You know youre a cancer patient when....
Badger, that made me laugh, because I have told my husband that very same thing :P
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Ykyacpw you go the long way home just so you can stop by the bank.....and proceed to drive right by the bank and don't remember till you're 1/2 block from home!
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I don't drive much anymore and left my book club in the dark and drove right by my street. When I got to the "big hill" I realized what I'd done. I wonder where I was going?????? I had gone further past my house than the book club was the other way!
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Yep, Barbe....I know how that feels!
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YKYACP when you see 6" hairs in your sink and your brush (one year later) and you're thinking... yep, that's normal!
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YKYACP when every little ache or pain makes you think of cancer first instead of just getting older!
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Love this thread, I can relate to so many of these posts. carolgs LOL to saying "hi".
YKYACP when you have a hair brush (somewhere) but haven't used it in at least a year.
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YKYACP when the bank calls you because you drove home with the drive thru tube.
Took the tube, put it in passenger seat and off I went. I didn't even realize I had done it until they called and I checked my car.
At least I only live a couple minutes away. Debated whether I had to take it inside or just go back through the drive thru.
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Momof2......good one....giggle giggle giggle......
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YKYABCP when the Pink Glove Dance still makes you laugh and cry at the same time.
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Momof2, way, way funny! That will be one to remember for a long time. Oh wait, did someone say we needed to remember something? :-)
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When going for AC #3 fills you with both dread and joy. (Today)
Paula0 -
Just one more? And its on to taxol! Taxol was much easier for me than AC
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Way to go, Paula!
These are so funny and I'm nodding with agreement between all the chuckles.
For me, YKYACP when you see a cute idea for putting up your hair or cutting in some bangs and think, "hmm, maybe I should try that..." and only then does it hit you that you don't actually have hair.
Would you believe I do that on a regular basis?0 -
HAHA this is great this is great (Don't know if I'm the only frasier fan - but does anyone remember his "fanclub" consisting of three people, the guy taking pictures?!!!)
I related to most of the posts on the first page - holding your hair on a parking lot, no sex life, pedometer 123 steps, more medication than grandma.
Will definitely return here to get a laugh another day.
My son of 1 will try to pull the wig off of me if I wear it, and my son of 3 says I'm dressing out0 -
When you scrub your bathroom and start to organize your ponytail scrunchies, hairbrushes, and blow dryer, then realize you have no hair. Put Em Away!!!
Paula0 -
When you regulary punch yourself in the face.
(From slipping when pulling on a sleeve.)
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Ok Victoria38 I have to agree with this one been there and done that!!
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Ykyacp when you spend 10 minutes each morning, hooking, zipping, adjusting and otherwise inserting yourself into a bra which not only cost a ton, but doesn't even have a stitch of lace on it!
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MostlySew - I can relate. My foob is a stick on one, but I don't apply it that way. I have a hard enough time making sure everything is even as it is.
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YKYACPW you manage to drag your self into the bathroom, get seated, do your thing. Then just sit there because you don't have the will power or energy to drag yourself back to bed.
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Thank you ALL for a good 30 min of true laughter I will be sure to visit this thread as often as possible and, keep my mind open to my own laughs due to my treatments.
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Omg I am dying...So many of these are true!
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kelly...bad choice of words but we get the point! LOL
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ykyacpw the nurses can't find anymore veins to do calcium infusions. Ten stabs before they found one - guess it is time for a pic line.
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Omg!! I'm so glad to have found this thread!!! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!
I have laughed, cried been angered and empathized. You ladies are the best!!! AND IM ONLY ON PAGE 105!!!! Lol
You have managed to make me feel less alone and "normal". This is the most awesome place in a cancer patients world. I was handling my "journey" quite well but knowing that all those brain farts, slip ups (and downs), bad eyebrow days, wet (and dirty) pants, fears, angers, fights, cries out of no where, lost in the tornado feeling are all NORMAL is so reassuring.
I've had a bad day today with some news I didn't expect which I will get into later but for now.....
YKYACP when you've spent so much time in the chemo ward that real eyebrows on people look so funny you can't help staring at them!0 -
YKYACP when you rub your foob in public and think nothing of it...until you notice people staring....
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When you think nothing of adjusting your binder from your diep recon in public. Which just so happens to entail lifting your blouse to your arm pits and dropping your pants to your crotch. Then proceed to get peeved when people stare!!!
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ykyacp when you glance down at your sandals and your taxotere toenails and realize there are only 9 bright red toenails staring you back, and you think Holy Shit my left big toenail has fallen off somewhere in this office, and you back track over acres of pale grey carpet looking for a bright red blob before your boss finds it.