Great saying about depression



  • didel
    didel Posts: 733
    edited May 2012

    It's a place called Caring Touch Medical. Yes they were so nice I think they literally gave me 40% off the costs. They told me if I see something on Lymphadivas they will order it for me and run it through insurance and give me the same price. Apparently you are supposed to get a new sleeve every 6 months.

  • goodie
    goodie Posts: 39
    edited May 2012

    OMG Diane.  You are fraternal twins right?  I can't believe they didn't help you at all.  Well, actually I can.  We have several family members who just show up and don't bring anything or help at all.  And they want to take home a lot of the leftovers too!  You were so nice to host the celebration for her.  The least she could do would be to pick up some cups!  Ugh.  I'm sorry you had to deal with all of that.  It really takes away some of that good feeling you had when you planned it.

    Congrats on the clear mammo! 

  • lmcconnell
    lmcconnell Posts: 1
    edited May 2012

    So glad I was able to read your quote today. Thank You for sharing and I am encouraged you are coming out of that depression.

  • justagirl
    justagirl Posts: 633
    edited May 2012

    Diane, I used to mourn because I did not have a family anymore that got together for holidays and birthdays.  Then I remembered to occasion like the one you just went through with your nephew's birthday and it makes is so much easier that it's just the 3 of us and our close friends.

    I hope you bought a self cleaning oven!  A hint, when I cook sweet potatoes, as I never trust them, I put a cookie tray under them and any juice that works it's way out of the foil (and no I don't stab holes in the foil) gets burnt on the cookie sheet.  Then I take the cookie sheet and spray it with oven cleaner and in a couple of hours it wipes clean.

    I sure wish I sisters like all of you - loving and caring - through the good and bad, the laughter and tears!  Some people just don't know when they are well off!

    Kate: like the saying about insanity.  I always say being abnormal is normal nowadays!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Posts: 7,605
    edited May 2012

    Debbie, why don't you put foil on the cookie sheet, too? Then you don't have to clean it.

    Thought y'all would get a kick out of this!!!

  • cmbear
    cmbear Posts: 674
    edited May 2012

    Barbe, you are such a woman after my heart. Aluminum foil everywhere!!! I haven't cleaned a baking pan in years. And the picture, yep that's me on the right.

  • didel
    didel Posts: 733
    edited May 2012

    Omg Barbe that is funny! Thanks for sharing. My internet is down so typing this on my it will put be short.

    I have a cupcake order to bake tonight so dont feel like it. My allergies are wiping me out. I actually had some work come up this week!! of the partners i work with really looks out for me so made me feel good.

    My poison oak is getting worse i see my PS tomorrow to drop off cupcakes so im gonna see if he can look at it. Im so afraid it will spread to my right arm or mx side. I am in the process of washing my towels and linens and Charlie got a good scrubbing earlier.

    Ok off to bake. Hope everyone is well


  • Kate33
    Kate33 Posts: 1,936
    edited May 2012

    barbe- LMAO!!!!

    I tell my DH that I like being a pessimist because I'm either right or pleasantly surprised!  Laughing

  • joan888
    joan888 Posts: 711
    edited May 2012

    Barbe... Perfect! LOL.

    Diane... I bought a diva sleeve that looks like snake skin. I hate snakes!

  • Stanzie
    Stanzie Posts: 1,611
    edited May 2012

    Joan - LOL on the snake skin!

    Diane - you are the cup cake queen, aren't you? pictures of cup cakes? So we can all drool and imagine how yummy.... 

    Barb - love the glasses...

    Re-hurt my ankle or foot - not sure which. It is actually more of a huge deal cause this is the foot that was totally re-made when I was 8 so.... if something is broken - not sure if it could ever be fixed. I was born without a lot of the muscles in my right foot but am very very lucky as it could have been so much worse - my Mom took thalidomide but only for 2 days! Anyway.... it is bad. Not sure if finally the wine or ibuprophen has kicked in but it is starting not to make me want to scream and throw things.... Can't believe the pain... of course having the bird flying around in the house didn't help a lot. I've iced and now used heat and still drinking wine.... so not sure what to do next... I do don't want to go to a Doc... 

    Now is when I start thinking wish I had even my ex- BF as there would be Someone who would be nice to me and help or at least... get me things so I don't have to jump up every 5 sec. No don't worry the ties are severed so won't be calling.. just makes me realize how scary it is being alone... 

  • cmbear
    cmbear Posts: 674
    edited May 2012

    Oh Stanzie! Wish I could be there to fetch things for you. Please go see a doc tomorrow so you get peace of mind. Atnd at least some good pain pills!

    Diane, can I order some sugar free cupcakes? LOL

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Posts: 2,604
    edited May 2012
    anxious to hear, hope your foot/leg isn't broken!!!3jays
  • justagirl
    justagirl Posts: 633
    edited May 2012

    barbe - you are too smart - foil on baking sheet - I'm smacking my hand against my head for my stupidity.  Also, as for the cartoon, I'm the one that's looking for where my glass even is!

    Stanzie, do not pass go, go straight to Dr tomorrow and see about your foot/ankle, especially since you have had trauma and surgery there before.  And how is your back and neck?  Did you get your car fixed?  Sounded to me like you got whiplash.

    Kate, since BC, I am a pessimistic, as then I'm not disappointed.  I can be hopeful, but only to a degree, and with caution.

    3jaysmom and Stanzie,  I salute you both for being the Mother's of three children.  My DH and I only have the one, but there has been times, days and hours when we feel like we are losing the battle and the level of frustration is high.  I know teenagers have issues and hormones to deal with, but it's really bad when it continues on past 18.  My son likes to tell me he is an adult, as at 18 here he can vote and drink and gamble but the government says we are financially responsible for him until he is 22.  What I really say to Max (DS), you say you are an adult and you want me to treat you as one, so act like one!

  • hopefulhealing
    hopefulhealing Posts: 581
    edited May 2012

    Ladies, you brought tears to my eyes when I finally got back in and read that you were concerned.  I am sorry I was out of town for work all week and putting in very very long days.  I wanted to get on but knew then I wouldn't do my work so I didn't and I missed you guys!!

    I have to say on the plane last night the flight attendant (a guy) and I talked for soooo long.  I was in 28D so right across from his seat for take off.  Kate is it called a jump seat? Anyway he was so fun to talk to.  I gave him my email and said let's keep in touch. He and his partner sound like incredible caring people that I would love to get to know better.  And the lady next to me as well.  We talked and I actually told her my story because she saw I had a Oncology Nursing magazine I was reading and asked me things.  I don't talk about my diagnosis easily at all.  But she wanted to know what shouldn't I say to women I know going through this. She was incredible too.  I love when wonderful people are put in my path who are sincere and kind and warm my soul.  It is all about relationship isn't it?

     As I was catching up I could feel the pain from so many about some of the relationships that you have and that cause you pain.  We have those and I think for me anyway, breast cancer has shown me and I have given myself permission to remove the toxic people out of my life and it has included some relatives on my husbands side.  I am at peace with it.  But it took me awhile to give myself permission to do it.

    I am sorry Stanzie about your foot and the continued pain you are going through! I hope you can get it checked out. Diane ........... really........... wow I am sorry you kindness was received that way.  I think Kate is right it must have been a story your Mom said and it was a gypsy drop off!

    My son sent me a Mother's Day card that made me cry, what he wrote was so moving and beautiful.  (Heaven) as Kate would say.  We have to grab on to those moments and cherish them don't we. 

    Sorry this is so long.  I am at peace today knowing that there are kind and caring people especially you guys out there and part of my life.

    Have a great weekend and realize how wonderful you guys are!!!!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Posts: 7,605
    edited May 2012

    Hopeful, good to see you post and know that your absence was work-related.

    Just got back from a Cardiac Rythm Specialist. I definitely have a Long Q-T Sydrome in my heart and there's not a thing they can do. The doc said not to worry as "The sudden death is the way to go!" Seriously. Is he freaking kidding me??????? I got back in 3 months. If I'm alive....sigh.

  • cmbear
    cmbear Posts: 674
    edited May 2012

    HUH??? WHHHAAT??? He actually said that???? But please tell us that it can happen later than sooner!!

  • hopefulhealing
    hopefulhealing Posts: 581
    edited May 2012

    Thanks Barbe. Why can't they do anything?  No meds, procedures?  What causes it?

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Posts: 885
    edited May 2012

    Barbe ... why can't they put a defibrillator in like a pace maker?  One of my aunts has that has she has cardiomyopathy - she won't have a heart attack just a heart that stops; hence the defibrillator.

  • didel
    didel Posts: 733
    edited May 2012

    Hi ladies! Hope everyone is having a good Friday. Today its gorgeous outside and supppsed to be all weekend. Which its Preakness weekend here in Baltimore.

    .place your bets!!!

    Hopeful glad your back safe and sound and that you had such a wonderful flight!

    Stanzie sorry you have so much on you...makes me wish we lived closer to help each other out in busy or hard times...and celebrate the good things. I will do pic later when my internet is back. Damn comcast.

    Claire wouldnt even know how to bake without sugar ...i will reasesrch.

    Joan love the snakeskin.

    Barbe i cant believe your doc said that. Terrible bedside manner.

    I have to say since the BCO update my mobile app is so much better!!!

    Kate Debbie and whoever else said my twin was not really my twin..i agree..she gets mad when i say i think ee are not identical twins. She is Oscar and I am Felix. When we were kids i used to put tape down the middle of our bedroom and her side was a pig sty!! She's incredibly disorganized. Not very Virgo like at all!! LOL

    Have a great weekend everyone!


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Posts: 7,605
    edited May 2012

    Yep, doc said that! I told my therapist this afternoon and he choked! Said that medical people are scientists first and not always people-persons!!! I'm still in shock. Googled it all and it says life span may be as long as 10 years after diagnosis!!! Whoopie!!

    I could qualify for an implant like you say Kathleen. I wonder if I have more episodes in the next 3 months if I will qualify. He told me when I feel faint to lie down and put my feet up. It forces blood back to my head. Either that, or at least I die already lying down!!

    Talk about a walking time-bomb!! I CANNOT do strenuous exercise or get frightened or really much for running after bad guys, eh? I also can't stand for long periods of time! So much for a showroom sales position again...sigh. First I can't be a stripper or hooker, and now THIS!! What AM I going to be when I grow up?????

  • Stanzie
    Stanzie Posts: 1,611
    edited May 2012

    Barb- this is just horrible and very frightening... did you have some new specific symptoms that had you go to get diagnosed? I'm so sorry - I agree though seems like a pace maker would be an option. The Doc didn't seem to do anything but drop scary news and then leave you hanging... that isn't right. What about a second opinion? Gosh does that at least mean cleaning, cooking and laundry are out? I mean if you can't pole dance or rant and rave..... But seriously I'm so sorry- hope you get some better answers soon!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Posts: 7,605
    edited May 2012

    He was actually the FOURTH opinion. The ER doc, who beat the seriousness of this into me and actually told me not to go back to his hospital as they didn't have a large cardiac care centre (my town now!), my own doc, my cardiologist I've had for years, and now this rhythm specialist...sigh. They all concur. Nothing to do really but wait and see if I die. I did fall to my face on my porch a month or two ago. I forgot about that "swoon". I'll bring it up in August as if it just happened to see if they consider a pacemaker. I'd feel SO much safer with one!! The fall I took even damaged my glasses as my hands had grocery bags so I basically made a face-plant from the bottom of the stairs up to the top level.

  • justagirl
    justagirl Posts: 633
    edited May 2012

    Barbe: just ask one of thoese 'expert' doctors if they would wait until their loved ones heart stopped dead and then if they survive but in a pacemaker.....

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Posts: 7,605
    edited May 2012

    VERY good point, Debbie!! I'll ask him that in August when I see him next!!

  • didel
    didel Posts: 733
    edited May 2012

    Snoopy Happy Birthday Someone had a birthday!! Happy Birthday Barbe! Hope it was a good one..


  • Stanzie
    Stanzie Posts: 1,611
    edited May 2012

    I agree - very good point Diane and I can't imagine you getting turned down for a pace maker! Happy Happy Birthday - I'm sure it was bittersweet in ways given all you have to worry about at the moment but I agree a pacemaker is what you need! Hope you get some better answers and appointments soon. Please don't wait till August to share your "swoon" Make a call in the morning.... please!!!! We love you Barb!!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Posts: 7,605
    edited May 2012

    Awww, thanks for the good wishes ladies!!! I haven't had a "swoon" lately, but now that I know what it is, if I have one before August I will certainly call. You guys know what it's like seeming like a hypochondriac sometimes. I mean, I know there's something there, but I don't want to be labelled as "hysterical" or anything, even if I'm calm, that would be the label.

  • justagirl
    justagirl Posts: 633
    edited May 2012

    Barbe - sorry I didn't know it was your BIRTHDAY!  You deserve the best the world has to offer and I wish you a day of joy and laughter with your DH and hopefully your daughter and grandson.  You are one mighty beautiful woman with a zest for life and an ability to understand me and my woes and you always come up with a 'comon sense' answer!

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Posts: 2,604
    edited May 2012

    I get that  ALL THE TIME,  Barbe, but i keep telling them, anyway..

      and, as it turns out, i was RIGHT, again.. just had my onco appt (which i wished i hadn't put off) with the blood rresults, she called me, to tell me, i needed to get to GP.. my liver function enzymes are raised, and thats' (probably) where the fatigue is added.. i already get fatigue from ms, fm, and hypo, hell, why not the liver, too... she listens to me better than most of the other drs.. and was sorry she found something ELSE wrong.

    .i told her not to worry about it. i know i've increased my aspirin intake, and that the likeliest reason.. easy fix. put me back on plavix, no more headaches= no migraines to take aspirin for!!!!i hope the GP listens!!!!

      i know that ticking time bomb feeling, but, if im not constantly choking, its ok. if you don't "swoon" often, take it WAY easy, gal..3jays


  • barbiecorn
    barbiecorn Posts: 86
    edited May 2012 matter what age we are, we always miss our moms, especially on mother's day, but after BC, boy do I miss her more!!!!!  I truly understand.