Western New York Area



  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited January 2013

    Hi All,  seems really quiet here, unlike the wind>  Listened to the wind all night. Crazy stuff. Someone around the circle lost a tree and men were out cutting it down.  Glad it fell before cold temperatures and no one was hurt. All is well here.  Just taking it easy this weekend, laundry and trying to find a good book on my Kindle.  I love the Steven James series that are named after a chess game.  Good series if you like chess and murder mysteries. The new book is due in Sept., so I need a good murder mystery author to distract me until the end of summer.

    DD and DS are doing well and DH is busy with work. I think I'm suffering the empty nest syndrome :(  Baking make me fat so reading on the treadmill seems to be only solution.

    Also need to go shopping for a baby shower gift. Forgot how expensive babies can become, but still believe teenagers have them beat :)

    Have a great day and stay warm.



  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited January 2013

    Hi all, that wind was crazy last night, about 1:30 this AM, I could actually fell the second story move when a gust would hit. Still windy but the gusts don't seem as powerful, a few snow flakes too.  This flu/virus is still holding on, DD does not have the stomach pain today but has not attempted eating yet. I still have the stomach pain and fatigue, it is really getting old feeling like this.  I vacummed today and had to sit down afterwards, weak in the knees a bit.  Sure am ready for my household to feel well again.  skigirl, hope you are feeling better too.  love, Karen

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited January 2013

    Hi Everyone,

    Karen-so sorry you are still not feeling well. I think I managed to avoid all the sickness in our house (except for a 1/2 day of a weird stomach).  Seems everyone around has been ill at least once.  I joke that I never get sick except for strange or life threatening illnesses.  Hope you and your daughter are fully recovered by now.

    Just wanted to share that, after trying that steak sandwich at our recent lunch, that is all I am thinking about.  Couldn't sleep last night because I was craving the sreak, of all things.  And this is coming from someone who has never been crazy about red meat!! So, when is the next lunch?? lol


  • heymoose
    heymoose Member Posts: 682
    edited January 2013

    HI everyone,

    I hope you are staying warm and toasty with this fridgid weather. Tuesday I went out for an hour, made 4 stops and the car was finally warm when i put it in the garage. That was bad. Pat and I have been very lucky, we have not been sick so far this year. I hope everyone is on the mend and feel better soon.

    Katie (SD) and I will be going shopping on Saturday for my dress and her wedding vail. The wedding is coming up quickly and trying to get everything done.  

    Susan about this steak craving, I hope lunch is soon so you don't have to wait so you can satisfy your craving. Thanks for the laugh.

    Hugs, Cheryl

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited January 2013

    Hello ladies of wny.  Hope everyone is on the mend.  I am busy working as usually, but I did have a sore throat today.  I hope it don't turn into anything.  I have off Feb 9 and 23d off, if anyone is intresed in lunch, let us known who can make it.

    Love Betty

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited January 2013

    Either one works for me,I am finally well, that flu/virus knocked me down, slept almost 24 hrs. a day on two different days, fever, chills, nausea - the whole ball of wax, hope you don't get it Betty.  love, Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited January 2013

    Good evening ladies!  Hope everyone is over the lastest illness and on the mend.  This weather is making me crazy.  Last week my sister called from work and told me to be careful because the weather was awful, she couldn't see the toll booths and I didn't have a flake in my driveway.  Driving to work I hit the snow like a wall right around the N.French exit and then 10mph all the way to work.  Got there 1 hour later, unbelievable.  And freezing, actually went shopping to buy the three layer north face vs. my current coat.  I cannot take this cold anymore. My DD emailed me a picture of her on the beach grrrrrr.  Then end of Feb. would work better for me, DD is home for birthday and right at that time. I'll try to make reservations next week.  DH and I went shopping all day for new office furniture, finally found some but he needs to paint office first. Went with a grey/moss/purple color scheme, hoping it works, we'll see.  He'll paint tomorrow while I'm at a baby shower. The things they have now are unbelievable.  Video cam baby monitors?  Hell by the time I got to DS, if he cried, I'd take a shower then go get him. LOL  With my first, she'd get a sniffle and I'd sleep in the room for days. Been too quiet here, I'm getting worried,

    Question of the day:  What is the worst snow storm you remember?

    Have a good night



  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited January 2013

    Nothing to worry about here. I am all better from my cold....just a busy week. DH went to Arizona for his uncles funeral and the weather was beautiful there. Had two days of parties for a good friend who is retiring from teaching next Thursday. So I was able to see a lot of former teaching and retired co workers.

    My worst storm was the blizzard of 77. I just moved back to buffalo from Dunkirk to take a teaching job in the city. I taught (or at least tried to teach) for two days and then the blizzard hit. We were off until the middle of Feb. I was living in an apt on Bird street (off Elmwood) with two room mates I had just met so it was quite interesting. They turned out to be really nice girls and we got along great.

    The later date in Feb works for me too. Hope everyone is well......love, Jan

  • Skigirl72
    Skigirl72 Member Posts: 180
    edited January 2013

    Later in Feb works for me too... the new girl!

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited January 2013

    Ah yes, the '77 blizzard, remember it well.  I was a teenager.  October storm was bad for me, just stressful, DH out of town, two kids, no power, stuck on the 990 trying to get home without upsetting them.

    Hi new girl, beautiful pic, can't wait to meet you. Hope chemo is treating you ok, thinking you are past the nasty AC?  Taxol is easier and you will have hair. The loss of eyebrows is hard, but I used Sephora brow kit, think Anastasia (sp)....still use it because my brows thinned considerably. Not sure why, probably age.

    End of Feb. it is.  DD is coming home for her BD, going to try to keep her here. Can't wait.  The new BF has a special birthday and valentines day plans for her.  Here we go again LOL.  If he brings her home to me, he's my hero.

    Study upgrade coming along nicely.  I'll post pics or bring them to lunch.  Colors work well and DH, bless his heart isn't giving up.  He's already emptied room, painted, changed the fixtures, now just waiting for it to dry to put all back together....as I sit here on the laptop.  I'll start de-junking tomorrow. Have my breast cancer stuff in that closet, old wigs, caps.  I don't want to throw them out, they seem like my good luck charm or protection from re-occurrence.

    Stay safe all, it's suppose to sleet tonight.  grrrrr, sick of winter.


  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited January 2013

    Oh yeah, since no one like the winter question....

    What is your favorite summer hang-out?  and why?




  • Skigirl72
    Skigirl72 Member Posts: 180
    edited January 2013

    I have two more AC txs to go. My latest was this past friday. I have been feeling fine. No real SEs. Just sometimes I don't feel right. Or, Just tired, no taste buds for a few days. All of it has been tolerable. ((fingers crossed))  I am getting used to the no hair thing. It definitely is weird. I had no idea my hair would grow on Taxol? Is that true? I have the Brian Josephs brow and lash gel. Should I use it now with AC? nothing is happening with my lashed and brows right now. all intact.

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited January 2013

    My brows went after I finished the taxol. How are you receiving the ac? Everyother week or every three weeks?

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited January 2013

    Tried stuff for my brows lost them anyway. Hope you have better luck. Once you get over the initial shock of no hair it didn't bother me too much..I got really used to the wig

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited January 2013

    My hair started to grow on taxol

  • heymoose
    heymoose Member Posts: 682
    edited January 2013

    My favorite summer hang out is my back patio looking out at my water feature and having a glass of wine. So nice. I can't wait for summer.

    The end of February is good for me to. I miss all of you.

    Ski girl, I will be in Rochester on Sunday and hope u feel up to getting together on Monday. I will give u a call later this week.

    Hugs to all, Cheryl

  • Skigirl72
    Skigirl72 Member Posts: 180
    edited January 2013

    Sounds like a good plan. My social calendar is a little light these days so sure we can meet.

    I get the AC every three weeks. Next one is Feb 15. then March 8. then they want to wait three weeks and start Taxol weekly for 12... I get my wig on wed. I hope I really do like it. I am getting used to the no hair thing also. I am not really a vain person so the hair thing bothered me for about a day or two. I have wanted to go out bald but its too damn cold. LOL I think I will be more upset about eyebrows and lashes.

    So my sleep schedule is all over the place. i has my last steroid pill at about 8pm. and took an Ativan a few hours later. I slept from 11 to 5. them HELLO internal alarm... So here I am clicking away on the boards and surfing the new....

    Happy morning to all of you.

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited January 2013

    Hi All!

    Skigirl-glad things aren't going too terrible for you.  You look great in your picture!!  Love it!  Will be great to meet you--hope you can make our next lunch.

    Maureen-tie between October Storm (we had a fire in our back yard, I broke my ankle two days before, and my mom had a fire in her house and moved in with us for 6 months) and Blizzard of 77 (I was 9 years old so just remember living at my Grandma's and having our crazy dog destroy her house.  Also, snow covering our doorway.)  Your study sounds fantastic..hope you are enjoying the results!

    Well, Favorite summer hangout-Artpark summer concerts, my husband's sailboat (he sold it unfortunately), and I think it will soon be our pool!  cannot wait for summer!!! I'm ready, is everyone else??

    Heading to Disney for 9 days in April....counting the days.  Started Sonoma Diet...comme ci comme ca.  It's going...

    As far as I can see, I can make the 23rd.

    Take Care and hope everyone is healthy!!


  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited January 2013

    Whats the Sonoma diet??

    Also - favorite summer hang out when I was young... the beach of course, mickey rats, sherkston.. didnt matter - as long as there was sun, water and booze!  Now... my backyard - our pool is great and we LOVE having people over... so sign up for your pool pass ladies!

    Hope to see everyone soon.

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited January 2013

    I'm in for the pool pass, after my stint at weight watchers.  My favorite summer past time  is having the yard in perfect order and sitting in the hot tub listening to the beatles and drinking......wait for it....... you guessed, a chocolate martini.  The hot tub fits 7 people, who is in??

    I want spring, summer so badly right now.  I was informed I have to take all my vacation this year, so I'll be taking a lot of time this year.

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited January 2013

    Sherkston Beaches, oh those are good memories, park right on the sand and have your picnic blanket right in front of the car, white sands and crystal clear water.  Worst winter, Blizzard of 77, lived in West Seneca in a garden appt., the snow covered the entire picture window.  My DD could scale it to get to the neighbor's balcony on the second floor.  Ready for the pool and the chocolate martinis. this is enough winter.  skigirl, will you drive to Batavia and we can go together from here?, and we can introduce you to our favorite drink.  Lovely picture, cannot wait to meet you. 

  • Skigirl72
    Skigirl72 Member Posts: 180
    edited January 2013

    Where is lunch? I would have to be back in Rochester on Saturdays by 4ish... I might drive the first time out. But yes normally that would be just fine with me. I love my car and don't mind the open road...

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited January 2013

    Yes, pool pass here too!! And I'd be up for hot tubs and other pools too. Sound so nice, doesn't it?  Well, today it feels like spring so let's enjoy it while we can.  I love Sherkston...spent many days there with my friend (her grandma had a summer home there).  So nice to drive the car right up and not lug anything aound. 

    Bevin-Sonoma diet is based on the Meditteranean diet--wholesome foods (lots of fruits and veggies), no white flours, and low sugar.  Wine is even allowed in Wave 2.  I am in Wave 1, which technicaly does not allow sugar but I am cheating a little by eating my fruit preserves in the morning (they make me happy to get out of bed in the morning, so why not?) I will start Wave 2 Monday.  Trying to work out everyday on our elliptical.  Hard to start but makes the day much better afterwards!  My goal is to start running when the weather breaks.  I haven't run since high school, so it should be interesting, but I've always envied runners and want to feel that "runner's high" ;).


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited January 2013

    Dear Skigirl, lunch is at the Creekside Restaurant on Main St., in Williamsville.  It is a 45 min. ride from Batavia, I go up Route 5, so have to slow in the towns, might be faster for you going Thruway.  Lunch is at 1:00, might be tight getting back to Rochester by 4., is that a firm time on Sat. you would have to work around?, maybe we could consider a Batavia luncheon for the late Feb. one, ladies?  Oh Susan I forgot your steak sandwich craving!  lol

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited January 2013

    Ok- now I want martini's in the hot tub.  Is that the plan after lunch???? If we lunch till 5pm,... .  it gets dark early so I wont need to worry that I haven't been to the gym or on a diet in ages... white legs and jiggly thighs.... hidden by the bubbles of a hot tub!! whoo hoo!

    I remember blizzard of 77, we were out of school for a week at least.  Worst for me was a snow storm in January 2002! 

    Looking forward to meeting you skigirl

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited January 2013

    Hey, Hot tub in Feb, in the dark?  All for it!!!  No joke, we can seriously do after lunch if anyone is interested.  Let me know.  

    So what is the consensus?  Do we want the Batavia lunch for late feb. or Creekside? I'll call early next week so let me know by PM and I'll send out the info after I make the reservation.  DD is coming home 8-15th of Feb. so I get her for her Birthday too!!  But BF has the special plan so I'm sure I take second place to that right now.  

    Keep the summer dreams coming, I love dreaming under my blanket with the cat sitting by my side.

    Summer, back deck, Sherkston, Niawanda park, vacation, being warm, turning on the air conditioner because I'm too warm, bonfires, kabobs, the smell of just cut grass or a warm summer rain...more tomorrow.



  • Skigirl72
    Skigirl72 Member Posts: 180
    edited January 2013

    Can you post the address to the restaurant please?

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited January 2013

    Oh don't worry at all about me and my steak cravingLaughing.  I don'tmind at all switching over to batavia for February!! Besides, if I want the steak, I can go anytime ;)

    Chocolate martinis, hot tub---sounds fantastic, Maureen!!


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited January 2013

    Skigirl, it is 5629 Main St., Williamsville NY.  They have a web site under :Creekview Restaurant, Williamsville NY.  There is a sample menu and I believe directions. 

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited January 2013

    Hi ladies,  Batavia is fine with me, let me known.

    Skigirl, It will be nice to met you!
