You know youre a cancer patient when....
...When the RO tells you its ok to go around topless and you have teens and little grandchildren tell the DH what the RO said and he just smiles....
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YKYACP when your hip has been bothering you and you get sent for an x-ray and your tell your DH I sure hope I have arthritis. Then when the Dr calls to tell you it is arthritis not bone mets you are thrilled with the news.
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...when your new SO gets a diagnosis of diabetes and you calmly start punching holes in the doctor's printout of test results, prescriptions and future actions so you can put them in a big binder for future reference.
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... when you can say to your husband : not tonight, honey, I'm toxic.
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YKYACP when someone emails you saying the resume' you've been using for 2 months reads "DATE Entry" instead of "DATA entry". Jeez, did I really do that ??!! And now I have to convince them I'm 'detail oriented' and can 'multitask'.
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TKYACPW you get super excited about buying shaving cream again!!!!
that was me tuesday!!!
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Steff66 LOL good one!
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YKYACP You are tickled pink (no pun intended) when you can actually feel the wind blow through your very short new hair...:)
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. . . when you compare hair length with other patients in the waiting room
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ykyacpw So happy to finally have to get a waxing and be happy about it. SharonH
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YKYACP when the big excitement of your day is realizing that you can actually tuck your hair behind your ear!
YKYACP your bottle of hair conditioner has lasted you just shy of TWO YEARS!
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steff66 lol good one --
txstardust very true .. my girls stole my shampoo and conditioner said i didnt need it
although i still used shampoo when i had no hair ,,hmmm
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YKYACP when you bring treats to people who are causing you pain because they are gentle about it. (Rad techs, Chemo nurses, PT techs)
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YKYACPW the sight of a guy walking his dog, shirtless wearing shorts, immediately makes you wonder if YOU can go out shirtless like that now since you don't have breasts anymore.
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I go out in my backyard! I probably scandalize my neighbors - too bad. YKYACPW your deodorant has lasted more than a year; I put it on with a very light hand these days. Wonder what the shelf life is on deodorant?
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Lena, a 60+yr old lady I visited as a support visitor a few years ago, walked around her home without a top while she had plumbers working in/outside her house! She'd had IBC and both sides mastectomy and figured as there was nothing to see, there was no problem. It was pretty hot weather here at the time, but I often wondered what the plumbers thought about it all. The ladies' DH didn't seem to have a problem with it either.
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If I couldn't be seen from the road, I would run around topless, too! I figure since I don't have nipples (opted not to have them remade) I can't be arrested for indecent exposure, but. . .
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Hahahaha, OK AussieShiela. I'll keep that in mind...maybe...someday. LOL
YKYACPW you think you could be turned into a pretty good blues number.
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. . . when the sight of a gray sky turns you into a puddle
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when you can talk fluently to the next cancer patient you meet @ chemo, radiation, etc. and tell them everything to expect
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YKYACPW you've forgotten you forgot something.
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YKYACP when you haven't worn mascara for months because you know you'll either start crying or your eyes will tear up from chemo and it will run down your face.
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YKYACP when your driving along and feel you need to reset your foobs and don't even think or care what their thinking in the next car
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YKYACP when you see a pink ribbon on a car and think 'you have NO idea...!'
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Your girlfriends joke about having a wet t-shirt contest at a pool party. You laugh because without nipples, it wouldn't matter if you were in the contest! LOL!!!
When you meet your survivor friends and can't recognize each other because every time you get together everyone's hair is different.
I totally get the excitement of tucking your hair behind your ears!!!!
After you've had breast augmentation, bilateral mastectomy and recon, exchange surgery and now hardened radiated foob, you have more bras than you can imagine! And you don't want to throw any of them away in case you may need them down the road. Now I'm wearing a push up bra to give me symmetry until I get the radiated foob fixed. And I found out I'm a 34DD, not a 34D and the PS said I would be lucky to be a C after recon! Tee Hee!!!
Problem is that no one makes a push up bra for 34DD. UGH!!!
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YKYACP when you are walking in a light breeze and it's a little chilly, you feel a shiver start up your spine and it heads down your torso and you know it would have made your nips hard, if you had any that is ... ;-)
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. . . when the door bells rings and you reach for your ball cap before answering it
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YKYACPW--you are reading a post about a chilly breeze making someone shiver, and you can feel your own nips hardening and then remember you DO NOT HAVE any nipples, and SMILE!
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YKYACPW you cry harder for one of your bco sisters than you do for a family member when they pass
(not IMMEDIATE family, but hey, I'm just sayin' know?)
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...when you finally get to the front of the line to return something, and they announce loudly that you are in the wrong store. But ya' know, I wasn't embarrassed. After all this s**t, not much can rattle me. I just mumbled OK, and wandered away...
My girlfriends were bitchin about a rude mutual friend, and I chimed in with, 'it's not even a blip on my radar'. (and I meant it)