You know youre a cancer patient when....
YKYACPW there's a luminaria in your honor, or in your memory.
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Think I'd have to prefer in my honor!
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I'm with ya there, Spookiesmom!
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I was going to say in honor of, but couldn't leave out the memory of the many I've loved and lost.
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You know you're a cancer patient when you get a personalized email to invite you to the Survivors Lap at the Relay for Life....sigh.
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Sort of like a slap in the face with a dead fish, huh Barbe?
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There's even a line it is saying that if I don't want to be contacted to let them know (read: dead)
Hello Barbara
I am Linda and a cancer survivor volunteering with Rose for the Alliston Relay for Life Survivor Reception.
I called earlier in hopes I would be able to register you for the Survivor Victory Lap and the Survivor Reception this year. The location has changed and it is at the PPG Park (Alliston Fair Grounds)
Please let me know by return email if you would like me to register you and what tee shirt size you would like.
If you are unable to come this year still please send me an email so I do not continue to bother you.
Do take care and I hope to connect with you soon. Thanks and Good Health Linda
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This will be my 4th yr participating in the Survivor Lap - have never received a personal invite. Not sure what that means.
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This will be my fourth year too! I registered online, so perhaps that's the difference. They have my email....
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That might be the difference. No worries - My sisters and I partake in the relay every year so I am there anyway.
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Hi, popping in. I was posting with another member. I thought sharing the below information may be helpful to you
The link is to a web site started by a Social Worker and a doc. It is a tricky site to use. The first page leads to a several hundred resource pages. But I think this first page, does not project the wealth that lies beneath. Be patient when following the links within the site. There are sections that are disease and drug specific. The specific page then links to lists of organizations that provide monetary or other types of assistance.
Register first and do the request for assistances form. Reason: the request for assistance form is filed. If you apply to 1 or 20 organizations/companies, the forms don't need to be repeatedly filled out. The system is designed to pull information from the original form. There may be a few particulars that need to be added to a companies/organizations form.
All the pharmaceutical companies have patient assistance programs. All the drug manufactures are listed there
The other way to reach drug manufactures is 1. call the manufactuer patient assistance number(goolge keywords: drug name and manufacturer, then to webpage>>>patient assistance. Very time consuming.
There is so much more on It took a bit of time to wander through the whole site. I've shared a telephone walk through with many friends and relatives. I even called healthcare facilities to tell them about this link.
For completeness, there are many ways to get financial assistance for whatever you need. There are organizations that will do things for you i.e volunteers that buy groceries, drive, install handrails, build wheelchair ramps.
How to find the info besides from the link above? FIND the SOCIAL WORKER(SW). It's there job to know these things
Talk to all of the following 1. cancer center SW, SW, 3. Insurance companies SW, 4. County SW. 5. church outreach leader.
I requested from my insurance carrier, a consult with a SW. That one appointment with the insurance carrier Social Worker, led to grants totaling $10,550. The meeting with the cancer centers SW, led to coverage of neulasta for $4000.00.
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Dear Christy--Anacortesgirl, you know you are a cancer patient when you have to say goodbye so often to friends who have fought the struggle to live--and lost, as you did this week. You started the most popular thread of all time while you were with us on stage 3. I often come here and chuckle, and have cracked myself up a few times with my own contributions.l Thanks, Christy, for this inspired thread.
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I'm sorry to hear about Christy....always tragic when we loose another sister. RIP. Karen
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Christy's gone? I am too sad to hear that. So not fair.
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So sorry to hear this news. My sincere condolences to her family and all those who loved her. She has left an incredible legacy here. This thread was an enormous help to me while on treatment. My family could not share the humour - they would hear me cracking up laughing over something and when would read it out they could not "get it", I'm guessing that you have to have been a know that you CAN have cancer and laugh at the absurdities.
RIP Christy. God bless you and your family.
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Indeed, Christy left a wonderful legacy that will continue to help all who must deal with bc. God rest you, Christy.
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YKYACPW you can mourn for someone you have never met.
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Yes, it's true. Every time I read here of someone passing that I've never "met" on the forum I always experience sorrow and sometimes even shed tears.
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YKYACP when you read the words "Best Friends" and in your brain it translates into "Breast Friends" and you realize that both are true....
May God bless Christy and all who loved her....
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YKYACPW you honour a lost sister by continuing her thread.
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Christy left all of us a wonderful legacy - she helped us bear our pain by showing us how to laugh at the absurdities that come with it.
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So sad to hear we have lost another with such a great sense of humour.
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so sorry that we lost this light in our lives. All my best to her family and friends. She will be missed.
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I read this thread a lot during active treatment I was sorry when I read a anacortes girl was stage IV and even more sorry to learn of her passing. I hope this thread continues in Christy's honor .
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I'm so sorry to read this. My sincere condolences to Christy's family and friends.
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YKYACP when you go back to re-read this thread when you need a laugh even though you are now 3 years out. Very sad to hear about Christy.
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So sad that AnacortesGirl is no longer with us. I like what barbe1958 said though: "YKYACPW you honour a lost sister by continuing her thread."
So in the spirit of continuing on...
YKYACPW you buy a special pillow for post-op. It is lightweight, keeps your arms elevated, has a place for cell phone and remote or whatever, and has a washable cover. I promise I don't sell these, but I'm glad I bought one. I will be using it again after my exchange surgery. Besides breast surgery, it would actually work well post-op for any arm or shoulder surgery.
Also, you know you're a cancer patient when you used to buy shirts and tops that minimized your DDDs, but now you shop in a different section of the store for smaller tops for your new smaller foobs. Oh, and blouses don't gap anymore, but this was definitely NOT the way I wanted to have a reduction!
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To all. Chrissy and I exchanged PM's about creating a transporter link between YKYACPW and Warm & Fuzzies. This is a quote from Chrissy in that last PM.
"YKYACP. I can't believe it is still alive and 137 pages. I'm so glad that it has brought some light heartedness to so many ladies. We need a ray of sunshine as we go through this."
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Sass-glad for the two threads. Glad that Chrissy, (although it is sad that she passed on) and you were able to link the two. Indeed, they do lighten the day and provide sunshine to many of us when we need it.
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Oh ladies--massaging your implant makes me laugh so hard. and the cigareete would have been the topping on the cake... I had lunch with my grade school girlfriends (known them for 45-50 years) and I was still itching post rads and one of them asked me if I had fleas, cause I was absent mindedly sitting there scratching my left a restaurant at a large table...0