Western New York Area



  • heymoose
    heymoose Member Posts: 682
    edited May 2012

    Hi all,

    Happy Mothers Day!!!!!!!!! Kate and Ben will be making breakfast for me tomorrow and my nephew will be cooking dinner for us.  What a great day it will be.  Food all day long.

    Hugs, Cheryl 

  • heymoose
    heymoose Member Posts: 682
    edited May 2012

    ps I do not like the new changes, it hurts my eyes.

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited May 2012

    Hi all, Happy Mother's Day to all of you, hope you all have a truly beautiful day.  It hurts my eyes too, but then again I liked the old format, I do not do change well!  When you are barely computer literate any change is sooo hard, and this is major change we are talking about, the scrolling is ridiculous.

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited May 2012

    Hi All,  Happy Mother's Day.  I'm sorry I cannot go tomorrow.  DD is only home for 3 more days and movers are coming to take her stuff.  I planned poorly.  Reservation is in my name.  I will set up for next month really soon.

    Karen, do you know how to get there on your own?  On my way to the club but will be home later if you want to give a call. 



  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited May 2012

    Hi all, seems like there are only 3 of us, shall we just plan for June?  We will make it early in June.  All of our thoughts go out to you Maureen, and a safe trip for DD.  hugs to all - Karen   PS. grandkids made a great breakfast, neither DD or myself was allowed in the kitchen, and they did the cleanup too.  Off to stepDD for dinner and margerita's and the hot tub!!  Hope everyone is having a lovely day

  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited May 2012

    Bevin, so sorry to hear about your broken leg. Are you in much pain? Are you gonna be out of work until you can get up and about? Hopefully it heals really fast.

    It sounds like we are all so busy right now. I think that comes with the time of the year. Hopefully we can get together soon.

    Maureen, will be thinking of you...

    Love, Jan....... Hope everyone had a nice Mothers day.

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited May 2012

    Hi Everyone!  Couldn't make the dinner (hubby has a meeting), so glad we are rescheduling.  Bevin-take care of that leg and if you need a ride or anything else, just let me know. It has been one crazy week with the house. We had a buyer, she did the inspection and wanted 10k off the price. We said we would give her 5k, then she backed out. We have an offer all set to go on a house in Clarence, just off main a 1/2 mile from Clarence Town Park. Paper has been handed in, so stress has relaxed a bit. Still dealing with shingles, but meds work well for the pain. Mammogram was normal and I am assuming breast mri was good since I haven't got any phone calls. So, things are going well, but just stalled right now.  Take care, Everyone!  Jan-hope yoga helps your discomfort.  I am starting back on yoga today hoping it will help my shingles.  Congrats on your last chemo treatment, Kelly!


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2012

    Hi, not sure just where 'Claryville NY' is so putting this out there just in case anyone might be interested:

    Hi, received a LiveStrong flyer for 3 weekend dates, June 8-10; Sept 14-16 and Oct 26-28 in Claryville NY.  Free to cancer survivors and $99.00 per person for family/friends.  Includes lodging, meals and fun activities (boating, archery, hiking, etc.).  Anyone interested PM me your email addy and I will forward the flyer with more info.

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited May 2012

    Hi everyone,

    Jan and Susan, Thanks for the well wishes. Its a bad break, will be in a cast for 3-5 months, non weight bearing.  I started back to work this week. Sinec its my right foot, I have to coordinate carpools as I can't drive.

    I go to the office MWF and remote work T Th.  It helps me to rest in between.

    Susan- so happy that you found a home.  That is a nice area of Clarence. Your house then is still on the market since the person pulled out.? Sounds stressful, hopefull that everything will go well for you.

    HeyMoose and Karen, I'm not fond of the changes either. I wish you could x out the right side pan.  Its seems cramped when reading threads.

    This week is going to be a beauty.  80' Saturday.!!

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited May 2012

    Hi All,

    Had my check up at Roswell today.  Got the "all clear" for mammo and breast mri  for another 6 months.  Did not get anywhere with my shingles problems (had another outbreak last week) but I guess I am doing the right thing by taking Valtrex, a higher dose this time.  I guess it is seasonal-comes in the spring and fall and is activated by stress.  Could explain why I broke out last week! We might just have our deal all set if our agent can work things out.  She got us an excellent deal on the house in Clarence, so we are taking our buyer's deal so as not to miss out (they want to move right now since they just put an offer on a house).  If this buyer doesn't work then price on the new house would go up 20k, and we haven't had any showings over the last couple days (we had 17 the first week!).  Hope things work out so we can de-stress and enjoy the weather this weekend.

    Bevin-too bad about your leg.  With summer coming up too! Like I said, need anything, I'm here.  I'd be more than happy to give you a ride to the next meeting as well.

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited May 2012

    Dear Susan, what good news from Roswell, YIPPEE, always good to get an all-clear!!!  Hope ypu get the house, sounds like an ideal area right near the park.  And an offer on your house to clinch the deal would be ideal.  Everything crossed that's crossable.  Bevin, that was a bad break and to have it be on your right leg too.  We have enough driver's in your area to get you to our next luncheon, hopefully in early June.  Maureen, thinking of you, this must have been a heartbreaking week for you.  We are all ready to give you hugs and I'm sure that there is a new Buster story to make you smile.  He's due for another doozy, or is that doozies, Betty.  hugs to all, Karen

  • heymoose
    heymoose Member Posts: 682
    edited May 2012

    Hi All,

    Bevin, so sorry about your leg.Sounds like a real nasty break.  Susan I had shingles once and they are no fun.  You have my sympathies and prayers that they will go away soon.  What great news from Rosewell.  Maureen, i hope thigs get better for you.  Kelly, how are you feeling, now that your chemo is over with.  Betty how is the new job? Karen, what is going on in Batavia?  Jan, so how many days is it till retirement?

    Kate and Ben have been looking at reception venues.  They found one they like and it is Becker Farm's in Gasport.  Pat and I will be seeing it tomorrow.  Will update you later on the wedding day plans.

    Hugs, Cheryl

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited May 2012

    Hi Cheryl, we are in the midst of track season and my DD's business has gone crazy busy, so the trusted Subaru knows its way to the schools and to the stadium.  Still having some issues with my knees, walk not like an 87 yr. old but a double for House.  Have to have a simple mole and skin tag removed and biopsied, hate that word, looking at an ambulatory surgery date in June, Dr. is not worried, so I am not either.  This getting old is for the birds!!!  P.S.my DD had an Art show last Friday, sold 4 paintings and 2 children's night lights based on famous children's books, my favorite was Goodnight Moon, that one went first, very proud of her.

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited May 2012

    Very quiet here, is everyone super busy with work?  I am waiting for my phonecall for track pick-up, if it gets to be 3:30, they have either walked or caught a ride, and I only have to do pick-up at 5:45.  Pizza night at my house, need to watch the results on American Idol, will go down to 2 contestants tonight, one of whom will be my pick.

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited May 2012

    HI Cheryl, So fun to be planning.  I know a family who used Becker farms, they had a lovely night.

    Karen- I'm glad your doctor isn't worried, I know that B word is bad.. praying everything is okay.

    I love American Idol- who are you rooting for?

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited May 2012

    Hey bevin, I've been watching it from the auditions to now with a bunch of ladies on the thread American Idol Season 11.  On Tuesday if you check the threads you will see American Idol (AI) posted from 8 till I believe 9:30, have been a staunch Phillip Phillips fan from the auditions on.  His is a very unique, distinctive voice.  His opposition is a slight true 16 year old with a voice meant for belting it out, she has very little stage presence but a large voting bloc.  Winner to be announced on Wednesday.  Thank you for your prayers, I'll be glad when it is off and biopsied as B9!  hugs, how's the leg?, Karen

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited May 2012

    I love Philip Philips too. cool voice!

    Leg stinks- this is not a good thing to have when its 80' out.  UGH!

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited May 2012

    Dear bevin, it must be sheer torture to be in that cast on an 80 degree day.  Susan, any offers on your house?, although I would doubt people are looking on such a perfect day, but you never know.  Heymoose and Betty - any gambling going on?, Jan, you are in the homestrech now!  Kelly, hope you are feeling grand, Maureen, thinking about you, hope you ar outside enjoying the day.  Buster, are you being good for Mama, or is it a regular, I've done something wrong day?  hugs to all, Karen

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited May 2012

    Hello Ladies,

    Karen-good luck with that biopsy, and sorry to hear about your joint pain.  I periodically have new moles removed and they always turn out ok.  It just needs to be done.  For me, it was too much sunbathing when I was young.  Now I just do it for the Vitamin D :)  We had an open house yesterday and 8 families showed up.  We may have an offer coming in soon.  We put an offer into the Clarence house and just heard they accepted it and contract is signed.  Now, just have to get through the inspection and get our hoiuse sold!  Wish us luck!


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited May 2012

    Dear Susan, everything crossable will be crossed.  I so hope the offer comes in on your house, wouldn't it be great to have all the pieces fall into place.  Karen

  • heymoose
    heymoose Member Posts: 682
    edited May 2012

    Hi Ladies,

    I would like to help Maureen out and schedule the get together for June.  I am looking at the following dates: June 5-7 for dinner, June 11-14 for dinner, June 16 for lunch.  Let me know if any of the dates work for you.  Place and time will follow once the date is confirmed.  We can also look at later dates in the month.

    I hope everyone is doing well.  Prayers are going out to all who have test, biopsies, housing sales, leg breaks and just all around life issues or not.  In other words, I am praying for all.

    Hugs, Cheryl 

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited May 2012

    heymoose, I can make the June 5,6, 11-14, not the 16th, so those are all dinners.  Sending my prayers along for all of us, it's been a tough, busy month.  hugs, Karen

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited May 2012

    Susan- great news and I hope all pieces of your sales come together.  You'll need to bring us pics of your new home!!

    Heymoose, I cannnot make June 5,6,7- Hubby out of town.  I can make dinner the 13 or 14, cannot make 11 or 12th; but I will need someone to potentially pick me up as I'm not allowed to drive yet. Prefer dinner over lunch.

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited May 2012

    Good Evening ladies,  I miss you all.  I am working, working, working. It sounds like everyone is busy.  Susan good luck on the sell of your home.  Bevin I don't envy you in that cast.  How much longer are you in it.  Karen good luck on your biopsy, I had a few also all negative.  Jan all most all finished, then you can relax. How is your pain, any improvement? Maureen how are you doing with DD? Cheryl, have you been to the slots?  Kelly how are you doing?

    I don't have my schedule yet for after June 9th, but I will let you know as soon as I find out. 

    Love Betty

  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited May 2012

    Hi Ladies,

    Home sick with stupid sinus/head cold. Didn't get sick all winter. Had appt with PT this morning. Gonna start treatment with her once school is done. She thinks a treatment called ASTYM will help break down some of the scar tissue and give me relief from this pain. Almost ready to try anything. A lot of end of the school year things going on in June. We have student presentations two evenings that I have to attend and also some fun retirement dinners/ parties. But I think I can do June 12 or 14 or June 6 or 7. Don't plan around my schedule so much.....because it's subject to change. Just feeling a bit overwhelmed right now. Last night DH had to move queen size bed from son's former apt to my house (yes, he is staying home for now), double from my house to DDs apt, and twin bed from her apt back to my house. Oh boy....I need a vacation .....away!

    Hope everyone is well and will see you all soon. Love, Jan

  • heymoose
    heymoose Member Posts: 682
    edited May 2012

    Hi All,

    I am missing my friends.  Waiting on some more replys for dates.  Will keep you posted on the best one.  Betty no slots lately going through with drawl.  Bank account is happy though.  Just wondering if anyone will be doing the Komen walk on June 9th.  I have started a team, Pink and Perky, we have walked for the past two years and now this year.  If anyone would like to join the team let me know it would be a great day w/ all my WNY Sista's and families.

    Hugs, Cheryl 

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited May 2012

    Cheryl, I wasn't planning on doin gthe Komen this year because i  was feeling so terrible, but, knock on wood, my shingles and their symptoms seem to be pretty much gone.  I went for an hour bike ride yesterday and feel great! So, I will look into it.  I have to wait until my husband gets back from Brazil Saturday to get his schedule.  I will let you know ASAP!!  Evenings are out for me the days he is out of town, but not sure which ones as of yet.  Jan-take care of that cold and hope PT helps your pain!  Thank you to everyone for all the good luck wishes.  Don't want to have to pay 2 mortgages for too long :( I might have to go back to work sooner than I planned if we can't sell:0


  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited May 2012
    Woops!  I forgot.  Definitely cannot make the 12th.  It's the Sting concert!  Very excited Cool  Will let you know about the other dates!  looks like the 13th and 14th match up with everyone so far...
  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited May 2012

    Hi all, super beautiful day, we are having great weather.  I miss all of you, can't wait to see you again!!  Susan, you just came to my mind, did any offers come in on your house?  Betty - I miss the Buster stories, please bring a picture of the dear boy, heymoose - any closer to a date?, this is hard work Maureen always did for us, Maureen - thinking of you and sending love, Kelly - will you be joining us, you need to meet Susan, Jan - hope you are feeling better, those summer infections are so debilitating, you are how many days from retirement?, love to all, Karen

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited May 2012

    Hi All,

    So far, I know that I am not available on June 12th and the 14th.  My husband has a meeting on the 14th.  The other dates are open but my husband doesn't have his travel set for June yet. Actually, the 13th would work well for me since he would not be away at that time.

    No offers on house yet.  Actually, no one has come to see it since Wednesday :(
