Western New York Area



  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited June 2012

    Hi all, just woke-up from the most beautiful restful, carefree sleep.  B9, what a magical word, you all gave me your thoughts, prayers and love, your courage riding along in my pocket.  The Gyn. is certain it is B9, it came out as 1 piece, no tangential strings and in his experience he feels that the results today will only be confirmed by the path report on next Friday.  i feel like I'm still in lala land, everyone at the hospital was so calm and caring, the anaesthesiologist took DD's hand and said not to worry - I'll treat her as my own.  My Gyn. found DD in the surgical waiting room and said your mother is 100% alright, what a beautiful day it is. love and hugs, Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited June 2012

    GREAT NEWS KAREN.  I just got your voice mail on my cell and came right home to post. I am so glad to hear the great news and yes it's a wonderful day.  Glad you had a great rest and the news is the best news anyone can hear. Rest my friend, you've certainly earned it :)


  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited June 2012

    Karen- so so so happy for you. Praying the final path is no surprise and all is well. Hugs and love to you.,


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited June 2012

    Hi all, I am a sleeping machine here, I think from all the fretting and the anasthesia too, just getting ready to take another nap, plus I could take the med for joint pain in my knees, and that makes me sleepy too, I'm just a real thrill to be around.  I will be beyond happy when I see the path report itself, the doctor said they had to send it to Rochester so it takes longer, but he was so emphatic about it being B9 and not worrying at all about it.  He is the same doctor who delivered both my grandchildren.  DD is spoiling me and DGS is doing my laundry for me, DGD is at a track meet all day, she will be bushed from all the heat, so glad I got the air conditioner last year.  Last year Esther and Mike went out to their cottage and brought me their old one and Mike set it up for the week I had to wait for mine to come in, she was a special angel and I know I have her prayers as well as yours.  Off to dream land again. love, Karen

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited June 2012

    Karen-so happy to hear that word benign!  Glad you are getting some very good sleep and are well cared for by your family.  sending lots of well wishes and love your way...


  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited June 2012

    Karen, Praise the Lord!!!  I am so happy its benign.  You are going to around for a long long time.  Now rest  you deserve it.

    Love Betty

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited June 2012

    Hi all, it is Monday and I do believe I am slept out, don't know where the weekend went.  I am a little sore but Tylenol takes the edge off.  My DD took the next two days off since she hasn't had a full weekend off in over 3 weeks, she did get a call from a painter she is helping to do trim work.  She worked every day last week for at least a 8 hr. day plus the stress of surgery day, I know the waiting is hard on her too, she said I was pretty hysterical when I first came back from the recovery room, heaven only knows what I said in the recovery  room.  Hopefully, I did not dishonor my Catholic School upbringing.  hugs to all, how did the inspection go Susan?  Karen

  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited June 2012

    Karen, glad you are feeling so rested.....so nice of your DD to take time off to take care of you. Waiting for results is the worst part, but sounds like your doctor is so sure all is well. Take it easy this week...it's gonna be hot. I'm hoping next month works better for me to see everyone. Well it should...I'm not gonna have much going on after Friday! Yay!! Missing everyone....love, Jan

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited June 2012

    Dear Jan, after this week all your time is your own, find a nice coffee shop in the Main and Transit area and we can meet for coffee, perhaps bevin, when her leg heals and Susan can meet us there, as they do some work from home.  I feel good that my doctor is certain it is benign, but doubting Thomas that I am will feel even better when I see it in print.  Everyone stay cool, the next 3 days are supposed to be in the 90's.  love to all, Karen

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited June 2012

    Well, my house is sold, Karen!!  Thank goodness!  Glad you are feeling better, Karen.  This heat is going to be a killer, and we just sold 3 of our 4 air conditioners :0.  I am busy painting furniture, selling everything, and beginning organizing all our belongings.  Jan-so happy for you that work is almost done!  Coffee sounds great!  I will be working from home mostly in the fall.


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited June 2012

    Congratulations Susan, boy did that work out great for you, except for the air conditioners!  You are effectively a resident of just Clarence, you can be on the lookout for a coffee house in Clarence for all of us that are either retired, work from home or feel like playing hooky.

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited June 2012

    Coffee ?? I'm in!! - driving - not yet.  today started physical therapy so hoping for a good leg in about 6 weeks.!  this has been a long journey

    Karen- I am with you, I am a worrier too and would want to see the final pathology reports.

    Jan- congrats - no more alarm clock for you!!

    Susan- yeahhhh! so glad your home sold.  You'll need to have a house warming party !!

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited June 2012

    Dear bevin, you have been a true trooper through all this, such patience.  I think that there is a small coffee shop on Clarence Center Road, it is on the right hand side about a mile and a half down from Main St., it is at a cross street, Goodrich? maybe.  It has coffee, great chai lattee's and bakery and wrap items, it has an outside covered patio, where you can sit and relax, do not remember the name of it unfortunately.  Maybe Susan you can find it when you are familiarizing yourself in your new neighborhood. hugs to all, stay inside and cool.  Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited June 2012

    glad to hear you're feeling better Karen,

    Good luck Jan, enjoy your final days

    Kindone, hope you are well

    Bev, glad to hear you are on the upside of your healing.  Six weeks, you'll be swimming.  What happened?  How did you break your leg?

    I'm doing ok.


  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited June 2012

    Susan love love love your new house. Enjoy you've earned it

  • ColdenMom
    ColdenMom Member Posts: 24
    edited June 2012


    I am so glad to hear the good news for you!!!!  Have a great week....  warm one tomorrow for sure!  


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited June 2012

    Thanks Kelly, it was a nailbiter that's for sure, gotta love that word benign so much better to hear that than the other dreaded phrase!  I had a pocket full of supporters going with me to the hospital, then stuffed all of you in that pretty blue cap they put on you.  Stay cool today, relief on it's way tomorrow night. hugs, Karen

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited June 2012

    Karen-I think its called the Clarence Center Coffeehouse or Cafe, soething like that.  I've been there before and it's very nice.  Bevin-glad you are on the mend.  Swimming soon :)  Thanks Maureen!  Hope you are feeling better from that cold. Susan

  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited June 2012

    Retirement party is over. Lots of fun and lots of wonderful people. All that's left is to turn in my keys tomorrow!

    Karen, there are several coffee shops in the Transit Main area. We'll have to visit a few this summer.

    Susan, congrats on selling house and soon to be in new house. Will your son be going to the Clarence schools? It's a great district.

    Hi and good wishes to everyone.

    Love, Jan

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited June 2012

    Congrads on your last day Jan. So very happy for you. Love to join for coffee I 'll play bookie lol

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited June 2012

    Jan, that would be great fun to try a few, there is also one on Clarence Center Rd. that Susan and I are familiar with, nice atmosphere and an open patio.  Anyone can join in if you are due a mental health day.  Congratulation on making it through, your life belongs to you now HOORAY.

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited June 2012

    Jan-my son will be going to Ledgeview Elementary, voted #1 elementary this year!! :)

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited June 2012

    Susan, what a good move you made, nothing is as important than your son's elementary school.  Jan, first weekend not thinking of going to work on Monday, there's is nothing like it.  Kelly, hope the whole family is well now, kindone, miss your smiling face, bet you have some really good Buster stories, Heymoose, great job getting the June dinner together, Maureen, if you are not on vacation yet, I hope you have a wonderful time, work stress is just the pits, bevin, getting down to weeks of rehab, instead of months, hope it goes fast.  Path report not in yet, doctor said may not be in till Wed., I know I didn't wait this long in Rochester, getting antsy, want to see benign in print!!  My stepdaugter came over for lunch today, she brought a tender card and flowers, she and my Susan had a half day to visit, they were always great friends.  I made fresh Brusceto bread with tomatoes, feta cheese, fresh basil and minced purple onion and garlic  Got the recipe on line, it was very easy, will be making that again. Windows open, boy it's been hot - this feels delicious.  hugs, Karen

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited June 2012

    Good evening Ladies, I miss you all.  Sounds like everyone doing good and keeping busy.  Karen I hope you are recovering and not over doing it.  I know you path report will be fine.  Jan you are now a lady of leisure, good for you, your deserve it.  Susan good luck with your move and I wish you the best luck in your new home.  Maureen you are going on vacation? where?  I want to go.  Bevin, good luck in rehab it might be tough at first but it will get better.  Cheryl are you going to Va gas with the BC group?  have you been to the slots?  I have to keep out of there, that's why I have to work two jobs.  I just had three days off and I had to do my spring cleaning, before Summer, got a lot done.  I have been up to my cottage also, the boat once so far. My next weekend off I'll go up. That's it with me just working alot and catching up on housework.  I can,t wait to see all of you.  Is any one planning going to the wine tasting event  with Kelly I asked for that day off.  Let me Know.  Kelly hows it going? 

    Love Betty

  • ColdenMom
    ColdenMom Member Posts: 24
    edited June 2012

    Hi there ladies! I decided to take a couple days off this week to help get my kids into the swimming and tennis routine at the swim club. I fortunately have a phenomenal sister in law who watches my kids all summer, she's a school counselor. I took off tomorrow and Thursday... I'm looking forward to it off with them. Work has been crazy - as usual, but I refuse to let the chaos get to me :) I've been busy planning the wine tasting too! I sent everyone the flyer via email, did you receive it? July 16th at Rich's Atrium in Buffalo - Betty, I'm glad to hear you're thinking of going!!!

    I hope all is well with everyone!!


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited June 2012

    Hi all mighty quiet here of late, am going to the Gyn. office today since phone calls don't seem to do the trick, to see my path report.  Kelly, good to hear from you, I won't be coming to the wine tasting event, I am not a wine connoisseur and it is so far for me to drive, I will see you at the next luncheon or dinner though and I know all that go will have a marvelous time together.  I will post later after I have seen the Gyn.  Hugs, Karen

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited June 2012

    Just saw the pathology report - it's BENIGN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I was driving to the grocery store crying, what a relief, hugged my Gyno too 

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited June 2012

    Karen, we are all thrilled for you. Everyone's prayers were answered.

    Thank you for sharing you good news and it's good to have tears of joy !!!

  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited June 2012

    Karen, so, so happy for your good report. I love those tears of joy and relief. Yes, our prayers were answered!

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited June 2012

    Thank you Jan and bevin, there were a powerful number of prayers said, I am so grateful, I will sleep tonight without a dark cloud floating over my head.  I had to see it is print before I believed it. love, Karen