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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • My turn to vent.  :(  I haven't slept since Monday night.   The jabbing leg pains are horrible.  Last night I took a percocet.  By 2 am I was extremely nauseous - this happened years ago with me and percocet.  I threw up at 2 and didn't sleep the rest of the night.  Couldn't take anything else for the pain because of my stomach.  Good thing is once I tossed the cookies I felt better.  But just couldn't sleep.

    I'm exhausted and still in pain.  I'm very weepy - trying to keep it in perspective; I think things will get better this weekend but I'm So tired of this.  Am I the only one who things taxol is in a way WORSE than the AC???  I never had pain like this on the AC.

    I'm going to try some Advil, but my tummy's still not "right" from last night so I'm afraid to.  I'm so sick of this. I  wanted to take the kids to the corn maze today - I don't even think I can gather my thoughts to get their schoolwork together.  Every tiny thing seems overwhelming.  

  • wherria
    wherria Member Posts: 194

    I'm sorry Calamty.  It does suck.  Right now at least.  You need some sleep, woman! Has your doc given you anything to help you sleep?  So sorry about the vomiting, but at least it made you feel a little better.  Pain meds make me sick too.  I always take an anti-nausea pill at the same time I take any type of pain med.  This might work for you too.

    I'm not on Taxol, but I can tell you that Taxotere has given me a lot of pain -- muscle spasms (and not just muscle pain, but actual spasms that bring me to my knees, literally -- migraines, muscle aches.  And then of course there's the Neulasta pain.

    Sorry again.  I'm sick of it too, but I keep telling myself I can't stop now, because it's a lot easier to get rid of or lessen the chances of recurrence  the first time around than it is to deal with a recurrence or metastasis.  Hang in there!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good morning, girls-

    I barely got any sleep last night.   Drinking so much water and then the on-and-off with the covers to vent for hot flashes....good times!   The weather, however, has finally turned seasonal and this helped last night with the flashes!

    Sptmm: thanks for the update from the future!  Looking forward to everything not tasting like Elmer's Glue smells!   I am very glad you are feeling better.   I hope you have a nice weekend with your kids.   On another note, I sure hope you DON'T register on the Geiger counter!   Good luck with starting radiation on Monday.  I am sure all will be fine.

    Wherria:  I can't go to visit a loved one who is in a nursing home because they have MRSA.   While on chemo, and I know it is your best friend but, I would encourage you to skip visiting.   The hospital is just replete with germs as it is.  You really have to watch out for yourself.  I am sorry your friend is neutropenic and I hope she is coming along.  Maybe if you both are better you can go and see her next week?  As for Lymphedema, I have not heard of anyone on this thread talking about having it but there are threads dedicated to lymphedema on this site.   That might be a good resource for you.  On the muscle and weakness, a lot of us are there now   You are definitely not alone on that one.   Aside from all of what you are going through, I hope you have a restful weekend and feel better.

    Calamtykel: Like Wherria said, taxotere has been giving me the weakness, muscle pain, and I have had the fatigue for a while.   It is not constant but rather bad in the first 8-10 days after tx and then it subsides for a bit just in time to go back.  There is nothing easy about this but I will say, and concur with Wherria again, it is so much easier to deal with these tough times and try to erradicate it this time around than deal with mets and more txs in the future.   No guarantees but I am hopeful that full-force on this round will do it.  This is what I keep in mind when I think about the day-to-day stuff.  On pain meds, they make me sick as well.  I only took a few after my bmx.   I hope you get some rest today.

    Lisasinglem: Go GIANTS!!!!!!  Unbelievable.  I cannot believe the pitcher got hit so many times in 1 game....I think that was a record...sad but true!     

    Adey: A few more days before you join me, woman!!!!!  November 1st....good luck ;)

    I am tired from tossing and turning all night.  The TAC I am going to relax all day and watch HGTV in hopes that I can grab some naps.   Last night was rough and here comes the fatigue, roid-crash and muscle weakness.  

    Good day, all-

  • Just took some Advil for the stabbing pains. Yes, they are like spasms - that's the word for it!  ARGH! 

    I tried to take an ativan last night but it was too late -the percocet already made me sick.  Honestly though, dinner didn't sit right with me anyway --someone cooked us some great soup but I don't think she drained the meat....too rich.  I didn't feel well shortly after.  So I think those things combined with the percocet really set me off.

    I'm hoping for a better night tonight.  Tonight I'm going to try two benadryl with some tylenol and see how that does.  

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Food - I had to look in my bowl to see what I was really eating - did I spill industrial waste in there????  It was just cottage and cantalope but tasted totally NASTY!
  • lisasinglem
    lisasinglem Member Posts: 239

    I'm on Day 4, which is always the worst day, but I had a horrible night last night.  I was so tired after the Giants game (good news: they are up 2-0 :-)  that I went to bed early, but my blood sugars were all over the place, I guess still from the steroids, so I set the alarm clock to wake me up at 2:30 to test my blood sugar.  Well, instead, I woke up every hour, and couldn't fall back asleep.  I felt nauseous in the middle of the night and took a compazine (because it was already 4:00am, and I didn't want to take an ativan at that time.)  I finally fell asleep and slept until 8:00. 

    Now, I have pains in my ribs, I'm twitching all over, all of my muscles are sore, I'm feeling a little nauseous and feeling just really hung over.  I guess that means a day on the couch for me.  So glad DH is coming home today.  

    My parents are coming to visit on Sunday.  I hope that was a good plan.  I didn't want them here when I am at my worst, but hopefully by Sunday I'll be feeling better.

    Does anyone else feel with each step, that it is forever?  When I feel crappy, I think I'm going to feel crappy forever.  When I feel good, I feel like it is going to last forever, and the crappiness was just a dreram.  Maybe I'm losing my mind? ;-)

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    Yes!  It makes us want to give up and then tricks us into continuing.  I'm not looking forward to the return of mega chemo mouth next week but intend to enjoy this weekend.  (c:

    Happy Halloween all.

  • Ondagrow
    Ondagrow Member Posts: 133

    All I can say is uuuggghhh... Chemo is ...

    I can relate to at least one thing (SE) that each of you posted within the last 24 hours...

    I am tired of it... Then Herceptin til next August after TCH...uuuggghhh...

  • We're all just a miserable bunch today it seems like everybody feels like crap at once.  I'm at least "glad" to be in good company, but I'm sorry you guys feel like poop too.....

     Yes, Lisa, I know what you mean about when you're in the middle of it, it seems like it will be forever and you can't even see past it.  My aunt called me on Sunday.  She had chemo 10 years ago for ovarian cancer.  She was calling to tell me that this is NOT forever - she wanted to tell me that because she knew how I felt - she said "You know how when you're in it - you can't even pray - you can't see outside or past it at all".  Yes - I know that feeling. I think it's totally normal in any kind of physical crisis.  Even when you have a cold or flu you feel like you will never be better again......but chemo is multiplied!

    I had treatment Monday - I wish I were feeling better by today - Friday.  I don't know if things would be better if I went with weekly taxol X12 or not.  I'm wondering about that now because the pain sucks.  The Advil takes the edge off but I still get the stabbing pains in my legs, groin, and even abdomen sometimes.  I look at the ending - in November, and wonder if I will ever feel better even once chemo is all aunt assures me that I will but it's so hard to see right now.  

    I'm so ready to be done.  I think being tired too knocks it out of perspective.  I feel like I'm a terrible parent or something - I just don't want to do anything with my kids.  It's supposed to be a fun time of year.....UGH!  

  • Ann97
    Ann97 Member Posts: 142

    I join you all in feeling like poop today. :(

  • wherria
    wherria Member Posts: 194

    Had to go to the doctor, well nurse practitioner.  She checked with my onc, and they both agree that I have something viral.  Sigh.  Nothing they can do except symptom management.  The weirdest thing is my neck.  I just hurts like hell all the way around.  When she was examining me, I thought I was going to jump off the table.  It's not even swollen glands so much.  My whole neck is swollen and very painful.  And though I've been right along with everyone else with the cumulative fatigue, today it has hit me harder than ever.  And I took my anti-nausea meds, but then vomited half an hour later, and now I don't know if I should take more or not.

    I feel like a big dummy because I pushed for the six Tx's of Tc instead of four, and now that I've just had #5, I'm wondering if I've made a big mistake.   

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Hi all---thanks to those with the info from the "future". I am looking forward to being in your position in a month or so.

    I had my visit with Doc today-reviewed chest xray--nothing--still coughing a lot (more at night) and I can cough until I start to feel like I will vomit--feels horrible. That being said, no indication of anything serious--he said that I probably have a chest cold that my body cannot fight at this time. They did blood cultures (Good God that was a lot of blood taken)---to doublecheck if there is an infection that needs to be treated because nothing showed on scan but I am far from feeling better. I am due for Chemo #5 (2nd Taxotere) next Wed--if I am coughing---chemo will be delayed by one week. I need to find a cure for this cough fast......I really would like to stay on schedule regardless of how much I HATE TAXOTERE (and I really hate it!!!!!!!).

    Staying close to home this weekend--my older son's 11th birthday tomorrow and then Halloween...Stay home, away from sick people and fingers crossed that I make a miraculous recovery from this cough!


  • I'm sending ALL of you some cyber cookies!  My kids insisted on dragging out the cookie cutters and picking through for fall and halloween ones (somehow the letter "K" and the dinosaur and elephant fell into that category according to my 6 yr old.)  I've broken my sugar fast for some real soul food......... :) Figure I feel like garbage anyway......

    For those of you with viruses, hang in there.  My 14 year old doens't feel well today at all.  I think maybe my puking episode last night may have been a virus too because I'm still not right today.  It's just hard to tell with everything else going on in my body right now.

    As for the neck pain - I had HORRENDOUS neck pain with the neulasta! It was in my throat and both sides of my neck and the back.  It lasted for more than 24 hours after the shot.

    Just think -we're just days away from November.......we're getting there, dragging across the finish line, but we're going to make it!

  • zenith4289
    zenith4289 Member Posts: 137

    Well it is day 8 since my first taxotere and along with everyone else on this board I feel like shite!  I know we're not all doing taxotere!  Pain, fatigue, mouth sores, awful taste, nausea.... Anyone have bad toe and feet pain?  I mean it hurts to walk pain!  Called the onc office and they just suggested moisturizers.  Anyone have a better way to deal with feet pain?  Oh and the acupuncture didn't help one iota.  Maybe after all this chemo is done I might try it again but those tiny needles are no match for modern medicinal poison.  In ten years I hope something better than chemo is developed and the world will be tsk tsking at all the torture cancer patients went through! 

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Rachel: Do you have sinus drainage? When that is what is making me cough, Mucinex helps  me. Dries up the drainage, so no cough.

    Lizzy: My doc put me on Effexor yesterday for the hot flashes. It will be a couple of weeks before I know if it is helping or not.

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    calamitykel, I'm doing the weekly Taxol and it's no picnic either in case you're second guessing yourself. I had alot of nausea with the AC, but at least with antinausea meds I was functional. Now  I have no energy and  I also get the stabbing  pain; feet ,knees, backside and groin - lovely! I feel disappointed b/c everyone kept saying how much easier Taxol was, but I'm not finding that to be true.  I don't have to do the neulasta shot, but I get diarrhea for which I have to take immodium daily and I am sooo tired all the time. I am relieved to not have the constant nausea, but I still have aversions; just looking at certain things makes me queasy. I also went to take my son to his social skills group yesterday; was headed about 10 minutes in that direction when I realized he wasn't in the car - I hadn't picked him up at school! Scary! Definitely more cognitvely affected on Taxol too. Hope we all feel better soon! I got treated today and usually find the s/e kick in the late the same night. We are going to take the kids to a school Halloween party tonight. Should be home well before midnight when I turn into a pumpkin:-)


  • Carolyn--  I agree.  I'm very disappointed because I was told by more than one person that Taxol was a "lighter" chemo.  The stabbing pains are awful.  I'm trying to learn to live with them during the day, but nights are what is horrible.  At least with AC I could it me, or was nausea easier to manage than pain?  Maybe I just am forgetting that AC was awful too.  But it did not last as long, that's for sure.

    I too, find myself walking into a room and forgetting completely why I'm there.  But I have suffered with bad lyme disease so I know what that is like from having that.  And I was told that neurological damage from lyme could be permanent and it WAS NOT --absolutely I made a full and complete recovery, so hopefully our chemo brains will also recover!  

    zenith - have you tried something like epsom salt or foot soaks?   I haven't had that kind of pain - mine is mostly up the middle of my thighs, groin and knees.....

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Calamity, I had TAXOL on monday too. I didn't get my neulasta until yesterday, thursday. Ihave been in a lot of pain, all the time since tuesday. I have taken hydrocodone (?) and ibuprophen. <y feet, shins, toes, hips, chest, arms, fingers. cheekbones, neck, especially fingers and neck all hurt a lot. Some of it shooting some of it just hurt hurt hurt. I slept some on the couch, some in the bed, back to the couch. I ate some banana at 7, trhee ritz crackers and two oatmeal cookies. I know I need to eat something but I am rubbery legged when I get up.

    I have three TAXOL left and really wonder how to do this. MY DH goes back to travel next week so that will be hard. 

    I feel to ucky to write much. 

    Hugs everybody


    Yes TAXOL is harder than AC!   For me it is! 

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    So Lizzymack, sounds like there might be something to be said for us getting the T and the AC at the same time?  I'll be diving into the sludge with ya soon.

    Hope everyone feels better soon and take care.

  • lisasinglem
    lisasinglem Member Posts: 239

    Zenith - Just in case you are experiencing neuropathy, you might try "L-Glutamine" which is a supplement you can get at health food stores.  I have neuropathy, and my onc prescribed Neurontin and told me to take the L-Glutamine.

    Good luck!

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    Yep, what Lisa said, I use the powder, 3 scoops in a glass of water, swish and swallow.  Good for chemo mouth and sores too.

  • Ginger - some of that sounds like it's Neulasta related and that does get better.  My oncologist said "neulasta behaves differently with Taxol than AC".  Hm. 

    Has anyone had Delaudid for pain?  My SIL just left -she had very severe nerve pain after an accident and surgery, in her arm.  She said the only thing that cut it was the delaudid.  I'm wondering if I should ask my oncologist about it.  

  • KatherineNaomi
    KatherineNaomi Member Posts: 49

    Hi girls! Life has been busy and I haven't been around much lately but I hope you all have been doing as well as possible. I'm happy to report that today was my last chemo!!! I don't need radiation so it's on to Tamoxifen for me. I'm really looking forward to healing and some hair growth! Here's a photo I took today, I plan to document the hair growth process just for fun.

    I also gave my speech last week at the Mayor's Breast Cancer Awareness luncheon. It was an amazing experience and I'm so glad that I decided to do it and didn't chicken out. I met lots of other breast cancer survivors too. My favorite story was from a woman who was diagnosed with stage 3 bc, full lymph node involvement and was pregnant with twins....13 years ago!! I love that kind of story, so encouraging!! If you're interested in watching my speech I posted it on YouTube here...

  • mommichelle
    mommichelle Member Posts: 92

    So sorry everyone is feeling bad.  We ARE getting there.  Most of us are over the halfway point and that is great.  We are strong and even though it is tough now, it will be better soon.

    Love the picture Kate.  You are Gorgeous!

    Hugs to all and hopes for everyone to get a good night sleep.

    Don't let the bed bugs bite!

  • MsConduct19
    MsConduct19 Member Posts: 2

    I'll add my info here: I just completed cycle number 4 of TAC two more to go. I was hoping to fly through chemo like my sister but alas, I ran into complications: had to get an appendectomy right after Labor Day weekend and spent 5 days in the hospital and missed a week of work. This put be back a month, and after cycle 3, I complained of heaviness in my chest, off to the ER again and another 2 day stay in the hospital. Which actually turned into a blessing, because my blood levels ended up being quite low. I wear bandanas to work (I teach PE) or wear a stocking cap to keep me warm but I am getting to the point of working with my bald head showing. The kids get a kick out of it and I make fun of myself. If all goes well, my last treatment is Dec. 9 and I will finally be able to travel! Radiation is to begin sometime in January. Haven't seen the radiologist yet.

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    kel, The nausea was hard, but these stabbing pains are so unpredictable and unlike the nausea they're hard to get "used to" so they make it harder to hold your train of thought. I think it wears you down too, I have to take alot of deep breaths so I don't end up snapping at the kids.  Dilaudid is stronger and actually better tolerated I think; less nausea. I think docs prescribe it less b/c they are just more familiar with percocet and tylenol with codiene. (It's funny, when I worked inpatient the "breast" service always sent people home on tylenol #3 while the gyn service always used percocet -it's all about physician comfort zones.) Although I've seen alot of patients do better on dilaudid it's usually the pain management service that prescribes it. It comes in increments of 2mg. Tell your doc you know someone who takes it for the same thing and you'll probably just take it at night and that may seal the deal. I always take a reglan if I take a percocet to ward off the nausea. The other night I kept getting these weird stabbing groin pains so I took a reglan and two percocet (and a pepcid and a colace and a partridge in a pear tree;-) and I was able to get some uninterrupted sleep. Hang in there


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening chemosabes!

    Well, I took a shower and that used up enough energy to knock me out for 2 hours!  This is outrageous.

    L-Glutamine: I have heard about this.  The first onc I saw who wanted to put me on TCH (incorrect for my dx), he suggested L-Glutamine.  I purchased 3 bottles of it at GNC although I have not taken it. 

    Stomach pains: are any of you having "monthly" pains congruent with the start of our wonderful cycles?  Of course, and I think I speak for all of us, none of us are actually having it.  Just wondering.  I know with all the aches and pains it is hard to accurately report but I am getting a little pain in my lower left quadrant and it feels ovary-like but who knows?!  It could be gas!

    Adey: I am officially in the sludge!   I will be here for you next week, woman!  

    I am feeling sleepy....ah-gain!

  • Zachsmom
    Zachsmom Member Posts: 39

    "Am I the only one who things taxol is in a way WORSE than the AC???"

    Nope, me too. Wednesday was a week since my first treatment and I finally started to feel like I wasn't in a coma. Thursday and today were ok too, physically at least. But I finally went on Effexor because mentally I felt like pretty soon the only hospital I'd be in is a psychiatric one.

    Does anyone else feel....I dunno....paranoid? Totally sensitive if someone looks at you the wrong way? Crying over the craziest BS? Seriously, I hope these drugs work or they will be administering my last 3 Taxols in a mental ward somewhere...... 

  • Zachsmom
    Zachsmom Member Posts: 39

    And one other thing. I CANNOT TAKE ONE MORE SECOND OF BEING BALD. The only human who I've let see me is my son because he asked and when I took my hat off he just giggled. And my hair is actually starting to grow back, but so slowly. I just keep going back in the bathroom to stare at my head several times a day. Am I the only one totally obsessed with this? I could have done the cold caps but two of the oncs I went to said, "scalp mets" and I freaked. But really, I just cannot stand it.

    And no, I don't want to rock it, henna tattoo it, be a proud bald woman with big earings or any of that shit. I had damn nice hair and I want it back.    

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895


    OMG you look SOOO much younger without hair! I am talking teenaged looking, also i love the shape of your eyes! Funny how taking awa y our hair adds so much!!!

    SE- i am sorry to hear all the awful pains so many are having... i have my 5th tx on thur so i am praying that i get throguh it without much ado!