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Physical aging appearance



  • LtotheK
    LtotheK Member Posts: 487

    One thing I truly lament is the brows and lashes.  My brows were coming back, now they are thinning again 6 months PFC.  Actually, I can live with the sparse lashes.  But the brows really are pivotal in looking decent.  The only makeup I currently wear is brow pencil. It's a pain in the patoot, but totally necessary.  Otherwise, people tell me I look tired.

    I don't expect at this point for my brows or lashes to ever be the same, but more than what I have now would be awfully nice.

  • Shrek4
    Shrek4 Member Posts: 519

    Well I started getting a few hairs on my chin. Must be they are some of my eyelashes that got confused.

  • annettek
    annettek Member Posts: 1,160

    day- that is too funny...or was til i just looked real close in the mirror...yep..two little eyelashes right there on my chin...:)

  • wenweb
    wenweb Member Posts: 471

    I've had chinny chin hairs since menopause, but they have become worse since starting Arimidex.  I have told my husband and sister that if I am ever in a coma that they will have to pluck them :>)

  • x-raygirl
    x-raygirl Member Posts: 97

    Gabby ~ I live in in MD and got the eyelash extensions in Wheaton at a spa.  They are silk and are supposed to last for 1 month.  If any get loose or fall off, I can go in for a "fill" for $5.00.  The lashes cost $50 and I must say it was worth every penny.  I feel more feminine and I've had many compliments.  I don't need mascara and if I'm going out somewhere special, I might put on some extra eyeliner.  Good bang for the buck!  I hear that it's expensive at most salons, that's why I am willing to drive 45 mins to get them put on:-)  ~ Daiva 

  • Shrek4
    Shrek4 Member Posts: 519

    Daiva, and can you wash your eyes with them on?

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106

    Thanks Annette!

    Day - I love the confused eyelash comment! LOL

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    My mother (very blonde) used to go to the salon and have her eyebrows "permanently" filled in. I'm not sure what technique they used but it would last a long time. I'm thinking now that I have a short "do" - for the first time since kindergarten, I think - that maybe I'll try the permanent eyebrows and eyelash extensions.

    Marybe - pages back (I'm far behind!) you wrote about your friend's hair that was coming in curly and how she wanted the Mia Farrow look. MBJ posted somewhere about some stuff you can get at Rite-Aide that will make short, curly hair straight. It's called Marc Anthony Straight Hair Creme. She said just style and let it dry - great for when you can't blow dry it yet. My hair is straight on the top but wavy in the back - I want to go get some of this stuff and try it out!

  • H&S, her hair has calmed all she wants to do is dye it since it is totally gray and she is not even 50 yet, plus has a 9 yr old so is just waiting for the onco's OK.  My eyebrows used to be really thick, but now are rather sparce in areas...the good news is that I don't have to pluck them any more and also the chin hairs I had seemed to have disappeared.  There was this one long coarse hair that really bugged me and it was back, but after I pulled it out post chemo, it never returned.....also the fuzz I had after chemo disappeared, thank goodness.  I think my hair is thinner than it used to be, but the gal who cuts it said it is just a different texture....much softer. 

    I actually think I like this Eucerin far have only been using samples,but think the skin in general looks better.  And I do not use any foundation because I really think that accentuated the lines and wrinkles, but eye make up, yes....I grew up using eye liner and shadow and am not giving that up. I was that era with the really heavy black liner ( but definitely have toned that down) and my mother always said my eyes looked like two burned holes in a blanket!  Oh and get this, my eyelids just may be droopy enough to have ins pay for cosmetic surgery....sometimes when I close them, they do not want to is sort of like they are the eye specialist says I really should have the surgery done.  I always said I would never have cosmetic surgery, but then again I always said I would never do chemo so we shall see. 

  • x-raygirl
    x-raygirl Member Posts: 97

    Day - yes, you can wash your face but they say to try to keep them dry is best, otherwise the glue gets loose easier.  I gently use a cleansing cloth around my eyes and it's easy because I don't need mascara.  The lashes make a big difference.  I'm going to see if I can find somewhere closer to home for the same price.

  • x-raygirl
    x-raygirl Member Posts: 97

    Btw...did anyone get white horizontal stripes on your nails during and right after chemo? Is it true that each one represents one round of chemo? Just curious.... Daiva

  • Shrek4
    Shrek4 Member Posts: 519

    I did. They weren't really white, just a paler pink. I had 4 lines, one for each round of chemo. They are long  gone now.

  • didel
    didel Member Posts: 733

    Hey Daiva!! Yes I got those lines and my nails were a mess as they grew out they kept breaking. I am finally passed all the lines and hope they will start growing long again. I am using Nailtiques protein but am losing I am with the hair on the top of my head.

    I am sending you a PM if you are still around.


  • susand
    susand Member Posts: 65

    Hi there,  for those of you who have problems with eyebrows after chemo I just had some tattoing done to mine.  I was very hesitant to do it but was getting frusterated filling in the blanks everyday.  I also didnt like that I was afraid to swim, sweat, or anything that might smudge my eyebrows off.  If has been two weeks and I am very happy with the results.  It looks very natural.  Its been such a pleasure not having to apply pencil anymore.  thank you to Texas who first suggested this.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    Did it hurt? Cry
  • susand
    susand Member Posts: 65

    NO!  It wasnt bad at all.  I went to a woman that only does permanent makeup.  She did individual lash strokes and it went pretty quick. The only downside was that I was scheduled for an MRI and had no idea that a tatoo was contraindicated. Now I have to wait 6 weeks until my scan.  If I had know that I would have has the scan done first!

    KIMBERLY09 Member Posts: 6

    Oh boy did this thread hit a sore spot! lol I was lookin back on pics of myself before breast ca and chemo and bilateral mx and oh my gosh! I  think I look at least 15 years older! I was thinner, my teeth were white and pretty! (I thought they were my best feature once, I lost some and had some break off during and after tx so I am sad about that)  I looked and felt good about my appearance. Now..... well not so good. I do nothing but sit around and avoid the mirrors around me. I have terrible skin due I think to tx and early menopause brought on by total hx due to tumor markers. I have had problems with recon and have numerous surgeries and wt gain I have never in my life had. I am about 20 lbs over wt and not happy bout that either. My hands do look my moms and the age spots are not all from the sun. I think from tx. I guess I need to get outside again and exercise but pain right now prevents that. I really want to feel better about myself especially after what I did to myself just to be here. So any good advice for me would be appreciated also. Sorry bout being a downer today but some days are easier than others to make laughter a part of it. I am still forging ahead though.

    KIMBERLY09 Member Posts: 6

    Oh I forgot to ask if anyone had problems with their toenails? eeewwh mine are horrible! my big toes are like thick uuummm uneven granny nails( no offense but I remember having to soak my grandmothers nails in Epsom salt for hrs just so my mom could cut them in the garage great memories for a child lol) So my unusual reference to granny nails are from a suppressed childhood memory. I always got mani's and pedi's pre ca no way I would let anyone see them now! Any suggestions?

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106

    Kimberly - first of all ((((hugs)))). It will get better. The one thing I can urge you to do IS to exercise. I know you hurt, but even a short walk daily will help you feel so much better. Once you start moving all those joints will loosen up and you will start to feel better. I promise. They have done studies on exercise and treatment and it is all positive. Try maybe just a walk around the block (although I know you are in WI and it can be FRIGID there!). Do your best - it will help physically and emotionally. This will be a good start...

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106

    Kim - I lost both my big toenails to chemo. They both turned black and fell off. They did eventually grow back... but not quite the same as they were before... but good enough that I can get pedis for them!

  • Maria258
    Maria258 Member Posts: 1

    I've been doing a lot of reading on breast cancer and treatment since I was diagnosed in May 2010.  Unfortunately, I read that chemo can age a person 10 years due to physical changes the body goes through.  However, in order to help hault this process, these are some of the things you must do: 1) Exercise, a light exercise routine five-six days a week will help (i.e. walking, strength building).  I'm walking 30-45 minutes a day and taking Tai Chi classes at the cancer center. 2) Eat healthy and take a multivitamin. Get your daily dose of nutrients from whole grains, beans and meats, dairy, and most of all veggies and fruit. 3) Get plenty of rest. Relax and destress.  I know it's hard but you must eliminate worry and stress.  Exercise is a great way to do this. 4) Talk to your doctor if anything becomes worrisome to you.  Good luck.

  •  Someone sent this to me, so I thought may as well as a little humor to our dilemma....the pic might not come up, but scroll on down past the box it should be in to get the last line...that backfire exhaust can be embarrassing!!!


    If my body was a car, this is the time I would be thinking about trading it in for a newer model. I've got bumps and dents and scratches in my finish and my paint job is getting a little dull ...
    But that's not the worst of it.

    My headlights are out of focus and it's especially hard to see things up close

    My traction is not as graceful as it once was. I slip and slide and skid and bump into things even in the best of weather.

    My whitewalls are stained with varicose veins.

    It takes me hours to reach my maximum speed. My fuel rate burns inefficiently.

    But here's the worst of it --
    Almost every time I sneeze, cough or sputter, either my radiator leaks or my exhaust backfires!


  • saltykm
    saltykm Member Posts: 77

    Thanks for the laugh Marybe!! :)

  • EmilyInOntario
    EmilyInOntario Member Posts: 288

    Glad I found this thread...two cycles of chemo and already I have numerous wrinkles on my face and have aged noticeably in less than 2 months. I haven't read through all the pages as it's late but will be back reading through the pages for ideas.

  • I am getting ready to go meet an old classmate who is here from Australia for lunch along with some other friends today.  Does it bother me when I look in the mirror at myself and see all these creases and wrinkles?....Heck, yes!  Does it bother me that not only do I have a double chin, I also have this crinkly looking skin on my neck?  Heck, yes! Does it bother me that I have a gut that I never in my life had before even when my weight was up?...Heck, yes!   Does it bother me that even though I actually like my gray hair, it seems to be thinner?  Heck, yes! Does it bother me that I have fat pooching out of the rim of my underpants and that I think I may actually be starting to get one of those 'bubble butts" that I always looked at and wondered how women ended up with those?  Heck, yes!   But when I stop to think about the alternative and ask myself if I am  happy I am still here, the answer is also the same.  Heck, yes!  So I am off to assemble with the troops and see how the years have treated least I can blame a bit of it on chemo.  I know I am going to get the usual blarney like "You look wonderful" since I am sure they are amazed I am still here, but I will just grin and bear it......regardless, I think people look younger and better smiling than frowning.  I will drink a toast to us all.  

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Marybe, wating to hear how it went!!!!

  • EmilyInOntario
    EmilyInOntario Member Posts: 288

    Has anyone tried just olive oil or grapeseed oil on their face? Wondering how that would work. Went looking for coconut oil today but none in the local grocery store or pharmacy so will have to go further afeild...

  • rgiuff
    rgiuff Member Posts: 339

    I've tried grapeseed oil, almond oil, coconut oil, and olive oil a few times.  Can't say that I noticed any difference, but I didn't use any of these consistently due to the greasiness factor.  Therefore, I can't say if they would have made a difference with frequent cumulative use.

  • Barb,  Lunch was fine and I honestly do not think  look any worse than the rest of them other than the fact I am the only one who allowed my hair to go gray.  The pizza was good....I can't believe I ate the whole thing....but it was only a 10 in.  The gal across from me is my age,  61...the other two will be turning 60 this year.
  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I find that some women who continue to dye their hair actually look OLDER!!! I mean, really, you're 80 with solid black hair???? Come on!!! Also, as you grow older, the darker colours are harsher on your skin tones....your original hair colour is not what you should have at the age!

    You look just fine Mary!!! Well done!