday night i came out to the living room and ate these crackers that i can not stand, told my boys to go to bed. Honestly the last thing i remember is wide awake i told my boys its okay if they gtsbbed their pillows and blankets and slept in the living room! LOL i guess sleepy me wasnt having it LOL

    Aww Lizzy thats so kind! i dont think that now, but had thought that in the beginning. I totally got where Felis is comming from :) Speaking of the superbowl- i didnt watch it but did catch that the lights went off- i joked it was because they didnt pay their electricity... LOL! who won???? prob the ravens (they played right?) whomever was ahead when the lights were off LOL Yeah but cant the middle of the night snack be a salad??? LOL

    Wow!!!! Debbi you look amazing! How does your family react to your new level of fitness? i bet they are so proud of you!

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Hi ladies, sorry it has been so long since I checked on you all. Just paged through the posts quickly, but it seems everyone is doing ok, at least nothing major wrong. I'm doing good. I've been busy looking for a job. I've got 2 interviews this week. Hooray! Maybe something will finally happen. It is sooooo frustrating looking for work when you are my age (55) and have been out of work a while (3+ years). Hard to dance around that "why have you been out of work" question without bringing up cancer.

    Felis: My heart goes out to you girlfriend. My mother had to have a wound vac twice and those things are a pain in the behind!

    Lizzy: Hate that you've had additional problems too. Hang in there, which I know you will.

    Debbi: You look fabulous darling (are you old enough to remember that SNL skit with Billy Crystal?) Your hair is awesome! Mine is still short, partly because I had to do chemo again and have only about a years worth of growth, but partly from choice. I've cut it 3 times. I've gotten spoiled with my 10 minute hairdo! I never had "good" hair anyway.

    Love to all you ladies. I pray for us all every day.

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    yes it is ladybama, i cant wait until i get rid of it. also lizzy the pineapples are great and im healing good also, my nurse came by today and said my wound is getting smaller.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Hurray Felisa   smaller wound!  

    Hugs everyone Hi to LadyBama

    I have this crud of a cold. Drowning in it!

    Love Ginger

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Hey Lady!

    Felisa- Thats wonderful news! 

    Ginger get well soon

    My Calcium was low, my potasium was low they gave me a script for potasium... blood work on monday along with tthe results of my scan.... i think i felt my calcium was low- it hurts my shins when i run and this weekend at the skating rink i fell and caught myself with my arm and my bone hurt LOL.... kicker is  i take calcium! dr said to up the dosage.... Hmmm i hate pills, why cant i have bubble gum flavor stuff like my kids :( LOL i am a big baby- i started gagging in the infusion room when they gave me the pills to take LOL

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I hate taking my vitamins too! Those calcium pills are so dang big!  I think getting the calcium to be absorbed is part of the issue, I don't recall what you need to add though. I bet someone here will be right back with the solution. 

    I hope all your sore bones get better soon. 

    Hugs Ginger

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors!

    I hope everyone is doing well!  It is snowing on and off here all day but I did not let it stop me!  I had stuff to do and I just headed out and did it!  Of course I am working off nervous energy about impending test results…spooktacular! 

    Lady:  You are absolutely right in that it is kind of hard to avoid “cancer."  I mean where else were you? Tell them you were taking care of your sick dh (not!), a sick parent, whatever but just don’t say “cancer.” 

    What is more is when this APRN hack at Yale took my port out she made such a mess and caused a dreadful, and large, keloid (& I am not a person that “keloids” ever).  My PS as a favor and b/c I had that other big surgery, tried to cut it out in August but it grew back and got even bigger!  I was so frustrated as anyone who knows someone who has cancer *knows* full well what that scar means and it is sort of like the Scarlett Letter for everyone to see.  Here I am having a nervous breakdown over here, in my early 40s and still not dead from cancer trying to figure out how the heck I am going to spend the rest of my life in turtlenecks trying to avoid having someone see that freakin’ scar!!!  Also how am I going to explain these years gone by? I am ½ joking, ½ serious here.  I am so blessed to have a wonderful, talented and helpful PS who very kindly, once again, tried to cut that damn keloid out (that she had absolutely nothing to do with causing) during another surgery and she was successful this time!!!   People without cancer have no idea what an awful place this disease leaves you and all the awful stuff we go through.  It is just terrible and you know I am not one for talking about terrible but it leaves you in an awful awkward place so lie like a freakin’ rug!!!!  Don’t ever tell them you had cancer.  Tell them you went to CT to help your old friend Liz during her protracted cancer battle!!

    Lady, it was good to hear from you.  I am glad you are doing well!  Good luck in your job search and I will gladly be your alibi!!  

    Felis: I am so happy to hear you are healing good!!!  YAY!!!  Good news!  The pineapples are great!  Love them.   I think Iowa was correct in that they definitely have healing properties!

    Ginger: I hope you kick that cold and soon!  Stuff is just hanging on these days.  I was talking an elderly woman at the MRI center last night and she said it was her feeling that stress levels are higher these days than ever and how it seems these colds, viruses and flu are having extended life b/c of that. 

    Tex: when you run?!  Aren’t you on chemo?!  What are you doing running?  Do you mean just back and forth to the car or are you out laying down some miles?!  You are the best!  I am telling you, VitaFusion calcium chews are yummy!  Never again will you complain!  Also CVS does chewables and they are gross but at least they are not 1” long and 1/2 “ wide!!!  Try those VitaFusions and I am telling you calcium can be yummy!  Good times, girl, good times!! 

    I am so glad you are out skating and running and enjoying life!  You are my hero (and now I am going to sing “Wind Beneath My Wings!!!”)!  Seriously you are very inspirational!

    Well my favorite girl Betty White is celebrating her 2nd 90th birthday in a special on NBC and I am going to tune in! Valerie Bertinelli looks better than ever!  Amazing!  

    Smile because it immediately changes your state and the states of those around you!!! 

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    I hate hate hate my scars- my mx scar, my port bump, the scar on my neck where the tubing is..... Yeah def a scarlet letter! My niece swears my scars are beautiful- i just dont see it yet! LOL

    I didnt mean to make it sound like i am running 5ks over here LMBO- i mean running after the kids, sometimes we race to the park... chemo or not i still have to be supermom over here! No girl you're my hero! You have a kick-butt-and-take-names type of attitude! Def will pick up the vitafusions!

    Felisa- Hows everything going????

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Hi everyone;

    Heading to the Oncologist tomorrow for my 6 month checkup...fingers, toes crossed...sending up good vibes, prayers and everything....Looking forward to having one checkup done---then have my gyne oncology checkup in early March. Scanxiety setting in.

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Hi Ladies, I am stopping by to say Hi. I have been reading and trying to stay caught up. I do manage to stay too busy.

    Tex. have you tried almond milk? The carton say it has 50% more calcium the reg. milk. I buy the kind that has 30 calories per 8oz. plus I get reg. flavor not the vanilla fav. I actually like the way it tastes.

    Debbie, you look fabulous! Congrats.

    Lizzy, I just read your post about the bracelets today and last night I sent 41 of the bracelets I made with my SIL because she wanted to take them to her job and sell them. Funny thing was I thought to myself good idea sil maybe you can sell 5 or 10 of them. She sent me a txt at 10:15 am and said she had already sold 15 of them. Then I got a message at 2:30 that she had only 8 left lol I about fell off my chair. She said they are a hit get to making more. I knew I should have taken a picture of those bracelets before she left with them but then I thought a good part of them would come back. When I get some more made I will get a picture.

    Rachel- I hope you have a good check up!!

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    i think we all have problems with our calcuim mine is low as well.

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Calcium: If you are taking tamoxifen or one of the AIs, it takes calcium out of you also. My onc put me on the Prolia shots twice a year. Those suckers are EXPENSIVE. My ins. covered it, but be sure to check coverage before you go that route. He sent me for a bone scan to see if I needed it (I had been on aromasin about 6 months) and they found some bone loss, hence the shots. It's Vit D you are supposed to take with calcium for it to be absorbed well. Tex, have you tried some of the new gummie vitamins?

    Lizzie: My DDH (damned dh) did me one favor, I guess. I've been using him as a cover story. I tell them I moved to this area 3 years ago to get married, but the marriage didn't work out and now I need work. So far everybody seems to have accepted that with no problem ;)

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Felisa- i shouldnt be low since i take 1260mgs a day LOL

    Lady- i am on neither of those, i know with cancer being in bones it can mess with calcium I do take zometa nore sre if that is similar to prolia

    i am on quite a few different pills and i relaised yesterday i may need to get a pill calander container- i forgot some yesterday, accidently doubled up on another LOL.... my mind aint the sharpest anymore!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Texas I use a big 7 day container with locking lids for each day. If I don't refill them I get into trouble. I have 4 and they have been worth every penny. The smaller ones are too small for vitamins. I think they even hav e huger ones but these just fit all my pills. 

    Some days I do get sick of swallowing all of them so the calcium may go down a bit in dosage. 

    I take 5000 D3 because of my low level (8) and living where it could be renamed The Land Of the Missing Sun. 

    I am glad that we can get some flowers going in our window boxes earlier here than in Illinois. See ing those bright annuals every day for more than half the year really means a lot to me. I still have some Violas and my last snap dragons just died off. 

    My cold is hanging on, in the night I sound like a barking walrus. 

    Laters Ginger

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Yeah i need to get something! 

    my D is only 1000, buti dont need it since i get the real stuff LOL... I miss gardening, apartment living SUCKS!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors!

    This is  an amazing storm!  I went to look out the window but there is a humongous snowdrift that has blocked that window almost entirely!!!!!!   

    Tex: I was only joking about the running but knowing you, I would not doubt even on chemo you are laying down a few miles a day!!!!!  Your niece sounds lovely! How nice that she says your scars are beautiful.  OMG…that keloid: I was so stunned that when I pressed on it it kind of popped like there were little, tiny glass vials in there and they were shattering under pressure.  So weird. Speaking of scars, had lunch with an old & dear friend who asked to see my scars.  I had no compunction about showing her all my scars!  Man, it was kind of weird going through them all!  

    You are also showing up kind of late to the “daily pill” dispenser party!  Showing up very late!!!

    Rachel: how did the check-up go?  I hope things turned out well.  It is all so scary.  I wonder if it ever gets *not* scary? 

    Iowa: 41 bracelets in 1 day?!  I will see you on QVC, woman!   Lori Grenier needs to meet you!!!   Good for you!!!  That is great news. 

    Felis: how are you doing?  Hope you are feeling well!  

    Lady: when I read you post about how they found out about your calcium, all I can think is you have some comprehensive doctors!  I don’t think my calcium has been checked even once since chemo!  Not joking.  I met a woman who worked at Yale that said mets/recurrence will show in your blood.  They only test for about 10 different things on me.  Who knows?! 

    BTW, great that that DEVIL ex of your’s actually comes in handy as a wonderful excuse!!!!!!  Perfect!!!   Just perfect!!

    Ginger: the barking walrus was so absolutely spot-on!  I know exactly what you sound like now!  Well put. 

    I forget who made the comment about me living on a farm but that was a good call b/c I love, love, love animals!   My friend, who now lives in WY, was horseback riding in the snow a few weeks ago and sent me some pics!  Looked great.   I would have a ton of animals and it would be a “safe” farm, that is for sure!   

    I can’t believe it is 1 year since Whitney Houston died.  I will never, ever forget her.  Earlier today I was in the basement and found her original album (Tex, that is a vinyl disc that us dinosaurs used to listen to music on!!) and she was just so beautiful and talented. What a huge loss. 

    Well, the news people are continuing to tell us not to go outside!!!  So lucky to have them or surely I would try to go out!!  The only person on this road who could go out right now is my neighbor across the street who has a quad!   Correction: I could go out on my cross country skis!!

    Boston issued some warning that involved a threat that if you were found on the roads after the “don’t leave your house” edict was laid down, the result could be jail time!!!!!  Lucky for me I am heading up that way on the 19th!  Hoping some of the 3 feet of snow has melted! 

    Sweet dreams, girls!