Ladies in their 30s



  • 40-years-old-now
    40-years-old-now Member Posts: 23
    edited May 2011

    The really sad thing is that the doctors usually have these results in about 36 hours but dont tell you for 3-4 days, longer with weekends.

  • coni
    coni Member Posts: 181
    edited May 2011

    That's wrong I mean we r going through so much already, we don't need more stress in our lives!

    Unless u have Gobelin through it they can't understand his important it is to know the results....

    I'm in the same boat I called my pdn to see if piccline can come off, if chemo is not longer required no one has called me I called last wed!

  • cakeisgreat
    cakeisgreat Member Posts: 188
    edited May 2011

    Hi, Guys!

    I was 37 when dx' 39 (not forty yet, ha ha!).  Just wanted to jump into the thread. :)

  • coni
    coni Member Posts: 181
    edited May 2011

    hey karebear saw surgeon took all staples out but really didn't say much I guess is all up

    to onc which is not until may 30th more waiting, Tuesday I see my rad doc so I'll see what she says... I'm really not happy I was really Hoping Chemo got rid of it all, but I guess is not the case, which scares me a lot... but this is where faith jumps in.

    when so u start chemo again?

  • karebear76
    karebear76 Member Posts: 150
    edited May 2011

    Welcome cakeisgreat!

    Coni: Going by how my onc has worked in the past I am guessing I will be starting chemo a week from Thurs. Just a guess at this point I will know for sure on Friday. 

  • blondelawyer
    blondelawyer Member Posts: 104
    edited May 2011

    I was just diagnosed at age 33.  I lost my husband (to cystic fibrosis) in November.  We had been married for almost 12 years.  My dx came on what would have been his 34th birthday.  

  • coni
    coni Member Posts: 181
    edited May 2011

    blondelawyer- I'm sorry about your husband and your diagnose...I finished chemo in April and I'm 3 weeks post opt, double masectom, because I'm brca 2. this place is great to meet other woman like us.. I was 31 when got diagnose.

    Karebear- how are you doing? doc said no more chemo for me, but ovaries will go this year probably in 4-5 months :( I'll be starting rads soon middle of June and need to have full movemt

    of arms so they are sending me to physio

  • karebear76
    karebear76 Member Posts: 150
    edited May 2011

    Coni: Went to my onc today and we have a plan. I will start herceptin next week and with starting rads soon. When rads is over I will be starting navelbine(milder chemo) to help with the herceptin. From all I have heard navelbine is not bad at all!! I am also going for a bone scan as I will be on lupron and tamoxifin for 5yrs. Then the ovaries will be coming out.

  • blondelawyer
    blondelawyer Member Posts: 104
    edited May 2011

    Coni: thanks for the welcome.  It has been a rough week, so I am hoping that it gets better.  I think that I am just exhausted and overwhelmed.  I also did a round of egg harvesting before starting my chemo so my body is still all messed up for the hormones.  The good news was that they were able to freeze 32 mature eggs.  So...on to taxol number 2!

  • TiffanyF4
    TiffanyF4 Member Posts: 104
    edited May 2011

    blondelawyer - glad to hear you harvested eggs. I think this is something many oncologist don't mention as an option for alot of Women.

  • shereejoy
    shereejoy Member Posts: 4
    edited May 2011

    Hi all, bit hard to catch up on the last 28 pages so please forgive me....

    I live in Australia, 36 with 2 young children (boys aged 3 and 5) going through the trials and tribulations of breast cancer (triple negative)

    I had Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. I had 3 tumours in my right breast hence a mastectomy (multifocal disease). My biggest tumour was 5cm.

    I had all lymph nodes removed and 13 of my 26 were infected with cancer.

    My chemo treatment is 3 x FEC and 3 x TAXATERE (every 3 weeks). Will be up to my 4th on the 9th of June. Been terribly sick!

    Also will more then likely have 6 weeks of radiation.

    Would love to hear from you all.... it really is so sad there are so many of us young women facing this terrible disease! XO

  • shereejoy
    shereejoy Member Posts: 4
    edited May 2011

    We harvested eggs too as I was actually pregnant and miscarried at 10weeks 2 days and a week later I found my lump.  I am very grateful for my 2 children but I wasn't finished! 

    So we have 3 embrio's frozen for a later date as an option.... may not use it, but atleast we have options!!!  We seem to have been robbed of all of our options when we go through this.... we only have 2 weeks 2 days from my surgery to the start of chemo so I took it as a sign it was meant to be as my cycle was playing the right game!  I am very lucky!

  • coni
    coni Member Posts: 181
    edited May 2011

    karebear glad to hear second chemo won't be hard!! yay ive been praying for you everynight... I'll be starting rads mid of June.. still need my arms to be moving so they are sending me to physio start this week... yeah after I'm done rads also ovaries coming out 4-5 months I think he said it will be part of my therapy....

    blondelawyer- that's good, that u had to harvest eggs! I know chemo is very overwhelming, buy believe me if I was able to get through so can u! I did ac and taxotere, during both infusion I chewed on ice so I wouldn't get mouth issues, I think it helped... the first one it's the hardest... but after is not so bad! I know it dosent seem that time will fly by, but trust me it does.. before u know it u will be done!

  • mommyrnx2
    mommyrnx2 Member Posts: 19
    edited May 2011

    Angelinac:  Just wondering how everything turned out for you.  Been thinking about you and praying that things turn out ok. 

    Had my BMX with TE's and bilateral SNB on Thursday, May 26th.  Feeling pretty good, but very bored and my 7 year old is not happy that he can't cuddle mommy yet!

  • 40-years-old-now
    40-years-old-now Member Posts: 23
    edited June 2011

    Nothing new here. The Rads seem to make the pain a little less but then I had the neuesta shot (or what ever it is) and now I am so sore. I feel like I have been run over by a truck and then they backed over me another few times.

    So I think the rads were helping but then the shot caused the pain to come back. UGG!!

    Well that is my update.


  • cothi76
    cothi76 Member Posts: 23
    edited June 2011

    Hello all, I'm 34 and post double bi-lateral mastectomy awaiting chemo to begin. Happy to have found a 30's thread to join :)

  • blondelawyer
    blondelawyer Member Posts: 104
    edited June 2011

    Welcome Cotrinh76.  Sorry you had to join us, but glad you found the group.  I just started chemo two weeks ago (doing neo-adjuvant).  

    Take care,


  • mommyrnx2
    mommyrnx2 Member Posts: 19
    edited June 2011

    Just wanted to share my great news!  My path report came back with DCIS and all lymph nodes were negative, so no chemo.   I finally feel like I can breathe again!

  • karebear76
    karebear76 Member Posts: 150
    edited June 2011

    That is GREAT mommyrnx2!!!

  • 40-years-old-now
    40-years-old-now Member Posts: 23
    edited June 2011

    Congratz mommyrnx2!!!

  • blondelawyer
    blondelawyer Member Posts: 104
    edited June 2011

    mommyrnx2: Great news!!!

  • mommyrnx2
    mommyrnx2 Member Posts: 19
    edited June 2011

    Thanks ladies!  Now if I could just get rid of these dreaded drains!  It's been almost two weeks!  Anyone have them this long and what do I need to do to get the drainage down?  I feel like all I do is sit around already!

  • 40-years-old-now
    40-years-old-now Member Posts: 23
    edited June 2011

    If I remember right when my dad had the drains (he had breast cancer too) he was told to drink a ton of water. Double check that before you do.

  • mommyrnx2
    mommyrnx2 Member Posts: 19
    edited June 2011

    38-years-old: Thanks for the tip, I am drinking it seems like a lot, but will try to do more! I couldn't see how it would hurt. 

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited June 2011

    Hi ladies- totally new to the boards. DX on 4/15 after losing 25 lbs (on purpose!) and noticing a small dimple in the skin, couldn't get into my Dr. , and being as anal and anxiety ridden as I am I dragged myself to a planned parenthood. Thank heavens for tehm, as they sent me to a local surgeon asap, to have it checked out. Happy guy gave me the 30 min "If I was a betting man I'd bet you don't have cancer" speech....... I knew the moment he saw the dimple he was thinking, open mouth insert foot- needless today, biopsy that day, diag mammo in which the radiologist saw nothing. Path on biopsy was IDC, Grade 3. Ultrasound should 1 cm, MRI 2.6. Chose a second opinion from a national cancer center in our area and met my surgeon. Scary thing is , she looked at mammogram and pointed out the cancer with certainty after being told it was "denseness" by local  radiologist. Also, thr radiologist at the center was able show me that part of the 2.6 appeared to be DCIS. I went for a BMX due to microcals in both breasts and because it simply seemed like my best bet. I was able to have immeadite implants (went from a DD to a big B). Lucky in that it is one surgery, not lucky in that I feel like a rubber band is streched around my chest. Final path was good- 2.2 cm tumor, no nodes involded, no angiolymphatic invasion, clean margins of almost a centimeter.

    I am feeling ok, on my third full week of recovery from work. Mind needs to go back, body id exhausted. Walked a few miles to watch my son in a parade the other day and I have been EXHAUSTED ever since. Has anyone experienced fatigue past 3 weeks? PS and BS say it is totally normal. Waiting on Oncotype as to chemo decision. Tumor was ER+/Pr+ (focally) and HER2-Neg. Have had a chest x-ray, liver scan, lots of blood work. All a-ok. Asked about a PET but the onc (who is well known, is a professor at Dartmouth College School of Medicine) and has treated more BC patients in my state than probably any other onc does not believ that it is necessary as my cancer is classified as 2a, node neg, and shows no signs of non-containment in the breast. Depending in the ONCO, we'll go from there. I am 37. I am told if I have chemo it will start mid July to give me a full weeks to heal. Questions I have, I guess, are is that time frame seem too long? Are there any late 30's ladies who did the Oncotype DX and chose no chemo? How have your families handled treatment? I am lucky to have alot of family. One child, 11, who gets it and takes good care of mom. DH who is amazing but travels alot for work, which is scary and anxiety producing. Also, DH's mother died in 1973 when he was to of metstatic BC so this is terrfiying for us all as you can imagine. Coping ideas? Survival times? This whole oddessey thus far is 7 weeks and it feels like a life time. Any stories, ideas, coping mechanisms are so appreciated, Thanks so much.

  • mommyrnx2
    mommyrnx2 Member Posts: 19
    edited June 2011

    Just was wondering if anyone could decipher my path report a little for me.  When talking to the breast nurse specialist, she gave me more details of my report. 

    It is DCIS--margins negative, ER/PR+, 6.5cm in length, (confusing part now) Nuclear grade 2, Stage TIS- I.  I understand grade is how fast the cells grow etc.  but the stage I (I thought it was 0 for DCIS, but I believe it has to do with size of tumor and growth rate right?) They told me no further treatment, including no tamoxifen, but with Stage I does anyone have experience of further treatment.   I will check a DCIS thread also, but any input would be helpful. Thank you!

  • karebear76
    karebear76 Member Posts: 150
    edited June 2011

    Misswim: Welcome. I have been exhausted since Dec when I started chemo. I don't know that it will ever go away. :(  I have 3 young children (7, 6, 4) and they are doing well considering they mostly don't understand. My 7yr old knows and he gets mad at other things but I still think some of the anger is not knowing how to express how he feels about mommy being sick. My DH is a rock and is doing ok. He is just an amazing man and I am so blessed to have him! I lean on him, my family, friends, church family and God to get me through this. <3

  • cothi76
    cothi76 Member Posts: 23
    edited June 2011

    thank you ladies for the welcome! and welcome misswim!

    For those needing help with your pathology report and questions. Research on-line but also you should have copies of your reports,take them to your ONC. go through them and ask away! If you feel your not getting enough answers, get a second opinion. Make an appt with another onc. Take your report. I didn't feel comfortable with my 1st onc, so I got another one, now I've moved back home and have a local one but I still call my other onc when I have questions or just need clarification. I'm also fortunate to be friends with my MD and have called and spoken to her several times for support and concerns. I also had every report faxed to her because I feel she has my best interest. She even came with me when I had my pre surgery tumor board meeting with my BS,PS,ONC,pathologist,radiologist, radiation onc. I didn't really pay attention to my reports at the beginning but now I know you need to know everything to make your decisions. When I needed to make my which chemo plan decisions I got 2 similiar but different advices from my 2 onc. You put 10 onc in 1 room you'll get a 50 50 split, initially you need to understand things to make your decisions. It's all such a stressful journey but you meet some wonderful people along the way Smile

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited June 2011

    Thanks so much for responding! It is all so overwhelming, and being the one who takes care of everything, it's terrifying to wonder how it will all get done. I had thi surgery where I was told that the cancer was removed- gone= from my body and the rest is prevention and clean up. That's been a frustrating thought- no one really knowsi f there are cells still floating about, Is the chemo going to make a difference- I hope so..... so scared.

  • cothi76
    cothi76 Member Posts: 23
    edited June 2011

    @misswim- hmm, It seems the only time I've seen no chemo treatment is when it DCIS. But if its IDC or ILC they do chemo. Even with node negative, to make sure it hasn't gone anywhere else. I was HER2+ also so they said that it makes it aggressive so I will have Herceptin for a year also.  Call your ONC and see if they can call you if there's an earlier opening. Ask questions, your stressed out so make list of your questions, have copy of your pathology report and highlight what you don't understand and ASK! Take advantageof your appt. If you still don't feel like they answered everything get another opinion. You are entitled. There are lots of awesome Drs out there. Find one that makes you comfortable and knowledge is key. I knew nothing when I began but now I'm finding more out, and everycase seems different.