Western New York Area



  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited May 2012

    Susan, it is so hard to keep your home "buyer ready too", realtors always have such rules of what can be out ,(personal photos, items on your fridge, cupboards all neat inside), it is difficult to do in a house you are living in.  Still crossing all crossables. hugs, Karen

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited May 2012
    Yes, it sure is, Karen!  It has been a learning experience for me, and I must say that I've been getting pretty efficient at keeping the house clean and doing the requisite daily wipedown.  Maybe I'll continue it afterwards.  Who knows?  Smile
  • ColdenMom
    ColdenMom Member Posts: 24
    edited May 2012

    Hello!!!! It's been a very busy month!!! Sorry I haven't checked in for a bit!!! I finished up chemo on the 26th and went back to work full time the following week! I'm a bit overwhelmed because as I went back to work, my husbands scheduled picked up as did the kids sport season. I started Tamoxifin two weeks ago,so far so good. My next surgery (the exchange) is set for August 8th. I'm feeling good overall just very tired lately.

    The 13th seems ok for me for dinner.... Did you set an official date and time? I'll bring the wine tasting info with me as well.

    I'll keep in touch!! Hope all is well with everyone!!

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited May 2012

    Hello right back at you, you certainly went full bore right back in the thick of it after your chemo ended, certainly can understand your being tired.  Do you have to have rads too?  Heymoose is temporarily picking up the scheduling for lunch, she will compile all our good days and will be letting us know when it will be and where, I think we settled on making the River View our home away from home.  The thread has been pretty quiet for the last few weeks, Betty/kindone picked up an extra part time job, so she is really busy.  Everyones' tests, scans and mammos have been great, so we will be celebrating that at lunch and you for finishing chemo.  See you soon, Karen

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited May 2012

    Hi everyone,  Hope all is well.  I miss you all but have been very busy.  I don't have my schedule yet for the nursing home yet.  I think I'll have it tomarrow, so I can see if I can make it ti dinner.  Things are quite around here lately.

    Karen, I have a good story to tell you about Buster.  I sware that dog has 9 lives.

    I let you know it I can make dinner as soon as I know.  Love Ya

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited May 2012

    You will have enough stories about Buster, to write a great book Betty.  And you will be published and they will make a movie starring Buster, which will become the top money drawing from an original movie.  You will make tons of money, go play the slots at the casino, win thousands of dollars and we will all go to the Outer Banks for a wonderful vacation.  And that is my pipe dream for today.  love and hugs, Karen  PS  you will win enough money to hire a chef and bartender for the vacation, so we can just concentrate on having fun. 

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited May 2012

    Hi everyone,  Been really busy lately, sorry I've not touched base.

    Cast is still on, not due off for awhile yet. I see the Otho next week. For me, blood tests were good this month, due for my Mammo in July with sonogram of axilla. Two year mark is coming up for me in August.

    Susan- I feel for your, its scary not to have one house sold and a sale contract on another. I hear things pick up in real estate after memorial day so hopefully you'll have some good news soon.  As for cleaning, my house is a mess , without being mobile, I can't really do anything. My poor husband is house cleaner, laundromat, cook, pool boy, landscaper, ugh.

    Colden Mom- wine tasting sounds like fun, where is it at?

    Betty  - you sound super busy. I'm sure the old ladies and men at the nursing home LOVE you.  You have such a kind smile and heart. I'm certain it shows in all that you do there.

    Karen- I'll second outerbanks. Beautiful there, we've been going every year for the past 3.  Sooooo relaxing!

    Maureen- hope you're well.

    I'm pretty free for dinner. If its a night my husband isnt home., I'd just need time to get a sitter and I'll likely still need a ride :(

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited June 2012

    Bevin-I can pick you up on the way if it's a date I'm available.  No problem.  Take the time now to do all those non-physocal things that you'll always wanted to get done.  For me, I would love it so i could just spend all my time reading :).

    Karen-looking forward to catching up with you at lunch!

    Kelly-can't wait to meet you. Try to rest up and be kind to yourself. Your body needs to heal.

    Maureen-hope you aren't too busy to relax as well!

    Betty- I love Buster, and I haven't even met him! :)

    Cheryl-let us know about the date!  I am going to skip the Komen this year.  My physical herapist told me to avoid any stress due to my shingles problems.  I exercise but lightly and somewhere pleasant these days.

    Can't wait to see everyone!

    Things are so-so here.  Waiting to hear if our deal with the new house will work.  I have officially been diagnosed with chronic shingles and am taking an anti-viral daily now.  Feeling better and hope it stays that way.  Three outbreaks and counting.  Caught the last one before I broke out with blisters on my arm.  The rest have been on my chest and back but opposite side from radiation.  My thought is that radiation killed the virus on my left breast.  I guess the other viruses are mad and want revenge! :) Still haven't sold our house.  Probably will lower the price and hope for the best. 

    See you all soon!



  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited June 2012

    Hello Ladies, Just got my schedule and I have to work on the 13th and 15th.  I do have off the20th,21,22, but don;t go by me.  Just letting you know, see ya.

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited June 2012

    HI Susan- Thank you so much for the ride!!

    Also, I had shingles too, I got them twice in 1 year, not as badly as you sound to have been hit by them. Aside from the antiviral, which I took every day for about 1 year, I was also on steroids.  Have they tried those. That seemed to help alot. Now, whenever I have surgery, I need to take the Acyclovar (spelling) aout 1 week ahead.  It seems any kind of stress on my body like that and I break out in them. You may eventually be able to get off them and take only when you know there is some sort of "event" coming up that can trigger them.  Its funny, cause many people think you can only get shingles once and it's not true. 

    BTW- could be worse, a good friend of mine got them through her face/brain and eyes.  Was hospitalized for a month for the pain.  That was pre - acyclovar too, it was about 30 years ago when these types of things didnt have the tx they do now.

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited June 2012

    Hi all, shingles sound like a very painful condition, thank goodness for the new medications used to treat it.  Heymoose, did enough of us post so that we could get a possible date, I am missing all my friends so much.  Just missing one month feels like a lifetime, besides I need my Buster fix.  much love, Karen

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited June 2012

    bevin-were your shingles before or after bc?  the more I talk to people, the more I realize how common shingles are in people who have gone through treatment for cancer.  Feeling better, shingles have subsided, and hope they don't reach my brain!  Thank goodness for the antiviral!  And thank you Bevin for sharing.

    Do we have a date yet for lunch/dinner?

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited June 2012

    Hi Susan,

    I got my shingles pre diagnosis, but given how long tumor is in you before found, I had cancer.  The shingles were diagnosed 2 years before my cancer was.

    Post cancer tx, I got a yucky mouth issue; I think it was called thrush - caused from my system so fatigued I guess.

    Can't wait for Buster stories, wine tour info and seeing friends.


  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited June 2012

    thank you Bevin.  Yes, my doctor said my cancer was going on for two years (my DCIS) and I remember that my neck and back disc problems were not responding to treatment, so my chiropractor had me checked for MS.  When I was diagnosed, it all started to make sense.  Actually, my shingles are not too bad. I get only a couple blisters in each area, and I think right now I only have one.  The pain though is very annoying and it is hard not to take the medication.  They want me to wean off my gabapentin and use the lidocaine patch instead.  The gabapentin is making me retain water and gain weight.  Not good since I am still trying to lose weight.


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited June 2012

    Hi all, just got back from pre-op lab work, had bloodwork and X-rays and urine sample.  I went before I left for the hospital so my contribution was pretty pathetic.  Tomorrow I see my PCP for check-up and EKG, Betty, isn't that what you do?  Thursday, back to Gyn. for final check and surgery is on the 15th which is a Friday so I will be waiting for results till probably Tues. or Wed., I am not a good waiter.  Need to see my friends for a pep talk, are we close to a date, Cheryl?  hugs to all, Karen

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited June 2012

    Hey Karen- forgive my poor memory, what is your surgery for? I assume since you're seeing a  GYN it's a hysterectomy; Praying everything is okay.



  • heymoose
    heymoose Member Posts: 682
    edited June 2012

    Hi all,

    I will email tonight about the date for dinner.  If all are in agreement, the Creek View on Main St. will be the location. 

    Hugs, Cheryl

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited June 2012

    Dear bevin, I have an enlarging lesion in my Gyn. region that is to be removed and biopsied, absolutely hate that word.  Want it out yesterday, again with the waiting.  Heymoose, YEAH, Creekview it is.  hugs to all, Karen

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited June 2012

    Karen-I was a little confused as well when you said GYN.  Hope we can get a date beforehand so you can get that pep talk!  Creekview would be great.


  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited June 2012

    Karen- sending you big prayers and hugs for a benign result and speedy reovery from this surgery.

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited June 2012

    Thanks bevin, I'll take those prayers and hugs.  Can't wait to see you all!  Karen

  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited June 2012

    Hi all,

    Karen, sorry to hear about your upcoming procedure. Will you be over night in the hospital? Will be praying and sending good thoughts to you. Hopefully, we get together before the surgery. Just waiting for a date and time.

    Hope everyone else is feeling well.

    Love, Jan

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited June 2012

    Hi all Karen hope all goes well with everthong beg sorry to hear about your leg. love maureen

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited June 2012

    Thanks Jan and Maureen, it is that terrible waiting again that gets to you.  Whatever did we worry about before bc?  Hope we are all able to see each other before the surgery, it is an outpatient procedure but I will be under general anaesthesia..  The surgeon is the only doctor in Batavia I would trust to do the surgery, he delivered both my grandchildren and is a fine man.  After my lumpectomy he called me at home to see how I was, don't make many like that anymore.  My DD will be there with me again, hugs, Karen

  • heymoose
    heymoose Member Posts: 682
    edited June 2012

    Good Morning,

    I believe that most of us are available on June 13th.  Please let me know if you will be able to make that date.  I will pm everyone the time.  We will all get to give Karen her pep talk before her surgery.

    Hugs, Cheryl

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited June 2012

    Heymoose, I'm in, need a pep talk desperately, love to all, Karen

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited June 2012

    My house is NOT fun right now.  Its final exam time for my daughter and eesh,,,....!!! you'd think I was asking her to go for a tonsilectomy they way she argues and fights over studying.  UGH...I really cannot wait for the end of next week. She has pretty much 1 exam per day between the 8th and 15th.  That's alot for a 4th grader...

    I think I need to practice Yoga... maybe if I center myself , I won't be so aggrivated over all of this.

    Ugh - edited to add.. A BIG fat black fly got in our house.. HOW am I going to kill that sucker while I'm on crutches...????

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited June 2012

    bevin, I have an image of you swinging your crutches around trying to swat the fly, be careful, no time to get a broken arm with your other arm wielding the crutch.  Can you make it on the 13th? hugs, Karen

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited June 2012

    oK - SOOO , the darned fly is now trapped in the downstairs loo..  ( been watching too much of the Diamond Jubilee - starting to talk like a Brit!)

    Hopefully my lovely husband can kill it when he gets home.

    Now, on to important matters.... how the heck is it that the 86 year old Queen of England is able to make it through 4 full days of revelry in honor of her Diamond Jubilee and I cannot make it through an 8 hour work day without yawning and needing to be in bed by 9pm???

  • Sparkysbrat
    Sparkysbrat Member Posts: 4
    edited June 2012

    Awwww dammit I miss batavia!!! Sumbody send me some chivettas sauce!!!!