Great saying about depression



  • Kate33
    Kate33 Member Posts: 1,936
    edited September 2011

    I had my PT and LE evaluation yesterday.  They said I have a bunch of different issues going on.  I've got a large amount of scar tissue that has formed on the left breast that runs into the armpit.  They will have to do weeks of PT with US to break it up.  I had my first treatment for that- OMFG it hurt!  Then she said my pecs are extremely tight so will need to do additional exercises for that.  Recommending twice a week for 8 weeks.  Then LE therapist evaluated and said she thinks I have developed a slight case of truncal LE.  I have some swelling below each arm pit and some on my back.  She said it is possible that it could be residual swelling from the last surgery.  There's no way really to tell unless it progresses further in which case we will definitely know it's LE.  She gave me the choice of do nothing and observe and be agressive and treat now.  I elected to treat now to lessen chances of getting it if I don't have it or preventing it from getting worse if I do.  So LE therapy twice a week for 6 weeks, she's ordering compression sleeves and will have to take LE education.  BC- it's the gift that just effin' keeps giving.....heavy sigh.

  • didel
    didel Member Posts: 733
    edited September 2011

    Kate sorry for the pain of physical therapy but at least you have answers and they will work on making things better for you. I know when I had cording I had the option of PT or seeing if it resolved after surgery and fortunately it resolved at surgery...or my PS resolved it for me. I think unfortunately we will always have to deal with scar tissue. As much as I massage things it still feels super tight. I did all kinds of exercises and massaging after mx to avoid ROM issues and PT. I know how brutal PT can be...hugs to you!! I bet in another week you will have significant improvement!! You can do it!!!! I think you should buy yourself a nice little $$$$ present when PT is complete...a little something to look forward to.

    Barbe you just made me want raisin bread...mmmmmmmm

    Dress shopping was a pun intended..and I left the mall crying. I am just so incredibly out of shape and FAT I dont fit into anything. I wish I was one of those people who didnt like food. I am eating super healthy but I just require more exercise these days. I used to be able to control my weight by diet more..thanks TAMOXIFEN I F&^%ing hate you...I am eating nothing but veggies and fruits I just will have to hit the gym extra hard..I hate this shit I just dont have time right now for anything. I have a huge deadline tomorrow. and a friends wedding Saturday with all kinds of events in between. UGH..I have got to get back in fighting shape...its 80% of why I hate life right now....maybe 90%.

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674
    edited September 2011

    Diane!!!!!!!! I am so sorry about the shopping experience. I went with my DH yesterday and he found 4 shirts and I just walked in circles, going nope can't wear that, nope don't even think about it. Everything either has darts in it or has no embellishment at all. I look at so many outfits and think how cute--if I had boobs. Wah! I actually tried on a top that was so low cut it almost showed my scar. I swear it didn't look like that on the hanger!! 

    anyways--use that frustration and anger to work out!!! Get a punching bag!!!! Find a pillow and beat the crap out of it!!! I'm not much help with advice on the subject cuz I feel the same way. . .except I am sitting here polishing off the last of my dark chocolate chips. . . never made it into cookies. . .Laughing 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited September 2011

    hey gals, i'm one of the "flatties" and i have different prosthesis.. all from TLC (foam) . i use a cami for them; but only on imp occassions.. so, iused to have  Big bazongas.. so, its not a shock to ple; when im going somewhere specail, i waer the biggest ones, about 3 sizes smaller than the "resal ones".. it drapes the shirts up, and hides my HUGE belly ,, im just saying,, most days, i don't care what the look like. i wear a cotton cami; with or without foobs, cause i wrap for truncal le.......3jays

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674
    edited September 2011

    I have bras with foobs that are massive and heavy. Silly me when I went to try them on, I saw how I looked in C cups when I have been barely there A cups my whole life. They fit my shape, I thought how great. . . and then wearing them is a PITA--they are soooooooooo heavy and hot. So I gave them up for the Florida summer. What is awful about shopping it not that I am flat--the concavity of my chest makes most shirts look spooky. I am not comfortable with the look that screams "hey I had a mastectomy!" Suppose I should go out get some bras with foam just for my own mental being. Plus I like confusing my coworkers--one day I'm flat--one day I'm a full figured goddess!! LOL.

    Off today and have tons of errands. Its my MIL birthday and I want to get something special(nothing like waiting to the last minute) cause she has been there for me in the most amazing way during this whole BC journey. Could not ask for a better MIL. We have the same PCP and last week when I was there for my physical, the nurse asked me if I had a sister that came to their practice. OK that made my MIL feel like a million bucks, she was so happy. Me on the other hand, hopes she didn't mean I look like I'm 20 years older than I am.Frown 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited September 2011

    Kate! Stop!!! You will know if the truncal swelling is LE IF THE THERAPIST WOULD DO LYMPH MASSAGE ON IT AND IT REDUCES!!!! I can't believe what she said!! You don't WAIT for something to get worse! You treat it now. If the swelling goes down - it's LE. If not, it's residual from the surgery or it's something else.

    As for the sleeves, why? Are your arms swollen? Has she proven LE? Why wear them if not? You're only going to aggravate your fingers (unless you get a gauntlet that covers your fingers) and your under arm nodes are going to have to work double time, aggravating the truncal LE. Are you SURE this was an LE therapist???

    I have truncal LE. Sometimes it's like a little boobie on my back. I have my DH do the lymph drainage moves that I taught him from my PT. The lump goes down. Ergo, LE. If I wore a sleeve, it would push all the lymph fluid towards my fingers in one direction and my armpit in the other. It would overload the nodes at the armpit and my truncal LE would get worse.

    It's a slippery slope you're heading down. Are you really comfortable with this therapist????? I hate to question what is going on, but I research very deeply anything that affects me and I learn enough to offset mistakes at times.

    I'm so sorry the PT is hurting your scar tissue, but can you imagine how GREAT you're going to feel when it's all broken up!!! That alone will affect your nodes as the lymph fluid is broken up. It's not a great time to start LE treatment. Maybe she wants to protect your arm while she breaks up the scar tissue....hmmm. But then you'll over load other areas.

    Just my humble opinion!

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited September 2011

    (((Kate))):  PT was incredibly painful for me yet it relieved many problems.  I still need lots of PT but Medi-Cal didn't approve it so my shoulder pain is, yep, my muscle pulling me forward.  My chiro now has me doing a bunch of stretching excercises to alleviate it.  Also, I had a lot of swelling in the back and under the arm and it went down after 6 months-the LE therapy worked though and I didn't need  the sleeve. (they told me it was optional since I didn't have LE).  I hope this gets you some relief-I am actually jealous that you can have this done!  I loved my LE therapist-she was amazing.  Hugs!!!

    Didel:  If you like salmon, this is an amazing diet.

    As for dress shopping, all my muscle tone is gone since chemo, surgeries, et al.  My life saver:  Spanks--I no longer have a choice!

  • Kate33
    Kate33 Member Posts: 1,936
    edited September 2011

    barbe- Thanks for all the LE advice.  Just to clarify- the LE therapist wasn't recommending I do nothing.  She was just giving me 2 different options- observe or treat.  I elected for treat and she agreed with my decision.  The sleeve she recommended was for times when I am doing strenuous things with my arms.  She said I may not need it but I told her I had maxed out my out of pocket costs for the year so it wouldn't cost me anything.  She said it's good to have one, too, for when I fly.  Anyway, I obviously have a lot to learn about this now.  As far as if she's an LE therapist- yes, she was recommended by BCO member Binney.  I will definitely be asking her some questions at my appointment on Friday based on what you wrote so thank you!

  • LinSea
    LinSea Member Posts: 127
    edited September 2011

    Finally back on line. Had my surgery on 9/6. Had my TEs swapped out for a better size and style, rotated my nipples higher and got rid of lots of scar tissue pulling from under my breast and through my arm pits. I have in three drains and am wrapped like a mummy.

    In recovery they were giving me morphine in the IV but sent me home with pills that could not stop the pain. Five hours under anesthesia and they send me home. :-( Just from muscle strain in my neck and back I developed a migraine that just kept getting worse. Our only option was to call an ambulance, but thankfully my GP called and said Valium would relax everything and hopefully lessen the pain. . . And it did! It took a couple of days, but i noticed some immediate relief.

    Saw the PS yesterday and he took out one of the drains. The other two will need to stay in another week. I love the work he did and feel I went from a flat hamburger bun to a contoured breast! I am now having to wear a bra for support, but he filled the short TEs with maximum of 350ccs,so no more fills!

    Still sleeping a lot and taking heavy drugs, but I am not sure I need this much so I am cutting everything in half. I think I could even skip a few doses and be okay.

    Thanks Debbie for keeping everyone updated! And thanks for your prayers!

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited September 2011

    glad you're back, Lindsey..continue to take it easy...{{{{{hugsd{{{{{{ 3jays

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited September 2011

    Lindsey!!! You've done so well, congrats! Here's to quicker healing!

  • Stanzie
    Stanzie Member Posts: 1,611
    edited September 2011

    Barb, is today the day you get your results? Hope and pray you get good news. Thinking about you!

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674
    edited September 2011

    Lindsey, welcome back!! Gentle,gentle ((((((hug)))))). 

    Barbe, thinking nothing but good thoughts for you today. Let us know how it goes, we're here for you!! 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited September 2011

    The phone rang at 7:30 last night and my DH and I both said "Here we go!" There was no one on the line!!! Damn adrenaline ripped through my gut, tho.....

    Not sure when I'll get results. Doc told me 5 days and that was on Monday, so....

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited September 2011

    (((Lindsey)))):  Glad to hear you are on the mend and doing well.

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674
    edited September 2011

    Barbe--5 days--is that business days? Do they count the day of the exam?? Are they on island time?? Five days really is 8 days. And then late in the day. No hurry,mon!! No worries, Have a tropical island drink while you are waiting!!! RRRGGHH I hate waiting for results. 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited September 2011

    I called the office a couple of times today but got the machine. I am convinced now that it is mets and they are waiting for the consulting doctor to fit me in for an appointment. When my doc called with the "worrisome for cancer" diagnosis, he already had a surgical consult appt set up...

  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Member Posts: 378
    edited September 2011

    this is why tranks are our friends anymore....  sorry for the delay barbe

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited September 2011

    It's funny but I'm not worried. I've run out of worry. I see a 'guy' every week now. His name is John. He's a therapist that I need for my LTD. Anyway, when I saw him yesterday, I made sure that I was processing this properly. I didn't want to be blindsided if it turns out to be mets and I'm out picking flowers in the field, or something stupid like that!! I wanted to make sure I was grounded in reality and apparently - I am!

  • Stanzie
    Stanzie Member Posts: 1,611
    edited September 2011

    Barb, I'm so very sorry they are making you wait like this - no matter what the results are they should be respectful enough to let you know something before the weekend. You do sound alright unless it is just being numb all over which also can be all right. I understand all your fears and your rational that they may be setting up apts. but remember there is still hope that it isn't mets at all. I hope not, I really really do. You certainly need and deserve a break. Again I'm sorry they didn't tell you anything before the weekend. Hang in there and I'm sure you will be calling first thing Monday morning and then do let us know - we are here for you!

  • Elizabeth1889
    Elizabeth1889 Member Posts: 509
    edited September 2011

    I am praying for you, Barbe.  Still hoping you will get good news on Monday morning.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited September 2011

    Thanks ladies. My DH is getting a CT early Monday morning and we have a dental appt in the afternoon so the day is taken up with us being out of the house. As we are up there anyway, we're going to drop into the doctors office to get the results. If they've been sitting there, I'll have a word with the office, trust me!

  • Char2010
    Char2010 Member Posts: 362
    edited September 2011

    Barbecue - keeping my fingers crossed for you.

  • Char2010
    Char2010 Member Posts: 362
    edited September 2011

    Oops - meant to type Barbe of course but the iPad was insisting on changing it to barbecue - it must have food on it's little computer brain :-)

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited September 2011
    Tongue out
  • Kate33
    Kate33 Member Posts: 1,936
    edited September 2011

    barbe- So sorry to hear the news.  I'm really hoping it's something completely benign.  You definitely deserve to hear some good news.  You are in all our thoughts and we are here for you no matter what comes along.  Hope you can find time this weekend to just step away from all this and do something that brings you joy.  (Spend time with that adorable grandson of yours?)  Wishing your DH good luck with his CT as well.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited September 2011

    Thanks Kate, we are going to see grandson #3 George tomorrow. His mom and dad promised dinner. None of my  kids know of this.

  • didel
    didel Member Posts: 733
    edited September 2011

    Hi All...thanks for the kind words..I had a MAJOR meltdown Thursday...stormed out of the ENTs office and I have no intentions of going back. His charges are so ridiculous and I just need a break from medical bills. Everytime  you walk in the incredibly rude receptionist says (loudly) You have an outstanding balance due would you like to tak care of it today??? The last time I was there my balance was $2208...I paid $458 towards it..then another $100 with my August bill. I get a bill in September for $3275!!! I was like how can this bill go up when I made payments and havent had anything done. So conviced it was an error I asked to see the billing lady of course after I paid my $50 co-pay (which was the 4th copay of the week) so she comes out and says (in bitchy annoyed tone) there were additional items from surgery that just came through insurance and werent covered. I said my surgery was in May and your just billing me for stuff I have no idea what anything is the bill is so confusing. She (even more bitchy) says well you have a very high deductible. I said I am aware of my deductible BUT I had another surgery prior to this that took up part of my deductible, the facility charge for this surgery was $1500, the anesthiologist was $1750 ..i said I met my deductible before the dr walked into the OR. She goes well your insurance company paid 80% the rest is up to you what did you think it was going to cost...I screamed at her NOT $18000 plus $500 every time i walk in the door on top of a $50 copay..I said I have had enough....and walked out. I cried for two days. Everything is just taking me broke. I got home turned my phone off took an ativan and grabbed a pillow and blanket and curled up on the couch were I stayed until Friday afternoon. I am just so sick of rude medical office assts. its so unnecessary. She can see that I have been through a lot and my PS referred me to this doctor. I emailed my PS and told him what happened and that I am just not putting myself in that environment anymore. I HAD to see him once a week for 5 weeks because he had to get out any clots or mucus since I couldnt blow my nose for the first 4 weeks. How do you justify $500 office visits in addtion to my copay when it should be included in the $18000 surgery!! I am just disgusted by the greed of his practice and have decided I will pay $50 a month until its paid and thats that. I am tired of getting upset and stressed over all this stupid BC has costs me. I have to contact my insurance to see whats going on but dont anticipate any other medical bills for the year...I hope! On a plus the weekend has ended on a great GFs wedding was such a great time! Friends came in from out of town and it was such a beautiful affair and it was so great seeing everyone we danced and laughed all night long. They actually extended the reception 1 hr cause we were having so much fun. Now I am home with my babies chilling on the couch watching Wait Til Dark...I love this movie!! I am done with my rant...but reserve the right to return to it at any given moment.

    Lindsey so glad to hear you are so happy with your results!! Thats awesome. Hope you are healing nicely and out of pain soon.

    Kate I hope you dont have LE but you are right...better safe than sorry. I hope PT gets easier soon.

    Barbe hang in there!! I have everything crossed in hope of good results.. also good luck to your DH with his scan tomorrow.

    Char you made me LOL when I saw your typo..I have auto correct on my is annoying sometimes ..but it gave me a giggle.

    Stanzie, 3Jays, Claire, Deb, MBJ thanks again for your ladies really are amazing and get me through the tough times 

    Hugs to all


  • Kate33
    Kate33 Member Posts: 1,936
    edited September 2011

    barbe- Maybe your new nickname should be "barbe-cutie"?  LOL!  

    Diane- It is helps at all I can sympathize with the medical bill/insurance stuff.  The PS's office for my revision made me pay $3650 up front which is my entire deductible and max out of pocket.  But then they didn't submit the payment to the insurance company showing I'm maxed out.  So in the meantime I'm getting other bills in from other doctors and have to pay them.  So now I've essentially overpaid the PS.  When I ask them about a credit they tell me I'm not owed one and that they are still processing all the claims from my surgery back in May.  It is so frustrating so I feel your pain!!!!   

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674
    edited September 2011

    HAPPY Monday to all. I'm off to work shortly so just wanted to touch base. 

    Kate when I went in for my DBMX the hospital made me pay 1500 up front. My insurance has no record of it--of course they didn't report that to them. Insurance said I have to "ask" for my $$ back, the hospital says it was part of my deductible. Still working on that. I hate insurance. Diane, docs will find a way to recode things so they can get more money. I met my deductible sometime back in March, but I will still get somebody behind the desk saying I owe for the office visit. My insurance company told me to tell them to bill the insurance company and not to pay at the doc's offices anymore. It would be nice if it was all in one ACCURATE data base.

    Barbe- will be thinking of you today, I am hoping for nothing but B9 results!!! Big hugs for you and your DH today.

    can you tell I am stalling cuz i don't want to go to work?? Ick.