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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Thanks! Who knows where my mind was going. Lol

    This is a new week! I am so content at this moment it isnt funny!

    On a serious note: Is this meetup happening or what?!?! I really want to meet y'all because this "core group" of ppl have been amazing through it all! But i am a forever planner: i need times, dates, goals to set to make it happen! (No last min trips lol) Why not Puerto Rico? I'm down! Or maybe NYC... i need to map who/where everyone is coming from!

    This weight loss thing- i am serious too lol- any ideas on what i need to do lol!

    Que sera sera!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Texas, I hope you have a smooth week. Did they make you do anything special for this rad treatment? I had to lay exactly where they put me with pillows and such helping me to be in place. It was pretty easy, just totally different.  

    I don't know if you got with a new church after you moved but I know a church can help out a lot with meals. It can be a good resource. 

    I think it will be great whenever we can get together. I like NewYork because I love theatre and I would be gone missing to shows the entire time we would be there. It is also expensive, but perhaps someone has a Manhattan apartment to share. I bet you all will come up with something wonderful. 

    Everyone have a good week. I have my test and stuff on thursday. In other exciting news our DD and my husband both have hand, foot and mouth disease. No, this is not the one the cattle get, thank God.  It is a virus and I surely hope not to get it. 

    Hugs Ginger 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, Warriors!

    Tex: I am working on some details of the meet-up.  I can't help but think that Disney is going to be our best bet!  No shortage of hotels, entertainment, shopping, it is family-friendly and there is something for everyone!   Plus I can go visit some friends while there.  I am going to see a friend who is a travel agent in Fairfield next week.  I will let you know what she says.  I am kind of looking for a group rate.  I have a few women here in CT who are bc girls and would like to come also.  Let's see what happens.   I am thinking summer 2015, even though Florida will be wicked hot, it is probably the best time for everyone considering kids etc... so let's keep that in mind.  Either that or Los Angeles!  I love Santa Monica, the pier, Knottsberry Farm, lifting weights on Venice, rollerblading in Santa Monica, Disneyland, etc...etc...etc...!   I want to go to Jimmy Kimmel and to Chelsea Lately so I could do it all in one fell swoop!  I will keep you posted!!!

    BTW, don't get worried about sharing with us all something that is on your mind.  Seriously, you are undergoing rads on your mind---share away, please!  It is good to talk and to let out whatever is on your mind.   The last thing you need to do is be cluttering your mind right now!!  Clean house all you want, girl!

    Sptmm: now, take it easy, I don't want you losing more than the 1.4 lbs!!!!!!!!  Your family is way too close and might track me down in CT to castigate me for encouraging this loss!!!!  Deb, I love that you took it off and have kept it off!  I am going to write to "Ellen" about you!  I am also going to tell her you need a new car, a nice vacation and (I don't know if you need these but who does not!) new appliances for your whole house!!!!  Alright, slenderella, get ready to take that trip out west!!!

    BTW, I was in the mall the other day and my friend was trying stuff on.  A woman came out of the dressing room while I was waiting and she was all of probably 5' and was probably 80 lbs.  She was telling the very heavyset young woman that was with her that this dress, that looked like it was from the children's department, was not fitting correctly because she was not through "shedding for the wedding!"  As the story unfolds, her dd was getting married and she was trying to emaciate herself for the wedding.  It was all so sad, I just looked at her with pathetic eyes.  I wish I could have said something but clearly it would not have been something she wanted to hear...!!!!!!!

    In any case, Deb, like you have said you are running for your life.  It is a very poignant, and very true, statement.  Rather than make yourself sick to fit into some dress, you have lost weight in an attempt to save your life.  To each their own but I like your reasons much, much better ;)

    The very happiest of trails, ladies!

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Good Evening Everyone!

    Tex:  How's it going?  Please don't hesitate to share whatever you want with us.  I love to hear what makes people tick.  You wouldn't be you without your past experiences and you have turned out to be an amazing woman and fantastic mom.  So, whatever deficiencies you see as being in your background they created one heck of a woman and I am sure that you recognize that.  As for the honesty with your kids, I wholeheartedly agree with your view on this.  If we don't tell our children the truth they will never trust us, they are human beings just like adults.  Dishonesty breeds dishonesty.  I had a huge argument with my ex-husband about this when I was diagnosed as he felt that my son did not need to know the details of my condition because he was "too young".  I told him to take a hike.  I was honest with my children because like you said, they find out eventually and then know you lied or they imagine things that are much worse than reality. 

    Lizzie:  OMG, do I need a vacation!!  LOL!! Car would be nice too!  Seriously though, I almost spit out my water upon reading of your seltzer spewing out of your nose...LOL!  I love the way you tell a story, you are definitely part Irish! 

    As for the checkups, OMG do I wish I never needed to see a doctor again!  My goal for 2014 was simply not to meet my deductible, I so hope this happens although it is not starting off that way.  I have had a recurrent problem with low iron levels and occult blood in my stool.  I have been evaluated through and through, even swallowing a tiny camera at one point!  Unfortunately my iron levels took another nose dive in December and today the gastroenterologist recommended a colonoscopy....UGH!  I had one in January 2012 and then had my exhaustive GI eval in August 2012, so they didn't repeat it because it had just been done.  So, now he says we need to repeat it.  I am not worried and I doubt they will find anything, but I am just sooooo done with testing!  And I can't stand the clear liquid diet, might as well just starve me to death..LOL!  Anyway my benefit year is up on January 30, so I will have the colonoscopy next week and hopefully that will be the end of it.  I am really going to try to not meet my deductible this year! 

    Have a great week everyone!


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Hey everybody,  

    I went for my appts yesterday. After all the usual, mammo (all okay), blood work, Onc appt, the Onc ordered a MRI scan of my cervial and thorasic spine and it was difficult. The loudest machine I have ever been in. I had ear covers and more and it still sounded like the worst, head mounted,metal bucket percussion band ever for about an hour. I made the mistake of moving my arms and made it blurry at one point so they had to do part of it over again. I had contrast in an IV and it didn't hurt at all. The test itself didn't hurt, just made me feel insane.  I tried to think of you in my pocket and the Tim Gunn show that  would be on yesterday evening. I don't have the results yet. They said a DR at the University of WA was going to read it and they would compare it do Dexa scans I have had there in the past two years. Onc decided to do this because she did not like my Cervical and Thorasic spine symptoms. She said she will just pass it on to the regular DR for followup. The scheduler found that there was an oping for MRI in 7 minutes and through some crazy alignment of the stars I was in there with in 20 minutes. Please pray for all clear for me. I didnt hear today. There is also a rehab physician at SCCA who I can see and who can treat the vertebra if it needs specific treatment. That would be so wonderful. I really think something needs treatment, and if it could make it stop hurting so I can walk again I would be so grateful!!!!! 

    I'll be back at you when I hear anything. 

    Hugs Ginger

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Sending positive vibes your way Ginger!

    Tex: How did it go this week?  How are you doing?

    Hi Lizzy!


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Has anyone heard from Timothea/Texas this week, She should be on day 11 of her rads and I understand it can get rough. I wish her all the best as she finishes up this stage of treatment. I send gentle hugs. 

    Love GInger

    PS I havent heard back from SCCA yet on the MRI results. It is making me nervous. Mammo was okay. 

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Ginger--waiting with you to hear good results :)

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, Warriors!

    Ginger: I spoke to Timothea last week and she is in good spirits and she seems to be tolerating txs pretty well. This is the final week for her! YAY! I will speak with her in the next few days and I will update you (all) on her progress.

    I will be sending you vibes and honestly, as today was a holiday, they are hopefully, hopefully just running a bit behind. Don’t forget, January we start our collective “to do” lists and many people head out to get those “tests” they put off at the end of the previous year. I am very hopeful your results are just fine and that the lab is just inundated.

    As for me, my check-up was scheduled for this week but we are due for a foot of snow, Tuesday into Wednesday, and I was due in Boston on Weds. I had to postpone as if CT is scheduled for 12” then Boston is in for as much, if not more. Secretly I am happy for a few more days of “ignorance is bliss!”

    Sptmm: Deb, it is odd that your iron levels are nose diving. It is great that you know they are, however, because as I read that all I could think was I have no clue where my levels are. Your doctors sound very thorough. This is good. I am seemingly becoming resistant to going to any docs at all so perhaps this is why I don't know where my levels are!!  I think you are right in that the goal should be not to meet deductible this year!

    Deb, we all love a nice, new car! Especially when we don’t have to pay for it! A vacation is always coveted and some other new stuff is all good!

    You know, Deb, the other day someone asked me how come I look so young, what is my secret etc.. and I just turned and said “I laugh a lot; I think everything is funny!” I seriously think that is it. Laughter so working out, laughter and, yes, a little out the nose is all good!!!!

    I am going to go kicking and screaming to my check-up!!! Ginger, be sure to let us know your results!

    Happy trails, ladies-

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I don't know results yet. DR has new nurse and I didnt know, I had call into old nurse who it turns out was off of work so I just got new RN's number today.   

    Has anyone else slept and entire day away? I somehow wnet to bed at 7 PM yesterday, awoke at 6AM and fell back to sleep until 5:45 PM!!!!!!!!    I did not hear my alarm go off, it was rolled up in my covers. My poor dogs pooped on the family room rug, cats hate me and SIL had to pick up DGD from preschool!!!!!   How did I sleep so long.   I did feel ill, cold sweat and feverish when I woke at 6AM and took 2 Ibuprofen. I am perplexed by this because my DH is out of town so my failsafe is not with me.     

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Ginger: I heard from Timothea via text today and she said she is doing good!  I told her the ladies here on the thread were concerned about her so hopefully she will stop by and make a post soon.

    As for the sleeping, so many people are getting the flu, to 1 degree or another, and that kind of sleep seriously sounds like you might be coming down with the flu.  There is also the idea that you might have been exposed to it when you went into the medical buildings for your tests etc... last week and your body is trying to fight it off.  As I type I am secretly hoping you don't have it and that the sleep was the beginning for you.  My friend just had it and he said he slept for like 14 hours or something like that.   I hope it is not the flu and it might just be nothing at all.  Maybe your body just needed the rest?  Honestly, though, now that I reread your post, I realize that the cold sweat and feverish business....I think you have the flu, Barb.  I am so sorry for you.  It is just everywhere.  I am lifting, doing 45 minutes of cardio daily and eating copious amounts of fruits and vegetables all in an attempt to keep my immune system strong and avoid that darn flu.

    I hope you are ok.  Please keep us posted on the results.  My GP uses a system to deliver messages to me with the results of any tests.  He is only the hardest working doctor I have ever met, he is wonderful and he also will leave me messages on Saturday and/or Sunday if the situation calls for it.  I think all doctors, especially our oncs etc..., should be using this system instead of leaving us hanging.  Alas I guess nothing is perfect!

    Hang in there, Barb---I sure hope it is not the flu :(

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Still no news on the MRI.  I wrote to the new nurse this morning and hope that will move her to get back to me.  GR. 

    I slept very long again yesterday until this morning. DH is still out of town. 

    Sort of funny; At about 5AM our time I told the dogs, who were in bed with me, that Dad would be home tonight. They both moved into hunter pointer positions, (they are poodles) then jumped down to the door. Woofing expectantly.  

    I decided to call my husband so he could speak to them. He is two time zones east of us on this trip. He answers sounding like a wounded animal. I apologize and ask if he is up? He says NOOOO I have oh, er, five minutes left.  I put him on speaker phone and it made the dogs happy to think he lives in my phone. 

    I lived with my DH traveling all the time for over three decades and I was okay. Now I hate it, just hate it. 

    I hope you all have a good day and no aches or pains. Especially no flu!  

    Hugs Ginger

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Here is what I know as of this moment. 

    I just heard from Dr XXXX's new nurse. She was a bit confused and gave me my Mammo results even though my note asked clearly for my MRI results. As I understood her tentative reading of my test results I have a "fractured C1 it is a narrowing and my spinal cord is not transected." " There is also something at the T1" At this point I asked her to email me the test results. I asked if she could do this right away and she said she would try to this morning.

    Wow I am glad I don't have a transected C1, that would make me dead wouldn't it? She is new and sounds even newer than new. I miss My Onc's previous nurse who was a wealth of knowledge. I had to wait a week for these results totally unlike my facility .

    I am really anxious to read the report. I was afraid I had mets to my spine and am still not reassured given the tentative reading. I'll be back.  

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Ginger: Take it easy just yet as you did have a car accident and at this point, the problems certainly could be, albeit a late, result of that accident.  All injuries don't present at the time of an accident.   Take a wait-and-see.  Also, as for the C-1, I don't even know what that is but I will look it up!

    It is a shame that the old nurse is gone.  For this reason, because the nurse is new, I would hope this is just related to the accident.  She does sound very, very new.   I just hope you have found some solace this evening but those reports are so convoluted, I bet reading it did not make you any more comfortable.

    The dogs are funny!   That is hysterical!  I have a camera that allows me to spy on my cat and also to talk to her!  It is hysterical when she hears me talking and is looking around, wondering where I am!   The last time I was engaged we lived together.  I remember me telling him not to tell my cat I was in NY and that she thinks I work on the side of the house because that is where she last saw me going when I drove from the garage!  Your dog's understanding that your dh is in your phone was so cute and it reminded me of that!

    Barb, I wish you the best.  Cancer is a lifelong disease and some of us will get mets, some of us will die of something else entirely and others will not have anything more to do with cancer.  It is all very strange and all we can do is support each other.  Please keep us posted.

    BTW, tonight on the evening news there was a report that "scientists" have finally declared the caramel coloring, used to color almost all colas, has distinct carcinogenic properties and is causing tumors in rats.  The one thing I did, and never did I think it was the caramel coloring but phenylketoneurics, was give up Diet Coke right after I was dxd.  I had no clue the caramel coloring to be cancer-causing.

    Enjoy every day and hope for the best.  This is all we can do.

    Good night, ladies-

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    It is from the accident. 

    I slept last night. I took 2 mg of melatonin as soon as I realized I wasn't going to fall right asleep. I slept about 7 hours. Good sleep except for the part where I woke up my husband yelling at someone in my sleep. I woke up the when he was poking me to get me to stop yelling. I went right back to sleep. It amazes me that he still sleeps in the same room with me given my midnight night terrors. Lately I have apparently been trying to punch something, I never remember the content, not like a dream that I do remember sometimes. I am a strange sleeper.

    Good news is no mets, however, it turns out I have a broken back, L1 , not C1,compression fracture with stenosis. Loss of height on several vertebrae from impact. Hard impact trauma is how you get compression fractuers if not from disease like osteoporosis. Lots of other spine issues too. No wonder I have been hurting some much that I can't walk anywhere except to the bathroom since September 3. I now have an appointment with an Orthopedic surgeon on Feb 6, his first available. I am pretty tired of sitting at home 24/7. I can walk to my car, it hurts but I can make it, like I count my steps and think walk faster it wont hurt for so long. It works and gets me there. The thing is there is not really anywhere to go.

    I used to pick up DGD until this past week from preschool and the teachers put her in her car seat and then we would go back to my house until DD picked her up. Now she is staying for after school group and tea time. I just miss her so much. DD realized she would regain an hour of at home time if she didnt need to come pick up DGD at our house. I understand but sure miss DGD. 

    Funny, last week she told me her school has a soccer team and she would need to get a haircut before the first game. She is 3 1/2. lol 

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658 glad there are no mets....totally crazy that you have been dealing with a broken back :( wonder you had so much pain. You must have a high tolerance. Hoping that now that you have the diagnosis, the Docs can help you get better.

    All is well here....cold, freezing weather is horrible but it seems to be hitting everyone.

    Keep warm :)

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening,Warriors!

    I hope everyone is doing well. It is wicked cold here but honestly, I like it! These hot flashes have gotten worse but I was thinking I might be moving from peri to full meno?I don’t know what I am talking about!!!!!!!

    Ginger: I am so, so, so excited for you!!!!!!!!! This might well be the only time in my life that I can say I am happy you have a broken back!!!!!!!!!! So thankful it is not freakin’ cancer screwin’ around with your body!!!!I am so happy for you!Clearly you are going to need some PT and who knows what else but at least you will not need chemo!!!!! When I got my head CT at DF and she called me to tell me my arm was broken, I was so excited!!!Yay, broken arm= good times! As long as the news had nothing to do with cancer, I am fine!

    That is so funny that your DGD is discussing a pre-opening game haircut! That is adorable! Of course you will miss her. It is so hard with parents working and raising children meanwhile battling their arch enemy, *the clock*, every single day. It is so hard and so many struggle with it and I am sure they want to see her more.  My friend was just talking about how they go from daycare to home, get dinner ready and then off before you know it bath and bedtime is there. It is so very hard on everybody. Hopefully you can see her on weekends.

    Just think, though, now that you know what is wrong with your back, hopefully they can help you get stronger again and then the Spring is upon us! You can do some gardening again! Also if you are feeling better, perhaps you can go to her soccer games?Things to look forward to ;)

    Also, the yelling, screaming, fighting in your sleep and crazy dreams are all, most likely, sponsored by melantonin. It gives people crazy, crazy dreams.

    I am just so glad that was not mets. Good news, Barb, good news indeed.

    Rachel: how isyour MIL?I have to ask, I want to know!I hope she is maintaining and plodding along. That would be good.

    Well, ladies, have a good remainder of your weekend!

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Lizzy--My MIL is doing OK. She now has mets to her lower back and spine. She is currently on a double-blind study but not for anything that can help her. She has her follow up with the Doc tomorrow after her last scan. She seems to be moving slower and struggling more so we are curious of the results. As I may have mentioned before, my in-laws are Portuguese and therefore, they normally need my husband or his sister there with them to ensure they fully understand. My husband has gone that last few times--tomorrow is his sister's turn. We wait and see. Thanks for asking.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796


    Good morning, Warriors!

    It is nearly 3AM here and I am up waiting for the European markets to open as I am watching a few stocks!  In any case, some news on how antioxidants and Vit E are *not* good for those of us who already have cancer.   The news is never-ending but I thought I should share this link w/you all:

    What I am starting to wonder is if *anything* is not causing tumors in mice?!

    Rachel: I am curious to know the results of your MILs scan.  Thanks for letting me know how she is doing.  It is rough but it does seem that many, many people are living longer and longer with cancer diagnosis.  Of course quality-of-life becomes an issue but I am just a bit reassured about the longevity your MIL and all of us are experiencing.  Good stuff!  Take care, snow woman!

    I had the best intentions on narrowing down a 5 year anniversary destination but it is not as easy as I thought!  Any ideas?  Let me know what you all think.

    Happy trails, girls!

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Unfortunately, my MIL test results showed a 20% increase in her cancer in the last two months. She was on that double-blind study and they will keep her on it as she just came in under the line -- they only want people in the study with less than 20%--she came in at 19.8%...granted they know it isn't working but there is nothing else for her stage/type of cancer. The cancer has grown into the stomach wall. The Doctor sat the family down and provided the referral for the palliative care...he said that the next couple of months will determine how she is doing. I know that we have all been aware of this for the last couple of years--but I guess, this is the first time when the Doctor has given this type of news...and they have started the Palliative care detail. The family is upset---she is upset. It is so hard. We had a feeling that it would not be great news but didn't expect such a large % growth--even the Docs were surprised. 

    Cancer really does suck.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, Warriors!

    Yesterday, as it is now 12:35 in the Northeast, was “World Cancer Day.” I was busy today, trying to get things done in between snow storms. In any case, I wanted to post yesterday, on World Cancer Day but the message is the same.  As Rachel pointed out in her last post, cancer really does suck.

    The numbers are staggering.  I heard so many statistics today, it was unreal.  Between NPR and CNN and the newspapers and CNBC, the talk was all about cancer and how it will fast reach pandemic status in the next 20 years.  They said 1 in 3women will be dxd and 1 in 2 men in the next *10* years.  That was one staggering prediction/fact I could not forget.

    This was taken from CNN and I just cannot believe what I read:

    CNN --Cancer cases are expected to surge 57% worldwide in the next 20 years, an imminent "human disaster" that will require a renewed focus on prevention to combat, according to the World Health Organization.

    The World Cancer Report, produced by the WHO's specialized cancer agency and released on World Cancer Day, predicts new cancer cases will rise from an estimated 14 million annually in2012 to 22 million within two decades. Over the same period, cancer deaths are predicted to rise from 8.2 million a year to 13 million.

    The rising incidence of cancer, brought about chiefly by growing, aging populations worldwide, will require a heavier focus on preventive public health policies, said Christopher Wild, director of the International Agency for Research on Cancer.

    If you want to read more, here is the link: <>

    I know the more subjects that fall into the system, the more subjects they will have to work with, to make txs better, to make dxs better and hopefully to move toward a point where cancer is not quite so lethal.

    Rachel: if you could let your MIL know that someone in CT thanks her for all that she is doing, quite selflessly, to help others battling this disease.  It is so very altruistic of her to go through the study knowing full well it is not having any impact in her status.  It is heartbreaking but at the same time they learn so much.  I just really, really appreciate what she has done for all of us.  I would do the same.  I would definitely do whatever I could to help others in this battle even if I knew my own days were very much numbered.  If I could help extend the lives of others or help “them” learn more about cancer, it would be worth it.  A lot of people are selfish, though, and right until the end.  More to this point, her efforts and participation are valiant and definitely not in vain.  I think it is an awful lot for you to deal with and as much as we all love so deeply is as much as we hurt.  I hope you and your dh have date night and that you are trying, even with all of this going on, to take some time for yourself and reflect.  I hope you are doing ok with all of this.

    Now onto lighter fare!!!!  Your Toronto Mayor did not disappoint this past weekend and you are probably aware the US has started a petition to deport Justin Bieber!!!!!!I guess there are enough signatures and the State Department is going to look at it! It is all so silly alas it provides much needed breaks from all the more serious stuff.

    Tex: hope all is well…you have been a little too quiet there, girlie!  Can you let us all know how you are?

    Well, I do love living with all 4 seasons and I have always liked winter but this one in particular I have loved!  It has been so gorgeous, looking at all the trees covered in snow and finally being able to do some cross country skiing, it has been grand! It is just really beautiful and I love the cold, I love it!  I can also thank this weather for helping me put off my Dana appointments for a few more weeks!  I am really dreading going because I just don’t feel so good these days but we shall see.I am really dreading it.

    Finally, it is so very paradoxical someone as enormously talented as Philip Seymour Hoffman spent time anesthetizing himself, trying to slowly snuff out a glorious life and here we are, fighting for our lives every day.  I wonder what makes this happen.  He was a brilliant actor.

    Happy trails ladies!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Hey all! Doing well starting chemo today. Had a few hospitalizations- but  nothing i cant handle.

    Will check back in a bit.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Tex: thank you for stopping by and giving a much-needed update!  I am very glad to hear from you and although I am sorry you are back on chemo, I look forward to many more moons with my pal and I think chemo will provide just that!!!

    I have no idea what those errant fields are in my post from last night.  It seems when I compose in word and paste here sometimes there are formatting glitches.  Just know I did not intend those "owl eyes!"

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    Tex-  You are kick ass.  I go for PET results today, blech.


    BTW Ginger- some team you have huh?  (c:

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, Warriors!

    Adey: thanks for the reminder....

    Ginger: THE SEAHAWKS!!!!!   What a (boring) game?!!!  I know you must be still out partying and this is why we have not heard from you! 

    Subway: just when you thought you were eating healthy, you are ingesting bread made with an ingredient that is used to make yoga mats!

    Why are there not criminal charges for the companies that do this?  The reason you can walk around Tokyo pretty much at all hours, man or woman, is because there are severe penalties for crime.  What will stop these companies from doing such gross, and egregious, things will be to impose big fines and criminal charges.  It is just wrong that Subway was able to do this.  Even though they say you would have to be working with the bread daily, blah blah blah, to experience the "full effect," I fail to believe anything *they* say.  It sickens me I ate there and now I must never again because who knows what is next- rubber in the turkey?!  

    Well, while you all are going for your scans and getting your check-ups, I have been busy avoiding my doctors, appointments and tests!  I am here to tell you, *ignorance* is indeed bliss!!!  I don't know what my cancer is doing and for this, I am so very happy!!   

    THE OLYMPICS!!!!!!!!!!   I am so happy they are starting!  I love the Olympics even though it is interrupting my "Chicago Fire" episodic addiction!

    USA ---USA--- USA---c'mon ladies, chant with me!!!   We get to wallow in complete Nationalism for a few weeks, cheering on our best!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I am here. I go to the Orthopedic surgeon with my MRI results and reams of documents they sent to me all obediently filled out. My DH is taking me and he even took me to the Internist on Monday. This is a big change, when I had my breast surgery he wasn't going to come until my friend said she was going to take the day off of work to take me if he didn't. Maybe it is just the cancer Dr's that weird him out. He is otherwise a very good guy. 

    SEAHAWKS!!!!!!! The game wasn't boring if you were in Seattle. It was the 4th game I have watched, ever, and honestly I couldnt see what was causing the scores except that 85 yard run.   It was totally peaceful celebrating here the parade had over 700000 people and no arreesats.   FUN 

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Go Canada :)

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Back from DR. I have L1 fracture. Treatment is to wear a hyperextension brace for three months. I was hoping for some glue and a quick fix. My husband pointed out that there is something that can be done and the Dr wrote on the order that the prognosis is good and told me the pain will lessen as it heals. Thanks for being pocket pals today.

    I am now using my worry about if it is going to hurt for three months. Waa Waa.  You wear it on top of your clothing, a quick way to get doors opened for you. 

    Rachel the parade was so peaceful here it felt Canadian, in the best sort of way. :) 

    Lizzy thanks for popping in and reminding us to all say hello. 

    Timothea, I hope your chemo is an easy and uber effective one. Hugs


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, Warriors!

    So, that was some opening ceremony I watched largely from a late happy hour!!!!!!  I am loving the Olympics!

    Rachel: yes, go Canada indeed!   I am just concerned your mayor might go overboard when Canada wins medals and based on the composite of his behavior to date, I am very concerned how "overboard" might manifest!!!!!!!!!!  Clearly Jimmy Kimmel will have some fun with it!  BTW, apparently we are not deporting Biebs...!

    Ginger: some time ago my stepmother had this white, plastic thing with Velcro strips that started just above her breast line and went down to her pelvis.  It was hard plastic and I was dating a very funny guy!  We decided, as my father's driveway was a hill extending down behind his house, we should sled her down the driveway!!!!!!! #goodtimes!  I don't think she loved our plans and she definitely did not love that "brace" she had to wear all day.  In any case, I am just really glad none of this is cancer-related for you.

    As for your dh and the cancer stuff, guys really do need us and I think they naturally are very unnerved by the idea they might be losing us. Nothing says "see ya, honey" like cancer!   I am sure he was just dreading going to any cancer appointments or surgeries with you as it suddenly drives home what is undoubtedly his worst fear: you are leaving him.   I would totally not read into his behavior with your cancer surgeries and appointments and take extreme solace in his ability to be there for you now when the appointments are something that can be treated and not something threatening to take you from his life.   We know 2 things about most men: they don't discuss their emotions and they hardly ever listen!  Aside from that, they are pretty darn good!  

    On the Seahawks, clearly the game was wonderful if you were in Seattle and/or a Seahawks fan!  My neighbor was having a very good time harassing me about my Broncos and regaling me with stories of his wonderful Seahawks!  

    I just meant the game was boring, as a lot of Superbowls are, b/c of the humongous shellacking Denver, or the other team, usually takes and in this case, took!

    Have a good weekend, Ginger---just think Spring is only a few weeks away ;)

    Tex: what is going on, girl?  Update please!  Hope chemo is going ok.

    Adey: how went the PET scan?  Either I was a 60s hippie in my previous life or this "hell no, I won't go" is just my adopted mantra toward all scans, docs and things cancer!  I give you all so much credit...but I just despise the idea of!

    Well Motley Crue was on Jimmy Kimmel Live tonight and I thought it a good idea to do some head-banging to "Kickstart My Heart" and now I think I have slipped a disc!!!!  Time for Advil, bed and praying I did not hurt myself!! 


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Lizzy, I thought you were aqbout to write that you all swipped her brace and used it AS a sled for your selves.   This brace is not such a large piece of sold plastic but instead aluminum rods connecting to plastic pieces on the abdomen, breast bone area side to side and mid back and I think something on the hips too. 

    Timothea stopped by and has been eating chocolate. :) 

    DH does the laundrey, cooks, shops, walks the dogs, so any lapse is always forgiven. 

