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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Calamtykel and Mommichelle:  I heard horror stories of what women went through in the 70's, just 40 years ago.   It was scary.   We have come far and I do believe they are on the precipice of a breakthrough.  With 1 in 4 being dx'd with cancers, they certainly have enough subjects!   There are lots of successes so, to you both, all good points and thank you.

    Calamtykel: I agree chemo is hard but, you are right again, as it is saving our lives.  Also, that is just adorable that your pastor, at 87 years old, brought you flowers!  That is so adorable.

    I think I am going to watch the inside of my eyelids for a little while!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Gingerbrew is back!

    My 1st TAXOL went well. It was a three hour infusion when I expected just one hour. It was the schedulers error and always was meant to be three hours.  Wer got out pof the SCCA at 10:10 Pm and home in ahalf an hour. I had heebee jeebee legs from the massive amounts of steroids. I took two lorazepam and it doidn't touch it for an hour so I finally was able to go to sleep around 2. I had been laying in bed swinging my arms and legs about. DH was very tired and didn't even notice. Dog was worried about me. 

    I was able to take one dexamethason yesterday amd and one PM so I am not having a big droid crash. 

    Doc also insisted I up the effexor I take for the dduration of chemo  becuase my droid crash was so morose. I sure don't want to go up in the Effexor but am willing to if it could circumvent a major clinical depression.  I do not ever want to go down that road again. Get treatment, get it early get back out sooner.

    I have my Neulasgta on the way, I will take it tomororw. I had forgetten to get the order  going again since I was off sick for a month. 

    I have only 3 TAXOL left to go. The infusion was okay except for getting hot. I wanted to get my shoes off, my headcovering off, I wanted a fan. My face turned red. I had perspiration on the back of my shirt. None of this was enough to call it a reaction though. My temp only went .4 from 97.4 to 97.8 I run low. 

    My face is still bright across the cheeks and bridge of my nose. I wonder if that is from the droids yesterday. 

    Age spots, I watched them disappear during the infusion. Amazing!!!!! On my forearms and hands. Either gone or faded out to fleshtone.  Some of them the top layer simply peeled off. I am exceptionaly fair complected so they really show alot. I have to take a better look at the ones on my neck, I think they faded out too. One visible benefit to chemo, yeah!!!!

    I also felt well enough to help my DD sort my closet a bit. Remember we moved here in July and are still not unpacked.  It would be so good to b e unpacked. My husnbad says we are not organized enough to have a houskeeper come back in since the premove in cleaning. He has someone mow the lawn, I would like the house to be clean even if it is around some boxes. It isnt like we have kids rooms with knee high stuff on the floor, I remember those days and somehow their own homes don't have those rooms! I was so happy to feel well enough to be able to cooperate with getting some things outof boxes and onto shelves. My DD is a therapist and I think she would make a wonderful professional organizertoo, she has just the right touch.

    Calamity, how are you doing with the taxol #2? I hope you newlasta isnt too hard on you. I tried to get out of it b ut I woeuld have had to go to every three weeks instead of Dose Dense and since I beleive their si some evidence that dose dense is more effective I decided to give it a try. I think the weeks off with the cold gave me a little more endurance to try again. 

    I love you all and read every word you all write. 


  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333
    gingerbrew  I got ants in the pants from the benadryl they give pre-taxol. I literally felt like I could not keep my legs still. It makes alot of people drowsy but has the opposite effect in some. They gave me hydroxyzine (vistaril) instead with the second and it was much better. Just wanted to mention it in case it was that instead of the steroids making you restless. Also, I look like I have a sunburn from the neck up the day after - definitely the steroids. Glad things went ok with the Taxol and that you felt well enough to do some organizing!
  • I think the Taxol SE's are settling in.  I have a horrendous taste in my mouth - like dry soap.  UGH!  I don't want to drink - water tastes awful.  Any suggestions?  I'm so thirsty from the taste but water makes it worse.....I don't know if adding lemon would be bad since it's acidic and i don't want to get mouth sores. 

    The neulasta is still hurting when I'm touched but mostly I'm just feeling horribly foggy headed.  UGH - the brain fog is horrendous!  I feel like I can't focus and I'm an emotional wreck!

    I am hoping for sleep tonight.  The last two nights I didn't sleep much at all.  Just took a wonderfully long hot bath which has helped greatly -- Going to take some tylenol and benadryl or something nice to make me sleep!  

  • I didn't know the steroids do that to your legs - I was wondering what was going on with me the other day! :D 

    Ginger- I'm hanging in there.  The neulasta should start to wear off for me a little by tomorrow.  Hoping!  Whatever it is, this is better than when I had the cold and had the taxol, at least so far!  

    Taxol and hot - YES!  THis time I wore a t-shirt instead of a long sleeved shirt.  I made sure because last time I was so miserable and hot.

    The steroids make my face REAL pink.  I think the taxol may do it too, I'm not sure.  But yea, Iooked like a drunkard when I left the chemo center Monday - my nose was huge and red! :D

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Hi All,

    Okay first off let me just say that by far the biggest side effect I have had from Chemo has been short term memory loss. In fact, as I type that I may have already told y'all that. Maybe many times actually. I won't remember. It's been awful. I feel like the worst kind of fool b/c everyone in my circle has heard everyone of my stories like 7 times over. So here goes my best shot at remembering everything... (and as an aside, has anyone else experienced horrible memory loss?)

    Wherria- You MUST definitely do that photo!!! That is exactly the sort of thing my husband would love too. So I got a kick out of your story. Heck. Wouldn't it be funny if we all did that and set up a "Glamour Shots" Breast Cancer Calendar?????? Ha!!

    Lizzy- Sorry Yale isn't holding up their end of the deal. And you were so pumped on them in the beginning.

    Calamtykel- TEN PUMPKINS??? What were you thinking woman? In my imagination you're like the organic earth mother version of Martha Stewart.

    Rachel- I haven't heard of anything like that. But honestly, I'm sure it's something very normal. THere are so many odd side effects with this. But I can see why you'd be nervous- you've had a tough go this year. I'm hoping you'll get some answers really soon. I'm sending good vibes and prayers your way.

    Everyone- just about to start radiation and will keep you informed!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Ginger-I am glad your first taxol went well! That is great news. As for the crash, do whatever they suggest to help you manage that. The red face is so par for the course with taxotere and taxol. It is a very attractive look!

    That is amazing about the age spots. What a great benefit of this daunting process! That is fantastic news. As for unpacking, you have been through so much since you arrived in your new home. That will come in time. Perhaps you are starting to get ready to do it. A little at a time. One box a day and in a month you will have 30 less boxes to look at!

    I wish you the best with your taxol txs.

    Calamtykel: Since I have been on taxotere since the beginning and, yes, everything tastes awful, I bought a few plastic 20 oz tumblers at Target and I leave 6 pennies on my counter in front of a cup. I mix 16 ozs of water w/ 3-4 ozs of cranberry or cran-raspberry etc... . I would avoid lemon and/or orange juice because of acid. Each time I fill my cup, with a goal of 6 per day, is drop a penny in the cup. The goal is to have all the pennies gone by the end of the day...not always the case! The key is 2 straws, no ice. This is working for me. The final step is to plug my nose, not with fingers but just breath, so I can't taste. Just my trick...hope it helps.

    As for what I wear to chemo, and because I get 3 each time, I am usually hot so I found some super light material t-shirts this summer or I wear a tank and a shirt or light jacket. I do still use my post-bmx tanks also. I always look like "heat miser" when I am leaving the center.

    Well I hope you guys have calm legs and we all have some restful sleep this evening.  Good night all-

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Ginger - I thought I was imagining my age spots going away, is it really true??
  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Yes Omaz age spots faded away. Acouple even peeled of during chemo 1st Taxol.   Amazing I thought.

    I have lost almost all of my eyebrows now and have no upper eyelashes. 

    My recommendation for drinks is Gator Frost Glacier Freeze. I drink warm. I also drink  Lipton diet ice tea. I am not so big on water just now but drink it anyway.

    Muscle pain is hitting me big time. knees , legs, ankles, wrists, fingers just now. I took a couple ibuprofen. . I take newlast tomorrow so that addition will be not so good to this. I hope this weaqrs off and doesnt last for the two weeks until my next infusion. I am really uncomfortable..

    Calamity did the muscle pain go away?  Anybody?    

    I will take two of the usual pills after chemo to sleep tonight.  Cant remember the name just now. 

    Hugs everybody oh carp a doodle do.


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    THis really hurts. WOw.

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Ginger, for me the pain would subside after about a week.  But be prepared because for me it got worse after the Neulasta and then faded away.  Honestly the day after I got the Neulasta shot I felt like I was hit by a Mack truck, but the following day I felt much better. Hope you feel better.

  • wherria
    wherria Member Posts: 194

    Calamty: Try adding a few slices of cucumber to your water.  Give it a nice fresh taste.  Might help.

  • Ginger - you are NOT alone in the muscle pains.  Are they like stabbing nerve pains through your legs and arms and stuff?  That's how mine is.  I couldn't sleep last night and I took a percocet.  The advil doesn't do it for me since it's not "aches" - it's like nerve pain.  Since Taxol is a nerve toxin, it makes sense.  I will say that the percocet did help - it spread sort of a warm feeling all over me and took away the stabbing pains.  I won't use it during the day.

    And YES for me it did go away last time!  I had treatment Monday last time and by Saturday it was much better, with Thurs/Friday being the worse.

    It sucks.  They say Taxol is easier, but I never had "pain" on the AC!  Do your legs also feel like they're rubbery?  I feel like the Scarecrow from Oz!

    I woke up a bear today - I'm ready to bull doze anyone in my path.  I'm in a horrible mood!  UGH!  Oddly I think I'm feeling better, but mentally I sure am ticked off at everything and everybody today!  ARGH!@!!

  • Martha Stewart - LOL!  Yes, I can't pass by a bargain - goodness, 10 for 10 - how could I refuse with four kids to feed?  I'm always looking for a bargain!  :D 

    Gonna cook them up and freeze them if I'm not up to making pies and stuff.  My aunt brought some pumpkin cookies last week that were FABulous - they were iced and I think they were somehow made with yeast so they were actually raised.  I only had a bite (trying ot stay off the sugar!) but I'd love to take a stab at that recipe myself!

    I miss all the cooking and baking.  Anyone have any Thanksgiving plans?  DH and I are staying home - parents are taking the kids to my brother's house.  I don't want to go since I'm not having my last shot and I don't want to be exposed to germs (my SIL and her parents are school teachers.)  I will miss the family time but to me it will be worth it to be done with Chemo that week - yay!
    I will miss going to the Doorbuster sales on Friday but I plan on shopping on line --last year I got boots for my son for $7, a winter coat for $7 and track suits for my kids for $3 each - all on Walmart's Black Friday sale online  (of course, it was about 3:00am that I had to log on!) 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Calamtykel: with our current state of sleepless affairs, hot flashes etc... you should be up for that Walmart sale without a problem!!!!!!   You might do better this year!  As for Thanksgiving, I was supposed to go to Tennessee with my boyfriend to see our good friends who just moved there but alas chemo is going to keep me grounded.  I hope you and your DH have a nice day at home. 

    Has anyone heard about the Zahra Baker case in NC?  She was 10 years old, fought cancer twice, had an above-the-knee prosthetic and I guess her drug-dealing stepmother and sick-in-the-head father appear to have killed her.  It is an awful story.  I know a lot of people don't even watch the news because of this kind of disturbing business but I cannot tell you all how this story is renting space in my head.   They keep showing pictures of her and it is just so sad. They found her prosthetic leg and are now looking for her remains.  I am sorry, I know we all have enough to deal with but this story is just such a travesty.  Our society is spawning some perfectly sick people.  The last time anyone saw her alive was September 25th and her "parents" just reported her missing about a week ago.  Sick, sick people.

    Speaking of sickness....I am starting my roid withdrawl and surely will be crashed out for most of the weekend.

    I hope you all have a good day-

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Lizzy - I am crashing too.  Take care.
  • Must be crash day.  I'm wiped out.  I can never tell when I'm crashing from the steroids or just from lack of sleep and chemo combination.  I'm trying to get orders done here and I can't focus.   Keep getting major owies in the legs.  I just broke down and took three advil - don't know if it will help, but this is getting old.... it's a gorgeous day outside and I don't want to do any outside chores.  

    AND I'm having a cup of coffee.  Doggone it - I deserve coffee!  :D

  • jsw19
    jsw19 Member Posts: 212

    Hi all, I just wanted to say a quick hello today since I have AC #4 tomorrow and will likely be out of commission for a few days.  I am absolutely dreading it even though it is the last AC because I know just how crappy I will feel for the next week.  At least once I get through the days of SEs I will be halfway done with chemo and completely done with AC but I'm already worrying about what the SEs of Abraxane will be.  Like several of you have posted I am also feeling emotionally overwhelmed this week, just tired and frustrated at this whole process and wishing for my old life back.  Hugs to everyone and I wish for minimal SEs for all of us these next few days.

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    YAY I'm getting over the hump of fatigue and bone pain after last weeks chemo/neulasta.T/G

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Calamtykel--I have had a hard time drinking water since my last FEC and it just seemed to get worse with my Taxotere. I have resorted to many different things--I can drink perrier (they have flavoured with grapefruit now and also lemon or lime), cranberry juice, POM juice, ginger ale===basically I can drink anything other than plain water--doesn't matter if it is bottled or from the filter--strange.

    My chest Xray came back clear--no bronchitis or pneumonia---basically just have a chest cold that won't go away. I have blood work and exam tomorrow so we will see if chemo #5 is a go next week. Also will have the Doc check out my left arm again. Damn this is like a constant ache. Sucks because otherwise I am in my "good week" post Taxotere #1. Go figure! 

  • zenith4289
    zenith4289 Member Posts: 137

    Hi everyone.  I had an acupuncture session today but it doesn't seem to have helped.  In fact my lower back is in spasms.  I had to take an oxy and am taking tylenol.  The onc office doesn't want us to take tylenol because it masks a fever but I am not going to go to the ER again.  I went Tuesday because of a fever and they never find a source of infection adn in fact my wbc's were good so no cipro.  I know i'm just fighting a viral infection as my son has it now.  Since my wbc's will be low on Saturday I'll probably be sick then.  Slept a lot today.  gotta go find a more comfortable chair.  This acupuncture was free thanks to a grant and i made another appt which i'll have to pay for but I don't think I will go.  Sorry for all the se's you all are experiencing.  I knew the onc was being overly optimistic when he said taxotere was "easy"

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I am taking Oxycodone it takes the edge off of this pain. Yikes this surprised me withhow it hurts. The pill didnt knock me out like I htought it might so I am glad for that. DD is here with beautiful baby.

    I do have to take my Neulasta shot still today so I will wait a bit hoping to not have to much over;lap of the two. 

    I sure hope this stuff all works because it is not easy to submit to. 

    Husband said I was yellin very loundly in bed, that he needed to awaken me. I dont remember a thing about it at all. 

     Age spots are still gone.  That is good. 

    Love Ginger

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Hi all,

    Okay so I'm almost 4 weeks past my last chemo and here's how it looks from here. Still achy. Still bitchy. Still yawning til my jaw pops. Still bald. Still can't remember much, but it's getting better. No nausea. Poop almost back to normal. Don't need to nap as much. Legs are less achy. No bad taste in my mouth. Things are beginning to smell okay again. But here's the BEST thing- hair is beginning to grow back!!!! Ladies, it only takes about 4 weeks to start seeing some improvement! So hang in there.:) It gets better quickly. (Except for the achy and bitchy part...but maybe that's just part of my core personality now...:) I write this because I really know how crappy these side effects are, the pain etc. But it does go away, just keep your eye on the end date. I'm sending good vibes to each and everyone of you.

    Radiation starts on Monday. Will give a live report if I can manage.

    Also there is a sad, little, weepy cat on my front porch right now. It's so cold up here. I put out food and water for him, but I really can't bring him inside. Tomorrow I'll take him to the Humane Society but truly, he's pitiful. Also probably full of fleas which is why I can't bring him in. I did that last year and we had an infestation that OUT OF CONTROL. Anyway his sad little yelps are going to haunt me all night.

    Sleep well everyone!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Thanks sweeny! YOU'RE HELPING US KEEP THE EYE ON THE PRIZE (being done with all this!)

    Sorry gals i am here reading but dont get the chance to  chime in before needing to get off line!

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Hi all, just a quick note, I saw the onc today and he says if the infectious disease doc lets me quit the antibiotics when I see him Monday, then we'll get back on track with chemo next Thursday, which would be my first Taxotere. Since I got held up, ya'll are all going to be finished long before me!!

    Sweeney, good luck with the rads. I too think that my core personality seems to have changed, and not necessarily for the better. Give the poor kitty a blanket.

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    A blanket, yes. AWESOME idea. Will do. And then bed. Night!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good Evening Chemosabes- 

    Calamtykel: crashing, too! More fun.

    JSW: good luck tomorrow. I wish you well and perhaps this time will be easier than the last. I feel a little better with this one, so far, than I did with #2. Congratulations on finishing. I am just ½ way done...

    Iowa: glad you are feeling better. Hope you have a nice Halloween weekend!

    Rachel: I am so glad your chest xray was clear. That is very good news. No more complications needed, my friend! Perrier does sound like a good idea. I think I am going to pick some up tomorrow. I love Perrier but, as everything tastes like elmer's glue smells, I am trying not to demolish my interest in things I used to enjoy right now!

    Zenith: I am glad your wbcs are good and you got to acupuncture. We are all trying so hard to manage under these circumstances. Acupuncture is a great. I have not done it since starting chemo but I have in the past. Good stuff. At least no more cipro, right?!

    Ginger: none of this stuff is easy to submit to. It is a rough road. I am glad you are able to alleviate some of the pain with meds. A visit from the baby must have helped you today. I hope you had a nice time with her.

    Texas: good to hear from you!  I hope you are having good days, woman!   Take care of you.

    Sweeney: OFF TO RADS!!!! Also, thanks for the view from the future! It will be nice to get some normalcy again. For me that is January, however. Now, onto more important issues....that kitty! Put a cardboard box with a blanket if you can. I know it is cold there. I hope the kitty survives the night. Thanks for being good to that little stray!

    Ladyinbama: I hope the infectious disease doc lets you off the meds and you are back on track. Just think, you will almost definitely be finishing before Adey and I! I am done December 28 and she is 1 week later. Your dogs are sooo cute! Best of luck on Monday.

    Good night, girls! Sweet dreams to all!

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

     Over the fatigue and can't sleep seriously been awake most of the night and I didn't even take steroids. This has got to be the hormones, haven't had and signs of the monthly in 4 wks ( applause's) there is a plus to chemo. That and how fast I get ready for the day lol, yes I have gone crazy!!!

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi Guys!

    Just wanted to check and reiterate what Sweeney said.  I am four weeks out from my last treatment and all of those daily chemo side effects have abated.  The only thing remaining from the chemo days is, of course, the lack of hair; muscle weakness; and I am still exhausted!  I have developed some problems with my nails from the Taxotere and numbness in my fingers and toes, but on a daily basis I feel much better.  So, there is a light at the end of the tunnel for all of us and every treatment you get closer!

    On the memory loss...unfortunately that continues.  Seriously there are times that I forget things and feel like a complete incompetent idiot!  I used to be supermom and remembered everything, organized everyone.  Nowadays I just keep apologizing for the things I forget, I hope my kids don't let this memory override the "supermom" I used to be.  Hopefully I will get back there someday.  In the meantime, I have lists all over the place and post-it notes!

    I too will begin radiation on Monday and hopefully it will go quickly and smoothly.  One of my friends is a science teacher and is going to bring over a Geiger counter at the end of November, just to see if the radiation registers, LOL!

    But seriously, I hope everyone is feeling better today! And remember, this will all be over soon.  Keep your eye on the finish line!

  • wherria
    wherria Member Posts: 194

    Just need to vent a little.  Woke up this morning and everything hurts, and I mean everything! Two days post chemo #5, one post Neulasta. And fatigue like never before. No shower, barely able to take the dog out. I'm supposed to go see my compression garment fitter today because after receiving a new sleeve and glove from her on Tues. everything swelled up worse than before.  I am REALLY scared about this Lymphedema thing.  It just keeps getting worse instead of better.  I know the chemo is making it worse (onc told me), so maybe it will get a little better after it's all done, but in the meantime, if it keeps getting worse I will graduate to a higher stage, and once you do, it doesn't go back down again.  It hurts and is so swollen.  I terrified I'm gonna live like this forever.  There is no cure.  Also my best friend is in the hospital, and I really wanted to go visit her today before my counts start dropping (she is in a very dangerous situation with severe neutropenia, is in isolation, and neither of us should be around the other once my counts drop), but I don't know if I'm going to make it.  It's really sad, because she's been stuck in isolation for almost two weeks now, very lonely and depressed.  I'd love to be able to go keep her company, but I just feel too crappy right now, and besides, I'm having diarrhea and don't even know if I could make the drive up there.  Sigh.

    Is anyone else battling Lymphedema? It really sucks.

    That's all I guess. Thanks for letting me vent.  I sure am catching on to what they mean when they say it is cumulative.  Don't mean to scare anyone.  I've had, according to my onc, worse than usual SE's all the way through, so don't assume it will be like this for everybody.  I've always reacted this way to medications -- getting the unusual SE's and reactions.  My psychiatrist teases me about always being the exception to the medical rule.  Quite a dubious honor!

    The stupid thing I did this morning is I took all my psych meds, half of which have a stimulant effect, so I won't be able to sleep this off!  Dumb. 

    I hope y'all have relatively SE-free day today.  Sweeney, I hope your little stray is okay this morning.  

    Good luck today and hugs to you all.  Thanks for letting me vent!
