You know youre a cancer patient when....
Oh, and your idea of a rockin' Friday night is watching multiple episodes of "Say Yes to the Dress":)
0 - look in the mirror every 5 seconds checking for hair loss or hoping to see some new hair growing....
.....packing to go away involves packing a seperate bag for all your meds and supplies to deal with SEs..... meet a new doc and can reel off your medical history - including correct medical terms - faster than he can read your file......
....."Yes mum I'm fine I can (insert whatever thing you wanted to do but mum's worried you can't cope!)"..........You have an excuse to buy a new handbag as you can't fit all your meds and emergency supplies in your current one!.....
my oh my what fun - I could go on forever with these!0 -
Coolbreeze ~ your curly drapes and flat rug comment have me cracking up with my am coffee ! This thread is great, you girls are funny...
Kitty ~ Xanax not Zyrtec. OH MY ~
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Hey Littletower I am with you..........I have never liked kick boxing and just sort of went through the moves. Now when the instructor states that we are going kick boxing that day, I always say "I hate cancer, I hate cancer" with every kick and punch. I still dislike kick boxing but my mantra gets me through class and I get a good work out from it!
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... you have a post-op check up with the PS, 35 miles away, and you cheerfully accept a ride from your 17 YO daughter who has never driven on a mountain road...
... when you get your first peek at your new foobs in the surgeon's office you cry with relief and then you go to the lobby and mouth to your 17 YO daughter "they're beautiful!" and she jumps up and hugs you (well, just your arm) and cries too.
0 - Say Yes to the Dress! Amazing Wedding Cakes....huh...well...
You know your a cancer patient when:
you watch shows like you are planning for a wedding that doesn't exist.
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Love Sat yes to the dress, but who buys $27 000 dresses. I have so many other things to spend my money on, food.
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u know your a cancer victim when old people off you their seat on the bus.
when the man at the corner shop gives your seven year old free sweets evertime she goes in.
when you steal the icepops you bought for your seven year old coz its all you can eat.
when my little girl cries and tells me i look scary with no hair.
when friends you havent spoken to for years suddenly ring you or make a unexpected visit.
when you listen to a song n think id like that at my funeral.
when u fall asleep after chemo and forget to pick tyour daughter up from school,n the teacher cries when u explain why.
when u think everyone else with a skinhead must be having chemo.
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when u watch aprogramme on tv for 45 mins before u realise u watched the exact same episode the night before
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When you get lost returning to your chemo cubicle after using the ladies room during an infusion. Then, when the nurse tells you which one is yours you don't believe her!
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When the neighbor comes over to check on you coz he saw a strange man in the back yard only to find out it was you that he saw.
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Firni, that's pretty funny.
Your neighbor is worth his weight in gold. Neighbors that caring and concerned are hard to find.
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He is a nice man. He was very embarrassed when he realized it was me he saw. But I just hugged him and told him how much I appreciated his concern.
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littletower ... watching Say Yes to the Dress requires no cx history - it's a great show!!!! having a dd who got married in May, I totally relate to a lot that goes on in that show ... I think most Moms can!
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AStorm, love the part where your DD cried with you after you got great boobs
I had many treasured moments with my dd's during my tx and since ... priceless and I never stop giving thanks.
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and my contrib for today ...
... when the random kindness of people touches you beyond belief, like when your hairdresser has her entire crew help shave you, telling you how beautiful you are the entire time and charging nothing to custom cut all the wigs you buy during chemo ... she actually made a comment to customers at one point that she saw me more during chemo than my regular appointments cause I kept changing how I wanted my wigs to look!!!!
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Fini: Love it.
Tonight while watching the cheerleaders on the sideline of a football game, what I noticed about them was their nice smooth underarms; not a sunken pit where lymph nodes had been taken out. I was jealous.
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LadyinBama, ((hugs))
marlegal, can relate to the cancerversary one congrats on 5
You know your a cancer patient:
When you turn to these pages for inspiration, non judgemental freindships & laughs.
When reading a newbies story knowing the challenges they may face, and remembering your own makes you glad for this threadd. BC Stinks! You gals rock!
When you are happy to tell people you have 'acid reflux' & welcome the congrats you get cause you were worried it was mets.
When you can relate to any of these 28 pages. I can
When you HAVE to use spellchecker cause anesthesia & chemo ......but forget to because anesthesia & chemo .....
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mnmom ... what a great post
and yes, I think every single one of us can relate to all posts on all 28 pages - what makes me happy is that there is so much humor in there, ya know? we rock people .. we truly rock
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OMG! I just discovered this thread and have been LMAO! My 13 year old son thinks his mom has gone off the deep end laughing hysterically at her computer screen. Thanks for the laughs everyone!
So here's mine...when you used to have an addiction to shoes and now it's an addiction to scar creams.
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...........when find yourself looking forward to reading this thread - we do have a great sense of humor about this $#!t.
.......when your DH reminds as you're walking to the check out lane at the grocery that we forgot the pita chips, you turn the basket and walk quickly with a purpose right past the isle you need straight into produce, when DH says I think you passed the stand there next to the apples slightly confused b/c you don't know why you headed that way......turn around laughing and head to the pita chip isle. Damn chemobrain.....
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... when you comment to your DH on something he absently-mindedly did that was kind of dangerous, and he comes back at you with, "Well, maybe I have chemobrain -- like you!" Huh???? I didn't know you could get it by association!
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Firni- that's funny! I wonder if my neighbors see me bald in my backyard, when I let the dogs out.
when you walk around aimlessly at the grocery store, trying to get stuff for dinner and a Labor Day bbq. After walking back and forth in the store, you are too tired from chemo, so you put some of the stuff back, check out and go home (and don't care if you forgot something).
when you stop by the wine store to get a bottle for a friend and they're having wine tastings and it all tastes like crap! Darn chemo!!
when people randomly come up to you and compliment you on your hair all the time (but you're wearing a wig - and rarely did anyone make such comments on your real hair - LOL).
when you need to get a dress for your sister's wedding and you have to find one that hides the port!!!! And your sister (who did chemo last year) tells you how excited she was to find a wedding dress that hides her port scar! Chemo sisters unite!!!
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Kitty, I'm sure they do. My neighbor knew I was having chemo but never saw me bald. Always covered my head when going out front. But never did when going to the back yard.
So can relate to clothes that hide the port scar!
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kitty - can relate to the port and the grocery store.........
.........when co-workers, clients and family members ask you to talk to their friend or family member that has just been diagnosed b/c they feel you can relate.
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Whenever anyone says they know someone who has BC, your 11 YO pokes you and says "mom", so you have to "share" that you do too, and sadly this happens way too often.
When you write down the site for your son's barber whos 48 YO Serbian mom has BC.
When everything smells WAY too strong, laundry soap, other's wine, cigarette smoke and perfuuuuuume yuch!
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DesinerMom, oders yuck...I agree
When the only 'food' that tastes palatable for months is something you would have not eaten before (mine was a daily or 2 bismark from a local store)
When you go outside to see a bug your kid wants you come see,even though you have seen Billions already, and stay out looking at nature w/ him,& forget something on is on the stove top...oops there went supper.
When you ask your kid to carry your cell phone in the store cause you do not have any pants in your pockets. LOL
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When the air conditioning is too cold in church but you don't need to worry about getting an "erection" cuz there ain't no nips!
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Firni, that is hilarious! And Kate33, I have to say, I have managed to add buying scar creams along with my obsessive shoe collecting. In fact, one of the biggest side effects of having breast cancer has been the amazing number of shoes that I keep discovering I bought during treatment. So there's another one...
You know you're a cancer patient when you keep finding shoes you bought during treatment that you don't remember buying. And somehow the theme appears to have been "sparkly" and "stiletto":)