You know youre a cancer patient when....
Because I had a double mast I say "I have nothing left to give!"
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hello everyone,thought I would check in. I've been on this treatment plan for almost exactly two years. I'm going strong. I've been ned most of this time. I have a few spots starting in the lungs so I have added aromasin to the mix. Perjeta can still rock my stomach. But as time has gone on it's gotten better. I try to find meds that have the opposite effect. Lomotil and I are good friends. Just thought I'd let you know that long term is possible.
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Hooray for NED, fujiimama!
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screen shot from Warm & Fuzzy thread. It's a hoot!
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You know you have cancer when everyone tells you that your head is perfectly round and you say 'thank you'.
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Ha - so true, alexgram. I'd never given a thought to the shape of my head before cancer!
YKYACP when you set parameters of when you will worry and when you won't. My "goal posts" are: (1) If something isn't any better after 2 weeks; (2) If I start falling down randomly; and (3) If I start speaking Portuguese (because...have you seen the movie Phenomenon?!)Hope you're all having a nice September!
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YKYACP when after an ultra sound liver biopsy, you tell the Drs and nurses you actually enjoyed it!...compared to the failed attempt by CT last week.
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YKYACP when after going through any scans (in this case CT) you play "phone tag" with the doctor's office to try to schedule an appt. to review the results.
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ykwyacpw- Your kids are learning their letters and numbers from elevators in the various Dr. building0 -
Ah Fujimama. Sure isn't what you would choose as a learning environment is it? Glad you ARE there for your kids though, and obviously such bright observant children too.
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when you have a conversation about the improved style and colour of the radiology gowns.
when you tell the IV nurse what gauge needle you need for the CT contrast
when you arrive with and share powdered Kool-Aid with the other CT patients trying to drink all that yucky contrast
when you remove your own IV after the CT scan because you have to rush to your next appointment and the technologist is busy.
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thisisme - I think I would probably be late for the next appt. I can't imagine taking the iv out of my own arm.
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I love this thread so much!! I was thinking you ladies this morning while getting fitted for a new mastectomy bra: YKYACPW your lingerie store is in a hospital.
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YKYABCPW you hear someone else has breast cancer and ask "what kind?"
Recently someone asked me what kind of cancer I had, and I looked at her funny because it's not a question most people know to ask. She then clarified, saying "I mean... breast cancer? Lung cancer?" Aha...then it made sense.0 -
I love this thread too. I can't remember who wrote it , but I loved the line YNYACPW "You unbutton your shirt, as you sit in the Dentist's chair!"
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Ariom,that would be me Lol Thankful I realized why they were looking at me weird before I got to the last few buttons!!!
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YNYACPW you're proud of your 1/8 inch of hair.
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YKYACP (or were) when you sit down at a table with all women (in SoCal) and the subject turns to having nipples done, and of course by Vinnie
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ykyacp- when your nurse tells you that there's this guy in so-cal that does amazing nipples and that they tried to recruit him. You smile and say "oh Vinny". She looked dumbfounded.0 -
Oh Belleeast, I have shared that line around at the dinner table and with the girls at my BC group! It always gets a great response! lol
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This happen to a friend...... Ykyacp.....When your driving down the Highway singing to "90's" music & Everyone you pass is giving you strange looks because the wind is whipping over your smooth bald head!
Then this friend's friend came back with one better! She was driving down the Highway when a guy in the lane beside her started flirting with her! It went on for a bit, his continued flirting! So she reached up & took her wig off & layed it on the seat beside her! The look on the Flirters Face .........Priceless!
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julz4 fantastic. Love it.0 -
YKYACP when you start talking to your plastic surgeon about foobs and fipples and you both burst out laughing
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YKYACPW occasionally, on your way to work, you have that random moment of panic and have to look down to reassure yourself that, no, you didn't forget to put your boobs on today.
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GeorgiaRai, I have to "cop a quick feel" as I leave the house, to make sure I am wearing mine. You'd think when I only have one to remember, I'd never have a problem! lol
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LOL, Ariom! I'm constantly copping a feel throughout the day, just to make sure they haven't wandered into unchartered territory.
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Mine almost fell out once when I was working in the yard with someone I had hired to help me... Ykyacp when you tell your husband "my foob almost fell outta my shirt right in front of the gardener today"!
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I know what you mean GeoriaRay, and Alexa, when I first had my Umx, I was running up and down the foreshore where my Husband was sailing, trying to get photos, when I felt something under my chin, you guessed it, the puffy had worked its way up and out. I never wore anything, that wasn't in a pocket again!