Ladies in their 30s



  • karebear76
    karebear76 Member Posts: 150
    edited May 2011

    Getting the drains out doesn't hurt, it just feels weird!! Then again I am numb everywhere! I had to be drained manually (with a needle, again didn't hurt) on Fri. I see the dr again Tues and I know he will have to drain me again. I feel all tight and swollen from the fluid build up. I hope this part ends soon. The pain is getting better. Although 4 days ago I slid down my deck stairs on my tail bone so that hurts and it could be that that pain is worse than my under arm!! Oye!!

  • coni
    coni Member Posts: 181
    edited May 2011

    oh no karebear sorry to hear about that! i hope pain goes away soon!!

    did u have double masectomy ? i think i should have done one at a time guess too late now, but is hard to stand up straight i hope i can soon..

    what did the doc say about pathology report?

  • karebear76
    karebear76 Member Posts: 150
    edited May 2011

    I had a right side mastecotomy. Path came back and 7 of 19 nodes were positive and there really weren't clear borders. So not that great. I will be starting radiation at som point in the next few weeks.

  • angelinac
    angelinac Member Posts: 3
    edited May 2011

    Hi, I am not diagnosed (and hopefully I can say that after the next couple of weeks). I am 31, just turned 31 and have a bilateral core biopsy scheduled for 5/17, they are biopsying 3 nodes, two on my left and one on my right. I have a 23 month old little girl, who is almost two. I have no local family and no help except my in-laws, let's hope they can really step it up. Anyhows, I thought since I am in my 30's it was okay to respond in this posting. I also am going through a divorce so I am practically a single Mom, my ex has our daughter two nights a week, I work the nights he has her from home. Best, Angelina

  • coni
    coni Member Posts: 181
    edited May 2011

    Karebear- yeah I'll be doing rads too, still waiting for report it will take 10-15 days :s

    getting very nervous about drains my nurse was like oh yea is very painful, and I guess she saw panicking then she was like us not that bad just take pain meds I'm thinking of taking Tylenol and Ativan for nerves lol

  • 40-years-old-now
    40-years-old-now Member Posts: 23
    edited May 2011

    Ok, went to the Oncologist yesterday, I am again in a waiting phase. They found something on a CT scan, so today I have a PET CT scan.

    He said that for sex after I start chemo hubby needs to use condoms because my chemo can be transfered to him.  So my questions to all of you is

    What about oral sex? Will mouth moisture cause a problems?


  • karebear76
    karebear76 Member Posts: 150
    edited May 2011

    Coni: HUGS it really doesn't hurt. I am a wuss and braced myself for horrible pain and it really was nothing! Compared to all we have been thru. I would tell you if it hurt honest but it really doesn't. Try not to stress too much.

    Candice: I have no idea. My dr never said anything about chemo being transfered. 

  • sanbar8771
    sanbar8771 Member Posts: 36
    edited May 2011

    @Candice, while you are going through chemo, I would not put anything in your mouth but food. And even that you need to be careful. Not to say our men are not clean down there but your oral lining will be compromised so you dont want to have any added bacteria. If you get an infection during chemo it could be hard to battle. Condoms and lube...a girls best friend during chemo.

  • coni
    coni Member Posts: 181
    edited May 2011

    u were so right KAREBEAR.. do u feel numb? it feels so weird my arm hurts even having a sweater touching my skin hurts, I can barely move both arms, this is so frustrating!

    Candice yes they told me the same thing you should Wear a condom even to wash clothes from the first 24 hrs separately, flushing toilets twice, cause with 24-48 (36 one or the other ) I think u can pass the chemo that's what I was told .... now ive told the same for rAds that's what my home nurse said I don't know though radiation can be passed to someone ??!! I'll ask that to my Inc next time she told me my husband should be a meter away??!!

  • mommyrnx2
    mommyrnx2 Member Posts: 19
    edited May 2011

    Angelina, Hope you are hearing good news from your biopsies, but this is a great resource if you have to join us.  I'll be praying for you.  39--mom of 2, BMX to be done 5/26.

  • karebear76
    karebear76 Member Posts: 150
    edited May 2011

    Coni: Yup I am numb and have that it hurts like crazy in spots but there is nothing there too. It is so odd.

  • angelinac
    angelinac Member Posts: 3
    edited May 2011

    Thanks Mommyrnx2, I appreciate it so much! I won't know til next Wed or Friday the results but praying its nothing.

  • ---
    --- Member Posts: 7
    edited April 2013


  • coni
    coni Member Posts: 181
    edited May 2011

    pathology report breast tumor shrunk a lot but had 8/13 nodes very discouraged was hoping for none. and cancer free :( so I dong know what this means I'll need to talk to my onc

  • sanbar8771
    sanbar8771 Member Posts: 36
    edited May 2011

    Hi Laureen,

    I was diagnosed a year ago and I was engaged. Got married in the middle of chemo and I do not have kids. It looks like we are both in CA. Feel free to send me an email if you need to chat. I know how hard this is for you and how hard it will be for your fiancee. Hang in there. Big hugs.

  • karebear76
    karebear76 Member Posts: 150
    edited May 2011

    Coni: sorry for the less than desirable path report. I am there so I totally understand how you feel. I just found out Fri that I will have to do chemo again!!! I was ready to move onto radiation but now that is on hold so I can do another 4mo of chemo. I hope that you can get rads and be in the clear. HUGS

  • mommyrnx2
    mommyrnx2 Member Posts: 19
    edited May 2011

    coni and karebear76: sorry for the bad news of the path reports.  I have my BMX next week, May 26th and I think I fear the path report more than anything.  Praying for you both and knowing we can all get through this. Penny

  • coni
    coni Member Posts: 181
    edited May 2011

    karebear sorry to hear that... why are they doing more chemo? what did it's say?

    I haven't taken my Piccline just incase I'll need

    more chemo although my surgeon said he didn't think so but we will see. :(

    what type of chemo are u doing now ?

  • GirlFriday
    GirlFriday Member Posts: 203
    edited May 2011

    Hi all! I had rads about a month ago...I was never told at any time, that rads could pass on to someone else.  The neutrons pass through, and once their done they are done...your skin reacts to the damage done while the beam was on...The electron boosts enter and then lose their power at a certain point.  I would think if the radiation was still active on our bodies after being juiced the techs would wear lead in the rads room.  Since they don't, I'm pretty confident the type of radiation we get is not something that can transfer to others.

  • McBella
    McBella Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2011

    I'm in my 30's, I was horrified at the choice of post mastectomy undies and bikinis for girls post surgery. But I found this great website based in the England:

  • karebear76
    karebear76 Member Posts: 150
    edited May 2011

    Coni: The reason for more chemo is that before I was HER2- and after the further testing they found I am HER2+ Because of this they want to do the herceptin treatment to knock out the risidual disease. Better now than in 2yrs! Just totally stinks!

    McBella: I have a local store here that does post surgery stuff including prostesis and bras and everything. I have a few great tank tops that velcro all the way down the front and it has pockets for the drains and the prostesis. It is an awesome store! 

  • coni
    coni Member Posts: 181
    edited May 2011

    Karebear I hear herpertin is a yr every three weeks but it's not like what we did from what I hear is much easier... U r in my prayers!!!

    They will do the test too on my tumor...still waiting for full report. Doc didn't have it fully ready....hopefully by Friday I'll know

  • kriskat
    kriskat Member Posts: 116
    edited May 2011

    Karebear- I am a triple positive. Herceptin is not a harsh drug at all compared to other chemos and as a triple positive u definitely want the herceptin!!!!

  • karebear76
    karebear76 Member Posts: 150
    edited May 2011

    thanks kriskat! That is encouraging. I am actually dreading the taxotere and carboplatin. I will know more next week.

    God bless Coni! 

  • coni
    coni Member Posts: 181
    edited May 2011

    karebear- U r doing taxotere again? Well don't worry is not too bad u will get through it, I did and I'm a whimp...make sure to chew on ice while getting it, put nail hardener on nails, and exercise keep on moving so muscle pain is not bad, ice hands and toes while getting chemo..... God will get U through .... U just wait and see!

    I got my report very had to understand, 8 lymph + largest metases they found was .3mm they took 21 out.. so I guess is good? I'm now grade 2 not 3, hormones and her2 still pending... That's all I was able to get something about residue cancer burden 2.488??? Don't know what that means?? 33% cancer tomorrow I'm gonna see surgeon again hope to get more info....

    I'm praying for all of us to get heal....We need as many prayers as we can get!

  • karebear76
    karebear76 Member Posts: 150
    edited May 2011

    Thanks Coni!! I didn't have taxotere before I had the A/C and taxol. So I am doing differant drugs this time. I hope the surgeon can fill you in on what all that means!! <3 

  • 40-years-old-now
    40-years-old-now Member Posts: 23
    edited May 2011

    wouldnt it be nice if the reports were more in English (or correct language) not medical. But on the bright side you did get some information. I hate waiting for my results. Currently waiting on the lung biiopsy they did on Wednesday, I have to wait til Tues for results. UGG!

  • coni
    coni Member Posts: 181
    edited May 2011

    i know! the funny thing is i talked to surgeon but he was not able to tell me whether lll need more chemo or not...i asked if there a posibility of having cancer anywhere else he said there in any camcer patient, he said the breast with surgery is 99% in control but they can't guarantee is not in somwhere else, specially since in an MRI and ct scan can't detect lymphnodes and for some reason in Canada they don't like pet scan they say is not accurate one is not covered by Ohip and two we pay out of our own pocket which I dont mind I just want to be sure there is no more cancer so sick of all this worrying...

  • 40-years-old-now
    40-years-old-now Member Posts: 23
    edited May 2011

    PET scans will often light up hot spots (possible cancer spots) where there is nothing. it is very worrysome. I had a PET scan because the pre-op xray showed something in my lungs. they did a CT scan and said it was not a shadow but something, So then they did the PET scan.

    The PET scan show hot spots in my lung (which they have biopsy on 5/16) and in the dome of my liver, and in my right femer (leg) and in my left femer(leg). I think until the conclude that the hot spots are nothing or that it is more breast cancer (because it has matiside.) they will not start my chemo. They will also only biopsy one spot at a time. Draging this process out.

    Hurry up and Wait. That is what this whole thing has been.

  • coni
    coni Member Posts: 181
    edited May 2011

    it's so fustrating I know and the waiting just kills us, which indent think docs can understand it's just adds to out stress u k ow inknow there is so many of us , but they should hire more ppl to get results fast! :(