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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    NadineK420: Welcome!!!  As I tell everyone, we are happy to have you but I am sorry you meet the criteria to join us!

    The following link will help you sort out the difference between a IIa and IIb:

    I hope this helps and feel free to come here and share.  It is very cathartic and we are a helpful and supportive group.

    Good day-


  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Hi all,

         It's been a rough week. I think the weekly chemo is getting to me - I miss the extra week in between.I seem to feel crappy from one treatment to the next, so suddenly January feels a long way off and a year of herceptin feels like forever. Sorry to whine,  I just feel like it's been a while since I've felt like myself and I'm tired of feeling sick and tired. I have 6 treatments down, 10 to go so I'd better get a second wind:-)  I got my cold back with a vengeance and was too sick to go out Sunday; I slept almost the whole day. DH took the kids pumpkin picking and they carved it and roasted the seeds. They were so excited. I was glad they had fun  but sad that I missed out on it. I actually feel okay right after chemo so I am hoping I can take them to their Halloween party Friday after school. My 5yo is being spiderman for the third year in a row, lol, I just had to get a bigger costume. He's a creature of habit I guess. It's the spiderman with 'muscles' so he does look pretty cute. 


  • Ondagrow
    Ondagrow Member Posts: 133

    I am home from my 5th TCH treatment...One more...

    Hope all is well...

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Rachel: I have not had that experience, sorry.   I am sorry you are going through that.  It sounds like perhaps it is a little nerve damage that will rectify once you are done and have it removed but what do I know?  That is all I can think.   Sorry I could not be of more help.  I had port madness today also.   They could not get blood return blah blah.   Finally, after getting stabbed 4 times, they got blood, both out of my skin and in the saline plunger.  Gross.

    Sohardbnme:  I am still here, since 11:30, doc appt was late by 1.5 hours, attitudes on the part of the staff, could not get blood as I already mentioned and, as a result, blood work was delayed getting back.   Unbelievable day...Murphy's Law!  In any case,  I am glad you are home.  Good luck in these coming days, woman!

    Ckptry: I hope you feel better.  We are all feeling the same these days.  Just getting tired of the journey.   It is natural.   Perhaps if you rest Friday afternoon you can keep your party date with Spidey!   One of my nephews went as Batman about 5 years in a sister was getting tired of it!   I am just at the one half way point today.   I won't be done until December 28th.  It is getting to all of us...believe me!

    More madness: I was really pissed about arriving at 11:00, being tossed around until 12:30 meanwhile still no blood-draw and had not seen a nurse or doctor.  In any case, finally when I was sent back to the chemo area, they came out to tell me they had no chairs.  This was the second time.  I was more pissed now and she starts giving me the riot act how it is not her problem and she only works here etc... I was like Yale is a business and you are a representative of this business so you need to keep your little self-indulgent exorcism for after-work hours and she continued to go on.   With the $31000 my insurance is being billed I have to deal with abuse as well?   This place is unbelievable.  Now my next joy is the parking lot and taking some more abuse from the shemale, Lou Albano look-alike!  

    Adey: hysterical on my understanding of acronym TAC!   I totally forgot about that!  It still makes me laugh!   THanks as I needed that today. 

    Good times, good stuff, girls!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Hi, back from infusions, no problems in the chair, thankfully!  Reduced my taxeotere by 20%, kept the carboplatin regular strength.  I am content with the dose reduction and hope it is easier on my nerves.  I'll show up for number 5 in three weeks and we will talk about things again.

    On to SEs for number 4!  Already started by colace!   Got my antinause's out, my claritin, my tylenol, my eye drops.....don't want to forget anything!!!

  • Sorry Rachel!  It seems there's no fun way to get chemo.  :(  I blew a vein on my second one and sometimes that side still hurts.  I did have phlebitis, which was two raised bumps in the vein, like an inflammation that popped up about two weeks later.  It happened right after I had blood pressure done in that side.   After I blew the vein, they made me get the port in.  :(  It sounds like you're close to the end though and that wouldn't be practical. 

    I will tell you that I had pain the entire time I had chemo yesterday -it burned all around my port.  They checked me many times and there was no redness - the burning was more towards my arm.  Who knows what kinds of nerves they hit when they do these things.  As soon as I was done with the chemo, it hasn't been sore unless my bra strap rubs on it.  I can't wait to get it out when this is all done. 

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Thanks guys....who knows for sure...I know that with the FEC ("E" especially)--the Doc said it really does a number on your veins. It is just so sore on one side---so strange. We all keep looking at that side--Doc/Nurse nod their heads and we don't seem to get anywhere. Doc did say that SE from any damage done by chemo can last months and months...gee what a ray of sunshine! Had Chest XRAY today to rule out any bronchitis etc. If so, chemo will get cancelled next week---which sucks because I am counting down the days to being done. Fingers crossed for results tomorrow AM.

    Lizzie--Sorry to hear about your prolonged waiting--luckily I am in smaller cancer centre so waiting seems to be minimal. My Oncologist seems to be the worst of the bunch when it comes to staying on schedule. 

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993
    Rachel:  Sorry for your vein problems. One of the main reasons I got a port is that I HATE getting stuck. Well, now they are having problems with the port and last week in the hospital I was stuck twice in my arm and 3 times in my hand. They finally got the port drawing, but the home health nurse didn't "hit" it just right the other day and still stuck me twice. I was like, Geez, what the crap did I get a port for???
  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Lady - I am not too sure that folks generally know how to use a port.  I had some other blood work ordered and I took it with me to my onc office today and asked them to do the draw along with their other draws. I had about 7 tubes lined up but she got it all from the port and then I went to chemo.  I  really only trust the onc nurses with the port so far.
  • nolalady
    nolalady Member Posts: 1

    Starting chemo on Thursday...anyone know where to buy an ice or cold cap??

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    nolalady - check out the threadhere called

    penguin cold caps 

    They have lots of info.

  • Ondagrow
    Ondagrow Member Posts: 133

    Why am I up so early... Dumb question... I always dream on the first three or four days after chemo...

    Hope everyone is alright dealing with side effects ( the three or four of us who had chemo yesterday)...

    Everyone in the August group you all are in my thoughts and prayers...

  • wherria
    wherria Member Posts: 194

    Hello all.  Just wanted to check in since I haven't in a while. Just been down, feeling sick, and my best friend is in the hospital.  Sorry I've been so silent.  I have been keeping up with you guys though.  Sounds like most of us are pretty sick of this.  Ah, well.  This, too, shall pass, right?

    I go in today for #5.  Yesterday I got fitted for an assortment of attractive compression garments that make me look like a bald, lop-sided superhero.  The night garment especially can only be compared to a shoulder-to-fingers, black oven mitt.  Sigh.  So, for my dh for Christmas, I've decided to buy a slinky, red nightgown, and take a picture of myself standing in front of a medicine cabinet (with all my pill bottles, prescription mouth rinse bottles, and plastic medicine droppers), with my faded, baby-blue bathrobe hanging to the side, in a pseudo-sexy pose with my bald head and my oven mitt on, and frame it for him, and wrap it with his new camera I'm getting him.  What do you think?  I'm not the sexy type -- modest, skinny, never had any boobs even before this -- so I think he'll think it's funny.  Gotta have a sense of humor, right?

    I wish everyone well today.  Thinking of you all. 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Sohardbnme: I am up with you....6:30 for me!  I was just in time, however, to catch "DIY: Creative Juices" on HGTV and I learned how to make candles!   Now I am watching "Cash in the Attic" also on HGTV just in case you wanted some early morning shows to watch.  You are in my thoughts and I am sending you the best vibes Laughing  Good vibes to all who went these past few days.  Hopefully sleep will come again soon and with chemo fatigue, I am sure it is only moments away!   Aside from the 5, fluid-consumption induced bathroom trips, I did sleep about 6 hours!  WHOO HOO!

    I never made candles but now that I have some time....!

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Lizzy, I am so sorry that they are making what is already a difficult experience worse. From dealing with the garage, to waiting so long to see your onc to the attitudes you've encountered, it's really a shame that they don't treat patients better. Ultimately it's most important that you are getting the right treatment for your breast cancer, but they should also be treating you with dignity. Where I go they have little rooms like cubicles so you feel you have some privacy. Last week my dad drove and when he pulled up with the car the valet jumped up to help me to the car (didn't think I looked that bad:-). It does make a difference how people treat you, especially when you are feeling sick and vulnerable.I just feel terrible that you have to deal with this. I think you should call a patient rep/advocate and let them know about the numerous bad experiences you've had. Tell them it's enough to make you consider switching centers. If nothing else maybe it will make someone keep an eye out that the next visit runs a little more smoothly.


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Ckptry: I totally agree.   So many of them are acrimonious and this resounding chorus of "it's not my problem" is outrageous.  Well, it is somebody's problem and at $31,000 per tx, it certainly is not mine.   They just don't have enough room and this is a BRAND NEW facility.  Someone did not exercise even a modicum of clairvoyance when developing this area but when I know we do have socialized medicine in this country which is basically over bill the insureds to cover the uninsureds, I don't want to hear any nonsense about you don't have a room available.  It took 2 hours to get into the doctor and that is because they took people that arrived after me before me.  There is a seperate wing for chemo and they are severly lacking business etiquette.  What bothers me is I hear all good stories from you and so many others about the treatment you get and that it seems your experience is as nice as possible.  I love my doctors at Yale but the staff that supports them and there never ending lines and excuses are perfectly uncalled for.  You should not have to take the good with the bad when, as a patient, I am going through the worst already.  In the end, I got home at 7PM when I should have been home at 3:30.  I am sending a letter as this blatant disregard has got to stop.  Thanks for weighing-in.  I appreciate it.

    I hope you have a lovely day Wink

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Lizzy - that is unacceptible.  I have to say when I was deciding where to go for treatment I went for a consult at the univisity facility here which is also in a brand new building.  They gave me a beeper to carry around like Red Lobster and It was lovely but so impersonel.  The doctor left, came back, left, sent someone else in to talk, came back.  It all made me feel VERY nervous.  When I went to my current place that is associated with US Oncology it was a completely different feeling.  Small building and an inner quiet in the building.  I wanted to sigh when I got in there.  (Not to say I don't get completely nervous everytime I go for treatment, but I don't need the surreoundings making me more nervous).  I chose to go there and if has worked out well.  Just my 2 cents.
  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Sohard - you just have one more!!!  Can you believe it???  Best wishes for light SEs this time.
  • Lady - I agree!  The port isn't nearly as easy as they all said it would be.  :(  I prefer to have the blood drawn from my hand instead of the port.  It's nearly painless for me.  Last time I had them wrap my hand in a warm beanie thing that they microwaved, I held my hand down and the veins popped right up. SO much less painful than the poking at the port and that spray hurts just as much as the needle jab in the chest, I think..............

    Anyway, so we just muddle through one day at a time, one treatment to the next....I'm nervous about my next one since they didn't get a blood draw this last time. 

    Rachel - Have you tried soaking your arm in a warm tub?  That seemed to help mine a lot.  They told me hot compresses on the phlebitis lumps and they are finally gone.  

    Lizzy - I'm sorry you have to deal with that!  They all deserve a kick in the pants!  Our cancer center is small and homelike.  I was shocked the day after my first chemo that the nurses all remembered my name and asked how I was doing, etc.  I'm surprised at what they remember about me from treatment to treatment. Depending on how many treatments you have left, you may be able to find one you like better.  It would be difficult at this point though to find a new doctor, etc.  

    Neulasta!:  Neunasty!  UGH!  I'm having much more pain with it than with the AC treatments.  It started last night before I even went to bed - I could feel it at the base of my skull if I touched it.  This morning I feel like I have a sore throat (hard to explain - a weird deep inside sore throat) and neck and jaw pain and of course all through my rib cage, shoulder blades and if I touch my hips.  Took three Advil this morning --it's not unbearable but it's very annoying and made sleep really difficult.  

    I'm so glad I have just one more of these shots.  I really wish I didn' have one more but it's better than having two more............................hoping to get the kids set up with some schoolwork and sleep a little today.

    In my Decadron ambitious state yesterday I stopped a road stand and bought 10 pumpkins for $10.  They're beautiful - perfect for baking.  Now.....I'm wondering if I'll ever feel well enough to tackle it!  Steroid crash.............

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Cal - Did you take the Claritin for neulasta?
  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Hot flashes: I've been having them off and on since chemo started, but they seem to be getting worse. I'll bet I didn't sleep an hour straight last night from waking up, turning over, throwing off covers... I'm sure I'm keeping my DH up. Have ya'll found anything that helps? I think that is why menopausal women are bitchy - it's the lack of sleep!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Lady - exactly the same for me.  I don't know what helps.
  • Yes, I took the claritin.  And last night benadryl just to help me sleep.  today three advil (since my platelets are good)  But it's still owie....mostly when it's touched or I move around a lot.

    Hot flashes - good GRIEF what a nightmare! I think that's why I was up so much last night - I was hot and cold all night.  I think this stuff majorly messes with everything and yes, they have gotten much worse since I started the taxol with the steroids.  

    I'm SO exhausted today - seems to be getting worse as the day wears on.  All my work and chores are out the window today - just trying to keep the kids occupied today.  They're working on their schoolwork but it's not going to be a structured day!   So glad my mom is driving my 14 yr old home from her babysitting job this morning!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Cal - my 14 year old has a shorter day on weds and asked if she could stay home - I said yes and called it in as a family day.  She is helping me out, doing her homework, playing fun music and, I don't have to drive back and forth to school....Smile
  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    taxotears - For those on taxotere who have watery/dry eyes I asked the onc PA about it yesterday and she that taxotere is excreted in the tears and that I should use the natural tears aggressively starting after the infusion. That was her advice.
  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    kel, with my last neulasta shot I took the 12 hour clartitin twice a day for 5 days starting the day of the shot (I read somewhre to start it the day before but forgot. The pain was much better. It used to feel like my tailbone was broken for several days after the shot prior to that .

    hotflashes, I haven't gotten them yet - excpet for once in a while I'll feel for a few secs like I really need to take my hat off! I haven't had a peiod in 2 mos so I'm wondering if they start. I remeber seeing a few people on another thread mention a "chilllow" helps at night. I know effexor is very effective in treating hot flashes in women who can't take estrogen, they started using it at least ten yaers ago at Sloan Kettering so there's probaly alot of data (I know though, another med....)


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Lady- hot flashes are so hard to target. They are different for everyone. I am starting to think I was having hot flashes but I think I am responding to getting heated, and my now bated breath, causing me to get warm when walking around! I honestly don't know what the hell is going on.

    Calamtykel: Get Claritin. I take it and have had no problems at all with Neulasta. In fact now I am just going to take it every day until I am done.

    On the switching hospitals now, I love my docs at Yale and you are right, it might be difficult. It is the treatment by some of the support staff which is so poor and so uncalled for.  That garage is just awful.

    Fatigue: it is so tough to deal with. I hate it. I can't stand being tired from a 5 min trip to the grocery store. I feel so pathetic. I am pressing pillows today as I type! The end is near, however, as we are all collectively in striking distance of the finish line! YAY!

    Omaz: That is interesting that taxotere is secreted through tears. Thanks for letting us know. I had no idea.

    On Yale, both you and Kel are going to smaller facilities. I am sure I am trapped in the behemoth hospital system, no doubt. I do feel like I am at Red Lobster! That was an appropriate analogy from your situation that I can apply to mine! In fact, just yesterday I told them, as they can't honor an appointment, why they don't just have a deli number system. I don't think they loved me yesterday and TOO BAD!

    Wherria: good luck on #5 and I think the silly, sexy photo is a great gift for Christmas! The camera...nice gift, woman! Take care and I wish you the best.

    Well, I am off to Neulasta soon. Good day girls and may you all find some solace this afternoon.

  • mommichelle
    mommichelle Member Posts: 92

    Hello Ladies!

    Been scrolling through what everyone said.  I have never gotten the hang of remembering who said what - guess I could chalk it up to chemo brain?  Very rarely have time to be thorough.  Even now, I wanted to type while the kids were occupied before I tried to catch a half hour nap.  Chemo fog is clearing from last Thursday...and like so many others have said, we are heading toward the finish line and we should all be proud.  For those of you getting treatments this week, prayers for minimal side effects and a quick return to a more normal state.  For those who had treatments last week, hope that all side effects are passing and you are feeling better.  For those who are in a golden week...enjoy! 

    Been having a lot of positive information coming to me through survivior stories and on the boards.  A stage IV woman who was told a couple weeks ago that HER2 positive breast cancers may be one of the first that they can "cure" with chemo and keep people (even those with metatasis) cancer free!  Another woman wrote that her onco had been at the same conference and told her the same thing.  BIG THINGS are happen in the breast cancer world and I know we will all benefit from the hard work and research that is being done.  I have heard of so many ladies that had surgeries and chemo 20, 25, 30, 35 years ago who are still doing well.  Can you imagine what they endured?  Do we realize how far we have already come?  We are on the verge ladies of this disease being wiped off the planet, and I feel we will all be here to see that day!

    Happy thoughts and prayers to all.  My kids are drawing on my head tonight to prepare for Halloweeen.  They have been excited since I first told them I would loose my hair to "decorate" me!  I can't wait!  Peace...............

  • Re the advances in breast cancer - yesterday my associate pastor stopped by with some flowers.  He is 87 years old.  He told me about his first wife,--she died very very young, in 1949 or 50, of breast cancer.  They had a year old baby.  She got it in one side - then the other then bone mets.  He said they just sent her home - every so often the doctor would come to the house with a pain shot.  That was it.   But there was nothing they could give her -not for pain or anything.  He remembers being by her side at the bed as she was crying in pain.

    Ladies - I know chemo SUCKS.  BIG TIME.  But as horrible as this is - and I'm having a darned lousy day, I do believe that even though we don't have a cure and we SHOULD by now, we are a whole lot better off than women who had this years ago.   I hope I'm making sense - my head is so foggy today.  It just made me feel thankful that we have at least the advances that we have in this day and age.............

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Mom and Cal - Thanks for the perspective and the news.