Physical aging appearance



  • lulubee
    lulubee Posts: 903

    I alternate coconut oil with a few other things.  My determined search for safe, high-quality skin care after my BC dx led me to Origins.  Their products are largely plant-based and very effective.  I have tried almost every product in their skin care line over the past four years and like all of it!

    I am positively addicted to their VitaZing day moisturizer.  It is off-white in the tube, but once you put it on your face, it warms to the exact shade of your individual skin, so it gives a bit of coverage and glow.  Packed with anti-oxidants.  That, followed by their Brighter By Nature powder compact (which is spf 30 without chemicals) are what I wear instead of foundation now. 

    Plus, everything in their line smells good and feels good.  That counts for a lot! 

  • wenweb
    wenweb Posts: 471
    lulubee I too have started using Origins.  I like the VitaZing, even though I don't use make-up other than lipstick.  My new favorite Origins product is the Ginzing eye cream.  I know that Origins has a good reputation, and uses mostly plant based products.   
  • Kaara
    Kaara Posts: 2,101

    I was told by my naturopathic doctor that hair dye is the worst thing to use.  I have been having my hair color done in the Aveda Salons and their products are supposed to be plant based.  Does anyone know if this is true?

    Thanks for the tip on Origins...I am going to shift to that product as my current ones are used up.

    I was taken off all of my bioidentical hormones after my dx, and I can certainly feel the difference of not having them balanced.  I don't have much energy left and feel tired all the time, with little ambition to do anything but sit around.  This definitely isn't like me!  I now have to force myself to exercise so I don't lose my muscle tone.  There has to be a better way to live after bc dx! 

  • mumito
    mumito Posts: 2,007

    I am sure Hairdye and gel nails are very bad for us but they are the only vanities I have left.I would hate to give them up.

  • momoschki
    momoschki Posts: 218

    Wish I could remember exactly where I read this and provide a citation, but I recently came across a study that found no correlation between hair dye and BC.

    I second the praise for Origins products. There hasn't been anything I've tried that I haven't liked. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,071

    I've read there is no link between dye & BC too. And, I don't care even if there is, I am going to dye my hair! You can't let fear control every single moment of your life or you will die from a heart attack or a stroke from all the worry before anything else gets you.

  • momoschki
    momoschki Posts: 218

    Yes, if I stopped coloring my hair, I would immediately look like my grandmother!

  • wenweb
    wenweb Posts: 471
    ruthbru and momoschki, While I don't dye my hair, I believe that there has to be quality of life when one is faced with a potentially life threatening disease.  This means that we all make our own choices as to what that will be.  Mine is wine, Vagifem, and apparently my lavander eye pillow Wink
  • lulubee
    lulubee Posts: 903

    Wenweb, I'm right there with you on the wine and the Vagifem!  I guess my third is perfume. Sometimes we need just a few slivers of sanity restored.

  • I just turned 57 and am often mistaken for my granddaughter's mother. However, I am noticing that I'm starting to get dark circles under my eyes and I always look tired.  All of this just sucks!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Posts: 7,605

    Just because something is "plant based" doesn't mean it is safe!! Black cohash, soy and crap like that is all plant based and it's bad for you.

    I don't filter what I use on my body as I use so little of it. I put cream on my face MAYBE once a week!!!! I don't put cream on my body at all!

    Like everyone is saying, you have to live your life or there's no point!

  • Cyborg
    Cyborg Posts: 192

    I asked the origins lady about soy and I THINK she said no soy.

  • lulubee
    lulubee Posts: 903

    Barbe, you are right about plants that are contraindicated for BC, but I check all the labels at Origins and I've not found anything taboo.  You can see their interactive Ingredient Finder chart here.

    I need moisturizers head to toe, but I try not to put anything on my skin that I wouldn't put in my mouth... well, except for perfume.  That is my one guilty pleasure.  

  • Kaara
    Kaara Posts: 2,101

    lulubee:  A nutritionist gave me a tip about wearing perfume.  He said to spray it on your clothes...never on your body.  It works well, and my closet smells nice too!

  • lulubee
    lulubee Posts: 903

    I'm always afraid of damaging my clothes, though.  I guess that's silly, isn't it?

    I just wonder if it's really, truly all that bad for us. Seems like we would know by now.

    I am just going to believe it's good for me, because it makes me feel good. Kiss 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Posts: 7,605

    What did I miss about perfume? I wore it every day for the last 30 years or so. Not so much since I've been off though. I don't consider it a guilty pleasure, I consider it a necessity!!!!

  • lulubee
    lulubee Posts: 903

    Right there with you, Barbe!  I have at least 8 bottles going at all times! Stepping into my closet and getting that heady, beautiful waft of Chanel Cristalle or Gucci Rush or Coco Mademoiselle -- ahhh, that's just one of life's purest pleasures to me.

    As for negatives... I haven't heard anything specific and I haven't seen any studies or anything... and certainly no doctor has ever mentioned it to me... you just occasionally hear someone question what we're spraying on our skin every day.  

    One interesting thing as it pertains to ALL of us here -- I've read there was one study in Japan that concluded that citrus scents alleviated depression better than anti-depressants.  I find this very interesting because the scents I wear most in summer and fall have strong citrus overtones -- and those are the two seasons when I am least prone to depression. I always attributed my mood lift in warm weather to strong sunlight, which I'm sure has a lot to do with it... but if I get down in the dumps this winter, I'm getting out my citrusy perfumes that I usually store away in winter, for sure! I also have kept a little bottle of lemon balm essential oil in my purse at times to put in my water in restaurants -- but you know, I find myself opening the bottle to take a big whiff, and now I realize that I do that because it makes me feel good.  Interesting, huh?  Oh, and one other thing I just thought of -- I tend to buy lemon-scented cleaning supplies, given a choice. I like it in my tea, lots of it. And I often squeeze lemon juice on just about everything on my plate.

    I guess I'm addicted to citrus scents, and now I know why!

    Margaritas, anyone???


  • I love scent as well.  Unfortunately for me, about 3 years prior to Dx, I started getting really sensitive to perfumes. Some immediately give me a headache when I put them on, so I have resorted to more "organic" brands in hopes of smelling wonderful.  Currently using the LaVanila line from Sephora, and it's lovely. Hoping I don't start being sensitive to it like I did with Burberry, Chanel Mademoiselle, etc.  

    I love good smells! 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,071
    When I was going chemo, the only lotion/scent I could stand was coconut. I still love it (maybe because it makes me think of suntan lotion/beaches/hunky life guards...), and will maybe have a pina colada instead of the margarita....Cool
  • jenlee
    jenlee Posts: 204

    I was diagnosed in October and just had my third round of chemo.  I'm fify, was always told I could pass for 5 or 10 years younger.  Now I swear my lower face and neck look sixty!!! If I ever feel "cured" I'm getting a neck lift.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Posts: 7,605

    Jenlee, be careful what you wish for!! I am having surgery in a couple of weeks to take out the other side of my thyroid and the huge tumour attached to it. Neck surgery isn't pleasant to say the least. Swallowing, eating, and breathing all become issues.

  • lulubee
    lulubee Posts: 903

    ruthbru, I try to always remember to never, ever wear perfume on the days I have doctor visits, particularly when I'm going to the oncologist.  I would feel awful if I ever made any of those chemo patients feel even worse!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,071

    That is a very good point!

  • shore1
    shore1 Posts: 591

    Hi everyone, im glad I found this thread because i've been trying to switch out some lotion, skin care etc for more natural paraben free options. How do you know which ingredients, if any, in plant based natural products are estrogenic? Im looking at origins tarte & burts bees, but don't know if any of the ingredients are bad for BC even though they may be all natural. I've been using tea tree oil on my nails which I now read may be estrogenic, although my onc said its ok. Its all confusing & seems so hard to avoid things that may be bad for us. Thanks for any advice.

  • I just avoid all parabens, pthalates, and herbs like Tea Tree, Lavendar.  I don't know if any others are estrogenic, but I tend to use only coconut oil and apricot kernel oil on my skin for lotion. I use Nature's Gate shampoo and conditioner on my hair.  I use Burt's Bees products (mainly their awesome lip glosses) as well.

  • Oh, and I use Tarte brand foundation. I have struggled a bit with foundation, as most of the mineral types don't seem to give enough coverage for me. I have some acne scarring on my face and a bit of blotchiness from melasma, so I need a bit more coverage.  

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Posts: 4,503

    shore--there is a thread on here called organic makeup? It has some really good information on it.  I'll bump the thread for you so you can find it on the active list or go to my wall and find my post.  Also you can check things out on the EWG website   they rate products on good and bad for you.  Has been very helpful to me.

  • LtotheK
    LtotheK Posts: 487

    I agree about the coconut oil, I feel like painterly!  I am sick of it dumping all over my travel stuff, that it has to be nuked to use in the bathroom, and that for ingrowns or face it actually causes problems.  Personally, I wouldn't use Oil of Olay.  It is full of chemicals, including parabens.  If you wouldn't use lavender, I would give the parabens consideration, too.

    I dunno what I'm going to do about oils for now.  I am thinking about jojoba, which comes in bottles that are way more manageable, and doesn't break skin out.  It can be used for face, body, and also chapstick.  Love the idea of getting my personal goods down.

    I am really depressed about being called "ma'am" all the time.  I've crossed the threshhold, thanks to cancer.  While some don't agree, I'm sorry, short hair does make me look older.  

  • LtotheK
    LtotheK Posts: 487

    Hi everyone, I know this gets posted a lot, but I double checked the Origins line on cosmetics database.  Unfortunately, like a lot of "natural" products, they have a lot of items with moderate to high health risk ingredients.  It's worth running your cosmetics through this site:

    Also, FWIW, Origins is an Estee Lauder company.  I steer clear of the companies that bought out the little guys.  For starters, EL is a major animal tester, and has dug its heels in on that issue.  And I don't quite trust the quality control for a "natural" line under the auspices of a major corporation with other toxic lines of cosmetics.

    Again, FWIW.

  • lulubee
    lulubee Posts: 903

    I never nuke my coconut oil.  If you rub it in your hands, it melts just as fast.  Wonder what would happen if you mixed it with shea butter for your body?  I'll have to try that and let you know.

    Jojoba oil is a good choice, as is almond oil.  I know people who use olive oil and love it but I don't want to smell like my salad.  :-)

    L-->K, I bet you do look cute with short hair.  My hair is a foot shorter now, and I'm still learning how to work with this look, for sure.  Now, when my hair starts looking old lady (usually a sign I need a fresh trim), I mess it up a little, push it around and spray it, and then tie a cool scarf around it like a hairband. Hoop earrings, lipstick, shades -- and all the sudden ya look like ya meant that, grrrrl. Haha! So. Grab some good spray and jack that stuff up a little, and I bet you'll feel sassier about your 'do.