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You know youre a cancer patient when....



  • iodine
    iodine Member Posts: 869
    edited September 2010

    Since you think you'll have chemo anyway, you tell your hair cutter a new "interesting" style you want to try.  Thankfully, she talks you out of it.

  • kittycat
    kittycat Member Posts: 1,155
    edited September 2010

    When you find humor in the fact that the wig store is next door to the Brazilian wax salon (and that you don't need a Brazilian wax). Then you tell a friend who would want one and explain to her the sideways pee episodes you have because of the lack of hair down there!

    I love the Barbie getting hacked by Ken with a chainsaw! I would tell my friends I had Barbie boobs with zippers across them! Now after BC diagnosis #2 and 2 more new scars, I have more of the chainsaw effect!

  • seaotter
    seaotter Member Posts: 642
    edited September 2010

    ....when people ask you "how are yooooou feeeeeeeling?" with there head cock and eyes full of pity and they always say you look great! WTH !!!!!!!!

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited September 2010

    True that otter!

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482
    edited September 2010

    random thought ... have we seen any recent posts from anacortes?  hope she's okay since she's brought us such pleasure and laughter via this thread ...

  • DesignerMom
    DesignerMom Member Posts: 730
    edited September 2010

    marlegal-  I just clicked on anacortes girl name.  She is posting on other threads, seems to have had a bad SE from meds and short hospitalization.  Now she seems to have been busy with a family wedding and seems happy and busy.  Like you, I worry when some of us "disappear".  I like being able to see they are just busy elsewhere.  For anacortes girl wherever you are, THANKS!!  You sure have given us a lot of laughs!

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482
    edited September 2010

    Thanks DM ... good detection skills!  It was one of those things where I brought up the thread and saw her name at the top for the millionth time, and then realized I wasn't sure I actually saw any of her posts other than the first couple pages the first time I came to this section.  I feel better now :)

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,874
    edited September 2010

    .....when you sit and stare out the window all day long and don't feel guilty about it.

  • Lowrider54
    Lowrider54 Member Posts: 333
    edited September 2010

    ...when on your very first 'camping in the RV tryout' (the one you got with the accelerated life insurance benefits that you swore you were going use every weekend this summer...) and no matter where you sat anything down, it wasn't where you were and you spent most of the time in and out of the camper retrieving things - forgetting what you were looking for and come back out again only to remember and have to go back in and back out....repeated on numerous ocassions all weekend.  The 'unthighmastered thighs' got a bit of a workout though!

  • sunnytn1949
    sunnytn1949 Member Posts: 15
    edited September 2010
    you know you are a BC patient when some GUY asks you how you are answer, then a very authoritative voice he announces that when you get to the 5 year mark, you are home FREE and you want to deck him right there!  Like he knows about these things and knows nothing....
  • dlb823
    dlb823 Member Posts: 2,701
    edited September 2010

    ...when you're on the mailing list or email list of every cancer and breast-cancer related organization out there, and your reading stack often contains a cancer-related publication.

  • Lowrider54
    Lowrider54 Member Posts: 333
    edited September 2010

    ...when you are on the emailing list and keep hitting 'delete' until the only things left in your inbox are from people you actually know....

  • DesignerMom
    DesignerMom Member Posts: 730
    edited September 2010

    When your biggest accomplishment of the day is taking a bath...and that is because you can sit all the way through it and are too tired to stand for a shower.

  • lisasinglem
    lisasinglem Member Posts: 239
    edited September 2010

    This is a great thread!

    You know you're a cancer patient when: even chocolate doesn't cheer you up, because it doesn't TASTE GOOD anymore. :-(

  • gillyone
    gillyone Member Posts: 495
    edited September 2010

     when you log in to bco and pull up your favorites and accidentally click on "remove this thread from favorites" and you can see your finger clicking and can't make your brain work fast enough to stop it.

  • Lady_Madonna
    Lady_Madonna Member Posts: 313
    edited September 2010

    ...when you've had the same coffee pot for years and then suddenly one day you have absolutely no idea how many scoops of coffee to put in it!

    ...when the biggest thrill you've had all year is being asked "Are you sure this is your driver's license?  You look so young with your new hair style" (Hehe! Thank you, perfect wig!!) And this is while being carded for buying a bottle of wine!!!  (This may be the biggest thrill I've had in an entire decade!! Wink)

  • Faith316
    Faith316 Member Posts: 1,088
    edited September 2010

    ....... when you get emails from everybody you know that are those pray for cancer emails or light a candle for BC that keep going around and around.  I certainly believe in the power of prayer, but it kinda bugs me that when people think of my name they think of breast cancer.  There is more to me than just cancer!

  • DesignerMom
    DesignerMom Member Posts: 730
    edited September 2010

    LadyMadonna-from the look of your photo, I'd card you too!  Nothin' like a cheap thrill.  My 11  YO looks at photos of me in my younger days and remarks "mom, you looked great, what happened?"  20 years later, that's what happened!

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929
    edited September 2010

    DesignerMom, at leat he says you look great! My daugheter laughs hysterically at how we were dressed (ok, she's 17, could you tell?)

    You know you're a cancer patient when you're going to the supermarket but automatically turn the wrong way because that's the way to the clinic.


  • Lady_Madonna
    Lady_Madonna Member Posts: 313
    edited September 2010
    Okay, so... You know you're a cancer patient when you look like a 19 year old cheerleader when you're wearing your beautiful wig, false eyelashes, a bunch of makeup, great clothes, and have had a rare good night of look like a 50 year old balding guy every other day!
  • seaotter
    seaotter Member Posts: 642
    edited September 2010

    .....when you have more doctors names in your cell phone than friends name!

  • lauri
    lauri Member Posts: 59
    edited September 2010

    ... when somebody calls you "courageous" or "you're my hero" and you think "I didn't run into a burning building to rescue a child ... I just got sick and then showed up for the appointments the doctor ordered ...just like thousands of other women are doing right this minute."

    We do what we have to do.

  • dutchgirl6
    dutchgirl6 Member Posts: 322
    edited September 2010

    Thank you, lauri!  You are absolutely right, we do what we have to do.  One of my sisters had a suspicious mammogram, and she told me that if it turned out to be cancer, she was going to use me as a role model for facing treatment.  Luckily, it turned out to be nothing, I didn't need that kind of pressure.  I don't think that I am being particularly courageous, I'm just getting through it, one day at a time. 

    You know you're a cancer patient when your toast pops, and instead of turning the lever left to push it up, you turn it right to push it down, and retoast it.......twice.

  • jenn3
    jenn3 Member Posts: 388
    edited September 2010

    my mind is blank today, but still LMAO........

  • luanne
    luanne Member Posts: 3
    edited September 2010

    ^^ they all put a smile on my face it's off to the hospital for my first chemo treatment

  • Faith316
    Faith316 Member Posts: 1,088
    edited September 2010


    Good luck with the first treatment.  It is nowhere as scary as our minds picture it will be.

  • mnmom
    mnmom Member Posts: 1,841
    edited November 2010


    good luck today,

    When you get a call from the bra & pro thesis shop asking if you need anything followed by a card via snail mail even though you said NO!

    When everyone at the local pharmacy knows you by name

    When cooler weather means more comfortable dressing & it used to be the other way around

    When employees at the local grocery store watch what you buy & ask if it is for treatment

    When your bra shifts & you realize your foob is in the middle of your chest.

  • kac
    kac Member Posts: 43
    edited September 2010

    when you see an old coworker and they say how they have been meaning to call but just didn't but were thinking about you and ask how you are doing and you say that you didn't realize that when they took your boob, they took half of your brain with it.  I laughed but his mouth dropped to the floor.   

  • micheleboots
    micheleboots Member Posts: 885
    edited September 2010

    Luanne, good luck...Faith is right, it is way worse in our minds...If it was that bad people wouldn't do it.  Keep us posted as to how you are doing...Take your anti-nausea meds and anything they give you to make the poop fairy visit you...ouch.

    On that know your a cancer patient when strangers are telling you to take meds to make you go poo poo.

  • Firni
    Firni Member Posts: 521
    edited September 2010

    Nicely said, Michele