Great saying about depression



  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited May 2012

    Although I could ill-afford it I sent flowers to my two cousins' wives.  I just thought these two women came into our family and spread so much love.  On top of that, they gave us 5 beautiful and wonderful children.  How could I not?  I hope all your children come to their senses and wish their mothers a warm and loving mothers day.  My Mom passed in 1989 (she was only 58).  I would have loved to have spent Mother's Day with her.  My furbaby did not even wish me a Happy Mother's Day!

  • Quilted-ta-tas
    Quilted-ta-tas Member Posts: 23
    edited May 2012

    Hello Kate, Diane, Stanzie, Barb, Katheleen and all you marvelous ladies who follow and post to this thread!

    Do you really know that you are my life line when I am at the bottom of the well... and I thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! Smile Reading all of your stories and what is going on in your lives makes me realize that I am not alone in this.

    I do not have any children so this day can be kind of "different" for me but I do have a couple of kitties that nestle in my lap from time to time, and a border collie that won't leave my side for very long, so I do feel loved by these babies anyway.

    Kate you cracked me up when you talked about hubby being the ¾ glass kind of guy and then you are wondering about what frickin' glass?? I didn't get a glass?!? I so get that these days.

    I haven't posted for well over a month, guess I was just feeling more than a little withdrawn after having to finally decide that a mastectomy is my only choice. Then I went into denial - buried myself in tax work and farm work and didn't even check into the boards at all. What a slap up the side of the head when I finally heard from my doctor and realized that I have to deal with this. And so a simple mastectomy with no re-con is scheduled for May 31st.

    All of a sudden I went into "take control" mode. I made to-do lists, and figured out timelines, I cried deeply several times and now I believe I am finally in the acceptance phase. But planning for a mastectomy is a unique experience to say the least, so who knows what emotions may still be hiding inside just waiting for the right time to catch me off guard.

    My husband and I live in a small rural town (pop. 1200) in western Canada and five weeks after my mastectomy we will be having family house guests for our town's 100th birthday. They are family on my husband's side and of course we reside on the original farm homestead. I told hubby I didn't expect him to cancel this because of me. This is a once in a century party for the town and there will be lots of visiting all the folks that come home. But this is not my home town and I seriously toyed with the idea of flying to the city to be with my mom who would be more than happy to take care of me. However it would be considered so anti-social to leave at that time whichever way I look at it, and to be quite honest I don't think that I would enjoy the 6-7 hour flight to my mom's place.

    I trust that I will be feeling much better at 5 weeks post-op but not sure where I will be emotionally. I am sure that all of you get this, though it sounds so selfish doesn't it? My husband's family is not even aware that I will be having surgery again. Not sure that my husband is anxious to tell them that I will be having a mastectomy. But that's a whole other story, he may just tell them that I am having "another surgery". Maybe once it is discussed I can talk to my sister-in-law about my awkward feelings and no doubt I think she will step up to bat to help me.

    Our calving time is just about over, it is my favourite time of year with the cattle. These days, my husband is in stress-mode with getting equipment ready for grain seeding, and hoping to get all seeding done by my surgery date, I feel his stress too, but trying to stick to my own task list... lots of yard work and house work to get done in preparation for visitors! (Maybe by fall I can get my own life back - what a concept!!) Wonder what it will feel like to look back at all this? Pass the glass... the wine glass that is... seriously, I am not out of wine this time!! :) Oh so good to sip from the fruit of the vine!!

    So girls, we are still here, and we are still doin' it!! Right? 

    Thanks so much to you all for listening Smile


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited May 2012

    the day here went just as i expected it would #1 Jay called about 11:30 to "do something".. he said he'd call me right back THURSDAY!!!

      so, we had a little push-pull, and he told me when DH was back(he visits his parents every sunday) we'd do that "something" when DH called, he said the kids were tired ( from visitnign DIL family) but he'd call us. of course, we never heard from him... all i can say, is thank goodness, its over for another year!!!

     Jay #2 came, and im not sure why, (he was on his new phone the whole time) but, i am grateful he took great efforts to be here.. its just another day, so FF...

      Didel: glad you're having a thing at your house, and so sorry the car made you miss the dinner, and cost you so much..

      im going to keep very quiet for awhile, with Jay #1, bt hey, Jay #3 never evened called!!!if i let it get to me, they get me wrapped around the axle, so i've decided to take a "whatever" attitude, much like 3 out of four do....

      its keeps my sanity intact...nuff said...3jays

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited May 2012

    3Jays ... sorry about Jay#3.  There's no excuse because you are such a loving, special Mom but, unfortunately, its more about them, not you.  Expectations for any holiday is way too high and disappointment is sure to follow.  ((((((HUGS))))))

    Donna ... having a farm sounds like heaven except the chore part!  You'll get through it.  I walked through my time between diagnosis and bimx in a haze; putting one foot in front of the other; going to tests, getting a second opinion, etc.  The emotional side of it lasts probably a lifetime because you're changed.  But this too will pass.  I will pray for you on the 31st that your surgery is successful and you breeze right through it.  Take care.  Bunches of hugs.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited May 2012

    Donna, you're understandably worried, but if it gives you peace, I went back to work just 2 1/2 weeks after my double mast. The day the last drain came out!! I didn't get recon, I don't recall you mentioning if you are. That is a different story for sure, as muscles are cut and strethed. You may find hugging uncomfortable at first. Your chest may feel vulnerable. So layer it with pretty camis and have some fun with it. The most annoying part is when the nerves start regenerating....zowie!!!! If left the hospital with NO pain meds and I have a very low pain threshold due to Fibromyalgia. I was so proud of myself!!!

  • Stanzie
    Stanzie Member Posts: 1,611
    edited May 2012

    Donna - I agree, I think you will be in pretty good shape by then at least physically - emotionally as you have read it can still hit you and different times and certainly after all the big scary choices have been made. You sound like you are in a good place and the farm sounds amazing- have never experienced a real farm and it is facinating to say the least - love hearing about all you all do. I'm hoping your in-laws and sister-in-law does step up and you will be surrounded by love and support.

    3-jays- I'm sorry.... I agree that it is more about them than you. My Mother's day wasn't the best. My oldest son got the other two up to make brownies which was really sweet and I was able to sleep in a bit. Both my son's gave me homemade artwork and some writings from school. My daughter who is in battles with me - not really sure why other than she is a teenage girl. She wrote on a card she was sorry we fight so much - but didn't say one word to me and went to her room all day, came down in time for a quickly eaten dinner and disappeared again.... sigh. It is all very painful.

    About mid-day my oldest said he smelled something like strong mustard. We went searching.... and located it somewhere in the pantry- finally found some scary bug spray that I've never used and it was leaking this most horrible toxic smell. We cleaned up a lot of it but then the two of us spent the next few hours trying everything we could think of to get the smell off our hands... It was horrible... used everything... Kind of scary. Still have to get the pantry back in place... 

    Diane - hope things are looking a bit brighter..... 

    Hopeful - hope everything is good for you. 

    Barb- good warning- having recon - I hadn't thought about that but that make sense to feel such vunerability. 

  • Kate33
    Kate33 Member Posts: 1,936
    edited May 2012

    Donna- I was in your place about 2 years ago and remember all the emotions involved with having to make the decision of MX.  A place none of us ever imagined we'd be.  And even though our heads know it's the right decision it's still incredibly difficult.  I'm not sure anyone, even our doctors, realize what an emotional decision this surgery is.  I think it helps to prepare as much as possible physically- get as many chores out of the way as possible, shopping done, arrange from meals to be brought in if necessary, etc.  As I was preparing it sadly reminded me of the "nesting" I had done prior to my son being born.  But with that you come home with a beautiful baby and this you leave a piece of yourself behind.  I won't say it's been easy, and it's taken much longer than I had ever imagined to finally feel like I'm moving forward, but I am- even if it's baby steps.  Just know we're here to listen as you go through everything.  (((hugs)))

  • Kate33
    Kate33 Member Posts: 1,936
    edited May 2012

    Sounds like everyone's Mother's Day was a "mixed bag"- kind of like being a Mother, right?  A big bowl of heaven and aggravation mixed together!  My day was pretty good- my DH made me breakfast in bed but couldn't get my DS to get his rump out of bed to help.  (Heaven/aggravation)  He finally staggered in and said, "Happy Day of the Mother's" which made me laugh and then actually snuggled his mom.  (Heaven!)  Later we went to my Mom's house for a big get together with family.  Even one of my stepdaughters stopped by for awhile.  So it was a good day.

    Stanzie- Cleaning up a toxic spill does not sound like a relaxing way to spend the day.  Have you tried lemon/table salt to get the smell out?  That always works for me.

    Diane- Sorry about your car.  It must have been terrifying and aggravating all at the same time and then to be hit with a big bill on top of it.  Ugh!  Sorry, I know sometimes it feels like it's raining and pouring.  I hope you were able to have a good day with your family yesterday and this week is much much better! 

  • Stanzie
    Stanzie Member Posts: 1,611
    edited May 2012

    Oh Kate, thanks - no I had tried baking soda - I'll try and lemon and salt - It is so bad stilll.... makes me gag....

  • barbiecorn
    barbiecorn Member Posts: 86
    edited May 2012

    I am just reading some of your mother's day was spent crying for my mother who passed who would have been so supportive of my journey which started the day after Xmax 2011 - my daughter is getting married in 4 weeks...she is my only child - she is scared by all of this and wants my husband and I to move near her so she can see us more often...she is only 30 minutes love her...I felt so bad for her - we are so vunerable because it is only 3 months post BMX for me - no reconstruction so I am reminded everyday - some days I think I should have done reconstruction and others well I don't really care.  I am a senior so who needs perky boobs (I guess) - my prothetic looks great and I don't think I could go through another surgery at least not how I feel which is tired,depressed, anxious but I know through my sisters here that this is all normal and it will take some time. I found myself missing my mom yesterday, my dad is long passed, my only sibbling was taken from me at the age of 48 and he was murdered so I have had my share of tragedy in my life.  I am just tired but gotta pick myself up.  Just venting...thanks for listening - I posted on the Panic topic and got some very good advice and understanding from you all....((((hugs)))

  • Kate33
    Kate33 Member Posts: 1,936
    edited May 2012

    Barbiecorn- I'm glad you came over. These women are wonderful here and have gotten me through some dark days. I've had some losses in my life too ( my DD was killed by a drunk driver when I was just 20) and I find that each new one brings up the old ones to process again. So as you're dealing with the MX and all those losses I think it's only natural you grieve again for your parents and brother. Especially at a time you probably feel you need them the most. And it's also hard when we need to put on a brave face for our kids. That's why I like coming here. We don't have to be brave and we get to be heard and understood.

  • Quilted-ta-tas
    Quilted-ta-tas Member Posts: 23
    edited May 2012

    3Jays - I remember my brother was like your #3 thru his teens and early 20's, totally disrespectful and taking our mom for granted. Fast forward to when he married and matured, it was a transformation! He couldn't do enough for her, and get this, he even coached our younger brother who started off the same way, with advice to stop the disrespect because you will regret it later. Amazing. So hang in there, change is always possible!

    Kathleen - I know the haze you are talking about, on the night before and the morning of my lumpectomy I actually felt totally detached with what was going on around me. So strange, it was scary, it felt like I was watching what was going on without being there somehow... I guess it's the mind's way of dealing with extreme anxiety. Thank you for praying for me Smile.

    Barb - so encouraging to hear about how you recovered and relatively pain free! For me I think the adjusting to the "new normal" will be the most difficult... especially in the company of alot of people all at once... if only I had another month to get my act together... but who knows maybe 5 weeks will be enough to get me through the visiting! I know what you mean about nerves coming back to life, I had those zapping pains about 3 weeks after lumpectomy, I will be prepared for this.

    Stanzie - Yes the farm is a good place to be! ...busy always, but there's hardly a day that goes by without a reminder to be appreciative for all that we have and the beauty that surrounds us. I know that you are having issues with your daughter... my mom and I had terrible relations thru my pre-teens, however that turned around after I finally left home to go to college, then my mom and I became best friends in a long distance relationship. So hang in there! I hope you don't have to wait that long, and know that this is completely normal, I hear my other girlfriends say all the time that their children became like strange aliens once they hit pre-teens, this too shall pass Smile !

    Kate - Oh Kate (((hugs))) I don't know what to say, so sad and hurting to hear about your DD. You are so wise and yes this grieving does become a new part of our lives. Just when you think it's dealt with something happens to bring it forward again, and so we grow... and cry again. Thank you for relating your experience with MX... definitely so true that I never expected this, and though I am 200% sure I am doing the right thing it is still so wrong in my mind. Basically I don't want to do it, who wants to do this!!! And no one gets it, only those who have been there. (Had a nasty message in my voicemail last evening from my best friend who is feeling neglected. Holy you-know-what! I know I am not able to fulfill the role of a good friend right now, I'm withdrawing and need some space!) But Kate glad to hear that you had a good day of the mothers!! Smile

    Barbiecorn - I so feel for you! I hear you about losses... 5 years ago I lost a brother and my father within 4 months of each other, that was just after helping my mom thru her BC and mastectomy, and I had a miscarriage. Now that I have BC, I find all the feelings from those times surfacing again! Like Kate said, coming to these boards we can be here for each other and not have to be brave! I hope you can feel our love and support for you here today Smile!

  • Stanzie
    Stanzie Member Posts: 1,611
    edited May 2012

    You know sometimes it just amazes me how on earth any of us make it through.... just the last couple of posts have such tremendous loss and saddness yet here we all are willing to share and give support and understand to each other and trying to look forward to the future. How totally amazing to be able to do this.... Anyway, I agree Kate as usual, can pinpoint what the focus is - well Kate and Hopeful I think both have that keen ability to zero in on what someone is really saying and helping them with helpful words.

    By my rambling you can tell, that is not my strength -LOL but I just admire and love the warmth and support found here... it gives me strenght just to know someone out there will let me share what is going on in my life and share a bit of theirs. It helps. 

    Quilted - there is another thread... can't remember the name right now, some else will with all the stories of what unthinking friends and family members have said to them when they were the ones in need of some compassion. Don't know what it is but in the midst of the worst of Bc it somehow makes those who should know better say the most thoughtless things.... so you are not alone, but yes it still hurts.And you know what I think you said what we all totally feel - We do NOT want to do this! But we are not given the choice of better options especially if we have loved ones and children and everything else... I guess if we went back 50 +years we are all grateful at least something can be done in all cases to at least slow this horrible disease down....

    Anyway, thinking of you all!  

  • didel
    didel Member Posts: 733
    edited May 2012

    Aww you have all been so sweet and I am sorry I buried myself under the blankets for a couple of days. I appreciated every word of support for me...again...wouldnt know what to do with out each and every one of you ladies.

    Barbe glad your daughter reached out and hope you had a great celebration with them and your grandson.

    3jays so glad you are feeling better after your procedure but sorry your mothers day was a bust. Its better to do it when everyone is in a loving state of mind. No sense in getting together if there is tension or if someone doesnt want to be there.

    Stanzie sorry you had to deal with the emotional drama and heartache of return the ex's belonging especially when he sounded so incredible insensitive. I know it hurts but you will be better off for it.

    Donna glad to see you posting. Sorry you are going through more surgery. Like Barbe I recovered pretty quickly. I the first three days were rooooouuuuuggggh. The worst part ...getting in and out of bed..and properly wiping on the toilet. There are lots of good threads with helpful hints for getting through an mx. I live alone so I had to put everything I might need for two weeks on the counters instead of trying to get stuff out of a shower. My hairdresser whom I adore..picked me up twice during the two week no shower time and took me to the salon on her off days to wash and dry my hair since I couldnt do that myself either. You just have to listen to your docs when they say what arm exercises you should be doing daily and what you shouldnt be doing. I didnt realize how many stitches i had inside and the lifting restriction is no can tear your incision. Make sure you also go home with LOTS of antinausea meds. You do not want to vomit while sticthes are healing. Be gentle to yourself and and take your time getting back to things. I started work4 weeks after I just sit at a desk so no heavy lifting. If you have any specific questions feel free to PM me..anything..anytime.

    OK I had an MAmmmo today...alll clear!! I am a little loopy from Ativan and typing is becoming difficult. I will be back after a short nap...I had a doozy of a mothers day.

    Happy Monday!

    Love you all!!!


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited May 2012

    im so sorry for all the loss i heard about here, it's no wonder we all are traumatized.. just goes to show you, cancer can and odoes hit whoever it wants, whenever it wants.. seems like there should be a "get outta jail card " there, but of course, there's not..

      don't feel bad for me, the day was pretty much, as i expected.. so, im ok with how things i said, im just being" quiet" for awhile.. mothers' day is every day i manage to see my grands, alone, anyways...

      went to the onco today for the 1st time in forever.. she was alittle "put out" because i've cancelled so many appts.then, she was upset that i've been so sick with the hypo.. i love her to death, shes so kind to me.. she felt guilty that chemo started this slide with ms.. i told her, she saved my life, so why was she feeling guilty? she was in tears, in the end, greiving that i was doing so good, and now, not so much.. so, i took her sthescope, and said" what do you hear" your heartbeat.. i said.. thNKS  to you.. she smiled, at that point..

      we both hope after the blood work, i won't hear from them for 6 mos again!!!..3jays

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674
    edited May 2012

    Just checking in. Lurking like always. I wish I could say the right things. . . . just know that I think all of you are stronger than you know, and braver than you think. When I listen about all the loss that many of you have suffered, it just breaks my heart. And then BC. Life does know how to deal some uneven hands, doesn't it?  Big ((((HUGS)))) for everyone today, wish i could put a band-aid on everyones' hearts. . . 

  • justagirl
    justagirl Member Posts: 633
    edited May 2012

    Wow, welcome newbies to a great place with wonderful friends to vent your true feelings and concerns.

    I believe having faced breast cancer and all the hoopla that goes with it: lumpectomy, mastectomies, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, reconstruction and hormone therapy, I know my reserve for handling hassles, grief, unpleasantness, and sadness is still at an all time low.

    All I want now is a happy life - a happy day, a happy hour.

    I know I am much more sensitive now - I think it's the darn Femara I take to rid my body of estrogen, but whatever, things do 'get' to me more.  My DH, who isn't much of a talker, has even said he has noticed how much more 'sensitive' I am and tries to let me be.

    On Mothers Day I talked to my son early on the phone, but he never said anything like 'Happy Mother's Day' but as always now, he was pleasant and nice to me when I woke him up at 9:30am (that's a uni student for you but it was Sunday).  Anyway, I was happy all day, going about normal stuff, like grocery shopping but at dinner my DH asked if Max, my DS, had even called and wished me a "Happy Mother's Day'...and I told him the truth - no...but then I was sad and my DH I could tell was upset at our son.  So I went onto facebook, where my husband doesn't go, and sent my son a message to call me and wish me a 'Happy Mother's Day' as his Dad wasn't happy.  

    Well, long story, but my son called soon and said "I'm sorry I didn't wish you a Happy Mothers Day but I try and treat you like every day is Mother's Day"  That made me cry.

    Our children do try in their own way to honor us - but they aren't us and don't think like us.

    After all the 'ick' of last week I am hoping we all have some good days this week!

  • barbiecorn
    barbiecorn Member Posts: 86
    edited May 2012

    Feel so much love here....(((hugs)))

  • Stanzie
    Stanzie Member Posts: 1,611
    edited May 2012

    Oh My - 3 jays, Claire and Debbie - you all three got me teary eyed this morning...

    3-jays- again and as always what a truly lovely gracious lady you are! You are so loved! With everything you are going through, you somehow always make me feel better even when you are speaking to me.... I'm sure meeting you has made a huge difference in the way your Doc treats her patients, she will always see them as people first, I think. Wouldn't that be wonderful if we could all have doctors who at least realized that much.

    Debbie- interesting about the sensitivity - I'm not on Femara but yes I agree the loss of estrogen just hits us all in so many ways. My former gyn told me how when little girls are formed in the womb that every cell is bathed in estrogen so a huge part of our well being comes from estrogen so when it is taken away or goes down - of course it is a tremendous change and not necessarily good and certainly not easy.

    Barbiecorn- I agree!

    Anyone heard from Hopeful? She hasn't posted in a while????

  • joan888
    joan888 Member Posts: 711
    edited May 2012

    I haven't posted in a long while, but just managed to read thru several pages and catch up. It is truly amazing how strong you have all been under so many different and difficult challenges. It sounds like Mother's Day was a mixed bag for everyone. My DH had a terrible, horrible cold so we really didn't do much until late in the afternoon when I managed to get him out to help me plant flowers. He was feeling so guilty being sick, but I reminded him that it is only a day that will come again. He has been such a rock for me as I battled this BC beast over the past two years. He is allowed to be sick for a few days. Our two grown children are scattered between Seattle, WA and Charlotte, NC and they had just been here a couple weeks earlier. I miss them so much. But the person I really miss most right now is my own mother who has been gone for 12 years now. I don't think there is a day goes by without me thinking about her.

    Kate... I have a DD whose glass is always plumb full. She is incredibly self confident and can always see the good in the bad. I keep asking myself how I managed to raise a child like that. Friends even ask me that too. Oh, how I wish I could be like her sometimes. But, alas, here I am looking for the glass too.

    My DH is gone for a few days this week to take care of some farm property that we have in South Dakota. Like Kate, I was so used to him being gone when he was still flying. Now that he's been retired for 5 months, I just want him home with me. I really admire the strngth of the many women who have gone through this BC journey without a DH or SO. My hats are off to you.

    Sorry to ramble... I am just terribly frustrated to still be carrying around a drain five weeks after my lat flap surgery. Ugggg! I have been hanging out on some other threads and missed staying in touch with you wonderful ladies here. I hope that everyone has a good week. When it rains, it pours and then there is that tsunami. And then..... Well, let me ask my DD!

  • Kate33
    Kate33 Member Posts: 1,936
    edited May 2012

    OK, I'm such a dope!  Embarassed  I posted about my DD being killed by a drunk driver when I was 20 and realized I was thinking "Dear Dad" but in BCO-speak you all were probably thinking "Dear Daughter".  You'd think I'd have my abbreviations down by now.  It was very devastating at the time, and I still miss him so much, but didn't want everyone to think I had lost a child.

    Stanzie- I was wondering the same thing about hopeful.  I checked back and saw she hasn't posted in about a week.  Let's hope that hopeful is hopefully off on a wonderful vacation right now!  Laughing

    Joan- I'm sorry you're still stuck with those dang drains.  They drove me crazy, too and I only had them about 10 days.  There's just something about tethered that way.  Hope you can pitch it soon!!!

    I'm going to see my LE PT today and hoping she will recommend some difference sleeves as the ones I have feel more like a tourniquet.  I'm feeling kind of down thinking this is my life now and that there's no moving on from LE.  It's funny how life can seem so crummy but then something worse happens and you'd give anything for the previous life you were bitching about.  LOL!  I guess there's a lesson to be learned there for me.  Hey, maybe I have a glass after all! 

  • Stanzie
    Stanzie Member Posts: 1,611
    edited May 2012

    Kate, it didn't occur to me you meant daughter but probably cause I know you have a son.... but what do they call Dad's?

    Joan - I think people are just born that way to be more optomistic... my sister is that way and I'm not but raised in the same family and close in age... Sorry about the drains - those really are such a horrible thing - I know you need them and they do their jobs but Ugh.... they really are depressing and just such a reminder of what all you have just been though... Hope you are able to get them out very soon.

    Kate, I like that - Hopeful on vacation---- hope she posts soon. Hope the new layout hasn't scared her away. Just read on the glitches section how very hurt and sad many of the woman are and how they now feel such a loss of community and can't find their way.... I agree that the Mods are stuck with all the complaints and anger which does seem to be more of a surprise to all who thought this out but seems to me if they were able to give more truthful and complete answers it could calm everyone down. Even if it was things they didn't want to hear.... dragging it out just seems to make it all worse. Maybe they can't from who ever the powers that be are but just seems all of a sudden people are getting really hurt by the lack of communication and understanding. Anyway, just makes me awfully sad.... 

  • didel
    didel Member Posts: 733
    edited May 2012

    Hi ladies...ok so I saw my favorite docs yesterday and they know how to cheer a girl up. I went with my friend to have her lips enhanced by my PS and it was a slow day for him so we just laughed and chit chatted the whole time he was injecting her lips. It was nice to have time to talk...and not be naked. Then I went for my mammo which as I said was all clear..YEEEAAAHHH. My BS cracks me up so much. He came in and goes he chickie how are you..Well here was my list...I still have that sty in my eye..I threw my back out doing yard work...I have poison oak ALL over me...I have an icky yeast skin infection Ive been battling since chemo...and I think I was passing a tiny stone yesterday. BUT THE MAMMO WAS CLEAR! He goes you are a mess! Then after he examined me he pulls out his rx pad and goes so what do you need..I said I could use a fresh batch of ativan...done...then I said some Diflucan for my skin infection would be great...done..anything else?? I laughed I was like nope that should it! THEN only because its you guys I am telling you this ..I said my PS said hello and my BS said oh what were you doing there?? I said my girlfriend was having her lips which he said...WHICH LIPS?!?!? I was like DR?!?! he goes well you know Jeffrey does that know for moms after they have babies..I was like I dont wanna know what happens down there that you need a PS to fix it after giving birth.. but I cant imagine my sweet innocent PS doing that..blaaahhhccckk. Really made me laugh..he knows how to cheer a girl up.

    Anyhow, here was my Mothers Day/Nephews bday...I spent all day saturday doing yardwork and power washing the house and deck so everything looked nice. Then I spent $250 in groceries. I got up Sunday morning at 7 am to start cleaning inside the house and prepping food. I iced the cupcakes..chopped veggies..etc. Then I realized I needed cups. So I called my twin who was supposed to be here at noon to ask her to pick up cups. She showed up at CUPS. she said people could just use my glasses. I said not outside they are not..she goes "you are so selfish!" THEN I asked her to help me chop veggies for the salad..she said she didnt want to ..I said well what do you want to help me with since thats the whole reason you came early. She goes nothing really I am tired. Ok its her son I am doing this for...then she told me to fix my hair I looked a mess. So then after her kids arrived they just played Farkle in my living room while I ran around cooking on the grill and steaming the shrimp. THEN I asked my sister to put the baked potatoes in the oven...She put SLITS in the foil...the sweet potatoes juices spilled over allllll over my NEW OVEN Yell I said to her why would you put slits in the foil..she said thats what youre supposed to do. UGH!

    Then my older sister comes in and asked what I burned..Yell then no one wanted to eat outside..which was all set up. I said Tough $hit you are not eating in my living room (white furniture)  So then after all 10 of them get settled outside I get my plate of food walk outside to find everyone huddled around one table leaving me to eat at the other table below the deck on the patio by myself. NICE right. Then as I start cleaning not one person offered to help me clean. As I spent an hour and a half cleaning they all played Farkle. Then they picked on my "fat" pets and my one sister says "you know what they say out of shape pets...out of shape pet owners"

    Then as I was cleaning up everyone was asking to take leftovers. Most of which I didnt care cause it was fattening foods I wouldnt eat anyway..but then my older sis asked for some cupcakes..So I said I am gonna wrap them in foil as I dont want to give away my good tupperware which my twin screams "You are so selfish" I was boiling at this point so I said "Oh really..I just spent $250 for your son's bday could be a little more grateful you couldnt even buy my $2 plastic cups" They couldnt leave fast enough. I will never host another dinner for them.

    The only plus to the day was that Charlie got a lot of loving.

    BTW Kate I got my purple sleeve and gauntlet yesterday as well. not that I look forward to having to wear it ...but I do love the color. There is a site called LymphaDivas that has all different prints and patterns like leopard print..zebra stripes. So know since you gotta wear em you may as well have fun with it.

    Debbie...dont boys/men always have a way of wiggling out of a situation. That was sweet of your son to say.

    3Jays glad to hear you had a nice onc visit..hope your labs are good!

    Joan..Ugh about the drains. I could not wait to lose em after my mx and was so thankful I didnt need them at the exchange.

    Claire hugs right back to ya!

    i will have to check out the complaints. I dont think its that bad just a little harder to read active topics. I actually like the Dashboard feature.

    Ohh getting woozy from help my poison oak..miserable. Oh but my back feels better Laughing

    Love you ladies!

    Have a good evening.


  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited May 2012

    Diane ... you're fixing a big dinner for your nephew, you're paying for all the groceries and you're being selfish?!  Honestly, are we related?  Because it sounds like my family!

    Joan ... at first I though it was sickening to have drains coming out of my chest, sewn into my skin but then I kinda got into milking them and emptying them!  I know, I'm sick!

    As for the glass ... my whole family suffers from chronic, low grade depression.  We've spent our whole lives looking for the glass!  Anyone with an optimistic attitude in our family would wither on the vine.  Its an old cliche but we like to think we put the "fun" in dysfunctional!

  • Stanzie
    Stanzie Member Posts: 1,611
    edited May 2012

    Congrats on the clean Mammo!!!!!!! Whew!!! You needed some good news. Glad your BS and PS are such good guys and can make you laugh - even though you seem the type to make everyone feel comfortable.

    I'm so sorry about the whole dinner. You did so much and went to so much trouble! Sounds like something my sisters would pull as well. Still can't believe you did all that for your nephew - what an amazing aunt and sister you are! I hope they at least "got it" after they thought about it.... I can't imagine them not noticing they are not helping.... I will say I can almost forgive them getting wrapped up in playing the game even though they SHOULD have noticed you were missing... Do not begin to understand the cups, eating outside, Really don't understand you not sitting with everyone, and then getting annoyed about the left overs? And I'm assuming she didn't clean up your pretty brand new oven. I mean if we all know how excited you are about that oven then surely your twin knows..... Anyway, I'm so sorry..... but take heart in that you gave your nephew a most fabulous and fantastic day! 

    I can so see you in the lympha-diva sleeve- send a picture when you have yours! Glad you can find some fun with it. Reminds me of my sister who needed a light weight wet suit and she found two - one that looked like leopard skin and the other was tropical flowers - LOL! And no she didn't really have the figure to carry them off but her personality did and it somehow all worked on her ..... 

  • Kate33
    Kate33 Member Posts: 1,936
    edited May 2012

    Diane- Are you sure you're a twin because she seems like the polar opposite of you.  Maybe you were left on the doorstep by gypsies and your Mom just said you were twins!  Laughing  So glad you got the all clear on your mammo!  WOOO HOOO!!!!!!!!!!

    I saw my LE PT today and she agreed the sleeves they gave me are way too tight.  Such a relief I won't have to wear those torturous things.  She's going to talk to the fitter and get me something different.  I did see the Lymphadivas site.  Too fun!  I'm sure you will be smokin' in your purple sleeves!

    Kathleen- I have a cartoon where a doctor is asking his patient if anyone in his family suffers from insanity.  The patient responds, "No, we're pretty much all enjoying it."  It's become our family motto.  Smile 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited May 2012

    good one, kate.. im sure gonna save that for the right occasion with my family!!!

     diane, im so sorry the day was so bad.. i hate it when selfish ple call YOU selfish. i think its their only defense, cause deep down, they KNOW they're selfish!i get the same from Jay #1...hope it all goes well now, for everyone.. and, yes, purple is MY next choice, also. i have a black set i wear now.

     can't afford livadivas' so i cover te sleeves with patterned fabric, (light chiffon) when i want to go "fancy" not happenning so much, now.. wore pink ones to the oncos' though.. i don't do pink, except there......3jays

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited May 2012

    Kate ... you quite literally made me LOL!

    I don't have lymphadema but I'm going to that website.  Sounds awesome!

  • didel
    didel Member Posts: 733
    edited May 2012

    at work cant talk ...just wanted to pop in and say hello!!

    Thanks for all your support.

    The place where I got my sleeve they were so nice they actually gave me the price that insurance would have paid if I had met my deductible. So for the sleeve and gauntlet it was $104 and they didnt charge extra for the color.

    Have a good day everyone!!!!


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited May 2012
    where was that, Diane?? that's awesome!!!!3jays