Western New York Area



  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited April 2012

    FINALLY!!!!   I can get onto the boards from home.  Now I can blab at will!!  LOL.  Lunch was great yesterday.  I had such a good time. So much fun.  You always lift my spirits and make the world seem a little more normal.

    Kelly,  As I suspected, my sisters want to go in July too.  You can PM details or bring flyers when we see you next month. 

    Went shopping today with DD.  Miss her already.  I'm sad that what used to be common tasks (shopping et all) will become a treat when she's back in town.  Brings tears to my eyes.

    Have to go pack, early flight :( I'll try to post in the evening, depending on how busy things are next week.



  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2012

    Dear Maureen, so happy to see you back on the thread.  You must have been so glad to see you could post.  I remember taking DD shopping for college and thinking the very same thing.  The closer the time came the more easily I teared up.  DD can remember trying to get me to leave Orono campus, as I was the last mother left.  Hope you have a good flight and that the conference is valuable to you.  Had the family up for spaghetti dinner, cooking the sauce for a goodly length of time is the key. DGD, who turns 15 this next week had her boyfriend, excuse me "he's just a friend and he is a boy" with her.  Between John and my DGS they totally polished off a pound of spaghetti and all the pork country ribs in the sauce.  Boy, those two can eat!  This coming week is our birthday week, my DD on the 20th, both grandchildren on the 23rd, better get the largest ice cream cake they make!!!!  Karen

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited April 2012

    HI Ladies,  I had a great time at lunch, I love seeing you all again.

    Kelly, it was so nice to met you and you fit right in.  I don't always were pink but its the new color this year. LOL

    Susan and Bevin we missed you.  Sue how is the house going, did you decide on one?  Good Luck!

    Maureen have a safe trip.

    Karen, your such a great GM, Enjoy those kids and the cake.

    Cheryl my carnations are looking good on my table. Thanks

    Jan, its always good to see you, keep counting down.  It will be here before you know it.  How did your son make out in NY?

    See you all soon.

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited April 2012

    So sorry to have missed lunch.  Wish I could have met you, Kelly.  I will be looking forward to the next one.  We are seeing three houses today.  Who knows? Maybe one will work?  Right in the middle of a very stressful time--presentation Thursday, paper draft due Sunday, and final paper due May 11th, then coursework will be done!!  Cannot wait to be free...


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2012

    Dear Susan, you will so like Kelly, she reminded Maureen and I of you.  House hunting is a great adventure isn't it, I loved seeing how people decorate.  You will know the right house the minute you walk in.  May 11th, then all done, we will have to celebrate you at the next luncheon, we chose the Creekview as our spot, it is no nice, great variety of selections, and the view of Ellicott Creek is so pretty from the patio.  Maureen is at a conference in Maryland, will share the date and time in a PM.  We all missed you being with us. hus, Karen 

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited April 2012

    Hi All,  Still in MD,  what a whirlwind of a trip.  My brain is on overload.  Weather was hot when I arrived 90+F.  Cooled down today 50's.  All okay.

    Susan,  did you find the dreamhouse?

    Hi Karen, hope you are well and the Grandkids are allowing you to be sane.

    Hi Jan, Kelly, Cheryl and Betty, hope everyone is good.

    Now is the time for a good laugh....can someone PM me the details of our lunch, I forgot, know we made a date, I even made reservations, just can't recall what friggin day LOL. 

    Love to all,


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2012

    Laugh at me too, i know it is on Mon, need the date.  I was so sure I would remember it, senior moment for sure.  PM me  the info too,  Karen

  • heymoose
    heymoose Member Posts: 682
    edited April 2012

    Hi all,

    Maureen and Karen I will send you the meeting info.

    Hope all are doing well.  

    Hugs, Cheryl 

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2012

    Thanks Cheryl, I'll mark my calender right now, memory like a sieve, it just goes when you're past 60, completely leaves you.

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited April 2012

    I'm just 50 and brain is gone hahahaha.  Off to dinner. home tomorrow. 



  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited April 2012

    Home safe and sound.  Stressful, had 21/2 hrs to get from Fred. to airport and it's an hour drive and 15min from the car return to airport by shuttle.  Made it through security with 30min. to spare.  Of course I had the full body scan.  I really hate that and keep thinking more radiation on top of everything else.  Really do I look like a terrorist?  ANyway, fun, learned a lot and waiting for DH to come home so we can go to dinner.  I'm not cooking, don't feel like it and haven't eaten since breakfast due to lack of time.  Hope everyone had a great week.  Off to do expense report, laundry, cleaning  aaah back to regular life, Kids did great, remembered everything including the cat.  So very proud of them.



  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2012

    aagh that regular life sounds like less fun than seminar, except the go out to dinner part!!  So glad kids did well, even remembering the cat.  Todays journey from hotel to plane does not sound like fun, full body scan and they are telling us to avoid unnecessary X-rays at the DDS!!!  Had a Dr. appt. to check suspicious mole with a skintag, wants to see me in one month, feels sure it is nothing.  He measured it, will do same in month.  I found it 3 weeks ago, can you spell denial.

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited April 2012

    Hi everyone, so sorry I've been away for so long and missed lunch.  Our family was on vacation and returned this week.  We had a wonderfully relaxing time and visited with family, sunned, sawm, read books, ate... nice vacation!!  Now back tro reality.

    I'll be sure to make the next lunch and miss chatting with you all.

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited April 2012

    Glad you had a great relaxing trip Bev!! Missed you at lunch.  You need to meet Kelly, you'll really like her, so very sweet.  Missed Susan too.  Cheryl can IM details. 

    Have a tragedy on my hands....lost my wedding rings, still have the anniversary ring but think the engagement and wedding ring either fell off or was stolen. Am so upset...losing too much lately.  Called the hotel, called the airlines, airports et all, no one has recovered anything.  Don't know what to do, it's been a part of me for almost 25 yrs. The hotel even checked the plumbing.  I had it on when I left the seminar and know I didn't take it off.  Cried all night, now just praying to St. Anthony for a miracle.  I went through everything about 10 times. Sorry for the rant, just needed to tell my BC friends. Gotta run, going shopping with DD and dragging DH just because we want him to treat :)  Need an outfit for the divorce/wedding parties. 



  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2012

    Dear Maureen, will send prayers to St. Anthony too.  My dad lost his on the honeymoon trip he took with my mom, she was faithful to St. Anthony and it was found on the ship and returned.  Hope for the same result for you. love, Karen

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited April 2012

    aww maureen, how dreadful.  Prayers siad to St. Anthony that you find your rings. 

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited April 2012

    Maureen, I'll say a prayer for you.  It would break my heart if I lost mine.

    Just got home from NYC had a blast with my son and sisters.  The drive isn't bad at all, we just enjoyed all the sites.

    See you all soon.

  • heymoose
    heymoose Member Posts: 682
    edited April 2012

    HI all,

    Maureen so sorry about your rings.  Will say a prayer for their safe return.  I thought I lost a necklace dh gave me, but I found it in my purse, so happy.

    Bevin, sounds like you had a great vacation.  Hope to see you at the next get together.  Will PM you the details.  If anyone else would like the meeting date, please let me know.

    Betty, glad you are home safe and sound and had a good time.  

    Kelly hope you are feeling good and that your last chemo goes smoothly.

    Jan, not much longer until you retire.  Keep counting the days.

    Karen, I know your skin tag is nothing to worry about.  The doctor will keep a vigiliant watch over it.

    I had a nice time with my mom and sister on friday at the casino.  So tired yesterday, that I did nothing when I got home.  Mom held her own and my sister and I, well let's just say we made a nice big donation to the Seneca's. BOOOOOOO HOOOOOO!!!!! Missed you Betty.

    If I have missed anyone, I am sorry.  It just happens that I have Allthetimers. Have a great week.  

     Hugs to all,


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2012

    Hi all, had surprise party for DD  on Friday night, she is insisting she is 42, but as one friend pointed out "you were 42 last year too" busted!!  She is 44, but loaded with energy, my Aunt Theresa stayed 69 until her son and I were 60, it just didn't compute anymore. Had Sunday dinner and DGS and DGD's Birthday cake. It was DGS's turn to choose the meal, steak, mashed potatoes and green beans, Then Carvel ice cream cake, DD wanted Boston Cream Cake, found it at Walmart, it was yummy.  Can relax now, broke but relaxed, with April having Easter, tax time grrrr, DD, DGS and DGD's Birthdays. Hugs, Karen 

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2012

    Hi all, DGS left for school after having coffee up here.  We are having big, heavy snowflakes here, ground and trees and poor flowers are all covered in the white stuff.  Shows no sign of letting up.  My cat, Sophie, is looking out the window in amazement, just a few days ago she was rolling in the driveway in 70 degree weather.  Supposed to get 2-4 inches.  Gotta love WNY, never a dull moment!!!

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited April 2012

    The snow stopped here and none of it stuck to the ground. Its now raining and they called off the alerts for our area.  Yeah-!!

    Karen- my dog LOVES snow . She is so small but loves to run in it and eat it.  At 7lbs you'd think she'd freeze out there.   Hope your winter wonderland has slowed to a halt too!

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2012

    Hi all, still snowing here - got about 4 inches so far.  Have a regular check-up with BS tomorrow AM, hope it is all melted by then, supposed to be in the 40's. Sophie went back to bed after watching out the window, she is only 2 and a real spitfire usually, she hasn't gotten up yet - S.A.D.?

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited April 2012

    haha Karen you make me laugh. SAD.   I have SAD today, thought we were through this crap.  It's starting to sleet at my house.  Just waiting for DS to come home then we're all in for the night.  No luck with my rings, looks like they are gone :(  Really don't care about the diamonds, it's the wedding ring that really bothers me matches my DH with 3 diamonds in the band. love, trust and fidelity.  Done crying, time to keep praying and hoping and move on. Done being Debbie downer for tonight. Be back to whine again tomorrow.



  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2012

    Maureen, I love that: love, trust and fidelity - I'll keep praying to St. Anthoney.  Sophie just got up a half hour ago, she'll be running around like a banshee all night. 

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited April 2012

    Good Evening Ladies, Hope everyone is doing good. I had my 6mo appt. yeasterday with onc, had tumor markes done.   I called today for results all normal. Thank You Jesus.

    Jan, I was Nora and told her we have lunch together.  She said oh your the one. lol

    Maureen I am still praying you will find your rings.

    Sue how is the house finding coming? 

    Hello, Karen, Cheryl,Bevin, and Kelly, hope to see you all soon.

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2012

    YAY Betty, time to exhale and smile, also time for the happy dance for you.  We will celebrate you in May.

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited April 2012

    Congrads Betty,  so glad you got the all clear, you won the huge jackpot of good health, go and celebrate with a chocolate martini and a visit to the casino.

    No rings (sigh)

    Love to all


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2012

    My DD makes all sorts of craft items, she is making a tri-fold headboard for the bride and groom of a friend of mine.  She covers foam board with muslim and uses calligraphy to write specific words to mark the occasion.  She will be using the words love, trust and fidelity on this one.  I was just touched when you mentioned the meaning of each diamond, and thought it was essentially the meaning and sacrament of marriage.  I do so hope yours will turn up still.  love, Karen

  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited April 2012

    Hi Ladies,

     So glad for your good news Betty....sigh of relief. Went to Dr. S... (PS) on tuesday and hoped he would have some advice or positive thoughts on this pain that continues. Just told me to take some tylenol and give it more time. When I asked if this was typical he said no, its rare to still be feeling the pain I have. Blah, blah, blah...I walked out of there mad at him and my H....men they just don't get it.

    Maureen, still hoping your rings turn up. Sometimes you hear those stories where rings turn up many years later...but I know that you want them now.

    Gotta run, hope everyone is having a good week.     Love, Jan

  • ColdenMom
    ColdenMom Member Posts: 24
    edited April 2012

    Betty! Yea!! So happy to hear!

    Last chemo was yesterday! Whoo hoo!